Interleukins 12 and 15 induce cytotoxicity and early NK-cell differentiation in type 3 innate lymphoid cells

Ana Raykova,1 Paolo Carrega,2 Frank M. Lehmann,3,4 Robert Ivanek,5,6 Vanessa Landtwing,1 Isaak Quast,7 Jan D. Lunemann,¨ 8 Daniela Finke,3,4 Guido Ferlazzo,2,9,10 Obinna Chijioke,1 and Christian Munz¨ 1

1Viral Immunobiology, Institute of Experimental Immunology, University of Zurich,¨ Zurich,¨ Switzerland; 2Laboratory of Immunology and Biotherapy, Department of Human Pathology, University of Messina, Messina, Italy; 3University Children’s Hospital of Basel, Basel, Switzerland; 4Department of Biomedicine, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland; 5Bioinformatics Core Facility, Department of Biomedicine, University Hospital Basel/University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland; 6Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, Basel, Switzerland; 7Department of Immunology and Pathology, Monash University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia; 8Neuroinflammation, Institute of Experimental Immunology, University of Zurich,¨ Zurich,¨ Switzerland; 9Cell Factory Center, University of Messina, Messina, Italy; and 10Cell Therapy Program and Division of Clinical Pathology, University Hospital Policlinico G. Martino, Messina, Italy

Type 3 innate lymphoid cells (ILC3s) fulfill protective functions at mucosal surfaces via Key Points production. Although their plasticity to become ILC1s, the innate counterparts of • Human type 3 ILCs type 1 helper T cells, has been described previously, we report that they can differentiate into acquire features of cytotoxic with many characteristics of early differentiated natural killer (NK) early differentiated NK cells. This transition is promoted by the proinflammatory 12 (IL-12) cells upon cytokine and IL-15, and correlates with expression of the master transcription factor of cytotoxicity, stimulation. eomesodermin (Eomes). As revealed by transcriptome analysis and flow cytometric profiling, • – IL-12 and IL-15 differentiated ILC3s express CD94, NKG2A, NKG2C, CD56, and CD16 among other NK-cell differentiated human receptors, and possess all components of the cytotoxic machinery. These characteristics allow ILC3s acquire cytotox- them to recognize and kill leukemic cells with perforin and granzymes. Therefore, ILC3s can icity and kill leukemic be harnessed for cytotoxic responses via differentiation under the influence of proinflam- targets. matory cytokines.


Adaptive immune responses are orchestrated by helper T-cell subsets that tailor the immune system’s 1 effector function for optimal restriction of pathogenic threats.1 Along these lines, CD4 T helper 1 (Th1) 1 cells aid in the priming and maintenance of cytotoxic CD8 T cells during cell-mediated immune control 1 of viruses and tumors, CD4 Th2 cells assist B cells to mount humoral immune responses to parasites, 1 and CD4 Th17 cells defend mucosal barriers by stimulating epithelial cells and recruiting neutrophils. It has been suggested that innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) represent the innate counterpart to these polarized Th-cell responses, whereby type 1 ILCs (ILC1s) fulfill some of the functions of Th1, ILC2s of Th2, and ILC3s of Th17 cells.2-4 Indeed, by both lineage-defining transcription factors and hallmark cytokines, the ILC subsets seem to resemble Th-cell subsets. ILC1s express T-box transcription factor T-bet and produce -g (IFN-g); ILC2s carry the highest levels of GATA-binding 3 (GATA3) and produce interleukin-4 (IL-4), IL-5, IL-9, and IL-13; and ILC3s harbor RAR-related orphan receptor g T (RORgt) and produce IL-22. However, this clear structure of discrete ILC lineages has been challenged by recent reports that both human ILC2s and ILC3s can differentiate into helper ILC1s under inflammatory conditions in the presence of IL-12.5-10 Moreover, mass cytometric and single-cell transcriptomic studies of human ILCs have called into question the existence of a helper ILC1 subset distinct from natural killer (NK) cells.11,12

Submitted 26 May 2017; accepted 19 November 2017. DOI 10.1182/ © 2017 by The American Society of Hematology bloodadvances.2017008839. The full-text version of this article contains a data supplement.

