Safety at Fusionopolis 2 in Singapore: an Integrated Approach
JCHAS-955; No of Pages 13 FEATURE Safety at Fusionopolis 2 in Singapore: An integrated approach The Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) Singapore undertook one of the largest laboratories and cleanroom building and relocation project in Singapore, relocating 4 of her research institutes to Fusionopolis 2. Located in a high rise high density environment, the project presents added challenges for both design and construction as well as operational Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) controls. A multi-prong approach to management of safety at Fusionopolis 2 had to be adopted for both the design and construction phase as well as the operational management of safety in the complex. By Khai Seng Tan, economic oriented research to advance and cleanroom building and relocation Md Alomgir Hossain, scientific discovery and develop inno- project in Singapore. Anchored at Cher Sing Eng, vative technology. Through open inno- Fusionopolis Two are the following vation, we collaborate with our partners A*STAR science and engineering Yimian Hong, in both the public and private sectors research institutes: the Data Storage Eddice Ang, 1 to benefit society. A*STAR oversees Institute (DSI), the Institute of Micro- Teck Keong Jong 18 biomedical sciences and physical electronics (IME), the Institute of sciences and engineering research Materials Research and Engineering BACKGROUND entities organised into Biomedical (IMRE), and the Singapore Institute Research Council (BMRC) and Science of Manufacturing Technology (SIM- The Agency for Science, Technology and and Engineering Research Council Tech). Together the four institutes Research (A*STAR) is Singapore’s lead (SERC) (see Table 1), these research occupy a total gross floor area of over public sector agency that spearheads entities are primarily located in Biopolis 63,800 square metres (686,900 sq ft) of and Fusionopolis (see Figure 1).
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