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Albuquerque Evening Herald, 1914-1922 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

9-3-1920 The veE ning Herald (Albuquerque, N.M.), 09-03-1920 The veE ning Herald, Inc.

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VOU'MK It iiMiooiiTcr rats ugwg ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 3. 1920. TBI W. THU Da 7 IT B.rCH M'MIIKtl 14t !: Hum h. TI.u.

susr.iAni:;E crew ICE COMPANY cox up su;:hise HOMO FOR saved TO at to hake GOX AFTER BEI'IG LOCKED 1.1 A ADDRESS AT TOLEDO AS (IE BENS DOUBLE CAPACITY; COOPERATIVE DISABLED VESSEL TV0 DAYS STARTS Oil TOUR GF WEST Ofl 11 PLOT 10 EXPEND a vhi , army transport, stood by tho aub $100,000 ev th MaetTe easts viously announced. ' The schedule PHII.AL)KLPIlTA. Hept. 8. Iladlo merged veaael and managed to at- KS ROUTB V.HTH UOVERN'OJli from Kept em her 17 to Heptemher II 5SOGUTIORS message from the army tach grappling hooka to Ita atern. COX. Sept I. Tho western 'swing" la subject to revisions to bo an- flashed Holding the aubmarine In a verti- nounced later. BUYPpiC waa opened early transport General Goethale to the cal petition, a hote wma bored through Contract Awarded mlfor of Governor Cox Philadelphia navy yard via. Capo her plaice and air pumped through to today with a be for break fast Harding and Cox May told of the reecue early today the suffering crew, who had almost Improvements; Plant adTlrcas to a railroad station Sayt Farmers May Find crew ub-- given up all hope of reactie. crowd at Toledo, while tho demo Reply To Questionnaire Says He Has Eye On of the ofrircr and of the In call for help Gets Santa Fe 8-- Ihey hod spent the meantime the Order. waa en route to ovirlne after navy wire-lee- s cratic candidate Re-du- ce In had ben picked up by the of Engineers' Society It Only Way To nearly two days locked the lot .by of Michigan. The Senatorial veaael the Atlantic slat ie and command One largest beneath decretory I tonic la destroyers were of the wnst ruction "I'm starting for tho coast," said ocean, eft south of Cape Prices. mites rushed to the rescue from Philadel- projects since the War for Cox to his sunrise audience. h aeiTiB Investigators. Governor CHICAGO, Hept S. The American phia. Newport Newa and New York. waa nsatired yewterday when in fight to win. Wo It 'M after t o'clock this morning venue Mottling com- "We're the Association of Kngincera today made C, M. lie fore all tho la had had the Western Ice and when Lieutenant Commander scene, however, pany closed a contract (lay A will win because our causa deserve public letters from Governor Cox and S TNI SSSSStATBS Mill 1)1 time to reach the with .. Cook, who exercised prerogative waa flushed crew Hons of linn Angelrs to and to win." - Hei.ator Hardtng. M.AIUOX, Ohio, Hept, S. bust, hie word that all the construct LANSING,ti Mich., Hept 3. The of being the man to leave been almard the steamer InMtnll extrnslw lmpi'oementH and league of was featured Governor Cox wrote that "my reply farmers' association for dis- vessel, the steamer hud taken Tha nation was taken aboard Alanthua. Tha Aluutltus proceeded to additional machinery In their Ice by governor Toledo. to every one of the question you ask leagus of nations, was the them ad- elapsed the at Henatop-Hardlng- tribution of farm products war Alsnthus. Nine hours had tow the aubmarine to the Jxduware ' plant, which when- completed will Is umquiv.cally "yea." while which, the governor took in. Michigan vocated by Bona tor Harding In a since the plight of the undersea bout double Ua present manufacturing ea- - In a lengthy tetter,, outlined Iteen public through a, breakwater. HKVlHKItt ITINERARY today on his western trip. speech hero today aa a necessity If had made At I0;1i a. m. today naval authori- pacitj. nci;i hi viewa more fully. wireless call picked up by an ama- following Htatu-- I The company la also letting a con- or cxx annoi Among tha questions aske? war Attacks on republican eonlrlhuUon food prlrea ara to be reduced, ties here bmucd the CHICAGO, Kept. 8. Tho stumping teur operator In Karmlngton, Conn, ment to the Maritime Kachange: tract to construct an udilltionul stor- whether the presidential nominee wer llnkeii by Governor Cox In a Hpcaktng to buoy Vessel. age u commute of tho Attract "All persona who were on subma- warclmuHt with capacity of tour Itinerary of Governor Cox waa favor a national department of pub string of add real1 a through southern National Board of Farmer Organisa- ft wo a mnall buoy, a develop- been aaved. They are 4,(Hio tons, to lav accumulated In the today lie works fur transportation and co- together rine have dull season. announced here at democratic Michigan with the Newberry case. "I tions, tho nominee declared he ab- ment of the world war. with now on hourd the battleship Ohio. headquarters a follow ordinating many bu roans and com- the vlgilent eye of a lookout- on the now la in latitude In an Interview thl morning the missions; the sppointment of an corns to demand that thesa United horred any Idea of claaa organisation The aubmarine officer company Hept, 4, Htato Hk hridao of the transport Oeneral Hl(.30-- longitude 74.02. Thla places of the Informed a fulr. Paul aud aa a member of tho In torstat Htateg shaill bo saved from the New na uch, but know unlcaa tha gavo 30 men on aevonty reporter that the increased manufac- Hept. ft, Minneapolis; that OovthalH, that the her position approximately Minneapolis; commerce commission; a progressiva berrylsm of Michigan, multiplied 48 producers and ronaumora were tho submerged aubmurlm their miles southward from the entrance turing and storage capiicity was made Hept. 7, Grand Forks, X. I)., Devil's program of coneervoAlon and develop- buoy lay. Ohio has neccitaary t lake rtire of a long-tim- e times," sold (h candidate In one of brought closer together by organised nhmuw for life. Thla small to the iM'laware The Lake, .V. P., aud Mlnot, X. !.; Hept. ment of public resourcee; the budget with a bell and busier uevire that not yet atarled to tw the aubmarine, coutrnct recently closed with the ayetem and tho reclamation of waato three address hero following simi- effort , "organised profiteering will Im- Hanta Fe railrtatd comany to b 8, Havre, Montana and Great Falls, can bo operated when the boat Is but she la invptiriug to proceed landa with a special financial sys- lar statements In rear platform squccie In aomewhere between.' la part equipment mediately with the aubmarine for tho cars and supply their requirements Mont.; Wept. . Helena, Mont,, Butte, submerged, of the company hud bnen obliged Mont., Hept. 10; Hoo- tem to aid the settler. speeches en Hpeakn for Consumer of later type aubmarlnea. It was harbor at the liclawaro breakwater, here. The and Anaconda; In replying Henator Harding said rout. down. to turn down extensive orders from ka no and Walla Walla, Wash.; Hept. Charge of "a plot to buy tho "I desire with all my heart to cart Iooho when the went year In to 11, Uclliugham, Heat ho hud been considering the ques- (loethals PAUTIAU.Y l'MHill-'- WIIKN the railroad thla order Tucoma and tie. public preside ncy.' were by Ui demo- Rpeuk I The lookout on the General M VKIN4. IHVK adequately supply thttlr local trade. Wash.; rtept. 12 and 13, Portland, tion of the works department made for tho consumer when saw It. being attracted by Ita bell, and "I should bo unworthy of public every apeak of A me rIran agriculture. With WAHIUNUTUN. Kent. J A mea- - Albuquerque la one of the few cities Ore.; Hept. 14. Huntington, Ore., cratic nomine in almost iu well aa Ihe fact that II woa not that had no tee shortage this sum- Nampa, Idaho, Jtolse Idaho; rVpt, D. confidence if I ventured to decide so the agriculture of tho United Htales noted on the chart. sage aent by the tra import (Jeueral Important and a ques- Ha denounced the "sonst tfwthals to the commaiidnnt of the mer. In some of th coast titles the Poeatello, Idaho. Ogden, Clah, Halt Henator HaroV the baalc Industry I am deeply con A email boot, with an officer In shortage approached a famine. Ice Lake City; Hept. 16, Reno, Nov.; tion without tho very fullest study." oligarchy" and dubbed wua from tho fourth naval district at Philadelphia my, way, tng, opponent, ccrncd. We muat look our land prob- command, lowered relayed to the navy deportment octng supplied only ti save perish- Hept. 17, Hacruincnto and Han Fran- "You nuiy In a general his republican as a Invcatlgate. When the and Frum-laco- 1 very lems farming squarely traitarpon to loduy dcKciilicd the acchlent to the able products and to homes contain- cisco; He pi, IX, Han Hept. he continued, "that think well "standpatter" and " reactionary " and altuatlon buoy waa reuched. a buaawr device ing sick persona and children, and 19, Dos Auipnle: Hept. 20, Han Dlogo of tho appointment of an engineer In bravely wisu 6 us due to the aubmarine being choice of tho republican leadership. the fare and act and could be heard. The officer cut into "partially flooded making a In other piacea d cukea only and Dos Angelea; elept. SI, Doa An- on the Inter la, to commerce commis- while 1 advocating league. ly and promptly. the connection and quickly theu crush dive." con lil be purchased. geles and Ham Bernardino, Cel.; sion and ha o al way spoken In th Governor new com- Hept. 22, Hept. 23. Uy In re- "Tha day of land hunger haa gone. came thla mejumge: The crew list of the 5 Includes With their capacity the Phoenix, Aria; heart favor of executive policy Cog criticised Henator llardlng'a 5 haa been sub- pany will be to Hdeqtiately care Albuquerque, X. M.; Hept. 24, I am sure you know The day when the aharo of the Ameri- "The Bubnvuine the following: able Pueblo of conservation. cent league speech. Referring to The merged for 36 noura. Air la run- Vox, Iowa: for their railroad orders anil supply and iN'iivur, Colo.: Hept. 23, Chey- .that I favor the budget system and can In "Percy Buffalo Center. Hague tribunal urn an Institution with farmer whatever la left of ning short. Machinery la damaged. Firemen Ailam K. Hooley, Alnmeda, future local demands for some venra enne, Wyo.; Hept. 2. fheyenno, Wyo. a very forwanl policy relating to prosperity Itaa been ovortopped by Head for help." Calif., and Wlltlam J. Punter. Cleve- to come, allowing for a very consider- Itinerary here proceeds a pre reclamation and Irrigation." "bats In Ihs belfry and spider webs the share taken by our induatrlal !'lc Halt RruaaYaMt. land, Idaho; Machinist's Mutu John able Increase, in population. While everywhere," tho governor aawerted by not definitely statca. It la iiudei-atoo- duy Thla plea waa aent hroadcaat C. Kmlth. Vancouver. WuHh.; Mens lr been proven and production, haa come. Tho when Igdatiea, - that the contract considerably exceeds Foodiituf f Imnortft that had a failure the wlroler of the Jr.eral Uoethala. Attendant RolHrto Potite- wa Induatry outblda agriculture for luhor Among thoae who reaponded waa thu vedra, Cupll. P. (.; Water Tender t f 100,000. Of that Henator Harding's position haa come. aLcamer Alanthua, which, with the (1 rover H. Conklin. I Am Angelea. Increase; Exports "simply reactionary Ism applied U "Thesu "omlllluns fall for wlau ac- Show Big Decrease International affairs." tion on the part of the government. Miss Ruth Bursum Koetrtj. a CXmaptracy. They call for tho presence of the PEACE PARTY QUITS Governor Cox said h emphasised MISSING PASTORS V ftMCIaOC Aine-ba- n In government Boy, tBI Is farmer our Runs Over a WAHHIXOTON. Kept. 3. Food- th Newberry cs "because there offices, administrative and represen- Injuries Fatal stuffs Imported Into the I'nlted Butte today a conspiracy aa criminal, an at- tative. They cull for extension of j during the seven months ended with tempt as a plot as well laid as the farm loan principle, not only In DAUGHTER FOUND July Increased by more than 11,500,-00- 0 His Successor Said To that which brougnt aname 10 asicm- - 000 over the corresponding period In- an. the cane of the man who already ' KOCCOItltO, N. M.. Hept. In 1910. while export decreased Bi More Favorably "A Newberry plot with Newberry owns a.furm, hut to worthy Ameri- I.Mlaa ON 000.000, according to department. Ruth Bursum, daughter of H. (X SPECIAL TRAIN $t00. Poles. methods, broaenly and unblushtngly, can! who want to acquire furms. of commerce report for July. clined Toward sought to apread the vtru rrntn Uursum, republican com- - haa liar In Left Denver With Man! national During the feven months period which you are only now recovering. , "I ahall aoon aet at greater length mltteeman, ran over Oreglo Hllva, 13 Imports of foodstuff totalled S TH IMH14T MMt into the polltiorl vein of every state, tho proposala In mind to remedy Who Is Being Hunted years bid, toati night, tho boy dying while export amounted WARBAVA Hept. 8. M. Uenishev he declared, Bridge Workers Hurt I by Hen-st- these conditions. On thla occasion, thla morning. ' The boy and a tluyw to tl.l6.04.700. For the month of ky haa resigned as head of tho Rus Referring a statement however, 1 lay stress upon one at French, N. M. July foodHtuff Imported totalled Borah, republican, of Idaho, f t mate were wrestling In the street. When Concrete Forms sian peace delegation and haa boon I believe that the Amerl-ra- n 9232,823.013 and exports iifa.we,--1 that an attempt to purchase the people, through their govern- They dodged out of the way of one replaced by Adolph Abramowotc presidency waa a frightful thing." were by Miss Hur- - Fall On Them. 1. Joffe, s mbsassdor to ment and otherwise, not only In be- HA TON, N. M.. ftept. J. Horothy car and struck Kxuorts of manufacture for tho former soviet Governor Cox said that he detred half of the farmera, but In sum's car which was coming from 9M&0,- - Germany Rus- arouse tho moral fury, not alone behalf of Hkeels. daughter of Itcv. seven months amounted to and chairman of tho "to our own weilare, and the pockulbook un opposite direction. IMG.C03 I.BvV.DOft.- - sian peace Ureal Of partJe. but all good rltlsens, W. Hkeels Den Three mcmtier of bridge gang II. contoured with I delegation at of the consumers of America, will and Mr. Harris of U, 5 $1,033.- - against9 "present frightful t.hlnga" ' and Xo. for the Hunt T'c rail- 785, und Imports aggregated according to Moncow advice encourage, make lawful und etlmulatu ver, who was located near hero last mum an "I want to lay ho rouncaiion for road are at the coast lines hospital 712. ii nst i6ix.aub.sso. received Mr. Danlahevaky re- money buying, dis- night after her disappearance from Hard Coal Miners suffering from Injuries they received of manufactures in July totalled here. legislation that would 'put tribution und ac 111 rig of - signed government digging' present practiced out on Monday of this ween ac- wlmn a of concrete forms which 3342.820,201 and Import iiuv.uiu,- because the soviet ax at furm producia. Seek To Reopen ihey were loading on a flat car gave 810. agroed to carry on fuhlher negolla-tlon- a of business. I want to make the n "Industry haa been organised; labor companied by She rIn Hixenbaugh. Is money In a political way. The accident happened at In manu- with Poland at Riga, aet the baa been organised. today French, .V. Mi. lu search of Wage Agreement sta- Crude muterinJs for uc aampalgn a odlou aa word at o'clock this morning at a small facturing Imported during July Hapleha, foreign min- ine within Industry and within labor and, tion six miles west of Helen. Prince Polish traitor or as as tno name Indued, tho man with whom she claim she amounted to $18(1.734.710, and ex- ioinom between the two, man Harold Thomus, the most seriously ister, received a wireless meug Benedict Arnold." la 1 not contem- left Denver. The namo of the ports to $l2O.0H0.il8. far advanced. do Hi'ltAXTOX. Pa., Kept. 3 A com- Injured, haa a sprained back, two from George Tchltchertn, bolshevik Governor Cox served nolle that b by the offi- In- plate the organisation of the limn- has not been revealed 1 3 In leg had eye on th senatorial country aa mitter of was appointed by the fracture the leit und other minister of foreign affair, stating "hi er and ronsumura of thta cers. com ml Wee an- bruises. K. It. White hns a bad Up In Santa Fe vestigation commltte at ontcero." ape-ri- geneial scale of the Line as n step toward orgunlxailnn of according to her iiiory told gush on the forehead and Hubert that the essential condition to the "I know that It could, when tt to apeciul favors, The thracite mine workers today to tuk guarantee of interests obtain agree.-me- has a smashed left foot. County Convention Riga conference was a wlbthcd, put the brand on cnaJn I I would oppose It. Hut I to the sheriff huru, left home because action relative to having tho if did. u younger signed yesterday by As soon jih the accident happened. thu Immunity of the Russian and candidate In Chicago." said the gov- know full well we must all of of constant quarrels with tho t'nited K, mull- delegates, right to that Meeting man in Den- Mine Workers and tho opeuitnrs re- K. Hninnen, gang foreman, Will Be Close Ukrainian the free ernor "I know that It scent was ue consumer act together to find brother. the ed the Injured men to Helen, where und uninterrupted communication in gor In way rhcupur ver, she accompanied blin In an au- opened for the purpose wf nuking by keen enough for factional our cloaer and easier and they were given first aid treatment. code telegraph and wireless and 1 would know Ita In- to the sources of our food aupply." tomobile to T I inpus, Colo., on Tues- new demands. by diplomatic Waahinglon and day, man From there they were brought to courier currying sealed nate; keenness for real political blood and there thu left her after u A N: Bepl 8. The pouches. I'pon receiving uch guar1 arranging girl at French, Albuquerque on u special train, HA XT FK. M.. money In Chicago. to meet the only Hit engine celwiosu. county republican .onven-Hm- .i anteti. M. Tchltchertn suld. the soviet .V. M. girl nor jour- - of and Hanta Fe Ulster Unionists The continued Bridegroom of Two Railway surgeons were nutiltud be- will he held hero tomorrow. Tho delegation will leave tor Riga with M'ant Hcnuctmulii;. ncy from Tim pus to Union by train, claiming full power agree an oppor- arriving there yesterday. Days fore the arrival of tho train and organisation crowd today la to to armistice "W have furnished th Urge Support of Lost In Denver several physicians and an arnbulanco 11 will the convention a preliminary to peace and to negotiate tunity for a national housecleaning girl atartud out that control - Without lunda the were waiting when the train arrived primaries held laat night a filial peace treaty. before th Newberry- one In Michi- from Luton lulu yesterday on foot a result of Hapleha wired Pol Government in Crisis at I:.i0 this afternoon. In cKy end country precincts. The Prince has the gan. That (.Mine late, after a stain to walk to French, where she was! by one the Ish In Riga to obtain the de- - b man, and on the road DKNVKlt. Hept. J. City polios According to the atory told ins" won 89 delegates to IS for tho minister had Iteen left. Thl on can ac to meet the lo- of Injured men, seven concrete manded guarantcca from the Latvian complished ballot box, at ST mi lea south, shortly; were asked today to attempt to the opposition In the city, uui in mo at th m AoeiTce about eighteen government to communicate the K It KI. FA ST, Hept. S Moat urgent wan Mop- cate H, Bowers, a bridegroom of forma hud Imctt loaded on the car country precincts the sntla got) a bet- and punishment perpetrators will after lt o'clock last night, l. wua result direct to the bolshevik mini- -' of- 11. days, He came from Okla- und fastened. Another form Hueup in the con- never rorget. noil Important bualnees, says an ped by It, Hulllvan. who waa cn two hero ter break and Hie in city. report, waa by from Ituton to homa and married Mlsa Itortha being put on the cur edgeways when vention will bo close. tor that At Jackson ho ald: ficial tranaucted ut the route automobile the faslunlnga. holding the other ewepl Mte'ibfAn meeting of the Ulster unionist coun- Maxwell, X. Sullivan questioned Cooper. Two days later ho left for today there may be a TO "Hens lor Johnson ii. forma up, gave way. Thomas, who U Is auid JOFFK MOltK F.VOItRl.K In ApiH beoanae he wa cil today In connection with Ihe grave the girl, and being told tuiough to a few minutes, aaylng ho wua going fight in the eonvenuon tomorrow UAKH THK ib primary In- tele- was on the cur, wai pinned by the POI.ti irogreiwive." what chanr MMtiatlon lacing- the loyajiaia of ,tho convince hi in of the neceaslty of to a bunk. Ho stopped at a two im Httcmnt to Instruct Ihe dele WAHHINGTON. Hopt. 3. The atti- and asked brought girl mcsauge to forma, while the other r d al lb Cienan c'.iivcnliuii province, vestigation, Hulllvan the graph office and aent a were hit an the form fen. One man gation to the state convention for tude of the newly appointed head of t proposal were Adopted back to Ituton and turned her over Irienri. telling of his marriage. From' top renommBiion. the Kupslun peace delegation, Joffo, with the "aenat oligarchy." 