Sport Cars '55 Ford $1199 2601 Pac
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Monday, August I I, 1958 % TORRANCE PRESS Page Seven Automobiles for Sale 201 Automobiles for Sale 200 ^utomobiUt for Sal* 200^utomobil«> for Sal* 200 Automobiles fdr S«lt 200 for Sate 200 Automobiles for s*'* 200/^utomobiles tor Sal* 200 /^utomobilcs for Sal* 200 "COOL" RAMBLER AMBASSADOR 100% FINANCING UNLESS IT'S Available on Approved Credit '53 CHRYSLER '57 PLYMOUTH '53 NASH » A-1 Radio and heater. Automatic Jrani- V-l. 4-Door. Pushbutton. Factory eq Hardtop. Radio, heater and over THE LEADER mlttlon. V-l. 4-door tedan. uipped. 7000 actual miles. drive. Sharp! AIR $449 - DISCOUNT SALEM CONDITIONED $1599 $595. WHY BUY? 1956 PONTIAC UNLESS IT'S Star Chief Catalina 4-Door. A beau 755 CHEVROLET .' '56 FORD '58 SIMCA Bel-Air V D. Radio, heater, power Custom! Ine 4 aoor sedan. Radio tiful low mileage turquoise and V-S. Like new white hardtop. Equipped with radio, glide, power galore! heater, Fordomatic. Like new. heater, hydramatic, power steering. $I499 THE BEST SPECIAL $1399 HI-99 '53 OLDSMOBILE '53 FORD '58 FORD WHY PAY? Thursday Only 'fhundrrblrd. Ivory over red. lx- Super "§|". Radio, heater, hydra- heater mafic. Immaculate. Ford-0 M»lic. Radio f* trak galore. 900 actual miles. UNLESS IT'S $1995 $799 $499 $3999 CHAS. THE LEAST '56 PLYMOUTH .'52 CHEVROLET '47. OLDSMOBILE WHEN Station Wagon.- Like new. Cih cpe. Radio, heater. Maroon Soderstrom finish. Sharp! Radl|*,' heafer i Hyd/omatlc IVh & Uth and Par.lflc Ave. Tf ? $31', $ I399 $349 $89 FRED GLEDHILL San Pedro '51 OLDSMOBILE '51 PONTIAC '.' ' '50 PACKARD THE LEADER Holiday Radio, heater. Fully equip Club coupe. Really Sharp! Mechanics Special! '55 Olds SI 395 pad. $?95 $49 GIVES YOU "M" Holiday coupe Automatic. Ra $149 dio/ heater. SIMILAR SAVINGS 10 1957 PLYMOUTH V-8s................................'.... Low as $1599 THE BEST' ON THIS RAMBLER VHardtops, club Coupes, 4 doors, Piiih-button transmission,' radlet, heaters, etc. FOR RIVIERA STATION WAGON Importedlmport< Cars fYmjrfVour So Bay Volkswanen Olr.) THE LEAST 12601 Poc. Cst. Mwy. Carl's Motor Co. ^T Hermo»a Beach FR «34ll SUPER 4 DR. V-8 Open Sunday Chrysler-Plymouth Dealer 53'Chev. $699 425 WEST ANAHEIM WILMINGTON TE 5-3133 Bel-Air, ? door. Radio, naafer & Fewer Glide. KIMBERLY BLUE '51 PLYMOUTH Open Evenings and Sundays 'til 97 7 days a week »200 - TE 5-7MI AMBASSADOR BOB WOOD AUTO SALES Prir.« .. ....... 2750.50 SPECIAL FOR TORRANCE PRESS READERS Button Transmission ..... ..................................................... 229.50 Coup*. Radio, heater, low mlleaee. TRY AND Mech soimH, Thl« It that hard to Eye 82.50 find model. Power Brakes 39.95 $ Discount Coupon ^Power Steerinq 89.50 Reclining Sent 25.50 '49Plym. $299 Radio 100 pass. Sub. ThU Is the hesf trans 98.50 BUY Can b* used on any car advertised below portatlan car In the entire harbor White Side Walls 44.35 Undercoat 12.35 These cars for less money and you'll truly These cars are already priced low, but Windshield Wflshcr I 1.50 with this coupon, you can SAVE as never before! '51 Olds $399 FWIc Up LHes,........ 