REGISTRATION FORM To be completed by those with parental responsibility (see [1] of the Additional Notes), one form to be completed for each child.

CHILD’S DETAILS (Please use BLOCK CAPITALS throughout) Surname:

First name(s) in full: Gender: (Please underline preferred name)

Date of birth (dd/mm/yy): Religion: (Please enclose a copy of your child’s birth certificate (Please enclose a copy of your child’s baptismal certificate) or the photopage of their passport) Proposed date of admission (term and year): Autumn / Spring / Summer Term 20

Entry point (please tick) Kindergarten Prep Day Pre-Prep Prep Full Boarding Prep Weekly Boarding

Nationality UK/British Other European (please specify) Other non-European (please specify)

First language:

Other members of the family attending Farleigh or registered for entry, or any other connection with the school:

PARENTS’/GUARDIANS’ DETAILS Parent 1 Parent 2 Relationship to child* (see below):


Full name:




Home telephone:

Mobile telephone:


*If you have parental responsibility for the child in a capacity other than as a parent of the child, please state your relationship to the child here: YOUR CHILD’S EDUCATION Name and address of current school: Approximate date of entry: Future senior school (if known):

Please ensure that you answer all of the questions below even if the answer is ‘NO’. (If ‘YES’, please give dates and brief details below) Have any concerns been raised about your child’s reading, spelling or maths? YES / NO Does your child currently receive (or has received) any extra help or support? YES / NO Does your child have any of the following reports: Educational Psychologist? YES / NO Speech and Language? YES / NO Occupational Therapy? YES / NO Medical? YES / NO Any other reports? YES / NO (Please enclose copies of the most recent reports)

Is there anything relating to your child of which the School should be aware? For example: elements of dyslexia, dyspraxia, ADHD, Autism or Asperger’s Syndrome, social or emotional behaviour, hearing impairment, visual impairment, allergies or food intolerances, etc? (If ‘YES’, please give brief details below) YES / NO

Failure to disclose/provide any such reports/statement of educational needs etc. may jeopardise your child’s place. The majority of Pre-Prep children progress to the Prep School. However, parents will be advised if entry to the Prep School is not in the best interest of their child.

Additional information:

It would be helpful to know how you heard of ?

EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES MONITORING Child’s Ethnic Origin (please tick as appropriate)

Asian or Black or Chinese or Asian British Black British other ethnic group Mixed White

White and Indian Caribbean Chinese Black Caribbean British White and Pakistani African Any other Black African Irish Any other black Any other white Bangladeshi background White and Asian background Any other Asian Any other mixed background background DECLARATION We (as the holders of parental responsibility for him/her) request that the name of the above-named child be registered as a prospective pupil of the School AND

we enclose a cheque for the non-refundable Registration Fee of £50 (cheques made payable to Farleigh School) or we have sent a bank transfer for the non-refundable Registration Fee of £50 (please add initials and surname as a reference with your payment) to sort code 40-05-20, account number 80344818, HSBC Bank, 69 Pall Mall, London SW1Y 5EY, UK. (IBAN number GB73MIDL40052080344818, Swift number MIDLGB2107J)

By signing this Registration Form we understand, accept and agree that 1. registration of our child as a prospective pupil does not secure our child a place at the School but does ensure that our child will be considered for selection as a pupil at the School; 2. if our child is offered a place at the School, such an offer will be subject to the School’s terms and conditions for the provision of educational services [2], which will bind us (as the holders of parental responsibility for him/her) in the event (and from the moment) that we accept the place; 3. (for non-EU children only), in order to comply with the School’s responsibilities as a registered Tier 4 sponsor, we consent to the School notifying and/or supplying information relating to us and/or our child’s right to enter, reside and/or study in the to the United Kingdom Visas and Immigration (UKVI) unit of the Home Office and, in any event, if our child is offered a place at the School, such an offer will be subject to us confirming that our child has the right to enter, live and study in the United Kingdom(see over); 4. (for pupils whose parents live overseas), we will appoint a UK Guardian for our child and details will be provided on the acceptance form once a place has been offered; 5. (for pupils whose parents live overseas), we agree to arrange and pay for the airline’s “unaccompanied minor service” (or arrange an escort) to look after our child whilst at the British airport and during the flight; 6. if applicable, the School may request from our child’s present school or educational institution (a) information and a reference in respect of our child; and/or (b) information about any outstanding fees and/or supplemental charges (after written permission has been given by us); 7. on offer of a place, the School reserves the right to, with reference to one or both of us, (a) undertake a credit check with a credit reference agency; and/or (b) require us to provide the School’s Bursar with a bank reference and/or an up-to-date credit report (including a credit score); and 8. the School may process any personal data about us (or either of us) and our child, including sensitive personal data about our child (such as medical details), for the purposes of (i) administering its list of prospective pupils; (ii) its registration, selection and/or admission procedures, including as set out above; and (iii) communicating with the parents of prospective pupils about the School and generally managing relationships between the School and its prospective pupils.

BOTH parents (or guardians) please sign below: Signature: Print name: Date: Relationship to child: additional notes 1. Parental responsibility is defined in the Children Act 1989 as “all rights, duties, powers and responsibilities and authority which by law a parent of a child has in relation to the child and his or her property”. It equates to legal responsibility for the child. If you have any doubts about whether you do or do not have parental responsibility for the child, you may wish to seek legal advice. 2. A copy of the current terms and conditions (known as the School’s parent contract) is available for your information upon request at any time, but please note that the version of the parent contract supplied may be subject to change prior to the point in time when a place at the School for your child may be offered. 3. Further copies of the Registration Form and an up-to-date copy of our Entry Policy can be found on the Admissions section of the Farleigh School website: TO BE COMPLETED FOR A CHILD WHOSE NATIONALITY IS NON-EUROPEAN You can check to see if your child needs a “child study visa”, also known as a Tier 4 Child Student Visa, at Before completing this form, please also refer to the guidance at visa. Your child may not need a Tier 4 Child Student Visa if your family has the right to live and work in the UK and your child is a dependent. If this is the case then complete Part B of this form.

You will need to provide details of a UK guardian (if applicable) on offer of a place. For pupils whose parents live overseas, parents must arrange and pay for the airline’s “unaccompanied minor service” (or arrange an escort) to look after their child whilst at the British airport and during the flight.

Child’s name: Child’s nationality:

Complete Section A or B, and sign and date the form and return it to the Registrar, Farleigh School, Red Rice, Andover, SP11 7PW, UK, enclosing a copy of the photopage of your child’s passport (and any other visa pages showing their right to study in the UK, if applicable). Please bring the originals for verification when you visit the School.

A Tier 4 Sponsorship: The School is currently a registered Tier 4 sponsor via the Home Office’s UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) unit.

Please tick this box if you require the School to sponsor your child and provide a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) for visa/immigration purposes.

Details of the Tier 4 sponsorship arrangements will be sent to everyone who ticks this box. Please note that by providing this information, this does not guarantee that the School will sponsor your child or that the School is somehow obliged to. The School reserves full discretion over any decisions as to whether or not to sponsor your child.

B If you do not require the School to sponsor your child, please confirm that your child has the right to study in the UK by virtue of another visa immigration category (for example, as a dependent, indefinite leave to enter the UK, “right of abode”, time-restricted or temporary visa) and provide evidence. Please also provide any further relevant details.

Parent’s/Guardian’s signature:

Print name: Date:

Red Rice, Andover, SP11 7PW Email [email protected] Web Direct 01264 712838 Overseas +44 1264 712838 Main 01264 710766