4 NEWS BRIEFS May-June 2011

ADMINISTRATION POLITICS Cabinet chief Palocci resigns, succeeded by The departure of in the wake of allegations of financial impropriety has prompted concerns about Rousseff administration policy prospects. Palocci was seen as the strongest voice of economic orthodoxy in Rousseff’s cabinet, Photo: Marcello Casal Jr./Agencia Brasil. advocating tighter monetary and fiscal policy to tame continuing high inflation. Analysts see his

loss as making it more difficult Former President Fernando Henrique Cardoso (left), Senator Aécio Neves (center), and for Rousseff to get her economic former governor José Serra at the PSDB national convention. agenda (including pension reforms) Internal dispute for PSDB leadership continues through a fractious legislature. The national convention of the main opposition party, PSDB (Brazilian Social The president’s decision to appoint Democratic Party), failed to build a consensus on candidates for the 2014 Senator Gleisi Hoffmann (PT) as presidential election. Former governor of São Paulo state José Serra and Senator Cabinet Chief surprised many. Some Aécio Neves both want in. The convention elected Congressman Sergio Guerra representatives of coalition parties as president until 2013. The Serra group managed to get Alberto Goldman the complain that she has no political party vice-presidency, and Senator Neves’s group got Congressman Rodrigo experience, and the decision does Castro in as secretary general. Former President Fernando Henrique Cardoso not end problems in articulating continues as honorary PSDB president. (May 28) government policy. PMDB, the main FOREIGN POLICY party in the coalition, is pressing the president for a greater voice in government decisions. Allies from other parties have advised Rousseff to give Vice President (PMDB) more say in government decisions and appoint more PMDB members to government posts. (June 8) Photo: Roberto Stuckert Filho/Agencia Brasil.

President (left) and Uruguyan President Jose Mujica. Uruguay and Brazil offer support for and Unasur Uruguay and Brazil presidents pledged in Montevideo to tighten bilateral Photo: Vitor Soares/Agencia Brasil relations and regional integration through Mercosur and Unasur. The two countries signed 15 cooperation agreements. In a joint declaration the two leaders ratified their “firm commitment to strengthen” Unasur and their “priority commitment to the consolidation of Mercosur as an instrument for improving living conditions for their peoples.” The presidents also agreed on the need to reform the United Nations, particularly to make the Security Council “more representative, legitimate, and efficient” and ensure that the coming UN General Former Cabinet Chief Antonio Palocci Assembly will deliver concrete results. (May 30) 5 May-June 2011 BRAZIL NEWS BRIEFS

ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY PT and PMDB clash Consumer confidence falls again, (IBGE) survey nearly equal the 6.5% on forestry code says FGV recorded in March. (May 26) A PMDB amendment to the forestry Between April and May, the consumer code provides for amnesty for those confidence index fell for the third April industrial production who had cut down native forest in straight time — from 118.2 to fell 2.1% the Permanent Protection Areas 115.4 points, the lowest level since The 2.1% decline in industrial (PPAs) before 2008; it benefits January, according to the Getulio production was led by a 10% drop small farmers affected by harsh Vargas Foundation (FGV). Consumer in durable goods production — the environmental rules imposed in assessments worsened for both the largest contraction since December 1990. President Rousseff warned she current situation and the near-term 2008. The decline indicates that would veto the proposal if it passed outlook. (May 25) monetary policy measures are the Senate. It did, 273 to 182, mainly already cooling the economy, because of support from its sponsor, Unemployment holds at 6.4% although competition from imports the PMDB. The rift in the governing in April contributed to the fall. (May 31) coalition may affect future votes Unemployment fell very slightly, to or result in more PMDB pressure 6.4%, in the six main metropolitan Retails sales declined by 0.2% for government appointments. areas, interrupting the steady increase in April (May 24) in unemployment since the beginning Weak retail sales reinforced the of the year. The results of the Brazilian perception that domestic demand is Institute of Geography and Statistics decelerating somewhat. (June 10) INFRASTRUCTURE Tender for airport announced for December ECONOMIC POLICY A tender for upgrading airport Brazilian economy overheating, infrastructure and management at was R$87.7 billion (2.30% of GDP) IMF says Guarulhos, Campinas, and Brasília according to Fator Bank economist The Brazilian economy is close to José Francisco Gonçalves. (May 27) is planned for December. Infraero overheating and the authorities should (Brazilian Company of Airport raise interest rates and consolidate the Infrastructure), which manages Central Bank policy rate rises budget, the International Monetary the main airports, will hold no to 12.25%, as expected Fund’s Olivier Blanchard told O Globo In announcing the 25 basis point more than 49% in partnership with newspaper, adding that Brazil needs rise, the Monetary Policy Committee a private company. The soccer to be ready for negative shocks like a said that continuing monetary governing board, FIFA, has raised drop in raw material prices. He also adjustment for a sufficiently long concerns about the transportation suggested taking measures to limit period is the best strategy to bring infrastructure of World Cup appreciation of the Brazilian real, such inflation back on target in 2012. In host cities, especially airports. as reserve accumulation and capital May CPI inflation reached 6.55% (May 31) controls. (May 22) year-on-year, above the top of the 2.5–6.5% target range. Brazil’s high Budget surplus equals 2.3% interest rates and promising growth of GDP prospects continue to draw capital, Brazil’s primary surplus (excluding making it difficult for the Central Bank interest payments) was R$18.1 billion to control liquidity. In May net inflows in April, according to Central Bank data were US$5.3 billion, about double released in May. The 12-month primary those of May 2010. Since January, surplus reached $119.6 billion (3.14% foreign reserve accumulation has of GDP), but when doubtful revenues totaled $47 billion, about triple that of from an operation to capitalize the same period in 2010, bringing the are excluded, the surplus total to US$335 billion. (June 6)