9.95 M Coupe, hydramatic, radio, heater, Wheel Discs ........... belJeve us when we say we want to clear Full With 16.95 white side wall tires. Padded D«sh AneP Price Coupon 19.95 out, and have priced them according them '49 PONTIAC ................. $149 $ 49 Sarfanette. Black Beauty. '58 Chev.. $2699 Total Price 3431.00 ly. Bring this ad for reference!!! Bel Air 4 door sedan. Executive '50 OLDSMOBILE ............ $169 $ 69 car Fully equipped. Club. Coupe. Radio 1 heater, hydramatic Our '48 PACKARD .................. $179 $ 79 Price 288800 '56 CADILLAC .... $2895 Station Wagon. Run* Good. '55 Chev.. $2199 Coupe de Vide. Radio, heater, hydramatic, power »teerlno, brak** '48 NASH ........................ $179 $ 79 Corvette. Larae radio * haater. Several Other Ambassador Models at Similar Prices Mm Tmr HUM windows, & seat. Air conditioning. Club Cour>». Good Looker , All white in color. Plus License $J7f* '49 PONTIAC .................. $179 $ 79 SEVERAL OTHER AMBASSADOR MODELS AT SIMILAR PRICES Sedan. All Fxtras '51 OLDSMOBILE ............ $199 $ 99 '57 Chev.. $1599 '55 CHEVROLET . $1195 4-door sedan, radio & heater, stan- 9(1 S»rtan Shamrock oreen j. .^.r^ dard transmission. Excellent buy. Bel Air hardtop.. Radio, heater, »*werflide. '51 NUMBER HAWK .... $299 DWIGHT EUBANK RAMBLER | 40 /VUI»«Mll»« offorr gallon. Economic*!.Economical. $299 '55 Chev. $999 1885 TORRANCE BLVD. 00 iMLnLUm .... ill/J Sedan. Meal Wor* Car.""""""*"" 4 door sedan. Where price Hi the FA 8-9222 most Important Item. Convertible, radio, heater, automatic, power steerlna, winrtows, J 53 DODGE ...................... $599 $499 brakes a, seat. i v.g j, EOAN j.jone Finish '56 Chev.. $1399 V-l 4 • unnr. Stand, trans., heater, '55 CHEVROLET . .: $ 995 Home of the famous Hamilton plan w/w tires, ana owner. DO YOU ... A RRMEMBER: You never pay retail Bel Air 2-dr. sedan. Radio, healer poweraltde. when you buy on the HAMILTON PLAN "Green fr YOU NEVER PAY OVER »10 PER WREK Lite REMEMBER; Your credit I* good when you buy on the Hamilton plan '53 Pontiac $499 Special" •ff RBMEMBER: YOU APPROVE YOUR OWN CREDIT when you buy on the HAMILTON PLAN 4 door sedan. Hydramatic, R 4 H. A real buy I 1958 EDSEL NEED MONEY? '55 FORD . $1095 ft SAVE ft SAVE ft SAVE PACRR HARDTOP Ranch Weaon. Radio, h»«ter. EXECUTIVE CAR When You -Buy on The Hamilton Plan Beautiful golden yellow tutone tlnl»h. Tele-Touch- trantmt»»lon, ra dio, heater, power iteerlng, power 'co rupuRfii FT t Apt; ^0 Pier Ave. TRUCKS brakes and white *lde wall*. JOUILVnULLI .... 0 0/J HERMOSA OPEN SUNDAYS; ,.FR 4 3814 ONLY $2795 Convertible. Radio. Heater Foweralide - - - -- -* --- - ----- .-.. .... .. .. ,t .*. , >.,'. PLYMOUTH FIAT '57 Chev. $1399 'a ton Pick UP. Sold i serivred by '57 ENGLISH FORD '53 FORD ......$ 695 BOB KEEFf R ALFA ROMEO ut since new. 7 door original llte areen color WE NEED low mlleaoe Ranch Waoon. V-l. Heater New Car Prices Start At '55 Chev.. $1199 ONLY $995 V-H, '«-ton pickup. Automatic Irans., deluxe cab, chreme bumper. USED CARS '53 KAISER ..... $495 Out to th* huqe i in Used Car sales during Sedan. Heater. Hydramatic $1134 '57 Chev.. $1399 May-June campaign, we iind our Used Car Stock ex '/ Ion panel. Sold I serviced by us Must sae and drive to appreci STATION WAGONS ate. Motors, Inc. tremely low. $395 Harbor Area's Only Edsel '52BUICK . .... Over 30 New and U«ed to Choose from. Kxample- Special. Radio, Heater, Dynaflow. '57 Plymouth ...,:........................... $1499 See Us Today, We'll Dealer Highest Prices For Deal Your Way 15th & Pacific Ave. 1957 Ford 4-door Victoria $1899 ' '51 RAMBLER . $495 V-i Automatic, power sreerlna, radio, heater, whit» wall tires r-r%r-fv / * i r-ivllll I San Pedro Weton. Radl«. Heater. 