or the past 20 and numerous hanges are ex- to be further announced reorganization meeting bn

judge; and James

John Kulish, who will serve . ANTON YIT JR. ALLAN L. TUMARKIN - JAMES WELSH, as mayor in the new administra­ tion, confirmed the appointments township attorney In 1951, as and 1952, and as acting-magis­ gress Club. . ;r. to an Interview with the Hillside . acteg magistrate and on the trate between 1952 dnd 1955. James Welsh will replace Times. The men will take office township committee during the He is a past president Of toe- Harold Wovsanlker as prosecu­ on January 1st, . ’60s.' Hillside Republican Club and a tor. Welsh, who Is 27 years old, Ailan' L. Tuffiarkln will replace former-member of the Union was admitted to the bar In 1971. Anton A .Vlt Jr. will replace Robert. Diamond as municipal County Republican Executive He is a graduate of Rutgers to Assemblyman Alexander Menza court judge. He has practiced Committee. In 1968 he was Camden. His practice is to as township attorney. Vlt| who law since 1928 and has also. been selected “ Outstanding Re-, Kearny. has, practiced law since -1929, admitted to practice in the Su­ publican” bythe Republican Club. He lives at 531 Conant St. lives at 36 Hollywood' Ave. with preme Court. His law office . Is Also he has served as Assistant with his wife Patricia Am, who his wife Louise, They have two at 9 Clinton St, -In Newark. Union County Attorney from 1969 teaches second grade at the Say- children, Mrs. Irma Crlsman Tumarkih resides at 136 North to 1978. brook school. They have a son, and Mrs, Toni Gehrmann. Ave, with jits wife, the former Turnarkin Is a Past Master of Jeffrey, who Is one year old, Ready To Rule The Court He holds' a law degree from Edith. Malnker. They have two Columbia Lodge No, 17,f . & a m . Welsh Is a member of the New Rutgers and has been admitted married daughters, Barbara Past Grand Patron of the Order Jersey, Union County, and West The' Hillside High team: from left, standing, Coach Joe Silver, Ron Fischer, Al Carasio, Carl Lee, Barry to appear before the Supreme Busch and Linda Stamler, of the Golden Chain, Presidents! Hudson- Bar Association. He to - Reginstein, Mike Atkinson, John Stensler. Kneeling, Tom Renolds, Harvey Wooten, Mike Maddalena, Steve Buckeweki,' Court. A life long Republican, He has ' served as special Lodge No. 1514 B’nai B ’rlto, and also a member and legal council he has served to HUlslde as of the Hillside Jaycees. Tom Barnett. The Comets lost the opening game to Scotch Plains, 62-48. Detail* on Page 10. (Photo by Don Shagal) township attorney between i960 past President of Men's Pro-

Santa w illbeat toeTire stations Charlotte De Filippo Enters to San,aExp* Visit with pre-school chil'drenj ,8d He w ill be at the Hollywood Town Receives Big Check Aye. station on Dec, 19th, 9100 a.m. to* 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. The township has received a Kulish, who will become mayor expected during toe first week Kulish stated that the C015- Board Of Education Contest to 3:00 p.m. Hillside Ave. station check to toe mail this week tor on January first, stated that the of January. mlttee would “ take a hard look Dec. 20, during the same hours. $135,472, toe first payment un- money will be put, in the bank The townshlg Is slated to re­ at the situation and use toe money Mothers may bring their own der toe new federal revenue shar- for 90 days’ to oollect interest ceive $270,000’' a,year under re­ wisely.” He said he hoped the Hillside Board of Education. She board; Mrs. De Filippo has camera. Pictures will be avail-- program. and the new To'wnShip ComWt- ’ venue sharing, and the first two money would be used “ to give is married .to A De Filippo, a • served as chairman of the pre­ Finance Commissioner John tee will decide what to do with checks are tor 1972, Payments better service to toe community life-long - resident of Hillside, school section.of the Saybrobk it. Kulish nbted that a second for 1973 and future years will be while keeping an eye on the tax and has a son, Michael. Mrs. P .T .A : Tor the past two years. check tor the same amount is quarterly, • dollar.” ; De Filippo attended Hillside Ave­ She Is a member of the Citizens nue School, Hillside High School Advisory Committee to the Board L o rd ) O n High School: -Qoiiegb.-She o f Education and a member of Is currently a substitute teacher New Jersey Citizens for Clean at St. Catherlhe’s School. ‘ ", Ajr» "No Decision Made'1 Mrs. DO Filippo has taken an . Mrs, De Filippo stated that she will conduct a'campaign active role in community affairs Mr. Alfred J, Lprdi, President of the Hillside Board of Education for many years. She is past chair­ dedicated to citizen Involvement h%s issued the following statement: man of the ftillside Conservation' in schooL affairs with emphasis “ In order' to dispel any and all rumors regarding the futurebl and Beautification Committee, a upon accountability for admin­ the'High School program, I would-like It clearly understood by toe member of thfe HfllsldiTBoard of istrative- decision's, “ Problems citizens of Hillside *that the Board of Education has not made any Health, Chairman of the 1972 are facihg educators In ' this Heart Fund Drive in Hillside,and community which should have, decision regarding toe present High School program. The Education Cannister Chairman in the 1971 been resolved before new pro­ Committee and toe Board of Education as a whole have been meet­ drive, . grams wejre -implemented, ” she ing with, students, teachers and. administration to better assess the CHARLOTTE DE FILIPPO present program.” ? She originated the "cans are said. ' - . Mrs. .Charlotte De Filippo of cash” recycling . program “ New leadership must arise Mr. Lordi stated that in response'to any inquiries, he felt it ab­ 122 Coe Avenue, .has announced Hillside, and is a' member of to 5face our.,probiems and deal solutely essential to inform toe'public through the Hillside Times her candidacy for election to the the Sajbrook P .T .A executive with them 6ffectlfely,’,she" con?' that «P decision had been made.

CHRISTMAS PARTY; This Sunday, December i7,. 1972, ,S:QC P.M . to 5:00 1?.M., the Hillside Knights of Columbus will provide a Explained In Lec Christmas Partydlor^he -rnember ’js chlrirgn a nd relatives;- —

VIEW OF ICELAND: Ted Mayhew told Hillside Rotary Tuesday Intelligence and an* slty. about hls- expe rieneg.on a- recent- trip to loe iaedi A-beautiful-tilm- 1..fields ...of..practical.—— m- faite- lB-here- to ■enjoy;,' "gald- ■ showed the countryside including the snow-covered mountains and life. One naturally becomes Miss Petti. “ With a full heart the hot water geysers. Modern, is the word for this small country- more creative* more energetic, and mind one' can naturally en­ and its capital Reyjkavlk. The club's Christmas party will take place- happier within himself,” said joy life to. the fullest. Medita­ next Wednesday at College Inn. Miss Petti. . t ' ■ :Y tion. is p. Joy, It provides deep •Discussing the development of rest, dissolves stress and ten-, HOME RANSACKED: Gloria St. Lifer of 219 Surry Road reported' the Meditation movement, Miss sions that otherwise cramp the to police Wednesday of last week tbather hoffii was broken into and- Petti said that the Maharlshi Ma- heart and mind. Throqgh the ransacked. hesh Yogi brought the knowledge practice of Transcendental Med­ ' f * * * * * * £ of It to the United States where itation naturally, spontaneously, ELECTRIC'WIRE DOWN: Marie Eller of 45 Looker St; reported to there are now 80,000 meditators. easily, the heart and mind be- • police Wednesday of last week that an electric wire was down at 43 GALE MARIE PETTI The technique is offerefl by stur come fu ll," she said. \ Looker St. The police notified Public Service. dents International Mpditatinn — Tcanscendental.-Medltatlnn.ls.- — She-gtated-thgt-sciWltHlC"~rg ~ Society^ a non-profit educational a simple,' natural technique’ of search has beer? done in-the HUB CAPS FOUND: Reginald Martin of 1314 Myrtle Ave. reported organization. gaining deep rest that is easily United States, England, Sweden to police last Thursday that he found 4-hub caps-at-30 3 Central Ave. Gale Marie pettf, 22, is a learned b y everyone,' according ■and*-Germany which has mea­ to-Gale Marie Petti o f Hillside graduate of Hillside High School. GLASS BROKEN:' Max ICatcher Of 283 Ccmklin Ave, reported tb sured the growth of Creative. Who will lecture on the subject She has attended Rutgers. She Intelligence ..through Transcen­ police last Friday .that someone broke .a pane of glass in his front tonight at ? p.m, .at her home, began meditating two years ago dental Meditation in terms of at 35 Quabeck Ave, : . -I and has attended Maharlshi in­ Increased perceptual ability, fas­ Meditation, said Miss . Petti, ternational University and has - TAKE SNOW TIRES; Jean. Bernstein of 1113 Salem Ave reported to ter 1 reaction tim e; improved is practiced twice a day for 15 become a teacher of Transcen­ police last Sunday that her garage was entered and two snow tires- grades in school and Improved or 20 minutes, "The deep rest dental Meditation. At the end taken. well being. ■ Apply Finishing Touches dissolves accumulated stress and of the month she will be leaving^ ' k’.Ttie growing research and ex­ fatigue. Stability Of mind and Hillside to attend an advanced Members of the Social Action Committee at.Seton Hall University put the finishing BRASS DETONATORS MISSING: Rudy Hooker of Union reported to periments- on Transcendental harmony In action are natural re­ bourse at the Maharlshi Inter­ police last Monday that 138,000 pounds of brass detonators and scrap Meditation show the increasing touches on the giant Christmas tree which will be one of the main attractions for the sults of Transcendental Medita­ national University, which is UK had been taken from the H and H Swiss Screw Machine Corp, 1478 scientific acceptance of the ef- group's annual Christmas Party December 17 for more than 60 youngsters from tion,’’ she added. cated In Spain. Chestnut Ave, in,a period o f a year. ■ fects and benefits of the prac­ Queen of Angels and other schools in Newark. Santa Claus Will also attend the party “ The need of our time is for • Her sister Patricia, formerly tice,” she said. man to be more creative, more to distribute new toys to the guests. RIGHT FRONT WIN/DOW BROKEN: Albert Steinmanof 1418 orchard a teacher In the Newark school Miss Petti said that all are energetic; happier within him­ Terrace reported to police last Tuesday that someone,hadbroken the system, is presently in Spain welcome to come and listen to Among the students involved in the hpliday! event are (from left) Mary Newman,. self. Transcendental Meditation right from window of„his.naar wfiffe'it was parked at his home. teaching a children's class at tonight’s lecture. For Informa­ Terry Lavin, Nancy Dugan, Barbara Gonos o^Hillside, aniHiob Henry on the,ladder.’ allows* contact with the-field of Maharlshi International Unlver- tion, call 638-8744. Ms. Gonos is a junior elementary education major at Seton Hall. ‘ M A C 2, THE N.J. HILLSIDE TIMES, THURSDAY] DECEM BER 14,1ST* Editorial Jaycees peclare Sunday As Reporting Ail Wives' Recognition Night"

Carol, a' young wife and business trips for his company, ones, For Hits reason,, the mother, smiled cheerfully, even but both he and carol felTthat Jaycees each y. ar formally ex­ The N ew s though her husband, BUI, would' he was needed, for that Sunday press their appreciation to their be going oft to another Jaycee was the day of toe Hillside Health wives, fiancees qr. girlfriends activity. BUI had only recently Fair, for which the Jaycees had for their cooperation and under­ In recent weeks, a tew students and coaches at Hillside High returned from one of his frequent volunteered their services. Bill standing. -The form of that ex­ School have expressed some displeasure over the sports reporting woidd come home-later that day pression of gratitude is the An­ In this newspaper. We have always strived to provide extensive, to share with Cgr$J his sense nual Wives’ Recognition Night, of accomplishment and satis fa­ This year. Wives’ Recqngltlon colorful and fair coverage of the student sports scene, and we Be­ Publicity about our local cltib w ill be< a Theater Party to be lieve we have succeeded. . , or organisation must be received tten-in knowing that he had done held at the Flrehodse Theater on When the Comets do well, their stories and pictures are spread by Monday afternoon to be something for the people of Hill­ Sunday, December 17r 7:00 P, M. out on the sports page and everyone Is happy. But when they lose, as Elks Distribute Food Baskets included in the following Thurs­ side. all athletes must at, times, 'we report that also, but everyone is not ■ day's Hillside Times. This story Is repeated count­ The program will consist of a happy. Some people criticize us and our reporters for reporting the Some of the food baskets that were distributed Thanksgiving time to needy Releases should be typed and less times In the lives of the Buffet Dinner and a show by the bad news, families by the Hillside Lodge of Elks, ere shown above, and the Committee that was double spaced. Hillside Jaycees and their loved • Firehouse p ayers, -‘‘ No Exit/’’ Much as we want the teams to do well, our basic function Is to in charge. Inform our readers how they have done. And when they lose, we must report that they have lost. Those students and Coaches who spend time criticizing us for reporting the bad along with toe-good Back Dea tfr Penal ty LYONS FARM MANOR would serve thelr cause better if they devoted that time to improving At the December S meetlngof state capital puniqhm*ntrto-con» the school's teams to that there would be more good news to report the Linden Hillside Tennage Re­ tact him. 400 B IO T ST. COR. HARVARD AVE. and-we would all be happy. publicans in Hillside, the club The TARs also approved a plat­ EVERY FRIDAY & SATURDAY The actions of some of the coaches have been particularly dis­ Your Datebook decided to sponsor a referendum form against busing for Integra­ turbing. Can- reporters, who are students at the school, have been on the sate ballot to relnsUte tion, legalizing marijuana, and F E A T U R IN G T H E S H O R T S lectured to, screamed at and asked to make public apologies to the death penalty In New Jersey. communism. It voted In favor of NEW YEAR'S EVE RESERVATIONS the teams. When was the last time Weeb Ewbank demanded that a A similar referendum was re­ strict environmental controls. NOW BEING ACCEPTED..$25 PER COUPLE New York"sports reporter come Into the Jets locker room and apol­ cently passed by a commanding The club voted also to favor TODAY, DECEMBER 14 Family ityle dinner • Favors . ogize to the players? majority to California. o f Don Gottwerth of Irvington to "No Exit,” Firehouse Theater Hats - Noisemakers - Entertainment Part of the Job of a good coach Is to prepare his players to accept The club's chairman, Clint become co-advisor. Gottwerth Lecture, Transcendental Mediation) by Gale Marie Petti) 85 Quabeck gollck of HUlslde' urged all clubs was a leader In the opposition defeat and accept 'it with grace and honor. Coaches who teach their WEDDINGS - PARTIES - BANQUETS Ave. 8 p.m. .. ■ . ■’ and individuals who would like td of the defeated .transportation teams to look for scapegoats are-irresponsible, Meeting, JWV Post 78, Camptown Post 19|1. Building, 86 Chestnut aid the club to Its fight to reta- bilh 3 Meeting Rooms 20-250 Persons Ave., Irvington, 8:80 p.m. FOR RESERVATIONS PHONE 688-9601

