IMTS 92 COVERAGE .. II. - ...... N!Jedaip b min- O:wal(&'t Wflocrspar:e HiablYmliableG.E. H\NIJC 15 It's Ibe RPM ofbbDb 11&.jncq,.. QrlC cootrol anddip.t dine Hob Data Wafer™ the geraadDa spraldhrJbfina. Diameter 2.0" p&bae SmaIl~diBposabIe war- Length 7.5" 11tebemellla~bob- bobs fum Pfaoter..Maag l\IIIing. Number of ....Indude: Threads 3 400-500 SFM C8I1ID15l hob RPMs Class A • Higher ptXfuc.1iviIy from 700-1100, mJ watJabIe RPMs Materia'i CP'IM REX 76 from 50-500. depending CIl tOO nurn. Coating Tinit,e™ • Increased machine uptime am efficim:y berofteedt in the~. CvdeData Feed Rate 0.06" • Improved put quality The American Pfauter/Pfauter-Maag Feed Scallop WafertM System fry high- Depth 0.0002" • Reduced process variation production gears and offers Cutting SFM 400 • Reduced total piece cost high-efficiency hobbing using: Cutting ,RPM 76S Floor to Floor • Reduced total capital cost Small-diameter shank-type Time (Min.) 0.25 Write or caD ror our paper on Wafernt and Opti-Gash T\I hobs Pieces per 'High Efficiency Gear Hobbing', Waf'erTM Hob 27000 1111111)111 LImited Partnership

1351 Windsor Road, P.D. Box 2950, Loves Pari<, IL 61132-2950 USA Telephone 815-282-3000 • FAX 815-282-3075 CIRCLE A-1 on READER REPLY CARD More customers around average 2S~ lower cost per th0u- haul. Just look at the investment dre world are tllming to sandth of usable tool life as a result. we've made in modem __...,...;:;::;;:;;;;;;:::;:;;;&. first ill customer ,mpporl. PMCT is facilities, new equip- PMClto theirIOOst mea rated No. I in 'customer support' by ment. and people- demtlllllilzg Slwper Cu1ter leading automotive, trucking. and all commined to pro- needs. Here's WilY: other industry OEMs. They've found ducing the best gear Ile're ill1uu'alors. PMCf hasn't that only PMCf has the design teams, tools in the world, stood pat on conventional shaper cut- applications expertise. and modern But don't take our ter technology New approaches, manufacturing technology to ensure word for it Just call designs. and materials are in constant oil-time delivery of a qualified prOOuct. (815) 877..s900 and development And our unique Product quality is assured throughout ask for the sales and Isoform grinding process gives our manufacturing with SPC. and service support team FREE shaper cutters the longest effective advanced inspection equipment. in your area. Circle RIIIIIt ServiceCMI tool length available. Our cutters Here to stay. PMCf is in for the long Then put us to world Number

1351 Windsor Road, P.O. Box 2950, Loves Park, IL 61732·2950 USA Telephone 815-877-8900 • FAX 815-877-0264 CIRCLE A·2 an READER REPLY CARD When Horsburgh & Scott discovered CPM REX@2(J...

...gear cutting, shifted into high

Horsburgh & Scott, Cleveland, Ohio, knows what it takes to be a world class gear manufacturer ...like using Crucible's CPM REX 20 steel for gear cutting tools that run longer and better between sharpenings .. Crucible CPM REX 20 not only lasts about 50% longer than M-2 or M-42, but the tools are faster to make and sharpen. Steve Lyncha, H&S tool room super- visor, said, "When you find something that grinds this easily, you think it'll never Tools mad'e of CPM REX 20 hold up, but CPM REX 20 has handled the stop-and-go action of gear cutting bet- are used for a variety of gear ter than we could ever imagine." cutting operations at H&S. According to Lyncha, the Long-term savings far outweigh the greater initial in~ vestment. "As long as CPM REX 20 is available, you could offer me M-2 at a $1.00 a pound, and I still wouldn't buy it," he added. CPM REX 20 is only one of nine CPM high speed steels specified for gear cutting tooling in major automotive and other heavy industrial applications. To find out more, contact your nearest Crucible Service Center OF call toll free: 1.800.PAR, ..XCEL (1-800-727-9235)

Cru:cilb'le, /If,y/il/ C Service Centers A Division of Crucible Moterials Corporation CIRCLE..A"" on IREADER REPl VOA!RD ------FEATURES ------'Grinding of Spur ,and H,elli'c8111Geal'S Dr. Suren B. Rao National Science Foundation, Washington, D.c. 20 IComparingl Surface FaHur,e Modes in Bearings & Gears, Charles A. Moyer The Timken Co., Canton, OH 34 SPECIAL FEATURES IGear F'undamental~s IG:ealrInspection Robert Modero".,,! ITW. Illinois Tools, Lincolnwood, IL. , ,44 DEPARTM~~NTS

Cover photo courtesy of Ashot Ashkelon Industries, Cal1end,alr Ltd., Ashkelcn, Israel. Events of Interest. , , ,,8: IBright lights; Big: City ·IMTS IComesto 'Chicago . Donna-Marie We.ir " 10 Publiishers IPalge A Flood of Lesso~s , 13 IManalement Matters Operation Trade Show Nanc)' Bartels Planninga successful trade show exhibit. , ..115 IIMTS Exhibitors' Index Who will be at the show and where , 50 Shop Floor '. _. . ., ICuttlnglL,ow-Plltch·A_ngle BeveIIGe,ars; Worm IGears, & the, 0l1liEntry IGap Robert E. Sm.i.t.h; William L. Janninck 53 Advertiser Iindex Find the products and services you need 57 Where to Find the Top Ten Gealr ,Books 60 CllasslUeds Products, services, and information you can use , 62 GEAR TEel iNOI ,OCY

I,:I)ITO I{ 1.\ L

Publisher & Editor-in-Chief Michael G1lldsteln

Associate Publisher & Managing Editor Peg Short

Senior Editor Nancy Bartels

Technical Editors Robert ErrkbeUo wnllam L. .Iannincll Don McVittie Robert E. Smith.

,\ RT

Art Director Jean Sykes Art Director Jennifer Goland,

,\ I)\'I:RTI SI;":(;

Advertising Sales Manager Patricia Flam

Sales Coordinator Donna-Marie Weir

J{\~I)\II I'IIBI.ISIII:'\CST.HI' ------

President Michael Goldstein

Vice President Richard Goldstein

Vice President/General Manager Peg Short

Controller Patrick N!!5h

Accounting Laura KJnn.ane

Admini.strnti ve Coordinator Deborah Dolli,gian

An Consultant Marsha Goldstein

RAl\:D,\1.I PllBI.ISll1 ;\;(;, I;\;L'.

1425 Lunt Avenue P.O, Box 1426 Elk:Grove Village. It 60007 POS) 437 -6604

\'01 . II, ;\;0 ~

GEAR TECHNOLOGY ~1'bI:'JMU"IIIIaI ofrGNr PtJlMllfamuiac(lSSN 074l- ma) I. publl,bod blmon.bl, b, Rondoll Publi,blng, 111<.. ,42j lun' ...... r.o. BoOJ,i4,lt:!. Elk GrQ"'" V!II,aI',IL~, SlJb!ICriptjQnra~iM"-''': :5.40,00 in Lhe U.S.~ .5.50.00In Canada;. $$.5.00 in:ill «heieounlrlci. Seco:nd-CIw poitiil:C paKliIl Atlinl'.oo H.e~8hu1. lL,1iI:nd iii tddillooaJ mllIIlI, uflk:e:. RUid.i11Mllib-

In) makel rvay eI"f-on In ensure LIw the prottiK.5 deJaib;ed iD GEAR lOCH- Not..OO'r' confam wsoond:ena;L.oeerins portier. N'ritbcrdtc aumon nor i~ plJ.bli!r.her~!!I! be: hJld A:sjlQniliblc: rg;: ±njuriq NmjJJl;d whijt: fQI1(1Wlnllbe. proccdU1"e1i dcili!ribed.. Pomnam:!r: Send a6drtn chanJel to GEAR TECHNOLOG'Y. lbr: lacma1 of GeorM .... Iad...... IA25 t.un, ...ven ce, P.O. Sol "~.I!lkc;"". Vll~.n. 150001. ClCODII!i\tleop)'rigbtfil br RANDALL PUBUSHINO, 'INC .• 1991. A.ruclo

IlpprarlGB InGBAR TECHNOLOClY may !lot be ~prodw:ed in whole or Input wilhQyt !bQ IIIa;prtS.!:~m1illliQ!l or lho p;lb1:l~htrQf!he !lYtOOr.


The FORMASTER'S two axi design using extra precision pre- loaded bearing ways, preci ion lead screw with constant pre-load, linear scales for po irion feedback, electronically commutated servo motors, and rotary diamond dressing wheel. provides fonn dre sing accuracy to within ± .{)OO]" (O.OOl2mm) on conventional or uper abrasive grinding wheels. The FORMASTER can dramatically reduce wheel dressing time and cost, reduce grindi-ng wheel conswnption, and reduce scrap. And the FORMASTERis easy to inslal1 on most grinding machine . Nonnac al 0 offers PC based off-line software for automatically generating dressing programs for modified involute gem-tooth forms.

Circle tIu cordforfree inJonnaJion or €aIl mday' ,to llI7WIge ,adenwn traJion INCORPORA.TEO

P.O. BOU9 I AIRPORT RQA[HNDUSTfUAL PARK I ARDE'N. NC 28704 USA. I ra. (704) 6114-1002 I TEL£X: 5HoI37 NOFUMC liEVlI FAX: (704)611+1384

P',O. BOx .'lfil / 72Q E. BASELINE ROAD I NORTHVILLE. MI481S7 USA / TEL: (313) 349-~ I FAX: (313) 304901440

CIRCLE A.-S on READER, IREPLY CARD The most aeeueate, easv ..'to..use, time .-avingl gear inspectiion sys,t,em a.vaillable!!!!!!!!!anywhe:re!!! E_ ultimate 'gear inspsctlcn productilvi,ty and quality, the PNC gear inspection system may be your only choice. It is flexible, easy to operate and provides the most precise ,gear test data available. Wi,th our SMAIRT software package, no recalibratlon is required wl1en changing gear or part sizes. This oonverts to tess downtime' than competitive testers-with less flexibility. The PNC-30, like all members of the IPNC tester famUy, provides test data on several qearmakinq operations incl.uding: Internal and external spur and heUcal gears, worms and worm gears, hobs, shavlingl and shaping cutlers. along with straight and spira'i beve'l gears, The PNC-30 may also be linked with your host com- puter for up-to-the-minute manufacturing intorrnatlcn, It inspects gears up to 1.2" in diameter. SMART PNC gear inspection systems are available for up to For further intormation and a copy of our new 80" O.ID. Igears. literature, contact Klingelnberg, Gear T,echnology,. lnc., 15200 Foltz Industrial Parikway, Cleveland, OM 44136. Phone: (216) 572-21 OQ, Fax: (216) 572'-0985. @ I(II~GELNBERG ... PUfs,t all togeth'e,~

CIRCI.E A-11 on' READER REPLY 'CARl) CUT YOUR TIME ••~withl FIHIUSA,you kln,ow exact:ly what you:· Ihulbs willi do!

IFHUSA tal~es the question out ,of g;ear hobbing lif you need consistent conformance to A or with hobs that alretested ,and certified-before .AAstandards, specify FHIUSA ... the hob that 'they leave our p,lant. We willi even FAX our delivers top quality by aU standards .... AGMA, state-of-the-art hob test results, .. before we DINI, ISO.,etc. ship. It is your assurance that each FHUSA hob you receive, wiill de'liver the 'EfxUemel'y For further information" FAX us. We' will reWm critical tolerances: you expect-not 'only as FAX a typical hob report for your ",evlew. GMII, received new, but after each sharpeningl to P.O. Box 31038, Independence, OH ,44131. the last usable ,edg:e',of cutting life. !Phone (.21'6)642-0230. FAX (216),642:-023,1. GMI

1992 Olympics '. IBare.lona, :Spaln See Ihem .... ,and visit the FHUSA factory. CIRCLE .A·7 on IREADER REPLV CAR'D WESTERN COLLECTIBLES ' Bought & Said:

.. Bridles * Belts .. Buckles * Bolos * Golthing; *Chaps * Bits * Spurs .. Books * Saddles CALENDAR ~~------~~~~--

13~D)'202-9010 by appointment AGMA Technical Meetings 131.0} 2112~1340' (fax)' July 7-8 Flexible , Pitts- CIRCL'E A.·B on, READER REPLY CAFll) burgh, PA; .July 9-10. Fine Pilch Gears, Alexandria Hay, NY;. July 22-23 Ma- rine Gears, Milwaukee, WI;. Aug. 27- 28 Helical Rating, San Francisco, CA TiCiNI Performance Case History HOBBING ------. CaU (7003) 684-021I, A'GMA Head- BAUERS quarters, for more details. Tool: TiCN HSS Hob, JULY 22-23 Workpllece Material: CIATEQ lst Seminar for Gear Users AISI51115, and Manufacturers. Holiday Inn, Perfllrmance: ,(Gea~s ICul) Uncoated .'" 500 Queretaro. Mexico. Technical meet- TiN Coated 1.,000 ings, plant tours, opportunities to con- TiCN Coated ..... 2,000 UNCOATED tact Mexkangear manufacturers. TICN! Reground .. 1:,500 51111 Seminars run by Dudley Technical Gears Group covering gear failure, rating Cut practices, heat treating, lubrication, You've Seen The Power Of TiiN Gold ... noise, etc. For more information, CO[1- Now Experience The Added tact Rodrigo Lopez (52) (42) 1638 OS Performance Of TiCN Blue! at CIATEQ A.C. Balaers Titanium Carbonitride The outstanding high coating (liCN) is a high performance' ofBalzers TiCN SEPTEMBER 9-U performance PVO thin film coating can clearly be seen in coating that represents the the gear cutting example shown Gear Noise Symposium. Ohio State technology of the 90's. here. As significant is the University, Columbus, OH. Contact TiCN has features similar to performance of the reground tool Carol J. Bird, Conference Coordina- TiNI but wit,hennanced hard- without the need: to recoat, ness, toughness and Ilubricity T'R'IAL IEVALUATION tor, (614) 292-3204 or Dr. Donald R. which provides many toolinq Balzers can provide a.trial Houser at (614) 292-5860 for more applications with increased- eval- uation coating: to analy.ze the tool !life and efficiencies. information. potentlalperformanoe benefits that nCN can provide for your gear outting, application. OCTOBER 20·22 Call us toll free for details at SME Advanced Gear Processing & Manufacturing Clinic, Ritz Carlton Or request Ba'izers Application Hotel, Dearborn, MI. Seminars on gear- Guidelines and Case History Folder. ing subjects. Tabletop-exhibits. Con- BAIL,ZERS tact Mike Traicoffat 5MB for details: TOOL COATING INC. (313) 271-1500, ext. 596.

661 Erie Ave!!ue, Nol1hTonawMda, NY 14120 Phone: 716-693-8557 • IF.ILl(: 716-695-1995 OCTOBER 26-28 AGMA Fan Technical Meeting. Balti- more, MD. For more information call

CIRCLE A-'9' 011, READER REPLY 'CARD (703) 684-021 L


------~~~~~~~~~~~--~~- --Ine- .

Dedicated to Flexibility.

It's a new way of thinking about gear making. Flexible Liebherr automation .. Produce only the gears required at. precisely the time The machine control automatically assists set up of they are required. 10 less than part print tolerance. part handling automation for each Job. minimizing changeover time and labor. Th LC 252 pennits complete job planning, yet it is highly responsive to the demands of shorter product Quick. change cutter system. cycles. vruiab]e production runs, and high accuracy. Prequallfied cutters on quick-change arbors It makes reliable J1T gear production a reality minimize toolchange time, and may be set up to The operator can set up the machine, tooltng, permit different operations in a single clamping. automation, andDxtures specUkally Coreach j,ob - in advance. A new job can begin 10 minutes after the Modular quick. change f11::.turmg. last gear from the previous job leaves the machine. The taper and hydraulic clamp system speeds and simplifies fixture changes for a variety of workpteees, Intelligent programming. The Liebherr LH 90 controller comes with a For more tnformatton on th = gear hobbing machln ~ rugged 386SX PC user interface and large color dedicated to flextbtlity, contact monitor. Operators enter workpiece. too] and machinJing parameters. from prompts on easy-to-use pun-down menus - even during machining - saving 1465 Woodland Drive, Saline. Ml48176 hours of machine changeover time. 1[313)429-7225 CIRCLE .A-10 on R~ADEFlIREPLY CA.RD

New' Product Area Pavilions, 8ME Conferences

--gHi su19h·'t IMT.·1('I.0.9·2 ,

By Donna-Made Weir

IMTS 92. The International Manu- related equipment in one place. This will also facturing Technology Show - opens in Chicago give attendees more time to seethe rest of the September C) and runs through September 17 at exhibits at IMTS 92. Chicago's McCormick Place. IMTS is tbe West- IMTS 92 will be complemented by the Inter- ern Hemisphere's largest trade show. Over 800 national Manufacturi ng Technology Conference companies from all over the globe will be show- (IMTC). Cosponsored and organized by the So- ing products in exhibits covering some 931,000 ciety of Manufactur:ing Engineers (SME), the sq. ft. of space. conference features presentations by experts on The show, sponsored by The Association future developments and applications in manu- for Manufacturing Technology (AMT), turns facturing technology. This year's conference McCormick Place into an international market- will feature pecialized technology track in six place. AMT president Alben W. Moore de- areas, including machining. forming and fabri- scribes the gathering as an opportunity for po- cating, automation for flexible manufacturing tentia] buyers to invesngate, analyze. and com- and CIM systems. robot /vision, environmental/ pare $3] 5 million worth of the newest machine waste management, and quality assurance. too] technology from around the world. IMTS Show hour for the West building wHl be 9- 90 broke an all-time attendance record set in 5 daily including Saturday, and 9-4 Sunday, 1980 with over 1I6,000 registrants. Sept. 13, and Thursday. Sept. 17. East and One new pavilion and two new focus areas North building hours will be 10-6 daily includ- will be introduced this year at IMTS 92. The ing Saturday, and 10-4 Sunday, Sept. 13, and EDM Pavilion will feature CNC wire EDMs, Thursday, Sept. 1.7. RAM type die sinker EDMs, CNC wire EDM McCormick Place has contracted with a food die sinkers, and manual die sinkers. Back by and beverage service for the '92 show. Levy popular demand is the Forming & Fabricating Restaurants, operators and owners of over 20 Pavilion, which will offer demon trations of restaurant in the Chicago area, will be taking high-speed presses, bending, drawing, and spin- over all food operations at the facility. A host of ning machines. and press tooling. along with a casual restaurants plus one up cale dining facil- showcase of other demonstrations. ity will also be added.

