Minutes, Cathedral Congregation Committee (CCC) Meeting November 7, 2019 Submitted by John Derrick Approved on December 5, 2019

Present: Rev. Dana Corsello, Rev. Patrick Keyser, Seminarian Leslie Roraback, Joi Rutherford, Bev Weaver, Chris Cannedy, Candy Lyons, Carol Cropp, Matthew Klaus, Creative Director Mimi McNamara, Director of Cathedral Programs Michelle Dibblee, John Derrick

Absent: Lew Baylor, Peter Gentieu, Edie Ching, Clay Perry, Robert Strassburger, Charlotte McKnight, Bobby Clark

The meeting began at 6:36 pm with discussion of congregants and others in need of prayers. There was also discussion of difficult traffic delaying or preventing some from attending. An opening prayer included for those traveling, those suffering health issues, and for those who keep our WNC community going.

Minutes from the October meeting were approved. There was note that there would likely be no quorum in attendance.

Vicar’s Update

Mimi McNamara report on new logo and thoughts from CCC

Rev. Dana introduced Mimi and Michelle. Mimi, the WNC creative director, spoke on a project that is starting that is redesigning the WNC logo. We are doing this now in anticipation of the opening of the Virginia Mae Center with associated college programmatic activities, and there’s thought that this is an opportunity to refresh engagement with the public.

This will be a multi-phase process with stakeholder engagement, representation of constituencies, and reflection on what folks think WNC means to the community. Emails will go out to a representation sampling of members including a survey seeking what words resonate, thoughts on the existing and recent logos, and what is important in a logo, such as whether it looks like the building, captures the spirit of services, and such. A further email will include further questions to help guide progress on this. The end of 2020, beginning of 2021 will likely be the timeframe on this, when we can roll out the new logo with other publications related to the Virginia Mae Center. The logo was last changed shortly before Dean Randy’s arrival, about the same time the website was revamped. WNC is working with a designer and working to ensure it is an informed process respecting the gravitas of WNC. While emails won’t be going to the full congregation, they will be going to a representational sample including the CCC, and we’re asked to let folks know it’s coming and try to keep them informed as this process will involve some collaboration.

Mimi mentioned she would be checking as to best times for further discussion and wider announcement, and Leslie and Mimi chatted about anyone interested reaching out to help.

Congregation Annual Meeting, Sunday, November 24 in between 9 and 11:15 services in Bethlehem Chapel, (Dean, Rich Bland, Charlotte Atkinson & Andy Florence present)

The Congregation meeting is usually after 11:15, but Michelle is hosting a Racial Justice Task Force event featuring a blanket exercise on the 24th that would conflict, so the meeting will be in Bethlehem Chapel between the services. Margaret will be setting up and there will be coffee. The Racial Justice event is Indigenous Peoples Blanket Exercise: 500 years in 90 minutes, developed by Native American leadership in

The CCC minutes are offered through the Office of the Vicar, Washington National Cathedral. To contact the Rev. Canon Vicar Dana Corsello: [email protected]. consultation with others. Vance Blackfox of the Cherokee Nation will be coming together with folks with various people taking on different roles to help show a fraction of what it was like for those who were colonized. Bev was curious about the use of the blankets and Joi referenced potential issues for folks with mobility, which Michelle was going to check on.

Friday afternoon classes Vicar & Sister Chepi DiCalogero—Short Stories by (Began Nov. 1)

Rev. Dana mentioned that Chepi had been interested in co-leading this 5-part class, and Rev. Dana said it was great and that the time of day worked for a number of folks. Rev. Dana was talking with Randy about how this could be a time of the day or such for folks who don’t want to drive at night or in bad traffic.

3 Books and a recap

Rev. Dana said there were about 48 people the previous evening for the first instalment of the event, and noted the food from Maggiano’s was great and about the precise amount needed. Bishop Mariann was there, and it was a great talk with lots of questions. Rev. Patrick was also there, and folks had seen it on FB and attended. The subsequent candlelight compline service was beautiful, Rev. Dana recalled, with singing and music including from Marshall from the Cathedral Band on the saxophone. Upcoming books included by Rev. Peter Jarrett-Schell, Rector, Calvary, D.C., Seeing My Skin: A Story of Wrestling with Whiteness, and Biblical Fracking by Rev. Frank Wade.

