Congressional· RECORD-· HOUSE: 729

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Congressional· RECORD-· HOUSE: 729 724 CONGRESSIONAL REOORD-HOUSE. JANUARY 5, sylv-ama, favoring restriction of immigration-to the Committee . cia1ty Company, of Zeeland, Mich.,. in favor of bili H. R. 7079- on Immigration and Naturalization. to the -Qommittee on Ways and Means. Also, petition of Subdivision No. :673, Brotherhood -of Loco- Also, petition of the Hart Mirror Plate Company, of Grand motive Engineers, of Pittston, Pa.-to the 'Committee on Inter- 1 Rapids, Mich., in favor of bill H. R. 7079-to the Committee on state and Foreign Commerce. Ways and Means. By Mr. PATTERSON of Tennessee: Petition of the Cigar Also, petition of the Wolverine Motor Works, of . Grand Makers' Union of America. .against reduction of the duty on . Rapids, Mich., in favor of bill (H. R. -'707"9) for removal of tax cigars from the Philippines-to the Committee on Ways and on alcohol used in the arts-to the Committee on Ways and Means. Means. By Mr. RAINEY; Papers to accompany resolution -:for relief By Mr. SMITH oi Arizona: Protest of the Arizona Miners' of WBliam R. Payne-to the Committee on Clalms. Association and the Arizona Cattle Growers' Association, By Mr. RHINOCK; Papm- to .accompany bill for relief of against the joint statehood bill-to the Committee on the Ter- Stepben Cundiff-to the Committee on Pensions. ritorjes. By 1\fr. RIVES: Pa,per to accompany bill for relief of Jacob By Mr. SMITH of Illinois: Petition of Local Union No. 944 P. Mountz-to the Committee on Military Affairs. and Local Union No. 986, of Herrin, 111., United Mine Workers By Mr. RIXEY: Paper to -accompany bill for relief of Jared . of America, favoring restriction of immigration-to the Com­ Chamblin, Loudoun County, Va.-to the Committee on War mittee on Immigration and Naturalization. Claims: · By Mr. SPERRY : Resolution of the Cigar Makers' Union of Also, paper to accompany bill for relief of Catherine E. Ansonia, Conn., against the Philippine tariff bill-to the Com- Heishley-to the Committee on Invaliu Pensions. mittee on Ways and Means. Also, petition of citizens of Virginia, for an appropriation to Also, resolution of several divisions of Brotherhood of Loco- improve navigation of Aquia Creek-to the Committee on Rivers motive Engineers, employed on New York, New Haven and and Harbors. Hartford Railroad~ against the Esch-Townsend bill-to the By Mr. ROBERTS: Petitions of the American Humane Edu- Committee on Interstate and l!'oreign Commerce. cation Society and the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention Also, petition of manufacturers of the Second district of Con­ of Cru-elty to Animals, against any alteration of transportation necticut, favoring passage of bill H. R. 7079-to the Committee law relative to Jive stock-to the Committee on the Judiciary. on Ways and Means. By Mr. RUCKER: Petition of John L. Beveridge and -otherE~, 1 By Mr. STEVENS of Minnesota: Paper to accompany bill for for a volunteer retired list for volunteer generals of the Army relief of Lizzie Bremmer-to the Committ-ee on Invalid Pen- of the Umted States-to the Committee on Military .Affairs. sions. By Mr. RYAN: Paper to accompany bill (H. R. 2270) to grant Also, petition of the North St. Paul Casket Company, for re- an increase of pensjon to John Lehn-to the Committee on movnl of rev-enue tax on domestic alcohol-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Ways and 1\fea.nB. - Also, paper to ·accompany bill (H. R. 2262) to grant increa~e Also, petition of the Anlerican Alliance of 1\finnesota, for of pension to John Seymour-to the Committee on Invallu ratification of a favorable commercial treaty with the German Pensions. Empire-to the Commjttee on Foreign Affairs. By Mr. SCHNE.EBELI: Resolution of Brotherhood of Loco- By 1\lr. SULZER: Petition of Rev. C. H. Kni..,.ht, of Goshen, motive Engineers, No. 259, of Easton, Pa., protesting against N. Y., against the Army canteen-to the .Committee -on Military the Esch-Townsend bill-to the Committee on Interstate and Affairs. Foreign Commerce. Also, petition of Simon Kraussman & Co., the Central Fed- Also, resolution of the Central Labor Union, of Easton, Pa., erated Union, and the Manhattan Island Cigar Factory, against protesting against the employment of Chinese and Koreans on bill H. R. 3, relative to the Philippine tariff-to the Committee the isthmian canal-to the Committee on Labor. on Ways and Means. Also, petition of George B. Datsman and 25 others; the - By Mr. TAWNEY: Paper to accompany bill for relief of Japanese and Korean Exclusion League of San Francisco, Cal.; Lewis F. Davis-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. the National Council, Junior Order United American Mechanics, Also, paper to accompany bill for relief of Elizabeth Moore­ of Jamestown, Ohio; Cherry