TEXT PREPARED BY: Patricia R. Bransford Tara-Shelomith Krause Kate Burns Ottavino

EDITED BY: David Sassoon


ISBN 1-890879-06-1

COVER PHOTOS: Work in progress at the Father Francis Duffy Memorial in Times Square, one of three local monuments where the Times Square Business Improvement District (B.I.D.) implemented a 1997 summer high school training program, (credits: top and right, Philip Greenberg, Times Square B.I.D.; bottom, A. Ottavino Corp.) TABLE OF CONTENTS


1 URBAN PRESERVATION: A CATALYST FOR by Patricia Bransford and Tara-Shelomith Krause 6 Introduction 7 New York: A Look at a Mega- 8 Community Protection in African-American Neighborhoods 9 A Model for Justifying Sustainable Urban Preservation 10 Conclusion 13

2 TOWARD A SUSTAINABLE MODEL OF RESTORATION ARTS TRAINING by Kate Burns Ottavino 14 Introduction 15 The Traditional and Not-for-Profit Models 15 Toward a Sustainable Model 16




Appendix A: Existing Programs for Restoration Arts Training 26

Appendix B: Proposal to Create a Vocational/Technical High School for the Restoration Arts 28


his report takes as its point of departure the Program interns (ages 14-21) from central Brooklyn symposium "Employment Strategies for the in the crafts of blacksmithing, masonry, stained glass Restoration Arts: Craft Training in the restoration, and wood conservation. Along with T high ratings from the New York City Department Service of ," organized by the World Monuments Fund from July 26-28, 1993. of Employment and the New York State Through site visits, presentations of case studies and Department of Labor, this on-site youth training roundtable discussions, the symposium examined program attracted favorable community attention how individuals in the United States, particularly and coverage in the city's print and broadcast media. youth and displaced workers, might be trained and WMF's experience with the symposium and training provided jobs in the restoration arts. Seventy-five program confirmed the overwhelming need in this professionals participated, representing the interests country to broaden opportunities for youth and of historic preservation, craft training, art conserva­ stem the loss of disappearing craft traditions. tion, and , com­ munity development, local and state government agencies, and foundations. ollowing the symposium WMF organized a series of roundtable discussions with key Coinciding auspiciously with renewed federal gov­ symposium participants from city agencies— ernment interest in education and job training, the F the Art Commission, Department of General conference addressed WMF's concern about the Services, Landmarks Preservation Commission, absence of nationwide standards for the craft skills Department of Transportation, and Department of used in historic preservation and the limited number Parks—as well as industry, in order to maintain the of existing U.S. programs to train people in the dialogue established by the symposium. The time highly specialized skills that contributed to building was ripe for assessing the economic benefits and our rich architectural legacy and now are needed to potential for public-private partnership in a historic maintain it. With money and interest flocking to preservation framework. WMF felt that historic high technology and white collar training, opportu­ preservation merited the application of the environ­ nities to create rewarding jobs in vocational trades mental movement's demonstration of "sustainable such as the restoration crafts have been ignored. The development"—meeting current needs without com­ preservation community has demonstrated that pre­ promising those of future generations. In the sum­ serving historic fabric revitalizes communities. At mer of 1994, WMF submitted a proposal to the the same time, the increasing successes of the U.S. Rockefeller Brothers Fund to support a study on preservation movement have led to the designation the economic impact of restoration craft training and protection of historic districts, creating a need and evaluation of the net benefits of historic preser­ for skilled restorers. However, there has been a lag vation on the New York community. This study in training the craftsmen capable of such work. wouid be central to defining the organization's future participation in developing a craft training In 1993, WMF participated in a pilot youth training curriculum that would train competent workers program at the Church of St. Ann and the Holy whose course work would be organized around spe­ Trinity, a national historic landmark church in the cific New York City landmarks. It was hoped that Brooklyn Heights Historic District. Conducted the study would define a range of options for with The Pratt Partnership and The St. Ann Center WMF's participation in craft training, which would for Restoration and the Arts—a model conservation undoubtedly benefit from a partnership with one or program that WMF had supported since 1988—the more of the city agencies that had, as an outcome of project involved 28 Summer Youth Employment

4 the symposium, indicated its willingness to be school devoted to the restoration arts. involved in this area. Ms. Anderson has assumed responsibility for seeing the report to completion. David Sassoon, who MF assembled a consultant research served as the rapporteur for "Employment Strategies team. Conservator Kate Burns Ottavino, for the Restoration Arts," edited the contributions Wvice-president of A. Ottavino into one cogent manuscript. The World Monuments Corporation and director of Preservation Fund extends its warmest thanks to the many Technology at the Center for Architecture and friends and colleagues who have helped to inspire as Building Science at the New Jersey Institute of well as add their enthusiastic voices to the dialogue Technology, developed plans for a craft-training cur­ reflected in this document. We believe it continues riculum model that would take into consideration to represent a fertile opportunity for the field. criteria, standards, and procedures, including a for­ mal restoration crafts conservation apprenticeship program. To define "urban sustainability" as it applies to the built environment and discuss its eco­ nomic and social benefits, WMF sought the assis­ tance of Tara-Shelomith Krause, who had worked as a research assistant to professor Thomas N. Gladwin at the Stern School of Business (New York University), who is influential in the study of social­ ly responsible and environmentally sustainable busi­ ness practice. Krause suggesting sharing her portion of the project with Patricia Bransford, with whom she had recently worked in developing the Urban Technology Center, an enterprise backed by the U.S. Department of Commerce and several corporate foundations to develop information technology resources in the inner city.

Rebecca Anderson, then WMF's Program Administrator, supervised the project, convening four milestone meetings to review progress and exchange ideas with executive director Bonnie Burnham and director of programs John Stubbs. Two special meetings were held. Jon Canham, direc­ tor of the Institute for Preservation Training gave a presentation on his ambitious new program based in Newport, Rhode Island. Ottavino's research into the model developed by the Pratt Institute led her to John Talmadge, Chief of Staff to Kenneth Fisher of the 33rd Councilmanic District in Brooklyn. Council member Fisher had been a symposium par­ ticipant and early proponent for the idea of a high