FRIDAY DECEMBER 15 "No E xit," Firehouse Theater ONE GUY IN HILLSIDE SERVING ESSEX & UNION COUNTIES OVER 42 YEARS UNICO Christmas Party, College Inh Public Opinion Old Guard Christmas Party^Hillslde Presbyterian Church Will Heet All Catalog Competition MEAT W I T H OIL HEAT COMFORT IS A r PTA Meeting, Calvin Coolidge School, 7:30 P.M. m m LOW COST LUXURY FOR Ttle Hillside Timet encourages numerous Moslem countries win D V | b HOME OR FACTORY! He readers to tubmit letter* to only vote one way. Strange as SATURDAY1 DECEMBER 16 the editor on matter* of Internet it may seem the very, "body" "N o Exit," Firehouse Theater ■ HEW HOME BUILDERS ECONOMY ft A BONUS to the township. All letter* mutt that- created Israel is now on the Recycling, behind Maintenance garage on Hillside Ave,, 9-11 &.m. Will Not Be No Oth«r Hut it Cleaner or at Safe ! be signed, but the author'* name path to try destroying her. Puppet Show, George Washington School PTA) 1 p.m. 1/3 the Cost of Gat or Electric end address will be withheld on The noted author, Eric Hoffer, Our Modern 1973 Oil Burntr, request, but never if the letter ti has written "that things per­ - SUNDAY DECEMBER 17 . . Of a political nature, I TO Our Specification.To mitted to other nations are for­ "N o E xit," Firehouse Theater Sme■ On Fuel & Service, Guaranteed For 1 Year. 9 5 Undersold Letters should not exceed 200 bidden to the Jews and other na­ Concert, New Jersey Symphony, Irvington High School, 3 P.M. Residential & Commercial * 9 9 word* in length end must be tions when victorious on the Meeting, Hillside Israel Committee, Temple Shomrei Torah, 7:30 p.m. ______£ Central Air Conditioning Completely Installed typewritten and double-spaced. 'battlefield dictate peace terms. The Hillside Time* reserves But when Israel Is victorious it MONDAY DECEMBER 18 . the right to edit or .reject any must sue for peace. Everyone Sisterhood-meeting, Congregation Sinai Torato Chaim- , TOBIA’S BBD APPLIANCES KINGSTON FUEL CO. 686*5553 tetter. 215 Rt. 22 Watt, Hilltide expects the Jews to be the only Sisterhood meeting, Temple Shomrei Torah, 12:30 P.M, 1299 LIBERTY M L 9 2 3 -7 7 M - 7 7 (9 Letter* may be addressed to real Christians to this world.” TUESDAY DECEMBER 19 Editor, The Hillside Times, 1443 The United Nations should actl Rotgry N. Broad St., Hillside, N.J, Not by condemning or by sanction Township Committee meeting, Municipal building, 8 p.m, 0720S. but by bringing to the peace table Santa visits pre-school children, Hollywood Ave. fire station, the vanquished and toe victorious. 9-noon, 1-3 P.M.

Israel At U.N. JAfry Felker • WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 20 1630 Nottingham Way • To the, Editor s - High School band prdgram,. High School auditorium, 8 P.M. Mountainside, N.J. Once again the issue of Israel Meeting, Flo Okto, Temple Sharey Shalom, Springfield, 8 P.M. comes before the United Nations. B’ nal B’rito meeting, Temple Shomrei Torah, 8:30 P.M. Santa visits pre-school children, Hillside Ave. fire station, 9-noon, One can almost predict the out­ A ll news andpubllcltyreleases l-fr-panr- . come of the vote. Those nations sent to The Hillside Times should. tfej, ■ • i> Or eA l . 1 1 on Soviet aid and toe typed end double spaceijil Holiday p artyforjd d s, age 4-10,. &45-5 p.m. HUlalcte Community Center. BLUE RIBBON INN 256 HOLLYWOOD AVE. HILLSIDE, N.J. Your Group Can Be 965-1800 353-9879 CHRISTMAS PARTY Listed In The Datebook AND MAMA’S Your organization or trlub’ s regular meetings can be listed irrthe BIRTHDAY PARTY COMBINED Datebook. Please fill to this coupon and mall to: Hillside Times, 1443 N.“ Broad S t, Hillside, NJ.J7205, Special events can be Usjed SATURDAY, DECEMBER 23 If -received by Monday afternoon prior to Thursday publication. from 9 p .m . to 2 a.m. DELICIOUS BUFFET Name of Club. Music by JIMM IE M LE Meeting T im e ...... The Money Shop’ ______8 SALLY JOHNSON Meeting P la c e , ;. . ..

. Publicity Chairman. for Paying Holiday Bills NEW YEAR’S EVE PARTY Telephone '...... SUNDAY, DEC. 3 7 If your cash is getting 'shorter as Christmas gets closer, stop in at one 9 p jn . until - — 5 of our "Money Shops" for a money package to ftay your hoiiday bills.

DELICIOUS SMORGASBORD- DOOR PRIZES Call 923-9207 to place an ad. Creative Arts Group HATS-NOISEMAKERS-FAVORS DANCING - $5 PER PERSON - 3 BANDS THE HILLSIDE TIMES Schedules Critique MAKE YOUR RESERVATION EARLY MEMBER NEW JERSEY Hillside Creative Arts will hold PRESS ASSOCIATION a critique of members'art works s aPersonal Loans i l Country & Western Music Every Fri. & Sat. Nite on Monday Dec. 18 at 7:80 p.m. Published weekly by Hillside Budget terms and easy, repayment plans can solve quick-cash needs . Times Publishing Co. tom at 1443 at the Community Center, 274 Hillside Ave. ______for all yoqr holiday expenses. The “ doe and don’ts " of tech- 07206. 8IDNE Y SILVERSTEIN, Editor nlque, composition, etc. will be @ o lU & e and Publisher. 1 conducted by the noted artist SARAH SILVERSTEIN, and Instructor Hannah Hoffman m YALE AVE. 00H. NEW YORK PLACE Assistant Advertising Manager. of Elizabeth. Mrs. Hoffmtqi Is a BERNARD LEVINE, Assistant past president of titosN.J, Water- Constant Credit Checking color Society and has won num­ Editor, MIKE LEWIS TRIO erous awards In all media. The f'Cash-Reserves" checking account that lets you write checks for Thursday, December 14, 1972. All Interested persons are In­ H & ftry fri. & Sat. - Starting Nov. 3rd Subscription per year $5.50 any­ more than your balance ■—whenever you need. where to toe United States. vited to attend this informative session. Refreshments will:-be Weddings, Parties, Banquets Single copy 15 cento, served, , Second class postage paid'at — For -R»99rrofion» Phone-MO-8469S-— Elizabeth, New Jersey. VOL, XLDC NO. 7__ ; Rispoli On ~ HOP UsIlEEP 1973 Christmas CM>s MITTLEMAN BROS. INC. YOUR CITY CLEAN Honor Roll The bfestjway to save for next years bwP Central Home Trust's QUALITY BAKERS Christmas Clubs are open now. 'Start saving this year for -a merrier ROSELLE-LtPPMAN 08. Christmasnextyear. 1594 Maple AVe WAverly 3-6212 Headmaster E. Staridlsh Brad­ M4 Elimbclli ford, Jr. has announced that Vin­ DHw It. D j. cent S. Rispoli Jr,, « Jos? A VARIETY OF Voorhees Street to on the Honor m Roll at Newark Academy, Living­ ^cntralj-jom ejrust DELICIOUS SIDNEY T. HOLT ston for maintaining an average MArket 3-8379 3-2739 of B- or better during the first PIES CAKES COOKIES "U .S.G." E ST 1882 marking period ati the schbAl.' Official Diamond Appraiser Q A UNITED JERSEY BANK "Where PeOpieMake the Omrenoe" Fresh Bread & Rolls 4 Times Daily BY APPOINTMENT ONLY ; MEMBER FE&ERAL pBPOSIT INSURANCE COAP.QRATIOti aml-FEOERAL RESERVE Si STEM Wa SMcialiig la ' ROOM 1001 10TH FLOOR The Hillside Times readies, W S ilM . Birthday, B nr M l toy nil It Party cnfcen 790 BROAD ST.. Kinney BM*. more than 3600Hillside families." Serving ElizabethlVith 6, convenient locations: Downtown, The Port and Elm or a. You can reach them too in Its classified ad columns. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14,1972, THE R.J. HILLSID E TIMER, PA RE I

rehabilitate them? The commis­ tional Commission on Marijuana Independents Sponsor RmmM From sion would study this question and Drug Abuse appointed by : fully-,, getting expert opinion aiid President ’Nixon has made its reviewing all experience wiRi an own study and corns Ap with Fiirst Christmas Pa j j \ i . by ASSEMBLYMAN Si . is the Bateman school aiq Jjilij,; district lh: the' state'{an equal eye jowtird chttilng up with some recommendation* jfn q ' (ny bli| ALEXANDER J. MENZA T h » is the pion-pul forward by 5 amount of money foioducatlbn*- effective medicine in Our effort seeks to do something of the The Hillside Independent Another holiday season Is up­ d?* Senate President, Raymond the same-per-pupil share for Ne­ to treat the drug cidsls. The Na­ same thing on a statewide level .Voter* Association held its first on us, and the curtain will soon H. Bateman, to give each school wark as for Short Hills., This Christmas party, Sunday, seme down on 1872. We In the Hues connecting with PATH to would be the formula to be used December 10, 1972, at the Blue New - Jersey Legls lature have on­ provide for connections between until such ! time as any major Ribt>dh Inn, Hillside, |t;|. There ly one rtore session In Which to Pffsenger lines and branches of reform of the state bixation sys­ were 250 members, guests, chil­ clear up unfinished business be­ EMZIGEK’S the Erie 'Lackawanna Railroad tem is carried out. dren, an all the members from fore we reconvene around the and the Penn Central * Railroad. The 711 Club present. In, the Assembly, JohJCp. middle of January. . -Santa Claus was portrayed by It’s expected that 1,500 addit­ Froude of Middlesex is sponsor­ CHILDREN’S WEAR The major news out Of Tren­ ional passengers wQu ld .be able to Dominick F. Peterpaul, who dis­ ing an amendment deslgnedto TIOA Liberty Ave., Hillside ton Is the plan to Improve PATH make use of this new system, tributed Christmas toys, gifts, increase the amout of scjiopl aid (H illside Shopping Center) service for rail commuters ^ and ahd candy times to 120 children. practically all of'them Union under the Bateman formula, and Ample Free Parking Refreshments were servedbythe this Is especially good news tor SoUnty residents, and this pro­ this would give Union Courtty an lattes of the social committee. Union Countybec'ausewe’ llbene­ mises to be orte o f the major additional million dollars for Fashions Galorall The 'Chrlstmas party was planned fit the most. The new bill pas­ accomplishments In years in the the new school fiscal year. El­ We h a ve a trem endous by Rita Loeb -and Barbara a. sed by the Assembly on Nov. 29 area of keeping our mass tfans- izabeth would receive an addit­ proposes extending the PATH Selection To choose from in Sasoveti, .co-chairmen - of the lt facilities alive and well. ional $89,966, Union, Township {affair. _ line to Plainfield, plus authoriz­ 1 also expect that New York*would get $87,460 more, and • Fall and Holiday Clothing ing improvements to railroad jUtto. w ill Klve -ite approval in Plainfield would . receive For Boys-Girlsand Infants New Jersey’s share of the cost February.' As for the funding, $255,573. ln :|tot? every m © * Wear. Use Our Convenient Hold Brunch A few of the people w ho: enjoyed the Christmas party would be 100 to 112 million. . It’s expected that from 50 to clpallty in Union County except Lay-A w ay. OiSToffieF issue of major lnr=- -900- million dollars would come - j ~r The December meeting of the sponsored b y the Independent Voters Association. < Garwood would receive addition­ Open- Emry Evening to 9 p.m. portance that we’ re dealing with from the Port Authority, while Until Christ mat | teachers sorority, Alpha Delta al aid under Froude’ s bill.' j Kappa, was held Sunday at the Two 'o f my own bills were ti. home of Mrs. Evelyn' Schueler. Sisterhood To passed by the Assembly on Nov, { Co-hostesses at the brunch were Martin And Rail Join Franklin State 29 — — the child-abuse legislation If re , Adeline Harmon ahd Mrs. Exchange Gifts that would permit doctors In hos­ Edna Friedman. Francis A. Martin and ROy J. the New Jersey Association of was announced by John J. Mc­ pitals to hold battered'ehlldren In t President, Miss Doris Dufek Rell have recently been appointed Credit Executives. Dermott, Jr, president of protective custody until the.lr '• and Altruistic Chairman, Mrs. Sisterhood of Sinai Torah to positions with the Franklin Mr. Rell has served In the U.S. Franklin Commercial Corp, parents are Investigated, and a {F lo re n c e ' Crater, brought the Chaim • will hold its regular State Bank. Coast Guard and he is a graduate Mr. Martin Is a graduate of measure that provides psy­ ' Roy J. Rell has Joined ths' 334 Yele Ave. 6SU696 Hillside, N.J i members up to date on the pro- -meeting bn Monday evening De­ of Rutgers University and the Upsala College where he majored chological and psychiatric exam - cember .18 In Esther Berkowitz Franklin State Bank as an Assis­ Stonier Graduate School of Bank­ j gross of the chapter's work In in accounting and business ad­ tnations for ail new police re-' Hall at which time the Annum tant V ic e "President In the C om *' ing. He has also attended Dun ^assisting the Kidney Fund. ministration. He has served in emits. The latter bill also w&uld Make Your Reservations Miss Jeanne Simonet was a- Chanukah celebration will take merclal Lending Department of & Bradstreet Credit Courses the U.S. Army National Guard 'Shift authority for police stan­ ■' gain the .recipient of individual jplace with'the exchange of gifts the Unicin County Division, it was ' and various American Institutes and in a member of the Finan­ dards from the C ivil service , -remembrances from the mam- among members along with the announced by Anthony D, Scho- of Banking classes. cial Executives Institute. Commission and give it to a hew Earl; For New Year^ Eve Part; | bershlp. * festivities. ‘ ; berlj president Mr. Rell presently resides in Mr. Martin was previously as­ Police Training Commission Mr. Rell was formerly Dumont, N.J. with his wife, Mar­ sociated with Arrowood Mills, Botti of these bills ere now pen­ Mrs. Marvin Corwlck will p re - associated with the Garden State guerite, and their three child­ Inc. where he was a vice presid­ ding before the Senate. ‘I sido over the last meeting o f (he National - Bank, where he worked ren. ent In charge of finance. For information call MR 8-1696 year and election of. officers {or directly with the Senior Loan Of­ Mr. Rell -will be* responsible Prior to joining Arrowood, Mr. As my filial legislative action Band 1973 wtlf't&ke place with M rs. ficer and President in developing for the coordination and develop* Martin was manager of client of the year, I am sponsoring a $35 - PER COUPLE Harvey Raffle announcing the new and maintaining a ll commerlcal ment of branch credits, administration for John P. Mag­ bill calling for the creation of a slate. Installation o f o ffic ers -loans surd lines of c red it Francis A. Martin has been uire & Co. hie. a leading factor 6-member commission to study FULL COURSE PRIME RIBS OF BEEF DINNER along with those of theCongrega- ; Mr, R ell has been a member appointed Vice President of and , commercial finance com­ the penalties now being Imposed Show gatlon , and Mens Club will take of the Bergen County Bankers Franklin Commercial Corpora* pany. He was previously a senior on drug users in New Jersey. fIN T PER COUPLE;* HATS ft N0ISEMAKERS place on Sunday evening January Association and is a former pres­ tlon, a wholly owned subsidiary accountant with Price Water- The question here is: Should we 7th. - — S B ■■Ssski ident o f the Banking Division of of the Franklin State Bank, It BAND ft BROADWAY FLOOR SHOW Set house & Cofvr fjgajai punish drug users or should we

