KARNATAKA STATE OPEN UNIVERSITY Mukthagangothri, Mysuru – 570 006 PROSPECTUS 2020-21 July Cycle (September-October) MBA (Two Years –Semester Scheme) KARNATAKA STATE OPEN UNIVERSITY Mukthagangothri, Mysuru-570006 Help Line: 8800335638 email:
[email protected] Office Phone EPABX No.: 0821-2500981, 2519941, 2519943, 2519952 Website: www.ksoumysuru.ac.in i ATTENTION To apply for MBA log on to KSOU official website www.ksoumysuru.ac.in Application processing fee shall be remitted by epay Online Application shall be submitted as per the Online Admission instruction given in the website. Candidates are advised to contact Headquarters / notified Regional Centres of the University for any clarification IMPORTANT DATES Admissions open 01-09-2020 Last date without a penal fee 10-10-2020 Last date with penal fee of Rs.100 /- 20-10-2020 Last date with penal fee of Rs.200 /- 29-10-2020 Note: 1. Admission will be opened on all Sundays and holidays. 2. No CET will be conducted this academic year IMPORTANT NOTE Candidates are here by informed to read carefully the instructions in the prospectus before filling-up of the application. Admission for various Programmes can be made through any of the following modes: Admission through Regional Centres/ Head Quarters directly. Candidates shall apply through KSOU website: www.ksoumysuru.ac.in. and click on admission portal or visit directly to nearest Regional Centres/ Head Quarters (Mysuru). Candidates shall upload required self-attested scanned documents. Candidate shall visit the nearest Regional Centres/ Head Quarters (Mysuru) along with necessary original document and one set of photo copy. Candidate shall pay the prescribed admission fee after verification of documents.