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13 MB Map of Wilson Cliffs and Potosi Mountain, Nevada (.Pdf) 600 210 2000 1550 5400 5400 4800 2000 2050 52 4400 4600 4400 2050 5400 00 4800 Ja 1500 56005400 4600 4600 4600 4600 0 4800 195 4600 48004600 1950 1450 1950 48 5600 2200 1900 1600 5200 4400 4600 4600 5400 5000 Trc Ja 1550 5400 4800 2050 1500 5200 5200 4800 1950 45 4600 4800 2200 2000 2000 5000 2100 1900 4600 4800 1600 1600 1950 4800 2000 4800 1550 4600 1750 25 1850 1600 1550 4600 1700 45 1450 1900 1700 4800 1600 Trm 4400 V 5000 1950 60 1800 2050 IV III II 60 2050 4400 1900 I 4600 4600 2100 2000 Cbkl 21502150 2100 Cd VI 2050 1850Cn Qa 4400 1900 JKc 2050 1550 2150 5400 5000 1850 2050 1600 4800 2100 4600 4200 1600 5600 1750 1650 1750 4400 2150 1700 2050 VII 2100 1900 1750 55 Pk 5800 5200 5000 4 20502100 1700 1850 1700 67 40 2050 21502100 55 III 1800 1800 1800 33 5800 60 1750 2150 2050 41 1900 1750 2250 41 2000 2000 1950 1850 5400 4800 1900 5600 30 60 1850 2100 2050 1950 6200 54 47 4200 2050 2250 1950 2150 45 6000 65 30 2000 4000 I 65 2050 2300 VII 1700 Cbkl 2150 IV 60 1950 1950 I 5000 1850 VI Cd 1800 1650 4600 30 1700 1800 1600 4600 58 2000 2050 1550 Cbkl 4800 5200 71 5000 4800 5000 25 I 60 5000 4800 37 2100 5000 1800 58 Cbkl 2300 II 1500 V 60 35 5000 5200 45 2050 1550 I 1750 5000 5600 2100 1550 2200 Cbkl 1750 2200 75 5800 1650 5400 55 50 5600 5200 5400 5800 2250 45 II I 56005400 5200 1850 51 1800 1700 2200 2000 1850 5800 2100 40 1900 1700 5800 19501900 1700 1750 1750 65 42 1700 6000 6000 1750 22 1800 5400 2200 65 5200 60 1850 1800 5800 5200 Geologic Map of the Wilson Cliffs, 1850 III 1850 2200 III 71 1950 1800 33 1800 1850 5600 750 40 30 IV 2000 1 5800 1850 5400 50 55 III 1900 2300 2000 2050 6400 1750 6000 1900 Potosi1700 Mountain Area, Nevada 2150 75 1850 6000 5000 1950 60 71 40 6200 6000 43 1950 71 2050 6600 6200 2250 V 1950 5400 45 1900 Geology by: B.C Burchfiel, C.S. Cameron, L.H. Royden 65 40 2050 38 10 2050 1950 2050 5200 20 45 6600 5400 2050 6600 6000 1800 20 2100 40 2000 19001950 1750 30 13 51 2050 1950 2000 55 1900 5000 Explanation 45 4800 30 2050 6800 1850 30 1950 I 1950 6400 6200 2000 5000 45 2050 1900 0 15 1800 6000 6000 205 30 30 1950 1850 6200 4600 1950 1850 6000 Contacts 1950 2000 1800 4600 4600 Qa Alluvium 37 1750 5800 1900 31 1700 4200 205 45 2100 5800 0 1950 1600 4000 Quaternary 30 48 V 1800 1700 Definite, approximate, approximate queried, inferred or concealed. 1950 1650 1550 1550 30 2200 20 25 1550 1550 1950 1550 5000 40 20 20 1500 5200 5400 VI 45 1500 2000 1850 1450 1500 4600 0 1700 1750 1600 1550 4800 200 1850 2050 20 I 1400 40 2050 1450 4600 1650 15 Key units. 