*■’ A galaevent has been scheduled ^for-Wednesday, December 20th at 8:0© p.nr. at the Hillside High School Auditorium, The high school dance and concert hands n ^ z o x q s. ^ js .u j ztzxi. under the direction of Mr. Sey­ mour Stein and a vocal ensemble under tbs direction of Mrs. Barbara' Brandyberry will par- 342 CHESTNUT ST. 5 Points Shopping Cenl UNION • 687-3707

ttlme H I 1 throughout f-sollclt a fifty cent The ^contributions will be placed In the. Hillside High School Band Fund. Beciuse of inclement weather, the whole -town could not be ■ covered during last week’s dis­ tribution efforts. For additional tickets, the music department of the high school .may be contacted. Recycling Saturday

On Saturday, December 16th, the Environmental Science Club o f -Hillside High School will spon­ sor the recycling for the month of-peoember. Due to the holiday season the hours will be altered. Anyone with glass or newspapers may bring -them behind the Main* tenance-GSrage on Hillside Ave. between the hours to 11:00 a,m. During these hours . members of the club will be present to receive, the articles. All newspapers should be tied and all glass rinsed and metal rings removed. Your co-opera­ tion Is greatly appreciated: Plan Party For Next Week. Kids

On Wednesday, December 20, the Hillside Community Center w ill give its third annual Holiday Party for children between the ages of 4 and 10. The party will be held at the Center between 3:45 and 5:00 p.m- The activities will center a- round sklll-type^games and pri­ mes will be awarded to all. All of -Hillside's children between the ages of 4 and lg, are Invited.'

Wins Letter

Robert J. Hendrickson, Ath­ letic Director of Newark Aca­ N demy, Livingston, presented lo­ cal boys with athletic letters fo r fall sports during a special assembly held recently at the 1 school, w * ' Anthony Sylvester, 922,Sterner 1 Qokn. ^ £ 0 "Road, earned an award for Mid­ get Football. 342 CHESTNUT ST. S h .ip p ir '0 f UNION •687-3707 • 'Call 923-9207 to place an ad. M M «, THE N.J. HILLSIDE TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEM BER M , 1|72 Zsido-Moluse Wadding Public Defender Stresses 99 I# Presenting “Funny Girl The SnrWfi.M Springfield Community ^ H I Players will ba presenting the Need For Pencil Reform musical “ Funny Ctrl” on Satur­ day and Sunday avanlnga, Jan 13 Douglas Hanson, assistant de­ will be held Jan. 29, at the King­ •od 14 and Jan 10 and 21 at the Increasing the duds from $16 to Jonathan Dayton Regional High puty public defender for Union ston > Restaurant for the benefit $18. School In Springfield. .County, stressed thg need for of the scholarship fund. Plans were made to attend per­ Curtain times ara 8.-30 p.m. penal reform at a meeting of the . Mrs. Margaret Brookes repor­ formances at the Baperm|ll The­ for Saturday and 7:30 p.m. for Hillside Business and Profess­ ted that $124.10 was raised for atre on Jan. 21, Feb. U and March the Sunday performances, ional Women’ s Club In the King­ the scholarship fond through the It The tickets will be $4.75 Tickets are $3,00 and may ba ston Restaurant, Union. jewelry sale, The cUA approved purchased from anycast member - Hanson noted .that the bulk or by tailing the Sarah Bailey of cases handled today In the Civic Center in Springfield. .courts are drug related, while W a y s To Stop Muggers Playing the part of Fanny Brice the jails serve as "colleges of "-!• Cabbie Stavltaky of Springfield. crime.” Playing Eddie Ryan is Marvin "."Prisoners who learn how’ to Douglas Hanson, deputy assistant public defender for Union Cobnty Walnschel of Hillside. operate the lathe equipment ait the listed the following suggestions for members of the Hillside Busl- Mr. Wainschel appeared in the Rahway prison tor instance will ness and Professional Women’s Club to prevent muggers. Springfield. production of be unable to-find employment ad Travel ln groups. never go out alone. Never walk alone close to “ Mama" and hah also performed lathe operators- because the eq­ a building or up an alley, j with other theatre groups In the urea In “ Music Man,” “ Student uipment is outmoded,” the spea­ „ Never carry a pocketbopg by Its strips; boM T nstead ^p utxler Prince,” “ The New Moon” end ker continued. ~ the arm close to the body where It is hard to observe "Fleldermaua.” He le currently He recommended that many Always drive with the car doors locked. of the drug offenders should be staging In 20th Centry Ltd., Bar­ Cali your home to let your family know when you wllTarrlve. bershop Quartet and is Assistant removed from the court process, If you feel unsafe, call'the Pbllce and ask for anescort f o W Director of the Dapper Dans of -i'lt Would help to cut the court ckr at night J Harmopy, a Barbershop Quartet load,” he said. If attacked, do not put up a fight Carry only a little money with Singing Chorus that has won the The public defenders’ office, you. . . ' R ' TaSs international Championship for started In 1967 with three-attor- tiie second time. MRS. JOSEPH W. ZSIDO 'neys presently has 13 attorneys, seven investigators and nine St. John’s Catholic Church, . gfrootns brother Richard stenographers. Students To Perform Newark, was the setting Saturday 2sldo was best man. Mrs. Joan | Laws providing for the office December 9th tor the marriage Zsido. was matron of honor. were adopted because of the fail­ For Coolidge PTA i Of Miss Janice Carolyn Moluse, Bridesmaids were Tanya ure of the system under which all daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Parochniak, Jo Ann Doming, attorneys were supposed toperti- Calvin Coolidge School will I Moluse of 390 Long Avenue to Mary Anne Williams, and Mrs. cipate In representing . persons present its annual All School; Joseph Walter Zsido, son of Mr, Anna Zsido. Ushers were Lenard charged with crimes without and Mrs. John Zsido of 1123 Holiday Program. The students Badzlon, te e Wagner, Richard costs. Woodruff Avenue. The Reverend w ill perform at the P.T.A.] Smith and John Zsido brother os! Persons arrested for a crime The Hillside T lm e e w U ^ io ^ p ie c ^ tfp im e r ^ ^ p a p tto M ^ ^ d Donald Lukle, CSSR officiated the.groom. Meeting to be held bn Friday, may apply for a public defender December 15, 1R72 at 7:30 In accept photographs without be submitted exactly as it is to the double ring ceremony.. Following a honeymoon In If they are Indigent. An Income the School Gym. identification. Publicity pictures appear in the paper, Reception was held at the College California the couple will reside of less than $6,000 a year Is They will present a holiday should be accompanied by a type Persons in the photo should be In'Hillside.. considered indigent, he ex­ play “ The Llttlest Angel,” dir­ ption on -a separate identified, by rows, left to right. plained. The applicant must not ected by Miss C. Albizati. The own property. 6th, 7th, end 8th grade choir Wins A w ard Each person is interviewed by girla will sing directed by Mr. SUBURBAN “ T the attorney and aft investigator D. Kura, Vocal Music Teacher. WfcSTMINSTFR AVE , E1IZABETH 354 6655 John F. W. King, M.D. of Spy Division at a meeting of the Investigates the case before the The Kindergarten will also per­ Ho-Ho Kus was awarded the 1972 Division's Board of Trustees at form. court appearance. Physician’s Award by the Amer- the Upper Montclair Country Club ' The P.T.A. will provide an The speaker concluded by ur­ lean Cancer Society’ s New Jer- on December-14. Ice cream treat tor all the young­ ging that club members put the sters after their performance. pressure tn the right places for penal reform. He was Introduced by Mrs. Subscribe to .The LIBERTY PHARMACY Jacqueline Spits, club president. Times, j The 91st birthday anniversary BRAS & SWIMSUITS 1283 LIBERTY AVE. 923-2400 of Mrs. Emmdt T. White was ob­ served. Mrs, White was presen­ The Hillside Times will not EXPERTLY FITTED ted with a cake. accept photographs without Amazingly lifelike breast form looks, feels, arts like a 1 ' Candles made by Mrs. Vera WeWill Be Open identification. Publicity pictures true-life breast! Let our trained fitters help you with Studney were exhibited. should be accompanied by a type your own personal needs after breast surgery. . „ Mrs. Marie Oaltie, chairman, written caption on a separate CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT imtlounced that a Chinese auction piece of paper, T$g caption should w h • TENNIS 4k GOLF APPAREL ]a STOCK! • Sunday * Christmas Eva be submitted exaetly as it is to Shop Tuesday thru Saturday 9:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. appear to the paper. ^ . i Publicity about our local club Clowning i \Af®und Om csrtwr fr«m Sh»whlch plgy; -we shall never ‘ ‘Know’ ’ speaker. Medical College, where he Is a fourth year stud-nt. hurst puppeteer, a talented will, be presented at the George. , them In that kind of detail, for Each person here is trying to A graduate of Hillside High . gentleman, finds the reach of the Washington School, on Saturday, these are people caught in that make sense of tbe senseless and basketball player, the dexterity December 16th, at 1 p .m ., eternal cul-de-sac when human to hold his personality together. School and Muhlenberg College, of .a magician, and the digulse of Sponsored by the Parent Tea­ beings reveal more or less what In one way or another, In the Allentown, , Mr. many voices helpful In his art. cher Association, tickets for the Is relavent to that encounter face of terror whose aim 1$ to Pascal also has been elected to These .( unique abilities are production are 50?. Tickets will and little more. Inevitably, dehumanize him. the Hobart Amory Hare Honor featured- in his . production of also be sold at the door, per- therefore, a certain metaphoric ,“ In short, the play is a col­ medical society at the college. milling all children to attend. quality will emerge which phy­ lective, half conscious striving He Is , married to the former Lorna Rosehkrantz of Livingston In using hand puppets for his*' sical realism tends to over­ toward awareness of what iare'al- and they now reside in Camden, one-man show, Mr, Woyce dis­ whelm. ly at stake here.” ' Present plays an exceptional gift for pan- "If we. understand that "bur- tomlnic high Jinks, “ People rounding these people is a soc­ seem surprised that I ban be lh‘ iety either tefflfied of helping TreeSafety sd many places at once” says WALTER CORRIS JR. them, or Indifferent or- actively Woyce with a grin, “ but the trick Exciting. Js the word, for the hostile to them, it Is clear that Hints is not to le t your right band know opehlng of Jean Paul Satre's physical and verbal Immobility what your left hand Is doing.” “ NO 'JExit,” this evening 8:16 Is an actual Imposition of that so­ The Hillside Fire Dept makes Each hand animates a separate at the Firehouse Theatre on Ma­ the following recommendations character, so each hand must ple and Oakland Terrace in Hill­ bn keeping “the' Christmas tree have a different rhythm and pat­ side. The show wUl rim thru Draperies THE PINGRY SCHOOL Sunday December 17, arid every­ beautifuiand safe. tern of moveirient. ■ A College Preparatory Day School one interested in Attending should 1 - A"® soon-as you have tbe Mr. Woyce lias % e n perfor­ Woven Woods ,, K Non-diicriminstory Institution 1 call.-nor for your reservations: tree home, place it in a bucket ming with puppets for over 15 929-97*95. & of water outdoors. Snow or rain years. He is an accomplished Slip Covers The cast Includes Walter Cor­ Now Accepting Applications won’t hurt it, blit heat will dry musician, a member of the MISS P ATRICIA E, HEALEY n s Jr,, Carol Poliak, Ann KUng, it out prematurely. "PUppbteers of America” since O a n d For 1973-1974 Openings 1956, Jlnimy . Tomkins, viylan Dia­ 'Mr. 4nd Mrs.-Raymond Healey The. future bride attended 2 - When it’s time to move the mond, Robyn Friedman, MaTlyn After the . presentation of the o f 21 Williamson Ave., have Taylor Business Institute, tree indoors, make a-cut across M iller, and Mark Russel. Tech­ Z k c a n a f o u Write or telephone: The Pingry School ..Marionette Show, refreshments announced -the* engagement lot Plainfield,' and is employed by the trunk at thebase about an inch ' nical director, ErlDiedwardo. No will be sold: Pizza'sU ces 85? 1316 N. Broad St. their daughter, Patricia a law firm In Livingston. Her above the original one. This w ill , Exit Js produced and directed by 215 North Avenue, Hillside, N JS (201)355-6990 and Orangeade 10?. 923-6932 Elizabeth, to rT Prank AntWiy fiance is. employed by Western make it possible for the tree to Steven Jay Gorlin, - Piarrottl, son of Mr: and Mrs, Electric in Kearny. absorb more water. Thomas .Perrottl of. 408 Third -: A, November 24, 1973 wedding 3 * Place the tree In a Holder. AJre., Elizabeth. , is being planned. ' that contains water. Check 4he J water'daily.. Never stand a tree Carole Glueck near a fireplace or radiator as New Arrivals this will dry the tree. No open Shower Held flame should come close to a s tree. Honored at a shower was Miss Mr. and Mrs. Richard Detri- 4 - Do not leave a tree up too . Carole Glueck' of Harden Street, ser of 34 Franklin St., Plscata- long. Check it daily to make sure In anticipation other forthcoming way, New Jersey, have announced It Is safe. , ‘ marriage to Martin Gerstenbiuth the birth of a son Brian Richard 5 Do not go out and leave the <3 Rockaway Park, Hew York, son on December 4th at Somerset of Mr. Samuel Gerstenbiuth and lights burning on the tree. Hospital In Somerville. the late Mrs. Rae Gerstenbiuth. Mrs, Demser is the former The bride-elect is the daughter Elaine Haft of Frarikliri St., Hill­ of Mr. Norman Glueck and the side, ; , Sisterhood late Mrs, jPloretice Glueck.- S The festivities were held at Jhe Claremont Diner'in Verona, Mr. and Mrs,.Ronald Welsen- To See Film With 60 guests attending. Hos­ thal of 1210 Fairmount A ve.,E» tesses were Mrs. Victor Umani- lizabeth have announced the birth 1The Sisterhood of , Temple Sky of Elizabeth, sister of the "of a son, Jason Michael, on De­ SKomrei Torah will hold an after­ guest' of honor, and her cousin,’ cember 2nd,, at Clara Maass noon meeting on Monday, Decem­ Mrs, Milton Aboff of Iselin, Memorial Hospital, Belleville. ber ‘ 18 at 12:30 at the Temple., ' The couple plan tp be married. Mrs, Welsenthal is the former Mrs; Joseph Peyser will preside. December 84 at Clinton Manor, Jennifer Low .. I A film entitled “ Sights and Union.5' ; Sounds,” wUl be presented. TC1 depicts a typical day at the Sol­ omon Schechter Day School In Union. THE FAMILY CLOSET •Mrs. Golda Och, whose three children are students at the 1110 LIBERTY AVE. 355-4154 school, w ilt be the guest speaker. 'Mrk.^Ochjii?‘graduate ofthe^ Joint program (^Columbia University arid Teachers Institute of the Jewish Theological Seminary, is > v , - ' a former staff member ef Camp Ramak. , * THAT SAY, B'noi B'rlth Bowling