Two focus areas will also be part of ]MTS Located 011 Chicago's lake front, McCormick this year. The Environmental Safety & Plant Place is easily accessible by both automobile Engineering Focus Area will feature equipment and public transportation .. Direct public trans- and products in the fields of safety, coolant portation and major highway access to the ex- purification, air quality controls, and allied in- hibition halls are also available from O'Hare terests. The Tools & Tooling Focus Area will International Airport. McCormick Place is also SEE OUR feature cutting tools and tool holders, jigs and near major hotels, restaurants, shopping, and z fixture tooling, and a host of other tools and entertainment centers. COMPLETE ~ tooling products. For more tourist information, contact the IMTS 8 o This organizational system has been devel- Chicago Tourist Bureau at 312-567-8500. For EXHIBITORS 0: -c Q oped for added attendee convenience, allowing more information on IMTS '92 call ]-800-322- IND.EXON 0: 9 visitors to save time and energy by seeing all [MTS .• PAGE 50. JULY/AUGUST J M&M' Plieclslon' svstems"- :So'lutlons,-wlt' oHer nand'aJldI or 'CuI'toml ~NC GeaT' In.SD.ect._-.·,ton systems-' engineered packages. OUf technical SUp,pOIt team WO.r:ldWlde willi worik wil'l'l, you on your specific requirements .. Solutions. With eur years of experience we will provl'de you with Quality-hom stal110 6n'lah. Our total process superior training and afteT-th&sa'le technical suppon. inspection capabilities ean assist you lin monitoring Show-nl above, our 3012'4 ,ac Gear Analyzer is ens 'gears, part Iblanks, and g,ear ,cutting tools such as ota fami'ly of ,gear and gear cutting tooll a'nalyzers. hobs, shapera, shaver euusrs, and breaches. We Other optional Inspection capabilities ,include, also offerlintelifacingl capabilities to, transfer test unKnown gear, gear surface finish" spiral bevel ,and results to standard SPC modules forevaJua· hy])ofd 'gears, worm inspection, Iinvolute scrolls,. tfonJprocess monitoring', and male/female helical rotor vanes. ForafuJil color Re[ab Illy-true generative ,index, I'ead, andl brochure wriite or call M&M Precision Systems Corp .• iIrVQ'11.I1e'lesUng. Our generative, metrology tech- 300. Progress Rd., West Canollton, OH 45449- nlques offer supenor ,accuracy,efficiency ,and sim- IPhone: 513-859-8213, Fax: 513-859-4452. plicity over touc~hprobe methods. IPlus, these techniques are enhanced by computerized automa- =-, M&M PRECISiaN tion and analysis. ... SYSTEMS CaRp. AN ACME-ClEVEI.AND COMR4NY About ~hetime we were inthe mids~.of planninglthe editorial,content fOI'this issue ot 6'es' f,echnology, we, like ev'eryone else in the metloor1eo!, found ourse!lves diivertedlby the Gre'atChicagloIFlood.Fora week, itseemedl10 be aliiwe~houghtabout. Then thatennels d:ri'edou1.the stores reepened, and we alii went bac'k to work.,

But some of the lessons from. this crash from the Loop area in a matter of six hours, course in urban engineering have remained, How did that brilliant bit of logistics happen And, a I've looked over the line-up for this in the midst of what seemed to be a comedy of issue, it occurs to me that some of the lessons errors? Because some unnamed souls in the learned from this soggy disaster can be applied appropriate departments planned ahead. They a lot of places - including the American gear asked themselves, what would we do iL,? and industry. And, coincidentally, some of our cov- then drew up aplan erage for this issue reflects these issues. accordingly. They I PUB,LISHER'S PAGE "Infrastructure" was a word we a.1I learned thought about the during Flood Week. Suddenly, live at five, was details and were a vi vid demonstration of the importance ofaU the prepared. non-glamorous basics that make a great city run. Our "Manage- The lesson wa clear: Neglect the basics, and ment Matters" col- sooner or later, you win have to pay the price, umn in this issue Some in the American gear industry have and the next deal been neglecting their infrastructure the same with planning a way cities all over the country have been, and successful trade it's starting to show .. In David Goodfellow's show, which, at "Viewpoint" in this i sue, he points out that the least in terms ohlle U.S. gear industry has the oldest inventory of details involved, is machine tools in the industrial world. not unlike planning It's IMTS time in Chicago again, and some the evacuation ot a of the most up-to-date, efficient machinery in major city. There's the world will be on display, This is a great a lot to do, a lot that opportunity to go looking at new equipment can gD wrong, a lot And if you haven't thought about upgrading, to think of. but if it's certainly at least time to do that much. The you succeed.you're exhibitors at [MTS are anxious for your busi- a hero. ness; they need the sales today, and they need Sure planning is hard work. Sometimes it' a healthy customers tomorrow. Competitive ma- bit boring. It involves the little details that can chinery is es ential to our success, and we can't make you crazy. But it's the kind of careful, "wait a while" to become competitive. plodding, non-glamorous work that makes any Some would say that the American gear in- project or .any business succeed. dustry is already a leaking tunnel; and we've all The gear industry is no different from any seen what happens when the necessary repairs other: to succeed we need ro think about the are put. off too long. future, plan for it, invest in it. Otherwise we'll Another lesson learned from the Great Chi- find ourselves up to our collective basements in cago Flood was about the importance of plan- farmoreo~re~ ning . One of the phenomena of that strange week in this city's history that didn't attract a lot. of attention around the country was the nearly ~Jdste;n flawless evacuation of dose ro a minion people Publisher/Edisor-in-Chief

JUlV/AUGUST 1992 113-. BIG REASONS the New Dudley's Gear Handbook Belongs on Your Desk.

#1. /It, Hew App.~oach to Gear GeometrY •. The new Dudley's gives you the latest methods for generating conjugate gear tooth surfaces, detennining tooth surfaces generated by cutting, avoiding tooth undercutring, simulating meshing and contact, and synthesizing gearing with improved criteria. #2., Stat.e-Of"the-Brt Coverage of Gear Tole~ances. Dudley's advises you of CUJ')'\emANSI. AGMA., DIN. and other stsndardizedrolerances -including the tolerance effect of function, fabrication, and cost-'for 1111 types of gears and applications. Plus new developments in measuring errors. '3. A Complete Ilookat the latest Gear Materials. full chapter lets, you in tantly access the properties, processing treatments, and applications of the most widely used steels, cast irons, bronzes. zincs, aluminum alloys, phenolic laminates, and plastics-including recently developed techniques for vacuum, ion, and plasma carburizing. #4 . .An Expanded Intemational Perspective onl'Gear Load IRating. Here's the easy way to understand and compare the latest rating methods used by ~GMA, DIN, and ISO to rate gear capacity under most stresses=-presenting :ta.ctors 8115 pages LOJ 647 iiIIus. that call serve as reliable guidelines for successful design. #5. Critical Hew Coverage of Gear Vibration and Noise. Dudley's now demonstrates how to detect, analyze, and solve vibration and noise problems that can compromise even the best designs-whether they're still in prototype or already in the field. #6. Enhanced T,e;chnlques tor Gear Ilubricatlon. Know when to choose splash or oil jet lubrication, estimate cooling requirements and flash temperature, determine proper EHL film thickness, recognize and predict gear failure due to

wear, micro- and macropirting, scuffing, and scoring, ami select I the right lubricant for the right job. I a YES! Rush me my is-Day Free Trial copy of 17. The:llate:st. Tre:nds and Tools hlGear '('uttlng. Dudley's Gear .Handhook, Second Edition (017903-4) Take advantage of the full range of technologies for gear and bm me $75.00 plus local tax, postage, and handling. and Shear-Speed gear cutting plus high-speed CNC If after 15 days ~'m not completely satisfied I may hobbing with TiNcoated hobs and hard gear finjshjng with CBN. rerumthe book and owe nothing.

But perhaps the best reason to put the new Dr~dley'r to' work is that you can try it absolutely FRE.". Just rerum the Order Coupon". orcall roll-free 1~SI)O-2~MCGRAW anytime, day or night .. For 30 years Dudley's has been the source for designing gears, planning tooling for gear jobs, analyzing gear failures, picking the ~p------best gear manufacturing process-for finding fast, dependable answers to most any gear question or problem. Now that the new Second Edition has arrived, you'll And there's rardy a,reason to use anything else. Operation Trade Show

Plann'ing ahes,d s.nd keeping an ,eye 6nthe ,details are k,eys to a successful tra,de ,show exhibit.

Nancy Bartels

rganizinga success- advanced planning. Going to ful trade show exhibit a trade show is not a decision is not unlike running to be made on a whim. nor is Operation Desert it a plan that calli be imple- Storm. The logistics can bea mented in two weeks or 11 nightmare: the expense, hor- month. Successful trade rendous; the details, mind- show exhibitors often begin boggling. About the only planning six months to a year thing you won't have to cope prior to the show date . At with is having someone fire many shows. the first oppor- MANAGEMENT MATTERS SCUD missiles at you. tunity to reserve a booth On the other hand, the comes at the close of the prior prospectus from the show. Managingi a business sale leads you can generate year's show (in the case of It should have a count of today is haird work. ILet at such an event can make it shows like IMTS or the the attendees and total au.- "Malnagement Mat- well worth the effort. Accord- AGMA Gear Expo, that's dience and usually a break- ters" I,e'ndla hand. Tell ing to the National Associa- two years in advance), and down of the industries and tion of Exposition Manag- many of the best booth loca- job functions .. Evaluate if us what. management ers, when you've added up tions are snapped up early. you belong there ...Look at matters iinterest you. all the numbers, the cost per Furthermore. for maxi- pasiexhibitors. If your Write to us at P.O. Box face- to- face contact at a trade mum effectiveness. your competitors are there, it 14216" Elilk. IGro,ve. Il. show is nearly 50% less than trade show effort should be a seems logical that you be- 60009.•er caUl our staff the cost of the average indus- part of your overall mar- long too." The next impor- at 008), 437'-6604. trial sales call. keting plans. It should not tant decision to make is So where to begin? How be viewed as something- what you are going to show do you make best use of the we -c an-d 0 - if - w e- ge t- and what you want to tell trade show option in your around-to-it. What you the audience about it, De- marketing plan? Gear Tech- want to show at your booth cide early what story you nology spoke with two trade and how you show it should want to tell and how you show veterans, John Law- be part of an overall plan are going to tell it. rence of Design Origins, Inc. ane! should supplement The question to ask is, of Madison Heights. MI, and your other advertising and what will draw people to Pam Felgenhauer of Exhibit marketing efforts. my booth?There's no point Installation Specialists, Inc. Once you've decided that in being at a show if no one with corporate offices in trade shows should be part of stops to see you. Hardware Philadelphia. They have your strategy, the next ques- attracts visitors to booths shared with us some trade tion to ask is which trade at engineering shows. If Na,ncyBartells, show planning basics. shows you should attend. you have a new machine, is Gear Technology's Planning, Planning, Re earch the shows at which bring it. If your budget or Senior Editor. She is also a freelance writer Planning you think you belong. John the story you want to tell and literature and The first key to success is Lawrence suggests, "Get a doesn't lend itself to that, writing instructor.

JUL.VIAUGUST 19'92 15, show instead a smaller part cover that the ceiling is only '~One' Full 'Week Devo.ted To Gs'aring! - perhaps just a cut-away twelve feet. They've had to example of your newest take a aw and cut off the feature. Or bring in samples rop before the show started." of manufactured parts to Costs wiU also have to 'I AGMA,'S show your booth vi Itors. be factored in. On custom People like to have things construction of booths you I 'I'IG,E,AR WIEEK 1'93,·· they can see and touch and should expect to pay Ccto,bs'r 10 -15,11EJEJ3 manipulate. around $] ,000 per foot for IDlstrait. Michig,an How Bjg A Booth? the back waU and standard The decision about what graphics. Product illustra- Special Expanded Program' inciudes: to bring has to be made early tions would be extra. A because it affects the next folding "suitcase" display eGEA.IR EXPO'Ba important question - the size wiU run between $2,500 eFallTechnical .Meeting of your booth, Obviously, and $3,500 for a 10' sec- if you're goi..nglo show a tion. These cost are in ,.Gear Ma.nufactur;ng SympQs;ulTI large machine, you're go- addition to spacerenta[, For inf,ormation on attending or ,exhibitingl contact: ing to need :more than a shipping. installation, and tabletop to do it. emp.loyee salaries. American Gear Manufacturers Association, But other factors should If these numbers cau e 1500 Kingl Street, Suite 201 also go into your size deci- yeu to reach for your heart Alexandria, VA 223,114·2730 Ph: (703) 684~21111 Fax: ,(703) ,6840242: sion. "You get better expo- medicine, remember that sure with a 10' x 20' booth you can do effective Ulings Ma,rk your calendar & Ibudget for this ev,ent nowl than you do with a 10' x with small booths or table- 10," says Lawrence. "II's tops .. The key to success CIRCLEA-15 Oil READER REPLY CA_RD just like having a bigger ad with them is the old adage, in a magazine." "You get what you pay Show regulations have to for." Lawrence puts is this be considered as well. When way: "[Wi.th a table top ... ] you regi: ter for a how. you good photography t. im- will get an exhibitor's manual. portant. A lot of people READ H CAREFULLY, win say,TU take my COVKR TO COVER. SEV- 35mm and go out in the ERAL TIMES. It contain a hop and shoot the pic- wealth ofinfonnation, includ- tures, 'andthen they're ing any restriction that the disappointed with the out- how management or the lo- come. Use good phctogra- cation will place on your pby and quality sign work:. booth construction. Remember that you can "The best thing you can use things Iike this for do is read those rules and more than one show - and regulations and make sure they do make a difference when YOli design yourbooth, in your presentation." you have followed them," Rolling¥our says Pam Felgenhauer. Own- or Not "Show management has re- This bring_ us to the . tricrion about height and knotty question of when to different kinds of booths bring in profe sional hel p, It and not blocking other is, of course, theoretically booths, etc.I' ve seen people po ible to de ign, build, come to a show with a fif- ship, and run your booth all CIRCLE A·n on READER REPLY CARD teen-foot tower and dis- .0[1 your own, using only in-

'16i GEAR TEetHIOlOGY house talenr, And it's tempt- and then of taking i,t down ing to think you'Il save a lot and getting it back again. doing it that way .. In most If this seems like a monu- cases it's also probably not mental task, you can tu rn it a good idea - especially for over to an installation and the first-timeexhibitor. dismantling (I&D) house. Booth design and graph- Says Jan Felgenhauer, "We ics i a specialized a field.as have some customers that any 'Of the engineering disci- just let us handle the whole plines, and, in the end, you thing. They call us and say, will probably be more satis- 'Here's where the show is. fied with the results if you Here's when we need 'to be use experienced profession- there,' and they let us take it als ..These are the people who from there." can give you the most "bang" The advantages of letting for your buck. the I&D house handle all or Remember, too, that ap- part of your project come pearances are more than down to two factors; effi- I three-fourths of the battle at ciency and cost-effective- a trade show. You want a ness. Because the I&D house


------booth that looks good, one will be working with sev- that leaves the best impres- eral exhibitors, it win usu- sion of your company and its ally have access to the pick products. Sloppy.amateur- of the labor crop and the ish design and construction pick of the schedule. Also, isn't going to do that. Oil the basis of experience In ODie Also keep in mind that alone, your booth will be GEAR DESIGN booth design and construc- assembled more quickly. SOFTWARE tion are time-consuming. If Remember that all the con- How does it work? FIRST someone on yDur staff is struction help you need will You define for each going to do it, that some- be paid hourly , and you can parameter, such as ratio, 'One will have to take time reap great savings by avoid- center distance, pressure away from his or her regu- ing situations where people angle. etc .• a convenient set of values that you are lar duties. are standing around waiting really able to use. I It may help to leek at for material to arrive or tak- SECOND booth designand construc- ing extra lime to assemble You defi ne your perfor- tion 'CDtsas a long-term in- your booth, mance needs regarding Pitting Life, Bending Life, vestment. An experienced But many companies do Scoring Probability, professional can design one choose to handle their own Reliability Level and for you that is flexible shipping and setup. Here Operating Conditions. enough to meet your needs again, careful planning is ab- THIRD at a variety of shows and can solutely essential Choose a You wait a few seconds be used for aaumberof years. trucking company that has until diseng© finds out. the best solution within your Moving Rigbt A10ng experience withtrade shows. particular possibilities. Once your booth is de- Companies that are familiar I Technical Support in the USA and Canada: "Demo & Pull Demo signed. there's stm the ques- with trade show practices can THE DUDLEY TECHNICAL GROUP. INC. Gear Systems Con,ultanl:'t tion of getting it - and its ave a lot of headaches. 17150 Via Del Campo. Sulte 308 San Diego. CaHfomia. 92 [27.2139 USA contents - shipped to the The Union Label Phone (1-800) 354·5178 Pax (619) 487·4893 show and set up on time - One area of concern to

JuLVIAUQUST 1992 11' many first-time exhibitors is obsessive person on your m the question of dealing with staff. "You need someone GAGE-O-MATIC union help in setting up your who will dot every i and booth. Horror stories abound, cross every tand then check One instrument measures internals and externals and usually they are much five times after that," says This over ball/pin gear measurement system is fast, easy worse than the reality. Felgenhauer, to use, accurate to ± 0.()(X)1n and economical. Irs a time- Says Lawrence, "Attitude Your guide (or your des- saving, rnoney-savlnq instrument for gear inspection or verification for machine set-up. is so much different than it ignated person's) to the i's Capacity 0-1 O"extemal, 3-12" internal, 0-10" between was 20 to 25 years, ago. that need dotting is the show centers. Electronic digital indicator standard; optional Unions are much more agree- manu a] mentioned earlier. linear scale with digital readout Iinterface and/or SPC as required. able. They would like to do This book will become your your work because they need "bible" for the duration. Ph: 708-377-2496 IFAX: 708-377-2546 employment. They won't The show manual is the fight you like they used to...In source ofrnuch important .111- almost aU cities now, espe- formation. such as setup cially with small booths, they schedules, building and are getting very lenient." zoning rules that will ap- Still, there are areas of ply, regulations about de- possible conflict. The first liveries, storage, pickup, place to check to avoid it is and the vital. telephone Dum- that exhibitor's manual. It bers of' the people to call if will list which unions must a question comes up that be involved in your setup and the book does not answer. what their respective juris- Paying close attention to dictions are. these dates, times, and rules CIRCLE A·17 on READiER REPLY CAIRD Attitude is important can save you big money. ~=~=~~~~!!!!~!!!~~~~~~~~~~,here. Felgenhauer reports. "Missing a deadline on an "U' ALI TV "Some people come in and installation can cost you big Q,"- " ' I I say,'Well,you'reunion,but money," says Felgenhauer. "Forexample, if you get your

1 o what? You're going to do G_-:i !,!EI,A' - 11,,5,_;.'.,' • what I say.' That attitude is electrical outlets in one day 1 not going to cut it. The best late, the cost will go up $100 UP TO AGMA 15. MIL-I-4520B.A & Mll-STD-45662 FROM A SINGLE GEAR TO LONG RUN PRODUCTION, INCLUDING advice is. if you're having per line for a 110 outlet at PROTOTYPE 8. EMERGENCY REPAIR/REBUILD SERVICE problems with a particular most shows.Itcould be $300 SIZE RANGE: FROM UNDER 1'[0 48' DIAMETER IReiishaue,r ,Ground Ge,ars union person, don't argue or $400 for a. 480 outlet." M'ost Type Gears Manufactured w,ith them. Go back to the But your show manager Complele 101 Custome!r Sp,ecifiicalUons ervice desk or that per on's should also be flexible. • METRIC OR AMERICAN STANDARD supervisor and talk to them. "I've never been to a show • SPUR, INTERNAL .& EXTERNAL Let them handle it. That's • HELICAL, INTERNAL .& EXTERNAL where, no matter how care- '. WORMS, WORM GEARS what they're paid for." fully you've planned, some- • SERRATIONS.SHAFTS • SPLINES, INTERNAL& EXTERNAL Working within the sys- thi ng doesn't go wrong at • ' CLUSTERS tem and playing by the rules the last minute. But when • SEGMENTS • SPINDLES '. MTCHETS • GEAR BOXES are the keys to smooth op- you've studied the manual eration here. and know the options, you Fully implementedSP,C, and datal ,communications capabiiUliies, utillzingl Details, Details, Details know how to respond," says stale ollhe al1 CMM's and 1M& M precision Whether you handle all Felgenhauer. ~ gear checker to 30" Idlameter to 18"face'. your own setup or have an It's Show Time . . ~ai,.l~neg~a,.,.Jnc. I&D house do it, you. will Planning for trade show need to assign one person P.O. BOX 409, PLYMOUTH. MI 4817n success doesn' t stop with the (M3) 459·2440 from your company to be minute the booth is set up. In Mich. 1-800-482-1773· FAX (313) 459·2941 responsible for the trade The wise exhibitor remem- CIRCLE .A-16 on R,EADE'R REPLV CARD show booth. Pick the most bers to bring a few "survival

18 GEAR TECH!I!O~OGY suppl.ies"totlleboothaswell. should not have more than Some of these are common one Of two people in a 10' x IN STOC~K sen e items, buuhey are eas- 10' booth at one time, ac- ily forgotten in the rush of cording to John Lawrence. N'e:w Gear Cuttiing Tools opening day. On the other hand, remem- Hobs - Shapers - Blfoach'es Bring a small first-aid ber that these people need a Famous IBrandiNames kit Aspirin, vitamins, band- break. "~fyou' ve got two or - DO the shelf - aids, and cough drops are three people ata show, let the kinds of things that seem two walk through the show • fe!llows • Plauter Maag unimportant until you need and have one work the booth • Stair Cutt'er one. And don't assume you for an hour. Then trade off." .' IITW - UI:inois Tools won't need them. he suggests. • Na.chii - America The same is true for small What you want to avoid • Dothan Teel & G.auge office upplies .. Be sure to is having five or six people • Tru - Volute pack extra pens, a stapler, standing around in your Free ,450 page ca1t811og ruler, scissors, paper clips. booth doing nothing. That avaHab'l'eupon request pad of paper. etc. looks bad and may actually • NOW! Set u,pfor I 'in-heuse" tool modiifications Paper towels. all-purpose drive people away. & Ilipsharpenling IHerringbone shapers. cleaner, a small whisk Follow Up -INOW!I Set up for "in-heuse" cemputer broom and dust pan, and a Once the show is over, engilneel1ing'assistance. - nN &: TlCN coated tools in steek

MANAGEMENT MATTERS I IMember .AGMA. AS;H GEAR & SUPPLY 'COiRP. waste basket aren't bad your work is not done. 21380 Briidge ;Sneet Sou,thfield , Michigan 48034 ' ideas either. These can pre- Along with all the repack- IPhone (313) 357-5980· Fax (313) 351·4324 vent your booth from get- ing and shipping of your CIRCLE .1\,·32on READER !REIPl Y CARD ting "tired" before the end booth and its contents, you of the show, A basic set of should be taking notes on 'OUR ECONOMIC CRISIS tools - a hammer, scr·ew- what went right and what A comprehensive look at our decliningeconomy, and clear solutions to avert economic disaster. driver. some duct tape. ex- went wrong at the show. BY tra extension cords - can Write down the things you JOSEPH L. ARVIN also slave off minor disas- want to do. differently next 'you see a lot of writing on this topic ... not many authors ter 11 nthe middle of the show. time. Don' t depend .onyour make as much sense as Joe Arvin." Also think about your memory. You also should Jolm McCarron Finanei.! Editor; CfuCi!IlOTrjbun~ own comfort. Comfortable have a system in place for •Joe Arvin cuts through the confusion .... his analysis and shoes are a mu t, You're following up on all the con- solutions make perfect sense. Everyone needs to read dill!" going to be on your feet for tacts you made during the Phil. Kingsley Editor, Po"",r Transmission Design Mapzine hours on end. (Ifthe show is show. They're the reason cunning more than a day or you went to all this trouble "I endorse everything Joe bas said in 'Our Economic Crisis' .• Carl E. Overton two. consider carpet pad- in the first place. Failure to CEO, Overton Gear & Tool Corpor.arion ding. The cost is minor corn- make good use ofthese con- "Our Economic Crisis' is a 16-page·essaywhich examines the causes pared 10 the difference it wiII tacts is to. waste your entire of our current economic problems. and outlines essential corrective actions for reform of the U.S. economy. make to your comfon.) Bring trade show effort. As president of Arrow Gear Ccmpany, Joseph AJVin is on the front along some mints. hard It's true. Creating and line of the economic battle facing American industry. Drawing from this perspective, Mr. Arvin presents a dear and concise gameplan for candy, or chewing gum to running a successful trade returning U.S. industry 10 the vital posrure that it once had. - help tide you over until you how exhibit is a little like "Our Economic Crisis' was produced with the endorsement of .28 other gear manufacturers, suppliers and users. It has received widespread can break for a meal. organizing the Normandy acclaim by both individuals and industry leaders.