WE WILL TRANSMIT THE CITY GREATER, and it becomes an act of paramount fool­ BETTER AND MORE BEAUTIFUL THAN WE ishness and arrogance to squander or RECEIVED IT. destroy the resource, in the same way that doing damage to our planetary ecosystems - Oath taken by citizens of ancient Athens is such an act. Just as we cannot manufac­ ture Mother Nature's soil, water, and air which provide the basic ground of our ani­ he preservation community is cur­ mal survival; so we cannot fabricate the rently endeavoring to develop a substance, the spirit, and the inspiration of Tcogent argument by which it can our heritage which defines us as human and broaden its constituency and continue its social beings. work. Up until recently, the justification for preservation has had an elitist bias, Sustainable development is a term that focussed mainly around aesthetic and his­ became part of the global vocabulary in toric considerations, with limited regard for 1987 with the release of The Brundtland economic and social concerns. Report by the World Commission on have tended to focus on Environment and Development. In sim­ physical structures rather than capitalizing plest terms, the report sought to endorse a on the opportunity to use their preserva­ new kind of economic thinking it called tion work as a catalyst for community "sustainable development." Instead of tak­ renewal. ing growth or profitability to be the prima­ ry goal of productive activity, sustainable With the recent emergence and elaboration development adopts a larger standard of of the concept of sustainable development, reference and suggests a different measure we have been given an opportunity to of success: "Meeting the needs of the pre­ recast the ethic, to craft a sent without compromising the ability of more compelling argument to attract moral future generations to meet their own and material support from the public, from needs." government and from private institutions. Shown in the light of sustainable develop­ The notion of sustainable development was ment, urban preservation acquires the social formally adopted and endorsed by world and economic justification that it has tradi­ leaders, national governments (including tionally lacked and breaks free from its his­ the United States), as well as private and torically isolated position to join a broader public institutions involved in promoting stream of progressive concern. economic and social development. At the same time, this idea has been richly elabo­ How can the potential of urban preserva­ rated in academic and professional litera­ tion to act as a catalyst of sustainable devel­ ture. Economists, futurists, environmental­ opment be realized? The beginning of an ists and other kinds of thinkers have pro­ answer becomes apparent if we follow the posed many analytical models and created thinking of James Marston Fitch and regard new tools of measurement in order to "heritage" as a non-renewable resource. quantify resources—many of them hereto­ The built environment then can suddenly fore ignored—and calculate costs and bene­ be seen to possess additional dimensions of fits according to this new standard of value. value previously invisible to our thinking; (Please see bibliography.) PRESERVATION AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT

For the purposes of this discussion, we will London, Los Angeles, Moscow and Tokyo. adopt an analytical framework based upon Eighteen are located in the developing the idea that there exist four fundamental countries of the South: Bangkok, Beijing, "capital stocks"—social capital, human cap­ Bombay, Buenos Aires, Cairo, Calcutta, ital, material capital, and natural capital. Dacca, Delhi, Jakarta, Karachi, Lagos, The assumption we make is that these capi­ Manila, Mexico City, Rio de Janeiro, Sao tal stocks must be sustained, protected, and Paulo, Seoul, Shanghai and Tianjin. allowed to circulate in order for communi­ By 2000, now only three years away, ties and the larger social order to remain experts predict there will be 76 with healthy. The Last section of this paper con­ more than 4 million inhabitants—3.2 billion siders these interpenetrating capital stocks people living in mega-cities. By the year as they relate to the activity of urban 2025, it is estimated that 59 percent of the preservation. Before turning to this model, world's people will live in these cities. still in need of greater elaboration and Abandoning these monoliths is not an refinement, let us consider the question of option. sustainable urban preservation in the con­ text of New York City. Today the mega-cities of the world face the same challenges: inner city infrastructure NEW YORK: decline, escalating air and water pollution, A LOOK AT A MEGA-CITY seemingly intractable urban poverty, crime, ew York City may provide a well- drug abuse, and violence. New York is no Nequipped laboratory for an experi­ exception. ment in sustainable urban preservation, but How can programs of sustainable urban let us not underestimate the challenge. It is preservation help in meeting some of New suffering from the steady erosion of its his­ York's mega-city challenges? In one area toric fabric, the loss of craft skills that pro­ studied on a large scale—job distribu­ duced the architectural legacy of the city, tion—we can see how such programs might and a continuing disintegration of its social help. fabric. We can gain insight into its present condition if we examine it both as an entity According to a 1992 Regional Plan unto itself as well as part of a global sys­ Association (RPA) study, the majority of tem. In the latter context, New York is part jobs in the metropolitan region require of what has come to be called the "mega- white collar skills. Sixty percent of the city" phenomenon. employment or 6.4 million positions in 1986 were filled by managers, professionals, A mega-city is defined as an technicians, sales, and other administrative with more than 4 million inhabitants. In support workers. Blue collar occupations 1950, there was only one—Buenos Aires. comprised only 25 percent of the employ­ Today, 42 percent of the world's population ment, or 2.7 million jobs. Service skills resides in 23 mega-cities, growing at an accounted for the remaining 15 percent average annual rate of 3-4 percent. New with 1.7 million jobs. Secretarial and gen­ York is one of them. eral office workers represented the largest Four other mega-cities are located in the occupational category with 1.4 million jobs, developed countries of the North: followed by data processing, office commu- URBAN PRESERVATION AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 1

nications, and managers. The RPA project­ architects and historians had already been ed employment to grow by 1.6 million jobs active in the pursuit of preservation. They in the region from 1986 to 2000. White understood that the loss of cultural survival collar work is to provide 72 percent of this mechanisms results in an erosion of com­ gain, service employment 25 percent and munity values, a growing sense of power- blue collar activity only 3 percent. Beyond lessness and a lack of identity and pride. In 2000 the study concluded that there will be these communities preservation has been no requirement for additional blue collar viewed and promoted as a form of commu­ skills. nity identity worthy of protection, and community leaders have adopted this This does not bode well for our architec­ premise as a broader mandate so that tural fabric nor for the heterogeneity of our preservation includes "people renewal." city, but if we put into place a significant effort to rebuild communities around their The Abyssinian Baptist Church in Harlem heritage, we might not see blue-collar work and its subsidiary Abyssinian Development atrophy in the next decade, and with it our Corporation have built housing units for skill to preserve our heritage. the homeless, for senior citizens and for moderate income people, renovated historic New York City has 63 historic districts sites within the community, and launched containing 1,000 landmarks and 20,000 educational initiatives. The organization properties, representing 2 percent of all was active in the renovation of the building lots. This aspect of New York's Renaissance Ballroom which had stood heritage, this non-renewable resource, vacant for 14 years. It also restored the 28 might indeed provide a source of catalytic town houses on Astor Row by attracting a action sufficient to help propel the metrop­ $700,000 grant from the Astor Foundation. olis out of present patterns of disintegration into the 21st century. Many foundations have been slow to understand the connection between historic COMMUNITY PROTECTION preservation and community development, IN AFRICAN-AMERICAN but the executive director of the Astor NEIGHBORHOODS foundation commented that poor commu­ till, global solutions alone will not nities all over the United States have fine Swork. There is a need, as the popular architecture that, if restored, could both slogan says, to "think globally, act locally," instill pride and create jobs. for it is understood that sustainability will Even though we can point to other exam­ emerge only out of community. African- ples of similar successes in other neighbor­ Americans have already made a large con­ hoods around the country, thinking like tribution to preservation by putting this this is still more the exception than the rule. idea into practice, even though they have Volunteer networks have only just begun to only begun to achieve recognition from the cross racial lines, and few African- mainstream historic preservation move­ Americans participate in the traditional ment. Since the 1970s when activists preservation movement; and it is precisely looked at slums in Brooklyn and in their neighborhoods and those of other Cincinnati and saw historic sites, the minorities that the need may be greatest. African-American community's leaders, PRESERVATION AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT

