X Play Journal Entries

Matthew mstrickland1 12/14/2015 10:37 AM

Instead of continuing to make disjointed posts about this game, I'm going to make a log. Comment to follow my progress.

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Comment Matthew 12/14/2015 10:40 AM Here's my progress in Primordia thus far. I have three probes left, however, I am of the belief that they are inaccessible to me after a very long session of trying to get to them.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Nintendoer 12/14/2015 11:06 AM Yes, notify me of your exploration feats.

What's your survey rate looking like?

E Yeah! e 0 D

Matthew 12/14/2015 11:12 AM Last time I checked it was around 28%.

What exactly does the survey rate measure? How much I have explored and how many field treasures I've found, or does it count quests as well? I'm asking because the regions of NLA have survey ratings as well, but if it was the former NLA should be 100%.

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Nintendoer 12/14/2015 11:17 AM It's basically how "complete" a region is. The icons on the map tell you what you need to do to "complete" that segment of the map. Things like finding a specific treasure, defeating a Tyrant, doing a mission, etc.

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Matthew 12/14/2015 11:19 AM I see. One more thing, if I accept a quest on the BLADE concourse that takes me to Primordia, when I complete it does it help my Administrative District survey rating, my Primordia rating, or both?

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Nintendoer 12/14/2015 11:24 AM Basic missions (from the mission terminal) don't help out your survey rate. Most of the time, normal missions will, though. And sometimes they'll help with two different regions as you described.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Matthew 12/14/2015 11:29 AM Ah, so if I want to raise my survey rating the mission board won't be any help. Thanks for the help!

E Yeah! e 0 D

Rau 12/14/2015 11:44 AM Never.

E Yeah! e 0

Sciz 12/14/2015 11:47 AM Won't be of any help isn't exactly the way I'd put it. Missions there sometimes must be taken in order to take a different mission that will fill the survey rate.

E Yeah! e 1 D

Matthew 12/14/2015 11:50 AM @Rau Have I ever mentioned how complex and fun this game's combat is? E Yeah! e 0 D

Sciz 12/14/2015 11:54 AM @Rau Also, you can spend the game being a complete jerk or troll to everyone you meet, if you so wish.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Matthew 12/14/2015 11:55 AM I've played the game being fairly nice, so far the only one I've been as jerkish as I could to was Mr. HB, my "rival" or whatever term would make him feel more secure.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Sciz 12/14/2015 12:01 PM One of the options once was "Snicker, then snicker again only louder," and I had to pick it.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Matthew 12/14/2015 12:05 PM I can't wait to play whatever quest that appears in.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Rau 12/14/2015 12:37 PM Are you.. are you calling me a jerk?! I'm hurt. Wounded, even.

E Yeah! e 0

Matthew 12/14/2015 1:23 PM I din't know about Sciz, but I was demonstrating how you can act however you want to act. The game doesn't limit you.

You're actually a pretty nice person. E Yeah! e 0 D

Sciz 12/14/2015 2:20 PM I was referencing your tendency to... be blunt.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Matthew 12/14/2015 3:18 PM ·Spoilers I can't believe this. I just went into the chapter 4 fight, and when the boss was only halfway down all my team was dead besides me. However, my character finished the boss and then took out the other dudes single handedly.

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T3R3Z1 12/15/2015 10:36 AM Wheeeee notifs. :]

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Matthew 12/16/2015 2:37 PM I was too entertained to remember to post something, but I love the Tatsu affinity mission. My favorite part is making a hungry face at Mamapon.

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T3R3Z1 12/16/2015 8:25 PM I thought Tatsu was annoying at first, but I've really grown to love him. I need to find out who his voice actor is... XD

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Matthew 12/16/2015 8:56 PM Chris Cason. A.K.A. Face McShooty from Borderlands. :P

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T3R3Z1 12/16/2015 9:48 PM I honestly love the cast they picked for this game, especially after I found out that Kira Buckland provided the voice I chose for my avatar.

I freakin' love her. XD

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Matthew 12/16/2015 10:33 PM Adam Howden FTW.

Seriously, look up Face McShooty.

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Matthew 12/17/2015 9:43 AM ·Spoilers That was not what I expected to see. xD

E Yeah! e 2 D T3R3Z1 12/17/2015 10:40 AM Believe in the potato that believes in you! :D

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Matthew 12/17/2015 10:52 AM I think affinity missions are my favorite part of the game, some are so charming like the above one with Rik- uh, I mean, the heropon daddypon's son, while others get very deep.