Br.ing enough people. Invasion. But when the con- To order your copy of the essay that has informed hundreds of concerned Americans, send a check or The number is a trade-off tacts you make turn into money order for $2..00per copy to: between overworking your good sale later, you wiU CRYSTAL IMAGE PRODUCTIONS, Inc. people and the space in find that the effort has been 5240 S..Belmont R.d. Downers Grove, .11. 60515 your booth, You probably worthwhile .•

JULY/AUG UST 1992 19 Grinding of Spur and Helical Gears

Dr. Sur,en B. Rao NaUonal Sc!ience Foundation Washinglt1on. D,.IC:.

Grinding is a technique of finish-machining, plete treatise on gear grinding. utilizing an abrasive wheel. The rotating abra- Reasons For 'Grinding sive wheel, which is generally of special shape There aretwo primary reasons for grinding or form, when made to bear against a cyhndrical- gears. In spite of severalertemprs to the contrary, shaped workpiece, under a set of specific geo- it still remains one of the most viable techniques metrical relationships, will produce a precision of machining gears once they are in a hardened spur or helical gear. In most instances the work- state (50 Rc and above). Also, the process, in piece win already have gear teeth cut on it by a combination with highly accurate machines, is primary process, such as bobbing or shaping. capable of gear manufacturing accuracy un- There are essentially two techniques for grind- matched by other manufacturing techniques. ing gears: form and generation. The basic prin- AGMA gear quality 12 and 13 are common, and ciples of these techniques, with their advantages AGMA gear quality 14 and 15 are not unusual, and disadvantages, are presented in this section. With the advent of cubic boron nitride (CBN), A general. introduction to the basic prin- grinding bas been tried. with some success, as a ciples of the grinding process, however, pre- primary operation on hardened material instead cedes the discussion of gear grinding tech- of bobbing or shaping before heat treatment niques, This is based on the belief that the (sometimes referred to as "direct grinding"), discussion of the grinding process, in combi- Obviously this is of greatest consequence only if nation with the description of the gear grind- a gear is being made from through-hardened ing techniques, would constitute a more com- material, a process that is not very common. It is much more common for gears to be made of ABRASIVE GRAIN case-hardened material where the economics of grinding from the solid are not as beneficial. BOND Gear grinding is an expensive operation and has to be justified on the basis of required gear quality in the hardened condition, The basic principles of grinding are now presented. IGrind.ing Process Mechanics and Process Parameters V;: CUrrrNG VELOCITY VECTiOR 'Grinding is a metal cutting process not un-

y;: NEGA nVE RAKE ANGLE like single- or multi-point machining. such as turning, , bobbing, etc., but with some ex ex. ;: CLEARANCE ANGLE major dissimilarities. Grinding is characterized by the fact that the cutting tool, in this case the grinding wheel, consists of a very large number of randomly oriented cutting edges machining Fig..I - Grinding process schematic showing negative rake aogZe. small amounts of material, thus resulting in

20 GEAR TECHNOLOGY extremely fine chip thicknesses. While chip th ick- work piece error will remain after the first turn- nesses of20 urn (0.0008") or more are common ing pass. In grinding. however. since R is ex- in operation Liketurning. and chip thicknesses tremely large compared with K, values of 0 '" of8 um (0.0003") we common in operations like 0.95 are not uncommon ..This signifies that in milling, chip thicknesses of less than 1 urn grinding almost 95% of the initial work: piece (0.00004") are the norm in grinding. error may remain after the first grinding pass. It Though the abrasive particlesin the grinding is obvious from this discussion that careful ex- .. wheel ave randomly oriented, by virtue of their ecution of all previous processes to ens LIre a shape .•they generally present a large negative good pre ground gear is essential. to an economic rake angle to the cutting velocity vector as seen and successful grinding operation. in Fig. 1. Negative rake angles always result in Wear of the grinding wheel is an essential higher cutting forces than do positive rake angles. part of the process. As the sharp cutting edges of Also. small chip thicknesses result in higher the abrasives wear out. cutting forces on that specific caning forces, where specific cutting particular abrasive increase until either the grain force is defined as the force required to cut a unit fractures reveal new sharp cutting edges or the area of chip cross section (kgf/mm2 or Ibf.lin2). abrasive is pulled out of the bond and a. new The combination of negative rake and low chip abrasive grain is exposed. In essence, if the thickness gives rise to high specific power re- process were in perfect harmony, the grinding quirements in grinding. Specific power is de- wheel wouldbe self-sharpening. But even though fined as power required to machine unit quantity wheel wear is an accepted phenomenon, the rate of material in unit time (hp/m:m3/m:in or hplin.3J at which it occurs is critical. For wheel wear

min). This is 110t only indicative of the low results, not only in wheel replacementbur also efficiency of the grinding process, but also its in oilier nonproducti ve wheel preparatory opera- high susceptibility to burning damage. as all the tions, such as trueing, dressing, and profH:ing. power consumed by the operationis converted Therefore. the ratio of work:materi al removed to into heat. The small chip thickness, however. volume of wheel lost, also called the 0 ratio. is also enables the generation of a high-quality a measure of grinding efficiency. 0 ratios can surface and tight dimensional tolerances that range from less than one to several hundred,

make this process critical to the manufacture of depending 011 the e variables. high-precision gears and components. One other distinguishing feature ofthe grind- The combiaetionoflarge negative rake angle ing proces is the fractional amount of time the on the abrasive grain and small. chip thickness abrasive grain is actually creating a chip, in also results in cutting process stiffnesses in grind- comparison with the total time this grain is in ing that are almost several times the cutting contact with the work piece material. Three process stiffnesses in other machining processes •. distinct phenomena have been recognized as

SIlCh. at turning and milling. CHtting process occurring as the abrasive grain comes in'contact stiffness here is defined as the force per unit chip with and leaves contact with the work surface. thickness and is generally expressed inkgf/mm2 These three regions have been defined as rub- (]bflin.2) of chip thickness. Since the rate of bing, plowing. and cutting, and the actual cutting reproducibility of error due to a machining pro- or chip formation may be occurring for only cess is given by the formula: about 30% of the time the abrasiveend the work- piece are in contact. The force at which the 0= _Jl'_ I+Jl transition occurs from rubbingand plowing to Ur. Suren B. IRao is currently the Director where 0 is the rate of reproducibility and Jl is cutting is called the threshold force. When the of the Manufacturing expressed by the formula: mechanisms holding the grinding wheel and the Machines and Equipment Program in tile Division Jl",R work exert a force in excess of this threshold of Design and Manufac· K force, grinding and metal removal will occur. turing Systemsat the Na- where K is the stiffness of the machine tool and Finally, here is a word about spark-out. As a. tlonal Science Founda- tion. He has a doctorate R is the cutting process stiffness. grinding process proceeds with the rotating grind. from the University of In a typical turning operation Kis several ing wheel being fed into the work material. Wi~coII~in. He also stud- ied at McMaster Univer- times R. and 0 typically computes to less than cutting force are generated. These cutting forces sity and 01Bangalore Uni- 0.25 ..This signifies that only 25% of the initial cause the electromechanical structure that holds versity. India.

JULY/AU(lUST Ig;2 211 the grinding wheel and the workpiece [0 deflect grinding process, where no infeed occurs but away from each other. AI. a certain in tant in the grinding continues, is called spark-out. The time process, the infeed of the wheel a:ndJorlhe work- taken to complete spark-outi a measure of' the piece is stopped, resulting in a reduction of the stiffne s of the tructure of tile machine tool- clJtt.ing force . T.his cause the strain energy teol-workpiece system. In general, some amount stored in the structure to overcome the deflection of perk-out in a grind cycle will improve work • and return the system to a state of equilibrium. piece qlHtlity. A this happens, the wheel and workpiece move Abrasives

into each other and continue to grind as Lhe Though aluminum oxide (A120), silicon forces decay to the threshold force level, after carbide (SiC), diamond (C),and cubic boron which no more grinding occur. This part of the nitride (CBN) are generally considered in the ----- category of abrasives where grinding is con- cerned; only aluminum oxide and cubic boron 12.0 nitride are discu sed further. This is because in r;; 8000 gear grinding we are usuaUy dealing with :fer- ll- -0 0 9.0 rnus alloys, and diamond and silicon carbide vi 6000 tend to perform poorly when grinding steel .. In Ul High wear rates ofthe diamond or silicon car- Z 6,0 0 - t:::t: 4000 bide abrasive when grinding may be due to 0:( l: interatomic diffusion of the carbon atoms present 0 Ct! - 3.01 u 2000 in these two abrasives. since steel is character- i ized a "carbon hungry" at the elevated tempera- tures that are encountered during grinding. 200 400 600 800 1000 The characteristic of aluminum oxide and TEMPERATURE, DC cubic boron nitride that impact their perfor- mancea .abrasives are now presented in a com- parative manner. It is obvious from the follow- ing that cubic boron nitride is a considerably superior abrasive, though more expensive than aluminum oxide. Hardness. Fig. 2 shows a comparative plot of diamond, cubic boron nitride. silicon carbide, and aluminum oxide hardness at elevated tem- peratures. Iti obviou that cubic boron nitride is 0,006" 0,002" WEAR FLAT WEAR FLAT several times harder that aluminum. oxide and of aluminum old de and euble boron nitride. even harder than diamond at temperatures higher than 1472°f (800°C). The chemical inertness of u, It. cubic boronaimde is also of significance, since CI'l 350 any chemical affinity to jron would result in ~ 2000 ;:J 300 f0- increa ed wear rate . al 1600 Grain Shape ..When comparing grain shapes ~ of aluminum oxide and cubic boron nitride. the :> 200 .... 1200 ufo- former i known to have a more pronounced ~ spherical form. while the Inter has a block form. zCl 800' 0 100 For a given amount of crystal wear, a spherical U ..J 400 form exhibits a larger wear area than does a -( block form (Fig. 3). Tendency to burning has ~ w:= been related to wear flat area, indicating that fo- higher degree. of burning and surface damage W/M/K 29 40 50 400 113002000 are po sible with alumiaum oxide than with fJTUlfT·soF 4.6 6.4 8.0 64.0 20.8 32.0' cubic boron nitride. Fig. 4- Compares ive thermal condllctivit11 of abrasives and other materials. Thermal Conductivity. Fig. 4 shows a com-

22 GEAR TECHNOLO(lV par-ison of thermal conductivity of the various abra ive and some common metals. Though 160. diamond hasthe highest conducti ity, .A I_BoRko :'CBN! 17eA 00 (iRIT thermal hiD Z l I ~ 1 I cubic boron nitride i not far behind and con id- 0 If \,I--AI203 til erably higher thaaaluminum oxide ..The high z 1.20 Ul , l- II'I thermal conductivity of cubic boron nitride al- 100 I Vi lows more of the heat generated at the abrasive- :.:: 80 I work. material interface to flow into the abrasive vi I;Il I.I.l and into the wheel than into the work piece, p,::; 60 1\ ~ _J I- resulting in reduced tendency for surface dam- r:n ..J 40 \ I <0( J age. It must be remembered, however, that it is ::i C Z 20 \ I possible to produce thermal damage with cubic en 0 Ul Vi '\ boron nitride ..The combination of high thermal 0:: r:n III 0 conductivity and lower wear flat area owing to g: I - I: ~. -20 j J grain hape allows for much higher metal re- 1 L u0 moval rates to be achieved and higher spindle -40 tL powers to be utilized before thermal damage can o 0.0020.004 0:006 0.008 o.to occur. The impact of a grinding abrasive on the work piece will generally induce a compre sive Fig..S - Comparathevalues of restdaalstre s distribution. stress on (he work surface. However, the local- the surface finish that is obtainable. In general. ized heating and ub equent cooling t.hat is more coar e abrasi ve grain sizes, also called grit sizes, predominant when grinding with aluminum ox- result in rougher ground surfaces and filler grit ide overcomes the compressi ve stress due to sizes in lower surface roughness values. Surface mechanical impact, and the residual stresses in roughness values of O.41lm (16 uin.) are gener- the uppermost layers ohhe work piece are highly ally po sible with 60 grit size abrasives, and tensile. The absence of this heating when grind- values better than 0.1 l,Un (4 !lin.) are possible ing with cubic boron nitride re ults in residual wilh abrasives of 200 grit size or finer. stress that is a compressive on the work surface. Wheel hardness is another important charac- Fig. 5 show typical residual tress profiles pro- teristic of the wheeland is relasedro the amount duced by plunge grinding with the ItwOabra- of bond used in the manufacture of the wheel. A sives ..Since ten ile stres esare accompanied by hard wheel has more bond, resulting in a greater lowered fatigue life, clearly grinding with CBN abrasive retention abili ty. The abrasi ve will have offer distinctive advantages. The only draw- to become considerably dull, in regard to its backs to the application of cubic boron nitride cuUing edges, before sufficient forces are gener- are its co ts and the need for tiffer, bigher- atedto tear it away. On the other hand, a oft powered machine tools to funy utilize the advan- wheel has les bond and consequently will lose tages that cubic boron nitride ha to offer. its abra ive grain more readily. In general, soft Grinding Wheels wheels are used with hardened materials be- Grinding wheels and their properties are cause the abrasive grain is known to dun rapidly only briefly discussed here, a a con iderabJe when machining the hard materials, and fresh, amount of literature i in existence. especially sharp abrasives will be required to continue from. wheel manufacturers that covers this in gTinding without the occurrence of high tem- detail. All grinding wheels. except electroplated peratures and surface damage. On the other wheel, consist of an abra ive held ill a bond. hand. hard wheels are generally used with soft The physical size of (he abrasive is a major materials, since the abrasive is expected to last determining factor in abrasive grain concentra- longer, and abrasive grain retentionis a property tion and in the number of' cutting edges engaged that is de ired froman economic point of view. in the proce ofgrinding at any given instant til Wheel structure is another important charuc- time; Ithat is, the larger tile abra iveize, the teri tic. An open structure allows greater chip fewer the number of abrasi ve and cutting edges, clearance and is preferable in roughing opera- and vice ver a. This in tum impacts the chip tions where large quantities of material. may be thicknesses grinding proceeds and, consequently, removed. Lack of suffieient space for chips

JULY/AUGust 1Sg2 23 would result in the loading of the wheel. with Wheel Dressing. This is required to eliminate subsequent burning of the work surface. How- the uppermost layer of dulled abrasive grains ever, open-structure wheels are also softer, be- and expose the sharp, next layer of abrasive cause of the reduced amount of bond material. grains in the wheel to obtain efficient cutting. On Abrasive grain size is specified by the wire a new wheel it becomes necessary to do this mesh size that will allow the abrasive to pass when the wheel is very bard and the bond mate- through. The smaller the number, the larger is ria] completely encloses the abrasive grain. For the grain size, It must be remembered that the softer wheels the trueing operation is generally mesh size specified only indicates that grains able to expose abrasive grains, and the first larger than the specified value do not exist in the wheel contact with the work piece is sufficient to wheel, but smaller abrasive grain sizes do. Wn break down any bond material that may still be general. the grain size distribution can be as- covering the abrasive. On harder wheels the sumed to follow a normal distribution. Wheel bond material. may need to be pushed back with hardness or wheel. grade is specified with aletter, a stick of silicon carbide or naturally occurring with A being the softest and Z the hardest. Wheel abrasives. such as corundum. etc. Too much structure is generally specified with a number. bond removal is, however, detrimental, asabra- with I representing a dose structure and 10 sive grains would be unsupported and conse- representing a very open structure. quent1y lost easily, leading to lossofthe wheel it must. be remembered that there are no Dressing also clears the chip-loaded surface absolute relationships between work piece and of the wheel, which may cause burning of this wheel characteristics ..The aforementioned facts work piece. A loaded wheel, in. combination are only guidehnes,and the exact choice ofa with dull abrasive grains, will have a smooth, wheel for a particular work material-grinding glazed surface ..After dressing, the wheel surface operation combination has to be arrived at 0111 the will be rougher to the touch. basis of trial and experience. Wh.ee.lProfiling. In this operation the wheel Wheel Preparation. In most grinding op- is shaped to a specific profile in order to generate erations where a dressable whee] is used, the required geometry on the work piece. This is four distinct operations may be present, sin- of special significance in gear grinding,as the gly or in combination: 1) wheel trueing, 2) wheel is either representing a rack in some wheel dressing, 3) wheel. profiling, and 4) generating-grinding operations or the norma] wheel crushing. The purpose and procedure space between two adjacent teeth in form-grind- for these foureperations are now discussed. ing operations, Wheel trueing. dressing, and The mechanism for accomplishing these op- profiling can, however, be combined into one erations is described later. operation on a machine, especially if a medium Wheel Trueing. In this operation wheel. ma- or soft wheel is used. For hard wheels trueing terial is removed to eliminate wheel and profiling can be combined. while initial nonuniformiries of shape and geometry due to dressing to push back the bond material is car- wheel manufacture and mounting. The grinding ried out. as a separate operation. wheel is mounted on its whee] holder, balanced, Wheel Crushing. This is a technique used for and then mounted on the machine spindle .. rapidly removing wheel material to profile a Trueing is then carried out by the motion of a wheel, A crushing roll, generally made of high- diamond too] in a direction along the axis of speed sreel, with the required proflle machined wheel rotation as the wheel is spinning at speeds on it, is brought into 'contact under pressure with

close to 0[ at grinding speeds. After all the the grinding wheel, with no relative tangential nonuniformity is eliminated. the grinding wheel velocity. Wheel speeds are generally reduced will need to be balanced again, Wheel trueing is during this process to about one-fifth to one- generally necessary only when the wheel is tenth the actual grinding speeds. mounted for the first time unless nonuniform Bxeept for crushing and dressing of very wheel wear has occurred during the grinding hard wheels, all other wheel preparation opera- operation. Trueing will reduce forced vibration tions are combined on most grinding machines. problems due to nonuniform wheel shape and Profiling, trueing, and dressing can be done with geometry, resulting in improved surface finish. a single-point diamond traversing the wheel

24, G E ... R TEe H N 0 LOG Y surface in a specific relation hip to generate the terized by large infeeds into the work in excess required profile. Where profile accuracy is in- of 0.5 mm (0.0125") and up to 10 mm (0.4"), fluenced by the wear of the diamond point, a depending on machine power and stiffness; but rotating diamond d:isk that represents many dia- accompanied by much lower work velocities, mond points will improve results, since the dia- which could be a low as 50 ram/rain (2 in.!min) mond wear is distributed over many points .. and seldom exceeding 500 rnm/min (20 in.lmin). However, the di k should run true in axial and Work velocity is inver ely proportional to the radial directions in order to maintain profiling infeed. Work velocities exceeding 250 mm/min accuracy. For much faster profiling, in combina- (10 in.lmin) are generally accompanied by spe- tion with dressing and trueing, formed diamond cial dressing processes, such as continuous dress- rolls can be used. These rolls are, however. ing, which enable the maintenance of a harp, expensive, and sufficient part volume may be unclogged grinding wheel. necessary tojustify the investment With a formed Since the infeeds are large, arc of contact diamond roll, intermittent dressing when the between wheel and work is extremely large in grinding wheel is out of the cut or continuous comparison to conventional grinding. This re- dressing during the grinding operation are pos- suits in each abrasive grain cutting a long chip. sible. Continuous dressing is especiallyeffec- The wheel consequently has to have a very open tive for high-speed, creep-feed grinding, which structure to accommodate long chips. is discussed later. The large arc of contact, which resultsin a Grinding Processes large number of grains in simultaneous cutting There are two distinct grinding processes action, requires high . pindle power, which in used in gear grinding, as in mo t grinding opera- tum results in large cutting forces and the gen- tions. They aI1eas follows: eration of greater quanitites of heat than with Conventional Grinding ..Fig. 6 illustrates the conventional grinding. The machine tool has to basic properties of this process, which ischarac- have the necessary power and stiffnes to with- terized by a wheel rotating at surface speeds of stand the larger force . and a copious supply of about 30 mJ (6,000 ftlmin), infeeds of 0.01 to 0.050 mm (0.0004 to 0.'0002 in.) and work ve- Ioclties of 1.25m/min to 10m/min (50 to 400 in.! min). The chips generated are short, due to the small. arc of contact between an abrasive grain and workpiece in this process, and are easily disposed of. Wheel wear rate .are generally high in this process, resulting in low to medium G ratios. This is because of repeated impacts be- tween the edge of the work piece and the wheel. due to the to-and-fro escillatlons of the work- 41 om MMFEED piece, for which reason this process is also sometimes referred to as pendulum grinding. Fig. ,6- Conventional or pendulum grindling. Researchers have also found that in this mode of grinding, the average force per abrasive grain is high. further contributing to rapid wheel break- down. Coolant is generally used, though dry grinding can be done if the amount of infeed is in the 0.0005-mm (0.0002-in") range when grind- ing hardened teel. This is due to the fact that metal removal rates are very small, with a small fraction ofthe wheel surface cutting at any given instant, with low power consumption and conse- quently low amounts of heat generation. 2 MM STOCK REMOVAL "'- -' Creep-feed Grinding. Fig. 7 illustrates the basic properties of this processthatare charac- Flig., • Creep-feed grinding.