Instead of remedial government programs This intangible sense of social cohesion that target the most distasteful and politi­ based around shared ethical values is a capi­ cally embarrassing symptoms of mega-city tal stock of tremendous potency and crisis, we may be ready now to consider volatility. Harnessed properly, it leads to much broader-based experiments in urban sustainability and the highest achievements preservation and sustainable development. of civilized capacity. By way of example, we could argue that ancient Athens, Rome A MODEL FOR JUSTIFYING in its glory or Florence during the SUSTAINABLE URBAN Renaissance had a stock of social capital PRESERVATION unparalleled in the western world. Yet, ne way to begin to make urban obversely, if social capital cannot be pre­ Opreservation relevant in the context of served, its energy is dissipated in explosions sustainable development is to analyze the and declines so rapid that all hope is lost; impact that urban preservation would have communities become maimed, crippled and compared with new building and develop­ ruled by cynicism, despair, and violence. ment. Which option proves to be the sus­ How much stock does New York City tainable one? Which option allows us to possess of social capital? Contradictory "meet the needs of the present without images and thoughts immediately come to compromising the ability of future genera­ mind, but if one poll is to be believed, over­ tions to meet their own needs"? all the stock is quite substantial: only 7 per­ Let us examine here the impact of these cent of New York residents cite a sense of two options on the social, human, material, community as a problem. Inner city neigh­ and natural capital of New York City. borhoods have traditionally been and will Which creates greater economic savings? continue into the future as the first destina­ Which brings with it greater additional tion for new immigrant groups, who bring benefits to enhance social cohesion? The with them shared cultural and social values. following brief discussion is intended to The challenge becomes how to improve the provoke an interdisciplinary effort to quality of life and ensure social equity, a reconceptualize our thinking, find new healthy environment and economic oppor­ ways of looking at urban problems, spur tunity so that this capital is not drained. dialogue, and build a new consensus. Evidence shows that the benefits of historic preservation succeed in instilling civic pride Social Capital and creating a social confidence, and so The notion of "social capital" is the most helps to preserve social capital. With urban abstract of the four capital stocks and the preservation, for example, comes tourism most difficult to quantify, yet perhaps the and the material and psychological benefits most important. If community members of living in communities admired by visi­ preserve a sense of identity connected to tors from afar. Similarly, studies in more the place in which they live, they will be than a dozen cities around the nation have able to meet the constant challenges posed shown that property values benefit from by mega-city pressures with a positive urban preservation. With preservation also sense of possibility and pride in achieve­ comes an improved quality of life stem­ ment. ming from the strengthening of community URBAN PRESERVATION AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT

values. An involved 24-hour neighborhood, tribute to neighborhood stability, and for example, reduces crime, vandalism and want to leave anyway at the first littering, and attracts new business. opportunity.

By contrast, new building can have the The traditional New York neighbor­ opposite effect. For example, consider an hood model is being emulated every­ inner city strip shopping center. It has to where except in our own backyard. spend $2 more per square foot than a com­ Can't we learn from ourselves?" parable suburban shopping center for full- Human Capital time security guard, increased lighting, and continuous cleaning. Total operating costs One problem that continues to vex politi­ as a result rise by 15 percent. cians and social workers responsible for addressing the problems of this nation's On a larger scale, entire communities can inner cities is unemployment, particularly be destroyed by new building precisely among youth. Job programs historically because the notion of the existence of a have in general not proved successful. For stock of social capital is not recognized. In example, many federally funded federal job 1994, there were plans afoot to demolish programs spend between $2000 to $4000 the 124 buildings of the Nehemiah Project per person and last two to three months. in East New York. A New York Newsday As one youth skills training leader com­ editorial by Roberta Brandes Gratz, author mented once, "With $2000 you can just get of The Living City and president of the them dressed up and sent to a job inter­ Eldridge Street Project in New York, criti­ view." Job training requires a long term cized the proposed demolition and made an investment, and for this reason, urban appeal to preserve the social capital that preservation projects can provide the con­ would otherwise be wasted: text for job training and increase a commu­ "Housing alone does not make a nity's stock of human capital. neighborhood and it is a moral out­ According to the New York City Parks rage to throw out people with long Department (Rabinowitz, 1994), there are social ties to the community, people no current programs in the New York City who struggled against drugs and university art school system for preserva­ crime, long-term owners who could tion and art conservation. Few people are not get mortgages during the hard trained in the artisan skills of stone-cutting times, who were red-lined out of loans and mold-making. In short, many restora­ to improve the area but who stayed tion architects are forced to specify replace­ and worked hard against deteriora­ ment materials and techniques or abandon tion, always with the faith that things plans for preservation because "you can't would get better. Many poor people get that kind of work anymore." here with what are traditionally defined as middle-class values are Studies have shown that job creation is being shoved out to make way for stronger in preservation work than in new moderate-income homeowners. This construction, as preservation work is more displacement is rationalized by pre­ labor intensive. Further, the Lower tending that poor people can't con­ Manhattan Task Force calculated the bene-


fits of jobs retained through its preservation itics and bureaucracy and supported by pri­ efforts. Experts calculated that 3000 jobs vate enterprise. Just as there is an unused will be retained by the Lower Manhattan resource in the heritage of New York City, preservation effort with each job having a so there is a needy base of human capital in net present value of $115,367. In addition, the city that could be strengthened through preservation creates five more construction training by and service to programs of sus­ jobs and three more permanent jobs than tainable urban preservation. new construction for every $1 million invested. (The City of New York, Lower Material Capital Manhattan Task Force, 1994) Nationwide studies show that development is consistently steady in historic districts in The principles of social cost accounting can terms of work permit applications; and in be used to calculate the benefit of training Denver's historic preservation area, 114 one craftsperson. Assume a 19-year-old new businesses were created with 450 new unemployed youth living in public housing jobs despite a severe recession. and receiving approximately $7,000 in total public assistance. He enters a preservation One reason that urban preservation can craftsperson skills training program at $10 bring positive is per hour. Upon completion of the pro­ because it preserves material capital. This is gram, he becomes an apprentice at $25,000 most clearly seen in savings on energy and annual salary with benefits. Using actuarial landfill costs, as well as the reduced need computations, the societal income for one for materials demanded by wholly new trained craftsperson turns out to be construction. $397,089. The City of New York Lower Manhattan These kinds of facts argue strongly in favor Task Force analyzed energy cost savings, of a craftsperson training program targeting and was able to justify the following incen­ disadvantaged minority youth and workers tive: if a building owner improved his in need of skills retraining, as an adjunct of building at least 20 percent of the current sustainable preservation programs. (See assess value, the city could offer a 30 per­ essay, following). Programs of this sort cent reduction in electricity costs and 20 would entail marshalling a diverse coalition percent of natural gas costs over 12 years. of support to provide the necessary leader­ ship, commitment, and financing: business, Landfill space is quickly running out in both large and small; community develop­ New York City, requiring a major solid ment groups, local government, educational waste management system transformation. institutions, and unions. Necessary compo­ Studies during the late 1980s founc that nents include comprehensive social service construction waste accounted for 3^ per­ support, ties to formal educational institu­ cent to 50 percent of the solid waste in tions and community groups, and a sympa­ urban landfills, and that rehabilitation gen­ thetic and active apprenticeship program. erates approximately 67 percent less solid waste than new construction. While easily described in the abstract, such programs need to be more fully articulated Urban preservation can achieve substantial and brokered through the maze of city pol­ savings for the municipal solid waste man- URBAN PRESERVATION AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT