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Matthew 12/18/2015 8:24 PM Irina just asked Elma if she wanted to go shopping when we get back and Elma said yes and that she heard some store was having a sale. All this at the end of an easy fight.

I'm not used to being surrounded by so many women.

E Yeah! e 0 D

T3R3Z1 12/18/2015 9:04 PM Hey, at least they're strong and capable women instead of prissy drama queens. XD

E Yeah! e 0 D Matthew 12/19/2015 4:49 AM Me: I don't know why, but all of this just seems so... futile.

Elma: What?!? Send this guy back to boot camp!

@Eva I guess. I do prefer them to a damsel in distress type.

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Matthew 12/19/2015 8:21 AM And she's standing right there you weirdo. Concentrate on your job.

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PARDO 12/19/2015 10:43 AM ·Spoilers LEGAL

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T3R3Z1 12/19/2015 12:11 PM Yeah, keep that to yourself, buddy. It's weird when you do that. XD

@VINI wat

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T3R3Z1 12/20/2015 2:02 AM , the newest platformer from MonolithSoft. E Yeah! e 2 D

Rau 02/01/2016 6:11 PM Oi, u cheeky beggar. U no I luv u 5ever butt this miiple universe is get very un-fun.

Do sumthing aboot it.

E Yeah! e 0

Matthew 02/01/2016 6:41 PM Um, what? XD

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Rau 02/01/2016 7:16 PM Swer on me mum, don maek me says it too times.

E Yeah! e 0

T3R3Z1 02/01/2016 7:21 PM Lol I'm confused as to why I'm here.

Hello again, Rau. You have good taste in anime, congratulations. Also, don't think I've forgotten about that butter chicken. Because I haven't.

E Yeah! e 1 D Rau 02/01/2016 7:50 PM Ah, Evalyn.

I made a mistake last week, you see, turns out that my cooking day is next monday. So, my beautiful orange butter chicken with basmatti and Naan will have to wait.

You know what I love to do? Rice + butter chicken + naan + wrap that babe up like a naan burrito = happy monday.

E Yeah! e 0

Rau 02/01/2016 7:53 PM I was going to ask you about it in your post, but I didn't feel like barging in like a maniac. Which I totally didn't do here.. Hmm. Matt can tolerate it. We may discuss it if you'd like. I don't want Matthew spoiled though. I have big plans for him.

E Yeah! e 1

Rau 02/01/2016 8:02 PM You can't be finished already, can you? I'm overly glad you're enjoying it. I must say, it feels good to know that someone else knows about it, and can appreciate it. As I often jest with Matt, you may send me on whatever merry chase you want.A game, a show, a book, a film, you name it. Or not. I, as always, am interested about things that "matter" to people. Unless it's skyward sword. matt, <3

E Yeah! e 0

T3R3Z1 02/01/2016 8:13 PM Please, please, come hang out on one of my posts anytime. I didn't want to dirty your only post with my comment trash. XD

I'm only a couple episodes in, but I love what I've seen so far. I haven't watched too much yet because I'm studying for finals, but I'm thoroughly enjoying it, I assure you. :D

E Yeah! e 0 D

Matthew 02/01/2016 8:14 PM Whatbin the world is going on?

E Yeah! e 1 D

T3R3Z1 02/01/2016 8:16 PM Man... I always suggest Okami. HOWEVER, I know that no one actually wants to play that game.

A while ago I suggested it to two friends and they both lied about their discs being broken so they wouldn't have to play it. One of them ended up playing it and loving it, and the other... Eh, I guess they weren't willing to spend 20 dollars on an underrated title at Gamestop.

E Yeah! e 1 D

T3R3Z1 02/01/2016 8:18 PM Honestly I don't mind if you play it or not. That just happens to be what I fangirl over when no one's looking. :P

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Rau 02/01/2016 8:19 PM Oh, im buying Okami next time I buy a game. I'm working on my ps2 library. I'm currently playing Silent Hill 2, and so, Okami will now be next.

E Yeah! e 0

T3R3Z1 02/01/2016 8:23 PM Oh, cool. That's awesome.

I had completely forgotten Okami was even a PS2 title originally. I had a PS2 once upon a time... Then it decided that it hated me and so it stopped working and I sold it back to Gamestop for a hefty sum of 17 whole dollars. XD

Being as young as I was, I had no idea what was wrong with it and I gave up. MAN I wish I still had that thing. :'D

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Rau 02/01/2016 8:26 PM Well Matt, I've hijacked your post. The masked man strikes again!

E Yeah! e 1

Matthew 02/01/2016 8:29 PM Oh don't mind you hijacking the post but what was that first comment about? I still don't get it.