'ertalit who waa up on top of the form tell Governor inrruoio Diwusslng briefly league of na- unanimously with a view of demand to the sheriff. that point all evidence of hint waa them, waa ii im loved, however, the delegation toward Poland and thu Ualtlu prov- the Will RtJ to with but unhurt. I Cox an encerpt for full and Immediate protection of HhcrllT HlxcubaUKh lost. It was slated at the hospitu; this will go unlnstructed. powlhlv with a ince act forth In a confidential tion. Governor red those whoso Uvea are In Immediate Trinidad with the ghi tonight to afternoon that the Injured were doing convention endorsement oi me gov stutument made by him to a Lithua- from a statement by Colonel Roose- her to her parents. official lost and received velt of October 18. 1914. In which peril In the present dlmurbanoe, tho aa well as could be expected and ernor's administration. nian month only way report add. Meanwhile, the coun- Arizona Governor that all would recover. here today In official circles. Mr. Roosevelt ssserted tho cil earnestly applies to all loyal aub FI.OI B ADV AN CrJH. "Russia," he declared In the an- to prevent war wa by the larger na- policy, "1 willing tion combining) in a league, prepared jeota of tho king to assist tha au- Mayor of Cork Visiting In Santa Fe t IN'N'KAPOMR. Hept. 8 Flour nouncement of hia to negotiate on reasonable terms to enforce their decisions. If neces- thorities In maintaining law and ...ivHiiceri if ft to HO a bane) nt Sinking Rapidly; today. A with Poland and to treat her In the sary by force. order. COLBY DEARS OP the principle markets hero bor- 8. Gov- la same manner as thu other state Is HANTA FK, N. M.. Hept. strong and higher wheat market dering on Russia." The End Near ernor Thomas Campbell, of Arlsona, responsible for tho Increase, miller $18.20 At thu time at which the state- Homesteader Hanged Light Earthquake arrived In Hanta Fe today for a briof said. Today's quotations were ment waa mude by Joffe, Angust 10, r Vn Dm my by Gov- family patent (." visit. He was met at to $13.25 a barrel for hi term include the demand for a for the Murder In Los Angeles I.ONION, Hept. t. Terence ernor Iarrasolo and a party of suite JAPJITUATION hen sold In carload lots In corridor to Germany through Poland lord mayor of Cork, who und city official. A public recep- sacks. and unrestricted pasHuge through the of a Neighbor In a critical condition In Drlxton tion will be held tonight at tho ex- Oanxlg corridor. Demobilisation of I,( 8 ANGKI.KH, Hept. A light prison as a result of hi hunger ecutive mansion and tomorrow night the Polish troops waa the one thing, earthquake shock was felt In outlying otrike which began August 12, waa there will he a state dinner. Gov. Stephens Reassured which la atwclfirally desired. rORHYTH. Mont.. Hept. 8. Alfred parts of the cliy early today. reported thU morning to be show- TODAY'S RESULTS Concerning the liable provinces, Inu, a homesteader, was hsnsed No damage waa reported. ing signs of sinking rapidly and to bo U. S. Will Permit No whose Independence the Cnlted Htates here today for the murder of Hurry very much weaker. Girl Held After Body has consistently refused to recognise. Theade, a neighbor, lent April. This atatcment of hi condition waa Naturalization. NATIONAL XJCAOXTB Jofts stated: Officer declared 4jn nnvor fal- made by hi brother, Heun of Child la Unearthed It, H. K. "Russia la Instating that these prov tered or complained during the forty prtmm ex- ho left tno prison thi O'tO 0 4 1 ince Independent. In thl daya he spent In awaiting after WAHHINGTON. Hept. $. governor Philadelphia ..1100 00" remain srnffnM forenoon. 2 100- 8og 1 way It will be poHMtble for Russia ecution. He mounted the Htephens of California waa In con- llrooklvn steadily today, repeated prwyers as a At the lord mayor's reoueet. mem- Hepl. Hmllh and WVthrow; Grime and to avoid a complete blockade and the family him ROCOKItO. N. M.. i ference today w ith Hecretary Colby which would follow." priest recited them, smiled at the bers of his visited this la 5.000 Miller. starvation ' morning und later they ex p reused ManiU'la I'eiHlla hrlil under at thu state department regarding the dealer. Joffe thought, these prov priest and bade official hrfor waa away. bonrl here In ronneclhm with the .lapancsf adtusiion In the Pacific n. h. k would voluntarily Join soviet the trap was sprung. Iane said ha four that the end not far of body a rhlld inces execu- 4? TUB UNIVKHK1TY OP NEW finding the of burled coast state. While he would not say Ronton 000 001 0002 10 4 Russia. here no grudge hecsuv of hia In a Held, Hhe le fald to have d 7 2 leave no en em Wit aUClIGO, ALHUQUKRgUD whut had transpired during tho dis- New York . . . . 2 004 0x 11 tion and wished to Attempt To Hold Up to the authorities to having co anion, the governor Indicated later Itudolph and O Xetll; Tuney and behind when fc left the world. ret 14 Batter a a. given birth to the child and to hav that he had been assured that reports Snyder. Judgment Upheld Hisnewi tem- lug buried It. from Toklo of an approaching-- agree- perature, i Overland Limited E. temper- ment between Japan and the Cnlted R. H. In Local Suits Irun Envoy Ordered lowest 020" 000- 000 000 4 10 3 Two ature, S4; daily Htatea providing for naturalisation of Chicago. t ev v Mine Experimental Jttpun."e now In the country and re- Flttsb'h 100 001 000 0'K 0 S 14 8 To Leave France range tempera- . Sept. a. (Hheiiff's Caruton ture, 32: mean OlHI-:- Utah. striction of future Immigration war Vaughan and oFarrell; tempera- deputies and railroad detective were Station at Rolla, Mo. foundation. and rich mid i. HANTA FK. N. M., Kept. I. Th dally working here today following an al- without LKNTX)N. Hept. 8. Gear Gevun ture, TO; rela- Tho referendum election In Cali- supremo court today handud down Duffy, leged attempt last night to hold up di- amiisiMMtdor of lb tive humidity C v tm ) fornia on the proposed new law AMERICAN LZAOUX decisions In civil suits affirm- republic to Frsnre. ha been a section of the westbound Overland ftat8 bu- Gov-ern- three Irish p. m.. 27; rela- Ogden WASHINGTON. Hept. The rected at the Japanese problem. R- H. B. ing judgment of the district court given twenty-fou- r hours by the limited fifteen miles wet of said, be curried Bcore: the tive humidity on the etotithern Pacific, reau of mines will eatablrsn an Htepheua must Detroit 000 000 001 1 6 0 In Bernalillo county in two and French government In which to inv m., 1 ; Holla, Mo., agreement two a. Four men, who had a email auto station at to on whatever the Cleveland . ... ll0 000 000 0 7 0 Don Ana county in one. Franc. It was officially stated heri mobile, are said to have stopped the conduct research work lt connection might conclude as a result Batterlve: Leonard and Htanage; The Bernalillo county cases were: today. mux. velocity of train by cauuing a block signal to whh lead and sine mining Industries of tho pending diplomaiiu conversa- Coveleakle and O'Neill. The Htockmen' Guaranty Loan wind, 'M ml lea register danger. of the Mississippi valley, It wa an- tion. appellee, va Hevor Hancheav per hour; pre- re- today. 'Che disposal was incorporated in U. H. E. - The stopping of the train was nounced apiMdlant, over three pronvviry vailing dlrec- ported to the sheriff's offlcs by Hoiith-er- n the ballots, the governor said, and New York l?l O"0 ! t Trust Com- day, ' 1 I notes, snd the American lion, south; character of the Pacific official after they had , Pt'GII.INT U KIM. could not be set sslde, Beaton 00 001 100 II pany Havings Bank, appelleo va FOR. SALE clear, Hun ft: 44 a. m., e(j . Hept. 8. and rise received a brief telegraphic report FORT WAVNK. lnd.. fief ore Ihe conference with th Wuinn, Muya and fluul, Hannah: Halome Mkirtine. appellant, suit over t;V4. from the train crew, Thl message Frank 1. Mct'ann, known as "Frankle California governor, Hecretary Colby Hoyt. and evhang. a promissory not. HOUSES said the train waa delayed It 7 min- Mason.' flyweight champion pugilist went to Ihe white house accom- county was H. or waa mktrrte-- Davis H Tho Lona Ana case utes and told of four person near America, today to panied by Under Hecretary and "o O. Bell, va Roe Kyis and New Mexico and Arlxona: Fair no attempt mo Mia Doulse U. formerly so- spent some time with Provident Wlh (M. Louie 000 too tat i appelle. the trucks, but said Frit, Chit-ag- Kyle, over negotlar 7 tonight and Haturday; no change ciety editor of the Houth Bend (lnd.) son. No Intimation a to the reason ova 00 0101 0 W. J. appellant, See Page made to board the train. Wllkln-an- n purchsss o a of In tern pet re. News-Time- The groom gave hi age house conference was Davt, and Bevereld; Faher, tlons for the tract aiu Railroad men here said the train for tho white land. ' carried bullion. a $0 and tho brio aa it, given. and SVhalk. TWO ALBUQUERQUE EVENING HERALD rfclDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1920. THE " ' i In. i. ml Itn f. boxes of maplv sugar sold an rapidly deceit and mlarepresantatloa on the DELAYS Royal Pa and One Bite Off'n Charley and 's . that the unites are expecting to have part of the company. Supper Table an equally lurgo salo of It tomorrow. aamool ffliallt yesterday fllol still mm Ma Fixing eVntt. K. B. HIIcy catrrtnlord tltc In the district court against the B. G. It Biggest Mosquito Is a Goner Gossip boys end young men nl the Y. M. (larcla eonrpany for the aum of C A. last night with an Impromtrtu ,oi&.7, wtilcli ne alleges m due him EAST f II AC'KKNMACK, N. rVpt. muslcale, and before the evening was ior k breach of contract on th pirrt TRMOH over the crowd had Incrensed to over o B. U. company. Ahu.ui. w nothing Hww, Uw battery man, 914 N. 4tb. the Garcia The man hit hit (he lion ha forty. I II. Kox, secretary on "harli-- Thomptiin. The uy who . I (VstuUrli. (cle- - general who bl a grower, claims the Inert of tho Y, said today that he would Onrclu company contracted to buy nis lnl the nu It In thu ocean was a aloucli grnph edithr of Tho Kvenlng Hnrald, HKp cotiipui'i'd to him. hna to city after an to are these Impromptu social wool rrom him mid then fulled to do No. 9 and No. 7 Will Not returned the gutherfiiK kept up, and hoped to bo so. This canned a low to Mm of Kiv, llaten! absenco of over a yeur which ho spent arrange Dig I able to for Iham. $4,045.79, he claims. Hvery unit who known any tit in J; raao and in Mexico tty wim A . Arrive Unlil This Tho cw mp K. Bock agalnat knowa that Jersey moHinltooa an lh; tho Assoc iated Pruaa. Coaullch Spent of U bam WOMAN, AUKU M. ,oi worm on earth. And (he woit nioa several moniha In Mexico City, and five mill charged with unlaw) ully Koncr.B "jcnvh! Evening. pnlnra In Jerwy arn rtulit here lb obtained the ftrat authentic Interview ualng the aceqtila water at IIhucIkm to Itenren cvniy. They are aa Ida; a with Provlalunnl I'resiflent Adolfo de 'Alriaco whs dismissed In the HOCPTOIV. Tha only ocmipan6n was court of Judge W. W. this Mca. Annie Walter, $2, could find A wiwhout between Frrmh and hiiinmlnK birds and they draw blood de la lluerta while ho there. with wry nip. At nbiht fall they Mrs. Iluhy It. Hrttr, motttrr of flvo morning. The five against whom tho was scrubbing floor, ah told folks Mux well In CVdfu county doluvvd all come up hi stvarmn from the mamheii children, the oldeat of whom la 11, complaint had hen made are: 1. here. Her house-- wm In vretohed t rat no from th rut here today. and ohrcurc the aettlnir aim. yesterday filed sun in the district Met xtui r, Haiti lei flanches, K. Lobar to. condition nnd Mrt Waller aald aba Train No of last night la not Pora Charley Tbompnoii fear them? court for dlvorca from William C Felix JetHidra and, Thomas Young. wouldn't ask to hay th toot t Ft. renter-da- y bocatiaa o'ehM-- .A Uny. they fenr htm! Brlte. Hhe aaka permission to ke.p Mrs. It. Monk rileil milt mended then the rent would expected to nrrlve before a (tony saddle ahn aaya be tonight. Trntn No. 7. which la to be One HIU and which ahe In the district court against he nilaed and she'd have no homo. earnnl naraeir. ne enarge in the T. 8, Mills Furniture company for Charitable pen pi aro carina; for hor( the first train to reach t city from One bile out of Charley and thr tai & divorce petition cruel and abuaive tho aum of $125, which she declares the en (it, will not arrive it lit II hardcat boiled n osciulto of the lid treatment. was fraudulently Mlsa aUDOfrapberl o'clock. Trnln No. It I" scheduled 1' In In obtained from her iiropa dead. There Domethlnv NetMsrf opened at tho lliinvotsl In by the company, who claimed ahe Why not take reach here shortly behind No. 7. A (linrley'a blood pnlxona them, d our secretariat - that tint rial school yesterday with ae verity owed them (hat aum on account tor course your mtib No. 7 whi sent went out ot Al- a a hut Itc and Increase tnootno? lie blmaidr chemlat, nuplla. A number of uppllcuuta were some furniture which she boitgn,. Day HepU bumieroiio shortly before noon. in. rdatliiKUiHh-e- d and evening cbuwos start doian't know what It turned nway on account of lack of from them. Mrs, Moak alco alleged 7. I'nsaentTf ra for Knnsna City and acbniiHtn have sent for Hpclmn Albuquerque ftualneas Colletfe. points farthvr east who were room. Tho curriculum la atroug thla In her petition that the officials of of hhi blood, bur their exnmlnatlonn year, and th faculty expect a pros- the company demanded that she re- THR WANT tiiiln No. 8 lail nlirht were sent en at have proved ntithlnK. MIHaM AO PAOF hy c Tw perous urm. turn the furniture, claiming ahe hnd haa a classification tor every porpnse war or the Helen Charley himself unects that the Keveral n S passengers rouiur men from Alhn never paid for It. Hits leges fraud. and resulta for thoao who uaa them. i.ira of train No. with various lnocutatluna he received while querque will New Mexico 1 polnta attend the tot tanvfr an other t'u lora In K'lvcriiment aervlce may havi Military Inatltute at Roawell thla wore detained here and placed on Bomelhlntf to do with hta power. year. They have a'"vady made their trnln No. 10 of thla morn In if. "I ran no Into awatnpa that are reservations for accommodations. Make Your jtiHt tcemlnx with niomiuiioes and let appllcauta aro being turned nway Home Happy With a them crawl on me like antn." Charley dully from thu school on account of .) tol; me today. "Aa loon aa the lack of room. The term onena Tucs T - of one of them penetratea my day, Hep tern be r 7, and tho boys will i j Mk ii. a dead nioaoultu falls to tlu' lenve here Hundny and Monday Columbia ground." night. Among those from A t r (Hern alio of the ffitaMlr flvlna Who will attend the Institute INTERESTING TALKS ahnrka that Jeracy breeds icinipled thla year are: Clark M. Carr. Jr., son Cbarluy. tine taale, was enoiiKh. The of Cnptatn and Mrs. Clnrk M. Carr; " creature stiffened nnd fell Ha lea. hna anmo pretty a;oid offers. Uobert Woo, son of Fmiicla E. Grafonola INajMiliir? H. Itmthcr tno. The nt'tHHUlloea Ret no scared Wood; George Hmlthera, son of J. E. 'l feel It." Charley continued hey won't bile anvoi. fcnrliiff they'll Hmlthera; tlcon' Stevens, son of County Meeting Today calmly, "like the pihk of a needle. n tp Charb y by mistake. Mr. and Mrs. Kum I. Stevens, and IT IS THE BEST LET US PROVE IT but th re la n sunmesa, no Hc'm Full of Hernm Paul Ilnrgun, Bon of Mr. and Mrs. lrrltatlni ' m H Opens the New no iienuiK.- Hiit Charley haa a ilruif store or E. D. organ. risr bfgtMtlng Prices From $32.50 $275 Ik Charley poular? 111 any be I' two In Ithljif field Prk nnd Is stick Plans the llnrvrnt to School Year. Jiint atippoM you lived In Itidiref cld lni; I'hrht t here. lie formerly was PVstlval ami conventions which are Park, near hero, anl the peaky county clerk of P nron county nnd coming to Albuquerque thla fall aro were trylnar to you from when 1'renldcnt tlaon was aiver- to bo outlined at the meeting of tho EASY PAYMENTS YOU The !trtinllllo couniy tenehers. ' V;..: sltiliiK your front porch. nor of New Jersey he appointed hoard of directors of the Chamber IF WISH alroog. met In the court room of the hi do. You'd Chifrlcv to PnJIaadea of afternoon, H. B, In You'd know Junt what to the Inlcraais Commerce this county court house thin mottiini;. KO any, ' park secretary, school the phone nnd hurley.' commission. Wat kins, announced this We hava the Largest Stock their first of the now him be-- 1 During the war Charley was la Lo culled of Columbia co n old boy prople call that first morning. Tho mcellnr to yen r. T h p u rp use of today's to lie m pontics in line niRcnro 4:30 venlng wua nnouncemeiitH M 'CHUNK. Hwltwrmntl Ttv ti ratine he U"ed the service nnd then at o'clock. Grafonolas and Columbia Recordi. in th Stat. to tnnka iff - "Charley, old boy, eome over here heciimc one of the chief cehmlata 'fnr All I sens who hnvn floivers they relative to tho plans for tin column ItuinanlM anil oilnt- til of .rcMv nm bo and help me out won't you?" Well, i ho Rovernment. ileeauae he had to wish to conti'ibuto for tho benefit m term, and. In a sense, lo unite the tlno rcr'rt would come and the first travel all over this country nnd Mvx grand republican ball are request- thought of tho teachers and direct iirranirlniT the nuirrttmo ftf tncnit charlcv tho i. thlnp you'd know moiiuitnea would cf) he w.i lnieuliited aim nut typhoid. ed to send them to the Chamber Uictr attention to tho tww work. Mnr1'a ibniirhtii. lriiica ninl CoiMittntltw'v HdVr mm. b as Kcurce ua republicans In Mouth malnrln. y How fever, pneumonia and of Corn mure not later than Tuesday Inspirational adressea to this end lot or things. morning. prest-den- futlH Carolina. in oilier were made by I r. . H. Jllll, t i;cinic nltn foluwi'd hl 22fi pounds- Hum Alrwiiilnr nf tif enurrc. other communities Hie Charley wels;ha 11 ic federal twainl for vocational of hto L'nlversly; Minn Jiorothy Into fih jenloiia of IttdRefteld Park and hnvt- - hwcrl morsel for moso,iiltoeN to feast training this morning placed Bcunla Ituasrll, of city aciiuols; I nu- ;n mnrrbl a French arl ROTHMAN'S tho lr. iT to tempt Charley away. lte llicy a;et to Hale lo work In the Albuquerque Au- ry t A n t "royal" tried ottunltl wie him. ll or, aocreta of ho iltTio itrtttitw. to Kxchnnge. 917-- 1 t 117 South St. Phone J loala aeoclu t Ion of la wiiti, u nd ficviriro mm'iiu tn he an tcrday. is reported lo le Kutttng uloiiff OWM ItS Or' VKI,PINi Kxchniuxr at V. First CfnHtJiiitliu lew tt la "ad The Woman's tho Si tl1ads Harris, school nunw for nhi. din very well. FIOOM KIRK W. . A. will bo open ua usual to- ia county. udda Hint limy C.Mi:n Pianoi, Player Pianos, fxil' but "rvitttt C. W. Koalcr. nuvnl reerultlmr of- KKATTLK. If ynur dog yMpi morrow from 10 o'clock until 4. The subject of Ir. HlM'a nddre hnppcri." ficer, left lust nUtht for a flvo-dn- y ruuey work and horn cooking will Musical Instruments Jewelry and rMamotids, wa lmprovciitcni and you're gulliy of a mlmlcnmeanor! 1. "1'rulcssionul rec. ii tin it trip In tho eastern part when matter of barking dogs bo un suie. Including cakes, dough- Sheet Musio and Supplies, Watches and Silverware. Advancement." Mlsa JtuescU spoko tho nnd week of the state. cm me up, a small riot was caused In nuts bread. Last several upon the attitude of the teacher to Ml May AIIIkoii In city ' arrived the council Dr. the union? those "lor and Ci.iiiiiii)ittuiiitiiiuiiHiitiiiHHiiiiitiHtin)iiiiiiiitiitiuiiiJiHiiiitiMtiiFiiitdiUHbiiiiu i4Mitniijdniiiiiii)dih, niititiini!hii)iniiikfniitrMtiiiiiimiiiiriiitMniiLii)tiiiHiiLiiuiiiHitiH iiMtH.HtHMiiiiinnHHtKHitaiirHn her profession. l'ennflor and today from her homo In dnlup. Hhe (r hnmhi Anderson spoke In tho agin" the canine Ictfialnllnn. Thla Clinton i'. will leach in tho Third Ward achool city own- tereais of tho drive for houllh im- this veur, time the dads declared Iho ; of yelping1 habitually provement and MUm Ilarria explalncil Miss Anno rtstv leaves tonight ers r'ldos, which the nature and acope of her work at disturb the sleep of a "considerable for Utdbronk. where she will have tftiUly a niemher of the county board. OF APACHE FOREST churfto of the domestic science worK number of people," aro of a Announcement wna made that the In the hlirh school at that place. ' mlsdeamiiinor. county bonrd of education had pusied T. M. Pepperday nnd X. J. Wyeth a, resolution to provide llfo Inauranne returned to the city last night lifter Mr. lioltctca for each teacher In the coun- ti business trip of several weeks' n hv not to ko our Pace A Pare ty. Thla atep, with the legislative act 1 hree Men tach tilde to Ijor Anffelea. ciiiicmc in higher accountancy and whereby all teacher aro paid on a ilouhlo tenrh-In- 1,300 Miles On admlnlHlnitlon nnd twelve immth basis placca the your salary? Hay and evening Three important profession i Now Mexico on a clnases slai1 Hept, 7. Albuqucniuo UK Hound teschei.4 Horseback. E and bast. The liip.b i (College. . will be paid at tho chrs of every cal- ch endar month Inatuud of every Xtf.duys, Apache aa haa hcretotore ohtalneil. Thu After four montbn In Ilie general's ruling national forest In Ariaoiia, dolnit also requires work which BUSINESS COLLEGE that J AO daya be taught. ifrajilnn; noiinelsanc things in or to get Tha date for the opening of the will hv the basis for an cfdlmato county achoola haa been on the irraaimt capacity of the northern named M. J. Cully and First Aid sumo na opuiih.g hnir of the forest. the day ttiut for tho In afflee in tha city, Tuesday, Hept. 7. II turn O. Casjildy arrived be OPENS FALL TERM of the district forester this inorninK- Charlea K. t.'ooperrlder, who Is in reouiiatsance Gibon-Fa- w Sues chai'KO of the KiaxiiiK fall clothes work In thla district, la emieded to for nrrlve thla evenlnK, cumlnff overland 1 Two Men Account In a truck tHdongini to the depart- Unpaid Bills ment. of Kach of the men who did thla field work this summer nvenincd 1,3"" Students Hhaon-Fn- vldluir. and covered New Mexico's Leaclint? The Lumber company miles horseback ' yeateiduy filed two aulta In the of- over r.r,u."0 acres. The work they Once more the opening ot good quality fice of t tie clerk of the tiaurt did will be the burls of 'in estimate Business Training l dlatrlc school rolls around. tor unpaiu ruiia, ono aicainat ai. i which they will work out this winter Resolve Htumm for the aum of $t7.60 and on the Riaxlnic capacity of the Apache School Will Have to start the term right this the other a tort H. K. HarriiiKtiin forest, and from that the ca- rat In year with a Fountain Pen. , of tho HaniiiKton-O'Conne- ll Alotor pacities of other nutlonal forests Large Attend- 7 good style company fr $ h . h ir. this district. 