
F Active processes use more physical memory than system has

Address Binding can be fixed Swap out or relocatable P1 Operating Systems I at runtime P2

Backing Store (Swap Space) OS Main Memory

Swapping Motivation F Consider 100K proc, 1MB/s disk, 8ms seek – 108 ms * 2 = 216 ms F Logical address space larger than physical – If used for context switch, want large quantum! memory F Small processes faster – “Virtual Memory” F Pending I/O (DMA) – on special disk – don’t swap F Abstraction for programmer – DMA to OS buffers F Performance ok? F Unix uses swapping variant – Error handling not used – Each has “too large” address space – Maximum arrays –

Demand Paging Paging Implementation Validation F Less I/O needed out Bit A1 F Less memory needed A1 A2 A3 A3 Page 0 0 1 v F Faster response B1 B2 0 Page 1 1 0 i F More users B1 1 Page 0 0 3 F Page 2 2 3 v No pages in memory 2 1 initially Page 3 3 0 i Main Memory 3 Page 2 2 – Pure demand Logical paging Memory Physical Memory

1 Page Fault Performance of Demand Paging F Page not in memory – interrupt OS => page fault Page Fault Rate F OS looks in table: 0 < p < 1.0 (no page faults to every is fault) – invalid reference? => abort Effective Access Time – not in memory? => bring it in = (1-p) (memory access) + p (page fault overhead) F Get empty frame (from list) Page Fault Overhead F Swap page into frame = swap page out + swap page in + restart F Reset tables (valid bit = 1) F Restart instruction

Performance Example Page Replacement F memory access time = 100 nanoseconds F F swap fault overhead = 25 msec Page fault => What if no free frames? F page fault rate = 1/1000 – terminate user process (ugh!) – swap out process (reduces degree of multiprog) F EAT = (1-p) x 100 + p x (25 msec) – replace other page with needed page = (1-p) x 100 + p x 25,000,000 F Page replacement: = 100 + 24,999,900 x p – if free frame, use it = 100 + 24,999,900 x 1/1000 = 25 microseconds! – use algorithm to select victim frame F Want less than 10% degradation – write page to disk, changing tables 110 > 100 + 24,999,900 x p – read in new page 10 > 24,999,9000 x p – restart process p < .0000004 or 1 fault in 2,500,000 accesses!

Page Replacement Page Replacement Algorithms “Dirty” Bit - avoid page out 0 1 v F Every system has its own (0) 1 02 iv (2) F Want lowest page fault rate Page 0 2 3 v 0 F Evaluate by running it on a particular string Page 1 3 0 i (1) 1 Page 0 0 3 of memory references (reference string) and Page 2 Page Table 2 victim computing number of page faults 1 Page 3 (3) F Example: 1,2,3,4,1,2,5,1,2,3,4,5 0 1 vi (4) 3 Page 2 2 Logical Memory 1 0 i Physical Memory Page Table

2 First-In-First-Out (FIFO) Optimal 1,2,3,4,1,2,5,1,2,3,4,5 vs. 1 4 5 3 Frames / Process 9 Page Faults F 2 1 3 Replace the page that will not be used for

3 2 4 the longest period of time 1,2,3,4,1,2,5,1,2,3,4,5 1 5 4 1 4 4 Frames / Process 10 Page Faults! 4 Frames / Process 2 1 5 2 6 Page Faults 3 2 Belady’s Anomaly 3

4 3 4 5 How do we know this? Use as benchmark

Least Recently Used LRU Implementation

F Replace the page that has not been used for F the longest period of time Counter implementation – every page has a counter; every time page is 1,2,3,4,1,2,5,1,2,3,4,5 referenced, copy clock to counter – when a page needs to be changed, compare the 1 5 counters to determine which to change F 2 Stack implementation 8 Page Faults – keep a stack of page numbers 3 5 4 – page referenced: move to top 4 3 No Belady’s Anomoly - “Stack” Algorithm – no search needed for replacement - N frames subset of N+1

LRU Approximations Second-Chance

F LRU good, but hardware support expensive F FIFO replacement, but … F Some hardware support by reference bit – Get first in FIFO – with each page, initially = 0 – Look at reference bit u – when page is referenced, set = 1 bit == 0 then replace u bit == 1 then set bit = 0, get next in FIFO – replace the one which is 0 (no order) F – enhance by having 8 bits and shifting If page referenced enough, never replaced F – approximate LRU Implement with circular queue

3 Second-Chance Enhanced Second-Chance F 2-bits, reference bit and modify bit (a) (b) F (0,0) neither recently used nor modified 1 1 0 1 – best page to replace 0 2 0 2 F (0,1) not recently used but modified Next 1 3 0 3 – needs write-out Vicitm F 1 4 0 4 (1,0) recently used but clean – probably used again soon F (1,1) recently used and modified If all 1, degenerates to FIFO – used soon, needs write-out F Circular queue in each class -- (Macintosh)

Counting Algorithms Page Buffering

F Keep a counter of number of references F Pool of frames – LFU - replace page with smallest count – start new process immediately, before writing old u if does all in beginning, won’t be replaced u write out when system idle u decay values by shift – list of modified pages – MFU - smallest count just brought in and will u write out when system idle probably be used – pool of free frames, remember content F Not too common (expensive) and not too u page fault => check pool good