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T3R3Z1 02/01/2016 8:30 PM Hehehe. Really, come talk to me anytime. I now have an infinite number of idiotic and virtually untouched posts about Xenoblade to host conversations on. XD

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Rau 02/01/2016 8:41 PM I was lonely and wanted you to make a post. Because I don't want to. I hate it here.

And yet..

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Matthew 02/01/2016 8:46 PM You refuse to leave, simply because of me and David. :P

E Yeah! e 1 D T3R3Z1 02/01/2016 8:48 PM Haha, nice. Anyone that's been on my profile knows that I make my own fun around here.

I'm sure all 300 of my followers despise it, but I don't care. XD

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Rau 02/01/2016 8:51 PM There would be no way I'd buy it on Wii. Yeah, I'm one of those. I still have to finish my gamecube library after my ps2

My ps2 is a funny story. I got a paper route for that thing.

E Yeah! e 0

Rau 02/01/2016 9:02 PM I will rally all nine of my followers and defeat all yours and Matts in bloody battle.

Prep my CGUE.

E Yeah! e 0

Matthew 02/01/2016 9:13 PM Ha! Your silly CGUE has nothing on Medli, the destroyer of the Grex twins, conquerer of many! Not to mention Stagger and Eva's Ares 90s.

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T3R3Z1 02/01/2016 9:14 PM Well, that would be all 9 minus me probably, not sure that I can fight on 2 sides at once. XD

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Nintendoer 02/01/2016 9:20 PM I have an Ares 90... E Yeah! e 1 D

T3R3Z1 02/01/2016 9:25 PM Same--

Oh wait, you said that already. XD

That Aghasura Cannon IS pretty cool. :3

E Yeah! e 0 D

Rau 02/01/2016 9:26 PM Oh.. Yeah, you two are also in my army then.

Prep your lowly GINNs, you are in fact going to battle with me against yourselves and everyone who ever pledged allegiance to you. Including me.

E Yeah! e 0


E Yeah! e 0 D

T3R3Z1 02/01/2016 9:34 PM oh it's so beautiful E Yeah! e 0 D

Rau 02/01/2016 9:46 PM You know nothing of Gundams, Matt. Just wait until you see! My CGUE is my lowliest model!

E Yeah! e 0

T3R3Z1 02/01/2016 10:04 PM This is my newest mech... Just kidding. I wish it was, though. Truly.

I truly wish it was.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Rau 02/01/2016 10:47 PM I would so pilot him. E Yeah! e 1

Matthew 02/02/2016 7:13 AM Nintendoer has an Ares 90 too.

Actually, forget Medli, the Matthew in Matthew's army is piloting a Koloktos, and the Matthew in your army is piloting Medli.

E Yeah! e 0 D

T3R3Z1 02/02/2016 7:16 AM I know, right? <3

Ugh. H.B. must stand for Hus Bando.

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Matthew 02/02/2016 7:17 AM ...


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T3R3Z1 02/02/2016 10:03 AM ;)

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Matthew 02/02/2016 11:00 AM You guys are totally trying to make this post as awkward as possible, aren't you?

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Sciz 02/02/2016 11:28 AM Don't worry. I much prefer L. And Phog. And literally anyone who's not H.B. E Yeah! e 1 D

Sciz 02/02/2016 4:24 PM Eva, I have a question. Lara Mara, the purple-haired man, constantly flirts with my character. Does he flirt with yours?

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Matthew 02/02/2016 5:54 PM Yeah, I wasn't too happy when I met that guy. He's kind of annoying.

E Yeah! e 0 D

T3R3Z1 02/02/2016 5:57 PM Yeah, he does. I was confused at first too, but then I was like, alright...

I'll roll with it. XD

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T3R3Z1 02/02/2016 5:58 PM Well you COULD come partake in a serious discussion about gender equality with Rau and me on one of my posts, if that would be better than hanging out in the new H.B. fan club. <3

E Yeah! e 0 D

Matthew 02/02/2016 6:21 PM Well, I could, but I thought I already made my thoughts on that clear. :P

To be fair, I don't think he's annoying because he claims to act like thatm but because he's one of those obnoxious types.

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T3R3Z1 02/02/2016 6:24 PM Oh, OHHH. We're talking about H.B. I was worried for a minute that you were just savagely roasting your friend there. XD

E Yeah! e 1 D

Rau 02/02/2016 6:28 PM I don't know if we've ever talked about gender equality, Matt.

A savage roasting I need! Twas cold this night.