1957 Plymouth Savoy 2 door V 8 ........... $ I599 FRFD h FDH Au'omatic. Radio, heater, white side waHSj, MlLUVJLLl/IIILL TE 1-1221 1955 Buick Century Riviera Coupe f ' $1399 . Automatic Rower Steerlno. Rower Brakes. Power Windows. Power Chevrolet Chevrolets Seat. Radio. Heater White Side Walls. '50 FORD ...... $195 305 E. Anahoim and Club Coupe. Radio. Heater 1955 Oldsmobile 88 4-door Hardtop . ............. $1399 Au'omatic. Radio. Heater. White S<de Walls. Wilminqlon '58fiat 1955 Plymouth Belvedere Hardtop V-8 .............. $1199 "000" Near new. R I H. Automatic. Radio. Heater, White Side Walls. Open Sundays 1954 Chevrolet 4-door-"2 10" . $ 699 Radio. Heater. White Sfda Walls. NE 6-2465 TE 4-3491 RIVIERA CONVERTIBLES '56 Karmann Ghia Imported Cars Over 10 New I. Used to Chooee from, example: (Your Se Bey Volksweorn Dlr.) Sport Cars '55 Ford $1199 2601 Pac. Cst. Hwy. $2295 Hermose Reach FR « 3411 See Us Today Radio, heetor, the herd to find Open Sunday Used cart «uar»nteed 1 full year Only 110.00 Down Buy* any uied car economy ce,r. on Approved credit, HAWTHORNE BLVD. & I20TH DIVISION Hawfhorne RIVIERA OR 8-4956 Open Every Night "Til 10 P.M. OS 9 7S7I HEADQUARTERS BROKAW 505 Pacific Coast Hwy. AMERICA'S NEW 1958 '55 Pontioc Imported Cars Catelina, fnwer steerlne. Royal (Your SA. Bay Vnlkswaten Dlr ) No. .1 Economy Car Hermosa Beach FR 4-0921 rnanfer tires. $1545 2601 Pac. Cst. Hwy. CHEVROLET leach FR Open Eves. £ Sunday Oeen lundav '52 Cadillac 1st Pacific Coast Hwy at 30th Lloyd "4f Cl'ih rpe R*«<le v, in Performance $1195 tV in Styling Htrmes« Btach FR 2-115! $395 MOftf AT '57Simca $1195'53 Ford AMD MANV 8tat"w V/*9r»d fiiir/ factory $1295 fr in unbelievable »nu!pp»«) 7»»h/r RAM Poll r>iea Economy '54 Sunbeam 56 CHEVROLET | '55 T^jjj.rbird t TYI INPFR Of LRAY CECIL L. 'SPECIAL ' AFTFR WE SELL BY r-"" - OWNER RIVIERA RIVIERA WE SERVE" 7 door, ondition, power '53 HUMBER HAWK Manhattan Motor* possesses $1295 ullde. IK spot lloht, 7 Chln*M red finish, with hardtap, Cars the most modern tervlce tone paint, «-mn. wall tire*. Terms radio, heater. Fordomattr. Shrap. Imported Imported Cars $8.40 THOMAS 4 Door. Nle« rar. N»w car trade-in. Alpine convertible. Beautiful available. See at 1)7? Paclftc CMM (Your to. Bay VolHwaten Olr.) (Your So Bay Volkswagen Dlr ) and parts department In Per Week thr Wr-;)' throughout. Hlehwfly, I o«T\He, or call Mr, Man and Sons $599 Factory I "> . hanlcs font 2601 Pac. Cst. Hwy 2601 Pac. Cst. Hwy 99 Mile* Per Gallon Newe i to Hermota B»ach F R t 14M HermoM leach FA 43411 serve "> DA 6-1185 Open Sunday 'Cadillac, Olds, RIVIERA Open Sunday ic vou p*iyt »T . ur ,in> RIVIERA YOU WltL -BUY IT! GMC Trucks foreign or domestic rarl 54 > Imported Cars Imported Cars ehfi^ NEWCASTLE MANHATTAN OUl.