Allocation of Frames Fixed Allocation

F How many fixed frames per process? F Equal allocation F Two allocation schemes: – ex: 93 frames, 5 procs = 18 per proc (3 in pool) – fixed allocation F Proportional Allocation – priority allocation – number of frames proportional to size – ex: 64 frames, s1 = 10, s2 = 127 u f1 = 10 / 137 x 64 = 5 u f2 = 127 / 137 x 64 = 59 F Treat processes equal

4 Priority Allocation Thrashing

F Use a proportional scheme based on priority F If a process does not have “enough” pages, F If process generates a page fault the page-fault rate is very high – select replacement a process with lower – low CPU utilization priority – OS thinks it needs increased multiprogramming F “Global” versus “Local” replacement – adds another procces to system – local consistent (not influenced by others) F Thrashing is when a process is busy – global more efficient (used more often) swapping pages in and out

Thrashing Cause of Thrashing

F Why does paging work? – Locality model u process migrates from one locality to another u localities may overlap CPU F Why does thrashing occur? utilization – sum of localities > total memory size F How do we fix thrashing? degree of muliprogramming – Model – Page Fault Frequency

Working-Set Model Working Set Example

F Working set window W = a fixed number of F T = 5 page references F 1 2 3 2 3 1 2 4 3 4 7 4 3 3 4 1 1 2 2 2 1 – total number of pages references in time T F D = sum of size of W’s W={1,2,3} W={3,4,7} W={1,2} – if T too small, will not encompass locality – if T too large, will encompass several localities – if T => infinity, will encompass entire program F if D > m => thrashing, so suspend a process F Modify LRU appx to include Working Set

5 Page Fault Frequency Prepaging increase number of frames F Pure demand paging has many page faults upper bound initially – use working set lower bound – does cost of prepaging unused frames outweigh decrease Page Fault Rate number of cost of page-faulting? frames Number of Frames F Establish “acceptable” page-fault rate – If rate too low, process loses frame – If rate too high, process gains frame

Page Size Program Structure F Old - Page size fixed, New -choose page size F consider: F How do we pick the right page size? Tradeoffs: int A[1024][1024]; – Fragmentation for (j=0; j<1024; j++) – Table size for (i=0; i<1024; i++) – Minimize I/O u transfer small (.1ms), latency + seek time large (10ms) A[i][j] = 0; F – Locality suppose: u small finer resolution, but more faults – process has 1 frame – ex: 200K process (1/2 used), 1 fault / 200k, 100K faults/1 byte – 1 row per page F Historical trend towards larger page sizes – => 1024x1024 page faults! – CPU, mem faster proportionally than disks

Program Structure Priority Processes

int A[1024][1024]; F Consider for (i=0; i<1024; i++) – low priority process faults, for (j=0; j<1024; j++) u bring page in A[i][j] = 0; – low priority process in ready queue for awhile, F 1024 page faults waiting while high priority process runs F stack vs. hash table – high priority process faults u F low priority page clean, not used in a while Compiler => perfect! – separate code from data F Lock-bit (like for I/O) until used once – keep routines that call each other together F LISP (pointers) vs. Pascal (no-pointers)

6 Real-Time Processes Virtual Memory and WinNT F Page Replacement Algorithm F Real-time – FIFO – bounds on delay – Missing page, plus adjacent pages – hard-real time: systems crash, lives lost F u air-traffic control, factor automation Working set – soft-real time: application sucks – default is 30 u audio, video – take victim frame periodically F Paging adds unexpected delays – if no fault, reduce set size by 1 – don’t do it F Reserve pool – lock bits for real-time processes – hard page faults – soft page faults

Virtual Memory and Virtual Memory and WinNT F Regions of virtual memory F Shared pages – paging disk (normal) – level of indirection for easier updates – file (text segment, memory mapped file) – same virtual entry F New Virtual Memory F Page File – exec() creates new page table – stores only modified logical pages – fork() copies page table – code and memory mapped files on disk already u reference to common pages u if written, then copied F Page Replacement Algorithm – second chance (with more bits)

Application Performance Studies Capacity Planning Then and Now and F Demand Paging in Windows NT Capacity Planning in the good old days – used to be just mainframes – simple CPU-load based queuing theory Mikhail Mikhailov Saqib Syed – Unix Ganga Kannan F Capacity Planning today Divya Prakash Mark Claypool – distributed systems David Finkel Sujit Kumar – networks of workstations WPI BMC Software, Inc. – Windows NT – MS Exchange, Lotus Notes

7 Experiment Design Page Fault Method

F System F Experiments F “Work hard” – Pentium 133 MHz – Page Faults F Run lots of applications, open and close – NT Server 4.0 – Caching F – 64 MB RAM All local access, not over network – IDE NTFS F Analysis – perfmon F clearmem

Soft or Hard Page Faults? Caching and Prefetching

F Start process – wait for “Enter” F Start perfmon F Hit “Enter” F Read 1 4-K page F Exit F Repeat

Page Metrics with Caching On

Hit Return Read Exit button 4 KB

Start Hit Return button Read 4 KB