JULY/AUGUST 1992 25 well-directed coolant to' carry away the heat ously fed into the work to compensate for reduc- generated in the process, tion in wheel size. This continuous dressing In spite of the larger power requirement, keeps the wheel clean and sharp, allowing higher creep-feed grinding generally enjoys a higher G work velocities during creep-feed grinding. Ex- ratio than does conventional grinding when grind- perimental work where work velocities were in ing similar materials ..The lowered wheel wear is the Im/mm (40 in.lmin) range and higher have attributed to lower forces per abrasive in creep- been reponed. feed grinding and also to the fact that in conven- With this introduction to the various a pects tional grinding many wheel-work piece impacts of the grinding process, it is now possible to are present as the work piece oscillates from side discuss gear grinding as practiced by the indus- to side about the wheel. try. The two most common techniques are form Any means of eliminating the long chips grinding and generating grinding. The techniques produced in creep-feed grinding from loading are now discussed in detail. the wheel will only improve the efficiency of the Generating Gdnding process. The use of high-pressure coolants to' There are several basic techniques of gener- flush the wheel has been one techniques allow- ating grinding; each technique is associated with ing higher work velocities. Another technique a pecific machine-tool manufacturer. These has been continuou dressing, Here the dressing distinct techniques are now presented. roll, which may have the required form, is con- Threaded Wheel Method. The basic machine tinuously fed into the wheel during the grinding motions that generate the gear ill this method are process, with the grinding wheel being continu- kinematically illustrated in Fig. 8. The simHari- ~------~------ties of the mechanics of this technique to gear hobbing are very obvious, with the threaded grinding wheel replacing the hob. The ratio of work speed and wheel speed when grinding spur gears is a simple ratio of number of teeth on the gear and number of starts on the wheel. For helical gears this has compensated (differential indexed) for the traverse of the grinding wheel along the face width ofthe gear. Tn order to be able to carry out the grinding process, the threaded grinding wheel, unlike the hob, has to' achieve surface speed in excess O'f25 m/s (5000 ft/min). The indexing mechanism has to be considerably more accurate in order to F.ig.8 - Kinematic representation ofthreaded wheel method, achieve tbe gear quality required in grinding. In the past, complex gear arrangements were nor- mally used to' obtain the simple and differential. indexing requirements between the grinding wheel and work piece. However,.electronic gear boxes (EGBs) are now commercially available to maintain the kinematic relationship. Fig. 9 shows a typical machine with an EGB for gener- ating grinding. The quality of the gear being ground is also significantly affected by the rack-type profile of the grinding wheel.lt mu t first be introduced on acylindrical wheel and then maintained through the grinding process as the wheel. breaks down due to wear. Introduction of the rack-type profile on a Fig. 9'- Electronic threaded wheel-type gear grinder. cylindrical wheel is done in two steps. A rough

26 GEAR TECHNOLOGY rack-type profile i cru hed into the wheel using a steel crushing roll. Thiscan then be fini hed by a variety of techniques using diamond tool , such a a single-point dresser or coated dre ing disk. Profile modifications are introduced in this second step as required. With Ingle-point dre - ing tool , profile modidifications are made using special cams. If coated disk are being used, the modifications are lapped into the disk by the machine manufacturer .. Saucer Wheels Met/lad. This is another gen- erating technique where two saucer-shaped wheels are u ed as ihewn in Fig. 10. The grind- ing surfaces ohlle two,wheels represent the rack. STA DARD and the involute profile i. .generated by the gear ROLLIG rolling relative to and in contact with. the two HEADS GENERATING grinding wheels. The wheel may be set parallel.

0 to each other or at an angle up to 10 . The work piece is reciprocated in the axial direction to provide the feed motion as two flanks of two different. teeth are ground in one pass, At the end of the pas the entire gear j indexed lIsing mechanical index head' 0 that two flanks of two or more teeth are them ground by the wheel. The depth of cut i determined by the infeed of the two grinding wheels toward each other, For spur gears, the axes of the grinding wheels are perpendicular to the axis of the gear and onl.y imple motion, to imulate the rolfing of the gear on the rack repre ented by the grind- ing wheel. i needed to generate the involute. Thi generating motion i produced by steel Fig. 11 • Typical. saucer wheel grinder showing basle eornponents, tapes fixed to a stationarytap stand, the otherend circle diameters that can be ground with the of which is wound over a rolling block that is arne rolling block. generally the same diameter as the base-circle The contact between the saucer-shaped wheel diameter of the pmflie being ground. This is and the tooth flank is generally restricted to a illustrated in Fig. 1.1.When grinding a helical very small area at.any given time. Thi generally gear, the rolling motion lhat is necessary 10 make this technique of gear grinding time con- generate the involute has to be compensated for suming and slow. However, it also,enables point- the helix. angle a the grinding wheels move by-point profile and lead modification along the along the face width of the gear. Tlii is accorn- flank of the tooth technique, termed topological plished by a helix guide rnechani m attached 10 modification .. Consequently, the profile of the the tape stand that is u ed to generate the rolling gear tooth can be different along the entire face motion. The helix guide is et to the base helix width of the gear, a feature that none of the other angle, and, a the gear moves along its axis, gear grinding technique . form or generation. additional motion i imparted to ittoproduce the can duplicate. Use of computer to contrel this helix along with the involute. topological grinding feature allow, an infinite On older machine of thi type, changeover variety of tooth forms to be ground. It must be from one gear to another required the change of remembered, however. that this feature is at the the rolling block for each change in base-circle price of slower cycle time. and tradeoffs have to diameter. On modern machine. mechanisms be examined before a decision is made to use this have been developed that allow a range of ba e- technique, Also, at the present time, apart f:rom

JULY/AUGUST '8112 21' 11 few gear tool application , no other applica- wheel that represents a ingle tooth of the rack, tions of topological grinding have been applied .. as shown in Fig. 12. The sides of the wheel Vitrified aluminum oxide wheels are most correspond to the pressure angle of the gear commonly u ed in this method of gear grinding, being ground ..The work. gear rotate and trans- and the grinding process is generally do lie "dry." lates linearly to generate the rolling action re- Dressing is carried out with whee] cornpen 3- quired to generate the involute profile. tion, u ing single-point diamond. The purpo e The simultaneous rolling and linear motion of dressing i to en ure that the rotating urface i generally obtained by having a rna ter gear of the wheel represents a straight loath of a. with the same number of teeth mounted on the generating rack. Single-layer, cubic boron ni- work spindle rolling on a stationary master tride-plated wheels have also been tried, as they rack. The master gear and rack must corre- eliminate the need for dre sing, and wheel life is spond to the gear being ground in terms of high for reason already explained in the text number of teeth. pressure angle, diametral pitch. Conical Wheel Grinder. This is another ver- etc. Electronic means of varying the base roll sion of generating grinding using a grinding diameter to correspond to the gear being pro- cessed are, however, now available. In this proce ,as with thepreviously di eus ed . au- cer wheels method, two flanks oftwo different teeth are finished before the gear is indexed to grind two more flanks of two more teeth. Helical gear canal 0 be generated by this technique. though helical master gears and racks are required. If the wheel needs to be dressed, diamond point operating at the specific pres- Fig. 12 - Basic concept of a conical wheel grinder. sure angle are required. Since simple traight line forms need to be eire sed, the dre ing mecha- nism is relatively simple. Tooth profile modifi- cations are produced by the modified grinding wheel. For lead modifications the tool slide with the grinding wheel is radially advanced in syn- chroni rn with the stroking motion of the grind- ing slide, controlled through a tracer roll fellow- ing the lope of the template. A moderate-sized conical wheel grinder, grinding a double helical gear i shown in Fig. 13. Form Grinding In this technique.the abrasive grinding wheel is profiled to repre ent the space between two adjacent teeth on a gear. The wheel is then passed through the space while grinding occurs

Fig. 13 - Conical wheel gllinder finishing a double- OJil the two adjacent teeth flanks and the root, if helical gear' ,in oae setup. required. a hown in Fig. [4. This i one of the primary advantages of form grinding in that various simple and compound root form can be produced. Form grinding al 0 enables the grind- ing of internal gear and external gearsposr- tinned against a boulder. When a is being ground. the wheel is simply moved along the axisof the gear. When GRINDING a helical gear i required, the axial motion oHlle PROFILE ONLY wheel is combin d with a motion of the gear Fig. 14 - Basic concept oHllrDl gear grinding .. about its axis in order to produce the lead. The

28 GEAR TECHNOLOGY various axes of motion required to manufacture +Y a gear on a horizontal axis grinder are illus- -s c.!J +B trated in Fig. i5. The A axis provides the tooth- to-tooth index and, when interpolated with the X axis generates the lead. The Y axis provides size control and, in combination with the X axis, provides lead modifications. The B axis allows the wheel to be set to the helix angle of the part. On a horizontal axis machine, two more axes are generally required to dress the profile on the grinding wheel. These are marked as the V and Waxes. J +X .y An analysis of current gear grinding equip- ment indicate that form grinders are ahead of the generating machine in the application of -v computer control to gear grinding. In most gen- Fig. IS • Axes of motion for fiormgrinding. erating machines it was found that only some aspects of the process were under computer control, while other aspects used mechanical control devices such as index plates, sine bars. or cams. However, contemporary form grinders appear to have completely abandoned mechani- cal devices in favor of computer control and appear to be doing as well or better than the older form-grinding machines, Also, computer con- trot enables these form grinders to be more flexible and require le setup time than their generating counterparts, Since the wheel profile is constant, modify- ing the lead by Y axis motion. which results ina change in center distance between the grinding wheel and the gear, will re ult in slight di tor- rions to the profile. Lead modifications through Fig. 16· CNC form gear grinder. change in the interpolation relationships be- changes due to dressing can be done just as tween the A and X axes are also possible. easily as speeding up the spindle is carried out his also important to note that, when grind- for changes in wheel diameter in order to main- inga helical gear. the normal tooth pace that is tain constant wheel urface speeds. Tile only represented by the grinding wheel has to be necessity is that the machine constitute a set of modified to account for the interference that necessary accurate linear and rotary axes. occurs between the wheel and the helical groove Wheeling trueing. profiling. and dressingare commonly termed heel-toe action. This heel-toe accompli hed by the dre ing mechanism. A action is a. function of the wheel diameter. Con- diamond disk or single-point diamonds can be sequently, this has to be compensated for wheel used. If production volumes can juslifJl it,a diameter reduction during dressing to avoid er- diamond preformed dressing roll can be used to rors in profiles. reduce dressing times and increase productivity, In the past, mechanical devices such a sine Alternatively, electroplated preformed cubic bars, index plates, and cams were used to gener- boron nitride wheels can be used. and dressing ate the helix, index, and profile, respectively. On times can be completely eliminated (keeping in modern computer-controlled machines. such as mind that preformed wheels may cost up 10 ]00 the one shown in Fig. 16, software generate and time the cost of a dressable aluminum oxide controls the relationship. Con equently, com- wheel). Vitrified. dressable cubic boron nitride pensating for the involute as the wheel diameter wheels can also be used, These need to bedre sed,

JULY/AUGUST 199229 but not as often a aluminum oxide wheel ,and started. Keeping in mind the variety of gear are generally cheaper or about the same cost as grinding techniques available and the variety, of a plated wheel. grinding processes that could be utilized, devel- The coordinates de cribing the profile that i opment of. pecific formulae to suit each proce II ed to control the dressing device are also and technique was considered futile. Instead. a generated by oftware. wo basic approache more general approach is now pre. ented: an are evident. Onei .a more fundamental approach approach that can be modified to suit each tech- based on solid geometry, where thegrinding nique or process a nece sary. wheel and work piece are considered as two The total time required to grind a gear is cylinders intersecting each other at a present given by the expression: distance and angle between the two axes. The Total time .. grind cycle time + work han- shape of the inter ecting surface on one of the dling lime +etup Lime per gear. cylinders, that i .the workpiece, is defined by Since the work handling time and. etup time the specified profile. Consequently the hape of per gear are functions of sophistication and type the wheel surface can be computed. The profile of work-handling equipment and machine tool may be an involute with modifications or a and the skill ofthe operator, furtherdi cussion is noninvolute if required. The other ba ic ap- restrained to' the grind cycle time only. proach is heuristic or data- based in which profile The grind cycle time is given by the general- coordinates corresponding to different pressure ized expression: angles, module (diarnetral pitch), base-circle Grind cycle lime .. grind lime ....index time + diameters, and heli.x angles at P. D. are stored. w.heel dre time ....re et time. Interpolated values of coordi nates for other pro- Further, grind time i.given by the expres- file can then be obtained. This approach is more sion: limited in scope and may need a few trials to Grind time = gear face width ....overtravel x arrive at the right profile. work traverse velocity The ability of form grinding to produce noninvolute forms cannot be overstressed. Gen- number of traverses x number of gear teeth. erating grinding is limited ill this area as the gear Oear face width and number of leeth can be profile is due to the rolling action of the work obtained from a part print; the amount. of againstthe wheel. Form grinding is. on the other overtravel is a value nece ary to dear the part hand, limited only by the Iype of forms that can for the purposes of indexing; and the work. tra- be generated on the wheel. ver e velocity is a parameter that is dependent Since the accuracy of profile obtained in on a variety of factors. including the process and form grinding is directly impacted .by wheel the type of machine tool being utilized. The wear, any technique that could reduce wheel number of traverses required for grinding is wear is obviou 1)'of benefitto the economic of given by the formula the operation. Platedcubic boron nitride wheels, where wear of the wheel i almo t nonexistent. umber of traverse represent one approach. providing it can be

cost-justified. Creep-feed grinding. with its ac- semifinish stock + finish stock + compallying reductions in wheel wear, is an- emifinish infeed finish weed other. In orderto accommodal.e the creep-feed number of park-out traverse . grinding process, current machines have been designed and built with high spindle power and All these aforementioned parameters are part- high static, tiffness to utilize the power. low and pr . ess-dependent variables. The number table speeds, and large coolant flows. All the e of spark-out traverse i al 0 dependent on tile features have enabled the app.lication of ad- incoming quality of the gear. the required vanced proce ses to the technique of form gear outgoing quality, and the stiffness of the ma- grinding, chine tool being utilized. If the work traver e Cycle Tim.c E timates velocity Jn the expression for grincl time These are e seutial in job hop for quoring changes during the rough. semifrnish, finish, purposes before a job of grinding a gear can be and spark-out, different grind times have to be

30 GEA.R TECHNOLOGY calculated for each pan. of theprocess and generally characterized as unidirection grind- summed to get the total gnnd time .. ing. (This is not to ay that bidirectional grind- The index time, which does not exist in the ing cannot be done. though this is restricted to case of generating grinding with a threaded roughing passes only.) The reset time is the idle wheel, is given by the expression: time lost to reset the machine to do unidirec- The index time::: time per index x number of tional grinding and given by the formula: gear teeth x number of index. traverses. The time per index, usually a few second ,:is Reset time e face wIdth + overtrave] x - - wheel return speed dependent on the type of machine tool and the number of teeth and isa pan-dependent param- number of traverses x eter. The number of index traverses is based on number of gear teeth. the processe and can be computed from the expression: The wheel return speed is generally the Number of index traverses ::: rapid traverse rate on the machine, though depending on tile amount of travel, the table number of rough traverses + number of traverses/index of the machine may never reach that speed. A lower rate should generally be used to account number of semifinish traverses + ... number of traverses/index for acceleration and deceleration. If a combi- nation of bidirectional and unidirectional This combination is due to the possibility grinding is used, the formulae have to be of a number of traverse with grinding infeed modified to suit the requirements. on the arne tooth before indexing, a tech- As stated earlier, only the general approach nique that i u ed occasionally while rough- to estimation of cycle 'time is presented here. ing on a form grinder or generating grinder These have to be modified to suit the grind- using saucer-shaped or conical grinding ing technique and precess selected, Above wheels. If the grinding process being used all, process parameters, such as feed rates requires indexing after every traverse, then and infeeds, have to be valid because the the number of index traverses is the same as quality of the cycle time estimate is vitally the number of traverses. dependent on them. I. Tile dress time igiven by the expression: DIe time = time per dress + References number of dresses per gear. 1. Boothroyd, G. Fundamentals of Metal Ma- In some types of generating grinding a num- chining and Machine Tools, McGraw-Hili. New York, 1975. ber of gears may be finished between dresses 2, Dodd, H. and Kumar, D,V. "Technological Fun- and so a fractional value will have to be used for damentals of CBN Finish Grinding," the parameter "number of dresses per gear." Gear Technology, Vol. 2, No.6, November-De- Also, the time dress during roughing may per cember, 1985. be different from the time per dress during 3. Dudley, D. W. Gear Handbook, Isted ..,McGraw- semifinishing, fini bing, or spark-out, in which Hill. New York, 1962. ca e the formula may have to be expanded to 4. Schwartz, R. W. and Rao, S. B, "A Wheel Selec- account for all these variables. Since a certain lion Technique for Form Gear Grinding," AGMA amount of time is usually required to bring the Paper No. 85FTM7, .1985. dressing mechanism into action at the start of 5. Technology of Machine Tools, VoL 3 Machine each dressing cycle. this time should be added Tool Mechanics, UCRL-52960-3 LLL, Livermore, California, 1980. for a more accurate e timate of dress time. 6. Tlusty, J. and Koenig, berger, F. "Specifications The gear being ground, in almostall in- and Tests ofMetal-Culting Machine Tools," UMIST, stances .. i held between two elements on the Manchester, England, 1970. machine during the grinding process, for ex-

ample, a headstock and a tailstock for an ex- Acknowledgement: From Dudley's Geclr Hfllld- ternal gear. Of the two, one is general the ~ 2nd. ed., Dennis P. Townsend, ed.. ©J991 by stiffer member, and consequently, it is prefer- McGraw-Hill. Reprinted by permission of McGraw- able to grind against this member in what is Hill Publishing Co,

J U L '( I AUG U S T , 9.9 2 31

Comparing Surface Failure Modes in Bearings and Gears: Appearances vs. Mechanisms