26 DECEMBER 2017 x VOLUME 1, NUMBER 27 2679 In contrast to ILCs, NK cells are considered the innate counterpart instrument (BD Biosciences) was used. Analysis was performed using 1 of cytotoxic CD8 T cells as they express cytolytic molecules, like FlowJo software (TreeStar). perforin and granzymes, and the transcription factor Eomes.13-15 Expansion of ILCs NK cells do not develop exclusively in the and seem to undergo functional maturation in the periphery.16 Interestingly, NK ILCs were seeded with irradiated allogeneic peripheral blood developmental intermediates found in secondary lymphoid tissues, mononuclear cells and the B-lymphoblastoid cell line 721.221 in the 2 1 2 2 1 1 namely Lineage CD117 CD94 stage 3 and CD117 / CD94 presence of phytohemagglutinin (PHA-L) (2.5 mg/mL; EMD 2 NKp80 stage 4a cells, share features with ILC3s such as IL-22 Millipore) and cytokines (Peprotech); the latter were replenished production.17,18 Moreover, RORgt-expressing precursors might every 3 to 4 days starting at day 5. ILCs were stimulated with IL-2 give rise to NK cells.18,19 Therefore, these studies, as a second line (600 U/mL), IL-7 (10 ng/mL), IL-12 (50 ng/mL), IL-15 (20 ng/mL), of evidence, also suggest that cells with phenotypic and functional IL-18 (50 ng/mL), or combinations thereof as specified in the similarities to ILC3s can give rise to NK cells. To investigate this respective figures. NK cells were expanded with IL-15 (20 ng/mL). question in more detail, we isolated ILC3s from pediatric tonsils and Cultures were maintained in RPMI 1640 plus 10% human serum secondary lymphoid and intestinal tissues of mice with reconsti- AB (Bioconcept) plus L-glutamine (2 mM; Gibco) plus gentamicin tuted human immune system components and exposed them to (20 mg/mL) at 37°C with 5% CO2 for 2 to 5 weeks. For single-cell proinflammatory cytokines. We report here that human cytokine- cultures, ILC3s were single-cell sorted into 96-well plates preseeded differentiated ILC3s transcriptionally and phenotypically resemble with irradiated Cell Trace Violet–labeled feeders, and cultured in the early differentiated NK cells and upregulate their cytolytic machinery presence of IL-2 plus IL-7 or IL-12 plus IL-15 for 21 days. under inflammatory conditions. Thus, cytotoxic innate lymphocytes can develop from ILC3s, and IL-12 plus IL-15 are the most efficient Cytokine production, degranulation, and cytokines at inducing this differentiation. cytotoxicity assays For flow cytometric analyses, K562 cells were labeled with Cell Materials and methods Trace Violet (Invitrogen). Tissue collection For the analysis of cytokine production and cytotoxic effector molecule release, cultured ILCs were stimulated for 4 hours with Tonsils were collected from patients undergoing tonsillectomy at K562 cells at an effector-to-target (E:T) ratio of 1:1, with 10 ng/mL the University Children’s Hospital of Zurich¨ and the University phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) and 500 ng/mL ionomycin (both Hospital Zurich.¨ Human fetal liver tissues were procured from from Sigma-Aldrich) or in addition with IL-1b (50 ng/mL) and IL-23 Advanced Bioscience Resources. Tissues were collected after (50 ng/mL). After 45 minutes, 2 mM monensin (eBioscience) and patients provided informed consent in accordance with the 5 mg/mL brefeldin A (Sigma-Aldrich) were added. Declaration of Helsinki. All studies involving human samples were reviewed and approved by the cantonal ethical committee of Zurich,¨ For degranulation assays, cultured ILCs were coincubated with Switzerland (protocol no. KEK-StV-Nr.19/08). K562 cells at a ratio of 1:1 in the presence of fluorescein isothiocyanate–conjugated anti-CD107a monoclonal antibody Humanized mice (mAb). After 1 hour, degranulation was blocked by addition of Humanized mice were generated as described in supplemental GolgiStop (BD Biosciences); after a total of 4 hours, CD107a Materials and methods. surface expression on effector cells was assessed. To detect spontaneous degranulation or constitutive expression of Cell lines cytokines/cytotoxic effectors, a control without target cells was K562, 721.221, and Jurkat cells were maintained in R10 (RPMI 1640 included. with 10% fetal calf serum; Bioswisstec/Gibco) and antibiotics Cytolytic activity was measured using a lactate dehydrogenase m (penicillin [50 U/mL], streptomycin [50 g/mL]). All culture reagents, cytotoxicity assay (ThermoFisher) and calculated according to the unless otherwise indicated, were purchased from Life Technologies. manufacturer’s instructions. K562 or Jurkat cells (2 3 103 cells per well) Cell isolation and purification were incubated with effectors at a 10:1ratiofor18hours,unless otherwise stated. For blocking experiments, anti-TRAIL (2E5; 1 mg/mL), Cell isolations and purifications were performed as described in anti-FasL (NOK-1; 10 mg/mL), and control mouse immunoglobulin G1 supplemental Materials and methods. (IgG1 [MOPC-21]; 10 mg/mL) antibodies were used. Antibodies were titrated on Jurkat cells using purified effector molecules (data not Flow cytometry and cell sorting shown). For perforin-mediated cytotoxicity inhibition, effector cells were All antibodies used for flow cytometric analysis are listed in supplemental preincubated for 2 hours with concanamycin A (CMA; 10 nM). Table 1. Dead cells were excluded with a LIVE/DEAD Fixable Aqua or RNA sequencing Near-IR (Invitrogen). For detecting cell surface markers, cells were stained for 20 minutes on ice. For cytokine/granzyme B (GzmB)/perforin Total RNA was isolated using the PicoPure RNA isolation kit 1 detection, cells were fixed and permeabilized with a Cytofix/Cytoperm kit (ThermoFisher). NKp44 ILC3s were either transferred to lysis from BD Biosciences and stained for 30 minutes on ice. For intranuclear buffer right after sorting or differentially cultured for 3 weeks. stainings, a Foxp3/Transcription Factor Staining Buffer Set from Samples were stored at 280°C until use. Freshly isolated splenic eBioscience was used, and cells were stained for 45 minutes at room ILC3s (2000-15 000), tonsillar ILC3s (900-9 000), and expanded temperature or at 4°C overnight. Data were acquired on an LSR II cells (10 000) were used for RNA isolation. Quality control and Fortessa cytometer (BD Biosciences). For cell sorting, a FACSAria III sequencing was performed by the Genomics Facility Basel