2 The lllhaon-r'a- company This work la expected to prove ance. WHETHER YOU ARE IN that M. I. Hta mm bourfnt. throuxh K. particularly vnluuhle to the forestry C. Hall, hta uaent, material used In service, aa so fur they have not com- GRAMMER the construction and repair of the piled an exact cRixlnir capacity record The iinnouncemtrnt of the opening SHC00L Htamm property at 2 Id and 21 for the national forests. Only prac- of the Albuqueriue Business oollcge. HIGH SCHOOL 3 a fair price itouth Aecond atreet. Tio company tical knowlcdftp of experienced HeptvnlMr 7, haa reaulted In a largo claims thnt the bill for the mate rial, and forestry men haa been uaod enroll nient ln the various courses In OR COLLEGE $, haa never been paid. heretofore, but this estimate la ex- this popular bualneaa training school. H. fC. Ha rri n ftton la sued for pected to do nwav with any uncer- There la already a larger enrollment $17H.H0, which tho lumler company tainty In the eatlmate. for the fail opening than at tho elaima he owes them un aei tnd party of the term In 1B19, and Waterman to a note which B. Hull made and equipment la being provided owes them, but which he has fulled to to lake euro of the Increuaud attend- Hart Schaffner & Marx tmv. People You ance. Pens The enrollment In the regular Bunl-ncs- e Htenographlc, Heeroturlal and Insure neater work and Boost fcr City Know Civil Kervlce coiiraea la) large, and the help your class standing. clothes these courn In llualneaa Administration cover are attracting Interest repairing. Quh-kc- l Co. nnd Finance On His Vacation Ituillatur Auto nil over the state and many students ' William W. rtodgers, the wnre-houa- e from outside state have registered. We have them from Brings Man Here foreman for Charles I ifeld Courses are offered also In Teleg- compuny, who had bla anklea frac- raphy and Burroughs Machine Ac- points better than ahy Albuquerque should thank J. W. tured when he fell down tho elevator counting. HualncsM punish will bo $1.50 to $15 Pr;m I a awim he hut I when Mhnft nL the comiwny'a warehouse AiiUHht In both duy and owning ior is be out on his vacation in 1 oloiudo thla several weeks uko, able to school. Self Fillers summer. tt ifu In. It Is lielieved he will be ablw Thoao desiring Information In re- i nir! no tho swim he met a lo return to work In a week or two. gard to iho school, should cult, write clothes we know of bather who proved to be u lurjfo .Mrs. .It. 1 fliiMt and son Harry, who or phono 27. Eversharp manufacturer of ChieaKo. The have been visiting In Ht. Mollis and Pencils Kansas City, will return homo thin ALUCQCKIIQCE HUBINK88 cotivoiTiilton led from he "water's CO 1. 1. kg From $1 fine" to talk of A lbuiuorrUe, dur- evening. to $6 ing Captain nnd Mrs. W. C Held and Thu Special Hchool for Hiieciallats. which Mr. Prestel told of the Albuquerque, N. M. In Silver or Gold Filled. beuef Us of Albuquerque us a son Tom returned from tho Held In the Xiinl iiiouululna. They health resoil. ranch Ilontp-nuiil- o fisj it t attended thu Indian dunce ut Aroma cakes Kuntlay We're making your Yesterday Mr. Preatel learned yesterday. Women's I'.xchange of tlu Y, W , C A. that the ChicuRo manufacturer Kuliuiuty, from 10 to 4. had ajone home and finding one .Mis Anna Men burg, national seero. Mindlin's of 111 ttibercu-losl- tnry of the Town and Country divl his foremen with In The Herald is the New Mexico a'lvlsed him to come slou of the Y. W. C A. will Ik Al lo this bmiueniuo. the Riietit of the local us "What We Say It Is, It Is" profit bigger by city to icRrtin his health. The man. paper that takes the "Want" ont a oiie an expert auto mechanic, urrlvud xoclutlon fur about a week. Hhe In of Want Ads by bringing Sesults. estcrday. expected to nrrlve ictcmlcr ft. Miss Hcuhurir. who baa Irecn spending her II. B. Wat kins thla morning, con- lodge gratulated Mr. Preatel for boistlug summer vacation at Moruine Albuipjernue and said that every In Ksteff Park, will confer with cutting oiirs"to the bone" ona KtmlMill, beforo returning t in the city should blow the Xew York to the national offices. horn of AlbtiiiMtroiie when nut of Miaa Kimbull returns lo AlbuiUe.riue Your Spare i aa In Turn town well ns when living It. next Tuesday a Time "Tho aloKan should le 'boost ua after vacation which " she atKut at bi'r home in Wucn, Tx. soon as ou hit thu liuin," aald Mlsa Kunicu who was Mr. Wiuktna. graduated from tho university here Into last year, will teach In Hoi brook this Dollars If you dont get your winter. Mlsa Lntitnor a home M In Mis-- i tltc Mult f'.mc i.f M viiijt WIm. '" IMracr IiHmao. . DOK'Ta"- fob wisimro. ICaton. J Pnn't wiak ya eoaid flsd s Jb ris4 It. W. F. Tallnferro, land agent ffr the fynm't ib jFisi eos!4 rat year auafi nunta re railway, ri'turn-- to Toi Enroll in Night School Now for a mrnt f0 it. moneys worth you boa'i wiaa yea asald Mil year ku last night after attending to busi Thorough Training It. aw ness tnutb rrt In Ibis part lit tho cuuil in try for aevenil weeks. HufdneH HuslnesM Adinliiialrntlun f s'ffiK Krlt't Catllfisd Onhimna, M. A flrlcKo, who win otiersfi'd on rfcjms S4ii. I'huss tic prcshrwriun yes- - stenography Hocretarlitl J4h. tri anuttorlutiv Hanking and Finance Comtiiercliil Teaching get your money Telegraphy - civil Hcrvico HiilinoKhs Machfue Accounting llusliicHs Hpanlsh Advertialtitf and Hulcsmnntdilp Offlco Appliaiicea Twenty-seve- n hundred young men and women have received theli business training In thla Insttlutlon In twelve years under Its pros Aztec Fuel Co. ent inaruujvmtiii. Individual and class Inntructlon. Ibiy and Night Sessions. Ex per Eg Shoi 1 Save Money by putting in your Win- - Instructors. Hupcrb ISqulpment. Kuto now. ma s Men s j ter Supply oi Coal NO W. ALBUQUERQUE BUSINESS COLLEGE Hart Schaffner S Marx Clothes, MO Up ' ' 'Tlu. fcprrlal IMionl tat SprrUltal.. 1 1 102 No. First Phone 151 HnrjWT niiilillliit. J. V.. CMhUM. IMinmi 1T. TRIDAY, BEPTEMBER 3, 1930. THE ALBUQUERQUE EVENING HERALD

Mrs. Circus Will Glnnt motor tractors will assist the to) the baggage wagons. These whl de Valera' Train hundreds of heavy draft horses to mounted on otevl wagons, forty feet iMMrcajre long ara driven by a gas motor, and, Comet To U. S. Arrive In the City transport the watrona and Is Your tha animals raxes to the grounds. when a section of attached The Interest Bank Gives Ycu engines, nearly large It Is drawn from the ground and Early On Saturday One of these aa rolled In a suprlslngly short space of and strong; aa a British tank, 1a cap-aid- e and the Trading Stamps THE PECOS of drawing a train of seven lime. TO John Uoblnsnn'a crrcus which Is circus wagons with a combined I est end of using man-pow- to IVe Give You coming to Albuquerque Huturdsy will weight of thirty five op forty tons. hoist the towering centre poles, which r - big ni lake possession or tne show grounds Other labor and tune saving devices, form the chief support of tho Everyone with money in tha jenk expecti 4 pur cnt in. Valley ad Washington park early on tho perfected throuwh necessity brought arenu tent, elephants pull thum. into twrest. Bank would have very little money to lend if 'folk Highway From morning of exhibition day to prepare about by the great scarcity of work place by means of block and t"flc. by show think 4 per oent while, To Cowles Be- for thf parade and two pcrtornianre. t hitmen this year, will be ucu ty the The large stakes used the didn't worth Park The first section of tho mile long Itoblnson circus, Mussive spindle are driven by two electric atako And the money most people save ii just a fraction of that Improved. circus train will reach the city about wheels are used on which to roll the drivers. ing daylight and the work of unloading canvas tenta. In former itmea It was which they SPEND. will be commenced at the peep of customary to tinhtcc th canvass In There are more motors for hire Therefore in giving "B nd H" green ttampt we after rtcsldettt of the upper Pecos will dawn. sections, roll It, together and lift It in I than private cars In Japan, yon 8 per oent interest on what yon spend. be pleased in learn that the grading on Ilie new road from Valley ranch to Economical people think it worth while. Ih J Cnwlcs will finished within a short STORE CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY (LABOR DAY) DO YOUR time. R. H. Wheeilcr. district en- ROSENWALD gineer of the bureau of put llo road, SHOPPING TOMORROW ROSENWALD'S MOTHERS i approved the Jat station contract on thin propocl and actlvv construction in now going on. Hur facing of tha project wm au- thorised a few weeks ago, andt equip- ment is now being shipped from the public roads stores In Albuquerque to CUorleta. It la expected that fully six nil on will be aurfaced before the winter Mr nil on sola In. Kstlmates tr the necessary surfacing- on the re- will be rendered Unheard-O- maining twelve miles noon engineer shall f ai aa the resident rain-- argaisis have a chance to note action of ax fall, and undoubtedly the entire will 1 In firm claim condition by late spring of next year. or nice An allotment haa been aet up for Vnl-rr- nearly SKW VOUK Mw, Kjin.iin p surfacing a portion of the new wire of llii lrlHliHiHl intl In Sale of completed project - This Great Warner haa lif tin- "lrih Iiim In Lincoln county. This work nrrl'nl III Anirrlrn ror u.I'IhII hIIIi been advertised and tenders from IiiikIhiimI, dis- lirr I'iinniiii lit' Vulrni, hlddcrn will be received in the HI n,kliwlih. Ciinn. . trict engineer's office until Hep tomher 2$, U20. The Improvement will commorro at the Mcsculcro In- Rust Proof Big Lots dian rcservat Ion bo u n d ar' "1 n ARIZONA TO HOLD Corsets5 carried to such point as funds will permit. It Is expected, as won as the road prlam shall have been fully This big corset sale opened up with a great display of enthusiasm on the parts of the buyers. HxivLvated and those sectlone rhe they hope classification of the material In which PRIMARIESJUESDAY They said the bargains were unheard of, and are. We could never to put on a corset indicates the need of a wearing receiving from Warner Corset people. courne that additional funds will bo sale such as this without the assistance we are the They rvallahle. As this Is a section of these a price concession enables us to sell them for almost half price. what Is known as the Bankhead high- Governor Campbell Un- sold us at that way, It will probably cause consider- procrastination is the thief of good intention. Don't put off attending this able traffic to route this way. and opposed for Remember, that surfacing with constant maintenance sale. AH sizes, all guaranteed not to rust, tear or break. Is neceanary. and Back From Arizona. The origlnsi estimate for mainten- PHOISVIX. Arli., Kept, a. Arisona mlie-yea- r. Warner's ance was $r0 per The voters, at a primary election Heptem- $1.00 $3.00 Warner $2.50 Warner's $4.00 Warner $6.00 Warner steady Increase In the number of ma 7, will chooHc party - ber candidates Bandeaux, Special chines and teams making- use of this for the I'nlted Htatc" senator, mem- Corsets, $1.89 Corsets, Special Corsets, $2.49 Corsets, $3.95 route now Indicates that the annual ber of the horse of representatives, 59c mnlnlenance of a mile will approuch presidential electors, governor and $1.49 This corwt la a wonderful vnlue 1100. other state offices. The cundldatcs This $3.00 cono I of pink Chnlc of either back or front I re- $1.00 of nt $6.00. and a bargain at $3,6. let Kuglnecr Vheler Just named at the primary will make tin Warner's bandeaux bicea up the back. It Is nn elas. models, made of good turned from an Inspection of project final pink honey-com- b coutil. t'bolre Choice of two styles In good batiste, are medium In bust It la a hack lace style of good race at the general election tic, topless stylo with medium anl me- In eastern A rl it on a, Final acceptance 1!. cf either front or hack closing quality bull ate with and long In hlpa Bella regu quality Mnk with November a very bust and long hip. long hips. whs taken of the new steel bridge Henator Marcus A. Hmlth. demo- stylo. Itegtilarly good bust or topless models to choose lurly for $4.00. dium bust and over Hult river, above Hoosevelt dam. crat, of Tuoton. Governor Tliomns K. value at $1.00. In thla sate from, laced In tho back, Hells Is lone; for fiflu regulurly $X&0, This structure SIS feet ami Campbell, republican, of Prescutt, and First Floor for First Floor calculated to carry surely Iteprcsfntatlvr I 'arl Hoyden, demo- First Hour loads. The final cost to tho govern-men- ! crat, of Phoenix, are candidates for First Floor In $48,000. It will be throw a nnomlnation ft the offices they upn to traffic about Heptember 16. hold. The bridge was built from funds Opposed to Hen n tor Hmlth for tho nrtt-ln- from the federal aid law, and democratic nomination are .lohr. W. those furnished by Gila county. The Norton, Phoenix; It. C, Htanford of amount of was 60 per Phen1x; and A. A. Worsley of Tuo-so- cent. The new road which will begin Candidates for the republication at the bridge and run through Cnrr's sonutoiiul nominal Ion are llntph 11. ranch and lievnold's erek ranger Cameron of Phoenix; K. H. Clark of mat Ion to Pleasant valley. Is now under Presi'otl; Thomas .Mttdilork of Phoe- fonMnirtton- - and by October 16, 12 nix and Kdwai'd Al. Itohlnson of Flag- mike will have been completed. staff, Representative Hayden is un- From this pvlni the old rond will be opposed In his own party and no re- connected to the new so Uiat traffic publicans ure running fur the nom- will not be Interrupted during con- ination! for his ost. 1 st of sec- Is re- Leaders for ruction the next ten mile Governor Onnpbell the only .Our Three .Ha Aitisn tion. Thla section haa been adver- publican candidate for his office. tised hnd ten dent called Tor on Sep- Two democrats, Hecretary of H'ate tember 9. Mit Him ins of Holnmonvllle and d Heotlons 2 and S, of the Ornde-- Wlnsor of Yuma, are see J no; par he camp project which lie be- their party nuinlnutlon for governor. tween tho 8C ranch and-th- Old Gold He publican candidate's for presi- Mill In the Catalltm mountains east of dential electors, of which Arixona has Tucson, are now being; rapidly three, are .lames P, Itoyle of Phoe- worked. The force of KiO men will nix' John U. Gustnf Phoenix; Joseph Isaftg soon be increased to Zfiu, and com- W. Hmlth of Hnnwriuke and Frank It. 4! pletion la looked for about January Hiewart of Phoenix, democratic can 1. 1021. didates for prcffldentlul electors urn Plenty of IjiImw. It. I. 111 11iikh1l' of Duncan; May TheWonder Hats An abundance of labor la to be Helle Craig of Phoenix and H. T. had as tlie bureau of public roads has Boulhworth of Proscott. thla year are the aame adopted the "taren' or "tnk" system. Candidates for the other nomina- quality of the $6.50 Tho labor which la entirely Mexican tions are; a very large minority cf which has Hupreme court justice, democratic. liatt of years gone by. but recently arrived from Old MijUco A. G McAllster of Hafford: Thomas Come in all color vel- thoroughly understands this VV. Nealon of TMioenlx and Hamucl L, vets, trimmed with tern, and realising; that more moiey Pattw of Tucson; republican, Ed- or leisure may be earned thereby, ward J. HManlgiin of Blstice. feathers, ribbon, flow- double their efficiency. It Is expected Hecretary of slate, democratic, K ers and fruit. It is lliat a saving1 of not to exceed $20,000 A. Carroll of Wlnslow; Mrs. Nellie A hardly believable that vlll be erfoct-- d through the skillful Haya-ar- of Douglas; Harry H. Itosa and efficient management. of Tombstone, and Charles le Hales those hats are prioed Ixtcatlon surveys for over 100 miles Wheeler of Phoenix; republican, but $4.50. or road In forest reserves, which Krnest. It. Hall of Phoenix. have been under the Im media to direc- Htate auditor, democratic, J. tion of Mr. Ilobcrt K. Dcvereaux. Muneh of Nogales; republican, Chur-le- s highway engineer of the bureau of W. Fairfield of Whistow. )iniprDMi Hulls public works, have been run. one Hiuto trRosurer, dcmicratlc, Itay- - mirvcy will conect the upper Pecos at mond It. Kurh art, of Nogales; Ham v IS.S Iu)lon creek, with Hanta Ke, via what , Wielib of Phoenix; repulilican, J. Ezod Ms is known us the "Scenic Highway." W. Kstlll of Tucson. Thla will bo a most wonderfully at- Attorney oreneral, democratic, tract Ko drive and greatly reduce the lle C. Hardy of Nogales; Wiley R. overenthusiastic 'Al- distance between tUicso termini as Jnncw of Phoenix and l.ou Is H. unit- We are not Cannot be duplicated in well aa tho road north towards Colo- ney of hiHbee; re pub lieu n W. J. Gal- - buquerque 25 rado. brail h of Glendale. when we say the Excel Hats for per cent C, M. H tan ley, temporary spec In Huperlnlendent of public Instruc more than our price. But distributing- agent for this district of tion, deauocratlc. c. o. case or i'uoo are better values than ever ' lhv bureau of public loads, tuts ac- nix and A. C. Peterson of Thatcher; we've bent every effort to cepted a responsible position with the republican, Mnwood H. lratt of Ixiku- - this fall. Any woman who Itoyal Tiger mines of Colorado, sidn and Klsfo I oie or 'tomustone. make these Supreme Hats will resign at the ond of Heptember to Corporation commissioner, demo knows values can easily see take up his new position. crat c. 1. t . i;. Aiiatns or hisdcc; i really Supreme. Beautiful K. . Wheel or. district engineer, D. Cushel of Phoenix and loren it. In the assortments so far leave Haturd ay for California to Vutiu-h- of Phoenix; republican, no , beavers, and there report to General Inspector candidutua. velvets, Itewea, for detail on tho atudy of Htute mine Inspector, democratic, are fine felts, panne . And Combinations f'ullfornla road matters. MYs. O. H. Polln of llalee; Tim (?. Foster Wheeler wi)l accompany hint, Tfhey of Lowell; Charles F. Hansen of Ihin-cu- velvets and beavers.. of and felts. to be away from headquarters Hurry Jennings of Kisbee; for a period of six week a Masscy fif Hlsbee ana Kd O Hagjn of Jeronie; republican. V. O. Mcllgren of Tom baton and John F. Water Taste Bad? White of Phoenix. Htate tax commissioner, demo- City It To Clean cratic, A. K. Hughe of Tontbstono; Frank lAiko of Phoenix; M. A. Mur- Reservoir Soon phy of Maffslaff and C. M. Zander, of Temple: republican, Hudolph of Phoenix. ItcHldcnt In the highlands need Kuchler Excellent Quality and A Line of Men's Good Fall Hats put worry about the water. The city at Is contemplating cleaning the reser- $3.00 voir within the next few weeks. "DANDERINE" Shirts, $6.50, $7.00 and $7JO Komti uf the n ildunta in tlu it Is said, have noth-e- a By buying at Rosenwald's slight peculiar tsute to the water, tut mer- thin Is due to a gnen algy, which We consider it something of a forms In all water which la exposed Stops Hair Coming Out; Men's Shop, where quality to the rays of the sun. chandising achievement to be able There Is absolutely no danger of Doubles Its Beauty. merchandise costs less than in dlaeMse, C1ty Manager James N. Glad-dtn- to sell shirts the quality of these for announced today. Home of the smaller stores, it is possible residents, It is reported, have been 3 . is good excellent. J: - boiling thdr watfr because of the $ The material this season to purchase an ex- taste. This, city officials aay, Is ab- jj solutely unnecessary. They are well tailored, and the cellent felt hat for $6.50, $7.00 The city always cleans the reser- voir late in the spring and then early stripes and colors are the kind that or $7.50. They are being sold In tho fall, not wishing to clean It dining the summer on account of fire well dressed men will always wear. on a closer margin of profit haxerds. In case of a big fire, the than the other smaller stores taasisapJj water can be pumped directly in a mmumm mm sww - iaJ the mains Instead of into the reser- We earnestly recommend them; all voir, but In summer when ao much would dare to sell them. Man, water la used the city officials do not sizes. want to take any chances of having you ought to profit by this fact.Ksagf to shut the water off. In spring or fall. It la perfectly safe to drain the reservoir for cleaning, but not quite so safe In the summer time. Resi- dents of the lowlands will not notice any difference In their water, aa thoy are supplied directly from the wells. A few renta buys ',Ianderiiie." After an application of "Itendeiine" Department Store any Brothers or Rosenwald Th Herald U New Mexico you can not find a fallen hair tb candruff, besides every hair shows piper that takes the "Want" out new life, vigor, brightness, more color or want Adi tj bringinf Return. and thickness. I. .