2100 5 27 1700 4400 4600 4600 50 1950 1900 1600 Tl Landslide2150 Deposits V 2050 30 1800 1550 1550 4600 4600 55 1600 4600 4400 1900 2000 2000 1750 1550 4400 4400 2200 4400 1850 Tertiary 2050 25 4600 2100 60 1600 Faults 2000 1550 1900 1900 2200 55 1600 5000 4400 2000 30 1650 5200 5200 1800 37 1850 40 5200 22 2000 5400 5400 5000 2150 4400 4000 Thrust Fault: definite, approximate, approximate queried, inferred 40 5200 5200 5000 4400 2100 1750 5000 Jkc 1950 1800 4600 4800 2000 Channel Conglomerates 1600 4600 4800 1950 4400 or concealed. 550 4400 4400 4600 2250 2050 35 1 4400 5000 47 1500 1400 4600 1750 18 4800 2250 1450 4800 1750 4600 4800 4600 5000 3800 Jurassic 53 1850 5000 Ja Aztec Sandstone 33 5200 4600 5200 4400 Bedding plane fault or low angle fault: definite, approximate, 2050 2200 25 1700 4600 5000 5400 5000 5000 VII 5600 approximate queried, inferred or concealed. 27 4800 5800 5000 2150 30 2150 5200 5200 5600 5600 1450 Trc Chinle Formation 50 1500 1900 6000 2100 5400 5400 40 50004800 15 5800 High angle fault: arrows indicate slip where known; ball Cd 70 5600 5600 1900 2100 Trs Shinarump Congolmerate 2050 on downthrown block where only separation is known. 1750 5200 5000 Triassic 6000 5600 5200 5800 5200 4600 I 1650 6000 2250 50 5600 nonsequence 6200 1900 5600 5800 1850 6000 III 5600 2200 33 6000 1750 5600 Trm Moenkopi Formation 6000 6000 5400 VI 6000 6200 Contact at the base of gravity slide masses. 6400 6200 5000 Cbkl 6600 6600 5800 80 6600 6800 6600 5600 1700 5600 2050 20 Attitudes 55 50 20 JKc 6800 5600 35 6600 6600 2200 32 40 40 6800 Cn Cbkl 6800 5600 Pk Kaibab Formation 30 2000 6600 4200 6400 6000 1750 40 6400 6000 5800 5400 Inclined, overturned, vertical, and horizontal . 1650 55 35 Cbkl nonsequence 43 1950 5400 30 50 38 5800 5800 Permian 6000 5800 6200 1900 5600 MPb Bird Spring Formation 5600 4600 0 5400 5000 200 Folds 1800 Qa 40 5000 5000 Mi 35 40 1750 5000 Indian Spring Member 35 1850 1700 5200 55 1650 4800 60 VI 1800 Monte Cristo Limestone Cd 46 5200 1850 VII 50 5000 Pennsylvanian 4400 Axial traces of anticline,1700 syncline, overturned anticline, My Yellowpine Member 40 Oms 5800 5600 4000 overturned syncline, showing plunge. 45 5400 4600 50 5000 IV 5400 Mb Bullion Member 5800 3800 6000 Breccia Mm 65 1800 4400 Ma Anchor Member 38 30 4200 1600 1900 Mississippian III III 5200 56 4200 55 00 4600 2000 Qa 5600 4800 5400 Md Dawn Member 5600 4800 2050 Cn II 25 55 1650 45 55 6000 5200 60 35 21 1 52 50 750 6200 0m 500m 1000m 2km VII 5600 Cd 40 5600 5800 5800 6400 2100 7000 5200 30 6200 2050 35 60 4200 Sultan Limestone 35 6000 7000 5800 Ds Cbk 6200 35 7000 115 37' 30'' 115 30' 00'' 1550 115 22' 30'' 2000 80 25 III Dsi Ironside Member 6200 5200 5400 2050 36 15' 00'' 36 15' 00'' Devonian 45 Cd 1950 4800 55 6800 La Madre Springs La Madre Mountain 80 25 55 6600 Dsi 55 40 25 VII 6400 1950 2050 60 75 80 Cn 6400 1950 40 35 51 V 60 75 3800 1600 45 2100 6800 V 1600 Oms