2680 RAYKOVA et al 26 DECEMBER 2017 x VOLUME 1, NUMBER 27 (Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering, Eidgenossi-¨ respectively). No differences were observed between huNSG mice sche Technische Hochschule Zurich¨ [ETH], Basel, Switzerland). with and without a HLA-A2 transgene. Thus, ILC3s develop in huNSG Adapter sequence (AAGCAGTGGTATCAACGCAGAGT) was mice and this model can be exploited for studying human ILC trimmed from obtained single-end RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) development and function. reads (51 mer) using the preprocessReads function from the QuasR package (Gaidatzis et al,20 version 1.14.0, R version 3.3.1). IL-12 and IL-15 induce phenotypic NK-cell markers Preprocessed reads were mapped to the assembly, on ILC3s 21 version hg19, with RNA-STAR, with default parameters except for ILC3s show flexibility in their functional program and can shift reporting only 1 hit in the final alignment files for multimappers toward IFNg production depending on the cytokine milieu.9,10,28,29 5 (outSAMmultNmax 1)andallowingonlyreadsafterfilteringtopass Likely because ILC3s and NK cells are generated through mutually 5“ ” into the spliced junction table (outFilterType BySJout ). Using exclusive pathways in mice, human ILC3 plasticity toward an NK RefSeq messenger RNA (mRNA) coordinates from the University of program has not been extensively investigated. To address this, 1 California Santa Cruz (UCSC; and the tonsillar NKp44 ILC3s were isolated and cultured with IL-2 and qCount function from the QuasR package, we quantified IL-7 to obtain sufficient cell numbers for in vitro experiments. After expression as the number of reads that started within any annotated repurification to remove any NK cells, ILC3s were incubated with exon of a gene. The differentially expressed were identified using 22 the type 1 polarizing cytokines IL-2, -12, -15, -18, or combinations the edgeR package (Robinson et al, version 3.16.5). Genes with a thereof. Exposure to IL-12 resulted in a low but consistent increase 1 false discovery rate smaller than 0.05 and a minimum log2 fold change in CD94 cells, which also upregulated T-bet and downregulated 6 of 1 were used for downstream analysis. The obtained data sets RORgt. Modulation of the ILC3 profile by IL-12 has been previously (GSE99246) were compared with the analysis of 9,10 23 demonstrated, but, in contrast to these studies and mouse Montaldo et al (GSE63197). For every gene, the probe with highest data,25 we observed induction of Eomes, a transcription factor variance across samples was kept. The differential expression analysis associated solely with cytotoxic lymphocytes (supplemental “ ” between NK and ILC3 cells was calculated using the limma Figure 2A). Although IL-12 and IL-15 alone or in combination 24 1 1 package. Patient structure was taken into account as a covariate. promoted differentiation of Eomes CD94 cells, additional T-bet induction was primarily observed in IL-12–containing conditions Statistical analysis and synergized with IL-15 (supplemental Figure 2B). Hence this Comparison between differentially cultured ILCs was done via cytokine combination was used for further investigations into the paired Student t tests. The Spearman coefficient was used to properties of differentiated cells. In line with the data from tonsils, 1 determine the correlation between cytotoxicity and frequency of the cultures of NKp44 ILC3s derived from huNSG spleen and SI in indicated populations within cultures. Statistical analysis was the presence of IL-12 and IL-15 led to the appearance of bona fide 1 1 performed using Prism software (GraphPad). Data are displayed CD94 Eomes NK cells (Figure 2; experimental outline shown in as mean 6 standard deviation (SD), unless otherwise stated. supplemental Figure 3A). Similar results were also obtained with 2 2 2 NKp44 NKp46 , referred to as NCR , ILC3s (not tested for SI) 1 1 (Figure 2). Although Eomes CD94 cells were also generated with Results IL-2 and IL-7, even more so when ILC3s were purified from freshly ILC3s in tonsils and humanized mouse tissues isolated tonsillar mononuclear cells, additional T-bet induction was more prominent in IL-12 plus IL-15 conditions (supplemental The findings that human NK cells can be derived from RORgt- 18,19 Figure 3B). Thus, IL-2 and IL-15 might have similar roles in this expressing precursors and the controversial existence of an process with differences between cultures generated from fresh ILC1 population distinct from NK cells in humans11 suggest 25-27 and cryopreserved cells, possibly arising from reduced sensitivity to fundamental species differences in ILC biology and the need IL-2 or reduced viability of IL-2–responsive ILC3 cells after freezing/ 1 for a better experimental model to study human ILC biology. To that thawing. Interestingly, only a fraction of Eomes cells coexpressed end, we characterized ILCs, specifically ILC3s and NK cells, in null 1 CD94 or T-bet (Figure 2). Instead, a considerable population NOD-scid Il2rg mice engrafted with human CD34 hematopoi- retained RORgt expression (supplemental Figure 3C) and thus etic progenitor cells, denoted as huNSG mice (human reconstitu- displayed an intermediate phenotype between ILC3s and NK cells. tion shown in supplemental Figure 1). We were able to detect 1 1 2 2 2 Furthermore, we observed the same effects in clonal assays. Single 1 2 1 1 6 ILC3s, identified as CD127 CD117 Lineage (CD3 CD19 ILC3s gave rise to Eomes CD94 and Eomes CD94 T-bet 2 2 e 2 2 2 2 2 CD14 CD16 Fc RIa CD34 TCRa/b TCRg/d CD294 ) cells, cells and their frequencies were comparable to the bulk cultures, 1 2 across various lymphoid and nonlymphoid organs of huNSG mice with, however, larger variations. Percentages of Eomes RORgt , 1 1 2 1 (Figure 1 and data not shown) and focused on spleen and small Eomes RORgt , Eomes RORgt cells were also similar between intestine (SI) in our further analysis. In parallel, we analyzed ILC3s from single-cell and bulk cultures (Figure 3). Collectively, IL-12 plus IL-15 human tonsils, where they are readily found.11 ILC3s and NK cells, 1 1 2 2 stimulation of ILC3s led to the differentiation of phenotypically sorted as NKp46 CD94 CD127 Lineage cells, were similarly distinct populations with features of NK cells. represented in tonsils (18% and 24% of ILCs of interest, respectively) and the SI of huNSG mice (both 36%), whereas in huNSG spleens IL-12 and IL-15 culture of ILC3s leads to a ILC3 frequency was more than twofold lower (22% vs 54% of ILCs of transcriptional profile reminiscent of early interest) (Figure 1B). Spleen and SI not only differed in relative subset 1 differentiated NK cells distribution, but also in ILC frequency among CD45 cells (Figure 1C). Consistent with human data,9,11 ILC3s were enriched in the intestine To further study how cytokine treatment modifies the ILC3 profile, but were rare in spleen (6%-9% and circa 0.2% of human leukocytes, we performed RNA-seq of IL-12 plus IL-15–treated cultures of


B C SpleenSmall Intestine Tonsil NKp44+ 20 NKp44- ILC3 NCR - 15 NK 24% 24% 28% 36% + ±10 10 54% ±17 10% ±12 58% 18% 16% 4 5 ±11 8% ±7 20% % of CD45 4% ±16 6 3 ±3 2 1 0 + - NK NKp44 ILC3 NKp44 ILC3 rest spleen small intestine