ICharles A. !Moyer The T'imken Company, Canton, OH

Introduction Table 1 - Damage Classiflcatlon For Bearings In the 1960's and early 1970's, considerable work was done to identify the various modes of L FATIGUE damage that ended the lives of rolling element Contact Fatigue - Subsurface Origin beanngs._ . (1-5) A' sunp 1 e summary 0f .ate]·1h dam-

- Inclusion - with macroshear classical shear stress zone below age modes that could lead to failure is given in contact surface Table 1. In bearing applications that have Insuf- - Inclusion - near surface zone of rnicroshear greatly influenced by ficient or improper lubricant, or have contami- surface roughness (asperities) - Subcase fatigue- origin near case-core interface if yield strength nants (water, solid particles) or poor sealing, is exceeded by applied stress failures, such as excessive wear or vibration or

Contact Fatigue - Surface Origin corro ion, may occur, rather than contact fa- tigue. Usua.lIy other components in the overall - Origin at the end of contact aggravated by edge geometry system besides bearings also suffer. Over the - Multiple origin of mlcrcpitting (peeling or frosting) - Point surface origin - at localized stress risers (dents, grooves, years, builders of tran missions, axles, and gear surface inclusions) boxes that comprise such systems have under-

11. PLASTIC FLOW stood the need to improve the operating environ- ment within such units, so that some system life - Brinelling or debris denting - Load excursions above the material yield point improvements have taken place. • Yielding aggravated by high temperature excursions Those of us who manufacture bearings real- ized that identifying the damage modes was not m. WEAR enough, but that an understanding of the causes A. Adhesive and underlying mechanisms al play was impor- - Normal - mild or "controlled" - usually identified as "run-in" - Severe - irreversible scuffing, scoring, smearing, or seizure tant to improve the ability to predict bearing life B. Abrasive in this variety of systems. However, whenever • Normal- usually 3 body system, medium to fine particles that are adverse operating conditions prevailed, and ac- also associated with "run-in" - Severe - grooving, gouging. denti ng with ridges that cause serious tual life was below expected life, the under- surface stress risers standing of modes of failure within bearings C. Corrosive - Water or acidic constituents from lubricant breakdown or tem- could be used to determine what improvements perature Chemically aggressive additives ill lubricant were needed to allow bearings to have extended D. Fretting life even under adverse conditions. - Microscale adhesive and abrasive wear - Corrosioninvolvement depending on environment and contacts Considerable work has been done to accom- plish this, and more remains to be done, but

34GEAR TECHNOLOGY through understanding expected failure modes based on known operating conditions and apply- ing this knowledge to the design cycle, signifi- cant. improvements in bearing performance have been achieved. For line contact bearings, the prime factors are (1) significantly cleaner ieel, (2) much improved surface finishes. which in- clude roughnes , wavines , and other factors beyond Ra (the arithmetic center-line average of roughness), and (3) geometry that optimizes internal stress profiles, so that even under high- load or nonaligned conditions much more uni- form stre ses can be maintained along the con- Fig. :I - The triblll.ogy model of line· contact. Two eyllnders In eonta t (Rl tact line, and Rl) under load with surfaces moving (VIand Vl)' X axis On the The same development path seems to have direction ofmlltion) andY axis (at r.ight angles to motinn) define the contact plane ..The Z axis .at r.ight anglesto the contact. plane refers to the dlstanee been occurring for gear contacts. Thus, we can into the contacting cylinders. The contact length 01'1 the Y axis and the review the failure mode that occur in gears and, contact width lb define the Hertzian stress contact area. based on the understanding of what mechanisms underlie the various identified failure modes, maximum P as indicated by the dotted lines see what design changes may be appropriate that above the contact rectangle. P directly relates to would also extend gear performance life beyond the subsurface principal and sheaf stresses to be pre ent limits. discussed later. One way to do this is to compare the modes If there i sufficient lubricant in the entering of damage identified in line contact bearings and meniscus to the contact, an elasiohydrodynamic gears to determine what is happening with:in lubricant (EHL) film (h) win be formed, Recog- their respective contacts that call e the final nizing that the cylindrical surfaces have some failures. Since both bearings and gears function amount of roughne s, the lubricant film (h) and primarily with fluid lubrication, a tribological roughness (0:) can be compared to give an indi- model ofline contact, as shown in fig. L, can be cation of the quality of the lubricant operating the starting point to discu: s the mechanism that regime within the contact; that is, the EHL film contribute to the various failure modes reported. (h) divided by the composite roughness of the The Basic Line Contact Model two. surfaces (0) provide h/o or lambda (;\..). Whether gears or roller bearings, the con- Testing on ball and roller contacts, as for tacting surfaces can be represented a two cylin- example in a tapered roller bearing, (6) demon- ders. It is possible to include transverse profiles strates that the contact itself (2b) actually oper- or radii on the e cylinders and determine the ates as a funcrional filter, and only the surface appropriate elliptical or truncated elliptical con- roughness wavelengths that are approximately tact formed; but for this discussion two. simple one-fourth 21:1up to twice 2b are active within the cylinders of the same or different radii are suffi- contact. Considering gear contacts, WeHauer cient. Under running condition, each cylinder and Holloway under tood this in their paper on has surface velocities either dose to the same or the application of EHL lubricant films to gears considerably different that result in tangential or pre ented in ]975.(7) A simple approach to frictional forces within the contact that can range address such a concept was presented a a modi- from less than 1% to well over 20% of'the normal filed.l I am b da - rano ..111 1989 •(8) .The concept was force that form the rectangular contact area included in a paper at the 1989 AOMA Fall eha,rlles A. M~ov'er Technical meeting(9J and will be in the next between the two cylinders. wasemployed at Tile The two cylinders under load determine the revision of the ANSIJAGMA Standard 200]- Timken Compa/J}'for 38 years prior to his Hertzian contact area on tile X-Y plane shown on 888, Appendix A. retirement. His last post fig. L The cylinder length along the Y axis and The modified lambda can be expressed as: there was as Senior 2b, the width of contact along the X axis. :form Am'" h L 1/2 (1) Scientist. He is the --2b author of over 30 the Hertzian contact hown by the straight dashed articles flIl bearing lines. The Hertzian contact pressure reaches a where Am = the modified lambda technology.

JUL.YIAUIlUST 1991,35 L = llarge end wavelength cutoff used to The maximum of T45 occurs on the center measure surface roughness {usually line of the rec Iangular contact (b = 0) and below L = O,8mm (,030 inch)] the surface at O.7gb, where b is one-half the 2b = width of contact in the direction of width of contact. Under rolling conditions, T45 motion is equal to O.3P (Pequals maximum Hertzian Any further discussion of lambda, especially as pressure in Fig. I). used later in Table 3, is primarily based on Am While T45seems to relate to tile yield limit of rather than A not modified, stressed material, the orthogonal shear stress,

Under load the two cylinders, besides pro- usually T J.Z (in the direction of motion) seem to ducing the contact stress profile shown in Fig, I, be related to rolling or rolling/sliding contact also produce stresses below the surfaces. Of fatigue. Of interest here is the range of orthogo- most interest are some specific shear stresses nal shear that occurs under a contact area as formed from the principal stresses O'~, O:Y' O'z and shown in. Fig. 2. This figure is based on the

the shear stresses T xz' T yz' and T xy that occur results published by Kannel and Tevaarwerk (10)

within the stressed volume below the Hertzian and shows for pure rolling that the maximum TX2 contact area. The first of these is the maximum occurs about 0.5b below the contact surface and

shear stress (T4j) that is in the center of contact has opposite values across the contact of ±0 ..25P;

T45 = 0',5 (O:z - 0) (2) that is. the range of shear stress is 0.5Pj. and this where T45 = shear stress on 45° plane from the magnitude along with the depth below surface is contact surface in the rolling direction and at x strongly related to fatigue. There is not space (or b) = O. here to develop the equations used to calculate

O:x = principal stress in the x direction T lIZ' but the reader is directed to Refs, 10 and I. 1 (Fig,. ]). for further details. O'z= principal stress in zdirection (Fig.J), Another equivalent stress considered with contact fatigue is the von Mises yield parameter T./,P (0' Mises) that is represented by: 'C~ M ises ;;;;;[T 2 + T 2 + T 2 + ,0'.3 . - x.y - yz xz 1.16 {(O:x - 0' + (O'x - 0.2 i o:y c.O'.1 + ('Cry = o:y)] 112 (3) where all stresses are the principal or shear xlb I I I Ii stresses on or below the contact surface in either -1.0 -0.5 0.5 La the direction of motion (x-axis) or in the motu- 2b contactl":ig:~~ .. -: ally perpendicular directions (y-axisand z-axis), '-0.2' <;>: These three stresses, along with a few oth- , '- 0.3 - ers.have been used to evaluate what stress best relates to contact fatigue and the onset of plas- Fig. 1 • Tbe range ,of olftbogonal. shear stress Txz asa fraction of the tic deformation. Hertzian contactpressure P. The values go from .3 maximum of -O.25P through zero to +O.2SPat O.5bbelow the contaes sllrface~olf pure roUing.lIO), Whe.11the surface velocity difference be- tween the velocities of the two cylinders is low (low-sliding), and the surfaces are separated by a lubricant film (Am> 1.0), the shear stress win Shear stress reversals at zlb = 0.5 be below the surface and contribute only to material. related fatigue. As the velocity differ- ence increases (larger slide/roll ratio), and/or with cons:iderable surface contact (Am < 1.0), the shear stresses are larger (contribution from higher

frictional forces) and, as an example, the 0['-

I a 0,1 0.2 0.3 thogonal shear stress can extend up to the sur- face. This is shown in Fig. 3, taken from Kannel Coefficient. of Friction andT evaarwer1« •,10) and .i mcicatesdi h ow t he maxi- ' Fig. 3 - Influence of tllecoeffic.ient of fricti.OD on the maximum range of orth~gonal shea~ stress in terms of t.be ratio 12TxzlIP where Pis the mum shear stress reversals in the surface in- maximum Hertzian contact stress for hoe 'contactJlO) crease withfriction force increase. This means


~------~~------that from the increased friction a larger volume of material below the surface sees significant shear stres es. Surface roughness, besides contributing to the Am calculation, determines tile actual con- tact area that occurs in comparison to the contact calculated from Hertzian theory. Surface rough- ness is very often represented .intwo dimensioas as a field of asperities, and under load only a finite number are in contact. As the load :in- creases more contacts occur, and some existing contacts grow larger, but the actual contact area Fig. 4 - Contours ofvml !\IUsesstress below the contact. Hertzlan contact never reaches the full theoretical contact. The pressure 2.3GPa, lambda ratio above 3.0. Maximum stress is O.62GPa, eeeurs 338 !lm bel0'w the surfa.ee .oJ' 0.78b {width of contact) belo1wthe run-inthat occurs for bearings and gears in- surface showing no inRuence from surface asperities,<121 cludes the portion of these asperities in contact that are pla tically deformed and worn away, depending on the amount of tangential force (sliding) that accompanies the norma] load in the contact It is dear that the size ef these asperi- ties, their side slopes, hardness, and the lubricant film 'that tries to separate the two rough surfaces, all contribute to run-in and to the mode of dam- age the surfaces may eventually see. A real surface can be represented by a string of asperities in a line .. These multiple contacts form micro-contact stresses and subsurface hear Fig. 5 - Ceasours of von Mises stress be~ow the eontaet, Hertzlan contaet pressure 2.3GPa, lambda raUo 0.33. Maxlmum stress is 1..45GPa, Dilly 40 stre ses ill miniature below each loaded asperity !lm below the surface or O.09b below the surface snowing considerable so that, depending on .Am, shear stresses may be asperity interactioll.(U) formed belowthe surface. Figs. 4 & 5 provide representations of rea] surfaces that are stressed the surface. An these aspects of the line contact under two different Aim value. Besides the model must be kept in mind as we discuss the variation of contact stresses that deviate from fundamentals of wear mechanisms. the Hertzian stress calculated a suming ideal The Basic Wear Mechanisms surfaces (zero roughness), these figures show Within the context or the line contact model, the subsurface shear stresses and the hear stres es wear can be considered in lit broadest terms. As in miniature below the surface as modified by expressed in all excellent review paper on "Wear the roughness, and illustrate the changes that can and W ear Mecihani amsms "b ..y V' . ingsn b0,(13) wear occur with a change in Am. can be defined as the removal of material from These figures come from the work of Zhou surfaces in a tribology system. And basic to this 2 and Chenl ) based on the actual surface finish definition is that the fundamental phenomenon on specimens in a two-disk machine described in in material removal is fracture. Vingsbo consid- Ref. ]2. They inu trate the subsurface and near ers four mechanisms, surface shear stresses that must be included in any The first is abrasive wear, termed ploughing analysis of the basic line contact model. They or microcutting, that separates a fragment. or 'chip have used the von Mises stress, and this stress from the main body. Also associated with this illustrates the influence of the surface asperities as mechanism are various amounts of plastic defor- they are able to penetrate the lubricant film. For mation. Abrasive wear also assumes that one Am greater than 3.0,. the maximum von Mi es surface has harder asperities than the surface it stress is 620 MPA (90 KSI) and located 338 lim abrades. or that hard particles (three body system) (0..0.n")below the contact urface, For Am equal are moving across the surface. This mechanism to 0.33, the maximum von Mises stress is 1450 implies the presence of slip or considerable slid- MPA (210 KSn and only 4o.!-lm(0.0016") below ing between the surfaces, In steels. with which

JULY/AUGUST 199237 we are primarily concerned here, a large portion energy of the join (weld) is stronger than mate- of energy expended is used in the plastic defor- rial away from the surface contact, fracture will mation and primarily forms ridges along the take place within the adjacent material. This furrow sides. causes material transfer, and with continued Tile second mechanism is adhesive wear or plastic flow from sliding, the tran fer areas may shearing of junctions. This considers asperity- break loose and form third body fragments. asperity contact or asperity-surface contact. de- The third mechanism is fatigue. It is nor- pending on the relative surface finishes. Again mally found in high-cycle stress applications. considerable plastic strain and frictional work usually with stresses below the yield pointof the from the localized slip (hot spots) or sliding material. Thus, fatigue seems to lack the ex- takes place. Obviously, the energy into the tended plastic strains thaI occur during the op- points or areas of contact dissipates as heat that eration of the first two mechanisms. However helps remove oxide layers or contaminants on there is ample evidence that within bearings, the surfaces .. Thi then allows the asperities to especially those run at higher loading, there is form intimate contact or "weld." If the binding microstructural alteration within the stressed · .. (14) A· h voI ume d ue to eye IIC stress mg. t t e stress Table 1 - Damage Classification for Gears(18) levels that cause fatigue. evidence of plastic

I. (4.) SURFACE FATIGUE deformation occurs ill the highest stressed zone and around localized stre s risers. such as non- (4.1) Pitting - Initial (0.4-0.5mm size pits) to destructive (considerably metallic inclusions. Fatigue can occur without larger) usually takes place in the dedendum (negative sliding). sliding (without significant frictional force) and (4.2) Spelling- Larger irregular shaped spalls, but quite shallow com- cracks can nucleate below the contact surface at pared to destructive pitting. either the subsurface shear stress regions or (4.3) Case Crushing - Subsurface fatigue failure just below hardened below the asperities at miniature shear stress case with longitudinal cracks ending on the surface, areas as noted in Figs. 4 and 5, and in contribu- n. (5.) PLASTIC fLOW tion with subsurface stress risers for either shear stress locations. These stress risers and those on (5.1) Cold Flow - Extreme surface deformation from heavily loaded contacts - appearance of extrusion or peening. the surface all contribute to the statistical nature of contact fatigue; it tends (0 follow a different (5.2) Rippling - Periodic, wave-like deformation with fish scale appear- life distribution than wear, ance usually seen on hardened gear surfaces. The fourth mechanism Vingsbo considers in (5.3) Ridging - Deep ridges from plastic deformation from high stresses. his paper is impact, which may have some rel- H Indentation - Deep plastic flow from rolling, bru ing, peening. or brinelling. (26) evance here; however. most impact fractures tend [0 occur in brittle material, 80' it will not be Ill. (3.) WEAR considered further.

(3.1) Polishing - Fairly uniform mild wear - associated with run-in The underlying phenomenon that ties these process wear mechanisms together is material fracture.

(3.2) Moderate Wear - Visible contact pattern - more material loss than The factors that influence the wear rate and wear in polishing. severity in different degrees for each of these mechanisms are the forces involved. quality of (3.3) Excessive Wear - Pronounced wear with sufficient material loss to degrade gear design life. lubricant, ranging from full separating film to boundary lubrication, surface roughness, ur- (3.4) Abrasive Wear- Lapped. radial scratch or grooving on tooth contact surface from hard or metallic debris particles, face velocity in terms of rolling speed and slid- ing, and the surrounding environment that inhib- (3.5) Corrosive Wear - Surface deterioration from chemical action its or promotes surface absorption, oxide forma- from liquid contaminants. lubricant breakdown. acid products, or moisture. tion, and other chemical reactions. Besides material loss (wear) and debris or (3.6) Frosting - Etched appearance, micropitting with field of micropits 2.5m deep (0.0001 in.). particle generation, these factors also influence the friction levels. heat, and temperature. which (3.7) Scoring - From moderate to destructive or localized. advanced can alter the surface and subsurface areas. The occurrence of adhesive wear. alternate welding and tearing, ad vanced frosting, or significant material loss. additional. changes that take place call directly influence the failure modes, especially for steels.

38GEA~ TECHNOLOGY Microstructural changes of tile material can oc- cur just below the contacting urface, and even Table 3 - Relating Contact Fatigue Damage Mode to Modified Lambclla compositiona.l changes can occur as heat input Surface enhances diffusion into the near surface mate- Modified Contact ..Fatigue Material Roughness Geometry Lambda Mode Hnilialion) Influence Influence Influence rial. Probably the greatest changes occur from the plastic deformation that accompanies almost Ratio > 3.0 Subsurface Fatigue Important Minor lmportam Inclusion'!' all of these mechanisms and also modifies the near surface material structure leading to the Ratio 3-1.0 Subsurface/Near Important "Sharp"/High Importull microcracks thai. can be the starting point of Surface Mostly Inclusion Asperities Importan: surface/sub urface degradation. Ratio 1-0.3 Some Inclusion, Observation ·..of Structural! I Somewhat Important for Somewhat Mechanisms Interaction Some Surface Related Important Surface & lrnportant Near-Surface In recent years, considerable work has been Fatigue done to understand the changes occurring within Ratio<0.3 Surface Related121 Minor Important Less the material from repeated stressing from sur- Important face contacts. Some of the results indicated that Any Ratio Localized Stress Risers with significant tangential forces present. the Mixed Mixed Mixed mechanism leading to wear particle formation (pSO(3) - dents, grooves. Minor Somewhat Minor was less adhesion-related, but primarily due to and surface inclusions) Important plastic deformation and fracture under a delami- (GSC(4) - edge fatigue Somewhat Minor Important nation mechanism.(l4-151 misalignment) Important This concept considers that sliding surfaces (I) Fatigue originates at non-metallic inclusion in the maximum shear zone go from asperity-asperity contact with adhesion, below the surface for both bearings and gears. ploughing,. and deformation in the contact to (2) Called peeling or mjcorpltting for bearings'"; spelling for gears.' 18) form larger actual contact areas that continue the subsurface deformation until cracks nucleate (3) PSO - point surface origin - fan-shaped spall propagation starling on the omewhat parallel. to the surface. As the cracks surface. propagate, some migrate to the surface (or pos- (4) GSC - geometric stress concentration. starting atend of line contact. sibly start from the surface), then flat, thin. plate- like wear particles are formed. Although there is tron micrographs, it was clear that the fine debris not universal agreement 'to the delamination carne from surface layers that had been signifi- u~h eery, (16) 'thereere iIS certain'1 y eVIid ence tath very cantly deformed and consisted of very fine grain dose to the surface a deformed. "fragmental" material. The large particles were primarily thin layer forms, and below a layer of deformation platelets or larger flat pieces with wedge-shaped microstructure forms that is "cellular," smaller undersides. Based on the pits on the gear sur- graine., d _, aac d rc_atwe'j I tivel f ree 01fdi IS1ocanons. . (l6) face, the thin platelets come from the shallow Some excellent work has also been done to relate pits lacking fracture-type bottoms ,and! the wedge the significance of plastic deformation of the pieces seemed to come from the deeper, more ·· (17) surf ace1 ayers to actuaI gear pittmg, severe pits with some fractographic topography C··umrnms an d ... D ' OJ. .,-e(7) ran annea-I euan d d on the pit bottom. case-hardened gears under conditions to pro- A cross section of the gear surface showed duce surface distress and concluded that some of developing cracks at about the depth of the large the debris formed during running-in consisted of pit bottoms and crack branching that was paral- submicron wear particles that by themselves lel to the surface, This would indicate some would produce onJ:y mild wear and contribute to repeat. load occurrences were required to propa- the mutual polishing of the gear surfaces, In gate the cracks and separate the particles from addition, they found larger platelets and wedge- their original surface. Severe deformation, along shaped particles that were formed after the run- with significant localized tangential forces, pre- in when larger areas of gear surfaces were in ceded the near-surface cracking, and! that mul- contact. In careful examination of the wear tiple contacts were required before the particle surfaces and the debris particles, as observed in fractured enough. to break. loose nom the sur- both scanning electron and transmission elec- face. Considering individual asperity, random,