agement budget as well. If 30 percent of CONCLUSION new construction is replaced by rehabilita­ ost supporters of sustainable devel­ tion, the generation of more than 417,000 Mopment have no background in his­ tons of waste will be avoided, saving the toric preservation but nevertheless are city more than $30 million. motivated to create environmentally com­ patible and more livable communities. Preservation efforts—as distinct from reha­ Historic preservationists are seeking to pre­ bilitation—might generate even less solid serve urban heritage. The challenge lies in waste and require even less in the way of seeing the cogent intersection of both new materials and energy consumption. movements. Urban preservation can Natural Capital become a catalyst for crafting a sustainable future from the nonrenewable resource of Urban preservation allows the built envi­ urban heritage. Environmental conservation ronment to remain and helps protect exist­ together with strong social-equity argu­ ing natural capital. plays an impor­ ments makes a cogent combination through tant role in the sustainability of a city. which to enlarge the constituency for mak­ Zoning incentives that do not favor the ing a new kind of sustainable urban invest­ preservation of the city built environment ment. spur demolition and the sprawl of new development. Limits to neighborhood growth and the inclusion of greenways provide an impetus for human scale devel­ opment that preserves wet lands, curbs automobile traffic, and does not overbur­ den infrastructure.

Furthermore, research conducted over the last twenty years shows that rehabilitation work typically puts less of a burden on water and sewage infrastructure than new development. This translates into a cleaner environment while simultaneously provid­ ing open space for inhabitants. It is impor­ tant to note that these factors also strongly influence perceptions of regional competi­ tiveness.


THE TRADITIONAL AND ince the end of World War II, this NOT-FOR-PROFIT MODELS nation has witnessed a substantial Sdecline in traditional building craft estoration arts training programs fall skills. Because the building industry has Rinto one of two models: what we will come to rely more and more on prefabri­ call "traditional" and "not-for-profit." cated materials as well as compounds and Neither model is at present succeeding in processes created out of technological and training a sufficient number of craftspeople. chemical advances, the crafts that had for By examining the characteristics of each, centuries provided the mainstay of the we might be able to extract the elements building trades have fallen out of demand crucial to a sustainable restoration arts and use. While more modern journey­ training program, and fashion a proposal men—laborers are equipped with the new for a new model. skills demanded by the marketplace, even the knowledge and ability to restore the In the traditional model, the process of an structures built even at the turn of the cen­ apprentice's development into an artisan is tury we are now closing has seriously been an organic part of the building business eroded. itself, and historically, this model has proven itself to be sustainable. The sustain- To make up for the loss, there have been ability of the traditional model was driven and continue to be attempts made to keep by the economy. Until recently, there was these crafts, now referred to as "restoration sufficient demand for work requiring arts," alive. Most of these efforts have trained craftspeople and their apprentices, either been conceived and executed as not- and this fueled the system that produced for-profit ventures, or have become part of them. a supplemental or advanced educational program (see Appendix A). The not-for- When owners could no longer afford to profit ventures have so far met with limited undertake quality restoration work on their success; and the educational programs are buildings, they were left with three basic too rare, too short, or too expensive to have options: not to undertake the work at all; lower the standards by which the work was had any significant impact on the erosion accomplished; or undertake only limited of these arts. Training in the restoration work to stabilize the structures. The result, arts, like historic preservation in general, in any case, was a decreased demand for the has come to occupy a socially and econom­ services of skilled craftspeople. ically isolated position. (See previous essay.) The traditional model of training began to What is needed is a sustainable model of unravel because training in the building arts restoration arts training, made available to a is the product of a long process that begins far wider sector of the population, and for the apprentice with observing, handing- linked to all the players in the building up, and fetching while on the job. Time industry. This essay is an attempt to identi­ spent performing these functions is part of fy the key components of such a model and the investment an employer makes while at how they might fit together, and an invita­ the same time paying the apprentice a wage. tion to further refinement and experimenta­ The cost of this system of training is paid tion. for out of the payment the employer ") SUSTAINABLE RESTORATION ARTS TRAINING

receives from building owners for comple­ opment of social support systems for tion of contracted work. Furthermore, ded­ apprentices and has established links to the ication and a willingness to serve in what­ building industry for training and later ever capacity the artisans demand are employment. The program has broadened attributes apprentices must bring in order its base to include consideration for the for this training model to be successful. needs of the individual apprentice as well as the industry, and has forged a program that The not-for-profit model is more volatile has so far proven sustainable. than the traditional model since it is not self-financing. Rather, it is a philanthropic Still, there is the need for establishing a sus­ enterprise subject to the renewability of its tainable program on a much larger and funding, and in general has been unable to more ambitious basis, a program that could provide for its apprentices sufficient social harness the energy and potential of New support and job security to make the model York City's unemployed youth and put sustainable. them in the service of restoring the city's rich architectural heritage, which at present In this model, the not-for-profit organiza­ is suffering from disrepair and disregard. tion identifies a specific restoration project that it wants to undertake and secures the TOWARD A SUSTAINABLE MODEL cooperation of the owner or . It ather than try to develop a model of a attracts funding from an amalgam of public sustainable training program, it would and private sources, establishes a base of R be better in this context to develop a pro­ operations, and assembles a staff both of posal for creating an infrastructure that administrators and trained craftspeople, could support restoration arts training in a who are paid a subsidized salary. Once this sustainable manner. Such a model would context is established, the organization is meld elements from the traditional model able to organize a training program and with those of the not-for-profit model. It attract apprentices who can both work and would bring existing resources in the pri­ train for the duration of the project. vate sector in contact with existing govern­ The not-for-profit model is hardly sustain­ mental functions to produce a newly con­ able because with the completion of a given figured infrastructure, so that the artisan is project, the entity disappears. There is no supported not only in the context of indus­ longer a base of operations; the artisans try, but in the context of society. who provided training move on to other The cornerstone of such an approach is employment; and there is no work left that education, which can never begin too early. can provide the basis of apprenticeship. The Yet we can limit our vision for the moment trainee finds him or her self with no finan­ and concentrate on the age when young cial resources, little guidance or support, people first encounter vocational training. and jobless. High school (or junior high school at the Some not-for-profit models have achieved earliest) is when students traditionally success, but these programs are the excep­ begin shop training. It is ideally at this tion rather than the rule. Perhaps the most juncture that the public education system notable is the Pratt Partnership, now in its could be redesigned to provide a special­ sixth year. The program includes the devel­ ized vocational pursuit in restoration arts. SUSTAINABLE RESTORATION ARTS TRAINING 2

A beginning has been made by the Historic is admitted into a union by recommenda­ Districts Council of New York City. They tion of a union mentor or employer. The have published a of lesson plans for apprentice undergoes a minimum of three elementary and high school students, to to five years of training and classroom edu­ integrate historic preservation into their cation on his/her sojourn to becoming a curriculum.