1 Figure 1. ILC3s in pediatric tonsils and spleens of huNSG mice. (A) Sorting strategy for isolation of viable (Aqua Live/Dead2) human (huCD45 ) ILCs: after exclusion 1 1 1 of cells positive for CD3, CD19, CD14, CD16, FceRIa, CD34, TCRa/b, TCRg/d, and CD294, ILC3s were identified as CD127 CD117 and selected for NKp44 (red) or 2 2 2 1 2 1 NKp44 NKp46 (dark blue, referred to as NCR ). NK cells were sorted as NKp46 CD127 CD94 cells (yellow). Shown is a representative spleen sample, magnetic- activated cell sorting (MACS)–depleted for CD19, CD14, CD4, and CD8. (B) Pie charts show mean frequency (6SD) of the indicated populations among ILCs of interest, as defined in panel A, within spleen (N 5 26 from 20 human fetal liver [HFL] donors with 2 to 15 mice per donor), small intestine (SI) (N 5 12 from 9 HFL donors with 4-15 1 pooled mice), and pediatric tonsils (N 5 16). (C) Mean frequency (6SD) of the indicated populations among huCD45 cells derived from spleen (N 5 3, 1-8 mice per HFL donor) and SI (samples as in panel B). FSC-A, forward scatter area; FSC-H, forward scatter height; SSC-A, side scatter area; TCR, T-cell receptor.

1 NKp44 ILC3sincomparisonwithIL-2plusIL-7–expanded and Despite the spatial principal component analysis proximity of ILC3s 1 untreated cells. Tonsillar- and huNSG-derived splenic NKp44 ILC3s stimulated with IL-2 and IL-7 to untreated cells (Figure 4A), IL-2 plus were used as cell sources. In a principal component analysis, samples IL-7–expanded cells upregulated EOMES, TBX21, PRF1 (perforin), formed individual clusters dependent on their tissue origin and cytokine and transcripts encoding granzymes, in particular, GZMA in tonsils exposure with the exception of those cultured with IL-12 and IL-15 and GZMK in spleen (supplemental Figure 4B-C), indicating that (Figure 4A), which clustered together, indicating that on a transcriptional they shifted away from an ILC3 transcriptional program. level this stimulation overrides any tissue-specific differences. For When cultured with IL-12 and IL-15, ILC3s upregulated genes that example, we observed that freshly sorted spleen-derived ILC3s had encode NK-related markers such as CD56, CD94, NKG2A, NKG2C, more transcripts for -a (LTA), lymphotoxin-b (LTB), and DNAM-1/CD226, and CD2 (Figure 4D). Surprisingly, transcripts for (TNF) compared with those isolated from tonsils, NKG2D (KLRK1) were lower upon IL-12 and IL-15 stimulation which in contrast showed abundant IL22 expression (Figure 4B), in line compared with unstimulated and IL-2 plus IL-7 conditions. Furthermore, 30 with a previous report. In both populations, we detected expression of splenic untreated cells already expressed genes encoding the NK- IL1R1, IL23R, TNFSF11 (encoding TRANCE), and CCL20, which are associated receptors 2B4 (CD244), KLRG1, and 4-1BB (TNFRSF9). genes selectively transcribed in ILC3s among innate lymphocytes.12 FCGR3A (CD16) expression was also increased relative to untreated Taken together, ILC3s isolated from huNSG spleens were similar to cells, however, it was diverse across samples and tissues and rarely those derived from human tissues, suggesting that huNSG mice detected on the protein level (data not shown). In contrast, CD56 was recapitulate many aspects of human ILC biology. found on the majority of cells in both conditions. We also assessed

2682 RAYKOVA et al 26 DECEMBER 2017 x VOLUME 1, NUMBER 27 Student o infcn (ns), significant not rqec fteidctdsbesi utrs o osl,N tonsils, For cultures. NKp44 in subsets indicated the of Frequency - ieprdnr n N and donor) per mice 2-8 expanded of plots cytometry NKp44 flow tonsillar Representative intestinal (A) weeks, weeks. 3 4 for for maintained cytometry. cultures were flow cultures by ILC3 T-bet splenic and IL-15 and CD94, plus Tonsillar Eomes, IL-12 of or expression IL-7 for plus analyzed IL-2 and with cultured were tissues mouse humanized n NCR and NKp44 2. Figure 1 1 t n NCR and NCR and 2 test. n L1 nuepeoyi Kcl akr nILC3s. on markers NK-cell phenotypic induce IL-15 and IL-12 L3,rsetvl.FrS,N SI, For respectively. ILC3s, 1 L3 n Kcls ahrwgtdo ibeIC.(B) ILCs. viable on gated row each cells, NK and ILC3s 2 2 P L3,rsetvl.Frsle,N spleen, For respectively. ILC3s, indicated the or tonsils pediatric from derived ILC3s . 0;* .05; 5 P 6HLdnr,28mc e oo)frNKp44 for donor) per mice 2-8 donors, HFL (6 6 , 6DCME 2017 DECEMBER 26 0;** .05; P 5 , 3HLdnr,45mc each). mice 4-5 donors, HFL (3 3 0;*** .01; P 5 x , OUE1 UBR2 L3 IFRNIT NOCTTXCN-IECLS2683 CELLS NK-LIKE CYTOTOXIC INTO DIFFERENTIATE ILC3s 27 NUMBER 1, VOLUME 4(0HLdonors, HFL (10 14 01uigtepaired the using .001 5 n N and 9 5 5for 1 B A Spleen Tonsil SI Spleen Tonsil % of ILCs % of ILCs % of ILCs % of ILCs % of ILCs 30 40 50 40 60 80 30 40 50 30 40 50 30 40 50 10 20 10 20 20 10 20 10 20 Eomes Eomes 0 0 0 0 0 CD94 T-bet 86.2 0.96 0.94 Eomes 1.88 2 +7 *** * * * * + 0.009 0.17 11.9 30 40 50 30 30 40 50 10 15 20 25 10 20 10 15 10 20 0 1 2 3 4 0 5 0 0 5 0 2 +7 Eomes 54.2 10.2 30.3 12 +15 12.4 ** ** + * * * CD94 12 +15 19.2 5.28 26.1 + 30 40 50 30 40 50 30 30 40 50 10 15 10 20 10 20 10 20 10 20 0 5 0 0 0 0 Eomes 0.021 88.0 0.12 *** 0.19 ** * * ns NK + T-bet 8.94 11.9 87.8 +