JULV/AUGUST 199·2 39 repeat contacts, the developing of the surface included in the table are the three prime factors micropirs.and the larger pitting were probably for altering bearing performance, material (pri- related to a fatigue mechanism, manly cleanness), surface roughness, and for This review of the basic wear mechanisms line contact, internal geometry. that can occur within the tribo line contact model When .Am is greater than 3.,0, almost com- underlines the similarity of the operating condi- plete separation of the contact surfaces occur. tions that promote damaging wear, plastic flow, Under this lubricant condition fatigue damage or fatigue. The lack: of a good Jubricant film, initiates subsurface to the contact, primarily at rougher contacting surfaces. higher operating inclusions within the material, Thus. under this temperature, the severity of the loading, and condition material cleanness is important, and operating speeds either too low or too high fatigueIife can vary greatly, especially in the promote gear or bearing degradation, Table 2 is direction of increased life. Geometry is also taken from the ANSIJAGMA ] 10.04-1980 Na- important, since proper surfaceprofiles can mini- tional Standard, "Nomenclature of Gear Tooth mize contact stress and permit the full potential

Failure Modes" ,(18) Included are the three fail- of today's clean steel to be achieved. The influ- ure modes, Surface Fatigue. Plastic Flow, and ence of surface roughness is minor for this con- Wear, placed in the same order as in Table 1. As dition. For line contact bearings, the fatigue to be expected, there is considerable similarity. mode is observed as an elliptical span with fairly The greatest loading difference is theamount slow propagation. In gears. this fatigue mode is oftangential force that accompanies the normal called surface fatigue - destructive pitting in force for gears in comparison to bearings. The Table 2. This pitting originates subsurface at difference this makes is that the near-surface discontinuities (i.e. non-metallic inclusion or zone with asperity interaction is probably more other stress-points) neal' the maximum subsur- critical for gears .•and this confounds any clear face shear stress region. differences between polishing and moderate Next, considering Am in the range from 3.0 wear, rnicropitting, and initial pitting and tc 1.0. contact fatigue mode is still predorni- spaILing and possibly the propagation of these nantly material related, but depending on the into more destructive failure modes. However. tractioa occurring on the surface, initiation can with the possible overlap of some of these move closer to the surface. Surface asperities modes in mind. next consider Table 3,. which and asperity slope start to playa role when Am was based on our recent bearing experience and approaches 1.0 suggests what consequences this approximate When Am is in the middle range 1.0-0.3, guide might have for gears. fatigue damage may be mixed, with surface Relating Contact Fatigue Damage Model roughness being important. Depending on the To Modified Lambda sharpness (asperity slopes) and relative heights The concept of h/a has been popul ar for over of the surface asperities. fatigue can be surface- 20 years as a means to assess the contact lubri- related or near-surface at.the higher micros tress canteen- di monwit . . hi melt . h ..errbeari eanngsand gears. (8) regions just below the higher asperi ties. Fatigue The Am values are most helpful within the lubri- life within this near surface regime is also influ- cant conditions that are primarily described as enced by material cleanness and very careful mixed EHL. This occurs when asperity contact damage ana1ysis is required to assess the actual and some lubricant separation of the surfaces crack initiation sites in this mixed EHL regime. exist together, but in varying degrees. Appropri- Thus, the recent understanding of this near sur- ate lambda ratio values for this cover the range of face stress region helps explain the role of clean Am from less than 0.3 to greater than 1.0. A steel in improving fatigue performance under simplified summary of this Is shown in Table 3. these essentially poorer operating conditions as The lubricant regime range represented by Am is illustrated by Fig. 5. a continuum, and the specific .A.mvalues, picked For gears, because the increased sliding in to represent portions of the continuum are some- the surface contactarea permits higher coeffi-

what arbitrary, However, Table 3 indicates a.Affi cients of friction, the shear stress region OCCllfS range that goes from essentially complete sur- over a wider range and closer to the surface (as face separation to boundary lubrication. Also in Fig. 3) than in bearing contacts that have

40GEAR TECHNOLOGY nearI y pure ro1·\·· mg.(10·12) - -B . ecause 0 f tthi.IS, the fatigue as Table 3 indicates. For gears, the term fatigue mode may change and "spallarg" OCCUI'S spelling is used for surface fatigue as given as given.10 .. Tanble2- .. A -ccorurng "" to D raga(19) and above. In Ref. 1g t.. seems primarily applied to Ref. 18. spalling is a different fatigue mode for scoring and wear. From Table 2. frosting is gears. "In its early stages ....cracks occur and considered surface distress that resembles pread from the origin, in a fan-shaped manner, bearing micropiuing. There are similarities in the direction of sliding until a piece of material between the approaches to lessening peeling- is removed from the surface. ,,(19) micropittlng in bearings and those to alleviat- It would seem tl1at, depending on the ;l.;m ing the occurrence of micropitting in gears. value, the fatigue modes for gears inthe light of Both forms of surface distress are reduced by the discussion under basic wear mechanisms, a reduction in surface roughness or increasing destructive pitting or spalling could 'compete, so the oil. film. That micropitting could be re- that. damage analysis takes careful evaluation. lated to fatigue was demonstrated by Such care in doing this is reported by Clark: et Macpherson and Cameron(25) in some specific al.(20)on geared roller test rollers. They detected slidlng disk tests they conducted in the early subsurface pitting and surface spalling for tests 1970's. They called the "new form" of gear with AID of about 0.] to 0.4 and with 35% sliding failure "fahgue scoring." The work of between the rollers. C_umrmns. - - an' -d-'D _ oy _'eI (17)rem - inforcesthi orces t 18 con- Thus, the fatigue mode and material/surface elusion that micropitting is fatigue. influen.ces given in Table 3 for the ;l.;mrange of There are also localized stress risers that can 1.0-0.3 are fairly judgmental, but have validity occur either from ha_ndling damage before run- based on Ref. 20 damage analyses, ning, large debris particles going through the Finally, when Am drop below approximately contact, or serious misalignment that causes 0.3, surface related micropitting tends to pre- end of contact edge damage. Within the bear- dominate so that surface roughness is the prime ing contact, failures from these stress risers are influence on fatigue. Under these [ow modi- termed point surface origin (PSO); w ..e., spelling fied lambda conditions, increased surface trac- from a localized point that propagates much as tionand localized frictional heating can take the "spalling" Drago describes for gears. At the place with increased lubricant and additive end of contact, the failure is caned geometric interaction with the surfaces. For gears with stress concentration (GSC). These stress risers increased sliding the traction forces, combined are usually generated well beyond the elastic with. the normally rougher surfaces, seem to limit for the contact material so, based on their require EP additives in the lubricant as protec- size relative to the lubricant film. they may tion for the contacting surfaces. influence fatigue life almost independently of There is some evidence in Ref. 21 that EP AID. In bearings, the defects from debris are additives improve fatigue life under t.. values tess observed as isolated. pronounced dents. while than LO and reduce life for t.. values above 1.0, in in gears the debris develop long scratches or a disk-on-disk: tests run Willi 10% sliding. The tests series of grooves and ridges fr-om the consider- were with and without 5, wt, percent sulphur- able sliding present in the contacts. phosphorus EP added to the same base oil How- A fair volume of material around these "10' ever, in the presence of debris, increased wear calized" stress risers may also be highly stressed has been shown with S-PIEP in lubricants both and may be influenced by material cleanness, Of (22.23). . .. (24) for gears - and tapered roller bearings, course, GSC and edge stress problems can be For line contact bearings with much lower overcome with adequate design and proper pro- slip between the contacting surfaces, the role of file geometry for the application. For line con- add:itives is unclear. However. in bearings oper- tact, as in gears or tapered roller be-aring , from ating with low lambda values that promote bound- a fatigue standpoint only. the largest debris par- ary lubrication, chemical reactions and higher ticles are capable of life-limiting dents in bear- tractions can lower fatigue life to less than is ings or deep scratches in gears. predicted by using t..ffi value assessments alone. Summary In bearings, the terms peeling and micro- It is possible with. the tribology line contact pitting are used. to describe the surface-related model to consider allthe factors that i..nfluence

JULY/AUGU.ST 1992 41 and interact within the loaded concentrated con- 3. Wren, F. I. and Moyer, C. A. "Modes of Fatigue Failures in Rolling Element Bearings," Proceed. 1. tact. Two of the important factors are the film Mech. E. Vol. 179, pt 3D, pp 236-247,1964-65. thickness (h) and combined surface roughness 4 .. Widner, R. L. and Littmann, W. E. "Bearing Damage Analysis," Syrnp, Mechanical Failures by (0'). Together in the modified lambda, they are Mech. Failures Prevention Group, NBS, May, 1974. an indicator of the lubricant regime operating in 5. Fitzsimmons, B. and Clevenger, H. D. "Contami- nated Lubricants and Tapered R-oller Bearing Wear," a gear contact or roUer bearings. A corollary to ASLE Trans. Vol. 20, 2, pp 97-107,1977. this model is the stress field developed below the 6. Leaver, A. H., Sayles, R. S., and Thomas T. R. "Mixed Lubrication. and Surface Topography of concentrated contact that consists of subsurface Rolling Contacts," I. Meek. E. Proc, 188, pp 461- shear stress and near surface shear stresses re- 469,1974. 7. WeUauer, E. 1. and Holloway, G. A. "Application lated to the surface asperities. These shear of EHD Oil Film Theory to Industrial Gear Drives," stresses are important in the understanding of Trans. ASME JEI, PP' 626-634, May, 1976. 8. Moyer, C. A. and Bahney, L. L. "Modifying the near-surface plastic deformation accumulation Lambda Rat.io to Funcrional Line Contacts," STLE and near-surface and subsurface fatigue. Trih. Trans., Vol. 33,4, pp 535-542, 1:990. 9. Moyer, C. A. "Power Density Development: The The three basic mechanisms that lead to Role of Improved Line Contact Performance," metal los in steel gears or bearings are abrasive AGMA Tech. Paper 89 FfM3, Nov., 1989. 10. Kannel, J. W. and Tevaarwerk, 1. L. "Subsur- wear, adhesive wear, and fatigue in the presence face Stress Evaluations Under Rolling/Sliding of various levels of plastic deformation. Very Conditions," ASME Trans. JOT, Vol. 106, pp 96- 103, Jan., 1984. often in real operating contacts, all three ofthese I L Fessler, H. and Ollerton, E. "Contact Stresse in mechanisms exist together, and all contribute to Toroids Under Radial Loads," British Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 8. pp 387-393, Oct., 1957. tile nucleation and propagation of the fractures 12. Zhou, R. S., Cheng. H. S. and Mura, T. that lead to the loss of material. An aid to "Micropitting in Rolling and Sliding Contact Un- der Mixed Lubrication," ASME Trans. JOT, Vol. separating out the primary mechanism is a careful Ill. pp 605-613, Oct.,11989. examination of the contact surface and the debris 13. Vingsho, o. "Wear and We'M Mechanisms," ASME Proceedings of Wear of Materials Confer- formed. Optical microscopes, scanning electron ence, Ed. K. Luderna et al., pp 620-635,1979. microscopes, particle size analysis, and 14. Jahanrnir, S. "The Relationship of Tangential Stress to Wear Panicle Formation Mechanisms," ferrography may be required to dearly identify ASME Proceedings of Wear of Materials Confer- the actual mechanisms present. ence, Ed. K. Ludema., pp 238-247, 1985. 15. Suh, N. P. "An Overview of the Delamination Table 3 presents the approximate relation- Theory of Wear," Wear,. 44, pp I.-16. 1977. ship of contact fatigue mode for bearings and the [6. Rigney, D. A. and Glaeser, W. A. "The Signifi- cance of Near Surface Microstructure in the Wear modified lambda ratio. Although it is based on Process," ASME Proceedings of Wear of Materiq,is fatigue, an understanding of the other mecha- Conference, Ed. Ludema, pp 41-46, 1977. nisms at work that degrade gear and bearing 17. Cummins, R. A. and Doyle, E.D. "Interpretation of Gear Wear," ASLE Trans., Vol. 25,4, pp 502-510, performance and that as relate to Am may allow OCI. 1982. Table 3 to be used ina broader sense. Our review 18. . "National Standard - Nomenclature of Gear Tooth Failure Modes," AGMA Standard, ANSll of the various surface and near surface damage AGMA UO.04-1980. modes in gears and the development of crack 19. Drago, R. 1. "Failure Modes," Chapter 6, Funda- mentals of Gear Design, Butterwortbs Publishers, and fractures that precede the formation of de- Stoneham, MA. pp 215-263, 1988. bris, when compared to the development of 20. Cla.rk. T. M., Miller. G. R., Keer, L. M. and Cheng, H.S .."The Role of Near-Surface Inclusions in fatigue cracks for bearings, makes the relation- the Pitting of Gears, ' ASLE Trans., Vol, 28,. I, pp ships in Table 3 a reasonable starting point for HI-116, Jan., 1985. 21. Phillips, M. R. and Quinn, T. F. J. "The Effect of defining the lubricant regime in gears. I.' Surface Roughness and Lubricant Film Thickness on the Contact Fatigue Life of Steel Surfaces Lubri- AcknOWledgement: cared With a Sulphur-Phosphorus Type of Extreme Presented at the 1991 AGMA Fall Technical Meet- Pressure Additive," Wear, 51, pp 11-24, 1978. ing . Reprinted with permission. The opinions, state- 22. Brrichello, R., "Lubrication of Gears, Part 2," ments, and conclusions presented are those of the Lubrication Engineering, pp U 7-121. Feb. 1990. Author and in no way· represent the position or 23. Milburn, A., Errichello, R., and Godfrey, D. opinion of AGMA. "Polishing Wear," AGMA Tech Paper 90 FTM5, 1990. References 24 .. Fitzsimmons, B.. and Clevenger, H. D. "Con- 1. Littmann, W. E. "The Mechanism of Conract taminated Lubricants and Tapered Roller Bearing Fatigue," NASA Symp. Interdisciplinary Approach Wear," ASLE Trans., Vol. 20, 2, PP' 97-107,.1977. to the Lubrication of Concenuated Contacts, New 25. Macpherson, P. B .• and Cameron, A. "Fatigue York, July 1969. Scoring a New Form of Lubricant Failure," ASLE 2. TaHhm, T. E., Bajle, ,G.H., Dalal, H..and Gustafsson, Trans. Vol. 16, I, pp 68-72, Jan .. 1973. O. G. Rolling Bearing Damage, A Morphological 26. Errichello, R. "Lubrication of Gears, Part I," Atlas, SKF Industries, Revere Press, Phil, 1974. Lubrication Engineering, pp 11-13, Jan., 1990.

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JULy/ ....UGUST 199243 Gear Inspection and Measurement

Robert Moderow,

l ITW., Imnois Tools, Uncolnwood , It

The purpose of gear inspection is to: of the gears teeth. Usually based on four lead • Assure required accuracy and quality, traces taken around the gear at 900 intervals . • Lower overall cost of manufacture by con- Lead Variation - The condition in a gear trolling rejects and scrap. where some teeth vary in lead. plus and minus, • Control machines and machining practices from the average lead. and maintain produced accuracy as machines Total Lead Variation - The total amount and tools wear, of lead variation, plus to minus. Usually based • Determine heat treat distortions to. make on four lead traces taken around the gear at necessary corrections .. 90,0 intervals .. Basic Gear Ins-pection Terms Plus Lead, Minus Lead - Plus lead is minus Runout (Radial) - The total variation ofthe helix angle. Minus lead is plus helix angle .. radial distance of a geal"s teeth from its center (See Fig. 3.) (or bore). Runourerrors contribute to gear noise, Involute (Profile) - The curved shape of the binding. and additional stress in mating gears. gear teeth, usually from the S.A.P. or T.I.F. to Runout (Sectional) - A condition of radial the end of the tooth. runount where much of the error occurs in dew Involute (Pm/ile) Error - The difference teeth and is not evenly distributed over the between the theoretical profile and the measured entire gear. This is a more severe error than profile .. Call cause noise, stresses, and early evenly distributed nmout. failure in mating gears. Runout (Axial) - Also called wo bhie or face Involute (Profile) Average - The average of runout, The total variation ofa gear's teeth along the profile error the gear's teeth, Usually of its axis, measured from a reference plane per- four profile traces taken around the gear at 90° pendicular to its axis. While in itself not detri- intervals .. mental, it is almost always accompanied by lead Involute (Profile) Variation - The total variation, which causes excessive stress, noise. amount of profile variation, plus to minus. Usu- and possible binding in mating gears. any of four profile traces taken around the gear Lead - The axial advance of a screw thread at 90° intervals. (or gear tooth) in one turn (revolution, 360°). Total Involute (Profile) Va riation - The total Lead Error - The difference between the amount of profile variatien, plus to minus. Usu- theoretical leadtrace and the actual lead trace. ally of four profile traces taken around the gear Usually measured from one end of the tooth to at 90° intervals. the other, normal to the theoretical lead trace. Plus Involute, Minus Involute - Plus involute Contributes tuend-of-tooth contact with the is plus material a1 tip of gear. Minus involute is mating gear, causing possible noise, surface minus material at tip of gear ..(See Fig. 4.) crushing. binding, and early failure. Spacing - The measured distance between Lead A verage- The ave[a~e of the lead error corresponding points on adjacent gear teeth.




rig. 1 - l'nifurm, radial. and axial runout. ------



hg. 1 - "1') 1)('"IIf lead errurs. ------

.' i 1'11' ;" II I' 'I ",. I I ,III I I ; II 11 , , . 1~,+I'~'~'~'N~~~~~~rt'·~I~, ,,,,,,. '1'1

1'1 I I -. , II 1 ii,' i ~ t·~ I

H. I '; , I' I Fill I

SHOR,T ~ LEAD (-j 1 -r PITCHI Roben M!oderow , " I I DIAMETER' wasthe training m,mager at 'TW, Illinois ! 4~: ..,3r ~. ++f .HtJ , Tools prior to his lOOTH NUMBERS '. ; lffi ' relir:ement earlier this . ;:".:I ..I·'I.ll.TIlIl.II~lTITmlmlfT.. I :1" year. He has over 35 . ,,', I. LEAD iVARIATIONI l' .. years experience in M. 1+8 ,H+i+H++I+'#I-'-It+Htt+I+i+."! ['--..--1- ~ gearing and is the author of numerous books ,and -- articles on gearing hl-\. J - (.'harling lead \ arjatjnn cau..t'd h~ rm.'t' runnut - \\ ohbh: --- - subjects.