DEC. 6th 1972 *

TeaiSs :-w — i r - PtsTIPts.' Reds . 26 16 , 59 36020 VERY LARGE SELECTION Mets 25 17 57 35957 GHci£’s jfiu r 4% O f White Sox 24 18 57 35568 Orioles 23 19 56 35879 SPORTSWEAR - LINGERIE ■ JEWELRY Tigers ’ "24, 18 66 35685 Astros 23 19 53 35588 X-LG. SPORTSWEAR Indians J 21 21 51 35948- 6HHJSTMAS 6LUB Giants, * 21.5 20.5 80 35989 LONG SKIRTS Athletics 19.5 22.5 45 35497 Yankees 18 24 44 36281 ROBES & SLEEP WEAR Angels 18 24 42 35082 oi| ajrecholidsn^platter Pirates 18 24 40 35265 Cubs 17" !M’’ 89 36185 Phillies ae . 26 . 87 35332

The HlUslde Times invites Its readers to express their opinions lh its Public Opinion column. f W e tiave qjree giftj'or you Letters should be typed, double spaced, arid not longer than 250 open yMr 1973 cWIsfrnas Ctul> .nSW at words. They should be addressed ar\y office '<^^CTC..'Rtefiv6.-a -12rlrrc.h secving tray to The Hillside Times 1443 No. without-cost. Perfect for-holidayentertaifngjncl as-— Broad St,, Hillside, N.J. 07206. bright an’d-coltyrful as Christrn'ari itself. , %

4/^) interest. At UCTC, yjjttr 1973 Christmas Club will, earn 4% lual interest (computea on the daily a V e r'Scf^"" ba I a h"E?T6 f Cfl PH {3*1 S're'i!) clLiBS) o Automatic payment .,»««!« \ new. "One-Statement Banking” service, we'll make your Christmas Club payments for you each week.aufomat/oa//y. A$k for details at any office.

■Selectyour club amount. SaVe each week: Receive in 50 weeks: Open-ytmT-aemunt-today -.— $ s— 25:ou plus interest Pnly^UCjTC gives you allthree: ■ ; 1,Ub ...... 50.00 plus interest H W 0O plus interest jRWfc QTrtstmaki&rvmg tray... 3.00 150.00 plus interest 4% interest.,, and automatic payment plan. 5.00 250M plus interest 10.00 ...... /T^&OO.OO plus interest 20.00 ...... 1,000.00 plus interest

n m united counties trust company wheregood things start to happen Member of Federal Reserve System • Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. PAGE 6, THE N J. HILLSIDE TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14,1872 923-9201 EUSSHB MB GIT RESUDS HIRE • ELL* RENT • SWAP • HIRE • BUY RENT • SWAP • HIRE * BUY • SELL* RENT CUSSMED AD MIES SERVICES Seniors Prepare 50 Girls Join Ballet Program SI.50 FOB SINGLE INSERTION, MASOHRY .'Curious Savage' The Hillside Community Cen­ 6 IIm i Or toot. >•# fir . SAMUEL J. CAIVANO GENERAL ter Initiated Its Ballet Program Scott Frledland,' Senior Class u e h line ever s IIm i . CONTRACTOR. A complete line on. Saturday, December 9 and President, has announced that Of all types of masonry anti car­ found over fifty girls between REPEAT INSERTIONS’ $1.25 this year’s Senior Play will be pentry work done with expert the ages of 4 and 11 eager for The Curious Savage. The play, tS t fer e'Mh line ever I Macs. designing. For an estimate call Instruction. which will be performed some­ 926-0061. ' The classes were broken Into time In April, Is being produced age groups; 4-6 and 7-11, and under the direction of Miss Mor­ DISPLAY CLASSIFIED $2.25 PER INCH PAIHTER each class lasted 30 minutes. gan, the drama ^Instructor at The purpose of the first lesson DAN’S PAINTING & DECORA­ Hillside High. ' Student tryouts DEADLINE 5 P.M. TUESDAY centered on organization *ahd in­ TING, INTERIOR EXTERIOR, are now In progress. troduction of fundamentals. J REASONABLE RATES. FREE The Curious Savage was wrlt- Over 35 parents were on hand 'MOW-923-9207 * 923-1377 ESTIMATES INSURED^ 289- ten by .John Patrick, who .was for the first session and both 9434. also the author ot Teahouse^of parents and participants expres­ the August Moon. The p layls sed enthusiasm. Ballet lessons in t e r io r & e x t e r io r p a in t ­ a heavy comedy, with psycho­ will* continue on Saturday morn­ in g , LEADER & GUTTER WORK. logical and moral implications. ings all of Hillside's girls be­ Free estimates, Insured. Call Yet the story has Its light and tween the ages of 4 and M are frivolous moments also. Steven Deo, 364-6580 or 686- Invited to attend. 7983 (TF) * The plot concerns a Mrs. Sa­ t i vage, an elderly wlddw who is EXTERMINATOR bequeathed a huge sum of money The Hillside Times’ deadlines by ber-late husband. Being a are: Friday for' letters to the ] INSECT OR RODENT PROB­ philanthropist, she decides to Editor, and social and dub news; LEMS? Stop them fast. Just call spread the wealth by establish­ Monday at noon for all general this number, '351-2244. F & H ing a fuiid for fellow humir be­ news and sports; and Tuesday at Exterminating " . ■ Service of ings who are down on their itfek. noon for all advertising. Hillside. (TF)- But once her step-children‘get wind of the plan, they success­ The Hillside'Times’ deadlines fully place her in a sanatorium. MASON WORK The scenes In the Institution are: Friday for letters to the Editor, and social and club news; PHIL TERRANOVA. Sidewalks, and the vain attemptsbythestep- Monday at noon tor all general .patios, steps, walls & tile, 4T2 - children to get hold of the money result In an atmosphere of high , news and sports; and Tuesday at .Four to six year olds during ballet lesson at die Community Center. (Photo bv Don Hillside Ave., Orange, N.J. 678- Siegel) 0969 or 675-8093. CaN us for comedy. noon for all advertising. free estimate (5/4-TF) BUY - SELL- RENT - HIRE ALTERATIONS-CLOTHING Elected Secretary Of Free Christmas Morning ALTERATIONS ON LADIES, MENS & CHILDREN’S CLOTHES HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE CALL 289-1161 (TF) Bicycle Deliveries Employee Activities BICYCLES ARE FULLY CLERK TYPIST REAL ESTATE GUARANTEED AND ASSEMBLED GJRL, FOR GENERAL OFFICE WORK. MOST BE Miss E. Myra Zellers, ofH lfl- courages fellowship through re ­ APARTMENTS FOR RENT slde', has been elected seexetaiy creational activities. AN ACCURATE TYPIST. of die Western Electric Employ­ A Western -'Eleotp-lc' employee., Village Bicycle D. M. E. C O M PAN Y 5.ROOMS, IMMACULATE. HEAT ee Activities Club of Newark tor tor 11’years, Miss Zellers lives & HOT WATER SUPPLIED. 1978. 1 at 360 Harvard Avenue. .1192 LIBERTY AVE. HILLSIDE 1217 C E N T R A L A V E ., H IL L S ID E Adults. , Call evenings and Miss Zellers, a member of the ’ Western Electric Is the man­ weekends, 667-7688. customer service organization al ufacturing and supply unit of toe 964-9321 the Company's Northeastern Bell System. Employees at the OPEN 12-8 DAILY - CLOSED WEDNESDAY MISCELLANEOUS HELP WANTED MALE 4 1/2 ROOMS, 1st FLOOR. Supply Regional Headquarters, Gateway Cofripany’sNorthhastefn Region­ FO R SA LE A N D FEM ALE own heat. 1 month rent and 1 H, Newark, w ill assist toe club’ s al Headquarters provide engin­ month security. Available Jan. president In administering (he eering, Installation and supply Why not change those articles, PART-TIME FULL TIME or Feb. 1. CaU 964-9144 after activities of the 3,800-memhfir services In support of Bell T el- ^ toys, furniture, etc,, now In your Minimum 4hrs. per day. Applying 5p.m. only. ^ Club. The club Is an organlw.- Mjiione operating Companies in B.J. TOWING attic or cellar for caste Place price labels to merchandise, then tlon of Western Electric empkfc'- New' Jprspy, New York and the a Want Ad in The Hillside Times, packing tor shipment. Gamarel, 4 BEAUTIFUL. ROOMS, &<* New England States.- * (S b ROAD SERVICE next yweek and see how quickly' ees'tn’tod’Newark ar.fea.whichep- Electric'" CS., ' 475 Bloy St., floor. Heat supplied. Reasonable ’ you can turn odd items Into' HlUslde. j u n k c a r s p i c k e d u p money. CaU WA-8-9207. ■ rent. Leslie St. cor. Hillside, Call 373- 3011. (witli Bill of Sale) CARPETS AND LIFE, too can be EMPLOYMENT Holiday Mail Hints ■ ADULTS THE beautiful If youNise Blue Lustre, MYRA ZELLERS WANTED FERRED., GALL 964-1627 da; 923-7513 Rent electric shampooer $1. or 923-8342 after 6 p.m. SCREENS AND STORM WIN­ BABY 'SITTING IN MY OWN ^From Post Office DOWS REPAIRED, SAWS AND HOME. PLEASE CALL AFTER * Postmaster Joseph J. Gartyy PSE&G TOOLS . ^SHARPENED, Zatko’S 5 p.m. 855-0260,’(12/14-21) - MODERN 4 ROOM APART­ Postmaster Garby encourages MAYFAIRMIILLSIDE Hardware. 347 Hillside'Ave. MENT, HEAT & HOT WATER has announced that the acceler­ postal patrons to bqndleall'maUs SUPPLIED. $175. Call 355-8259 ated mall" collections will begin and secure the bundles with either » NOW PLAYING THRU TUESDAY* SERVICES ■today at 7:Q0 A^M: and will IN­ strong rubber bands or tie with LOSE WEIGHT WITH NEW Tests Cells • ------——— STORE FOR RENT CLUDE...ALL. COLLECTION -strong-twine^-This-W-Ulkeepma-ll ADMISSION SI WEEKDAYS SHAPE TABLETS AND IIYDREX BOXES. WE TAKE AWAY iany did appli­ together .and enable it lo be pro­ *. Direct application of prototype SATURDAY A SUNDAY 1.51 WATER PILLS. HILLSIDE STORE FOR RENT. ances, refrigerators, stoves, The mall wiU Be collected from cessed faster. Cooperation is re ­ fuel cells at an electric system PHARMACY, 265 .Hollywood REASONABLE. MUST BE SEEN. . washing machines, dryers, dish 7:00 A.M. on a continuing basis quested In keeping local mall substation was demonstrated re- > Ave. 254-7733. do/?6-12/14) washers, etc. Service charge |10 554 ROUT^22, HILLSIDE., STEVE Me QUEEN IN all day .rather toan toe one d®- - separated from out of town. Pam- cently by Public Service Electric . for 1, $15 for 2. Call 242-6178. .JectionJurlng-ttie dayr and a fln- - , RETIRING— All merchandise -phlets with- labels “ logs!” 'ana and Gas Company, Evenings and Sundays 289-2193, al collection after 5:00 P.M. from JUNIOR BONNER' must be* sold,’ Prices reduced 'tout of town" can be obtained, Three l2.5j-kilowatt fuel cells •all Boxes. This will be tor toe in toe lobby of the main post of­ are being tented at the qpm- up to 70% off. Often Tuis.',Thurs J *Wfe PAY CASH for used furniture All news andpubllclty releases duFatlpn of toe Christmas Holi­ fice. Mario Thomas afld Alan Alda in & Sat- only. ALL -SALES'* Bedrooms, living rooms, kitchen sent to The HUlslde Times should pany’s City Dock Substation In day Season, Suggested date tor FINAL! .MARKET SHOE STORE sets, etc. Call J42-617I, Even- be typed and double spaced. •Mail early and use Zip Codes Newark’ s downtown area„across mailing Christmas .Cards, Sur­ 811 Second Ave., Elizabeth. Jngs and Sundays 289-2193. TF. both In address, and return ad­ toe street from toe Penn C en- "JENNY" face, Dectonber 15t 1972, dress. tral Railroad- Station. • AIR . CONDITIONING UNIT, SHADES « . Edward R. Eberle, PSE&G 28,000 BTC. ~ . ALMOST NEW.' VENETIAN BUNDS JWV Post 78 Meets Tonight president, said ltwas noteworthy. REASONABLE. CALL 926-5110. All news and publicity releases that the testing was being1 held HILLSIDE RADIO & TV (12/7-14) A ll styles and color Shades, Ven­ sent to The Hillside Times should in Newark because the company Hie ■ Col.- Norman Meranus- . 1190 Liberty Avenue near Bloy Street etian Blinds, Table Pads, Wood of the year. Anyone Interested be typed and double spaced. ■ . feels' that fu el. cells will .play CELLAR SALE. LOTS OF Ol ET Hlllslde Post #78, Jewish War , Shades, Roll-ups and Drapes. may contact Mr. Kinriman at Publicity about our local club an Important part in sup­ GLASS ITEMS & OTHER THINGS. Veterans of the United States M tW L ^359 Traverse Rods,'* Glass and. :9Z3rl658.::~~:\.. or organization must be received plying future energy needs of FRL & SAT., DEC. 15-16, 1137 screen. MILLER SHADE CQ. will hold Its next regular meet-- by Monday afternoon to be . Antenna Installed Church St. urban areas. MU-7-3161. Save 20 to 30% off. lng on Thursday evening, Dec- Other reports to be given Will included In the following Thurs- ember 14,' 1972, 8:30 P.M., to be be from:' Albert Marks of Hill- day’ s Hillside lim es, i Subscribe to The Hillside TV RADIO PHONO SERVICE WANTED TO BUY DOG GROOMING held at the Camptown Post #1941 side, Arrferlcanlsm Officer: Al- Releases should be ty-ped and Times-.—— Building, 56' Chestnut Avenue, an Zimmerman of'-Hillside-pn double spaced. LIONEL TRAINS WANTEDln any Professional dog grooming of Irvington. Community . Relations; 'Paul condition or amount. Also' poodles, schnauzers,. afghans, Commander Joel M -Goldman Blum. Hospital Chairman on Ihe Interested in buying large layouts spaniels, collies, sheepdogs,air-, will report on the Posts’ aetlvlt- Posts' continuing hospital par­ and collections. Call 467-0187 or dales, yorkles* all breeds, any ies tor the past month which ties at the East Orange Veter- BEST BROS.-PAINT FACTORY. 467-0065 after 7 p.m. Ask tor' size. No tranquilizers or cages. Included a very successful Mem- ans Hospital; and. Junior Vice 'stevE.-en-/3o-r/3U)------Call after 6 p.m. 353-32ZB. (T F ) bership Breakfast meeting held Commander Jeffrey Shapiro'on On Betrottals- in November. , programming. BUY DIRECT ANNOUNCEMENT c l e a n -u p w o r k Senior.Vice Commander San- ^ WALLPAPERS ford R, Druoks will report on ***** And Weddings SPRING. CLEAN-UP' TIME IS AT OUR FACTORY TO SHARE CAR RIDE . the Posts’ accelerated member- The Hillside Times Invites its HERE, Yards, cellars, parking wed­ WANTED TRANSPORTATION, Ship drive to attain 100% paid- readers to express their opinions ding announcements must be AND SAVE! lots. .cleaned. Residential’ and SANITAS-WALLTEX tor 2 from Hollywood*Ave,,jrili- ^commercial. Trucking concrete up membership by , the end of in" Its Public Opinion column, written plainly or typed and sldOrto Washington" Or Broad St. the ihontti so that, the Post will .Letters should be typed, double submitted with a telephone Newark, 8:30 to 5:80. WHl share betaking and light deomolltlon Select The Wallpaper Or Sanitas work. Call Torn Trela 926-4041. receive the distinct honor of be- spaced, aiid not longer than.^50 number to the social deport­ expense. Call after 3 p,m. 852- coming a •• Blue Ribbon Post” words* They should bo addressed ment of the HlUslde Times, You Nped .. .Take It Home With 4770, as designated by the. National to Tbe HUlslde Times 1443 No. 1443 N. Broad St„ HUlslde, HOME IMPROVEMENTS You Same Day A*- Purchased! Headquarters of the Jewish War Hroad St., Hillside, N.J, 07205. N.J. FuU. names end com- H E LP^W ANTED -M A LE- MASONRY, PAINTING, IN- 'Veterans. plete addresses as well as NO Need To Co Through The id employment AN D FEMALE TERIOR AND EXTERIOR. Light Junior "Vice Commander Ron­ Fu*$ Df Ordering . . Be­ carpentry, general repadrg, Cail ald Katz Wlll report on the Posts’ are required. Photographs must bedone by cause We have It In Stockl for free estimates 486-759L TF planned activities for. the coming Drug Info? AVON GIFTS BOR CHRISTMAS a professional photographer year which will Include the run­ ARE: .A joy to give, a joy to Anyone having In black and white. 5 x 10- Vin y l i ning of a Post raffle. FLOCKS e T R U rvlN T l receive, an even greater joy to TODA CONSTRUCTION DKST 5 x 7 or larger than waUet information concerning e SAN CA'R e MURALS • sell. F o r . full Information call HOME A GARAGE; All repair Past commander Robert Rauf-* else. Glossy is desired but or additions. Complete renova­ the ute or sale of drup In Springfield, 273-0702, In ' man of HUlslde, the Post Blood not required, publication is SANITAS fe VINYL MURALS and/or. narcptics j$ Hillside and Union,, call 353- tions. No job too small or too Bank Chalrnfan will report on toe made In about a week. Please e GLENDURA e WALLPAPER large. Completely Insured. Call 4880 and ill Irvington, 375-2100, urgent need o f Post support at urged to call 926-0174 do not submit forms. FLOCKS e FOILS e WALLTEX • 352-1052. (T F) the 'next Blood Bank class to be between the hours of AU -club and organization e STYLE-TEX e WET LOOK held on Thursday, December 21, 7:3 0 a.m> and 5:00 news should be In the Times APPRENTICE PRINTERS WIL­ Office nof later JUNK CARS WANTED 1972, 3;QQ to 6:30 P.M. at toe p.m . Monday throunH LING / TO' WORK AN Y SHIFT. Other Essex County Blood Bank Bulld- Friday. w Excellent- opportunity for fight JUNK’ CARS OF ANY KIND lng, 45 South Qrove Street, East brought I 401 N. BROAD ST. •persons. Apply .in person, „ — W WW— i WANTED. 24 HOUR SERVICE. Orange, N.J, Blood donations All information will There Is a K ch a rge tor ELIZABETH Vanguard Offset, 1447, N. Broad g.A , TOWING SERVICE. CALL throughout' toe state are at a be held in the stricte$t reproduction of large phot­ St., Hillside. QR4.l(irt« _ ograph. critically low level at this time •confidence. J THURSDAY, DECEMBER M, 1172, THE N.J. HILLSIDE TIMES, PAGE 7 Learning Indian Crafts Ch*“ Team “We’re As Near AsYour Telephone W ins M atch Th* HtUsld* ComflMBtty Can­ ter’ * CIm m tM B woo tto flrzt ChM i T M B in Ow first teg of BUSINESS DIRECTORY Ssssi-ltalon Countlci ‘ Cbsw I i t Tourntmmt, on Thursday, Da- csmbsr % 1971 at HiUslda. Am on* tha Hillsldars who won