Two Lenten Retreats by Nancy Bieber and Kathy Deal as well as Vicar & Denise Harrington at Ghost Ranch

Rev. Dana noted that there will be two Lenten programs this year. For one, author Nancy Bieber will be coming, and this will be in the library with the assistance of WNC’s Kathy Deal, who has been involved in Lenten programs before. For the second, a house is being rented at Ghost Ranch north of Santa Fe, where 14 people can attend. It will be a ladies’ retreat, it won’t be too expensive to rent the house, folks can make their own meals, and will be three nights from March 13 – 16 with Denise Harrington, who has a focus in women’s leadership, assisting.

Additionally, Rev. Sally Slater is doing a retreat in Advent focusing on Anglican , Rev. Dana mentioned.

Dec. 1, Tree Lighting & Party (Becca Olson & Chris Mishik co-chairs)

Co-Chairs Becca and Chris, who are 9 am’ers, will be hosting an Advent Lessons & Carols and tree lighting. Rev. Dana mentioned that they are really big into Christmas lights, and that there will be cider, cookies, and decorating on Saturday for unveiling on Sunday. There is the idea to aim for an appropriate, but not necessarily overboard, amount of tackiness.

Dec. 8 New Member Cocktail Party at Deanery

This is a project Rev. Dana and Margaret have been working on for newcomers from January 2019 and maybe some December 2018 folks, with the idea being of a Christmas party at the Hollerith’s. Rev. Patrick noted for us to please reach out to folks, making contact and CCC members will also receive lists of people to call, likely only four or so folks, and this isn’t asking for funds or anything, just making contact and being sure folks got the invite. Rev. Dana noted that this helps provide introductions and helps with something of a buddy system.

The CCC minutes are offered through the Office of the Vicar, Washington National Cathedral. To contact the Rev. Canon Vicar Dana Corsello: [email protected]. Discussion/Action Items:

Stewardship Campaign FY 2020— (Anne Stubbs, Emily Davis)

Joi mentioned that she liked speakers and ministry minutes, as did Candy. Rev. Dana noted that there are still pledges sill coming in, and standing at 150 pledges at the time. Some were coming in by mail, others were in baskets from the recent stewardship Sunday pledge opportunity. These could be from individuals or family units, and Carol was curious as to how it compared with other years. Rev. Dana was reading this as a good start towards the goal of 325. She noted it had been much lower in her first year, that Emily and Vanessa, the Chief Development Officer, were feeling positive. Rev. Dana noted that Stewardship was having a meeting next week, and that there would likely be follow-up calls.

Cathedral Programs & the Congregation (Michelle Dibblee)

Program Director Michelle, from the Cathedral’s Programs department, spoke some about her office and what they do. She started in 2016 and does public-facing events intended to go beyond the congregation such as to the DMV area and related to faith in public life. Examples included the Ignatius Forums and the recent “Honest to God” discussion. Her office also works on racial justice and reconciliation, such as related to conversations about the Lee-Jackson windows, with that particular effort led by the Dean and Chapter governance. Her office also works with film programs, MLK celebrations, and ministry for Veterans and the military such as Rolling Thunder. She is also focused on programs such as Team RWB, AMVETS, and military recognition Sunday. Michelle referenced helping someone who’d come to a service connect with Blue Star Families, and that her office also provided a route for folks connecting with chaplains. She referenced Dean Randy getting an email from someone who was thankful their family member got stationed in Florida after a long time deployed, which meant they could be close to family. Her office also works in interfaith matters in the DC area.

All her programs have connections with the Congregation, which Michelle likes, and she noted that Revs. Dana and Leonard were very helpful in making connections. She is trying to link the expanse of all her office does with people coming to the Cathedral, and is working on best ways to connect everything.

Rev. Dana praised Michelle for her hard work, and Michelle noted she does it with a lot of support from others. Joi had the idea of committee chairs getting together quarterly and formulating calendars and Michelle noted that some of the channeling of calendaring could go through the CCC. Joi observed us being well situated for this in terms of having so much going on.

Carol invited Michelle to visit an Outreach and Social Justice meeting, noting that OSJ was inviting everyone to come and learn about ministries. Michelle noted that she comes out of a community organizing background, with almost 20 years of experience, and that she feels grounded with that sense of connection. Rev. Dana noted the idea of someone from OSJ speaking at a new members event, and mentioned that Michelle had organized an incredible vigil after the Parkland shootings. Seminarian Leslie referenced the high amount of clergy coming from the local Virginia Theological Seminary, and Rev. Dana mentioned Nancy has been bringing up a master calendar for the Vicar’s office so we know when we’re doing mission trips and such, such as a post-hurricane trip to the Bahamas, Alabama pilgrimages and such, and Michelle noted that most major programs department events would be easy to add to that.