' Sporting News First t list1 of Candidates in EXCELLEHT FOOTBALL Herald Contest to Be Printed 1SJRRACKS I. Soon; Get Your Name in Now , Rule of Council Fort The llt of randUlutcs In The Kveii-Ifi- g ntib lertitory In order to scetiru one at llernld contest nnd nlm thimc of (he niiioinoblbs. Leavenworth Is Re- Training Begins As Soon whom nmnes hsve bo-- given tn us. Any cundblale In any place hut who ttuvc nut ns yi enn win the II.U.'i Iteo tourlnii vealed In Report. will te inillllted on flthtir cur or Die two As Military Institute Monday mwy cither of nthci nuto Hutunlay or nlnht. It itiul iltti an well. There h tin rulliiK tint be mfiiHil to nrrnnuc Opens Next for to Ntuu any person from gitilng the KANHAH CITT. Hept. t. Tho Week. nlsht'a Imtie. hut ntiy one who (vest automobile Itelng nfTi'red. would llkd The Culled Htates disciplinary barracks at to have thlr nutiH tiiMiii' role only azures an l" ROHWKLU N. M., SapL T Th with thu first llHt shuuld It In tif at least one i:tr. Fort I .cave n worth, Kan., was ruled once. J f xnm Nmt Mrx.rti miliary at by Jam-unr-y -- cdU will mnny a With this ruling In view, all a "council' of prisoners from :rtm liuHituts htw think Inn It mean more suIhutIi-tlon- football while to unyotiu who wlnhes to cuter caudbbiU'S should fit n it In lo July, 1919, and thla method tn thlr wy to the nchoo). Scheduled tile contest witit tin T7j to b on the content If they will hive of Administration was adopted on T)M III th campui, prepared to me Hppnir with the ft lint nf that one sutomohllc will be bURl form-fttlo- n , 11 orders from tho war detriment, to tha tall for first Wurkei-s- would Kind- nnd then get n little more determined a on Tuesday, pt T since those who 8 ember tiy ly give you a subscription will c than ever and make It a point that report nmde publlo todny by O. C. nv. th boys will bo riristrod, at one that your nnme Is nmnne the big UK( Is the one to win. Helmuts, special agent for tho depart- oloMiriMl, wvijrhed, tUeanured, Hum ly It Is worth nnyonc's time thnre w !to are IntercNtnd nnd will ment of ptint Ice assorts. to barrack and then turnvd t he rnfore nut give t he pa y mn t to durlnu thene next few wvelts to se- ut Into tha athletic ft Id ao that the anyone else. cure nu ll a prise or one of the lint The Investigation of affairs at tho Y;WJ1 roaches rin look them over. Tha There is no tltno like the present of prl'en liclng offered lit thlx prison was made upon, ordur of Judgo It H nltnoxt n certainly nthlettr outlook thta year la excellent, for getting to The Ht-al- that J. c. pollock, fcslera; district judge. especially ao for football. The payments will route much no out will le making as much as report statements and Two big two thousand dollars dining their The contains guinea are on the schedule easier now than they will Inter on spare jffiduxlts from former offlcluls at tho end th institute is already cU'ternv when other candidates have slitrtcd to moinenls tbei next few weeks military prison and from prisoners win of tMera. cnnvnjH people tinlens they enter the content and win Itird to both The name with wiuun liny big cur. und former prisoners. with the A. M college will be Im not del.iy nlHnt g the t. Colons! Bedg-w- h pUyvd this year at Roawell, whilo the n slnrt. The biggest and t Autos An New statement from ground isilnlng of- k it li e. coinmandnnt at the bar- endets will meet the I'nlvejwity of hntlols nre Ining Tlie automobiles will lje entirely eoun-- Mw Mexico Albuquerque. The fered for your benefit, nnd you should new. nnd winning cunflldulcM will rio It" ni ihe timo the "prison i at the ll" Is nllegrd cslab-IHhe- Clarendon col lege game will probably tuke advantage of them. be to sell t ilhi r of to have been all the cart hii hi he conferred with wur b plr ed at A mart lo. The Texns Kttrn Vote llnllfds tihould they win them. Cai-- are hard THE AUTUMN HATS You (,'i't depart mint ofricliila In Reboot of Mines fame Is to be played should be certain to secure n In from the i'nioiieH nowadays, hw Rl P&ho. goodly of lite and anyone who wins of in jHinmry, lHli, ss to conditions at number 7.o00 extra either the ono The farmers and the Varsity must v.itu bnllots which ure being Klven piise ears will not have to wait ihe priion niter of a serlos of hit the dun before on eneh amount of tlT lojmer than n few minutes to secure "striken" smong tho ptisimcrs. ARE TRULY BEA UT1FUL the cadets thla Htlbsertptlons1 worth of year, according to the advance propa-FKii- ri until Heptetnber If.'i. caah down for Ihiir prize. It you "Tho demands of tha prisoners, In that la being put out by the After thnt date yrtu will buve to tuke Want I lie rah In plneo if t t cur writing, wei e dillverd by mm) in rt embyro snldlera. Cuptitin WonseUor less votes for the snmn effort, nnd so you win. start In now, for you cer- to H ci clary linker," Colonel Hico It seems as if the designers of this season's millinery will be the athlvJc dim tor there Is no good reuKon fir wtiillntr. tainly Hill get It. said In his statement. "Ills roply In this year, whiles Captain R. R. Brown The rnndidntes this (let your name to the oCHrc a writing delivered by tnc to tho dually dreamed these beautiful year hnve a fine oppnituulty possible. Volt n re going Tho cstnbllshment of the creations. Wonderful will have personal supervision over winning ir Sou as to prbmrers. t football axsTerailnn. Cup tain two enrs. nnd some candi- time some sulsciiplloiiM IT your tuiine ptiMouciV confervneo coutinittee fol- blending of colors, sensible shapes, together with date who lives out of town Is bound floes not app'-a- with the lowed, on orders .of tho exquisite Frown hae the reputation of turning one litft adjutant of out champion elevens. to win of the mm. The ruling list. Kent' mUr that you can the army." of this contest says one trimmings feature the' unusual display. Most of the men who mads Ihe thnt cur win Jtict as well im any oilier p rsnn. Mnny of the details of tits ntnnnge-inc- year rx M'HT OO to an candi- Mini It all rests with yotiraelf us o eleven last are ported to be date. This means yciil mimt only you and ndmlnlstratlnn of tho back on the Job next Tuesday, rendy Jums whieh prise want. Hlitrl prison were turned over tn commit-te- e No longer need we hear the stereotyped expression: lieat some cnndldttte In your own mit- - today and get the best. to kick the plKHkln around until thfy of prisoners according to stato-mr'iit- I are told to stop. Joe Kord Jacoltson, a of jtiiHoncrs and. former "Honestly cannot find a Hat that suits me." Selection last season's star has been (rnlnlna; Colorado Sportsmen Grant County Does pr Mine fit. is merely of finding for football during the Burner by TcMUmony Indicated that. the a matter something that harmonizes working In California ua a motion Indorse New Mexico Not Instruct Its "piiKon vnuneli" svatent was discon- with your ideas and should be picture actor. John Phearman hHS tinued In July, 1919, after It failed that comparatively simple be..- training In tha harvest fluids In Fifty-fou- Xanana, Game Board Plan r Delegates lo rc(oie satisfactory conditions to with our lare, but unusual stock. at the business end of a Hie pt li on. Colonel it Ice was relieved pitch fork. uf couituMitdaut of tho prison shortly Registration up to date Indicates fHTIrers of tht- - new Colorado nnme HIIA'KK CITY. N. M.. Hept. S.Thr ultcrward. fnat there will be no difficulty In Protective ttrfinclatlnn nre ciithttsiss-tl- c frnnt county delegation to tho ro getting together in their Hpprnval nf the plan lbuiii-riii- IM,M1 It I.AKC IIOTKK Itl'RNH, a team of veterans a for public a n convention In A acrappy, fighting cadet e of football Nw Mexico Htsie 'Ihiihi cotnmlH-slo- nevt Tuesday will bo uninstrurted. COI.OKADO HPNINflH, Colo., Hept. fame, and rival elevens of the state according to Aldo IrfoipfHtl. The r4 were chosen at the :t. The Itockland hotel, n four-stor- y Kahn's Store, 109 North First of the A'ew Mexico tl. r. A , lake, are asked to watch their step, has just county convention here yesterday. J. rune Ktrtiiiuro nt Pnlmer t whi returned from Denver. K. Foster was nominnind for state burned to the ground and Oliver Hill, They arc 1 particularly Impressed with senator from OrunL county und W. 1, IS, and .Mildred Jilll, A. aon and that pitrt or the Xew Mexico IC. pro- Kahn's Shop, 220' plan Mui ray liMlorscd for ho mi to In the dmiulitcr of Mrs. U Hill, tho West Central providing for Investing the (Innte hotel, power shocMtling district, tthcr nomlna-tlon- s prietress of thn aro rwoniy commission with to CMtublinh HJterlff, burned us tho result of an explosion locnl closed seaiiona und to caiablliih were: Will Flemfnt,: game refuges. treiiMtirer, .M. It. Buchunun; county of the lighting system In the base- Albuquerque's Best Shopping Places clerk, Carl Comstock awNitor, V. ment of tho hotel. ftobert Hock well of iN'ttver. aecre. 11. surveyor, tary of the (Colorado (1. (leorgo Vamlorp; A., also comiiiixHlnners to be solertc-- by the endorsed the provision for selection county of a majority of the proponed com- central committed. mission rrotn the scientific men al- ready employed by the state on the Freight Train of 21 stairs nf the Htato Agricultural col- lege and university. "You can tell the Loaded Cars Stolen New .Mexico sportsmen," said Mr. Rockwell, "that they are on the truck of u really practical reform and that CII1CACIO. Kept. I. A freight train they have the best wishes and heurly of !!l cars tjonded with automobiles - moral support of tho Colorado j. nod other merchandise, was stolon nan S Insi night from thu train crew a I ""'tffliTh romast gild tor Meond Officers of the New Mexico fl. IV Cicero, a suburb, und driven by the bass A. are now preparing lay train robbers .to Mensonvllle, 111., MVifrrrVreeVVVVVVVVVV ' wag to the And ha not pat oat (lame commission plan before the re- where was abandoned. The train Asd ft lia roes not ap again publican stale convention. The plan w us taken from the yards of the Chi- Many ccret you To madly prases about hns already been Indorsed In tho cago, Milwaukee it Ht. Paul rullroad, will find revealed The time Thay had t carry bin away state dentocratlu and county republi- niicr the crow hud boen beaten and green box of next can platforina. thrown off. Polic arrived In lime in the NomiraationBlank And ail tha time ho gworo, Objection to urreift five men who had not had fill nut tills lilmilr. Mull In Oh, o, ho wasa't hart at all. has been raised to tha Nadine Face Powder vou buy calomel CmiialKn .Mmiiinor, I'liu llcralil, Allmiiirriiif, N. M. His brttohos merely O. p. A. plan In some quarters on time to join their companions on the tor. tha general grounds that commis- stolen train. Katlronfl officials Thee ara secrete which every sions are expensive. In this connec- lately began an investigation to mnun amild solve secrets of ask for Good For 5,000 'Votes tion the Game association learn If any of the merchandise in nerSDllal charm pointed hud been i Tin: has out tha fact thnt It Is the cars taken. secret a ross-pet- com- K. of C. Will Play asking fi) one of- Tha of not cent from the A lew hours later railroad N A O IN U 1' o atata treasury, la ficials police were plexion '8 hut merely seeking and notified that woman hoodi EVENING HERALD CAMPAIGN Highland Reds Sunday a competent body to manage the in- another freight train bound for come IM., secret of charm and direct the policies of the hnd been flagged by the Tha Isstlnf I lMiniiiialp Th Knlithtaof Columbus who wore state game department, which lo en- an me band who rodo off with the charm which endMres throufb-ou- t liiToliy defeated by tha Qond Tims club lum tirely train after throwing (iff the crew. the dar. .. Hun. lay are to tackle tha Highland According to reports received by the The secret of House No .SlriM-- t J Kede H und ay afternoon nt Weahlns- - Although within in miles of Port- police, the stealing of the trains fol- land, on with never hint of harm. T7 ton park. Tha Kama la to begin at waterfalls the western slope lowed several encounters between :sv ucioca. of the Cascades In Oregon have only train crews and former employes who To too. as to a mlllioa others, City or Town Tha Caarva will tut etreneflienei, Kv recrntly been discovered by a will ravssl thess alotabs Niinm ' white had Joined NADINE of man. the switchmen's strike prntf Blnkart al first baaa In plure ot Mr' hero months ago und lust their Jobs. iriti Making Noiiiinutioii Caflery, and Callahan at second. The Yea eaa vroenre NADINK frefli Cassys also ara trying to accura Dillo-ha- your lavoru. loiin w.."t tha Good Time rluh third haw ,ec ay mau aw. Atltlross Hunday. IXIIahay 'THE BILLY SUNDAY OF aian for anralnrd NATIONAL TOILET CO.. (only one an ankla In tha an ma between the nomlntulim liluuu ulluwoil cunUitlutu.) uooa ram ciud and tha Caseye lain ' HEALTH' MAKES 'EM raiia. Tssa, U. S. A. Hunday. however, and it la doubtful HIT The purified and If ha will be abla to play. refined The Knights are to ua Brangle and TRAIL OF CLEANLINESS calomel tablet that are Knlelit far a battery. nausealeia, safe and sure. How Dowling of Lou- ftwe w caiwki,j,ki Medicinal virtues retain- ALBUQUERQUEi4 ' Because savoral of tha ond Time isiana Vages State- ly7" ed and . ball players will he absent from the improved. Sold city on only m sealed packages. WORLD'S GREATEST SHOWS Sunday, tha between wide War on Disease a ' ' the. Hood Time club andnuthe I'lnttra. i Prtcei 35c. TIIW (lll.MM S Or' M.I, AUI SIiMK.NT which had been scheduled for Hunitny and Filth niornlns at WaahiuKton park, ban Rjrsa ween canceiicu. The an- f'lratca NKW IIKl NIPTTIil nounced yesterday that they had Olll,KANH. La. Mcpf. t The WtUlss Ybn will And It In our Classi- played their last Kama of the season. Billy tu'tduy of vaults don hi America fied Oolumu. i' i .Many or the Pirates will enter high Is lr. Oscar iHiwIing, state health of- school when It opens next Tuesday. ficer of IdUUislauu. II" cleanses and will davvta ilielr time to tout- - premises and olimhiutcH disease with all. "merciless publicity" und exposure. w If the I'ntled HuUch hud 4 health offluers like lr. Dowling, there would Yesterday's KeiulU bo a new religion In this land, the Choice City American ICaatie. kind that Is next to (lodllnesa. Kansas Moats Philadelphia 2: IHttroit TounrU lite Ktattt Uoalon ; New York I. Ir. Dowling has broken Into the limelight In a thousnnd ways, but the National Leagne. biggest thing: ho did for Louialnita 1, tu. Ixhji. 1. was to start "The (lowitel of tlood i i STANDARD CASH MEAT MARKET New York I: Pittsburgh 1. Meultlt on Wheels." Keforo the war he couldn't get Ihe legiNlulure to ap- We Give "8. A H." Green Trading Stamps Major League propriate much money for sunliutlon, BUadion no he had tho rullnstd fit up four We 421 Nattoul Lea gas. health curs. PbonS08 Deliver South Broadway ,W. L I'rt. For 11 months Dowling nnd his f Cincinnati 69 (3 .gag staff Umri'd Jjouisiuna and muds one DEATH TJEPTIlYM, Brooklyn - 70 C6 .600 trip to the Pacific coast. New York 611 67 .644 The war put this train lemporlaiiy Plllaburifh 64 69 .6:0 out of commission, because tin rail- road1 edmitilstm-tlo- would not oper- Chlduro ,,...61 64 .46 - Hi. loula 61 66 .464 ate It. J4ut now Dr. Dow ling- Is re- Kostnn ,411 viving It. Philadelphia, 60 .407 Dr. Dowling docg all his health TEMPTED. It work In a spectacular way. thus mak- American ing hoalih ami sanitation an Inter-Httln- g Lohh subject. Few cit'CUM'S W. I, ever 'V Pet. drew larger crowds than did Dr. Ocveland 77 41 .416 Isrwllng's health train. Muny times 77 4 FRIDAY AND OS?.. l.'hlraxa .611 the townsmen th route ned to shoot Dr. SATURDAY New York 71 it .606 Dowling calling names in Kt. Iauuj 6 for their 61 .611 publln and telling; Just what kind of 7 Hoston 61 64 .4X6 dirt ha found. Wauliing-to- 61 66 .441 ' Has fMsj Iter ml Iletroil 47 76 .661 Some of the things tlmt have dis- cents Philadelphia ijt al ,U4 tinguished wlittg are: 49WHILE ir. THEY LAST Was sued by H isttcut medicine con ('li'Un Aniiwa uit-(- . Democratic Offices cern for telling; that it was "a fraud-len- t nit iiiol ii fiw ciiiiri ulcuholiu nostrum." Dowling rompelleri to renovate. Aluminum Stow Pan ('liouolttta (.'jivrroil Kruil won. 'M. (ic olco licar a lubel raiiHed (nil Stay In Santa Fe and I,...... I d,t Wut-r- t by another patent medicine hieud to bo wrapped. Duce he smvc V.itu lui. firm for -- ;, Won again. The tio mayor of cthrevepori 4H hours lo The democratic elate Tieadiuartm-- American medical Association pal.l cieun up. will rentMln in ttunla Pe. Tills wsn $40.oo helping-- him. Aids Plsgiw 69c and 99c 69c J0Mr"B(Tft!MOlB: nci'ld'Ml nt the recent conference of Publishes sit almanac, to compel-wit- Ju-- now Iwllng Is working night ir' ocoMM-riii- hcie A Hitmiici iie mnrtc tlvone puhlUhed by outeitt medi- and dsy helping Dr. M. K. bomtisrd. a elrona bid t'nr the hcudquarlers. cine roncerna L'. H. public health ellmiiiHln ZD, hut the dcmocmta dwided to t remain Otto Louisiana rectnurunt will never rats and stump out Ihe bubonic npi ot-jtre- s i tt tfunta Ke. Special orfli.-c- will be live down the nlctfitame, 'Tho greawy plURUC. i.ooqooqoQ rRTE I UNITED VRATIE T)JIi.Y f I epead hers woo. Hpoon," aH It wag drbbid by Dr. Dr. Jmwlinsr was an eye sftccialtid Vtin One To One . Dowling. In 1VKK with a practice yielding him Cent Dollar Stores Co. luo. 'ondsmned staughtsr pna, de- HMoft a. year. In order to dvots stroyed anrge bod '" parr tViat th "Want" ont stores of meat. his life tn sunlinlion. he look the 321 Wc.t Central AiIiiiKsIdh - Uki closed diniiesand pntent med Job ns giale health officer nt $:,imw nnd Iti'sorwsl Will Tlrlu la on finli' rin'ila Dnv nt Slnsiw's of Wnt Ad by bringln. EmuIU. icines, sluds tho ally nnd town Jnils ji ar. Imir Slum, Hill V. t.'nlnil Ave. No livlra t'lmigc. TRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1920. ALBUQUERQUE EVENING HERALD THE -- HnMmHMMtMiwni