Scott Mess, Jon Mason, Joe Se- "Your telephone call commands fast, attentive, courteous service chyshyn, Robert Pfahl, Randy Pfahl and Henry Kolber. Phil Zylberman battled his opponent by these area business firms. All cordially invite your business to e stalemate. The Hillside Chess team is an outgrowth of tha center’s chess cldb directed by Scott Mess, who ...and their phone numbers appear on this page weekly. also gives lessons to beginners and theory to more advanced players. The clDb meets every as a service to you...” , SSf- Thursday at 8:80 p.m. Several other team matches are sche­ AUTO REPAIRS I CERAMICS LIQUOR STORES duled for the tg>comlng winter i i i i i i w months. Hillside residents Interested In h:i»tc compre s sorrental be^vica H A N A N B.P. TIM Joining tbs club can do so by fOR CONCRETE BREAKING SERVICE STATIOtt BARLOS’ I HAN AN OLIKMANI 240-242 Long Ave. Hilhkte attending a session. FOR EMERSENCY SERVICE M A P LE L E A F . FOR INDUSTRIAL PLANTS Repairs on American A Foreign (cor. White S t) 926-5211 f i t m a . mm Clutch**—Ignition—Braket— WINES-LIQUORS-BEER OROBACH CO. • Motor Work | GREENWARE, f ir i n g s 1120 LIBERTY AVE. 1347 SUMMIT A V E . HILLSIDE. N.J. Exercise U-.S. HIGHWAY NO. 22 INSTRUCTION UNION, N J . MU 6-(6-00181 C O R . WIN A NS IZ B -B d l 1 WE De l i v e r 354-5757 A rt is an integral part of the Humanities program for tha upper grades inCalvjp ------OPPOSE FLAGSHIP DRIVE-IN PARKING Coolidge School. The first unit, "The Westward Movement" involved four art projects Needed S. & L. SERVICE relating to that period in history. From left, Ed DaCosta demonstrates the techniques AUTO DEALERS Wa 3-0669 VW 3-1405 Winter-time Inactivity may STATION DRIVEWAYS o f sand painting. Jack Caravela displays his interpretation of an Indian tribal mask 61 Wnttrii Parkway give rise .to an occasional Joke SZARKO'S made from papier mache. Noreen Dyjczynski finished her sample of self hardening r. 18th Ava. j Ovinjl about your bulging waistline,but r l o w i * T p m U m S k r 375-9806 Aaphalt Driveways LIQUOR STORE , clay. Cathy Oris displays her headwork project made on a hand loom. Miss Carol the extra load on your heart is D O D G l C lr Y SP E C IA L IZ IN G IN AND PARKING LOTS Baar Coo Ian For Rant" Albizati, one of the teachers in the program, observes the work. All art projects were no laughing matter. FOREIGN CARS 1317 Liberty Avenue done by using Indian craft-methods. The totem pole in the background was a Don’t let winter be a period ELIZABETH DODGE JJiUsW eJjej^ cooperative effort of the sixth grade boys. (H ILLSID E PH O TO S E R V IC E ) of dormancy, cautions Aetna Life JAMES LA M0RCESE 7casi^lty, nation’s largest pri­ INC. MARIBO'S CHEYR0M 19 Peine Awe. Irvington PRINTING vate health Insurer, Regular ex­ Dodge Cars and Trucks d___ ES 2-3023 ercise "belongs In your dally Elks Issue Reminder For routine all year, no matter how Always 100 PICKUP « DELIVERY TOPLANSKY or where you get It, used cars ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS Naturally your age and phys­ ______in stock SAM GREEN STAMPS Auto Aceea-Tiret-Batterie*. CONCRETE SIDEWALKS OFFSET PRINTING ical condition have a lot to do IM NEWARK AVE.. 'Operation Theft-Guard' with what actlvltiea you should PATIOS., BRICK STOQP& take on. Your family doctor will ELIZABETH For free estimate] SERVICE - 381-1155 BUTCHER SHOPS In the rush of the Holiday Sea- ’ It is a project whereby Hill- The residents and business be' able to guide you In a sen­ Cell FRANK D'ALESSIO son, a reminder Is being given side residents or businessmen people of Hillside are urged to sible exercise program. 24 HOUR SERVICE 926—5786 to the community that operation may borrow, at no take advantage of this offer and But whether you ski and skate HILLSIDE PORK on your camera-ready electric engraver. They then to participate in the project. You MONARCH Theft-Guard, sponsored by the 1 ‘ in. the great outdoors, or bend STORE $$ * 11A 8% * 14 copy Hillside Lodge of Elks, and with engrave their personal proper- do not have to be an Elk to bor- and stretch In your living room, CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH 1325 Liberty Ave. Wa 6-0672 the total support of the Hillside ty, at home or In their office, vow the engraver. The project what matters Is that you keep Full Line o f. ELECTRICAL PHONE; 686-9626 such as a T.V., or camera, or is open to the entire community from doing nothing. 505 N. Bread St., Elizabeth MS A T S & HO M EM AD E golf clubs, or typewriter, and they of Hillside and Is being financed Good health is not a seasonal 289-1800 BOLOGNAS AND CONTRACTORS make a list o f items engraved, by the Hillside Lodge of Elks affair. That’s why keeping fit Sales-Service-Body Work GROCERIES SEWER SERVICE The engraving Is done by etching as a public service, demands year round attention. *323-0400 LIC-'NO. 419 C a r T e s t their New Jersey driver’ s lie- AUTO BODY CARPET CLEANING Director Hay J. Marliil today ense number on the articles. The BERT B. GLOBUS PERMA-ROOTER reported that 11 per cent of New list is then returned with the REPAIRS . (SEWER AND DRAIN ELECTRO CARPET ELECTRIC At Jersey automobiles Inspected- engraver and the list Is turned Municipal Court CLEANING SERVICE) during November at 28 inspec- Into the Hillside Detective Bur- A UPHOLSTERY CONTRACTORS OF HILLSIDE tion stations did not pass the eau. December 7 1978 FRANKLIN AUTO BODY CLEANERS State’ s alr pollutlon^test. The hope te^that the projqpt 1X22 . 4S0 Specializing in Wall to Wall INDUSTRIAL 1321 GURD A V E. .JUDGE ROBERT DIAMOND,, JOT DOWN THIS NUMBER I “ Last month’s lnspt^tion re- will prevent burglaries and make »TtldOS5*5*44 IrvnT]ufn,2*1*200^ CaipetCtekrtlng’ * ; COMMERCIAL suits show. that L9,747 ih l more easily identifiable any re - 'lJ?$15.(k> fine was imposed on summonses Issued to the following 272 Long Ava., Hilltktv ... COLLISION SPECIALISE RESIDENTIAL mm: 173,741 Inspected cars could not covered merchandise. names for a toll violation at theUnion Plaxa on the Garden State 923-3183 % WAY RADIO DISPATCHED a. Toilet, Sink, Tub, meet the established emission The engraver may be borrowed Parkway. Elaine Walsh, 289 So. Irvington, Ave. Ridgewood, tf.J. INSURANCE ESTIMATES standards,” Marini said, any Monday or Friday night, ex- Peter Andams, 26 E. Clay Ave. Roselle, N.J. Sol Cohen, 1248 R T o w in g 1440 N. Brood St. ' 24 Hour IM M EDIATE Service “ Since pollution testing began cept holidays, from 7:0fl p.m. to Allaa St. Elizabeth, N.J, Tha Hillside Times Invites its Hillside. N;J' ALL WORK GUARANTEED In July, we have experienced a a ®0e-fcm ., at the Hillside Po- readers to express their opinions "Ed Allan putt it continuing decline In the failure SHELTON lice Department two decals LeR°y R«ynolds, 68 Wright St.,. Newark, N.J. pleaded guUtyto In Its Public Opinion column. rate,’ ’ he noted,. A U TO BO D Y are given so that the front and a charge of an unlicensed driver. A fine of $85.00 Was Imposed. Letters should be typed, double rear doors show that the en- .. , . « . . COLLISION WORK spaced, and pot longer than 250 Henry Wise, 1166 Passaic Ave. Linden, N.J. pleaded guUtyto Subscribe to The Hillside graving has been done 16 W. Shelton Terr.. Hillside words. They should be addressed BUS. 924-3100 charges of speed lngand not having a registration in his possession. CORNER OF -HILLSIDE AVE. RES. 382-0161 Times. ' home or office. - tp The Hillside Times 1443 No. A. total fine of $50,00 was Imposed. 964-3493 Broad St., Hillside, N.J. 07205. ROBKRT-F. Hagietic Sign Member 111901 A SiriM Of Articles George Ward, 343 W. 1st Ave. Roselle, N.J. pleaded guilty to a » C 0 T R 0 N E 0 a g c n t CUSTOM MADE charge of driving while on the revoked list, A fine of $225.00 was Fiaterief AmiriciR 14ns And Idufe imposed. "Is There Life After Marriage?” State Farm Insurance Co, TO YOUR ORDER / % 282 Lon g Avenue . 2894272 Mark Heyman, 301 Richmond Ave. S. Orange, N.J. appeared in Answer At B'nai B’rith Meeting this court on a charge of possession of a controlled dangerous substance. Another hearing date will be set. 8:30 p.m. / All news and publicity releases Author and humorist Esther sent to The Hillside Times Should David Geller of 27 Courter Ave. Maplewood, N.J. pleaded guilty Blausteln will be guest speaker JOHN SCAPERROTTA be typed and double spaced. UNZIPPED to g charge of disregarding a traffic signal. A fine of $15.00 was her topic will be “ IS THERE AGENT 923-4913 Imposed. LIFE AFTER MARRIAGE?” . Gall 923-9207 to place an ad. MAIL IS Mrs. Blausteln’ s autobio­ New York Life Inturahce C i. Clyde Rutan, 38 W. George Pi. iselln, N.J. appeared In this graphical novel, When Mamma court on charges of possession of marijuana and possession of a SCJRROGATE'SWdTICE TROUBLE Was The Landlord, was published NOTICE T.O CREDITORS controlled, dangerous substance. Probably cause was established recently by Harper & Row. She is JWV Reminds Vets ESTATE OF'F R a NC I S“J A V EL, also and the case will be held over for the Grand Jury. aldo editor of the Jewish Corh- known as FRANCIS J; javel Otctawd munlth News, serving Union Of Benefit Increase ‘Pursuant to the order of MARY G, Frank Georges 161 Baltimore Ave. Hillside , N.J. i County. She has had articles pub­ k a n a n e , Surrogate of the County of court on a charge of eluding a police officer. A hearing date will lished throughout the country In­ jftek Schechter. Commander of *»<*• on the eth day of oec. - Whatever an unzipped latter foes, « __ jinmn • A.O., 1972, upon the application nf be set. cluding The New York Times, Elin-Unger Post #273 - Jew- the undersigned, as Admlnletratrlx of Good Housekeeping and the Wall lsh War Veterans of the United the .tatate of said deceased, notice is trouble follows. Extra steps in the hereby given to the creditors of said William L, Gray 1607 Compton PI. Hillside, N.J. waived a hearing Street Journal. .States, Is reminding ail veterans deceased to exhibit to the subscriber on charges of possession of stolen property 2 counts. The case will Mrs. Blausteln’s book Is about of-the new law signed by Presi­ under oath or afflrmatibn thelr cialms be sent to the Grand Jury. _ : - tr - and demands against the estate of said sortinc operations; Extra stops growing up.In the Weequahlc sec­ dent Nixon,-dealing with an In­ deceased within six months from the tion of Newark, during the 1940 date of said ordar, or thiy will be ESTHER BLAUSTEIN crease In College and High School Betty Fischer , 260 Dorer Ave. Hillside, N.J, appeared In this court and 50’a. It has been described forever barred from prosecuting or benefits. recovering the same against the aloni the way. Don’t hold up mail on a Board of Health charge of not obtaining a veterinarians release 'The Hillside Chapter as a "warm, funny, nostalgic The new law boosts education after her dog bit someone. . 8’rlth Woman will hold its account’’ and recommended for benefit payments by. 25.7 per — A. fine of 3flQ.no was Impnaeri.______'M______montlv Who cherished the Hyman cant for an unmarried veteran service; Use ZIP. Attorneys 1972 at Temple Shomrei Torah, Kaplan stories: Cheaper By The and 29 per'cent-for a married Herbert Caravella, 61 Valley View Rd., Hillside, N.J. appeared 910 Salem Avenue, Hillside. at 125 Broad St. Dozen and I Remember Mama. veteran with ope child. The Elizabeth, N.J. In this court on. charges of possession of marijuana and being under Hillside* Times—Dec. 14,1972 new rates for full time college at­ the Influence of a. controlled dangerous substance. A hearing date Fees $6.16 wlU be set tendance ate $220.00 a month SURROGATE’S NOTICE wjthout dependants, $261.00 a NOTICE TO CREDITO RS You Are Telling Me! month With one dependant, ESTATE. OF CHARLES E* SAUL Walter Thomas 600 Jaques St. Perth Amboy l(.J. was found not $298.00 a month wtth two de­ guilty of 2 toll violations at the Uhlan Plaza on the Garden State Edgar Mills rit fb the order of MARY c. Parkway. pendants and $18.00 for each ad­ Surrogate of the County of * ■ -A father bought a book for hla daughter and timidly asked, "No ditional dependant, lade-on the 8th day of Dec, sex In It, I hope.” The'salesman replied, "N o, sir, it’s a love -A»D., 7&,supon ‘the application of Joao Dacumha, 142 Hudson St Newark, N.J. was found not guilty story,” u Schechter has also stated that rsigrt$dt 'as Executrix of the of a toll violation at the Union Plaza on the Garden State Parkway. any veteran or veterans widow •state of dec**ted, notice Is . . , ■■■■ . e. *»»♦■♦-« ' ~ _ . ■ hereby given to the creditors of said Plants bear witness to the reality of roots. (Malmonldea; Napoleon Tarry, 1595 Wyndmoor Ave. Hillside, N.J. was found with veterans benefits are urged under oath or affirmation thiir Claims and demands against the estate of said guilty of a charge of assault and battery 2 oounta. A total fine of A little girl’s complete absorption with a pencil and drawing to contact Mr, Joseph Schimko- deceased within six. months. Ir^^he $100.00 was Imposed. date of said order, or they will be P*d Impressed her mother. "What are you doing?” she asked. wltz, Jewish War Veterans Ser­ m PwMratiiR or m MUewMg m im i i o a s - e e forever barred from prosecuting^ or o. a ,, ' ’ . . "Iam making a~ picture of God,” wasthe answer, "That’s interes- vice Officer, 20 Washington PL, recovering the same against the 2 5 , t T , d* :*&&*&** .eUUty wlth b“ ‘ you know, dear, no one know, exactly what God looks like,” Newark, New Jersey. Ib is is a BRISTOL-MYERS COMPANY explanation to a toll violation at tha Union Plaza on the Garden the mother felt compeUed tocortment. “ Really?’ ’ thechild answered. free service which has been made State Parkway. A fine of $5.0 Imposed. •’Well they WlU know when I finish thisl ” •* Allen Pearl Attorney available by the Jewish War Vet- 100 Evergreen Place East Orange, NJ. HATFIELD WIRE A CABLE ident of the Woman’s Club of Hillside Times—Dec.^14, 1972 "SAVE A LOT” 1 Hillside presented' a plaque to Fees $6.16 Mea’s er Ladles* je t Rachel Wei Miss Weinbuch at the regular All news and publicity releases LEGAL NOTICE Suit sr Dress • - meeting Of the Club at the El­ Notice of Annual Meeting sent to The Hillside Times should The Ahnual Meeting of the members JIFFY MANUFACTURING CO. Pantt-Slacks- _ , 7 c t Girl Of The Month izabeth Town and County Club be typed and double spaced. of the Investors Savings $nd Loan Sklrts-Sweatart Z 701 / D on December 5. The Woman's" -A.isociatlon,- for. the election of Club of / Hillside sponsors the . Directors an^l for the tr/ensaction of Dry Cleaned « prested Mias Rachel Weinbuch, omvthe Student General such other business as may properly THE NATIONAL STATE BANK daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Association’s ■ Cabinet and Girl of the month program. come before the meeting will be held (UZASITM NJ, Bring la A Bundle Weinbuch of Leslie St. Hillside, Council for the past 3 years, In (he office of the association, 249 , (WITH T H IS ADV.) MHIburn Avenue, Mlllburn, New N.J. has been chosen “ Girl of She is currently vice president Jersey, on Monday, January 15,1973, LEXINGTON CLEANERS 1 the Month’ ’ of Hillside Hl$h of her Senior Class and Is the The Hillside Times reaches at 7 p.m, Polls will be open from .7-6 242 Penn*. Ave. car. LeagJ School. layout Editor of the high school’s more than 3600.Hlllslde families. Anne smith 7MDK TOOL A MACHINE CO. Miss Weinbuch was freshman year book., Yotf can reach them, too-In its * Secretary At Deadend HILLSIDE TIMES—Dec. 14,1972 class president and has aem d _ Mrs. Edward H, Hyde, pres­ classified ad columns. Fees $3,68 PAGE 8, THE N.J. HILLSIDE TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEM BER M , UT1 Italian Americans Houses Of Worship Visit Home