Mountain Springs Formation Cbk 75 30 5200 VI 25 5200 Cn 45 6800 Ordovician 70 45 6000 2000 2050 50 5800 5400 2050 II 5200 6400 5600 6000 55 5400 5200 Cn Ds 70 80 Nopah Formation 53 65 78 15 30 60 30 V Cd 25 80 5000 USGS 7.5' quadrangle 1900 Qa 4800 USGS 7.5' quadrangle Cd Dunderberg Shale Formation 2050 V 75 contour interval 40 feet VII 4600 contour interval 10 meters VII 50 36 07' 30'' 36 07' 30'' 1900 62 40 400 62 50 Cn Cn 5400 5200 VII Bonanza King VII VI 60 5400 5200 1550 5000 Oms 6000 60 60 80 Cd Mountain Springs Cd 6200 6000 VI Bonanza King VI 60 V 5800 45 70 6600 5400 40 6400 1800 VI 65 1950 Blue Diamond 1650 V Bonanza King Unit V 50 60 80 6200 6200 6000 5600 1700 63 70 706800 35 6600 40 Cambrian IV Bonanza King Unit IV 6200 31 Bonanza King Upper Bonanza King Formation 40 IV Cn 35 Cn 6000 60 80 75 25 6000 3800 50 65 60 50 III Bonanza King Unit III 61 70 1850 Cd 45 50 6400 1450 6200 50 6000 25 VII 65 5600 Cbku II Cbk Bonanza King Unit II 70 IV 40 Oms 38 6400 6200 USGS 7.5' quadrangle 65 6200 6200 6200 USGS 7.5' quadrangle 1850 70 6200 I Bonanza King Unit I 6000 50 10 25 6000 3600 contour interval 10 meters 1650 65 6000 contour interval 40 feet 60 15 6000 6000 6200 70 6000 6200 4800 36 00' 00'' 6200 1950 VI 81 5200 36 00' 00'' 5800 1600 Cbkl Bonanza King Lower Dsi IV 5800 60 5600 1900 5600 60 55 70 5800 1500 75 Ds 75 5600 5600 1550 IV 65 5400 5000 5200 4800 80 4400 Potosi Mountain 1750 VII CottonWood Pass 65 4600 4800 1800 6200 80 50 40 6000 N 1800 80 55 61 41 65 4200 65 61 60 5 41 30 65 1600 Cbk 70 50 Cn 62 1 4 5600 3 2 60 5600 60 80 5800 1 40 III 5200 4200 2 65 5000 1800 Cbk 40 4800 4600 USGS 7.5' quadrangle USGS 7.5' quadrangle 70 4600 Cbk 1850 60 4200 4000 contour interval 10 meters contour interval 40 feet 60 80 IV 4600 4400 35 52' 30'' 35 52' 30'' Cbk 4800 Ja 5000 4400 4600 61 115 37' 30'' 115 30' 00'' 115 22' 30'' 6000 1800 80 5600 5000 Cn Cbk 50 50 51 II 5400 40 40 60 I Ds Oms 5000 87 IV Cbk Cbkl 40 6200 5600 Cbk 6000 III 5400 5600 V 5400 80 5600 5200 1800 Cbk 80 5200 1700 4800 65 75 I 4400 50 Qa 4600 75 III Oms 70 V V 50 5600 70 IV Cn5800 5800 Cbk Ds 50 50 6000 50 1600 1600 Mm Dsi 1800 55 80 6000 6200 5000 Interstate 15 1600 1750 6000 70 85 70 70 75 31 1750 70 60 60 1800 1600 60 6 7 Cbk 6200 11 40 40 65 1800 5 55 35 35 1700 III 9 10 5800 8 Las Vegas 50 61 65 9 10 1650 25 85 1750 55 60 6000 3800 80 25 6200 Study Area Cbk 61 20 70 70 6200 45 6200 V 6200 6200 5000 6200 6200 1650 III 6000 40 6000 72 45 6000 80 5800 6000 6200 IV 20 6000 5200 5000 4600 5800 5600 4800 1800 5600 5000 Reference map of Southern 5400 3800 5400 5400 5600 6200 5200 IV 5600 Nevada with a digital 5200 VI 5400 5000 1750 5200 elevation image showing 5200 5000 15 5400 4800 1700 the region of interest.
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