Aside from the practical value of making "...restoration arts training is not a white collar, available to students a specialized educa­ masters-degree-candidate pursuit, but o viable tional program, there would also be an important message communicated: restora­ part of" the building trades industry." tion arts training is not a white collar, mas­ ters-degree-candidate pursuit, but a viable journeyman. There are requirements for part of the building trades industry. In minimum hours of training, most often at order to give truth to the message, the pro­ union hall facilities, in addition to on-the- gram must go beyond the implementation job training at an employer's base of opera­ of a curriculum. tions. Once journeyman status has been Once students complete the program, they achieved, no higher merit is recognized by must have open to them real and affordable the union. opportunities for further education and The building industry and union training training, as well as employment. Further responds to changes in marketplace formal education probably poses the demand and evolving building technology. biggest challenge. Most course programs As a result, new skills have been given pref­ listed in the 1995 Cultural Resources erential development over some of the Directory issued by the U.S. Department older, more traditional skills. Yet recently, of the Interior are only of short duration, the market for building restoration has out­ inclusive of hands-on training. There are a stripped demand for new construction, and limited number of programs in other parts this may be an opportune moment to of the country, but these options would not develop incentives and programs for unions be economically viable for the average to respond to by offering in-house training graduate of a New York City public high programs in the restoration arts. Their school. Over time, an increased demand for cooperation in establishing an infrastruc­ training might create local programs for ture to support restoration arts training is further training, but at present, only a fundamental to its success. scholarship or loan program would make it possible for graduating students to further In addition, the building trades industry pursue restoration arts in a formal educa­ has an important role to play by providing tional setting. apprentices the opportunity to learn the use of equipment in the proper context of its Another viable alternative rests with build­ normal employ. In the ing trades unions. Restoration arts training there are still shops that cut stone, work is gradually being recognized by the unions with iron, sheet metal and stained glass, or as separate or distinct from the traditional fabricate cabinets and other products of building trades. Traditionally, an apprentice made of wood. Nothing can replace the 17 ¿L¿ SUSTAINABLE RESTORATION ARTS TRAINING

experience an apprentice would gain by sustainable infrastructure in the restoration learning directly from an artisan in his or arts—the public education system, the her own shop. building trades unions, industry, and social service agencies—are all pursuing their These elements of a newly configured agendas and fulfilling their mandates, with infrastructure will not coalesce of their own no-one to show them and guide them to accord. There is a need for an organization the opportunities possible through mutual to act as catalyst and advocate, and also to cooperation. forge links with existing social service orga­ nizations for the benefit of apprentices. For The elements of a sustainable model of this, there would be required seed funding restoration arts training are present right to prime the engine of sustainability. now in New York City. With the establish­ ment of an organization to act as catalyst The commitment of funds for the creation and advocate, as well as the commitment of of such an organization and the effort to the city's political leadership, we can begin reconfigure the infrastructure would not, of to reconfigure the city's existing infrastruc­ course, be necessary or viable unless there ture to support a sustainable restoration is a demand for the services of restoration arts training program and preservation artists. Is there a demand, or is there merely industry. the wish that there be a demand?

In New York City, there are more than 1,000 individually landmarked structures and 63 historic districts that include more than 20,000 brownstones, row houses and loft buildings. These numbers continue to rise as buildings 30 years of age become eli­ gible for landmark designation. This is a growth market with an ever-increasing sup­ ply of quality landmark structures, govern­ ment regulation to protect them, and gov­ ernment agencies to curate them (Department of Design and Construction, General Services Administration, Department of Parks and Recreation, Housing and Urban Development, Housing Preservation Development). Private developers are seeking tax credits for restoration efforts, and for the state and federal government to provide special tax incentives for restoration projects.

What is lacking in this entire field of endeavor is leadership, the articulation of a larger social and economic vision, and coordination. The key constituents of a 18 EPILOGUE

n 1995, following the completion of this study, the seed funding to prepare the proposal and Kate Burns Ottavino developed a proposal for a Ottavino is now engaged in Irestoration arts vocational training curriculum securing the balance of the funds required, a total of and sought an appropriate educational partner. She $15,000. If the program proceeds on schedule, a high presented her ideas to Ezra Ehrenkrantz, Chairman school of restoration arts will open in fall 1998. of the Center for Architecture and Building Science Research at the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT), where she holds the position of Director of nother favorable development brought the Preservation Technology. Ehrenkrantz thought that World Monuments Fund in contact with NJIT could develop a proposal for a high school Athe Mayors Commission of Youth curriculum for consideration by public high schools Employment Services (YES). In early 1997, Gloria in New Jersey. The response was lukewarm—in Gilbert Stoga, YES coordinator, contacted WMF's New Jersey the schools are investing all their president Bonnie Burnham about a nine-week resources in programs that are computer oriented. contract for the repair and conservation of several While a few schools expressed an interest in using sculptures owned by the New York City computers for documentation, the concept of a Department of Parks and Recreation. Burnham comprehensive program—which would involve immediately referred Ms. Stoga to Ms. Ottavino, hands-on work as well as state-of-the-art computer who submitted a proposal for a summer youth train­ documentation—failed to attract thtm. ing program to restore the three monuments. The Times Square Business Improvement District (BID) This proposal did receive an enthusiastic response, agreed to fully fund the restoration of three monu­ however, in New York City, where Ms. Ottavino ments in the Times Square area: the George M. contacted John Talmadge at Councilmember Fisher's Cohan Monument and Father Francis Duffy office, who arranged immediately for a meeting with Memorial in Duffy Square; and the Flanders Field his boss, Mr. Fisher, who offered to assist in Memorial in DeWitt Clinton Park. As part of the approaching the New York City Board of proposal, the BID also agreed to hire three students Education. William Thompson, President of the from the High School of Graphic Communication Board of Education was also very interested and Arts who would learn the art of monument preser­ arranged for Ms. Ottavino to meet Judy Rizzo, the vation under Ms. Ottavino's guidance and supervision. Deputy Chancellor for Curriculum of the New Jonathan Kuhn, historian and curator of monuments York City Board of Education. That meeting was for the Department of Parks has been a key program very timely: Ms. Rizzo and the Chancellor, Rudy advisor. Crew, had recently visited an NEH-funded voca­ tional training project in Maryland and had been On May 12, 1997 the Art Commission of the City exploring comparable options for New York. of New York formally approved the proposal. The Initially, discussion focused on developing a restora­ nine-week program involves a broad overview of the tion arts program within an existing vocational high restoration process as well as a hands-on experience. school. It soon became clear that the curriculum Artisans from A. Ottavino Corporation will do the merited its own school. It was even proposed that a hands-on restoration work (in their Ozone Park, vacant classical building in Brooklyn be used to N.Y. shop, apprentices do not actually carve until house it. Ms. Rizzo invited Ms. Ottavino to prepare they have a minimum of one and a half years' expe­ a curriculum proposal for grades 6 through 12, rience). The program departs from apprenticeship which the Board of Education would submit to the training in that it will involve the students in the NEH. Council member Fisher has pledged $5,000 in process of research and documentation. The latter is


consistent with restoration training and provides a valuable exposure to the restoration field beyond its vocational aspects.