praise services, 8 p.m. Rev. Morning Services; Sunday,18 ■ Donald B. Carvell, pastor. asm.; Monday through Friday, For The Blind ARE YO U . Church of—Christ The King, | 6:45 Turn.; Saturday/ asHHfeip? Bloy St. and Rutgers Ave. Sunday Assembly , Of God (Bethany}, , Afternoon Services; Sunday Masses, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and noon; 211 Baltimore Ave; Sunday school through . Thursday, 4:20 p,m,;-' Weekdays, 7,8, 8(30 a.m.; Holy 10 a.m’. Morning Worship ser­ Friday* and Saturday, 4-UD p.m, Days, 6:30 p,mr Rev, Daniel A. vice, .11 %m. Evening worship Evening Services: Sunday Curtin. 7:45 p.m. Bible study and Prayer INSURED? through Thursday/" 4:50 p.m.; Service *7;4S p.m. Wednesday, __ $1. Catherine’s R.C, Church Friday, Welcoming the Sabbath Rev, Daniel Sumina, pastor. North Broad and King Streets. and Evening Services Immedia­ Sunday Masses: Saturday night - Hillside United Presbyterian tely following the afternoon ser-' at 7 P.M.; 7, .8,,8:15 , 10:30 a.m. CoA and Salem Ave., worship vice; Saturday, 5:05 P.m. and 12:10’^).(n, 11 sum..m. CChurch School 9:30 a.m. ' Weekday Masses: 6:48, 8:15’ NO-FAULT DEADLINE Frank'S, Vlgh, Pastor. Temple Shomrel Torah a.m,; 7;30 p.m. Monday night . 910 Salem Avenue with Novena; 5:30 p.m. Tue, First Baptist, Hillside Ave. . Rabbi: Dr. Harry B. Lasker ‘itiir$ii^iL,|('ri. 'i( oept eVe o f 'Holy 68 Services 11 a,m, and 7 p.m, Cantor: Dr. Bernard Saltz .Day) Sunday school 9:30 a.m, Rev. J. Services; -Friday at 8:30 p.m., Holy Day Masses: 7-panv (light Allen Nicholson, Pastor. Saturday and Sunday at 9:30 a.m., DATE NEARS! before Holy Day; 7, 8, 9:15 a.m. Daily Mlnyan Services at 7:00.; and 12;iO' p.m.-;-7 p.m. night of Calvary Lutheran Church, 'Holy Day. a;m. December 15,16Sermon.... Maple Avenue and Clark Streets GROW OLDER AND ENJOY IT a Rev. Robert -L, Daly, Pastor Vice Pastor: Paul Baranek Torah portion - VAYIGA'SH On January 1,1973, the new New Jersey No-Fault Auto .Ukrainian CathollO Church of Insurance Law becomes effective. It requires all private passenger, Franklin Memorial Methodist, >:Hie Immaculate Conception, , Hillside Jewish center' Maple Ave. at Grumman Ave, on motor vehicles to have Insurance complying with the law. lib e r t y Aye. at Bloy St. Sunday 1550 Summit Ave. Newark Hillside line, services'll Masses ,8:30 and 10 a.m. Holy 1550 Summit Ave. furo. Sunday school-9:45 ■ Communion classes Saturday ' Rabbi: Ell Carlebach If you are not insured you run the risk of losing your .anornlng, ,Rev, Leonard driving privileges and your automobile, You could also be subject Ratushniak CSSR. . — v JEWISH Congregation Sinai Torath Chaim to fine ajid mTprisonm'ervt.- PROTESTANT 1531 Maple Avenue H ear Faith Assembly,, of God, 388 Rabbi: Ellezer Cohen Shown above are Viola Giordano, Vice President of If you do not now have auto insurance, call us today—and we’ll be . Vale Ave. Sunday 'worship, For the week beginning Sunday Ladies' Auxiliary, Carmen Armenti, President of Italian glad to help you. 11 a,m„ revival service, 7:30 December 17, b e schedule $ American Civic Association of Hillside, and Kay jSiir*.; Wednesdays, prayer and services will be as follows: ’ Israeli Macaluso, Secretary of Ladies' A uxiliary, who last Chairman Dr. Joseph Peyser week visited St. Joseph's Home for the Blintfin Jersey has announced that the first re­ City, and delivered over 100 gifts of handmade slippers Obituaries gular meeting of the Hillside and other gift articles to the men and women confined LOUIS 1. HESS & SON G.A. SCHUHMANN INC. Israel Committee will be held Sunday, December 17th at 7:30- to the Home. Seated is one of the patients. Next week, 150 Hillside Avenue 1170 Liberty Avenue after a long Illness. p.m, at Temple Shomrel Torah, as part of their Christmas charity program, this 923-2545 354-9330 Mi. Alexander, 84 Mrs. Stiles was born in New There will be a guest speaker Brunswick, Canada, and resided organization will bring Christmas gifts to John Runnels from the Israeli Consul and a Harold Alexander, 84, of 1233 In Hillside, for 30 years. Hospital in Berkeley Heights, and to Crippled film about Hlllside’s'adopted sis­ Woodruff Ave. died Friday at She was employed many years Children's Hospital in Newark. ter City, Alon Shvut will be horn® v ago as a registered nurse In New shown. Both In Newburgh, N.Y., he York State. ' i An Invitation Is extended to jj l JL lived! In Hillside 21 years. Be­ \ Mrs. Stl}es was a member of who would like to participate In Players Plan Plnocchio fore pis retirement 21 years ago, the Franklin St. John Methodist Representing The Hertford Insurance-Group THE HARTFORD this event. The Hillside Israel he wis superintendent of the South Church, Newark. ShS was a mem­ In response to overwhelming eight grader at A.P. Morris el- Committee’s function Is to help Hartford, Connecticut MunA Apartments, East Orange, ber of the women’s Christian requests, The Hillside Cora- . . , i " . Alon Shvut prosper and. grow. , ip : 38 years', f Society of the church, munity Players present Its only *¥*&*&&?&** **6 The first project in this direc­ He leaves ho Immediate survl- t Surviving are her husband public performance of “ Plho- or8an* "r * A Vaughn D, Stiles; three daughters tion undertaken by the Commit- ■ cchio” at Walter Krumblegel tee will be to sponsor a class­ MTs. Helen J. Hahn of Bethel Elementary School (formerly room at their regional center. Ccmn., Miss Dorena R. Stiles of Hillside Avenue Elementary Lena Weimer, 69 Refreshments will be served. Elizabeth and Miss Joann' H. School), Hillside Ae. on De­ The public Is welcome to attend. K Mrs.yLena Weimer, 89, of 46 Stiles at home; a sister Mrs, cember 17 at 1:30. For Information, please con­ Richmond Aye., Cranford, widow Ann Flynn bf Port Pierce, Fla. tact Dr, Joseph Peyser or Mr. ' With this showing, the player^ ,of Otto 'Rfeimer, died Wednesday and three grandchildren. of last Week In Overlook Hospi­ Norman Glikin. wind up a two week road too: tal, Suntiillt-.j of Union, Hillside, Cedar Grove, She was born In Germany and Sarah Gillman, 82 and Maplewood schools, and Mine to ttte U.S. In 1938,,. She organizations which will end oj; On u&ecembir 9,’ 1972 Sarah” i Hillside 25 years before Pleasant Tuesday. ■-*' (nee Gerber), widow of Joseph’ Inoving to Cranford 15 years ago. Originally mounted In 1969 for Gillman of 1530 Liberty Avenue,' >; Surviving \are two sons, Pas- the children of Hillside, tijAcurlf: Hillside, beloved mother of Al­ Well of Plscataway and Otto of rent re viv a l, of ‘ ‘Ptooechiof bert and Samuel Gillman of.Hlll- P e r f o r m s Hlllsldei two daughters, Mrs, marks the theater groups fourth slde and the late Sylvia Gillman Karollne Tomredle of Pine Brook At the Christmas Party of the year of childrens theater and of Ollm. ‘.Also survived by three and Mrs. Gertrude Moynlhan of Hillside Old Guard to be held tours. Hillside; Friday night, December 15, 1972 Many of the original cast will Graessle of Rahway; .a sister, at the Hillside Presbyterian recreate their roles. Barrs’ Moskowltz of Irvington and Mrs. Mrs. Julia BruSr of Newark; two Church, Miss Margaret Donna P rig of Irvington, who directs, ■ Rachel Moskbwltz of Verona. other sisters in Germany;’ IQ; Pleasant will be the guest splolst. for the group,, plays Plnocchio, I Internment was at Beth Israel g^andchtWren and two great­ Miss Pleasant, who Is id is Helen V$lntraub of Hillside, an Cemetery, Woodbrldge on Sun­ grandchildren. .1. considered to have one of the experienced leading lady for the | day, December 10. Period of finest voices in this area. She players, portrays Angelina, his mourning is observed at the fa­ has performed at Symphony Hall, housekeeper. Arnold Aroniandb Hallie Stiles, 68 m ily residence, 153P Liberty Ave. and Newark State College. She has of- Hillside, a teacher at Hillside/ ‘ fjrMrs. Halite Sherwood Stiles, sung In New England and In the Avenue Elementary School, plays (58, of 26Q Millard Ave. died midwest and is soloist in her Gepetto and Alan Ferrar of El? mW Call 923-9207 Id place an ad. SPuesday of last week at home church. lzabeth Is Antonio. 1 She Is presently attending Hillside youth who have fea­ Bloomfield College. tured roles are Ruth Ball, an Luxurious silverplate that matches Towle's all-time favor­ ite Old Master sterling flatware\ OUTSTANDING ALL PRESCRIPTIONS We need nuclear energy plants SAVINGS from MAPLE PHARMACY not so much for ourselves Will Now Be Filled At as for our children RUBIN BROS. We’d be aL?Q[ry sorry lot ifif-our-onlv our-onj-v thoughtsthough have to produce.more food . . . use more here on earth were for our, generation land, water, natural resources, f 392 CHANCELLOR AVE., NEWARK a I oneyrMost-forms of progress wou Id _ Will the electric industry be able to dome tp a halt. F o r example, why con­ provide nearly 100 million more people Phone 923-8800 tinue medioal research VCf-h©n -the cure for with the energy needed, ter create these .. additional jabs, - goods, and services — • And why-bother holding nuclear en­ while preventing further environmental ergy plants? decay? Qnly with.nudear planls. Fortunately, like odr forefathers, we Nuclear plants will produce an abun­ do pare about ouroffspring. And it is be­ dance of energy, allowing us to save cause we care that we must build nuclear1 Mature, not destroy it. They will help con­ plants. W hy? .While we can get by with serve b ur resources. They will make more 'jusf'fossil fuel (gas, ell, coeil) plants anB recycling- possible, helping to clean our hydroelectric plants, these cannot begin ajr and purify our.water. They will keep to satisfy all the energy requirements of- the yvheels of industry turning to provide Extend YOUR GREETINGS our expanding population. In addition to employment for the underprivileged mi­ through our ANNUAL Here is happy news.jespecially to those women who own being depleteble, fossil’ fuels pose prob­ norities, They_w!llifeJP;fciui1d our cities and -Towle’s Old Master-s terling flatwa re. For a-limited-time- lems Of prioe;an'd''e'n'7iFOrtme'mireff5ci~ raise our standard Of lining'. “ * only, you can lu y matching Old Master Embossed silver- ChrUtwatGritting plated holioware at substantial savings. We face gn impending energy short­ ^For our children’s sake, we need Regular Sale Numbtr age ancl enwohmeht ’crisis. By the year cleahrsafe nuclear energy how/ Price Price December 21,1972 2000,'we’ll have over 300. million people A. Centerpiecejwwl, dia. l i * 122, B0." $17.95 In the’U.S. It is not too difficult to imagine B. Butter dish & cov8r $17,50. $13:95 C. Vegetable dish & cover $35.00 $29,95 WISH THE BEST-TO YOUR the problems of coming generations if we D, Bon bon,- dja. 7 VJ” ■ $11.00 * $ 8.95 C f C h t X I "Nuc,#ar Energy. What it It all about?” CUSTOMERS, FRIENDS, do hot’Increase our power capacity and r i t f w i PSE&G booklet gives straightforward an­ Come In and See our complete collection of Old Master our ability to-protect our surroundings! swers to the Important questions oh nuole$r Embossed holioware available at similar savings. •nd CLUB MEMBERS • , epergy, - ■ When our c h ljlre n grow up They’ll we HAVI THI COPY AND , Mall Ooupoh today for your free copy.' BEAUTIFUL ILLUSTRATION* peed jobs. When they nrtarry they’ll need THI HILLSIDE TIMIS (rousing and^furniture. As a nation, w e’ll WAvorly 3-9207 Aik For ReprosonteHv* 379-1595 OPSEG