Photo Directory Wrap-Up—(Margaret Rawls) Rev. Dana mentioned Margaret had sent out an email asking for folks to help proof, but they hadn’t yet gotten back the proofs. Joi mentioned for folks to stay tuned, and the goal had been getting the directories in December.

The CCC minutes are offered through the Office of the Vicar, Washington National Cathedral. To contact the Rev. Canon Vicar Dana Corsello: [email protected].

Alabama Pilgrimage (October 11-14, Patrick Keyser & Margaret Rawls, recap) Rev. Patrick, 10 Congregation members, and Margaret had gone, and he described it as a transformative, full weekend with a feel of walking on holy ground. The group drove through areas of Alabama and Georgia and he noted time in Montgomery at the Legacy Museum and National Lynching Memorial was at a real heart of it. He noted the Equal Justice Initiative doing really good work, and that one person mentioned how now they couldn’t un-see things following the trip. There is now an idea of bringing people together from different years of the trip for discussion, and he could already see people from the groups chatting and growing close.

Michelle noted that Just Mercy was becoming a huge movie, and she was hoping for an early screening. She also mentioned she’d love to get Brian Stevenson back, but needed some fundraising for that. This might be something for in the future, and Rev. Dana mentioned putting this out there, hoping for support, and referenced WNC discussions on movies and theology.

Shrine Mont Retreat (October 18-20, Dana & Mary Baylor recap) Rev. Dana said that it had been a great trip with more than 20 folks. It will be the corresponding weekend next year, which will help folks go ahead and place it on their calendars. She described a weekend of art, play, yoga, and beauty and folks are already signed up for next year, for the 3rd weekend in October. Rev. Dana praised Mary Baylor, noting she’d done a beautiful job of helping leading, and praised Jessica Cain for leading yoga.

Patrick update on a Newcomer/New Member joining and retaining process Rev. Patrick spoke on part of his role being to help build communities. He’s been thinking about newcomers, incorporating folks, and how we’re meeting a LOT of folks from all over the world, some visiting, some looking for a church community, and how it’s a challenge to be in touch with everyone. He’s been chatting with Rev. Dana and Margaret about all of this, and has an idea of a pamphlet on the Congregation and programs to hand folks. Then there can be clergy connection for folks who have expressed interest, connecting them with Revs. Dana and Patrick, then connecting them with Congregation members, such as CCC members. This is on down the line, but in the meantime, Margaret has compiled newcomers for the year on a spreadsheet, and on December 8th from 5 – 7 we’ll have a newcomers event at the Deanery. We’ll be cc’ed on the invitation, so don’t call yet, but we can call after the invitations go out.

Also, there’s plans going forward for every other month a gathering time for newcomers between services with Vicar’s office staff. That’s starting the 17th of November, then every other month in N-4. Rev. Dana mentioned that CCC folks are welcome to come, and Rev. Patrick noted that he’s working on some sort of souvenir handout to pass along to folks, which Rev. Dana noted would be clever and fun. For the 17th, Margaret was looking at WNC cups filled with candy, Rev. Patrick relayed. These meetings can help folks be integrated into the WNC community.

Committee Reports - Follow up (Questions and Discussion)

Christian Formation Although Edie, who usually reports on this, was not here, Rev. Dana says nothing is new.

Hospitality Chris has been working with Nancy on new guidelines, such as fixed location for where things like sugar and cream go. Nancy even has a diagram. This helps simplify things. Chris also noted that coffee hosts will have specific volunteer name badges, and that they have also collected information such as emergency contact information from hosts, and that they are looking for new members.

The CCC minutes are offered through the Office of the Vicar, Washington National Cathedral. To contact the Rev. Canon Vicar Dana Corsello: [email protected]. In terms of when to put food out, to ensure enough for all, folks will try holding off until the second verse of last hymn. Matt noted one issue had been food or drink getting out into the church, with at one point something being spilled as the 11:15 was getting ready and then having to be quickly cleaned up.

Chris noted that Stewardship had sponsored coffee hour last Sunday as a thanks for everyone’s stewardship efforts, which was great! Joi asked about if there was any minimum requirement for volunteers, and Chris said it was one service, one Sunday a month.

Outreach and Social Justice Carol noted the first open meeting had been in October, with three new people. The meeting that upcoming Saturday was featuring Friendship Place – the committee was spotlighting one ministry a month at the meetings on second Sundays, and was looking at the Sanctuary ministry perhaps being spotlighted in the future.

