Like an angel sent from heaven, Caleb Johnson was a gift to those who knew and loved him. Although he faced many challenges from his very beginning, his journey in life was a blessing and true inspiration. When Caleb touched someone’s heart they were never the same. Chosen for a special purpose, he was lovingly sheltered with tenderness while each new day brought new discoveries that at times could only be felt with the heart. “For You have formed my inward parts; You have covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well. Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they were all written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of them.” Psalm 139:13, 14 & 16 NKJV For Michael and Corine (Walker) Johnson, life was moving in exciting directions. Expecting their first child, they had just found their very first home together where they would come to raise their family. Knowing they were having a little boy, they went to great lengths to find the perfect name for their son. They made their decision from a bible verse with the name “Caleb” which stood for strength. Little did they realize how true to his name he would be. Tuesday’s child is full of grace and so it was on February 3, 2004 in Kalamazoo, Michigan when Michael and Corine lovingly welcomed the birth of Caleb into their hearts. Four days past her due date, Corine delivered Caleb by cesarean birth due to his breeched position. Bottom first with his first cries, he made his presence known at Bronson Hospital. With his father by his side to help, Caleb was a cute bundle. He would later have brown hair with a tint of red just like his mom and deep blue eyes like his dad. Worry soon followed when Caleb began having seizures. Before they were to take their son home, Mike and Corine were given the difficult news that little Caleb had epilepsy and had a very rare seizure disorder called Ohtahara Syndrome. With a poor prognosis, it was a difficult time. He went on to spend the first 30 days of his life in an isolette to keep him safe, warm and free from infection. Once out of the hospital and stabilized he met his pediatrician Dr. Kavenaugh. Even then his warm little smile created a special bond between them. At nine months old he had a feeding tube placed but before then he proved to be a good eater despite his illness. Caleb’s father worked as an engineer while his mother remained home. Faced with overwhelming challenge and everyday struggles, they relied on their faith and kept joy in their hearts as Caleb’s wonderful personality filled their days. In time he amazed himself and others with many accomplishments like holding his head up, standing and the discovery of how his voice worked and sounded. Easy to please, there was much that brought Caleb contentment. He was a lover of anything soft and cuddly, and his hundreds of stuffed animals kept him safe and cozy all the same. He also loved stories. Some of his favorites included “Guess How Much I Love You”, Dr. Seuss and his mother’s poetry. He found soothing peace when sung to and when Corine played the keyboard while carrying Caleb he always responded even while in the womb. Sounds in general intrigued Caleb. He liked his animal sound books, especially his mom and dad mimicking them. Nature music, the peaceful sounds of Innocent Mission, Jean Watson, Elizabeth Mitchell, Lisa Loeb, Norah Jones, and the Christmas album, City on a Hill gave Caleb assurance and peaceful rest. Caleb was cared for and loved by numerous people. Although they were there to help him, one couldn’t help but have their heart touched by this little guy who overcame so much. He spent some time in Sue Lacy’s classroom and Harry, his grandparent’s dog and Caleb’s buddy, even went to school with him one time. He had many teachers and other caregivers who also came to know and love him including Pat Chase, Janet Ijams, Carol Orthquist, Terry Obraught, Vickie Terry, and many others. He entered a homebound school program a year ago. For a young boy Caleb was pretty laid back. He loved paying attention to what was taking place around him and could be quite animated and outgoing at times, especially when someone discovered one of his tickle spots. He responded well to most people and in general he liked everyone. Having spent most of his life in and out of hospitals, Caleb went on a Make-A-Wish adventure a few years ago. While escorted into an impressive limousine, they went on a fun-filled shopping spree to the Home Depot and Toy’s R Us before heading to Panera Bread for lunch. They were sure to make a stop at Corine’s parents’ veggie stand so Caleb could share news of his new swing, wagon, puzzles and racecar bed. A true wish come true, he loved his day of endless shopping and the big limo ride. A few days of vacation were enjoyed in Grand Haven where Caleb, a nature boy, loved listening to the waves and feeling the breeze. He liked the woods and walks with his family, but soft breezes and the warmth of sunshine was his favorite. He took a lot in with his senses and found pleasure in the little things that are often taken for granted. Stretching his back with his arms held high to the sky and releasing with a big sigh brought him comfort along with scented oils applied to his sensitive skin. Corine shared a special bond with her son and for seven years she never left his side. Caleb was an inspiration as he exceeded many milestones. Their extended and church family, New Hope Fellowship Church and LEMC in Lawton were a great support. When it was clear Caleb was nearing the end of his valiant, lifelong battle, Hospice came in to provide him and his family with unconditional care, support and respite over the last five months. Like a wren’s harbored nest, Caleb liked being held close and found comfort falling asleep snuggled up to his parent’s faces. For seven years Caleb was a loving angel and gift from above. With many close calls before, his parents knew this time was different. As Caleb slept and peacefully left his earthly journey, his parents lovingly released him back to the Lord. At the age of seven, Caleb died on Wednesday, March 2, 2011 leaving an undeniable heart print in the many lives touched by this remarkable little boy. To the moon and back, his love is forever. Learn more about Caleb, view his Life Story film, and share refreshments with his family and friends on Sunday, 2-6 PM at the Life Story Funeral Home, Betzler & Thompson-Paw Paw; 60900 M-40, 657-3870. Services will be held Monday, 11:00 AM at Lawton EMC. A luncheon will follow in the church hall. Burial will take place at Almena Cemetery. Caleb was preceded in death by two great-grandfathers: Roy Johnson, George Baron. Surviving are his parents, Mike and Corine Johnson; grandparents: David and Judith Johnson, Mark and Carolyn Walker; great-grandparents: Hazel Baron, Muriel Johnson, Frank and Donna Walker, Harold and Patricia Block; many aunts, uncles and cousins. Please visit Caleb’s personal web page at www. where you can submit a favorite memory or photo of him or sign his online guest book before coming to the funeral home. Memorial donations may be directed to the Epilepsy Foundation of Michigan or Make- a-Wish Foundation of Michigan.

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