T h q Energy People are Environment People, too THUIISD^T, DECEMBER 14,1172, THE fM . HILLSIDE TIMES, PAGE | a student In full standing to par­ Knights Aid ticipate in all activities spon­ sored by the College. And It is unfair to penalise all the athletes Hillside High Honor Roll performing for Union College this St. Elizabeth Hospital year for actions for ,which they j SENIORS . * , 5 A’ s ■ *- are In no way responsible.1'’ 5 A ’s 1 B Benlta Swlerzko, Annette Tau­ Deborah. Kurland, Mary June 4 A ’s -; Dr. Iversen called onTB* Ex­ Doreen Asch. - ber, Barbara Wofsy. p i . Tokarz. IDonna Barnett, Jeanne De- ecutive Committee fo assess.any' 5 v 5 B’ s . . 4 A'a 2 B’ s Sniiedt, Barbara Heirbst, Anita penalty "In a spirit of Justice Henry Halpern, Michael Mike Atkinson, Carol DstRos. Georgina Wilhelm. and fairness." Syiito, Valerie Testa. Taetzsoh, JUNIORS ; 4 A's 1 B “ In our judgement, this has 3 Ji’s 3 B’ s * '4 A ’ s 2 B’s - 6 A’s ' Edward Garcia, Herbert Singe, not been done,” the Union Col­ j .'Phil Zylberman. Marilyn Ssbba. Bonnie Berger, Ellen Ftrled- Donna Sprague.. - lege president said, 4 A ’s. 1 B enberg, Judy Kogan, Eileen Ijfom- 4 A's 8 jPjg 2 B’ S. Gall Alterman, Elena Cara-. lnsky. Ellen Magliaro of 49 Manltou Robin Friedman, Eric Llsman. 'Dave. Brodsky, MRihele Brock­ - 6 A ’s 1 B Circle, Westfield, a dark-haired, vela, Diane Frank, Michael Gar •[ 3 A ’s 4 B’s man, Susan Douches, Betty John Gallagher. vibrant young miss is currently cia, Leonard Jokubaltls. Linda Brink. GilMs, Tamara KlLera, Marie 5 A ’ s ooe of 12 candidates nominated 4 A*S' 3 A’ s 2 B’s Kmwalsky, Patsy .DrlscolL for Union College's 1973 Queen Reeve Elman, Barbara Guer-f Howard Brown, Jon MSlsor, Kathy WisnleskL 3 A ’s IB \ 6 # -who will reign over the annual tty, Ruth Platnochka, Patti Poly Susan Quentzel, llene Slegtllov- 3 A ’s l ’B ; Judy Caswell, Kathy Cort,.. semiformal sponsored by the Stu­ lak, Kathleen Rapka, Donna Wet- sky.- Donna Abate, Wendy. Goldner, Qhristlne Deo, ’ St.even Priest, dent Government Association on jSian, Mark Wovsanlker, Leslee 4 Vs 2 B’s / Matthew Levine, Cynthia RlspolL. St soy! Roth, Anne-Marie Skar 1, Thursday evening, December 21. ^iPPer, David Zylberman. Judy. Fox, NeU Freund, An­ 2 A ’s 4 B’ S Raymond Stakes. . The Campus Queen wUL.be vo- . 3*A‘s 4 B’s r ' nette Mazzella. Jayme Winters. 2 A ’s 8 B’s m % ■ ted by the entire student body |; • Triidy Grossman. 4 A ’s 1 B - • 2 A’s 3 B’ s > Ruth Ball, Scol.t Gelber, Lau- and crowned at the Semiformal 3 A ’S SB’ s Danute Audenas, Frank Bod­ Kyle Davis. — r le Rusak, David Vlgh. - which, will be held at the Shal- Anthony Deo, David Glass main, nar, Rlchalrd Cort, Debbl T rlz - 2 A’ s 2 B’ s 8 A’s 2 B’s :• / imar In Staten Island. 3 A’s 2 B’S ■ j g / Susan Kaplowltz, Robert MU- Mark DelGuerllo, Mary EUer, •Miss Magliaro is a sopho­ Lauren Koiber, Michael Metz- 3 A ’.s 2 B’ s lOr, Eltsa Pantlrer, JSinda Gaffney, Sherrie Kutakoff, more majoring In education at : ger, Sharon Sadlon, Diane TreJ- •Ruth Berliner, Donna- Laicey, 1A 4 B’s iBonne Petrvicka, Theresa Union College. A graduate of ’•flnger, Joseph Marchese, Anthony M or- Clliit Bollck, Ellen Carno, Da­ [Schick, Karen Schwartz, Rossf Charles Gibardi, Deputy Grand Knight of Elizabeth Council N. 253, Knights of Westfield High School she plans 8 A ’s 1 B lello, Gaye Prlgnano, Debbie vid Lenz, Raymond Sysko. Unger, Bernadlne White. Columbus, presents check for $1,600.00 to Sister Ellen Patricia Meade, Administrator to msjor in physical education Roberta Friedman, Steven Raffle, Annette Saggese, Susan 1A 3 B’s 1A 4 B-’s when she transfer from Union. of St. Elizabeth Hospital. These funds were raised through a raffle sponsored by the Klappholz, Roger Levy, Sidney Schreiner, Irene Smietana. , Iris Schwartz, Rpbyn Tram-* Barbara Aoklln, Robin Fleck­ Knights of Columbus for the benefit of the St. Elizabeth Hospital Foundation and is Wilt- 3 A’ s 1 B herb er, Mike-Jan jnan, Susanna Rats- ’ one of their many community projects. , ,2 A ’s 3 B’ s Linda Nathan: 5 B’S ka, Joanne R epasky. Left to right: Knight Committee Members Jan Kozlowski, Charles Gibardi, John Fran Garf>, Wendl Classman, 2 A ’ s 3 B’ s Susan Casorio, Michael Mark- IA S B’ s F Andl Karlin. / Lisa Barsky, Douglas GOde- ovitz. Janasie, and Eugene Grab; Sister Ellen Patricia Meade, center; Jack A. Pass, President The Hillside Times reaches Susan Kahi n, Donna Mehalesk o. *2 A ’s 2 B’ S sky, Cheryl Suss man. St. Elizabeth Hospital Foundation, extreme right. more than 3600 Hllside families. FRESHMEN 3 B’s ! Roberta DeProspo, ElyseG&- 1 A 4 B’ s “5 A ’s - You can reach them too In the Manny Haljer. Jerman, Ratty Bond. Sharon Berliner. 4 B’s classlfed ad columns of The | A 4 B's SOPHQMORES HUlside Times. 4 A ’s ] B David Ber is, Gayle R4dzJ jisld, College Fights Probation Catherine Knott, 6 A ’ s 1 B Mike Blechman, • Theresa. Llnora Stevrbns, Maureen Quln- 1A 3 B’s Si ‘ Beth Petervary. Clark. Joyce TonilOw: Over Girl Tennis Star Union College will appeal Its tions of Region XDC null and void, constltutlonal guarantees; to the probation status to ibe Executive and that you reinstate our College fact that the Association bears Committee of the National Junior as a full fledged member in good at least some responsibility in College Athletic Association, it standing of the National Junior this matter in falling to was announced by Dr, Kenneth W. College Athletic Association." adequately define a student or a' Iversen, president. Union College’s position is that student eligible to participate Region XDC of the National Jun- Region XIX "arbitarlly and cap­ (the contention, for example, that t lor. College .Athletic Association riciously Imposed a penalty which a student means male— a has placed Union College on pro­ goes far beyond reasonableness definition we reject out Of hand) bation In all sports for the 1972 or rational action,” Dr-. Iversen and for having three different 73 academic year for 'using a said, policies In three consecutive girl, Miss Ellen Magliaro of “ We feel arbitrariness la In­ years, and to the fact that It Westfield, on the varsity tennis volved, since the penalties as­ failed to give our College the team last spring In a Garden sessed by Region XIX were auto­ opportunity to respond to the State Athletic Conference match matic-- regardless of the viola­ charges of to tpe Imposition of against Middlesex County Cola, tion'and-regardless Of the cir­ .the penalty In any-way.” lege, Edison, cumstances the penalty'Is al­ "Furthermore, we are con­ Dr. Iversen said Union Col­ ways the same,*’ Dr. Iversen cerned that an. element of Jus­ lege has requested that the Ex­ said. "Apparently no considera­ tice and fair play is lacking In ecutive Committee "review this tion whatsoever was given to the ■ the assessment'of these penal­ entire matter) that you rescind unusualness of this situation;-to- ties,” Dr.- Iversen added. "It is- or substantially reduce the pen­ the fact that rights of Individuals our contention that an Injustice alty, or that you declare the ac­ were Involved, including basic would have been done had we prevented Miss Magllafo from performing with our varsity team nmm show mb tea of tennis, as whe has a right as Sunday, Dee. 17th, 4 - 7 p.m. LEAH G. FRIED j FEATURING: The Bells Meads Msdsls MASTER E L E C T R O L O G 1ST I I FR1NKUII-ST. JOHN’S CHURCH Permanent Removal Maple & Keer Aves., Newark-Hillside Line of Unwanted Hair MEN ARE INVITED TO ATTEND (BY APPOINTMENT ONLY) ______Donation $3.00 Newest - Method - Used 1445 ORCHARD TERR. H IL L S ID E , N. J, FUEL-OIL WA-6-1167 (TOP GRADE at 17.5M *»■&•*•* ' ■ * Min. Del. COD 45 YEARS OF SERVING THE FINEST QUALITY A. Miserentino FU ELED EXPERT SERVICE^ LOW COST. JEWELER Call 'us now to recondition your present Heating System. W E W ILL IN ST A LL OUR Dl amonds*Watchas*Jawalfy M ODERN 1973 O IL BURN ER with a 1 year Watch Repairing*Spatial M a i. sggss J«w«|ry Repairing-Engraving guarantee for only ...... Diamond Settings to help give you years of care free comfort and a savings’on. IT WILLIAM ST., NEWARK fuel and service calls. W PI. Room 303 MA >4163 923-4646 FR EE PARKING AT FRIENDLY AUTO PARK ALLSTATE FUEL CO. - 43 William St., 1

