Freeman Journal 2020
THE FREEMAN OFFICIAL JOURNAL AND PROGRAMME of the GUILD OF FREEMEN OF THE CITY OF LONDON The Master 2019-2020 NEIL REDCLIFFE, Esq., JP BSc (Econ) MBA FCA The Master 2020-2021 MRS ANN-MARIE JEFFERYS, BA (Hons), MEd, PGCE, NPQH, LLM JUNE 2020 Number 169 1 THE GUILD OF FREEMEN OF THE CITY OF LONDON “O, Most Gracious Lord, defend Thy Citizens of London” Centenary Master Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal Patron The Right Honourable The Lord Mayor, Alderman William Russell u The Court of Assistants 2019-2020 Master Neil Redcliffe, Esq., JP Wardens Senior Warden Mrs Ann-Marie Jefferys Renter Warden High Sheriff and Alderman John Garbutt, JP Junior Warden Christopher Walton, Esq., Under Warden Councillor Lisa Rutter Past Masters Harold Gould, Esq., OBE JP DL, Rex Johnson, Esq., (died 30th March 2020) Terry Nemko, Esq., JP, Mrs Barbara Newman, CBE CC, Anthony Woodhead, Esq., CBE Don Lunn, Esq., Mrs Anne Holden, Dr John Smail, JP Lady Cooksey, OBE DL, Alderman Sir David Wootton, Peter Allcard, Esq. John Barber, Esq., DL Court Assistants Adrian Waddingham, Esq., CBE, Sheriff Christopher Hayward, CC Ms Dorothy Saul-Pooley, Alderman Timothy Hailes, JP Stephen Osborne, Esq., Lady Lauriston Keith Bottomley Esq., CC Guild Assistants Peter Lewis-Crown, Esq., OBE (retired 22nd January 2020) Professor Joe Herzberg u Past Masters Emeritus Sir Clive Martin, OBE TD DL, Joseph Byllam-Barnes, Esq. David Irving, Esq., Richard Agutter, Esq., JP Gordon Gentry, Esq. (died 10th July 2019) Mrs Pauline Halliday, OBE u Honorary Officers Honorary Chaplain The Very Reverend Dr David Ison, Dean of St Paul’s Cathedral Honorary Treasurer Christopher Walton, Esq.
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