JULV/AUGUST 1&92145 Spacing Variation (Tooth to Tooth) - The difference between any two adjacent measure- ments of spacing. Can contribute to noise, stress, and early failure. Pitch - The theoretical distance between cor- responding points on adjacent teeth, Pitch Variation (Error) - The difference be- tween the theoretical pitch and the measured spacing. Index - The theoretical angular position of (0) INVOLUTE (BASIC) teeth about an axis. (+J INVOliUTE Index Variation (Error) - The displacement (-I INVOLUTE of any tooth from its theoretical. position relati ve toa datum tooth. Angular Velocity Error (Variable Velocity)- A tooth positioning error in a gear which was cut EXTERNAL INVOLUTE PROFILE with runout. Subsequent operations (shaving, rolling) are unable to remove this runout, as Fig. 4 - Charting im elute \ ariatlon nn consecutive teeth: 2-THD teeth are not diametrically opposite, through the hob flitting e\ en number of teeth. correct center ..These subsequent operations tend

TIIIIT· 'dll" 1;,",,:11 Ilil,' 1:',lild to mask this runout, making this error difficult SPACING = TOOTH-TO·TOOTH T!!!I ,I, II: II II! "i II : 1:11 ;In to find. It can be detected with a specially .. :111 II uu '~'i I" 11·1 :1·,llIlt 1H !!I'III i,l illl:IIU;J11 designed "high P. A." master gear if the gear is I: Ii II, . 11,1,1"1 ; j II rT, helical. It can also be detected with equipment lIil,!IIT!, [!II'IIIIIIJ'\ .. :111 ,IIII,I,! ! III ill' I that can check index error or with a "single .1 I Ilillll I : rr"IL .j ,jlllllllll II", flank" type gear roller. This type of'error causes MEASURED BETWEEN 1 111'11 I '!l the driven gear of a gear set to speed up and CORRESPONDING POINTS .. ON ADJACENT GEAR TEETH slow down in one revolution, causing noise. In a planetary set, this error may cause a binding condition or win alternately carry load. This shifting load deflects the sun gear, causing CHART OF VERY UNIFORM noise and early failure. In an indexing gear set, TOOTH SPACING .. , this error will cause tile indexed gear (driven) to I[ vary from true position. II, II 11111.:1 \1,: ;'1 II i 1 •I~r IITI: -!flll,,11I 1111 'd:'ll 11111, Nick - Actually a "rolling interference," - I. I ,11.·.,'il·· which causes noise with the mating gear. May be a bright, shiny "nick." May be a.burr left by Fig. 5 - Tooth-to-tooth sparing. ------11 machining operation Of a slight "plus mate- ANGULAR rial" condition left from a handling nick or burr, which has been' 'peened over" and barely INDEX POS~ noticeable. Gear Inspeetlen Methods In functional gear inspection. the gear is inspected by meshing with a known quality (master) gear. It is an attempt toinspect a gear as it is used. (See Fig. 8.) In the dual flank (tigh.t mesh) method the work gear is mounted on a fixture that allows it to rotate only. The master gear is mounted on a fixture that is free to vary the center distance with the work gear ..The master gear's teeth are Fig. 6 - Angular position of teeth. forced into the work gear's teeth (no backlash -

46 GEA.R TECHNOLOGY tight me h) by pressure. An indicator senses the variations in center distance as the two gears are rolled together by hand or under power ..Are- corded chart can be obtained. (See Fig. 9.) Total composi.re error is the total variation 'Of the center distance in one turn (360°) of the work gear. Tooth-fa-tooth composite enol' is the variation of the center distance when the work gear is rotated through an angle of 3601N de- grees, where N is the number of teeth in the work gear. (See Fig ..9.) Terms Associated With the Dual Flank Method Hand Roller- A dual flank gear roller where the gears are rotated by band (no power). Usu- INDEX ally just an indicator. rather than recording J DATUM ANGULA'R P'OSITION VARIATI'ON FR'OM DATUM P'OSITION equipment is used.

Gear Charter - Similar to a hand roller, but --- -- having charting equipment and the power to Fig. 7 - Pitch \ arialinn. drive one gear. Red Liner - Same as a gear charter, but made by Fellow Corp. FUNCTIONAL GEAR INSPECTI'ON Red Line Chart - The chart that comes from FIXTURE MEASURES CENTER a "red liner," Also IDlYchart showingthe com- DISTANCE VA.RIATIONS posite or rolling action of two gears. Runout, nicks, and burrs can all be evaluated by this method. Functional tooth thickness can be determined by measuring the center distance DIAL between the work and the master. Involute, lead, W'O~ "<, INDICATOR GEAR spacing, fillet interperence, and other errors . MASTER GEAR I FIXED affect the tooth-to-tooth composite reading, but FLOATS generally cannot be determined directly. In the single f7.ank (fixed center distance) method, the master gear and work: gear are mounted on fixed center distance with back- lash. (See Fig. 10.) The master gear drives the work gear. The relative angular rotation of the master and the work are compared 1 REVOLUTION (360·' 'OFWORK GEAR.

-- and charted. This method can find the same ,,",va •• o •• oOOIi!'.OOi' '8 errors as the dual flank: method and can al 0 detect angular velocity errors. .I ~~.QltA~M~ETIrP~~~~ Ill§~Ng == . .-.- ... I MAXIMUM . Ana]ytica] Gear lnspection __ .. _ - - -. TOOTH . TOOTH·Tn-TODTH Analytical gear inspection is used for check- COMPOSITE ' - COMPOSITE VARIATION - VARIATION ing the individual elements of a gear - runout, lead. involute, tooth spacing, tooth thickness, etc.

Runout can be checked with a master gear 360"/N ---~- _.------_ .. ------(See previous paragraphs on functional gear . MINIMUM SETI)P MOUNTING DISIANCE inspection). It can also be checked by indicating ,0 o~. lal ,a, 4' 10 0 a 0 0 Go II 0.011 !D" DO, 0 ,00 I) '!IIi' 18, • II. I over a ball or pin in a tooth space. progressing to the next tooth pace. (See Fig. l I.) Some instru- ments. a tooth space comparator, for example, Fig. 9 - {'lIart,,!' t~ pical gear tooth errors - \\ or!.: gl'al' rollerl \, ith master I!e

J ULY I II. UGU s T 1 9 9 2 47 tooth spaces and also provide a. chart. ,FUNCTIONAL GEAR CHECKING Pitch (teeth spacing) can be check using a PROVIDES A COMf'OS!ITE CHECK fixed finger and a movable (indicating) finger, measuring the distance from one tooth to an- other, progressing to the next pair of teeth. A ! tooth space comparator can do th:is automati- cally and can provide a chart. Index can be checked by a coordinate mea- -\:-@ suring instrument with a single probe which is MASTER GEAR programmed to rotate the gear in increments of ,I / 3600JN (Number of teeth) and take readings Olll '(DRI~~ each tooth ..This measures the true position of the gear teeth relative to the theoretical position. Involute (profile) measuring instruments ~ generate an involute curve ..This is accomplished mechanically by rotating the work gear and COMPARES ANGULAR ROTATION OF MASTER AND WORK GEAR. DEVIATIONS ARE CHARTED moving the probe (which contacts the tooth surface) in a straight Hue path. It is also accom- Fig. W" Schematic of singlt' llunk gear rnller. plished by cooordinate measuring instruments .ANALYTICAL GEAR INSPECTION SEPARATES THE INDIVIElUAL GEAR ELEMENTS programmed to move the probe and rotate the work gear in timed relationship. The instrument INDICATING FINGER ,,/ '::~~~R then detects any deviations from a true involute (MOVABLEI~ .. - curve, A true involute win be charted as a straight line. (See Fig ..12.) ToOdetermine a.point (P) on an involute curve (tooth), we must convert a given diameter to PITCHI· roOTH SPACING involute measuring instrument movements. CAUTION: INCONSISTENT INVOLUTES Since the instrument rotates the gear, we use RUN OUT CAN GINE UNREUIABLE RUNOUT degrees of rotations, (degrees .of roll) to deter- USING BALL AND INDICATOR & SPACING CHECKS. mine a given point (P). Also, the probe or Fig. II - \nal~ tical gem' invpcctiou s~St('I1I~, contact finger moves in a straight line path so MEASURING some instruments use this motion to determine a INVOLUTE PROFILE given point (Pl. This is call the length of line of action to point (P). PERFECT INVOLUTE The chart paper en which the gear tooth I CHARTS involute trace is recorded is feci out of the re- AS A STRAIGHT , VERTICAL LINE' corder relative to either of the above two mo- tions. When a gear's involute tolerance calls fer SKETCH 'ILLUSTRATES DEGREES OF ROLL PRINCIPLE zero to minus at the tip and zero to minus at the S.A.P., the resulting tolerance band resembes a "K"; hence, the term UK chart ....Plastic overlays TIP CHAMFER INVOLUTE.- are often used to determine if a given involute ·~FUNt:TIO~A.·L . PROFILE chart is in or out of tolerance, I CIRCLE Lead checking instruments generate a lead ~ - path. This is accomplished mechanicajly by ro- - tating the work gear and!moving it along its axis in a timed relationship past a stationary mdicat- P.ROBE CONTACTS 5 ing probe. This is also accomplished by coordi- GEAR TOOTH IN •• ;OTAL STRAIGHT LINE PATH ROLL nate measuring instruments programmed to move "K'TYPE the probe and rotate the work in a timed relation- CHART ship. The instrument then detects any deviations from this true lead path. (See Fig. 13.)


~------The chart paper on which the gear tooth lead MEASURING GEAR TOOTH L'EAD trace is recorded is fed out of the recorder ACTUAL lEAD relative to the face width of the gear. To deter- oEVl'ATiIIlNI FROM STRA'lGHT VERTICAL LINE INDIICATES LEAD ERROR OF HEUX-r ...• DESJ~E~ mine if a given lead chart is within a given LEAD OF HELIX tolerance band, plastic overlays are often used. They are especially helpful when the gear has §I Ilol' rITttttftl.AAl-WlflltttITII .. crown, taper, etc. ~: :-i lltIttt:~' I-IJ;.I+lJHItftflHlIII· Q _I I A gear's tooth thickness can be checked in ;2;•. rlllilTTlttttt++H~, iIit' 1tIH1rHHt111111·· ~.I I .. many ways. The most common method is to measure over bans or pins positioned in dia- ." I metrically opposite tooth spaces on external .. PATH OF CONTACT OFMEASIlJRING gears. Internal gears are measure between balls POINTER or pins. Balls are usually used for helicalgears. (See Fig. 14.,) Tooth thickness can also be measured by determining the center distance when in tight ------Fig, 13 - Mcasurinu gear tooth lead, I mesh (no backlash) with a master gear, Tooth thickness determined by a master gear is usually TQQTH THIICKNESS MEASUREMENT called "functional tooth thickness," as it will include other variables, such as lead, involute, spacing, and mnout errors. AU of the analytical and functional inspec- tiOll measurement (lead, j,nvoJure, spacing, tooth thickness, runout, composite error,etc.) can now be analyzed by computers. It is no longer nec- essary for an inspector to judge if the part is in tolerance or not, as the computer win judge. Data storage is also accomplished so that the history of a given part can be stored for years and recalledat moment's notice .•

Acknowledgement: Presented at the AGMA 19th lOVER PINS - EXTERNAL UETH OVER iPilNS - INTERNAL TEETH Annual Gear Manrl/acturillg Symposium, April 7-9, Fig. I~ - Tooth thickness measurement. 1991, Chicago, Il: Reprinted with permission. ------

.A ,Complete' tilJe of Stan,d'ardl Invo!lute GiEAR GENEIRATIING T,QOLS· Shaper Cutt,ers Specia'i F:orms D;isc Type ..Shank 'JYpe '2 Pile" a. Rn.,. HOaS AU SOA.. SIZES Spline &. Serration Rac:k Milling Cutters Multiple Thread TRU-VOLUTE PVD ,GOLD Thread Trtaniurn-Nitride Coated Hobs & Cutters Shank Type I~l....I, L ,Ie : ',,'I -It: d. i, ,1/ ...... //(1 r ,,! '" ". Miilling Cutters - ---



JULY/AUGUST'992 4,9' Tes~~youlr g,ears iby the numbers, IMTS, ~ EXHIBITOR IN!DEX f as ,of May 12,1992)

Visit the following Gear Tech- nology advertisers at their booths at [MTS '92.

American Pfauter Ltd. 1351 Windsor Road Loves Park, IL 61132·2950 Put an end to the potential perils of subjective gear testing inherent lintraditional analog-type instruments. (815) 828-3000 Retrofit your existing double-flank rolling gear tester with IMTS Booth 1# 6337 a Hommel Z-2000 computer/recorder. Or upgrade to an entirely new gear testing: system with the Hommel 8305. Either way, you get the quantitative analysis Balzers Tool. Coating 66] Erie Avenue and co.mplete documentation you.need to.•do the II job right. North Tonawanda, NY ]4120 Write to Hommel America. 30 Peter Court. (716) 693-8557 New Britain, GT 06051. Or call (203) 827-8500. IMTS Booth #8612 FAX: (203) 223-2979. World Class MeasurementTechnotogy A THYSSE N, Company Koepfer America, Inc .. CIRCLE A·28 on READER: REPLV CARD 635 Schneider Drive South Elgin,]L 60177 (708) 931-4 I21 TIME IS RUNNING OUT•.,. !MTS Booth # 6681 ADVERTIS,E NOW IN Liebherr Machine Tool ]465 Woodland Dr .. Saline, MJ 48176 GEAR 'TE'C'HNOLOGY ! (313) 429-7225 IMTS Booth #6466 Ads in Gear Technology MHI Machine Tool U.S.A .• Inc. bring customers and sales. 907 W. Irving Park Rd. Don't put it off Itasca, JL 60143-2023 (708) 860-4222 one more second. IMTS Booth # 4197 Deadline for Sept/Oct IMTS Pfauter/Maag Cutting Tools 1351 Windsor Road Show Issue is Loves Park, It 61132-2950 July 10... (815) 877-8900 IMTS Booth # 6337 Call (7U8) 437..6604

50 GEAR TECHNOLOGY The James, Engineering modular debarring 'systems can be set up in less than one minute, with cycle times of 20 to SO seconds per part. Manual loading and unloading barely take 5' econds, with fully automated sy terns available. Precision conuol allow edge break. of uniform quality and consistency from part to part and from .001" radius to large 'chamfers. Modular design allows modification of system as needs change. Due to the compact size, the system may be placed near hobs or shapercutters, allowing operators to deburr the gear while demanding very little of their time or attention. This allows shops to either eliminate or dra tieally reduce econdary handling and conventional deburring steps. This significant reduction in labor, along with a lower scrap rate, means big dollar avings to the user.

James Engineering .' 4732 Pearl Street. Boulder. CO 80301 • (303) 444-6337 • Fax (303) 444-6561.


Now you can see the difference in expansion albors and chucks. Eliminate losses and dawn time caused by accidental actuation Of leaking seals that effect products of/esser quality. HDT manufactul!3 a superirJl' self" contained hydraulic work hoIdingltool holding system designed for your needs~ DON'T SETTI..£ FOR LESS THAN HDT - COMPARE OUR FEATURES

J ULY ,I< U GUS T 1112 ,511 In,line' Flexible aging System fo :~ealrs and Bllan

I. Programmable • High ,Speed • Accurate • Flexible • Rugged

This gear blank 'gaging system is designed with the following benefits: PROGRAMMABL!E-ln-Iine OCMM designed to measure part diameter. roundness, and other geometries. SPEED-Up to 100 parts/hour: ACCURACV-Gage measures nata points at each degree with 1/10 micron resolution, FLEXIBILITY -Programmable followers can handle an entire family of part sizes up to 12" wide, RUGGED-IHardened for shop floor (no gage room required). Robust production wo~k chuck can be loaded directly by robot. CLOSED-LOOP FEEOBAC'K - Machi ne tool offsets are sent automatically to prevent any reject parts. SPC- 'lrend analysis calculates process capability and spots process trends earl:Y.MEASUREMENTS-All measurements are made from part axis reference. Roundness is true peak to peak radius error

[1] 0 I ¢ L-L"l ''*1

THE STANDARD IN CYLlNDR:ICAL COORDINATE ADCOLE ICa!'paratiDn, 669IForest St. MEASURING MACHINES. (CCMMl Marlborough. MA 01752 (508) 485-9100 TaU-!Free (Qutslde MA) 1-800-858-5802 FAX: 1-(508) 481-6142 CIRCLIE A.-26 on READER REPL.V CA'RD Cutting Low-Pitch-Angle Bevel Gears; Worm Gears & The Oil Entry Gap

Ro,bert E. Smith W1Uiam L. Janninck.

Ouuestion: Do machines 'exist that teeth and bas asked for guidance are capable of cutting hevefgear on how to select cotter sizes and teeth on a gear ohbe foUowing speel- machine setttngs in order to fications: 14teeth, 1n circular pitch,. achieve a quality result, 14.5° pressure angle,. 4° pitch cone For many years, Machinery's angle, 27.5" cene distance, and a Handbook, available from Industrial 2.5" face width? Press, has had a section on the use of Bob Smith replies; Machines Brown & Sharpe form cutters for the made by The Gleason Works in years milling of bevel gear teeth .. It also past could cut such gears, except for has a lengthy discourse on how to the very low pitch angle. These ma- calculate machine settings. However, chines were known as "planers'taad this method is used primarily for re- "planing generators." Some of these placement gearing when no other machines are still being used today proper method is available. The Address your glearin,gl ques- by gear jobbers. method creates 3. compromise tooth tiensto OIurpanel of experts, The planers used an involute form that is not very conjugate. The Write to them care of Shop former and a single point. tool to gen- result may very well be noise and IF;IOIor.'GearTechno,logy. IP. O. erate the conjugate tooth profiles. vibration that is intolerable. Box 1:426.E.lk Gmve Villo'ge, IlL A solution to the questioner's The planing generators also used a 60009" 'o'r call our editorial staR single point too], but bad a relative problem might be the use of a gear at (708~437'-660'4. motion between cradle and work: type that has been known for years, spindle that generated the tooth but not widely used. H. E. Merrit, in shape. The most common planers the thirdedition of his book Gears, were the 37, 54, 77, 120. 144. and published by Pitman & Sons, Ltd., 'Robert E. Smith 192. These numbers represented the and others referred to these as coni- is the principal i'l R. E. Smith & Co" lnc., gear approximate workpiece diameter ca- cal involute gears. A more recent consultants i,1 Rochester, pacity of the machines. The most AGMA technical paper by L. Smith NY. He has over 40 years' common planing generators were the (AGMA paper 89-FTM-1O. Gear experience in gearing methods, manufacture, 60, 70, and 90. Again. these numbers Technology, Vol. 7. No.6, NovlDec, metrology, and research. represented the approximate work- 1990.) refers to them as "taper gears." piece diameter capacity. The taper gears have an involute he- Wililiam' Il Janninck In vestigation shows that these licoid tooth form that is generated does gear and 100/ design machines were typicallyable to get from a cylindrical surface, the base and consulting. He has been inolved with gears and gear down. to a pitch cone angle of ap- cylinder. AU sections normal to the manufacturing for 45 years, proximately 7°. But the questioner axis have a common base circle diam- 40 of them with !IlitJois Too/S·ITW, Inc. He is the eter and, therefore. the same invo- requires an angle 3° smaller. author of numerous articles He bas resorted to milling the lutes, However, the tooth thickness at 011 gear- related topics.

JULY/AUGUST 1982 ,53 any diameter increases linearly from the main reason that they have not the front face to the back face. (See come into common use. However, Figs. 1 and 2.) The gear ha the ap- any CNC hobbing machine in COm- pearance of a bevel. gear, but each mon use today should be able to transverse section represents a spur produce taper gears. eNC abrasive gear. (See A. Beam, "Beveloid Gear- bobbing machines can also be used ing," Machine Design, Dec., 1954.) to grind them, This tooth form win produce conju- To address questions to Mr. Smith, gate gears and can be made with circle Reader Service No. 78. very little transmission error. This type of gear has the additional ben- Ouestion: What is meant by the efit of being insensitive to mount- term "oil entry gap," when refer- ing errors, as are spur gears. ring to the mesh condition of a Calculations for this tooth form worm and worm wbeel? can by found in Involutometry and Bill Janninck replies: One of Trigonometry by W. F. Vogel and in the requirements frequently speci- several technical papers by Mitome, fied, among the other geometric and ASME, and JSME. dimensional values and tolerances for The taper gear can be produced! a worm gear set, is tile one defining by any rack: type tool generator or the area of contact. The driven flank hobbing machine which has a means of the gear is examined for the loca- of tilting the work axis and/or co- tion and percentage of area of con- ordinating simultaneous transverse tact shown by the transfer of a color- and infeed motions, (See Srnith.) In the past, mechanical machines of this type have been rare. This is


Planning on restoring a house. Fig. 3 - Ideal eontaet .. saving a landmark, reviving your neighborhood? Gain a wea.lth of experience Fig. 1 - Spur taper gear tooth. and help preserve our historic Complex helicoid and architectural heritage, Join the National Trust for Historic AXVOUJTIE Preservation, Make preservation a blueprint for the future. Fig. 4 - Entry contact.

Write: NaUonam Trust foli'Historic Preservation Department .PA 1785 Massachusetts Ave., N. W. Washington, D. C. 20036 Fig. 2 - Taper gear tooth FIg. 5 - Edge contact on entry.