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th e H o w a rdMember FDiC n Newark * East Cfrgfige * Ha$brouok Heights « Irvington • North Arlington • bali/iwefl « Ngttt/y * South Orange Telephone: 643-10Q0 (or all Offices PAGE 10, THE N.J. H ILLSID E TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER! 1«, 1872 Comet Netmen Lose Opener, 62-48 By DAVID LAZARUS the game's high scorer with 15 If one looks back on the pre- hie records the last fete years and Allister hit a 3 point play and The Hillside .Comet Basketball points qatted two more tallies. vlous -2 seasons he shouldn’t be has been an easy win for the Cd- it was 40-35, On the play the Team opened its season on a los­ In this 14-2 Scotch Plains spurt too discouraged with the opening ,,, mets the last few years. This Comet’s big n.nn Frlze fouled out ing note by falling to the Scotch the only Hillside sffore was 2 In 1970-71 a young Hill- year’s game should be no excep- and soon other :omet starters Plains Raiders 62-48 at the din­ foul shots by Bukoweckl. slde team started off 2-5, but tlon. were In foul trouble. ners gym, .Friday, December 8. Scotch Plains, exerting tre­ then won 13 of. their last it . Of Last week it was written, here The home team broke it op­ Steve Buckoweckl led the Co­ mendous pressure all over the those wins, 2 were In county and tpat it could be a long season en jrith a 7 polpt streak to make mets scoring with 12 points. In court, forced the Comets into state tournaments and in two' ' for the J.V.'s. After watching the score. 51-39 and the final, the opener of the doubleheader many costly turnovers that led of the losses the Comets nearly them lose their opener to Scotch wound up 58-43. Scotch Plains Jayvees defeated to some easy Raider baskets. pulled off large upsets of Lin­ Plains, it looks like that state­ Bob Herring, John Loucaa, Dan ' the Hillside jayvees S8-43. Ron After Barnett hit a jumper, Scotch den and SouthSlde. ment will - turn out to be a big Jones and McAllister combined Hobbs led Hillside with 9 points. Plains put it away with a 13-6 mistake. for the 58 Raider points. Hill­ Last year, after a 4-4 start In the varsity game ttie Comets spurt for a 48-28 lead. Hillside, , The final score does not indi­ side shot 32% and ipade 7 fouls Hillside took li of their last got off well. Tom Reynolds hit did not give' up as they put on a cate bow close the game really In 12 attempts. Plains was much- 18 upset Morrlstlnolls, and gave underneath for a 2-1 Hillside lead 4th period spurt, but it was too waa. The Comets battled ateam, taller and got a lot of close-in state champ East Orange all they and Mike Maddalena’ s foul shot little too late and the comets that usually has one of the coun­ baskets. Tbelr edge In reboun­ could handle before bowing in the and Tom Barnett’ s Jumper gave had their 3 game winning streak ty’s top J.v. teams, right down ding was reflected In the amount the visitors a 5-3 lead. Scotch state tournament. This team against Scotch Plains broken. to the wire. of foul shots they received. is young, too, and should devel­ Plains scored the next 6 but Rey­ Hillside quickly fell behind 5- __ 3 starters, Anthony Clasulkl, nolds knotted It at 9 with 2 bas­ op into one of the county’ s best Breaking down the scoring' 0 and the Raiders built up 22- John Frlze, and Wayne Stevens by tournament time. kets. The Raiders though sparked Bukoweckl shot 1-12 from the 12.1ead, and led 30-23 at the half. fouled out and several others,, by sub Walt Roberson's .6 points floor but canned 10 out of 12 free- •Tomorrow the Comets invade George Ternlnko, coming off the were In foul trouble. went on a 12-3 tear and built throws for 12, Barnett was 8-13, Berkely Heights to play a team bench sparked, the Comets with The •scoring_vbroke down as: their lead to 21-12. 1-2 for 11, Maddalena 2-11, 5 -9 that lost 88-46 in its opener ag- 6 points, Including a 3 point play. follows; Hobbs'S-U, S-5. for . At this point Hillside went ona for 9, Carasio 3-5 for 6, Rey- alnst Westfield. The Highlanders . At the beginning of the seepnd 9, Frlze 4-10 for, 8, Ternlnko. 6 point streak to cut the marginto nolds 3-5, for 6, and Wooten 2-7, Plsyed without their main inside half the Comets blew the Rai­ 3-5, 2-4. for 8, Ciasulil 3-16, 3. Ai Caraslo started the streak P*i> for 4. Carl Lee and Barry threat since 6*2 Dave Corrigan ders right out of the gym with 1-4 for 7, Rosenberg 2-3, 1-p With a jumper, Harvey Wooten Regensteln also saw action but suffered an injury. If Corrlgaq a streak of 8 points. Jim Mc­ for 5, McIntyre 2-4 for 4, Ste­ ‘ made a nice move underneath to did not score. The Comets played does not play against Hillside, Intyre hit a jumper, John Frlze vens 14 ,for "2,. Cornell Edmond1 Score and Maddalena dropped in without John Stensler, Mike At­ Berkely will depend on Pete Ha- a long shot, Ron Hobbs put in a and Dan DeJlanne played but 2 foul-shots,- but this was to be kinson, and Ron Fisher, all In­ berstroh (a 25 point sewer, layup off a beautiful steal and didn’t Score. , is. close as theComets weretobe jured. against Westfield) to generate an When F riz e ’s Jumper roiled ar­ The Comets although small’' for the remainder of the contest. As a team Hillside had a 30% offense. ound the rim and In the Comets are one of the quickest teams In Quickly Raider star Ray Schnlt- shooting night, and made 67% of It should be a low scoring had the lead for the first time the county. The only kind of zer bit 2 baskets as the Plalhs- game as Berkely-Hlllslde games their foul shots. Hillside stayed 81-30. . ’ team that might hurt Them -it• have tended to be the last couple men scored the last 8 points o f—even with the larger Raiders i After a Raider basket put them a big strong team but the sea­ the half for a 27-18 lead. of years. ' the backboards with Wooten ■ > ahead, Hobbs put Hillside back a- son no# looks much brighter. OnsTueaday the Comets enter­ The halftime break failed to Bukoweckl each pulling down 10 head for the last time. After a Afternoon games .stirt immed­ tain Millburn in a 3:45 start. The ease the Comet’s . pain as an rebounds. In the end It proved 5 point streak by Scotch. Plains iately after varsity and night M iller’s basketball team, unlike 8-2 spurt made It 35-20 spread.. to be turnovers that hurt Hlll- Marc Rosenberg hit a jumper to games start at 6:30 (before var- Schnitzer, who was to finish as ' side the most.' the wrestling team has had terri- make It 37*85. But Jim Mc- slty), Choice Of Hike? Garden State Colonials Take On Scranton At Seton Hall Members-and guests of The' Union County Hiking Club have; • This Sunday at Seton Hall Un­ vice in the National Basketball Webster 11. a choice of hikes on the weekend , iversity in South Orange, the Gar­ Association. However, names Vincent White the agile 6’7 is and Harry. James will be re­ of Saturday and Sunday, Decem­ den State Colonials take on the like Milt Williams, Hawthorne center who plsyed at Savannah. turning to Seton Hall, scene of ber 16 and 17. in a Eastern Wlngo, 6’ 11 Greg Fillmore, and State College, grabbed 16 re­ some of their greatest college Mildred Schutz of Gillette will Professional Basketball. Assoc­ John Mathis meant nothing to the bounds pouring In 16 polnts.Ras- games. - Another local standout lead- a five mile ramble in the iation contest.. Garden. Staters in turning back kln also commended tbe fine de­ who. went south io find fame Is South Mountain Reservation on This past Sunday at Rocetl Allentown, last years Eastern fensive work of Harry Laurie Bob Butts who was a all-Amer­ Saturday. Participants will -meet; Catholic High School, the Col­ League champs. land Harry James'who combined ican at Johnson C. Smith Univ­ at the Locust Grove 1:30 p.m.'^ onials took thh|r second straight Coach Bob Raskin was extre­ to hold George Leyman to l i ersity In North Carolina. On Sunday, a 12 mile hike to win over the . Led mely pleased with the victory points. Lehmann is respected The Colonials also boast one . High -Knob and Schunemunk Is by 6’9, Wayne Cruse, the Colon­ and state: "this might not have as one of the greatest shooters of the most exciting performers scheduled from Highland Mills,. ials took a 78-70 spread into the been the greatest game of all- in all of basketball. . In basketball. That for sure Is New York, on Route 32 near fourth quarter. They quickly ran time, hut it was Our best team The Colonials' are now 3-2 Joe Hammond, appropriately cal* Route 208, beginning at about the score to 82-72 and held on to effort to date.” Looking over and resting In second place. In led-‘ ‘The Destroyer.” Hammond ‘ 9:30 sum. Michael and Maureen take a 92-87 victory, the game status', Raskin said: exhibition 4ncountes against Is a 6’ 4 guard who had no college Hayman of Union City are the , Allentown, one of the best bal­ “ Look at this—great balance.” Scranton, the Colonials lost ,1ft,’; experience, but is being closely leaders, anced teams in the Eastern Lea­ Indeed it was as Joe Hammond- . Scranton and won in Fast Or­ scouted by both the NBA and ABA Further Information may be gue, boasts a number of players 15, Wayne Cruse-19, Phil Haris Game time this Sunday is 7:30 obtained through The Union who have had considerable ser­ 10, Bubba G ary,ll, and Elnardo Elnai'do Webster, Harry Lew- p.m. County Park Commission’s re­ creation department.

Ready For Season By David Lazarus

"We’re more agigressive than Hillside, Ivery young but - very v e »y -well against tough bunch of we’ve ever been since I’ve becan aggresslvti. area wrestlers that included state here but we are yovtng and inex­ Unlike ithe situation In many chaShp Kurt Stlefken. As a Fresh­ perienced.” years this season there is plenty man last year-Naples started at Those were the words of Coach ‘of competition at almo'st every 1,48 so whoever wins out Hillside Ron Puorro about .this year’s weight'class,. By Saturday some slibuld be represented well. Hillside1 Comet wres-tting teann, -of the wrestlers i mentioned In 'Sophomore Wayne Carraglno . The grapplers, w ill' - commence this' team rundowlf may have is a tough 168 pounder but there their season this Satufciayas they gained or lost weight, so, the is no body to wrestle at 178 and host the Hillside Wrestling touri]i- weight class they are In Satur­ Hillside might have to forfeit amfent. ■ . day may be different than It ly that class if no-one/can be found- The. tourney will have iiteamcj now. . to Wrestle there. Sophomore Jim Hillside, Berkeley Weight:*, At 98 there is a two way battle Weinberg looks like the starting, Hound Brook and Kearny end t&e 'between soRhojnor Nell -Ash and heavyweight. competition will all take! place junior Al Pepe. It Is the trio of - As one can see there is an 'Saturday with the semi finals Sophomores Dave Klrschner and excellent nucleus of sophomores follow ed by the' flnaisrT t was Ken Bieg and junior Sal. San- and juniors so this team should the same four teams in th> e last FllUpo at 106 but veteran Ron get stronger as the year gqes year’s tournament and The 1 flgh- Severino -is iilond at 115. along. landers of Berkeley Heights. , who A junior-, iSeverlno also stars Last year seniors like Jim were to go through an undefe eted at. Cross ' Country and Track; Winnlokl, Steve Alexander, Vin season came out as the chan tos, and had 4 wins in the 106 class . Voltagglo, Joe Stalger, Mike Berkeley isnitexpecteitoh. eve last ypar’.----- Hyrb, and Hillard Edmond dom­ the outstanding balance they 1 tad Returning starter Jerf Strauss inated the starting lineup and last year But few teams In th e Will have to beat one senior this year is probably considered state can boast a more formicV> Sherwln Horowitz and Junior a rebuilding season but tbe) ahle l-2-