Ef Paso Bidding for v COX TO SPEAX m - I 'Cash First!' is Bobby's Demand N. Mi Convention of i f . i i r . American Legion . THE ARMORY HERE 1, 'a. The stnte jcarfsSuodiCi It. wwv N. M.. Sept. convention of the American legion got down to hualneM lodav after Its 'iHiuiiv An Tin: ti:i:i, opening session yesterday afternoin. Reduced Railroad Rates E. A. Cahoon find W. D. Thero hi a good attendance, more Our Big Sale of Samples Condnut--i HMtlllll. IN WHICH Hi: WKNT Among delegate arriving today. the " " " ' Sought for Address OKR NI.M1A1IA IN Itll. Murray Out; Larrazolo arrivals today waa a delegntlon from Tomorrow Kl I'uso, which is aSKing lor uie ivi On Sept. 23. MM Gain, eonventlon, they propose to UK SAYS INK TIIIK Fails To 4 which ' hold jointly with the Texas branch There Are Wonderful Bargains at Lea II.Mtltl3i IN Til of the legion. Flans for cntsrtalntna; Gov. James If the repuhllean stnte conven- With The feature of the opening seealon . v. Than Wholesale Price ft. Co jo of Ohio, democratic candidate Tffr: AI.I.H Kl I tion only n few days distant,- - the v Vl:H II' IT. was the nddrePMi of H. H. HHnna. for president started whn It wn f field of eandldnteM for governor governor i by democratic candidate for of ,i learned last nig lit that Governor Cox ii:nt moskv k on i:iii nerms to huvo ben narrowed the New Mexieo. Ijitnt nlsbt thu guests would arrive in Alhunuorque 6 withdrawal of E. A. Cahoon of Hoe-we- ll ' at HIM. were entertained with a smoker and Women's Sweaters, worth as high as O'clock on the ntsht of Heptomber IS. from fhe race und the recom- reception at tho local post oluMiouse. Tho dat of his arrival had been, mendation by the Or:tn t county con- Krlduy night there will be a bowling $20, at ... .$3.25 to $9.00 previously announced but It was not vention yeHturday of tit nomination contest, Hnturdny noon a Imrbecue of W. .Murray of Silver City for known until last night the hour of I. for the visitors, taturd-i- afternoon 1 hla arrival. The word was received nomlnatn for state fi inn the S ride throush the farms antf tkitur- - ' Misses' Sweaters, worth up to $ 4.00, from Pen tor Pat Harrison, hmtrhiR district of Oraot, Hucorro. uay manafor and Hlorra counties. iiiMOi a wresiiina ihu. of the, sneakers' bureau of the ns Luna The convention yesterduy afternoon at $1.25 to $5.00 "demooratlo Mr. Cuhnon nnnoiined yesterday tlonal commit to. that under no clt'euiustances would was opened with tho Invocation by The democratic nominee la to he permit hin mime to go before W. Zl aler. stule chaplulu. and Children's Sweaters, priced as high as apeak at the armory, and leave here the convention. tt. .. Kit harilsoit extended to the lor fueblo at : o'clock. He will (iraiit 4'oituty'a ueiitm Indlcatea delegalen a hearty weliume in the $10.00, 75c com HoHWi-l- way. Tru-li- at to $4.25 here direct from Phoenix, his thnt Me. Murray Is not an active tc Pot ommander Inst apeak In a plane In Arizona, iKrank for the otTice of Koveinor. of, lne 'ikih made the rysponsv. Iiutt, chairman of the county demo- trv Aluny couith'S In the Mate will hold Shoulder Scarfs, , worth "$3.50 to commit toe, " cratic announced that the their conv. nllons lonuti roW Inr mc Young Gotch Leaves t ratification of the national and atate 1 lotion of delvRiiles to the stitttt $12.50, at .$2-2- 5 to $7.50 democratic tickets, which been 7. A had ; here iii Tuendnv. ami ihe City Today After Irian nod before the presidential nom- A i I tin oti Id determine w bother Gov- inee's arrival probably would be held sJ ernor larraKolo bus any ehancv fnr False Start Knitted Underskirts, worth $1.50 to on Cox's arrival. renomlmitlon. AmotiK the ni"if im- a - Democrats today were prcparlnr portant counties Ibut will lutld'thelr $6.00, at 85c to $3.50 to take the question of rates up with convetittoiiH are Httn .Miauel, whieh Is Young Ootch. the middleweight the railroad a In an effort to aecure eertntn to Kt UKahmt the governor; wrestler who won a vietmy from reduced fares fur persons In the trials Alt Klnli y, Mora. Muuta Ke und lona Oeorge I'lneail last week and previous who may want to eomo to Albuquer- Ann. to that threw Sailor Jmi K WoihI, In on que to hear the candidate. It la be- iovernor Larrjtfolu him thus far his way to Mistou. where he in to lieved that hundreds of persona for failed to Ket Oil lllKtt lft ti'd deleKUtloll wrestle Mike Voknl. BOADWAY BROS. in ii xlnnle in slat-'- . miles around will desire to bere ioui;v the Ilia 8 be .luie-lu- m'tlhilty Ofitelt boanti d train' o. last on day. si are th Pull- that of di In mi; y night and went to sleep in a Albuquerque U the only city In r lemiteK ah lvei cnuiliy man. He he was ban held tt iiMmh. I ut men dreamed ttuveltmr Golden Rule Store New Mexico In Cox wlil tpeak thnt .ohv Mostoii a fiutt clip, which vn i ih n toward nt thinking on a tour which etartn today. Httirt- - who ai'f familiar Kiina'n be thumplnir of ks say t he'll' clalnm llt-- laraely heard the trm In fn Michigan, tho tour wilt take that him. He awoke this morning and they point to Ok fact that 10 ins candidate 0,000 miles, through 'it if the majority of any of the dele- find that the I'ullnian ear In states and snd at St. Lou la on Oc- gations were the governor whieh he nlept bad not left the A- for be lbuquerque yurds. do. He an 11 nan too tober 3. surely Would have heeil able to oh- - 'd hltn to he " lain InipriH'ttuna, out Instead he li'ih Hue to the wnslmut near Maxwell. to mrtlif tho welKht. tlutt It Is ' X. M., to meet Yokal on Hepte tuber . County failed In everv county til wbhll lie passeiiKers for Denver were Bernalillo him mude a riirht. held here until thin morning, vv hen Full-Tim- e Ah Ihe eoitnt Htundi today of to they were sent on train No. 10. The HIit-- Dhcda havlns; arenmmodn-tloii- Lote through travelers of train- Xo. K fur 7ti.ono animals huvs been , dehfrtden named. will come lo th t , , J 84 HOURS Officer convention uninsti u ted. Hift for Were sent hy Way oi Helen. tlnteh recently built ut Immivit, Col. Health MUKiies. or a total oi MH uceoiinted wan a passenger for where for In total tf l.s:. Thus it will he ho) us to find some wrestler he King- - Itama T of Klnni hue S Bernalillo county has finally been be seen Unit m caiulidate will utitt r eaii trim before reaehiny Houton. motor cum. and when he sues riding . X'Trrt tfmim frrfrlt- counted out of the list which will tin eonvenilon with any coneidemhlr Hutch admitted when he left that he drives hi own machine. have a e health oftleer under numlicr of pledged votcH, unlcvs the 11 was I ui poHsi hie for It t in to I in I n the- International board of health's onvuiitloim to be held tomorrow down to i:,H pouudu, ua I'luuau wunt- - plan. Dr. :. lu. waller, atate health slmw u surpriHlna hunge und In- officer, has dealttnated M eKin ley, KAI.I.H. V. Y.. Bept. 3. , per- struct. This makes certuili that NIAdAltA over again, but I've Just about fight Chaves and Rants Fe as the three "Uohhy" l.eai h itt pulhiiK up Htuken. suaded her I can do it enlly. I've the for noinlnutlon will he e pretty open Good For counties which will get tho lie Ih Kuiug to leave Niagara made Hveial iinprov etnentn in the new mueh of an field ulTulr. LEMON JUICE officer a. flat. liiiri'i -- it will he two Failure of the city and county eoiiiptii-tiiieiii- und with nihher be- commhmionci nrnvldn levy he hit the mill HoltM", Colorado Population In tho u bur-r- e tween them. The hummock him also anked for caused tlila" county to b MAY o over the full uyjiin in I lie tlld U July UMl. Iteen Improved. From my eperlenre Only Shows Increase FOR FRECKLES countod out. I,eueh won't try It hkuiii, howovcr, vv it h M para for 22 years 1 know 10 VOTES 10 The international lonrrt of health I uiiletiH the ennh is fortliconthiK- now Jnnl a lion I what want. of 17.6 Per Cent plan provides fnr the payment of the king "U I tiso the old barrel again, I'll IM TIIIO full-tim- e "I'm through with inn Girls! Make bfcauty lotion for health officer's salary tor re- fix it Hp a Htephen year by on money tor tho ruilrou'l uml little. rhurbn one the board condition . Htephens, of llrlniol, Knalund, WAHIIINOTON', ftcnt, X. a few cents Try county tutorial levy au sorts around here." ttnld ltiMy. With a It! the make tho "I've been diving off MiiMpeiihlim killed July If I DUO in going over the mimerieul IncreJise or MO.nQ:. In thu thorised by tho apodal scudon of tho lalls in un oak barrel) a Inst years, Evening Herald Campaign leglslturo bridges, sliootiig the rnpIdH, and didn't have in the state of Colorado HtiuvcHo for maintenance of the yearn. ehunre. I told him so, Jlis wooden showed a growth tho Juice of two lemons county . going over the falls for since 1010 of only Into health department. Hants f my lltu barret condemned him be lie a bottle contain. tm thno ouiicck McKtnlcy anil C haven counties have I'm through linking for lore a llillt inoro than half of that made or white, vhuku well, you lovo of I'm out mailed." In previous 10 years. oroliurd und agreed to make tho apecinl levy. tho adventure. the huvo a quarter nlnt of the bent e for the money now. Tho census Tho health orrirors will ANO'I MI K VOTH human's announcement freckle and tun lotion, and com-- . begin In coun "Kick III!" today gave tlf stale n total of 939,-:i7- tt their work the three Nlugura HAXTA KM. Hi'pt. 3.fIovernnr lex Ion lirumlficr. ut very, very omul Ilea official ly on January 1. 1!21, at "If the ruilroudt city of I loilny granted inhahlfuntc Colorado's rate of COHt. v.. Hteel will kirk arraxolo restoration growth In 17.H il f. though It Is probable that they will r'alu or the conipuny of cilixenshlp to A lira n Arehuh'ta, the liua decade was Your sroccr in with $lif00 I'm rcudy to go otej per nt, compared wlih 48. per has the lemons and actually make an earlier beginning who, following hla tonvii-tlo- of mur-de- r ti cent any drujr. atfro or toilet counter tvtll in order to atuuy the cunauioiiH t.i the fulls ugulu. I'll do it within ten lit Hap Miguel was sen 111 the previous 10 ycurff. HMiily officially days money is In hlgla." enmity, three otincea of orchard white Town or Clly the cnuntlea before begin after tho serve tiO i years Mher census announeonients ;...,...... ; Is selling billiard pun or tenced to from to for a few cents. Maiwffo this sweetly ning their work. The health officer Leach his in tho ntute penitentiary. II In sen- - fia(crant lot Inn face, nock, Huhjoct to rules and conditions ffovsrnlus; the campaign, by soon will Kngluml for I ( ) 1 , Into tho will le appointed local authorities, and leave for leme on May 14, in IK, wan com- tenver. Colo.. revised SfiM 9 ace 'ouiona to l counted must Im' cartrfully trimmed armmd border and a movie-lectur- e tour. arm und hand each day and but the atate health department and muted to cud on May ill), lun. 43.110 r Zo.z per cent, pre how fr"ckltfi dlnap brought or sunt In unfolded. They should m fastened toiiethor. the International health board will my life to muko a liv- vlously nnnoiiitced g54. Xli 9. and llcmlhis "x don't rlvk how A have a In choosing. Thef More ti&u speed's land Moulder, I0.9HU, 1 and cleur, soft and NOT UOOU FT Ell SUPTKMHBR ITK. ... hand the ing uuy more" aus the muii who than of birds Colo.. Increnso M'hltf Yea! n).l will men men t got In 4 IB. 8 the akin boconi"t. It be medical and ruined dured NUtgura and won. "I've the nave iteen found ostn Itlcn. 4.r0 or per cent. . In public health work and aaniu-tlon- film of my trip over the fula ami my harmleas and never Irrliutea. lecture. I huvo engogcmentM In Mouth Afrhu und Austrulla to Delegations last two year." 1 Plan "Hacking Out.' Go Estancia Ieuch says his luw Imrrul Is prac- To To tically completed, though the m- Will Your Fall Clothes Be company that's making it hurt going j and Gallup Fairs through wlthMhe t)iuuhi. accuidlng Special to he muy u hln ohl bin Saturday Leach, for und AlbiKiueniueana probably will have rcl n gai n. inn onance to nin in un oxcurnnm "They promlHcd 4o give nie the trip to the Kitancla snd Oallup fairs. tuirrel. $:,rU0 In cuMi und IJ.MJlt in Til' Vhamuer ot Commerce hub re- atoi k," uiuicrts l.eui h. "Now w llh ceived communication from Etdunclu thfr barrel ubttlit completed Uuy ilon t to FitY II up, inviting give cnMi ou and also from tin wunt to cither the or the Chocolate Nut Fudge to fairs. The K(un-el- a stock. If tho city or railroads will mm fair Is to bo held fleptemher 14, tuisc IZTiUO I'm rcudy to go over be- 17 and 18. and the Oallup fair O- fore 1 leave." ctober 1, 1 and 3. Those In charge I.ffo of Thrill- -. Cents a Pound of the Oallup fair have act aside one Leach who f! and very gray lias 30 day as Albuquerque day, led a colorful life, a life of thrllla il. B. Watklus. eocretary of the from high div lug and paraehuie or Dummy? to- a Chamber of Commerce, announced leticehHloiiM to going over .higaru NEW MEXICO CANDY KITCHEN day that he would tuko up the ques- 1''h)Ih in a barrel. tion of forming an oxrundon to tho His trump In the lino towns either with the Boosters' club was going over llorseHhuc the 204 West Central. Phone 1520 or with the KJwunls and Hotury clubs, I'uiiudiuit falls in a upecially con- or all of them. structed torpedo-shape- d Hteel barrel July 2 ft lull. He wum In the hoKpttnl is 33 weeks after the event with bro- The choice yours. If you have a suit tailored Stores Will Close ken Jaw arnl a Hiiuiwlied knee. Day The I'irHl Trip. to your measure by us, we assure satisfaction. On Labor "It wan teuihle" miyn .each. "The steel barrel, being ho heavy. plmiu-- Orocery stores, dry goods stores behind the falls Into the till water. If you buy a ready made suit, tailored to the and nearly all others In the llUHtness 1 thotiKht 1 wa u 'goner' then Some good bargains in second hand cars with Mciim association will Iw clom-- on 1 had oxjhch tor only u lioor. measure of no one in particular, the chances I.Htor day, waa announced today by Ill a ndnute or two, however. It O. O. Ackerman, secretary. " caught Hip current ami I wns towed "IMoreH have been cloJlng all day ashore In Hans Juhi III in! mile are it won't fit you, because it wasn't made to good shoes, Paint and Mechanically perfect on Labor day for the last five yeara utter I stalled." or more," said Mr, Ackermun, "and "What iibout tho police'.'" T anked. fit you. Model Style Price Cash Mo. they will follow the customary prac-llr- o ' Hi, tiny don't count," he Name. Per thia year." "Of coin-n- the) II try to mop 90 $ The city hall and courthouse will me. They tried to the other lime Overland Touring.. 650.00 $325.00 $50.00 be oloaed all day. The pom ton tee will When 1 get ready to do it I'll jiiMt . nlserve the usual hullduy rules, and dti It If the canh tdtows up. We will fashion your new fall suit at prices far Overland 90 Roadster 400.00 200.00 35.00 there w'll be oply one mall dollve-- y . .Wife Objeetn. Overland 70 Touring .. 300.00 150.00 25.00 In the business dlstrlrt. "Mis. Leauh doesn't want mo to go below those of ready to wear clothes. Willys Knight 88-- 4 Touring .. 750.00 400.00 50.00 Willys Knight 88-- 4 Touring . . 650.00 325.00 50.00 tudebaker 1917 Touring.. 650.00 325.00 50.00 Studebaker 1917 Touring.. 400.00 200.00 35.00 Dodge 1917 Touring.. 650.00 325.00' 50.00 Buick 36 Roadster .' 750.00 400.00 50.00 WARtylNGI Unless you see the name "Bayer" on Buick 25 Touring.. 500.00 250.00 35.00 tablets you are not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed D-- Chevrolet 5 8 Cy. Touring . . 1.350.00 650.00 75.00 by physicians for 20 years and proved safe by millions. These are rock bottom prices as all cars are in first class condition

and real bargains. . Call us and we will be pleased to demonstrate these cars to you. Don't forget to phone 710 for real service and real values in all our merchandise.' 15 Discount on All Tires Both Cord and Fabrics with the exception of the following sizes:

On 30x3 31x4 and 33x4. , 20 Per Cent Off on all Springs for cars except Overland Models. . j? r"" fmj f.jT - ' ltTT SAFETY FIRST! Accept only an "unbroken package" of Overland- direc-ion- Kistler Company "Byer Tablet of Aspirin," which contains proper s tenuine , foi Headache, Earache, Toothache, Neuralgia, Colds, Rheuma-bm- JIJ;!? North Fourth. Phone 7 10. Neuritis, Lumbago, and for pain generally. . Strictly American! Huuly tla bulM al U Ulilrt nt but fw wnL ljirn(r iwiiii u ik. tr4. swrk r u.r Muuniiw. or MMoMiMcilHi.r o' mk rnocia rx iTHE ALBUQUERQUE EVENING HERALD FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1020. EDITORIAL PAGE Gr-r-r-- r! The vs. XHX ALBUQUE.KQUJE Five Minute Chats Builder on Our Presidents The Demagogue ' EVENING HERALD I'M T WW QSAVT WWSCACti CLaa Optic) CENTRAL FRnmKO COlOTJUfT, rpblUhen LOOKS IK A"rtWfn RAM. Vevu M By JAMES MORGAN Th Journal' f run It know led Be- ANO I'M TCA.T THAT rOtAAWS rn int thnt H. O. Bunum It) A lrtulitiK. B. II.,. ,. CeVTCWt, AHB 5WAU.0WS. domlnfttlnir flgur In the n.nnlr of TJ." AHft Xnw Moxlt'o commentJablo, ifliniiMt knt 8nU t Tk Hari tUMUa, rttt f 0 tcoerrieht. It::, ay Jm Ne,n. la But ) tad Wn tfrfit. 4 Btftrt, AlmurnV Jifw Mtllt, th Journal han not .nrnt'tl all th-i- UP FROM OBSCURITY In to know about Mr. Bumum. Thnt f ef Mrc. 1, line. ventlvman la not now, nor ever waa. Vfrn at "tha fork of the roatl." He la on SUBSCRIPTION RATE.S tha rlNt road nnw, aa he haa nlwaya O swats, fcr sH surler 1SJ7 March It, Stephen Crever bn. But he haa not been racing, ye, la attee. , Cleveland, barn at Cald- or he would havo lone; alnre run li. from the field, no be 345 well, N . would lonrer a HERALD TELEPHONE factor In the unbuilding of tho etnt, raS eittwf til pftH, 1S&4 An emoe bey In a SufTal aiui New Mexico would be tho Umw. FOKEION ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES law office. Mr. Hursum will continue to plod lata Admitted ta tha bar. along In the same old way, doing nil FrlOHT, LANDIS KMN, the good he oan for Now Mexico, rt A.... rw Tar. M. t. . fmll'l 9 sllslef. CklMl. III. 1tM Assistant letrlet attorney regard Minta NUtwa S..W., IUI Fkne, luriHi, IMS. lea .of either ei ltlclama or we. of Crla eeunty. from thou who are unin- l.n.i.r p.n.i.g, amnio, 1170 Sleeted eherlff. formed, or othera who would den troy MEMBER OF" THK ASSOCIATED PRESS 181 Ilected mayor of uffale. him politically. Mr. Hurnum la a Ts Fnu M ntls.l'.lr atW.e U la. ase (at feeeMlrsllea ef til leader, but he never tries to work tou l.t.lrbalIKt.r.stt.4 slksrwles r4H4 la tela paper u4 ales tte leesl eew 1M2 (letted ooverner. far In the lead. lwn. KtiiM 1SS4 Ilected President. FRIDAY, 8 E PT K M H K R 3. 1 1 as March 4, Qcever Cleveland Inaugurated twenty-eeeen- d THE NEW DAY DAWNS ON MR. BURSUM president, aged forty-seve- MARKETS dawn of a new in noted with interna tint tlie first rays of the OTHKR man has stepped ao New York Stooki tiny, earchitiK out apnta in the N-- Mexico political land- - NKW YOHK. Hcpt. I. Kxtenalv IT hili NOquickly from obscurity to tha real icing for profits occurred In the have finally landed upon Holm O. Hiirstiro. Un tne presidency as Orover Cleveland. When Htock market today In anticipation of first day of September the aloof and lonely operator of the (Isrfleld stood on the steps of tha rap. the triple holiday but Industrial re- regeneration candle-powe- r pitil.Hily If ol tn he he never had flected the more confident operation of our turns Ilia entirn InsuRiirsted pools. Mr, beard name Buffalo attor- of bull Kale approximated 'upon the republican national committeeman, revealing Ilnmuin the of this ft? 0,000 aiiarea. The cloao waa firm. before the bar or a stern anil exacting justice it is an iniercxnng ney, who was to atand In the same iVniorlc&n Hugnr spectacle. placa four years afterward. American T. and T. . 