The program offers a valuable opportunity for exploring the objective of establishing a high school curriculum, as well as to interest and engage city political leaders and citizens in a concern for the city's architectural fabric and its economic power. More immediately, the Times Square project pro­ vides young people with an educational and practical employment experience in monument restoration.



PROFESSIONAL SOURCES BIBLIOGRAPHY WMF wishes to acknowledges those who ARCHITECTURE, HISTORIC PRESERVATION, AND URBAN STUDIES made themselves available for interviews by the project consultants in 1995: Barnett, Jonathan. The Fractured Metropolis: Improving the New City, Restoring the Old City, Reshaping the Region. New York: Harper Collins Erica Avrami, Training Program Coordinator, The Publishers, 1995. Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles, CA Bernstein, Emily M. "Investing in the Inner City; Irene H. Impellizzeri, Vice President, City of New Small-Business Owner Sees Revitalized Future." York Board of Education The New York Times, July 29, 1994, Bl, 2.

Gersil N. Kay, Building Conservation International, . "When Downtown Meets Uptown; Pennsylvania Fifth Avenue Church Reaches Out to Harlem Students and Finds Good Intentions Aren't Timothy C. Marshall, Director, Capital Projects, The Always Enough." The New York Times, June 18, Central Park Conservancy, New York, N.Y. 1995, Section 13, pp. 1,12.

Ivan Myjer, Restoration Director, Society for the Bruning, Nancy. Cities Against Nature. Chicago: Preservation of New England Antiquities, Children's Press, 1992. Waltham, Mass. City of New York, Lower Manhattan Task Force. "A Denis R. Monagna, Ph.D. Architectural Historian, Plan for the Revitalization of Lower Manhattan." National Park Service, Philadelphia, PA. December 15, 1994.

Mary Pigott Ottavino, Former Executive Officer, Cowan, Alison Leigh. "From Harvard, Help for SEEK (Search for Education and Knowledge) Inner City." The New York Times, June 2, 1994, program of Brooklyn College, City University of DI, D6 New York. Farrell, Christopher; Mandel, Michael; Schroder; and David Overholt, National Trust for Historic Weber, Joseph. "The Economic Crisis of Urban Preservation, Washington, D.C. America." Business Week. May 18, 1992, pp. 38- 43. Frank G. Sanchis, Director of Historic Properties, National Trust for Historic Preservation, Fitch, James Marston. Historic Preservation: Washington, D.C. Curatorial Management of the Built World. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 1990. John H. Stubbs, Program Director, World Monuments Fund, New York, N. Y Gratz, Roberta Brandes. "Demolition Doesn't Rebuild Neighborhoods." New York Newsday, John Talmadge, Chief of Staff to Council Member December 15, 1994, p. A42. Kenneth Fisher, Councilmanic District #33, Brooklyn, N. Y . The Living City. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1989. David Teitelbaum, President, Cathedral Stoneworks, New York, N.Y. Goldberger, Paul. "New York Lost & Found." The New York Times, April 9, 1995, Sec. 4, p. 3. Wesley Waynes, Historic Preservationist, New York, N.Y. Kaufman, Ned. "A Plan for Saving New York City's Historically and Culturally Significant Sites." Discussion Draft. The Municipal Art Society, Committee on Historical and Cultural Landmarks, 1996.

Kiefer, Matthew J. "Sustainable Development: A Key Opportunity for Preservationists." Historic Preservation News. April/May 1994. REFERENCES

Listokin, David. Living Cities: Report on the CRAFT TRAINING, EDUCATION, JOB DEVELOPMENT Twentieth Century Fund Task Force on Urban Preservation Policies. New York Priority Press Abercrombie, Stanley. "Stepping Stones." Historic Publications, 1985. Preservation. Vol. 44, No. 5, September/October 1992, pp. 28-37. Lowe, Marcia D. "Shaping Cities." State of the World 1992 Washington: Worldwatch Institute. Dillon, Sam. "When Teachers Pool Their Talents to Run an Academy." The New York Times, May 24, Musil, Jiri. "The Decay of Environment and its 1995, pp. B6, B7. Impact on Urban Life." Paper prepared for the European Monuments Forum hosted by the Ferguson, Tim W. "The Clogged Pipeline of Craft World Monuments Fund in Prague, May 8-11, Training." The Wall Street Journal, January 11, 1991. 1994, p. A 15.

Regional Plan Association. "Improving Quality of Goering, Laurie. "Students rebuilt homes, their Life in the Region: What Does it Really Mean?" lives." Chicago Tribune. January 29, 1993, p. 1, 6. Background paper for the RPA 5th Annual Regional Assembly, April 18, 1985. Langholtz, Eileen B. "City Vision: A Success Story." Blueprints. (Newsletter of the National Building Sassen, Saskia. Cities in a World Economy. Thousand ) Vol. XII, No. 3. Summer 1994, p. 6. Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press, 1995. Lipowicz, Alice. "Failing centers thwart NY job St. John, Andrew. Sourcebook for Sustainable Design. training effort." Crain's New York Business, Vol. Boston Society of Architects, 1992. X, No. 26, June 27-July 3, 1994, pp. 1, 40.

UNESCO. The Conservation of Cities. London: Martin, Douglas. "Not Just Another Brick in the Croom Helm, 1975. Wall; Central Park Stoneworkers Revive Some Old Traditions." The New York Times, August Vidal, Avis C. "Rebuilding Communities: A National 10, 1994, Bl, 5. Study of Urban Community Development Corporations." Community Development Pereira, Joseph. "Good Job Training Comes At a Research Center. Graduate School of Management Price, Program Shows." The Wall Street Journal. and Urban Policy. New School for Social August 5, 1994, Bl,2. Research. 1992. Pierre-Pierre, Garry. "Express Track for Jobs." The New York Times, March 9, 1996, pp. 25-26. BUSINESS THEORY IN A SUSTAINABLE FRAMEWORK Plate, John C. "Partners in Training and Preservation, Cherny, Julius; Gordon, Arlene R.; and Herson, OSFS Preserves its Treasures." Cultural Resources Richard J. L. Accounting—A Social Institution: A Management, vol. 17, No. 1, 1994. Unified Theory for the Measurement of the Profit and Nonprofit Sectors. New York: Quorum Reardon, Christopher. "New York Neighbors." , 1992. Foundation News & Commentary, March/April 1994, pp. 12-19. Ekins, Paul; and Max-Neef, Manfred. Eds. Real-life Economics: Understanding Wealth Creation. New U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park York: Routledge, 1992. Service. "Public Monuments and Outdoor Sculpture." Cultural Resource Management. Vol. Gladwin, Thomas N., and Krause, Tara-Shelomith. 18, 1, 1995. Business^ Nature and Society: Envisioning Sustainable Enterprise. Irwin, in production. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT/SUSTAINABLE Gladwin, Thomas N., Kennelly, James J. and Krause, COMMUNITY Tara-Shelomith. "Shifting Paradigms for Sustainable Development: Implications for Capra, Fritjof. "Sustainable Communities: A Management Theory and Research." Lead article Management Challenge." Keynote presentation at for special issue, Academy of Management Systems Thinking in Action Conference, San Review, fall 1995. Francisco. November 16 1994.