NCR- ILC3 NKp44+ ILC3 A 105 96.22.24 105 96.3 0.67

104 104

Clone 1 103 103

0 0

3 1.19 0.39 3 2.94 0.10 –10 –10

–103 0 103 104 105 –103 0 103 104 105 –103 0 103 104 105

5 105 46.8 32.1 10 83.8 8.71

4 104 10

Clone 2 3 103 10

0 0

t 3 6.67 14.5 3 5.95 1.58

 –10 –10 CD117 ROR –103 0103 104 105 –103 0 103 104 105 –103 0 103 104 105 Eomes CD94 T-bet Eomes+CD94+ Eomes–RORt+

B Eomes+CD94– Eomes+CD94+ T-bet+ 80 80 80 + 60 60 60 CD94 + 40 40 40 % of ILCs 20 20

% of Eomes 20

0 0 0 Clones Bulk Clones Bulk Clones Bulk

Eomes+RORt– Eomes+RORt+ Eomes–RORt+ 100 80 80 80 60 60 60

40 40 40 % of ILCs

20 20 20

0 0 0 Clones Bulk Clones Bulk Clones Bulk 2 + 7 12 + 15

1 1 Figure 3. Single NKp44 ILC3s give rise to NK-like cells. Single-cell sorted tonsil-derived NKp44 ILC3s were cultured on irradiated Cell Trace Violet–stained feeders in the presence of IL-2 plus IL-7 or IL-12 plus IL-15 and each well was individually assessed by flow cytometry after 3 weeks. (A) Representative flow cytometry plots of 2 clonal cultures. (B) Comparison between the frequency of the indicated populations in ILC3 clones and the corresponding bulk-sorted cultures. Data from 3 independent donors (mean in red 6 SD, bars indicate median).

2684 RAYKOVA et al 26 DECEMBER 2017 x VOLUME 1, NUMBER 27 A B uncultured 2 + 7 12 +15

Cytokines and cytokine receptors, 40 LTB IL12RB2 20 Fe_2 + 7 TNF Fe_12 + 15 LTA 0 Sp_uncultured IL18R1 Sp_2 + 7 CSF -20 Sp_12 + 15 IL17A IL10 To_uncultured

PC2 (9.1%) IL1RL1 -40 To_2 + 7 IFNG To_12 + 15 IL2RB -60 CCL3 CCL4 -80 IL1B CXCL8 -80 -60 -40 -20 020406080 IL26 IL12RB1 PC1 (33.7%) IL2RA IL15RA IFNAR1 TNFSF13 IFNGR1 C IFNGR2 Cytotoxic molecules IL17F TNFSF4 GNLY IL22 TNFSF10 TNFSF13B TNF IL7R GZMM IL2 GZMK CCL20 GZMB GZMH KIT FASLG TNFSF11 PRF1 IL1R1 GZMA IL23R

Spleen Tonsil 10 Spleen Tonsil 10 5 5 0 0 -5 –5 -10 –10

D E Activating and inhibitory receptors, signalling molecules + + KIR2DL2 NKG2A NKG2C CD94 KIR2DL3 80 * 0.10 ns KIR2DL1 KIR3DL1 60 0.08 FCER1G SLAMF7 FCGR3A 40 0.06 KIR3DL3 20 0.04 CD226 % of ILCs KIR2DL4 MFI of ILCs HCST 0 0.02 SYK TYROBP -20 0 KLRD1 - CD94 CD2 2 + 7 12 + 15 2 + 7 12 + 15 CD160 CD244 SPATA2 + + CD27 CD2 CD56 ns B3GAT1 150 100 TNFRSF9 ** KLRF1 80 KLRG1 KLRK1 100 60 KLRB1 NCAM1 - CD56 40 % of ILCs KLRC1 - NKG2A % of ILCs KLRC2 - NKG2C 50 NCR3 20 NCR1 NCR2 0 0 4 2 2 + 7 12 + 15 2 + 7 12 + 15 Spleen Tonsil 0 –2 –4

1 Figure 4. Transcriptional profile of ILC3s upon IL-12 and IL-15 culture is reminiscent of early differentiated NK cells. Tonsil (To)- and spleen (Sp)-derived NKp44 ILC3s were expanded for 3 weeks with IL-2 and IL-7 or IL-12 and IL-15 and together with freshly sorted cells were subjected to RNA-seq. (A) Clustering of samples using the first 2 principal components (PC). Sp_uncultured, N 5 13 samples (10 HFL donors, 4-15 mice per donor); Sp_217, N 5 6 (3 HFL donors, 4 mice per donor); Sp_12115, N 5 9 (6 HFL donors, 4-5 mice per donor); To_uncultured N 5 11; To_217, N 5 7; To_12115, N 5 6. (B-D) Heatmaps depict differential expression of selected genes encoding (B) cytokines/chemokines and cytokine receptors, (C) cytotoxic effector molecules, and (D) activating and inhibitory receptors and signaling molecules. Treatment conditions are color-coded on top: uncultured cells (red), IL-2 and IL-7 (blue), and IL-12 and IL-15 (green). Red text indicates genes of interest. (E) Protein expression of selected markers in IL-2 plus IL-7 and IL-12 plus IL-15 cultures of splenic ILC3s. For quantification (mean 6 SD) of NKG2A, NKG2C, and CD2, N 5 4 (3 HFL donors, 4 mice per donor); for CD56, N 5 11 (7 HFL donors, 2-8 mice per donor). ns, P . .05; *P , .05; **P , .01 using paired Student t test. Fe, feeders alone (pooled from several expansions); MFI, geometric mean fluorescence intensity.