9b At forty-fir- Cleveland remained Anaconda Copper . . . 64 in upon hi record an Atchison . Mr. Burautn, who thus placed on trial outside his county. At forty-seve- n party man, occupied a position Chlno Copper a citizen and hin usefulness an a hss be was In the White House. t. K. and I . 39 of recornied leadership in the republican party in Now Mexico It was a meteoric rise. Yet this msn Innplratlon Copper . 4 ft for quarter of a century. Us baa not been without rcooRiiition wss no meteor. Blow nf mind, with a Northern Pacific . , made target narrow range of reading and of Heading: . . . 02 in a wider field than hin home state. He has been the Houthern Pacific . . . of opposition party in each succeeding election for the past Interests, Cleveland was stolid I'nlon Pacific. the qual- yearn and from each contest he lias emerged in a stronger In manner and without brilliant United Utatea Steel twelve ities. Rut be hsd a character sa rug- position in the confluence o! liia party and m the esteem or tne New York Money. ged and Immovable aa a mountain. It NKW YOHK, Sept. I. Prime mer- people. had been built up In rural parsonagea. cantile paper unchanged; exchange Mr. Magee, in the role of judge and jury, has been an active where hla father, a Preabyterlnn Irregular; sterling- demand tfb ; less His waa required to rear a largo fans cables I6C; time loana strong, member of the community for a trifle than six months. money steady; high 7; ' lly and act nn eismple to ths comma-oil- y call to the community during this period has consisted of pass- ' low ; 7; cloning; service ' s ruling ratu bid ing severe adverse judgment upon everybody and everything in it. on 104)0 s yesr, urfurej at 7; last loan 8. Kor more than a qtisrter of a cen- single exception of Governor Larrazolo iu whom ho finds H with the tury he plnilileil along In Buffalo, a liberty Bouds. an example of ideal citizenship and purified and unselfish leader- quiet, trusted, but not itistlngntshed NKW YOHK, Dept. 8. liberty ship. There was a when it seemed that Frank A. Ilnbbell bond, cloned: Sa tN9.f8: flrttt 4n time l!'L.y lawyer. Unmarried and without family tSf..H); tiecond in $86.00; first 4s would also be included within the halo of Mr. Magee'a elect; but it ..t!Jz. - or a home, he Inok nn luirt In ttie $85.90; second 4s $86.20; third appears now that Mr. Hubbell was only a vehicle to be used in oon fife of his community, where 1O0 44s $M8.0; fourth 4 $86.U8; Vic- 1 1 tory 5.60; nection with Mr. Magee's recent effort to demonstrate his passionate f other Hnlfatonlana may have been bet- t4i Victory 4s $9.60. devotion to the welfare of the human race by grabbing tr.o Senator Harding ter known In their New York Nngar. alillo county delegation for himself and his ideal. The vehicle He had been an assistant district at- NKW VOKK, Kept 8. Hngur fu- torney of county Us tures cloned easy; anlen 2,000 tonn; failed to function as expected ; the attempt ended in disaster and On America's OLOS Erie and also October $10.16; lecemter $10 0&; Mr. Hubbell was unceremoniously dumped, like an old wagon, into sheriff. The first that waa ever beard Jnnuary $0.96; JVhjirch $9.76; Muy Reason for 1XSEC0NU $9 76. , the first convenient acequia. s ADDLE Mr. Ma pee first discovered Mr. Hursum about the time the Going to War lajajoL Chicago Board of Treat political combination was perfected. At that CHICAGO, Hept 8. Hharp IP THKItK WKItK ANY took place In the wheat mar- time, it will be recalled, he romped into Bursum with characteristic (From tha Bun oml Now York THAT II would alay hitched - ket today largely an a reatilt or uiilllsli vigor and venom, disposing of him as a boss, to be broken with a Herald. I after the convention almost of amount wheat I jirnisolo's eetlmaivs the of Senator Hardinra adUrcas on be worth nomination to available for export. One nuthority strokes of the trenchant pen. svvr- few was primarily and principally i v wltnces the poor old New Mexican figured us 110,000,000 IE supporting him through a campaign, tho total On the eve of the republican convention, however, the dawn directed to our foreign l.ul buehels lean Ittat season. rotations, nxiUimt lie e Idol, Judge than of the new day discovers Mr. Hursum still attending quietly to his It Included one reference whluh In- llunna. It would have two complete Opening quotations, which ratified r .tV 'Vtd,JTr. own business in Socorro county, and in spite of the prn strokes cidentally aheda lllrlil on a linaaaae at uimitli In which to explain the par- V from the sumo as yesterday's finish down our history 0 to o higher with December t'i.H to, remaining quite a force to be reckoned doimallo which hna ln..i don record and everything. referred considerable frcuuanlly mlsrapruaented WASHINGTON, Hvt. 3. No murr oo Vk f ( - to $..41 and arch 1.37 to $3.38, iu were followed hy a moderate reac- with the said convention. A bold effort has been made by mild C1i rlntlii n j It explain tf mprri'd, ffenticmitn ALHO could that solemn tion, and then by a swift general up- frankly express ourselves as concerned," writos the aloof President Wilson U convince the peo- ItolUt. a (Witt In the t'nttvd Hintva declaration a while back. In words "Wo ple nf this cuuntry Inst somewhere, ua follows, . 1 turn that curried Documbor to $3.41. - Ovm-si- Norrln, MOnu-- J j. ').. by one, "regarding the attitude of Mr. II. O. Hursum toward the four soinxhow In maklna- war asulnst y limn W. Corn was dominated tho nr-I- "t'uder no clrcuinatanccs will this they In- tin- from NvlnnfikH. Ht tftkon un I strength of wheat. After opening Ho tentative planks we have proposed for the republican platform." were committed to an vp paper support Mr. Ijarrasolo for gov- definite career of correction or all the Imuffinatioii in tic turn Norrlnl off to c up, In . lulling uecemiter at tm u ernor." to This tin doubt will be a gratifying indication to Mr. Bursum Injustices and rectification of ull the Khmlnr under the nou f OO $1.18 $1.19, corn soon scored Incuualltlca, soils I and political, iilutfttTiiiK fruntltT-low- n bully, mnk subtttantiat gulna all around. that while he may be disposed of any convenient time, the job Insj t NKW MKX to at which Ingenious and persistent tiucnts hlrn mirk up hin hitndi find thtn KOIt THK remain Oats hardened in price with other Ussu't actually been done. of muddloaomenesa could find wher- trmiliiir him to a mannirifd dimo nf j hitched for SO days at a stretch, Cfireala, starting about unchanged, ever mankind dwells. nrurant iiuum uuvh an the bully had however, la as unreasonable as to ex- Lfecember c. Bajrglng lltUe wish," continues the pen, flinging it from aloft, nowl-in- then a "We trenchant The president and his supporters bfftt beriiuwliiv upon him. pect coyote to rufraln from and later tending upward. "at this time to express neither commendation nor criticism of Mr. have repvutcdly talked about :)l'."Uv' lint that Is . what hati'Oixd. It Klrm liens developed In provisions and commitments which. If hnd HtN'mn, from an nnynuiuH artlrlo, OO owing grain hogs. Bursum s record." thv rVePtitly to advances of and any pluca outalde the oratory of n iMitltli'd "A Hvnatnr'a Htitry." THK VI WON of the now day Hurt Word of urgent need of ruin in This clurified the aituutiou. Mr. Hursum is on probation. He aelf-- d terinlned ataUhmnn-shl- lulllahrl In Out Hatm-dti- Kvinlnir la duwning scenin to have blinded Argentina added to rthe strenKth of has a chance to remain within the pule of the republican party and would keep us busy In the re- J'oKt, Atihouich tho arlMu In. que-tiu- n Irlend Magee to most of the fueta the .cheat market and so too did an motest corners of the earth lous- nowhciu dlvulm'fi any Hono clow concerning tile immediate polilloul advance In Canadian exchange rates. to get a look in at the new day, if he measures up to the Oklahoma es our natlonul Inslltutlona survive I tn JiiMt what Pulled Htatcn arniitor altuatlon. Apparent stoppage of export demand, staudard. the strain put upon ihum by excur- wrotu It. I hftpMn to hav heard OO however, led to a reaction. TJio close sions Into other people's Nuriin f Ute inridentii 1 ' business. rwmint "i Bt.'T WHAT aro mero facts when was unsettled, c to o higher. There follows a carefully qualified acknowledgement of the fact This newapaper has occasionally contained in the aiory and am lliutt pasaion Cleveland as Shsrlfr. HubHequently, corn directed tu Identify an overwhelming for the the market that Mr. Bursum has been of service to his state and bis party dim attention to the baselessness able the author. welfare of the human mce Is beating weakened when wheat suffered a Bet- - of theae allegations of obligation, and apaatnr'a dlfifluHiirva nrn of a century ignorance immediately Hut the the edvorUstng record of !.'d!a 1'iuk-ham- ? of him outside his neighborhood were buck. The el oho was heuvy, u to iug the quarter of benighted more than once has printed the text rhlet'ly IntiM't-Htiti- In thuy lay that . r lVic net lower. preceding Mr. Magee's arrival in the state. Thereafter we come to of our declaration of war against the bare, from tbo of one with his vetoea from the Imperlsl government OO maynr'a offlce only two years his Clone: republicans hi Herman to 17 ypmn of Mrvtr tn ronitremi, tin before Dec, $1.41; March, this glowing tribute to the several thousands of ahow how utterly they are without ffrlp a A MONO THK INHCHL'TAm.E tn Wheat: that party urffanluitlon and elertlon the presidency. The whole $1.37 . New Mexico with whom Mr. Bursum has been associated for many foundation In fact. "li'Bdi-rH- nu'inlwr-hi-p mysteries of our time are the disap- few have on tht state of New York atopped to listen Corn: Kept.. $2.38; Dec, subject In ronRH-BK- pearance of one perfectly good lim $1.18. years: This occupied ftcnator Har- The Inrtopondpnt. to resounding next tha Oats; Kept., Ucc, Itfc. proRra'Hartlw-mlndP- d pice Uullilor, the Identity of a his whscks sod U6c; ding' attention for a moment In his mombcr londu a "a Hept., as he necessarily wan by many men of low moral survey of world arTslrs. waa rhprlcHja, lire, hltnrtplf highly responsible nian,' and which whole country took notice. I'ork: $32.40; Oct.. $23.;0. "Surroundd and ho drrary flndi liSid: Hept., $18.76; Oct.. $18. un. he organization of bis able to Incorporate In hla addreaa of hampvrt-- and hamHtrunn In every pig had Ita ear twisted. The sutlden, ths theatrical rise ol perceptions, found himself the victim of an year by OO Hlbs; Hept., $16.82; Oct., $16.K'J. thla an extract from hla Mennte efTorl to he jrnlrted hla own man s mere csprlee, s construction," speech on the declaration of war. In and not hy the machine and WK C.N return thsnka that the the waa not poal-tlo- n go up any. luck.. On contrary, Livtitook You get it, do you not, you low brows who been which he took the sound, aune Beta nowhere. city tiLxes didn't Every- blind stroke of the unfortunate have that we were going to fight for thing else has gone up. he wss nominated snd alerted presi- OKNVKtt. Hept. CatUn rocelpls members republican during Mr. OO 000; steady; beef of the party the period Bursum has American Interests, for American William Howard Tuft. former dent because he was the logical, commo- market slow and rlghta, for Amorlcan freedom, and not INTl.t'DtNO the aloofness of the steers $&. 604 11.00; cows and heifers been ono of your associates and leaders. Jf it hadn't been for your preNldPnt, cut off 75 pound. n-sense choice: because this un- for Internationalism or vugue gener-ajltic- a pot nt nee, lonely party over on the Uold ave- $tt.60(b;8.Z6; stockers and feeders "low moral perceptions" Mr. Bursum might have been able better of benevolence. He quit rat ln ao much nue pinnacle. known, unambitious lawyer of Rtiffah $tf.00 47.00; calves $10.00ff 18.00. brniid, NURar, alrup and fat incut. to prepare the way for the dawning of the new day. But with such Thla waa the attitude of congress, OO had become tn two awlft years tha llog receipts 100; market steady; recorded officially In To makt) tip for the fata and Tolling It KlrulgbL top $16.26; bulk $14.26)16.26. bum he to enough the text of the h moat conspicuous erahodlnent of fhe material to work with has only been able n. far of Mian-he- h luft off h at more Hheep receipts 8,600; declaration war. It wan ;ho atti- . (Prom the llnlyoke Transcript.) . things Inde- market be of rays, he vt'Retablca ahd frluta. thst the times called for $1 1 to caught under the merciless spotlight the first where tude, of Americana generally. It Is tiaid Metlann to a- foreign nuui steady; tombs 2.00 3.00; ewes' TtPmilt; ilp went lan pendence In polities and a highef $ i.7 6 is held for trial. It's a pity. a sound and aenalble attitude, and Fi'wer ralorlia and who worked at tho e B.50; feeder lamba AM.001 Henator Harding did well to bring 75 poundn. What happened waa thla, bench; standard of conduct In office. 11.86. some- It by cutting" hin aya-tu- There follows another carefully qualified indication that out the fuct that waa the attitude .down the caluiica me tell you this." and for a Ilere waa a msn who waa to moke one has tipped it off to Mr. Magce Mr. Bursum has quite a of our people and their government. burn'd up 73 pouuda of hla own "tt sttlaon KANHA8 CITY. Hept. 8. Cattle that fut. he flounaneu a hla own precedents, a man who waa hHo stock dull; steady to un- of-th- wrench, lot of frieuds left around in the under-brus- h where the dawn Vp to the time we hap- entored the war. "IJon't talk to ma of thla bourjolssee, to rare for nothing that had evenly lower; other classes quiet but new day hasn't penetrated, aud we aro led gently along to the point the la.rgeet national drive for raising The I'lUU-- Htatva cxporta brtlflrlal your to pened before he happened. The Aral about steady; undertone weuk except, money a, penalon don't open mouth where had been fund for Kllk ir(iducta to China, Japan and apeak president the Civil war to culvea; quality commoti; steer sales the court instructs the jury. It says: clergymen,-wit- $4,000,000 aa Ita Italy, the nllk producing1 after bars $11.76 down; veal ore $16.00. chief Of your aoclalista or your ansrehists, had no part In that atrlfe. he waa with- Hogs 10o "Should he (Mr. Bursum) fail to cateh the vision of the new In the world. . 1,200; closing steady tn don't mention the tmlahev-aek- out a political past, and hla face waa higher Outn yesterday's average; top day is dawning decide his reactionary ttrla foreign which and to east lot with the For I've hnd enough of turned wholly to the future. $16. U0; bulk light and medium. $16.80 he can be greatest menace in his etuff. I'm as; alck as a. mu $ 4.60 1 6.26. forces, the the state because of WHEN WOMEN VOTE. dismay to the greedy (flfi.60; heavy ability and power. This is the basis of our concern." can be He struck Hheep 8,000; no westerns offered; spite of the unparalleled performance in Tennessee it is fairly Of the speech of hate, ind I'm telling hnpea nf the Democrats, after their few sale; natives fully 25c higher; Put into words of one syllable this translates as follows: you straight that thla Is the long wandering In a wilderness with- top 12.76; feeder lamb steady. INcertuin that the women of the United States will voto in the com- land tor met Bron-so- n spoils, hy announcing be, "If Mr. Bursum fails to line up with Mr. Magee, Colonel ing presidential election,' Ono wonders if that vote, when count- out that CHICAGO, Bent. $. Cattle 4.000; would the Republican s M. Cutting and Governor Larrazolo: if he continues to get his ed, will not teaeh some, candidates a lesson. "If you want to brag, Juat take that let quality very plain; market alow, flag, an' boast of Ita field of finish their terms, with the ex- steady on common, and1 medium gras-s'r- s; . regular of new day on ranch vision of the dawn the out the sheep It is amusing to study the attitude of easy, kindly tolerance blue. ception who had been guilty good steers strong to higher; thoy of those and persists in attending to the duties of a republican committee- toward women, shown by the average man who is running for offiee. An' praise the dead an' the blood nf "offensive partisanship." Whenl best here $18.76; bulk good $16,600 man, working for the success of bis party in state and nation, he his men shod for the peace of the likea ltf.