Addchar53-1 the ز¥Theorem in This Section, We Will
addchar53-1 The Ò¥ theorem In this section, we will consider in detail the following general class of "standard inputs" [rref defn of std input]. We work over a finite field k of characteristic p, in which the prime … is invertible. We take m=1, ≠ a nontrivial ä$… -valued additive character ¥ of k, 1 K=Ò¥(1/2)[1] on ! , an integern≥1, V=!n, h:V¨!l the functionh=0, LonVaperverse, geometrically irreducible sheaf which is “- pure of weight zero, which in a Zariski open neighborhood U0 of the n origin in ! is of the form Ò[n] forÒanonzero lisse ä$…-sheaf on U0, an integere≥3, (Ï, †) = (∏e, evaluation), for ∏e the space of all k-polynomial functions on !n of degree ≤ e. Statements of the Ò¥ theorem Theorem Take standard input of the above type. Then we have the following results concerningM=Twist(L, K, Ï, h). 1) The object M(dimÏ0/2) onÏ=∏e is perverse, geometrically irreducible and geometrically nonconstant, and “-pure of weight zero. 2) The Frobenius-Schur indicator of M(dimÏ0/2) is given by: geom FSI (∏e, M(dimÏ0/2)) =0,ifpisodd, = ((-1)1+dimÏ0)≠FSIgeom(!n, L), if p= 2. 3) The restriction of M(dimÏ0/2) to some dense open set U of ∏e is of the form ˜(dimÏ/2)[dimÏ] for ˜ a lisse sheaf on U of rank N := rank(˜|U) n ≥ (e-1) rank(Ò|U0), if e is prime to p, n n n ≥ Max((e-2) , (1/e)((e-1) + (-1) (e-1)))rank(Ò|U0), if p|e.
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