Carol also referenced the need for Thanksgiving basket volunteers and the need for donations for Advent and Thanksgiving programs. Rev. Dana noted a particular focus on the Thanksgiving Basket drive, and Carol also noted this.

Chris mentioned a former person from Friendship Place, Alan, who’d been homeless was going to join him speaking at the upcoming meeting.

Racial Justice Task Force Joi described the trip to the National Museum of African American History & Culture to visit an exhibit on October 20th including the Mae Reeves hat collection. About 20 – 30 people went. Ms. Reaves’ daughter, Donna Limerick, is a Congregation member and gave history about her mother, who started work as a milliner and opened up her own shop in downtown Philadelphia, which was unheard of for an African- American lady at that time. Michelle asked whether the exhibit was permanent, and Joi noted that it was permanent and even included periodic rotation of the hats.

Joi also noted that coming up in December on the 4th is the next book club meeting, on the same night as CCC meeting, so there may be some rescheduling of rooms. Carole wondered if there was a place with a recommended reading list for all the groups, Rev. Dana noted this would be a good idea, and Joi mentioned that folks have talked about it. Rev. Dana also noted that goals include updating the website, and that Rev. Patrick is working with this.

20 s & 30s John spoke on recent and upcoming 20s & 30s programs, including /Evensocial on November 17th, with Choral Evensong in the Great Choir followed by Evensocial fellowship in the Cathedral Library. Additionally, a brunch was planned on November 24 after the 9 am service, though this was later rescheduled to December 1 due to scheduling conflicts with the Congregation meeting. The 20s & 30s group was also active publicizing and volunteering for the Thanksgiving Drive, and a Winter Retreat is planned for January 31–February 2 at Claggett Center. We’re about to make our reservation and non-refundable deposit. Thanks to Becca Stripe for organizing this. We have also been publicizing the EDOW monthly shared meals on first Sundays.

Rev. Patrick noted that Presiding Bishop Curry be visiting DC in the near future, including at a number of events the weekend around January 24th.

The CCC minutes are offered through the Office of the Vicar, Washington National Cathedral. To contact the Rev. Canon Vicar Dana Corsello: [email protected]. LGBTQIA

Matt mentioned that he, Rev. Dana, Rev. Patrick, Margaret, Chris, and Nancy had met and Nancy had a lot of history and helped with the platform statement of “The LGBTQIA Alliance promotes the inclusiveness of the Episcopal Faith and the Cathedral’s message of, ‘All Are Welcome’, by helping people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and faith backgrounds find their place in the church.”

Co-redundancy with other groups to ensure not biting off more than can be chewed was referenced, and Chris was coordinating a quarterly happy hour on the 21st at 6 pm, likely at Tenley Bar and Grill. Matt was also looking at other opportunities beyond the Pride parade, and the idea of a Eucharist at Pride came up.

Additionally, we’re not on the Yelp gay-friendly church list, but advertising in local LGBTQAI publications is possible. Joi praised cross pollination between groups and Seminarian Leslie mentioned the idea of the group having presence at the Matthew Shepard plaque event. Matt noted the idea had come up of an informal meeting at the Barcelona wine bar, Rev. Dana noted the main program will be private for family and close friends, and Michelle noted the evening event later is public and that it will be important to guide folks thru St. Joseph’s chapel afterwards. Rev. Dana noted that Rev. Rose is always on top of these sorts of logistics.

Other Business

Rev. Dana mentioned the Theater Theology: Right to be Forgotten program coming up the next evening, with note that a Congregation member involved in a theater had mentioned the possibility of showings they could facilitate in the future.

Rev. Patrick was leaving Sunday with an EDOW group for the US/Mexican border, and was asking for prays. It would be 15 folks total, away Sunday through Friday.

Upcoming Events: Saturday, Men’s Bible Study, November 9, 10 a.m. November Congregation Series (6, 13, & 20)—Wednesday Dinners and Author Series by Bishop Mariann, Receiving Jesus, The Rev. Peter Jarrett-Schell, Rector, Calvary, D.C., Seeing My Skin: A Story of Wrestling with Whiteness, and Biblical Fracking by The Rev. Frank Wade. The Bishop will moderate in that date order.

Closing Prayer

The meeting ended at 8:13, with Rev. Patrick offering a prayer for ministries, travel, rejuvenation, the end of a long day, and rising again tomorrow to serve.

The CCC minutes are offered through the Office of the Vicar, Washington National Cathedral. To contact the Rev. Canon Vicar Dana Corsello: [email protected].