&O; grusy kind $9.00 Qp 14.76; can-ne- or by supporters. Some of these seem to think it will be of you. Ihe Republican aenate attempted to $4,000 4.76; common Kinds instantly becomes a menace to the state. Judge- Hanna says he is easy to win the votes of women by appeals to sentiment, by the I'll hear no more," and he wave Interfere with such removals as be steady to strong; bulk bologna $6.60 a menace anyway, apparently because he continues to help iu making arts of the cheap demagogue and by cheap sob . Others ap- nnco more hla' wrench in a did make, be objected to the revival itt.7&; calves steady; bulk choice forceful way. of an old atatute "after an eslalenca $17.0011 17.7i; few $18.00; heavy and it unsafe for ambitious young democrats to run for offiee. Colonel pear to believe that American women are going to bo satisfied with Rus- "O the cunning creed o' some 20 years Innocu- medium; calves $6.604 16.00; stock- Cutting's unique newspaper finds Mr. Bursum is a replica of participation in only business which h breed. - for the of nearly of slmost idow, that those phases of public 've to sian stand pursue waa ers steady. the devil, with horns and forked tail. Mr. Magee is more judicial. wholly home. (Still f. 8. A.! ous desuetude." This loo Hoi 14,000; steady trf strong wtthl do with the others treat women voters as if your your was ntUk, He if Mr. Bursum will abandon the republican party I'm done with fads, and much for the seustors, aud the act yem onlay's average; top $14.00: indicates that they were feeble minded ehildsen. wild eyed lads, don't flourish repealed. ' light and butchers $16.10 1 16.80; and join the (expurgated) combination, he Governor Cox is one of those who seems to think that women yotir rag o' red bulk packing sows $14.00 14.20; I night At last Cleveland deliberately sac- 8&o can remain a useful member of the community. If he doesn't do voters can be won by blarney and half recognition as Where can eee. or at there'll pigs weak to lower. eititens. lie he. tall candlea around your rificed himself for the ssko of plain Hheep I.OOC; native lambs ita to this, ao warns the trenchant pen; The name be might have made met a delegation of women voters in a New York hotel last week. bed. apeaklng. The prospects nf hla re- 60c higher; top $12.70; bulk $11.7&4 will not be earried in the pages of the history of the state." They asked him pertinent questions his policies, his eamnaiirn were bright. Hla native 12.60; no good western here; sheep about Hp your election is a trying Mr. "Ho hat to a flag like that! him a firm to 26c higher; top ewes $7.00: It hour for Bursum. But for the "low moral fund charges and, his attitude toward the Wilsou League of Nations. Thank Uod fop IU stripes an' bad made favorite reederk fully steady; Isrgely $12,600 perceptions" of you New Mexico republicans he might have escaped His replies were as evasive as have been his replies to demands atars! In Ihe great financial centers of New 18.00 for lambs. this trial. for proof of his campaign fund charges. The democratic candidate- - Thank tlod you're here where tha York, and Ihe business roads are olear . away from country satis- Product In all seriousness, you republicans who are about to meet here let it be known he bad found women useftil iu Ohio Interesta of the were that "very your kings and roars, fied with him. Rut on the eve of tbe CHICAGO. Sept. $. Potaioe re- iu convention; do you get it as Mr. Magee shoots it to you! in aspects of I say whan I feel today, for connection with certain welfare work, and that he can't Juat election of 1888 h upset the entire ceipts 82 oars; steady; Jersey cobr A none too subtle effort is by Magee to use I'm not a talkln' man, biers $2.8002.96; Minnesota early made damn with faint proposed to "make of women" iu similar work, when ho gets I am altuatlon by sending to congress bis by But first an' loft suuidln' faat Ohlos $2.2602.40; Jdotio rtirals $2.7$ praise, aud discredit innuendo one of the most useful citizens of to be president. Tor all that's American. sensational tariff message, opening O3.00. New Mexico and one of the most forceful workers for republican Of course women are interested and useful in welfare work. So don't you apeak of the bolsheveek, with the now words: "It Butter higher: creamery 4S4$&&c, s eick I ant, success. Aud accompanying this is the unveiled threat, from this They have alwaya been the welfare workers of our own and every It of that stuff Is a condition which confronts us, Kgge higher; 7,731 cases; firsts 61 One Uod. one flug Is the creed I &62c; ordinary first 44 4)4c; st citizen who eomes among us adventuring toward a other civilized nation. They always will be. That is a matter of brag! I'm booatin' for Unole aot a theory." mark rae Included 48049c; stor- seat in the I'nited States senste, that unless H. O. Bursum comes up course. Women, if we understand their attitude toward the ballot, Ham." age packed f I rets 65c. rem Poultry, alive, unchanged. and tekrs orders before participating in the deliberations of the con- did not seek the franchise simply to he left in More s& dia- doii'M" wutnua. their present degree than percent of the Don't lh 701 eeald fl4 t Job fin 4 It. vention next week, reprisals against him will be uext in order from of participation in public, business. They expect to do more than monds Imported to the United Htates Doa'l wish oa eomla roal yoar apart-Ke- KANSAB CITY, Hept. 8. Poultry, come through the port of New York. Real it. springs 190, the Magee newspaper. He will, in brief, be off tbe pages vote. They expect to why they can- Mil yew la lowsr. written ascertain should vote for this p't wiih yet eeaU aeeM Butter and agg unchanged. of New Mexico history. didate or that and graceful and evasive speech, gentlemanly toler- Organisations, outside nf local, that BOW, conducted drlvea for money last year Br aslitf k BtraJd OnuilfM The ITnlusd HUtes trained ll.OOtf Jo you figure it can be dona just that way! ance and skilful sidetracking will not long delude theiu. . Calaaiai. amounted to sit, , Fkoaa IU Pkoat 4. air pilots during the war. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER S, 1520. THE ALBUQUERQUE EVENING HERALD ' T "

1 SERVICE J. C. DALDR1DGE LUMBER CO.-SER- VICE SOMEBODY. I Somebody 'has a big FOB BALE roem. nefchla DUNOAI.OW HNAP A BAHOAIM opportunity awaiting , dwelling, Biodru, Urge .alceplug FUEL TUtil fsnr-r- yi idum. rlosa In, la IHrh good .'V.n Vvrjr FOR RENT THE USED Vprrh, tloM la, Third lane room., fnrnlikt-a- : Crt-rlll- lands. .ric aflrtwnati (root pnli. them. Is that "some- Verd. Motli-t- n : ; Oallltp l.nmp: Orrtlloa Rtova! Kirfli, bath, rtv, Kvtra ht A elaaaed'ia porta.. lino c. lffitnf TIT1 tomst attractive buns of .hade. A Hamotn Lump; Gallup Htovt: Anthra-llt- Hh Brine, Ltaulciim and rauu adudd. fumnirr hmnf on the t'ppr 'f low tn b'nlvct-titt- Heights, , VA body" you? Read elaborate liumr for f. lkfp Mak, foar Urio rdnina, all aliaai Bti-n- Coafi Kaajr tanns. Oi.lf $8.800. HO. furnlnhed. H:ptomber ami It. built-i- features, fire place, furnace, porckro; Klnrtlmg; .l""1 y basement, garage, aiodrra 9' Wood; Nallva , McCimnY A ACKKHHON IM'titbor uro tliti nuiHi dt'fflmt.lo Every Prilny and f?atiirilai frees, flowers, lot Wood; Wood. fl this page and see. Coital Hill Factor 110 aVo. roarlti. J'boN 414. nimttha. Kour tfOud ah tut yon will find lintfd in this M.lOO rot lag, steeping porch, an ' KaJ Kiutl kHd Inaaraatdi, within hnlf mile of tlila hero of fins orchard, good outbuild- Vt. W. MoDONALt cubln. AUUrf same Bpaca dnzoua of c-'- d ings, Bouth Highland. HAHNCOALCO, $4.100 ruoin shingle biinralnw, ttaflileTii. MAi MTAia t) riM WITIEABOl 91 and rebuilt car bai:i;n. - FUONK NATIONAI, I.IKK INHI RANCH V "' hardwood floor throughout, built-i- 10( Boatk Md W. FOIl 8ALH Classified restarts. garage. Fourth Ward. Tklra. Fkaa Thra-roiin- COMI'ANV OI' TIIK Phone for rutcs. Alts othor food business sad ml(total rot lag I MmtpVt'l Advertising Rate Card ' wll lnrald nw and rlrm nira HUl'THWKfiT, JANUARY X. porrh: nhada IftMi good tmotlTI t, UK FIjEISCiIEU NeW Modern Bungalow Only 4)'4,BUU. 1HK HOME riiona 400. tanoy a ward lira, laaortloa. REAL EHTATR. AND AUTOUOMl.E 4 room a, nlpoptnK A NICE LITTLE a word ladia l.NdV'KAXCK. LOAN. iiorrh, lutck and ek. ak Pkond (7d. Soutk roarlk. frtmt pore hex. at lot. on Monti i modern brick. liiilH In a, KELLT Used Buicks Mtahtioai CUnlft.l akarta Me. Ill Wnltpr. A cosy home for $4,000. aloepln porrh. raraax., Standing alaatlfk.d, 16 eonli a wotS Will b dona Id two weeks, hvv It only 3,lu0. A liava tha foltovrlna' nnl ap partalttel IwIm lawn and irroa. for will pny pfr auatk) Mi a 8AI.R now. You can t brut It In lown lur tlia Hull ke fur aalc anl It wok. ncroa, very cloae who thlnklittr vt buy HatlaMf eat, profaoatftaal mMi. I..TS Nenrly t to city J. A- HAMMOND monvy. Hca FOR SALE thoaa air limits, on wonderful $6(1.00 . 1115 & lua a car auon io coma and aoa par uu par raonie. Hair laea. i;i fto. tt'm; tU Kaft BHvf. Phon'l62S-n- . ' IIIGIILAXD Tl Two now prHtod brick hntiie, l AAA AMa4 I trn'MllulK MklwtkMI camIi and luo.oo a munih: ami If MARTIN CO. litem: . nereaaary will build a house for A. L. Kl'ItBER WOHKS nitrd ut 70S and 704 Fuvith Third ka--I ATK flr-riHi- Bulck No ilaiiKItt mt TakAi attar p. m. hoaas. ane XEAU Hircpt. One one Tourln. Uu I sent fro It rri, ' Kopu.ting No nil run for on ;ndfihll. parlod raa gasohna umn only VLd aad Aals laiuila, Loan.. Tire Vtitrunlilng and Nlr and buck porchua. Paaaenaer. than, REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE $1,600, ItetreaUltiKa a. dltconlioood latnr la .'eloek nooa. honKs, a scrrs frail irMs, good Wail Sold An. I Pkoas 158. Will tU' one or both, cheap. BuKk Tourlnj. Klva Dl.ploj rlaaairiad teiea dloM U 1S;I0 do W. Copper. Faaaa 71 oil. on diick; fi.&oo. Ill GuHullne and Oil a. raaapnaer. ear ol pakllctloru .t ruuin huu., hit, nt block frooj car Too B.rald will ke taapeealkle (or oolf Una, :i.A0. Phone 130. 123 ft. tlroa.lwiiy. J. H. KELLY, Solf Agent 1 5B Bulclc Tourlns. ektvan a. Inrorract Inaartloa. 8 In alfsKa: 9750. I'amlliaor. Lotal adT.rtl.log at Ucdl ratal. atra evf THINK 467. 218 West Oold LOT BARGAIN All th abuva nroprty it let lba ft Phone ara nrr. all In ffood ni.rhanl-CQ- l mlla froia city limits, Of wlntpr Retting clom. and aouth-we- condition; alM all aMid FOlt WALK Vlfty 'foot hit fi arra, husi, alfalfa, atala tht--n THINK - Mi:ST SELL bava 1 llifai. topa point. corner of Tenth atreet nml dltrh. inilnoul; 2.00M. (if ownttia; th ronlfM nJ beat Mtrlrtly and 15 arra. 4 riKim bona, alfalfa and ant- llrirk Btinanlnw. Gold avenue, for only Thla JieiiltM. Iil'NOAI.ow " moili-rn- . Hoom Modern $3,700 f;u. rum truck, an diUb, S Willi hiirdwood flaoia in 4 lloino, l a ncmilne Honeat to Ooouncaa mitn utlaa uui: ITN1 VKHH1TV HKIOHT8 vory bursa In, 11.9(10. Kui'itwlM'tl, a room. A livautllol honia at N. K. for. 3rd and MurMe HurKaln. Don't Wutl. liny It to- Bo acrca. frvod bona, rointilfftelv at very McCollough Buick day. 4roini lisl, ftaead, a price. I H Terma Cash. A atllft aioith, bargaia, 4&,ooo. rvnl HAIUJA1N HOLD BY To be ronvitirwl cull D. Tlila Hpace Monday THAXTON & CO. J. KBLEHEn Wutch Company See JOE VAIO Pkeaa 105T J. dod W. Ooalral. Duke City Cleaners KRAI. KHTATK AND for barialo alto la flip property, Moaoy A. C. STARES J. W. HART CO. Firth and Oold. Phon. 130. INHUltANI.'K to loan. REAL. ESTATE AND 1MHUKAXCI ta WEST OOLD. 16t. 1,10 W. Uold. Phone Wd) clean hats, md'i and woracn'a Third and Oold. lit Waat Oold Xva. l'hona slothing, rum. eurlalna, draperlea, NEW M'SINESS OUAN'CES m Itt Woot Gold. Phana ill. C'jiMh unit fttrry Ornrery. Hpb'n-tll- d KOH KAI.K k, Some Bargains 011. SEAL PISTON BIN0S PrempUidaa our motto. FORDS Hlght room prtamd Iioiino, rfxatlon. t'lran mi Turna nvi-- a FOR BAGGAGE lH't. aood ubotit twice month. Invoic - roiint tttodcrn; clone In; H!u1i1.iix1m; Mtop th. all. Fo Sale, Trade or Rent Tlila la an Idral lionn-- loriltcil lit ubuitt j. .$2,000 in. ooo. on. For all cara. and MESSENGER "08 K. frntral The prlra la 6room LtinKaliiw; Third Ward; mod- HOOVER MOTOR CO. SQUARE A. T"it and Awnlnp; ItiiHlneM. Three ern: porchva; $4.4oo.OO. Kmk' Henry Mathews DEAL GARAGE rlaht. mo I Nn AiP, iniiihlnen with electric ont. I 410.41!. Wt roiprr Phone 360 J. 8. KKLL.V, Holi- Aiinil compitUion $2,000 ' Transfer Company 412 West Copper Ave. l'llono 4li7. 2I W.'al Oold W. II. TOUR BAGGAGEMEN Clroepry, Omdy ami Notion flora. 5 Ant Oold. CIum in. Uootl Inttle $1,000 Became VVANTFJe XR KE1HT Roonia I.IVE STOl'K USED CARS of Rerrioe Man or Woman CHTOOPRAOTOK IS t KKNT room. DtiHlnoFg, Hop. Phone 939 . WANTKD Naperlenred foil roralikad lniulra 000 FOR BALK nice fresh young Jersey Futnlltiro Now ami chocolate dipper or W. HHrrr. Extra Hum), City at. S. EKOK. P. CRTltO Pit ACTOR. one willing io the trade. rVrtnanent an lira cow ; $ioo fur a qalca gala, l'iol oml $7,000 OBa. aoai, honk Secood Si. Paoao dia J. We Are Now Located Saw Candy Kitchen. Uu rtlK HKNT Iron! klrapiog R. First Street, wesi l.lito, lro roeia; (bring LIS 1 Unities. tenirai. l'hona aindcra. 608 V. Copprr. My blue 513-51- 5 4.600 OOVERNMKNT FOK HAI.K Cheap stork of rilbon cintirul ...... $7,000 at W. Central BKTTKR pedigreed and locution HKC1.AI.MKI) ONE a monlh la th best school than UfHtU and glaa.rd-l- rabbits Republican Women I'IKrB rooina alr,ilna porck; mimt sell acrount of aiikncss ; two three months In a achnol of Inferior grade. oiitalda I la given a partial Ha ..f Enroll ia our fttnoarnhlA ontraoca. ai'i Wrat Copper. new knockdown chicken nmpa with lot of t'ou Yard, conflileiu'.ul price. Bflow UNIONALLS Courses. u.... 935; four young pedigreed To Register the . our oarsalna In L'aed Curat Our graduataa obtain better than FOR RKNT 3 mom., straight vitrei for at Price' $S Kadi. Iwllvered. aafaralaked. Inqalr. all fur . AUn ut Black itnd Dtlrilnfew. the ordinary po.iiiona. Western Hchuol for B14 Ka.l Coal. .ealnnd.. trio flrnnlmf Prenlna; BiHinl Prlct to Dealer. PriTato Secretaries. 745 W. Tijeraa. Phons Minorca and acven CarAaua pigeona. U1U MiiHt imxlcri. ciiiilpmunt. Hhouhl Alvarado Hotel Model N Hupniohlla. .t"5.0l A It MY HL'PPLY CO., FOR RKNT Kurnished front room with or Wrt Hnnlri Kr. net $400 ir monlh .,.,..$11,000 .. 809 K. Conimcrro St., willioul tnraU homo; Mullna Knight 1S00.0U HI (I HP now business private bath and KALI -r- uro 411 Mra. A. H. Htrmip, of the Hun Antortlo, Tex. the concerns of our hot wati-- heat. Phone 1 IfiVW , iiriiH chitlrmnn city are begtring hook keepers loll Ofnetnl ltrv OooiIn and Notion Wu'iicn'a i conunltttH?. Maxwell Touring 4ZS.00 for ,on. ttlkT atenographera range, four like Htnrt'. Kiiin locution. nutlvo 1 .prrmlum aslaries are b:in FOlt One large, housekeeping gss burner, ttiiiiuunccd thin niornltiK the r?K-- CO thou Hti.vr airy 111.1 thai Kord Hoariatur 1 2 5. paid who are competent pnnnailoiik. room. Clooa In. No or children. new, for kale cheap. ti. Walter. tmdo ... .$ii!,ooO iHtratiun of Hcpuiilit'itn women who KOTICH are rapid: your aurcesa slrk Uu9 Is a sou red from thr 8. Broadway. Phone 1J7C H. Phone a:;it It. uttiMid cunvt'iitloii here on 8m- - 1911 Naah Ton Truck. 760.00 day you graduatn from the Modern - Druu; Hturp, dolnpr tlu flAVK Prominent fine I aVItl - U- - splendid llni of Hnrkram attain College. hulltlina. I) and mahogany H'llllMT IHKU piIH I' HI lilt- Mm Oradi I'hunn til. Ten FOR RKNT Two rooms sleeping FOR HALK Kltchea labia bUHlneHB. luvotro Itoo 100.00 mm he fore buying your new b and fiorcn 1UU ubotit ..$1K,000 vuriido ItiHtcud of ut Y. W. C. A., Truck dolsraper monlh. Mt. Call afternoon, be- top center table. North Third bt, the lira. W. B. 914 Waat Haaoldin. at OJt John in uu SOO.OO Hurt. tween thrco and five. AHiuquerquf Repair Shop. WE HPKCIAL1XH unnounccd. This chutiKC mudt'bnker Truck ... WAlvnlKooma wan made In the committee', plana KINO ChOL'K HOHPITAI. A KAIIOAIN Fitrnllnn if aeven room Hit Kord Trurk 76.00 At S1H Ont-a- l, YOU'LL llkn tha Brons Hotel; It's clean. K. B. HKLl.KItH e. RON coimldiTiitlon, In ordor to fonaffrly W. baa takem tip WANTED Room with double houe for sale. Cheap. W ill rftit hotu l. it - temporary Quarters at Atreat sleeping Popular prices. Over New Mexico Cigar th- wirk connected with Oldamonllo StO.Oo llrt and porrh, with board preferred, for two men. Co. I'hono .196. purchaser. Best location in town. 013 Oor. and and Gold. Phone nil 9. "I" Mountain road. Juit call . and all Bog Wm Copper. and to keep alt work will called for Herald. tnori- in one place. Thia will greatly Cudlllao Tourinf 700.00 b. snd dllvrid. FOR It EXT Room, In private home; all the work vurioua C WANTED Room and board In private fam- modern cnnwnlcncea; no onvalekccnt FARMS a RANCH K9 MlKCKIdLANaKOCS of th Abbott Dtrolt 60.00 10 ily by young man. K'ply Box earu very rtasouaMe rent to desirable parly, cotnmiUecH of the convention. Herald office. klsn only, i'hono 3ulfl. rOR HA LB 440 acres rellnqnlsbmant, good FIX ALL HMOP We bur and sHI evory liulck Itoadater S?.o LOfiT Paraa an linlrrrsity at rest tar, land or ei change fog Ford ear. B. B. thing. 12:1 North Third and Ooppor. Wdnadsy oventog. Kinder please return WANTKD Hy brother and sister, to rent FOR RENT Ms-- honaahoooln Pyaatt. Padarnal N. M. Get 90 Days for ft M. Trurk a6.00 to Herald office. or share modern furnhhed collage: cloae and throe room fnrnished apartments; also TRAINKD NURHK can In sick, yox acre take car of n liin Chalmcra Llmoualna . 600.00 N. l. Herald. furnlahe't rooms. On ear hoe Ha oick. FOB HA'.K OK TKADK An eighty number of baths, tnaaaaai- Theft of a Watch LOrTT Am acenrdion in blark woodwn bos, place for chickens tied natlcnta I 4Jlonthhir! ranch. Finn turkey, and hypodermic. For appointment call between de Alrio and i'ajarito. WAIfTF.I) and Twenty initiate-- .' ride to town.. .IH-J, COMB-I- AND HUB ate Houocei morning, oar If- , f l am to Herald office. Reword. FOR IU.NT Apartnienta SS l'hnne 'J4U1-- 1. M itr'lel Ortearn., who wita urrexted - Hrlna In your Vm?A Cara !f yoii WANTED TO buy, WANTKD Careful kodak aalaaing by aiaa yentcrduy by Htatlon Afnuter fid- lr LOtTT--O- West Tijeril, red antonohlla cash. Thono 4HT. FOR RENT Hon its for light housekeeping. FOR ar photographer; twice dad aarflce. He- and Hperiul Off leer iLaoula wlali to aoll them quickly. Wa lock; fits around lire and rim. Iteward 907 North Third. Inquire at filliug station. tf member, Hand huva many buycra watting. aaiiafaeiioa guaranteed. four licach on the churife of ateul-in- ir If returned to Corcoran Plumbing Stoop. S10 WANTED To rent eight or ten room home, Ft HID ROADHTKR for sale Fine condition. to a rcliaMo established ana. . FOR rooms light the watch of J. K. ItlllliiRham. JUorth Third. Phone furnished. Adults. Br Btiui aa. for TUB W. Hanna a Tlanna. Uavatar Photograoherf 4re-s- it. Central. P. li Clark, 8J4 South Walter. Phone ll ventilated. 409 W. Iron. arotlon fnromnn fttr the Bantu Ko at Phone l4.rS-W- . wua vo LOHT During week Angus 10th to Slat, FOK HALK Oldaliiobile "Bia" touring car, MOIYKY TO LOAIf llahn. aenteitced to daya In Dr. J. O. Schwentker on red leather cuverrd note hook content- iu'jii has the county jail faced u dare A mndel: condition: when he J ing engineer'a ootea and sketches. Of no FOR RKNT anito of nice, clean, newly C. CONFIDENTIAL teens on Jewelry, diamonds. W. PltOI'UIETOIl. nutnr.n uur oTfleo la near rooms; tn; Mtra equipment. J. Floarshciin, Chamber W. Mrt'iellnn yeatetylay afternoon. value except to the owoer. Finder will ha .n dim. no gei many cans houses. furnished alosa nar car Una; watch us, Libertr Bomls, pianoa, aatooio yon lor gentlemen preferred. 104 South Aroo. of t'umincrce. OrteA.. wan auid tn fie unempLins AlbU(iupr(U Auto Kxrhango rewarded ea retorbing nola book to Herald ,1 want to sell or rent yours, let ua call bile. Losreal rata. Hothiaaa'a 117 South to acii wntch when of flea. sod Hat il. Thou First. Bonded to the St to. tna arreateu. (19-61- 6 13S3 R. J, A. Hammond BUKINKHH OPIORTIINITfK8 13 Wrat Central. I'hono 424. r.siate, n. purer. FOIl fiKNT Houwca lHi You or WANTED Mate Help ATTORNEYS t.lvo Take? WANTKD Automobile FOK RKNT Four room furnished bouse; It Are you mauler or alave? WANTED Tray boye. Method.! ftan. $40. Call 51 W Iron. KOU HAI.K rryMftl HoomliiB JOff H LCRNER I proclamation did I'HKO f'AHH PRICKD TO .HRIX WANTED To trade ton track fnr jR-- . ATI'OK N not ahollah n a. very only made It FOR HKNT Kivs mom modern house Houae. Plmne In flmt-cl- condition. No bet- GOVT, ion irura. inquire niueher a Uardens, with 1430 A, Armijo Oldg. optional. i no; for bunlnena will and railway malt elerka needed. (ISA sleeping porch. Dr. Hurton Train ter burg ulna In town. month. Paillrulart free. Write Modern determine In which cltmn you belong; WANTED Mies3rttaneona MACBINKS Ctfil Her Ire Inst., Pawner, .Colo. FOR KKNT To couple, one 4 room brick BUHINKKS CARDS AIDlNO whether you um to iflve or take J)odu;e CL'RTAINH bullae. In arreen porches. 