Appendix 1.3 - Hailsham South
Appendix 1.3 - Hailsham South 326 Sites 210_1310 Bolneys Wood Land, off A22 245_1310 Land West of Sustrans Route 283_1310 Land off Sandbanks Close 305_1310 Bolneys Farm, South Road 696_1310 Land Adjoining Summerhill Lane 701_1310 Land at Coppards 711_1510 Land at Bramley Farm 719_1510 Land at Little Bramley Farm 728_1310 Land south of Hailsham 808_1310 Coldthorne Barn, Coldthorne Lane 833_1310 Land South of Summerhill Lane 845_1310 2 Summerhill Cottages, Summerhill Lane 846_1310 Summerhill Barn 851_1310 1 Summerhill Cottages, Summerhill Lane 854_1310 Creepers Cottage, Coldthorn Lane 856_1310 Byeways, Sayerland Lane 871_1510 Land on the South East Side of Sayerland Lane 872_1510 Bay Tree House, Baytree Lane 882_1310 Land on North West Site of Coldthorn Lane 890_1310 Coldthorn Cottage, Coldthorn Lane 891_1510 Land at Stockhall Farm, Summerhill Lane 895_1310 Davmau Farm, Coldthorn Lane 896_1510 (ex 256_1510) Land at and Adjoining Baytree Farm 327 210/1310 Bolneys Wood Land off A22, Hailsham South Ecological Assessment Site overview The site is situated on the urban fringe of south Hailsham with land to the east, south and west being dominated by woodland and pasture. The site lies in close proximity to the A22 dual carriageway offering easy access to the site from the west. The site is primarily dense ancient and/or semi-natural woodland. Open rides of semi-improved grassland are present to accommodate electricity pylons and electrical cables, which run through the site in a broadly north- south direction. There are also three ponds present within the woodland itself. The local soils are seasonally wet, slightly acid but base rich loams and clays.
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