2 + 7 12 + 15 without K562 with K562 PMAi

0.0230.10 0.17 5.00 0.77 0.24 0.17 5.00 0.067 29.0

 98.2 0.80 60.8 34.0 2.87 68.0  86.9 12.9 60.8 34.0 IFN IFN


ns C * * ns * * ns 0.0995 * ns ns * * ns * 100 40 5 + + – 80 30 4    IFN IFN


60 - + + 20    40 2 TNF TNF TNF 10 20 1 0 0 0 PMAi PMAi PMAi PMAi PMAi PMAi with K562 with K562 with K562 with K562 with K562 with K562 without K562 without K562 without K562 without K562 without K562 without K562

2 + 7 12 + 15 2 + 7 12 + 15 2 + 7 12 + 15

1 Figure 5. IL-12 and IL-15 induce a type 1 cytokine profile in ILC3s. Splenic NKp44 ILC3s, cultured for 4 weeks with IL-2 and IL-7 or IL-12 and IL-15, were stimulated for 4 hours with K562 target cells or PMAi and analyzed for cytokine production. Flow cytometric analysis of IFNg and TNFa expression in IL-12 and IL-15–treated cells (A-B) and quantification of IFNg- and/or TNFa-expressing cells in the indicated conditions (C). N 5 6 (3 HFL donors, 4 mice per donor). Red lines show mean and box-and-whiskers plot extend minimum (min) to maximum (max) with black lines representing median value. ns, P . .05; *P , .05 using paired Student t tests.

NKG2A, NKG2C, and CD2 expression by flow cytometry and This demonstrated that hallmark functional genes of NK cells correlated observed upregulation in IL-12 and IL-15–treated ILC3s (Figure 4E). with genes upregulated in IL-12 and IL-15–differentiated ILC3 cultures KIR3DL3 expression partially overlapped with that of FCGR3A in (supplemental Figure 4A). To further characterize the functional spleen and less so in tonsils, whereas other inhibitory killer properties of NK-cell–like ILC3-derived cells, we next analyzed their immunoglobulin-like receptors had a lower and more scattered response toward leukemic cells. expression pattern in spleen and were absent in tonsil (Figure 4D IL-12 and IL-15 induce type 1 cytokine production top). Hence, IL-12 and IL-15–stimulated ILC3s acquired a profile reminiscent of the previously published early differentiated NK-cell in ILC3s 31,32 phenotype. Concurrently, these showed enrichment of genes We first assessed the IFNg and TNFa expression in response to encoding IFNg, macrophage inflammatory protein-1a (MIP-1a), MIP-1b, stimulation with a classical NK-cell target, the erythroleukemic cell and IL-8 (in spleen) as well as subunits of the IL-2/-12/-15/-18 line K562, as well as with PMA and ionomycin (PMAi). K562 cells 1 2 receptors (Figure 4B), which suggested that IL-12 and IL-15 primed induced TNFa, which was detected both in CD117 and CD117 ILC3s toward a type 1 inflammatory response. When examining their cells after differentiation (Figure 5; supplemental Figure 5A). In cytotoxic potential, we found that untreated splenic ILC3s had low contrast, IFNg expression was solely observed in IL-12 plus IL-15 constitutive TNFSF10 (encoding TRAIL) expression, which was cultures and coincubation with K562 cells triggered only a weak unchanged after exposure to IL-12 and IL-15. Conversely, this IFNg response in differentiated ILC3s in comparison with that stimulation elevated TNFSF10 transcripts in tonsillar cells. Furthermore, induced by PMAi (Figure 5). Stimulation with IL-23 and IL-1b in IL-12 and IL-15 increased EOMES, FASLG, and granzyme expression addition to PMAi increased IL-22 expression in both splenic and compared with IL-2 and IL-7–cultured cells, whereas PRF1 levels were tonsillar ILC3s from either culture (supplemental Figure 5B), further similar between the 2 culture conditions (Figure 4C; supplemental indicating that a fraction of ILC3s maintained their phenotypic and Figure 4B). This IL-12 and IL-15–driven differentiation to an NK- functional program. Altogether, IL-12 and IL-15 induced a type 1 cell–like phenotype was further supported by comparison with a cytokine profile in ILC3s, a finding consistent with previous reports previously published transcriptome analysis of ILC3s and NK cells.23 for differentiated ILC3 as well as ILC2 cells.5-10

2686 RAYKOVA et al 26 DECEMBER 2017 x VOLUME 1, NUMBER 27 Figure 6. Upregulation of cytotoxic machinery in ILC3s 1 upon IL-12 and IL-15 exposure. Splenic NKp44 ILC3s A without K562 were cultured for 4 weeks with IL-2 and IL-7 or IL-12 and IL-15 2 + 7 12 + 15 NK and stimulated for 4 hours with K562 target cells or PMAi. 0.03 0.051 5.92 7.69 22.3 76.3 (A) Flow cytometric analysis (top) and quantification (bottom) of total GzmB or perforin expression in cultures. Fluorescence- activated cell sorting (FACS) plots shown for unstimulated expanded ILC3s and NK cells. Red lines show mean and box- and-whiskers plot extend min to max with black lines represent- ing median value. (B) Degranulation of bulk cultures. D% 98.9 1.00 83.8 2.61 1.13 0.28 GzmB CD107 indicates the difference in degranulation with and Perforin without K562 coincubation. N 5 6 (3 HFL donors, 4 mice per donor). ns, P . .05; *P , .05; **P , .01; ***P , .001 using ** ns the paired Student t test. * ns ** 0.0821 ns ns ns ** 40 10

+ 8

+ 30 6 20 4 Total GzmB Total

10 perforin Totoal 2

0 0 PMAi PMAi PMAi PMAi with K562 with K562 with K562 with K562 without K562 without K562 without K562 without K562

2 + 7 12 + 15 2 + 7 12 + 15

B 2 + 7 12 + 15 ns ns *** ** ** ** *** *** 60 60

40 40 of subset of subset + + CD107 CD107 20 20   % %

0 0 Eomes- Eomes+ Eomes+ Eomes- Eomes- Eomes+ Eomes+ Eomes- CD117+ CD117+ CD117- CD117- CD117+ CD117+ CD117- CD117-