410 V . nrdera. AltMiquenpie Htmlnona i. , liulck "LiKht "Ik." ' WANTED Tea boys to rtrliter aowj tiart Lack washed aud atretchd; Oranite. Phone 399 DALTON Adding and Catrnlatlog Uaetilneo work flsptaoibar 1st: 1T yara old or who 6)fl per psin Phone ofl. Bates and Service ntaintaiaad. rawa-ent-- luy ulid evenlnu; cluaaea. t'udtllac "KiKht." H. Liebkemann Huper-Hl- 7 nawengrcr kaa permlta from ackool. Westers. Union FOK RKNT New five room modern btinuB J. l'J2 South Fourth St. Hudson Uoaspsny. FOR ODD JOB WORK, call 1831-11- TeJefrajph low well furnlilicd g7. : liniiiediate pi TODAY If you in North 11th. Paper- - CARDS Santa Fe Time Table Pre them are aesnlun; uo children or sick, ('all Mu V. Paintiug, Decorating and I'ROFKRWIONAL tha uturket for a good cut' and WAVTKD Toon men to double their sal Koma, evenings. Baturuay and rundsy after- ied FOR PLAIN SEW1NO, call 183SR. DR. MAKOAKKT I'AKTWKIUHT want it at a bargruin 'price. ary and chance of pronoiloa by enrolling North nocn. banging. la our Bookkeeping Course. flO.UO ler llth. Office Orant ItuilUing. Phone 671 J. month. Pay and evening claatea. Call, FOK HKNT HOI HKN None left. Can All Work Firat-Cla- st Reaideuce li'J.I Kat Central PAT'L DOR AN WANTED To boy piaaa boiea. Phono 97 g, . wrila or phono 'J 19. New Modern Business Brown's Transfer. anil you one: four rooms, aleeplng porch, Phcne Wt are now located in our new College, tlradi Building. bath, hardwood floors, furnace heat fine home. and witj ten miles out; 1140 West Iron Phon. FOR FURNIT1.HB npholsterlng and repair-in- air view; tts: tno 4 UBS. gxnnu oo. ,1. A. a K. WESTBOUND Dally. Went Oold. Phone phone 913 J, or call at l'JS North for Hammond, sil- DR. S. C. CLARKE Popart. St. ver. I'hono lS'J'J R. Trala Arrtvo. Third Albuqnerqna Repair Shop. CHICAGO MILL & Far. Nose aad Throat, Olssaei Fitted. Kn. 1 Tho Seoul 7:30iqi :aiiiia WANTED Harnett Bldg. phono 4&0. No. Calif. MmllI...H .:..ia l'J :45pm VOt fAI,F HottKw 17 LUMBER COMPANY Of! Ice Hours: to IS a. at- and V to 6 p. at. No. 7 Fargo Pa. I llrouaio Rich Gown for nlailloa. all stia and wldtha. Phooat aia Ko. Tko Ka.aJo l:30aa l.lOua Hoy about 16 not going to school Crane Apia., 314 No. Seventh. FOK KAI.K borne. SatU N. 14th. GENERAL PLANING MILL WltTllBOUilO. Phone Owner, oU9. DR. ROYAL B. TRACY No. S01 l'..o Eip... Queen of Harvest WANTED Second-han- bieyelee; spot ansa n HpcclullBlng No. 107 tl l'a.o Kip.. . ll:46ara Paid. Broad Bicycle and Trading Co. BatO FOK HALK Three room modern house wll Third and Marquette lis EAUTUI-ON- Fee's Candy Store joutb Sseond St. Telephone 784. Isrue sleeping Kirvb and basement t OIHKAHKH AND Mo. Tko l.OOvm Plana for obtaining; the rlchee 100 by Ua feet of ground, near car liu NKUVOI'H I Vinli .... S:40ra I WOULD appreciate an Phone 8 INHANiTY No. d 1'j.llf, Limit. 4 .. d:0(l,ia 7:0upm aean opportunity to 1U1 N. Elm Ht. i'biuie ItliO M. O town ever In Albuquerque for 1 No. Ham. F. S iliia :8Hira WANTKn- - Help mate on your house pstutlnt. Firt All of Electricity adminis- tilhl. queen of Feat val !mal class work. Oeorge T. Brown, Painter, 3o7 forma No. 10 Tko Scoot .... 7 :3oaoa S:0Saal the the Ha rveat WANTKI Competent The N. Arno Ht l'hona 5.012 J. FOR BALE Typewriter M tered. PRO at SOUTH. are now under way. Mr. E. ft, Ed- maker at Hat WELLS & PERRY fiHS-- Hooma nnop, iuw rioum rotirin. I'huito No. SOi rrorn Kl Paao. .. a:SSpia OTHKRH them May FOR SALB TYPEWRITERS All hind. 81.1 V. rcntrnl Ave. gar, chairman of the committee for "may" tune "will' bought, sold, 'i No. .10 From Kl Paao.. 7:00an WAKTKD general housework. 910 tune them. If your piano or player both new and second hand, INSTALLING and REPAIRING the crowning, of tha queen, ia now Olrl fnr rented and repaired. Aibnquerqao T j pew r it- BANATORIOM. No. dol eoaoacla al flal.a wltk No. IS for norm si reel. attention and tuning, call O. A. May, 114 . THE HURPHET meg rirsi . Kscbaogo. Phoao 401-J- South rinvla, Paco Vallay, Kaoaad City and Oalf In the eaat e lectins coat u and South Fourth. I'bone 9rt7-.l- er l'tt Oaao For tha treatment of Tnbarcnlosla. A1b Fourth Ht. Machinery, Pumpa. WIndmllli, rVrlaht Uoa.l. fura, aiiad la expected to report to W'ANTKO-- Csshler for nennaitent oosllton. Near Mesiro. Cllr office: una oonnacta No. 11 Now Candy Una and Btcura Knginoa ?uerqneBldg., opposite postofflco. Offioa No. at Brlaa wltk Kefercncea required. Meilco rrnm Clovia aoiuld aaat and doatk af the committee here In a few daya. Kltcben, UU4 West ucniral. 1'buna l&au FOR BALE MlaoelUneotia hours, 10 to ill a, m., 9 to 4 p. m. aad Dr. W. T. Murphatf and Dr. Carl Clo.ta. Frank Mtndlin of the Mimlltn Jew WANTKD A competent housekeeper; good CROCK KTT'B KI.KCTKIO STUDIO BODDT'B MILK Bsst la town. 110 South Third. Phono 164-- elry company announced today that wagea. apply in person ai oua nesi Photos a Bpecislty. Kodk up vnae 6 old. FOK HALK Two beautiful coyote furs. he would put a allver aa a finiabing, the very best, 8011 West H Broadway. THOS. F. KELEHER prime for the feat i val. Whether the WANTKD First rJs-- s ml)llniry maker: Central. vane la to be Klven tn the queen or food salary to right parly. Hartley Mil FOR HALK Drop Head Hlnger sewing ma- Leather and Finding, Saddles, FOR SALE HOUSES whether lb la to be given to eomeona ; Kdith. linery. chine cheap. 108 South Harnesa, Painta, Cut ftolea. Wa- 8 room, frame r .ttnire. S porrhea .11,600.00 elae In tho voting con teat haa not been .12.100.00 decided. WANTED Competent stenographer. Na- FOR HALK rtlnger sewing machine; ood terproof Chrome Soles, Shoe Store 4 room, frumo C4ttute, 2 purchca, liirao lot Cornell Ave. tional Life Insurance Courpany of the ROOMS WITH BOAKD condition; cheap. 114 Mouth Supplies. room brick, modern bungalow, good location .15.000.011 Bon taw est. Call In parson. .10,000.00 Hleeplng room and FOK HALK A gl&O violin, In good condi- 0 room. 3 alory frume. niotlern, i:loaa In For Household and Piano WANTKD Bvperlenred oatealady: ; board. Privetto family. t'J I N. Maple Ht. tion; will ell for 9)0. Can be een al Phone 1057 J. 408 West Central In. himlwnoil fluora. week only. 6 room, brick atueeo. hnnaalow.. ilcae haa good agca. New Vurk Jobbing tba Palace Hotel this gai'uge, built In featurua, Koul'tll Ward, burgaln. .. .17500.00 Moving, Baggage, etc., Btore, 115 South FOR RENT Room with board, furnace, First atreet. A bar- Broadway. Phono 1B51-H- . FOK SALE 70 h. p. steam engine. I'HOPKKTV, ItANCHKH. lil'U.UINO LOTS WANTKD Responsible woman or girl to gain. Inquire of W. P. Johnson, at PHONOGRAPHS BI.'HINKH8 See . , ear for ttrl afternoons. Call FOR RENT Room ano aleeplag porck with Dndann'l Osrage, 400 North Fourth. morn In fa at 401 Mouth High atreet. board, all homo oookiag; reasonable, laito Brunawlck and Victor Phonographa VJaat Central. FOR SALE Butcher Display mtrtgerator. Bold on Tarma. DIECKMANN REALTY COMPANY Brown's Transfer ; WANTED At oaet, girl to do light , Bite lUSOIldf. ONI Dial. riaOO Victor, Brunawlrk and Gennatt and star nights. Apply Mrs. H. FOR RENT OtTlce Roonha 411 able. Addreat P. O. Boa 481. l'enl Katute, lnauranco, l.oana. Nolury PubHc. AND ST0EAGE Llving'ton, 709 West l.esd. Hecorda. FOK RENT rooma on samo floor FOR BALE Wo are pay highest nrloe Phono 70. Three - 308 W. Gold Ave. horn 6T8 VJ BOMEWHKHK Albuquerque Is ua; will rent all together or rcpa-ra- t lor on kinds or junk, alao lunk aitomo- Musij Store f in there a with west Co. 114 Albuquerque yonna; woman who would e!r Th. Walton Studio, 818 West i once Sou lb era Juak Waal 771-- apprartata ll' ! 111 W. Central. phona lug In a nice home with family surround-Ings- . central; pnono eia. Load. Phono 619. Wa want ono who can cook and l Iba housework. Small family. $:i0 per - month. Call In person Friday and (Saturday. Dniweea 4 and 6 p. ., at Hanna k Hanna, HERALD WANT ADS GET "RESULTS" Msslar Photographera. WANTKI1 Toong women to prepare far k high salaried, positions by enrolling in oar HEMl eHBr-Ekl- regg Short he no Couran, or Itnth Century HOtf tNs a. I leeping tjouraa. per mom isy 1 -- I 1 1 . uvr UK ")U W00UD WMJ. ivenlng rlsasea. fluoCall, writa or phone . iV toOr. AvJOfUl uavaCVoTOUeOH feWmMlMS 5 t Now Modern Businaaa College, Ursdl r-- kl V OTP A Bfnxie,oaeT AUTO tlfJOT uMPtH0 IWIIlJCrVWCr" f ' you rMOrrrW. VAaPEft,- - o CM)rlT aH T won -- I iva l v . S i .. laaBSkVi I v ' ' v iWanted Stenographer TtRiJoo1 opt a V Cpiiortunlty for the person who can Jasper 3 v 60 bW.MrAiNW r Q1 f qualify. Good aulary. lntereallng .y Is a r noir: r Work. Addreaa iv Keen BOX 43, CAUB OP HKKALI) Hint Toner 8IT1TATIONH WANTKU .WANTED By ynung married man, position as grocery dark, carpenter or mechanic riper. Cell F. J. H. Trie phone a:is U toy NO man preps ring to at lend local mil By varsity desires work oiiIhIiIh of aiintol ia hnura. Kiptrienca In general office work f. r U.rsi. Ahern rnrrr i (THE ALBUQUERQUE EVENING HERALD FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1020.

1 I Road Condition. North to La Ve'cu tr way Of Hantft K good. THEATER Kaat by way of Morlarlty, DEE Eat net a Vausrhn, good. ttMUiiiiUL and All roada to tha coaat attain LYRIC open, with dntoura allsht at TODAY LAST TIME TODAY Continuons Show Daily, 1 :30 to 11 P- - M. Ialttmnd Ioa Luna. Thoaa going to California by way of Gallup will Uka The United Artist Corp. Presents TODAY AND TOMORROW trail weat at Ix Luna. Thoaa folnff tha aontharn trail will by RICHARD BENNET Bln. continue aouth loth roada ara wll alffnnd by tha Auto Club of Bout barn 7AM HARRY MOREY California. Information, road toga and Laid Uj "AND LAW SAYS" IN mapa frae. Phona B0&. La THE WHITE GARAGE Co. In Edward 8heldon's Celebrated Play aiiii;i ELMO L1XCCLN "THE Fourth Bt. and Copper Ava. attraction in TRAP" "THE GAUNTLET" imtmmmmmtamsMtMmmmmaamnmrmmm. 10& 99 ATWTaOl? Portor Hope haa movd hia office ITSr Red Cross Must Seek to ground floor of No, ill W. Uold CHARLES HUTCHINSON Ave., two doom weal o( C'hamhjrr of New Quarters; Report Commerce HIrig. IN "THE WHIRLWIND" of August Work telling Ahead! Sunday, Will Rogers in "Cupid The Cowpunoher" f'apltnllie your ana re time and get money knowledge. On account of the meeting of the rich both th ami One hour each day devoted to atudy " a federal court from October II to the will glvi you a aplendld education Larry Semon latter part. of tha Ked In a mirprlKingly ahort time- and Crow homo ecrvh-- office In the fed- your Income. Albuquerque Records building In forced to sock torn Huilnefui t'ollege, 'lite Special School Potatoes, 25 lbs $1.00 September "BETWEEN THE ACTS" eral Hpeclallata. porary qunrlere for that time. The for Ilia., BO. Iba., sac. aervlt-- office In located In the NOW ON SALE . Two Reel Comedy home try t'licrrylnilr, Krtiilliiilc, (ji'iiiiclmlc courtroom and the judgr'a office, both Why nut WcMi's nf mc IVarhlixli'l A ileliuioiiH Kpcciid fur tonxt uml of which lire In line during the NEW COAL lnad. muffins. elon of the court. STATE Also serve wild ice creum. Columbia The report of the local off ice for COMPANY August ahowa the number of ranui of rcnldeii. aoUllcrf who are recelv- - Gallup Diampnd Block Graionolas Imk aid and wirvlce from the lied Broadway Central Grocery yon Ewaitika-Sugarit- ljis If (Yon to be 1,01 H. Nine new realdcnt e uiiiifiita vknu r THEATER ciiaea have been added during Auk nut. Wood Kindling riione lag Corner Hmmlway and Ortilrnl I'ltinoH, MaiiuaJu IMnyt-- I'htmw The. number of tunea of truim-fii- t LAST TIME TODAY aoldlera on file are (43. which In- - iti;int cludea three new chhcb added thin Phone 38 HKI'AimiKKT month. Thla doee not include the Htvidle How liKlA' rpoam 4ft. Hote-Mu.i- lr rakc for Sunday n HIGHEST CLASS IN EVERY WAT numb of men who aptily for aid BE WISE ORDER NOW ''niM'ii'a of tlie V. W. C. Work Juamiitoifl and receive It Immediately. These Hat unlay, from Id to 4. PARAMOUNT PRESENTS tuHi-- are not llHted, art they are $1.50 SUITS' $1.50 cloeed ua aotn n the old la given. OImbm ana rrest a. rreaeec, tbo. Riedling Music Co The average number of auch roaea la ( Ol.t MIllA U.KANINi. CO. thirty a month. rear Fieuiag Ticket. tU.W. rae ttO-- Ml W. (Viilrul. I'hitnn SKI The nu in tier of resident maea who FOR RENT C. H. CARNES received active aenlHtnuce during Au- I'art of my afore. Including aliow gust were lift, and i'A2 rntUiJiml cawi window. Ideal place for Heal Optometrist Dorothy Gish ur on the active file n the office. Kftute nnd tlnuranee office. cm e WII.L HKLIt "Eye Glasses That Satisfy" Df Five were cloned during An HARRY T. JOHNSON, gum, which makea 636 defi- NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE bTKC'IAMHT IN OOULAIt nitely clotted to date. n! W. ('mural. KACTIO.N During Auguat the total number of Hlock nt u linrgaln. Adilreaa A. li.. IlKt 433, care Herald. 107 So. Duplex office Interview) wkh and they M. Remodeling Her Husband covered the following aubjocle: Al- I'hnne 1061 ' for Appointment. TRUCKS II ra war a brlda and aaw your al.aiar. another woman Jail what lot ment and allowancta, 11; cumprn-imt.c- iitlt you d't I l'J; lnaurancv. 6; vocational COAL ... t)... ,,...... training, ; m.'accllaneouH, 10 5. Duplex Drive The Ot rotir rna WfHilitt AM nf thai and mnri'! In addition to the Interviews the WOOD COKE t'l.ini. and r what lata hrMa did. And I. Ota tltl at aoma Itrand now local otThe wrote S.2 littler) nnd Truck for Heavy Hauling anal', m the dfhratu an nf Iralnlnt hnlihim mude li home vlnlta during the CHARCOAL nimiih. Kighty-flv- e affldavliH were ATTRAtTIONN A. CrIAUVIN CHAS. W. IfrrrKR. nuirlbutor Mli:l . tuken during the month. Phones 4 and 5 Chriiti Comedy Two Reels. Paramount Mag-ajrine- A FAIR PAINT CONTRACTOR 424 Vt int (inltl Regular TUB I'lHina KU P. . Ilol MJ Prices Klderly .llHM ttlr.HIllr.NKyou have Huved my life. How can I ever hIiow my With Fair Prices on Painting, Paper Hanging, gintliude? Art, you married'.' MALONE TAXI PHONE 168 CITY ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP lOncucr Vea; you might come and and Tinting PHOHB . S. SBCOKD IT. be a cook for u a. Hon ion Trnnacrlpt. HUDSON POSTER EEfAIXINQ rraa Call ant Dallvary ltBatch'. Ola aunt SHOE Mr. Clerk. ADV. CO. JFIaa Shaa baaainaa. oata nv aatf I. f. GET YOUR WORK DONE NOW S. Haala. ac. Praa Dajitarv Whv not make your living from SIGNS 406 Central our hrnlna tnateud of your feet? Wo As Wall Paper WiU Be Much Higher Next Spring EXCLUSIVE Jacob Sandler, West, will nhow you how. Albuquerquo Win. It. Wnlmii llt'iilM-- I'ifrv To Bear Canyon 726 S17 W. GOLD llii.nie College. ClaMioa atart tojt, We hpII our PHONE CRYSTAL WEEK 7, Juy and everlng. Uct Mixed Paint, Tlofflnnlnff Hptcmticr Sth anil edil. Two trucks irninif to Iti'ur Can- a gallon $4.50 Imk rfc'ptemlM-- r 1 III) w will iul un yon Sunday morning, and can coatalii for lirteon cents. We Have An BEBBER nct'oimnodiite about .10 more CHAUVIN WIHKMAN'S WATCH AND OPENING A. OPTICIAN people. Jf inteiTMtt'd pall D42. Wanted Salesladies, I'MK'K rlHOP Phone 630 Corner Sixth St. and Central Ave. CITIZENS BANK III II.IHNO tit InU taeaaal. Oppaalaa Oiyatal TaaaUr. For a thoroughly oompetent AUTOMOBILE SALESMAN. apply in person, Kahn's Call or address store, 109 North First ORUEHL ADVERTISING SIX BIG ITEMS AGENCY, INC. Street. ', LABOR DAY DANCES Room 7, Wright Bldg. Phone 280. GIVEN BY CENTRAL LABOR UNION Worth Your While To defray expenses of Labor Day Celebration. OIWHalWIIIaMWIMIIWWalllWullallmlWI ISP READ THEM OVER CAREFULLY The following itemi were bought before the advance, and we Monday, September 6th offer them to yon at prices less than today's wholesale oost. Meet Us Face to Face Yon know, the market conditions as well as we do, so we need At Our New Location not tell yon that the wise and economical buyer will take ad- vantage of these rare prices. If you will let ns show you the 401 WEST COPPER AVENUE Armory Hall Colombo Hall quality yon will appreciate all the more the low prioes. 205 NORTH FOURTH STREET Tha vnlua of aorvlco at thla. Ilrnn la manirratiM udrr the proaauio ol o Thii I One of the Best Value We Have Music By Music By con dill una. Ever Offered BOATRIGHT RUBBER CO Duke Gty Orchestra Colombo Orchestra De Monte Pure Fruit Jams Strawberry Loganberry and "wis Blackberry. Our last shipment at this price is now in, so don't ' miss today's sale 25 os. tins One Ticket Is Good for Admission at Both Halls. 6 for $3.06, 12 for $5.86, 24 for $11.65 Tickets, $1.00 (war tax 10c) Ladies Free. White Lily Tomatoes aervlra la tha development of ypr.ra of California Tomatoes with puree, exoellent quality, worth 20 per SERVICE trlut adhflroure to th prlnclpitl of cent more than we ask for them, forty oases to sell at this RELIABLE AND REASONABLE serving coiiaclctitloualy, price ; large 2 cant Walchnt. Rllverwitro. ru fllUM. Olamomla u fo.-$1.6- 8, When your car needs repairs of major or minor proportions 6 for 86c, 12 24 for $3.30 CSTABUSHEO 1883 you will will find our service thoroughly reliable and gratify-ingl- y 0 Helmet Brand Tomatoes reasonable. ' Grown in Colorado and Utah. The quality can't oe beat. No. DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE 2 cans, solid pack 6 for 81c, 12 for $1.58, 24 for $3.10 Central Auto & Machine Works J tlWATC KMAK LRS ft JEWtlCTS' Cut Stringless Beans 621 West Central. Phone 242. Of the highest quality. Note our low price 6 for 98c, 12 for $1.95, 24 for $3.85 Ichool Shoe Sale Campbell's Pork and Beans Pappe's Bakery The name assures the quality, and the price is low enough To f('t I lie children lilted out with Dui ulilo Keliool Klines will Tlio Homo or VuJillly liukvry 6 for 95c, 12 for $1.85, 24 for $3.60 (JooU now be. a problem in many a household. Itiglit now, at the, Buy Your School Books Now opening of the full term, we going to give our put the If You Want Good Hie ions the Rush Begins benefit of a School Shoe Mule. BREAD Before Any cumhlnHtlon or Klimr, Watt'i' und VoKMt niuy hu ralli-- 'We have bought a lui'iie line of splendid. Keliool shoes ; shoes COLORADO POTATOES Is UruHd, hut Ihvre la a lilg riUCur-nc- o Our stock complete for High School that look well, fit perfeetly and stand the hanli'Ht wear. la ordinary Bruit d und Then Buy Them There and Orade Textbooks ' , Splendid leathers of Calf, (Jim Metal, Hiinsia C'lilf, Elk Skin or i ai'pi; s iiiu:i Vie! Kid ; Ntyles. All sixes hoys nntli-fn- 100 lbs. for $3.55, 50 lbs. for $1.85 liutton, Laee or Jilueher for Our Bread la tnadn with if We also exchange second hand books Slid girls. but lh0 beat I'Mour, Hukhi-- for new. Halt and Frcali .Milk, heme lta ALWAYS LEADERS OF LOW PRICES aupnrloiity. 1'nrtlr-ula- people cut It, do In order to get the School Shoe Trade of the eity we will allow YOU? STRONG'S BOOK STORE for the next ten day. fOB PROMPT DELIVERY "Your Money Back If You Want It" Phone 4th and PHONE 623. 110 CASH a CADDV Central A Discount of 10 GROCETERIA On our 'regular prices. I,et iih do the fitting and our Keliool Pappe's Bakery Shoes will give the very limit of sat olfaction. Af.BUQUERQUE'S GREATEST ATTRACTION L 607 W. Central Ave.