Kennedy, Paul. Preparing for the Twenty-first Cochran Hadden, Gwendolyn. "Communities for Century. New York: Random House, 1993. the Future: Preservation of African American Heritage in the United States." Summation Report from the First Symposium. 6/3-4, 1994. REFERENCE S

The Economist. "Preaching Community." June 25, 1994. p 61.

Gilman, Robert. "The Eco-Village Challenge." In Context. No. 29. Summer 1991, pp. 10-14.

Girardet, Herbert. The Gaia Atlas of Cities: New directions for sustainable urban living. New York: Anchor Books, 1992.

Gladwin, Thomas N, Krause, Tara-Shelomith and Kennelly, James J. "Beyond Eco-Efficiency: Towards Social Sustainability." Sustainable Development. Vol. 3. 1995.

Kaplan, R.D. "The Coming Anarchy." The Atlantic Monthly. 273 (2): 43-76.

Kinsley, Michael. "Sustainable Development: Prosperity without Growth." Rocky Mountain Institute. Economic Renewal Program paper. 1994.

Kline, Elizabeth. Defining a Sustainable Community. 1993.

Mathews, Jessica Tuchman. "Redefining Security." Foreign Affairs. Spring 1989: 162-177.

Lerza, Catherine (Tides Foundation Project Director). "Defining Sustainable Communities: Many Pieces Fit Together." Report from the Defining Sustainable Communities Conference. June 2-4, 1994.

Perlman, Janice. Mega-city Conference Notes. New York University Urban Research Center 1992.

Porter, Michael E. "The Competitive Advantage of the Inner City." Harvard Business Review, v. 73, May-June 1995, pp. 55-71.

Viederman, Stephen. "The Economics of Sustainability: Challenges." Paper presented at the Economics of Sustainability Workshop, Recife, Brazil. September 13, 1994.



Existing Programs for Restoration Arts Training

hile there is a large and varied gram of six years, and the North Bennett supply of restoration arts train­ School with a two year diploma in preser­ Wing courses, few schools actually vation carpentry. For in-house training of address the restoration arts in the context its staff, the National Park Service also of a career. According to the 1995 directory offers a two year apprenticeship program. of the Accredited Commission of Career In 1995, the Institute for Preservation Schools and Colleges of Technologies, the Training in Newport, R.I. (see below) and only trades that are taught are those of the the National Park Service have established brick mason, carpenter, painter, and paper a new job category with the federal hanger. For each of these trades, with the Division of Occupational Titles: Carpenter exception of carpenter, the Williamson Free (Preservation) 860.381-022. School of Mechanical Trades (Pennsylvania) uring the research phase of this was the only source of training listed. For Dreport, John P. Canham, director of carpenter (and cabinetmaker), eleven the Institute for Preservation Training in schools were listed, among them the North Newport, R.I., was invited by WMF to Bennett Street School (Massachusetts). Not present an overview of IPT's work. The listed in the directory, but accredited by the brainchild of Mr. Canham, IPT had its ori­ U.S. Department of Education is the gins in 1994, when he established an affir­ Belmont Technical College (St. Clairsville, mative business alliance focused on preser­ Ohio), which offers a general hands-on vation training. Through a relationship approach to preservation training, but no with the Support Center of Rhode Island, specific field of concentration. he used the rehabilitation of Surprise Valley Farm at Edgehills, Newport, to provide The 1995 Cultural Resource Training vocational training for both able-bodied Directory issued by the U.S. Department and disabled persons. of the Interior lists seven sources of apprenticeship, craft, and trade programs IPT was founded in 1995 and has been a nationwide. The three listed in New York program of Vocational Resources/Goodwill City are now defunct with the exception of Industries of Rhode Island since December the RESTORE program. However, there is 1996. The latter umbrella organization aims in Maryland the Insulation Industry's to "provide a context for people to learn National Apprenticeship Training, and in work skills in a real work setting." Today, Massachusetts, the National Park Service IPT has grown to a staff of nine and has Skills and Training (PAST) Program. three distinct program objectives: Historic Notably, most of the course programs list­ Preservation, Community Development, ed are measured in weeks inclusive of and a new Windows of Opportunity work­ hands-on and/or classroom training. Two shop. The organization continues to secure exceptions are the Colonial Williamsburg strategic business alliances throughout 1 Foundation, with an apprenticeship pro­ greater New England.


n addition to these programs, there is a Ifair proliferation of intensive courses, at least thirty or more, all measured in weeks, some of which are given at centers such as the Campbell Center in Illinois, RESTORE in New York, and the Preservation Institute for the Building Crafts in Vermont. Courses of a developmental nature lasting two years or more exist mostly at the high­ er education level. [Currently there are eight colleges granting undergraduate degrees and 44 schools issuing graduate degrees in historic preservation].

1 For further information please contact Rob Cagnetta, Institute for Preservation Training, 100 Houghton Street, Providence, R.I. 02904, Telephone: (401) 861-2080, Fax: (401) 454-0889 B APPENDIX

Proposal To Create A Vocational/Technical High School For The Restoration Arts Submitted by Kate Burns Ottavino, M. Arch., M.S. Historic Preservation Director: Preservation Technology Center for Architecture & Building Science Research, New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)

THE NEED Institute of Architects shows that spending he need to develop an educational in the renovation/restoration sector of the training program for a high school building industry has increased at a rate of curriculum on the Restoration Arts 7 percent per year over the past fifteen T years and now occupies 44 percent of the stems from a shortage of trained restoration artisans in the building trades, a shortage volume of construction work in the United acknowledged and of concern professional States (AIA Journal/February 1996). In architects, engineers and preservationists, New Jersey, for every $1 million expended educators, contractors, and building owners on historic rehabilitation nearly 75 jobs are alike. In large measure this shortage is the created, of which 39 are in the construction, result of an ever-increasing number of his­ manufacturing, retail and wholesale trades toric districts, heritage areas, landmark and (New Jersey Historic Trust, "Historic landmark eligible structures. The increase Rehab Pays Off Big for New Jersey"). In in our nation's awareness and desire to pro­ New York city there are 958 individually tect and perpetuate the life of its historic designated landmarks and 68 historic properties stems from the enactment of Districts comprised of 20,260 buildings Federal legislation, the Historic (New York City Landmarks Commission). Preservation Act, establishing the Advisory These staggering figures, combined with Council on Historic preservation and the the fact that for every $1 million invested in National Register of Historic Places in the rehabilitation of historic properties 1966. This Act also spurred the formation there is $2.75 million in economic activity of local Landmark Commissions across the generated, has led members of both parties country. However, for several reasons, in Congress to co-sponsor the Historic training in both the public and private sec­ Home Ownership Tax Act" (S.1002 & tor has not kept pace with the growing H.R. 1662) in order to encourage more res­ needs of the residential and main street idential rehabilitation investment. commercial renovation/restoration markets. These reasons include lack of managerial Congress has realized that homeownership tax credits will foster a stronger economic commitment, costs, and a scarcity of environment and create skilled jobs, which resources for ongoing funding. will more than offset the lost tax revenue. These tax credits, combined with the U.S. As a result, demand for qualified restora­ Bureau of Labor projections that the U.S. tion artisans exceeds the supply in the mar­ will need another 35,000 bricklayers and ket place today. stone masons within the next ten years Despite this shortage, a recent analysis of (while projecting only moderate overall the construction industry by the American economic growth), are strong indicators of 28 APPENDIX B

