Old Fulton NY Post Cards by Tom Tryniski
• '•••;••«•,*• •'•.•••.;• !>.-* *(jfrti;\» .•*•*«> •r-. -M.^.---. j-t: v.-.o-.-v u ! aS^ffiSfi-ftS^ffff,'. •--,-:• ••• ,.',. • - •: • ;•:;•-; ;'.•;;,'•;; : «.5js;-]fc r *.t: wr- "7W *« *• v-: "*. : -* gprajs^^ v»- j^autw,;VVJt^wu,4,,^^i,A ' _^, JLC-IJ. •^\.. ~t'r\imwi'*'^J Rincijml^aetQrs in^rate^hutrOut ^fctt^tllH^^^OtdS" mmum of Rival Pitchers Wesferrr^iBm IsWhxtfEimm ^amm^FdR^ENNANT HE appended figures" give an" lull unite line on how'-thepltch- : v : . ;.^:> '>; .By ABE YAGER. : #. '• .'.;>" ' ft^f-ther^up4ri>»S^<MidT-,Car-r ^^b4i^aglri4ia«^aned^attentio»v-to4he, O YOUR World.'s Series ordering now! Dou't crowd. There'Bplejaty of dlnals, who begins a - series. aiEb- obligation CJils* Evans ought to feel :~room^andJtVlS8 days till the Big Event.'•'..'.'.'•:.. ^._" ' :£ ZI bets Field today, "havo fared In himself u'nd*rlit',thq matter of defend JM^'^aSQiat^uiLAtid. JB^njjoif. titles. : • - Gplf Tearri Mat(Sh 1 u D., Those are the sentiments at Ebbets ^leia following the br ull an fc i0i9 tj^ricluVija^TesHi^ The,idea ts-spreading in"tho^VVestraa" 7^ d^put of^ win, but Ttnii^ftehlo^cSrcefa agflnsV ca'eh5' nW ^Le'to<Jgedjf rpm t§ef olloWjiia ein- r-» OLLOWING tho suggestion .in not so impressively," Holding Uie Pirates to three hits and shutting them out other.' ' * :V: r;;.v, pfiatlo yfewa of !a, iYewspaper^rf~J5e«^~ [^--Thq Eagle-that-such a match Ver,s where tht> AVesterh a'fhateuV' woiiid afford ..a rriost intcrcsi- * to O'after a year in the army is some feat He performed the Job with little SuiKStba Pit.elicv« vs< Cardhials,, X ing testVthe Women's Metropolitans Won.
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