Council, No. 243, Junior Order to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. " Unlted AmeTican Mechanics, of Cherryville, Pa., and Stroh Also, paper to accompany bill for relief of John B. Gerard­ Council, No. 731, of Weissport, Pa., favoring extension of immi- to the Committee on Invalid Penmons. gration law-to the Committee on Immigration and Naturali- By l\1r. TOWNSEND: Paper to accompany bill for relief of zation. Henry Good-to the Committee on Military Affairs. AlM, petition of Drake & Co., of Easton, Pa.; .J. A. Eberto & Co., of Bethlehem, Pa.; the Knickerbocker Brace Company, of Easton, ;pa. ; Bush & Bull, of Easton, Pa. ; C. K. Williams & Co. ; HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. F. S. Bixbee & Co. ; Moger Brothers, and R. & H. Simon, of Easton. P.a.; the Bethlehem Foundry and Machine Company, Weston FRIDAY, Janua:ry 5, 1906. Dodson & Co., and Fechter & Martin, of Bethlehem, Pa., favoring The House met at 12 o'clock m. the parcels post-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post­ Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. HENRY N. CoUDEN, D. D. Roads. The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and ap­ Also, letter inclosing resolutions ·relating to visiting Chinese proved. students to the United States-to the Committee on Immigra­ PHILIPPINE TARIFF. tion and Naturalization. By l\fr~ SCO'I'T: Petition of citizens of Kansas, for survey Mr. PAYNE. Mr. Speaker, I move that the House re oh-e of the Neosho River-to the Committee on Agriculture. itself into Commitee of the Whole House on the state of the Also, petition of citizens of Kansas, favoring restriction of Union for the further consideration of House bill No. 3, to immigration-to the Committee on Immigration and Naturali­ amend an act entitled "An act temporarily to provide rev-enue zation. for the Philippine Islands, and for other purposes/' approv-ed By 1\fr. SHARTEL: Petition of Cigar Makers' Local Union M-arch 8, 1902. of Joplin, Mo., urging defeat of bill H. R. 3, for a reduction Mr. SULZER. Mr. Speaker, will the gentleman from New of tariff on cigars-to the Committee on Ways and Means. York permit me to move to discharge the Committee on Im­ Also, resoluton of citizens of Missouri, urging passage of a migration from the consideration of a privileged resolution bill to restrict immigration-to the Committee on Immigration which I send to the Clerk's desk, and ask that the same be now and Naturalization. adopted? · By Mr. SHERMAN: Paper to accompany bill for relief of The SPEAKER. Does the gentleman from New York [Mr. Robert Bothrick-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. PAYNE] yield? Bv Mr. SLAYDEN: Petition and affidavit of Elizabeth A. Mr. PAYNE. I do not yield. Magill, for Indian depredations-to the Committee on Claims. Mr. SULZER. Mr. Speaker, it will only take a minute or so By 'Mr. WM. ALDEN SMITH : Petition of the Oentm·y Fur­ to do this. niture Company, of Grand Rapids, Mich., in favor of bill H. R. Mr. PAYNE. I understand that it is a resolution reported 7079--to the Committee on Ways and Means. adversely by the Committee on Ways and Means. Al o, petition of the Widdicomb Furniture Company, of Grand Mr. SULZER. Mr. Speaker, the gentleman is mistaken. It Rapids, 1\fich., in favor of bill H. R. 7079-to the Committee on is not that resolution. This resolution I now ask to have con­ .Ways and Means. sidered is a privileged inquiry ca.lling on the Secretary of Com­ Also, petition of the Zeeland Furniture Manufacturing Com­ merce and Labor to send to this House copies of three reports pany, the Star Furniture Company, and the Wolverine Spe- heretofore made by Special Immigrant Inspector Marcus Brau111, 1906. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD:--HOUSE~ ,•; I 725 of New York City, in 1904 and 1905, regarding immigration be­ the Ways and_Means Committee, under the lead of the chairman, tween Austria-Hungary and the United: States. who introduced the bill, propose to reduce the Dingley tariff :Mr. PAYNE. Has it been reported by any committee? rates on tobacco and sugar imported into the Uhited States Mr. SULZER. This resolution is now privileged under -the from the Philippine Islands-wholly the product thereof, from rules, because it was introduced more than a week ago, and 75 per cent, where they now stand, to 25 per cent of the same, the committee bas not reported it or acted upon it. It was and we are to have the same provision for our products into the introduced by me on the 13th day of December. Philippine Islands until the 11th day of April, 1909. That is Mr. DALZELL. What committee? the day of the expiration of the treaty with Spain. But after Mr. SULZER. The Committee on Immigration and Natu- the 11th of April, 1909, the Ways and 1\Ieans Committee bill, ralization.
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