Upregulation of the cytotoxic machinery in ILC3s upon conditions (circa 13%) (data not shown). Therefore, we checked CD107 1 IL-12 and IL-15 exposure expression among the various subsets (Figure 6B). Eomes cells, irrespective of culture conditions, showed higher degranulation ability. As transcriptional profiling revealed expression of cytotoxic effector Thus, ILC3s treated with IL-12 and IL-15 acquired cytotoxic granule molecules, we investigated protein expression of GzmB and perforin in 1 differentially cultured ILC3s (Figure 6A). Surprisingly, perforin was barely , associated with Eomes expression, and Eomes cells detectable in IL-12 and IL-15–treated cells but the addition of K562 preferentially degranulate in response to leukemic cells. cells resulted in a rapid release as indicated by reduced staining. Consistent with abundant mRNA transcripts in IL-12 and IL-15 cultures, Cytotoxicity of IL-12 and IL-15–cultured ILC3s toward GzmB was expressed in significantly more cells at the protein level. classical NK-cell targets To investigate the cytolytic potential of ILC3s, we evaluated their As IL-2 and IL-7–treated cells were devoid of GzmB and perforin capacity to degranulate toward K562 cells. After 4-hour stimulation, protein expression but showed some surface CD107 expression degranulation levels in total expanded cells were similar in the 2 upon K562 coincubation, we directly assessed target cell killing.

26 DECEMBER 2017 x VOLUME 1, NUMBER 27 ILC3s DIFFERENTIATE INTO CYTOTOXIC NK-LIKE CELLS 2687 A C NKp44+ ILC3 NCR- ILC3 Eomes+ 100 100 ** ns 40 r 0.7273 80 80 p 0.0096 30

60 60 20

Tonsil 40 40 10 % cytotoxicity % cytotoxicity 20 20 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 0 2 + 7 12 + 15 NK 2 + 7 12 + 15 Eomes+CD94+ 15 r 0.6224 p 0.0347 NKp44+ ILC3 NCR- ILC3 100 150 10 ns ns ** 80 5 100 60 0

Spleen 40 0 10 20 30 40 50 % cytotoxicity % cytotoxicity 50 20 Eomes+T-bet+ 25 r 0.8811 0 0 p 0.0003 20 2 + 7 12 + 15 NK 2 + 7 12 + 15 NK 15 B 10 5 NKp44+ ILC3 12 + 15 NK 0 * *** 0 10 20 30 40 50 ns 60 60 ns Eomes+CD94+T-bet+ 60 10 r 0.8881 40 p 0.0003 8 ns 40 ns 6

% cytotoxicity 20 % cytotoxicity 4 20 2 0 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 50

CMA CMA population media isotype media isotype anti-TRAIL anti-TRAIL cytotoxicity

CMA + anti-TRAIL CMA + anti-TRAIL

Figure 7. Cytotoxicity of IL-12 and IL-15–cultured ILC3s toward the classical NK-cell target K562 is perforin-mediated. ILC3s were expanded for 3 weeks with IL-2 and IL-7 or IL-12 and IL-15 and the cytolytic potential of bulk cultures against K562 targets was assessed after 18-hour stimulation at a 10:1 E:T ratio using a lactate 1 2 1 2 dehydrogenase (LDH) cytotoxicity assay. (A) Cytotoxicity of expanded tonsillar and splenic NKp44 and NCR ILC3s. For tonsils, N 5 6andN5 3 for NKp44 and NCR 1 2 ILC3s, respectively. For spleen, N 5 3andN5 6 for NKp44 and NCR ILC3s, respectively; each sample is an individual HFL donor with 2 to 8 mice pooled. Expanded NK 1 cells from the same donors were used as positive controls. (B) Cytolytic activity of IL-12 plus IL-15–expanded tonsillar NKp44 ILC3s and NK cells in the presence of medium alone, mouse IgG1 isotype, anti-TRAIL antibody, CMA (effectors were preincubated for 2 hours) or a combination of the latter, N 5 5 except for the last condition in which 1 data were obtained from 3 donors. (C) Correlation between frequency of the above-stated populations and cytotoxicity for tonsillar NKp44 ILC3 cultures. ns, P . .05; *P , .05; ***P , .001 using paired Student t test in panels A and B or Spearman correlation in panel C. r, Spearman correlation coefficient.

1 Differentially stimulated bulk ILC3 cultures were incubated with innate cultures. Expanded tonsillar NKp44 ILC3s K562 cells for 18 hours to allow for both perforin-dependent and acquired a twofold higher cytotoxicity when stimulated with IL-12 2 -independent cytotoxicity, because TRAIL expression was detected and IL-15, whereas NCR ones showed variability in their cytolytic 1 atthetranscriptionallevelinsomeofthedifferentiated potential (Figure 7A). Splenic expanded NKp44 ILC3s from both