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Matthew 02/02/2016 6:39 PM No, I was talking about Lara Nara.

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Sciz 02/02/2016 8:00 PM I will agree that Lara Mara is annoying. He flirts with everthing that moves. Kinda decreases the value of what he's saying.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Rau 02/03/2016 10:54 PM I listened to the Album! You really are a pop metal head eh? It was a fun album, fairly standard lyrics, but I got it's tone. It was perturbed but hopeful, asking people to save themselves, because after all this right now is just a trial.

That's all I got right now. The title track is my favourite at the moment. I'll obviously listen again to the album. I'm down for this sound.

E Yeah! e 0

Matthew 02/04/2016 6:55 AM I guess you could say that. I'm a huge fan on heavy electric guitars, but not of distorted screaming lyrics. TFK pulls off the former but leaves the latter. E Yeah! e 0 D

Matthew 02/04/2016 6:59 AM Did you catch/understand the Çhrìštîáñ themes?

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Rau 02/04/2016 7:32 AM Yup, I got them. I saw them more as a lament, like I said above. The frustrations of trying to get others to believe, to save themselves. Itvwas sort of a call to that. Maybe I'm wrong? He didn't seem to self concered, other than in wicked.

E Yeah! e 0

Rau 02/04/2016 7:33 AM Does this mean I can choose an album for you?!

E Yeah! e 0

Matthew 02/04/2016 8:38 AM Yeah, actually. Cool. The reason I asked is because most people completely miss those themes.

I mean, you can, but you probably would have a better bet with other things. I'm very picky about my music.

Speaking of media you've recommended, I really am going to read The Lord of the Rings. I just have to get around ordering them.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Rau 02/04/2016 9:24 AM I really do think that you should watch The Fellowship of The Ring before you read it. Why? Because when people read the book first, all they can point out the differences and issues, when in reality that one film is so substantial. It may be one of the greatest films ever. This is coming from a lover of the novels.

E Yeah! e 0

Rau 02/04/2016 9:27 AM Aww, I wanted to get you to try an album. It doesn't criticize the sky ghost! It's a rock album, but it does attack society. It's a rock album, but I thought that it would be cool to show you different guitar sounds and lyrical approach.

E Yeah! e 0

Matthew 02/04/2016 9:58 AM Are the Blurays expensive?

I said you could, I jut don't know if I would listen or enjoy it that much.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Matthew 02/04/2016 11:35 AM Wel? You gonna tell me the title/artist?

E Yeah! e 0 D

Rau 02/04/2016 11:36 AM $15 for the theatricle trilogy. on the American Amazon site. You'll have to pay more for the extended editions, but I think they are better films unextended. I've the extended because im a nerd, i have to re buy the theatricles.

E Yeah! e 0

Rau 02/04/2016 11:41 AM Beautiful Midnight: Matthew Good Band. Idk where you listen, but I use spotify. Every song has 2 "meanings". One is the Lyrical meaning. They each have to do with a societal issue. The second is the feel. Each song is a metaphorical hour in one night. The first song is 5pm the secong 6pm and so on all the way to 6am, sun up.

You'll notice a manic tendancy. Things can start soft, but get angry

E Yeah! e 0

Rau 02/04/2016 11:42 AM On a dime, it's because he was an unmedicated individual with bi polar disorder, he didn't know during this early album. Which gives them a crazy feel.

E Yeah! e 0

Matthew 02/04/2016 11:54 AM Only 15? I'll definitely watch the films first, then. That's less than half as much as the bookmset I was looking at.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Rau 02/04/2016 11:57 AM Maybe it's on sale, I'm telling you Matt. It took them years to hand make every set, costume, chainmail, weapon, it is one of the most beautiful films (the first one) ever made.

E Yeah! e 0

Rau 02/04/2016 6:56 PM http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0086B89JO/ref=mp_s_a_1_2? qid=1454630118&sr=8- 2&pi=SY200_QL40&keywords=lord+of+the+rings+blu+ray

Juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuust incase you needed it.

E Yeah! e 0

Matthew 02/04/2016 7:00 PM Alright, I'll let you have the last comment. Is it necessary to buy the extended editions? Will I be left out of plot details, or miss awesome action scenes, or anything like that?

E Yeah! e 0 D

Rau 02/04/2016 7:58 PM I think, don't quote me, but they are on youtube. The extended scenes. Some I absolutely hate, because they are useless humor, or filler. But there are a few that are great. But all unnecessary as the Movies have all you need. I prefer the theatrical. Plus $15 or $45?

The best thing about the extended set is the extras.

E Yeah! e 0

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