( 34 ) ROBERT SIBBALD AND HIS PRODROMUS. BY W. H. MULLENS, M.A„ IX.M., F .t.s. [PLATE 2.] THE first attempt to treat of the Fauna of Scotland on a comprehensive scale* was that made by Robert Sibbald in his Scotia Illustrata sive Prodromus Historice Naturalis, pub lished in Edinburgh in 1684. This " Prodromus," or " Fore runner," which Sibbald produced after a labour of twenty years.f was the result of an attempt on his part to compile a geographical and historical account of Scotland, including a description of the natural history of that kingdom. Under taken at the instance of his patron the Earl of Perth, the actual production of the " Prodromus " seems to have been due to the command of Charles II., whose physician and geographer Sibbald was, and although it entailed on him, as he tells us, " great pains and very much expense in buying all the books and manuscripts I could gather . and procuring information from all parts of the country, even the remote isles," his only reward was, according to his own account, a fee of a hundred guineas, bestowed on him by James VII.J in March, 1685. The full title and collation of the " Prodromus " is as follows :— Scotia Illustrata / sive / Prodromus / Historise Naturalis/ in quo / Regionis natura, Incolarum Ingenia & Mores, Morbi iisque medendi Methodus, & / Medicina Indigena accurate explicantur : / ET / Multiplices Naturae Partus in triplice ejus Regno, Vegetabili scilicet, Animali & Minerali / per hancee Borealem Magnae Britaniae Partem, quae Antiquissimum Scotiae / Regnum constituit; undi- quaque diftusi nunc primum in Lucem eruuntur, & varii eorum Usus, Medici praesertim & Mechanic!, quos ad Vitae / cum necessitatem, turn commoditatem praestant; * Some ornithological matter is contained in the writings of Hector Boethius or Boece (1465-1536), and of George Buchanan (1506-82).
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