2688 RAYKOVA et al 26 DECEMBER 2017 x VOLUME 1, NUMBER 27 2 culture conditions showed moderate cytotoxicity, whereas NCR target recognition via NKG2D.36,37 Signaling through their TCR was ILC3s had a threefold increase in cytolytic activity after IL-12 and attenuated at these sites and seemed to be required for survival, IL-15 relative to IL-2 and IL-7 exposure. We analyzed the latter whereas they efficiently secreted IFNg after stimulation with IL-12 and following 4 and 18 hours of coincubation at different E:T ratios IL-18, with and without IL-15 addition. TCR downregulation might also (supplemental Figure 6A). Longer coculture at higher E:T ratios have resulted in a proportion of putative ILC1 cells because they were enhanced target cell lysis, which reached a similar level compared with recently found to partially overlap with T-cell phenotypes in mass NK cells at a 20:1 E:T ratio, despite the heterogeneity of the ILC3 cytometry11 and carry transcripts for TCR variable regions by single-cell cultures. Thus, IL-12 and IL-15–induced cytolytic activity in ILC3 cells. gene expression profiling.12 In addition to the emergence of NK-cell–like Similar to NK cells, this cytotoxicity was to a large extent mediated by populations from adaptive lymphocytes or ILC3s, as described here, perforin and granzymes because inhibition with concanamycin A inflammation has been shown to drive differentiation of NK cells even in 2 2 2 2 reduced killing of K562 cells by 60%, whereas antibody-mediated Rag2 / Il2Rg / mice and thus in the absence of IL-15 signaling.38 blocking of TRAIL did not reduce leukemic cell death (Figure 7B). We Similar to our study, this is induced by IL-12 and despite their immature did not test blocking of TNF and FasL because we were not able to profile, these unconventional NK cells mediate tumor suppression. induce K562 cell death with agonistic reagents that stimulate these The upregulation of a cytotoxic machinery in cells traditionally seen pathways (data not shown). In contrast, the T-cell leukemia cell line 1 as noncytotoxic is not exclusive to ILC3s. Adaptive CD4 Th cells Jurkat is sensitive to apoptosis-inducing cell death (data not shown), – can also upregulate cytotoxicity, especially during chronic viral and IL-12 and IL-15 stimulated ILC3s seemed to use numerous infections.39-41 As shown for ILC3 differentiation in this study, 1 mechanisms to induce Jurkat cell death, including but not restricted to Eomes expression seems to be required for CD4 T cells to acquire perforin, FasL, and TRAIL (supplemental Figure 6B). Therefore, IL-12 42-44 1 – cytotoxicity and these cytolytic CD4 T cells also upregulate and IL-15 differentiated ILC3s seem to use all transcriptionally CD94 and NKG2A.45,46 However, in contrast to induction of upregulated cytotoxicity molecules for tumor cell lysis. Next, we aimed cytotoxicity via IL-12, mainly IL-2 has been implicated in this to identify the subset of differentiated ILC3s that mediates the 43 1 process. Thus, Eomes-dependent cytotoxicity can be induced in cytotoxicity in the K562 cocultures. Considering both tonsillar NKp44 2 both innate and adaptive lymphocyte populations, and type (Figure 7C) and splenic NCR (supplemental Figure 6C) ILC3 1 1 1–inducing proinflammatory conditions favor its development. cultures, the degree of cytotoxicity correlated best with Eomes T-bet cells. Taken together, our data indicated that IL-12 and IL-15 promoted These considerations suggest that an immunologically important acquisition of both phenotypic and functional traits associated with NK effector function, like Eomes-dependent cytotoxicity, can develop in cells, which were strongly associated with the expression of Eomes. a variety of innate and adaptive lymphocyte populations due to inflammatory conditions, such as, for example, chronic viral Discussion infections. According to our data, ILC3s are not exempt from 1 differentiation to cytotoxic NK-cell–like lymphocytes, primarily after Our studies demonstrate that human ILC3s give rise to Eomes T- 1/2 1/2 stimulation with IL-12 and IL-15. They might even be exceptionally bet CD94 cytotoxic innate lymphocytes that also express well localized at mucosal barriers to exert cytotoxicity against virus- NK-cell receptors like CD56, NKG2A, NKG2C, and CD16. In infected and tumor cells at these sites and could be harnessed a addition, they produce the hallmark cytokines of NK cells, TNF and to a during vaccination by the right choice of adjuvant. lesser extent IFNg, and upregulate cytotoxic molecules, primarily granzymes. They kill target cells less efficiently than classical NK cells Acknowledgments and with slower kinetics. This could be due to the heterogeneity Calculations were performed at the sciCORE (http://scicore.unibas. of the differentiated cells, containing smaller subsets of truly ch/) scientific computing core facility at the University of Basel. cytotoxic lymphocytes. However, these seem to kill with perforin/ This work was supported in part by Cancer Research granzymes, FasL, and TRAIL–mediated cytotoxicity, similar to NK cells. Switzerland (KFS-3234-08-2013 and KFS-4091-02-2017), World- Acquisition of cytolytic traits is augmented by stimulation with IL-12 and wide Cancer Research (14-1033), SPARKS (15UOZ01), KFSPMS IL-15, but ILC3s acquire cytotoxicity also in the presence of IL-2 and IL-7. HHLD 1 2 and KFSP of the University of Zurich, the Sobek Foundation, In of recent findings, it is possible that Eomes cells in NCR ILC3 1 1 2 the Susy Ruckert¨ Foundation and Stiftung fur¨ das krebskranke cultures arise from tissue-resident CD127 CD117 NKp44 ILC 1 Kind, the Swiss Vaccine Research Institute, the Swiss Multiple precursors.33 However, we demonstrate that human NKp44 bona Sclerosis Society, and the Swiss National Science Foundation fide ILC3s from secondary lymphoid tissues can develop into functional (310030_162560 and CRSII3_160708). equivalents of NK cells, and this developmental pathway, which demonstrates many similarities to NK-cell differentiation from stage 3 Authorship precursors,17,18 might provide cytotoxic protection at mucosal barriers. Contribution: A.R., P.C., V.L., F.M.L., and I.Q. planned and performed Indeed, the development of innate cytotoxic cells from different the experiments; R.I. analyzed the RNA-seq data; J.D.L., D.F., and cellular sources seems to be occurring at barrier sites. In addition to G.F. supervised the study; and A.R., O.C., and C.M. designed the differentiation from innate lymphocytes, it has been demonstrated 1 study and wrote the manuscript. that upon IL-15 stimulation, intraepithelial CD8 T cells exert cytotoxic functions independent of the T-cell receptor (TCR) and Conflict-of-interest disclosure: The authors declare no compet- mainly via the prototypical activating NK-cell receptor NKG2D.34,35 ing financial interests. These cells upregulate, along with NKG2C, NKp46, and NKp44, other Correspondence: Christian Munz,¨ Viral Immunobiology, NK-cell receptors and can be observed in the gut of celiac disease Institute of Experimental Immunology, University of Zurich,¨ patients. Similarly, in the mouse, skin intraepithelial lymphocytes, Winterthurerstr 190, 8057 Zurich,¨ Switzerland; e-mail: chris- especially dendritic epidermal T cells, mediate their function through [email protected].


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