a healthy and growing job market in the non-academic institutions or centers and a skilled masonry and trowel trades alone conferences in the form of workshops. (International Masonry Institute Today, Such "intensive training" courses are gener­ January 1996). ally open to all who wish to participate and pay the requisite fees. These courses are It is time for our Vocational/Technical usually brief in nature, addressing either the High Schools to take the lead in capturing state of the art of a particular area in preser­ this skilled job market for its graduates by vation or a specific problem commonly preparing their students to serve the grow­ found during the restoration of certain ing number of homeowners, apartment building materials, with titles such as "How owners, and main street commercial build­ to Clean Masonry" or "How to Make a ing owners undertaking the Replica Plaster Medallion." renovation/restoration of their historic properties. A graduate of the Restoration What does not exist is a program geared to Arts Program could expect to earn between developing a more traditionally trade-based $10 and $20 dollars per hour in their first artisan who specializes in restoration. This year of employment depending upon their is the constituency that must be trained to level of skill. These wages, are at least com­ meet the growing restoration needs of small parable to those of beginning college grad­ business and homeowners. Critical to the uates pay scale. Further, the Restoration development of a broader-based restoration Arts High School graduate will be able to artisan constituency is a systematic restora­ realize the benefits without having to invest tion arts training program at the appren­ the time and money higher professional ticeship level. The systematic training education required to earn similar wages in required by such a program could be most alternate fields, with regard to earnings successfully administered within the frame­ growth, the wages in the field for a jour­ work of a Vocational/Technical High neyman artisan employed at a union scale School. There are many aspects to training can be as high as $65.00 an hour including at this level which are helpful to the stu­ benefits in New York City. The availability dents. One example is the discipline is best of high-quality, high skilled jobs will afford fostered within a framework that is pre­ the graduate of a Preservation High School pared to offer the appropriate professional a challenging, stimulating, and rewarding and social support systems that may be future. needed to integrate students into the expec­ tations and requirements of the working CURRICULUM GOALS AND world. REQUIREMENTS The concept of a Vocational/Technical urrently most building preservation High School program for the Restoration Cprograms are geared to the college and Arts is modeled in part upon the develop­ masters degree level participant, giving rise ment of Vocational High Schools for indus­ to either a "white-collar" or counter-cul­ tries such as the automotive, aviation, and ture image of restoration practice. For more printing trades before World War II as well hands-on instruction, these academic pro­ as the High School of the Performing Arts grams are supplemented by short term in New York City. In brief, the program intensive training" sessions provided by would consist of an integrated curriculum B APPENDIX

devoted to the development of young peo­ academic year and the degree of industry ple's abilities in the Restoration Arts by participation. way of both hands-on and classroom train­ A critical component to the success of a ing. An integrated curriculum would high school program for the Restoration emphasize the building arts in the context Arts will be its link to local industry. of the academic curriculum in addition to Existing industry will be able to provide the practical trade techniques provided by the infrastructure for skilled apprentice­ shop training. For example, in an American ships to be undertaken in a realistic work History course Thomas Jefferson's choice environment. Such an environment will oí the classical style oí architecture to rep­ provide the necessary equipment for train­ resent our young nation would be dis­ ing in its proper context, with Journeymen cussed in the context of the Greek ideal of a Supervisors overseeing student efforts on democracy as a model for the United States real-life projects. Further, by collaboration Government. Other subjects such with industry, the student will get quality Chemistry, Physics and Geology would be traimng without a massive and redundant illustrated with experiments involving the investment in "tooling-up" by the school. properties and constituents of building materials including how they are formed In short, the thrust of the curriculum is to and how they deteriorate. Class trips would create an integrated academic and hands-on be taken to look at neighborhoods with restoration training program whereby an historic brick patterns and identify case educated and enlightened work force capa­ studies of building material deterioration ble of highly skilled restoration in the such as stone stoops, metal cornices, and traditional building arts can be developed. wooden porches. THE ROLE OF THE CENTER FOR Shop work would include introductory ARCHITECTURE AND BUILDING courses in each of the building materials SCIENCE RESEARCH: to enable the student to select the trade of his/her choice. The curriculum would he staff of NJIT are uniquely qualified provide the student, in combination with Tto develop the criteria and curriculum classroom training, a minimum of 480 for a vocational/technical training program hours of practical training in the restoration which will satisfy the skills and academic trade of their choice, prior to undertaking a development requirements of a Restoration summer internship program. Such prelimi­ Arts training Program. The experience of nary training would enable the student to our staff in the academic requirements of accrue on-the-job training with the status the discipline as well as the hands-on skills of an apprentice during the summer. Over a development of the restoration arts repre­ period of three to four summers, a full year sents over twenty-five years of leadership of apprenticeship could be served prior to in the field of Historic Preservation. graduation. An accelerated apprenticeship The technical and academic areas of train­ program for interested and qualified stu­ ing will be integrated by the Center into dents might be developed, depending upon the existing curriculum as provided by the the number of hours allocated during the current Vocational/Technical High School

30 course selection. The curriculum for each of the courses in both technical and acade­ mic areas will be modified by the Center to include the core requirements of a Restoration Arts Program. In addition, cri­ teria for the qualifications of supplemen­ tary faculty for teaching the historic preser­ vation aspects of these courses will be pre­ scribed. Actual faculty members can be preliminary recommended by the Center for specialized teaching unique to Restoration Arts.

The Occupational Profile and Shop Competency Certificate requirements of the State will also be reviewed and specific criteria for Restoration Arts performance levels will be proposed for incorporation into the Certificate's requirements. Selection criteria for industry participation in an AP (apprenticeship program) will be identified by the Center as well as potential local industry participants.

The appointment of an Advisory Board is recommended for a Preservation High School. The Center would recommended those institutions whose members would be appropriate to serve on such a Board, and would prescribe the qualifications of addition individual members who would be desirable. Actual Board Members could be proposed by the Center. The purpose of the Board is to ensure that a consensus is achieved, one that will be recognized by the Historic Preservation profession through­ out the State and the Nation, on the acade­ mic and vocational/technical goals of the Restoration Arts program as well as the means and methods to realize them. WORLD MONUMENTS FUND 949 Park Avenue New York, New York 10028