54, GEAR TECHNOLOGV ing medium from worm to gear while in rotation, The contact pattern can generally be described as high or low, leaving or entering, or edge, this last pattern being sure cause for concern or rejection. For some sets the con- tact patterns are checked at both low load and in the anticipated operating range to allow for possible deflec- tions during use. Since worm gear sets are classi- fied as high sliding gearing, because the worm flank constantly slides across the gear teeth, lubrication is extremely important. The contact pattern is usually specified to be bi- MIID'WIEST 'GIEAIR ased toward the leaving or outgoing side of the gear teeth. This is the now offers Ilarge pitch ideal contact pattern and is shown in Fig. 3. That area ofthe gear flank GE,AR 'GIRINIDIIN'G:! which does not show contact is obvi- ously in clearance, and as one pro- ceeds across the gear face from entry edge toward the contact area, clear- ance diminishes. This tapering space forms a wedge or oil entry gap. It allows the oil. to migrate or sweep into the mesh zone. If the area of contact occurs near to the entry side, as is sbown in Fig. 4, theoil filmcanbereducedorthinoed outand may even be broken, possibly causing overheating and failure of the set. If a hard edge contact occurs, as is shown in Fig. 5, the oil can be substan- tially diverted from the mesh, and the oil film broken. Edge contact is immediate cause for rejection,

Questijon:: How is this gap PIiO- dueed on the gear? Can it be pro- duced with a. standard hoh? How can it be produced by the flycutting .. Up to 1 DP 72" P;O. 18" Face • Inspection by Hofler Gear Checker • Spur, Hstlcal, or Crowned withl Computer Printouts available methodf • Up to AGMA 'Quality Class 1!4 • Low tooling costs The clearancegap is produced on .. Experienced Craftsmen • On-time, ,deHverry the worm gear flank by the amount of We can Salv8ge Gears '''started by Heat li"eatment o oversize designed :into the hob. The more the oversize, the more the clear- ance and tile smaller the contact pat- ~ MllDlNEST GEAR: tern. Standard worm gear hobs gener- 2182 AUrora IRoad ,(Rt. ,82) .' Twinsburg, OH 44087 Phone: .216-4.25-4419 • FAX: 216-425~a600 ally have ample oversize built in to form some gap clearance, but. if a CIFlCLf A.·27 on READER REPLY C.ARD

JU~VI"'UGUST 199255 special specification is given on the contact pattern, the hob design might Now use your have to be reviewed. Actually hob over- CHARGE!' AMERICAN EXPRESS, size serves two purposes, It also permits Visa, or Master Card to some resharpening life when the nob becomes dulled. Every time a. hob subscribe to gets sharpened the diameter is re- GEAR TECHNOLOGY duced along with the oversize of the $40.100for 1 year (6 issues) hob, and as the oversize is reduced, the in the U.S., contact pattern will change, slightly $50.00 in Canada; $55.00 increasing in width. On a single start elsewhere. hob almost the entire hob can be con- sumed, resharpening gradually until the Call (800) 451·8166 to place hob diameter is reduced to standard and your order. no oversize remains. If the hob goes undersize, it is considered unusable. When the hob is new and bas the largest oversize, the contact area is the smallest, and at the end of life, when the hob is a near match to the worm, the largest area of contact is seen, If there are strict limits on the contact pattern, then the hob oversize as well as sharpening life SH'OP FL'OOR ----

may have to be restricted to suit. During the worm gear cutting pro cedure , the contact pattern can be moved aero s the face of the gear by altering the hobbing machine. setting angle and observing the results, moving the contact into the ideal area. The use of flycutting methods works ill much the same manner. However.if the fly cutter is made of a radially adjustable blade inserted in a body. the oversize can be established by moving the blade out to the desired position. CIECK 1IIE8E Once the pattern is accepted, the blade FEA1IIRE8: can be kep! at the same oversize by

.t Accuracy- All grinding of Full Probing Capabilities - resetting it after each sharpening. This operations completed in a For both part and wheel gives consistent control on the contact single step. location. pattern, If the flycutter is.solid.thenthe .t Rapid Setup or Changeover- .t CBN Wheel- For better Bodies to blades, roughing to surface integrity andlinish. same problems arise as experienced finishing, other diameters. longer tool life. with conventional hobs, In any case Thesef.eatlnes. result in unprecedented productivity. the target oversize :is usually se- CONTACT US FOR FULL DETAILS lected by the hob designer or user based on experience and math- ematical modeBing ..• .L!Ji:ELKRAPIDS ENGINEERING ..,/7' Sub!!idlary 01Star Cutler Company To address questions to Mr. Janninck, .&/ ~10 Industrial Park Drive • P.O. Box 728 • Elk IRapids, MI49629 circle Reader Service No. 79. - Phone 616/264·5661 • Fax 616/264-5663 CIRCLE A·30on RIEAiDEAREP;LY CARD 56 GEAR TECHNOLOGY Provides actual over ball/pin measure- ment ,ofany helical or spur gear or spline without the need ofcost1y setting masters.

Provides vital S.P.C. mTorm",tio~.

'CAP~CITY: '9" O.D. 8" I.D. ,851 OHIO ,PIKE- CINCINN'ATI, OHIO 452.5- 1(513)752·6000

CIRCllE A-29 on' READER REPLY 'CARiD -- ADVERTISER INDEX ---- Reader Service No. Page No. Reader Service No. Page No, Adeole 26 52 James Engineering 18 51 Amarillo 23 43 Klingelnberg Gear Technology. Inc. II 6 American Gear Koepfer America 3 Manllfacturers Associatioll, 15.45 16,4) '* Liebherr Machine Too! 10 9 American Metal Treating Co. 42 63 M & M Precision 5 12 American Pfauter, L.P. [FC Manufactured 'Gear & Gage, Inc. 17 18 Ash Gear 32 19 McGraw-Hill 14 B & R Machine & Gear Corp. 44 63 Midwest Gear .27 55 Balzers Tool Coaling Inc, 9 8 MHI Machlne Tool U.S.A .. Inc. 33 Be Bourn & Koch Machine Tool 21 58 Niagara Gear 62 California Bevel Gear Inc. 37 62 36 Normae 5 Crucible Service Centers 4 2 6 Crystal Image Productiens 19 PfauterfMaag CUlling Tools, loP. 2 Diseng 14 17 Precision Gear 40 62 Fairlane Gears, Inc. 1.6 18 Profile Engineering, Inc. 38 62 Forest Cily Gear 22 32 Pro-Gear Company, Inc. 39 62 GMI-Fbllsa 7 7 Russell, Holbrook &, Henderson 2S 49 GM] - Mutschler 35 61 Software .Engineering Service 43, 63 Gear Research Institute 34 62 Starcut Sales, Inc. 30 56 Guehring Automation 19 51 Tocco, Inc. 20.31 mC.64 High Noon 8 8 United Tool Supply 29 57 Hommel America 28 50 Winfred M. Berg. Inc. 13 1.6 Intercontinental lndustries 24 43 Yin King Industrial Co., Ltd. 12 1.7

JULV/AUGUST Ui2 151 hetber your bobbing requiremearB are small or larp. Quick awnae Hob Arbor with HydmuHc Nut, Power Tall Wahort or long.1et Bourn &: Koch'II BEST FIT SOLUTIONS Stock Bracket with Hydraulic Ceutea-, paranteed dJe ANSI meet your needs and wants. Class 5 Quality. WheD a major Aerospace FngiDe Manufacturer requited an Ooe Side Crowning capability provided maximum beam Ultra Precision Hobbins MachiDc for sp1iDes ofInconel718 and strength by straight bobbins the risbt side of the spline teeth. Maraainl2S0 super alloy hiahstnmatb steels, be selected the and pve alignment cJanncc by crown bobbiDa !be left side of Model6OOH CNC with 25" Diatneta" and 144" LenaIh capacity. the spline teeth. Two A

PmNIIrd"'~""'" T«II DIWIIIoIt 2SOO KIatIwauket at. RocIdonI. IL 81104 811W85-4013 Fax 815J9B5.0019 CIACL! AoI1 on RUDIR RIPL Y CARD Investing in Ourselves is the Key to Revitalizing American Manufacturing.

Dalviid Goodfellow

opular wisdom bas it American businessmen (0 that m~UJac.ruriDg i.n reorganize and re tructure the Umted State is their companies to increase m no longer a viable en- the quality oftheirproducts, tity. We are told t.hat quality the kill of their people, i poor. killed labor i. diffi- and to advance their com- cult to obtain, if not impo - petitivene in the world - sible, demand is low. and the marketplace today, government i helping to di - He - and other - have VIEWPOINT courage business, So what taught that TQM (Total hould we do, give up? Quality Management) is a come morecompetiuve, We need to rebuild the ap- That, of course. is the key to ucce s in improving First, we need a revamp- prenticeship programs, vo- worst pos ible thing to' do. the quality of our products, ing of tineworkers' compen- cational school ,and techni- We have everal manufac- as wen as in the reduction of sation laws. Recent legisla- cal training institutions to turing model , today which production costs of those tion ami court rulings have help educate tho e young , hould encourage u to re- products, in orderto be more favored the employee 10 the students who are motneces- build our manufacturing price competitive in the mar- detriment of Lhe employer. sarily college bound. base: models such as ketplace, Quality doe not It's very ea y for the em- Weal 0 have to convince Motorola. Inc., a. Chicago- co t more; it cost less, ployee to claim he or sh is die high school: tudents to- based company building Dr. Deming h

JULY/AUGUST 11102 59 who follow the path of ap- : industrial leaders of our "'HERE TO FIND THE prenticesbip or other tech- :commullity, and I asked the ··TOP TEN GEAR BOOKS~' nical programs. Industry question, 'If we now had an canbeagoodplacetowork, investment tax credit of --- and we need to get that 10%, how many of you message across. would go out and buy new Bob Errichello's "Shop Floor" column in our last Third. we need a com- machine tools because of issue, "The Top Ten Books For Gear Engineers," evoked plete restructuring of the that investment tax credit? a great deal of reader response. As a service to all our product liability laws. These Not one person raised his readers who called wanting 10 know where to find these laws are costing American : or her hand. books we provide the following information: business millions of dollars In the end, reviving Dudley's Gear Handbook; 2nd ed., Dennis P. per year for insurance rates, ~ America's manufacturing Townsend. ed. and Machinery Vibration - Measurement legal representation, and : base is a matter of indi- frivolous law suits - money ~ vidual responsibility. If we and.Analysis by V. Wouk are both published by McGraw- that could be much better ~ don't do things for our- Hill, NY, The Handbook is priced at $75.00 and Machin- spent elsewhere. selves, no (me else is going ery Vibration is $49.50. They can be ordered from the Finally, American busi- : to do them for us. Busi- publisher by calling 800-2-MCGRAW. nessman must have the: nesses must have the con- Drago's Fundamentals of Gear Design is published courage and the dedication : fidence in thernselve and by Butterworth-Hejnemann of Slone ham, MA. The price to invest in new equipment ~ their products and the stay- is $85.00, and i.l. can be ordered from the publisher at (SOO) 366-2665. V"IEWPOINT _I Lynwander's Gear Drive Systems is priced at $89.75 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• and can be ordered from the publisher, Marcel Dekker, ,.,• • ., ,Government can hel'IPby • NY, by calling the customer service number, (800) 228- ,., '.!., 1]60. ., revam,Ping worik'ers' I. ., ,., The Maag Gear Book can be ordered! from the Pub- ., cemp laws, !byIU!pgradling .! ., .,,., II Iication Department at AGMA Headquarters. ea:11 (703) education, and by Irestructingl .; 684-0111. The price is $95.00. • ,., • p'roduct lia'bility la,ws. • John Colbourne's The Geometry oj Involute Gears is • • $73.00 and can be purchased from the Order Dept. at •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• and facilities to improve : ing power to invest in new Springer-Verlag, NY, by calling (212) 460-1590. the quality and the produc- : equipment, technology., A limited number of copies of Steel Selection - A tivity of tile products they ; techniques, and education Guide for improving Performance alld Profits by Kern produce. America has the ~to stay competiti ve in the and Seuss can be purchased from Kreiger Publishing, oldest inventory of ma- ~marketplace today. Inc.iin Melbourne, FL. by calling (407) 724-9542. The chine tools in the indus- We can rebuild am indus- price is $54.50. trial world today ..No won- ~trial base. The problems are The following three books are out of print and no der we have trouble keep- ! tough, but not unsolvable. longer available: Gears for Small Mechanisms by W. O. ing up with our competi- ; But we - both government Davis (NAG. Press, Ltd., London); The Exact Over- tors from overseas. : and business - must get But many seem reluctant ~ moving. At present we are Wire Measurement oj Screws, Gears, Splines, and to make the investments nee- ~ handicapped by several Worms by W. F. Vogel (Wayne State U. Press, Detroit, e sery. We hear many ~circumstances that give Ml); and The Influence of Microstructure 0'11 the Proper- businesspeople say, "If only ~gre.a[ advantages to ties of Case-Carburired Componems. (American Soci- we had the investment tax ~0 u r competitors ..We must ety for Metals, Materials Park, OH.) The best chance of credit back, we would in- ~change these circumstances locating copies of them would be through a used book vest," But I wonder. A few : and change them quickly if dealer or book search service .• weeks ago I was ill a meet- : we are to be competitive in ing with approximately 100 : the world economy .•

60 GEAR TECHNOLOGY If you perform gear deburring andl chamfering cost below so-called standard machines. Need operations on gealrs to 36" '00, our INEW Model an open, machine? Closed with automatic doors? ,600' will pJilov:i:d'ethe versatility and flexibility you Auto'l'oad with Pick and Pla.ce or ,Gantry "'sed?' n.eed-tostay productive and competitive. No We' can deliver ... ontlme andl on Ibudget, too. lightweight" the ,600 can beoonfigured with up to That.'sanother GMII difference ••. ~sup,ported Iby '6 heads-for finishing operations using your some of the most !knowledgeable 'gear peo,pl'e in ,choice of brushes. ,griinding wheels ('CBN or the Industry. Call or wdte for further Information" ,conventional), rotary files, ete, today: GMI, P.O. Box 31038 .•Ilnde,pendence" OHI More importantly; GMI willi eustern ,desiign a. 441'31. Phone (216) 642-0230. FAX ,(216) 642-023,11. machIne' to meet your 'exact needs ..... often ,at a GIMII -

'CIRCl'E A-a!!, on IREADER REPLY CARD Gear(~lResearch Ground Gear SPIRAL Specialists BEVEL Institute GEARS An Institute of ASME and AGMA • Reishauer RZ300E gear • Range up to 16 mod . 850 mm dla. • Cooperative Pre-Compelitlve grinders • Machine with special large spindle bOre 8,' . Research • Manufacturing spur, helical, • Small batch quantity • Early delivery and pump gears • Angular spiral bevels • Multi-Client • To AGMA Class 15 with • Formate cutting of large diameter gears for Topical Resea.rch crowning prototype • Redesign of spiral systems avallable • Nital etch inspection • Singlle Client Research • :Maintenance requirement can be made from & Problem Solving .' Charting available your samples • Can make drawing from sample • Individual & Corporate Membership CAL'IFORNIA BEVEL ,GEARS INC. 1660 MailUry Road San Jose. CA 95133 '. A Non-profit Activity in Support 408-258-7212 of U.S. Gear Producers lax 408~258·7335 Sales reps wanted 1944 Unlverslty Lane Lisle, IL 60532 941 Military Rd., Buffalo. NY 1421'7 We're Moving June 1. See our new address In 7081241·0660 !FAX 7081241·0662 'Phone: (716) 874-3131 Fax: (716) 874·9003 i next issue of GEAR TECHNOLOGY.



New Designs and Features • Cost effective gear tooth grinding IPRECIISIIO:N Computer Control and .Analysis specialists GiEAR; On-Time Delivery • Gear manufacturers are our only INCORPORATED' New Equipment Warranty customers mCorona, New York Parts and Service • Prototype and production quantities I • Caipacity to 27.5' P.O., 3.5 D. P. Borazon Gear Grinding PROFIT F,RDM OUR; EXP,ERIEN'CE • Able to match deliverytovour • Kapp VAS 432 Borazon requirements • lorenz 424 Shaper • All service to AGMA standards with You May Already Own The • Pta utsr PE300 Certiflec Gear lnspecnon Equipment Best Gear Inspection Equipment • G,ear Grinding (Extarna] to 12') Money Can Buy -- - '.'From AGMA. 10-113,

Profi I'eIEngineernlllnc. ' PRO-GEAR COMPANY, INC. Fax Steve Berard with your 100 River Street 23 Dick Road Depew, NY 14043 Springfield, VT 05156 requirements. 802·885·9176 Phone 016) 684-3811 Fax 802-885-3745 Fax (716) 684-7717 718 • 592· 25,25


Rates: Line Classified - per inch - $200. Classified Display - per inch (3" min.) lX-$J60, 3X·$150, 6X-$140. Type will be setto advertiser's layout or Gear Technology will set type at no extra. charge. Payment: Full payment must accompany classified ads. Send check or Visa/Mastercard/American Express number and expiration date to: Gear Technology, P.D.Bolt 1426, Elk Grove Village, IL, 60009. Agency Commlsslon: No agency commission on classifieds. Materials Deadline: Ad must be received by the 25th of the month, two months prior 10 publication. eeeptance: Publisher reserves the right to accept or reject classified advertisements at his discretion.


Prod!!CI :Eng!lIetrl ng i!!lIllger: S55.000. Open GEAR: :SOFTWARE IFOR: PC's Coniflex Bevels lip to 34" diameter. Gearing Type Products, Spirals & Straight Bevels lip to 60" QUIlIII)! Conl:r'ol !i'lanllger: $48.000. I 0'9I.l00. "' GEAR MANUFACTURINGi diameter. Gear Grinding. · Change'gear sele eli on !'


Induction Profile Hardening Enhances Gear Performance

rocco, Inc. has developed a multi- Variations of this system which employ static frequency/multi-cycle "Profile" induction or incremental heating, single or multiple heating process which allows gear manufac- inductors and smaller RFpower supplies will. turers to achieve superior strength and hard- process large and small ODand Ingears, as ness at the root fillet and pitch line of a gear well as multiple function gear compenents, tooth without generating excessivehardening Multi-frequency/multi-cycle profile and brittleness at the tooth tip. hardening has proven to be a cost effective The rocco Profile Hardening (TPH) improvement to conventional dual frequency process is field proven ..Commercial installa- induction hardening and gas furnace car- tions include a fully-automated line at the burizing, The primary benefit offered by Ypsilanti, M], Powertrain divisionof'General TOCCO'S patented process is superior gear Motors. This system profile hardens internal performance. Root fillet crack propagation gear forward clutch housings and sun gear (tooth breakage), pitch line surface degrada- overrun clutch housings. tion(p~tting) and pitch line subsurface failures Unlike conventional dual frequency induc- (spalling) are minimized or eliminated. tion processes which attempt to generate a With respect to carbunzing, the TPH pro- uniform energy contour across the tooth tip cess significantly reduces in-process inven- and profile area, the TPH process produces tory, minimizes or eliminates post heat treat a nonuniform energy input profile to com- machining and lowers installation and pensate for nenuniformity in the mass rela- operating costs. tionship between the tooth tip and tooth root The TPH process can be operated in- area. In addition to utilizing two or more dependently or integrated into an in-line pro- frequencies, the TPH process also is pro- duction system or manufacturing workcell, grammed on atime dependent sequence. This rocco also has developed microprocessor- allows extra energy/temperature to be based control, monitoring and diagnostic generated in the root area while limiting capabilities to support the TPH process.. energy input to the tooth form. For more information on the TOCCO The TPH process can selectively harden TPH profile hardening process, contact gears. manufactured from plain carbon and George D.Pfaffmann, Vice President of alloy steel,as well as cast iron and powder Technology and Service Operations, metal. Several versions of the TPH process TOCCO, Inc., a subsidiary of Park-Ohio are available. The original process is for Industries, Inc, 30100 Stephenson Hwy, hardening external diameter gear surfaces and Madison Heights, MI 48071. Or call our toll internal ring, spur and helical gears. free number: 1-800-46849'32 ..


64 GEAR TECHNOLOGY Introducing

TOCCO Profille Hardeningl

At last ... there's a gear hardening process that provides TPHI pr,ovldes gearma'kers with: extra hardness/strength at the pitchline, and optimum • Increased strength ~trenglth gradient at the root fiHet - without exceSSiv~ • Reduced distortion heatingland brittleness at the tooth tip. T'OGCO p'roflle •. Improved metallurgy Hardening (TPH). a new. highly automated and held proven • Higher quality process developed by TOCCO, merges 3 distinctive • Lower installation costs technologi.es: !Programmed Preheat (AF -low frequency), • R,educed operating costs per part IHigh Intensilty (IRF- higlh freQuenoy) and mcremsntal Hardening. Alii can be comprised in a single, compact, Contact your TOCCO representative for detailed 'informa- I tion on TPH.,. the advanced, surface tota:lly integrated rnanutacturinq cell.' most selective or I gear hardenlnq/tempennq system available ... anywhere. 1 I Another TOCCO advantage: The proprietary TPH pro~ess TOCCO, line.. Sales, Service and TI9chnoiogy Center. r usua!lly uses less than 200 KW rat~dl power s~pp!lies (AF & 30100 Stephanson High,way, lMadison Hts, IMI48'0711. RF). So, you don't need an expensive s~bstatlon,_ as required by ol'der design contour hardenlnQl systems. Phone 1-800-466-4932. In Michigan 313-399-8601 . FAX 313-399-8603

• Photographed'at TOCCO-8oaz oorlng run-of] A Subsidiary of Park-Ohio Industries, Inc . CIRCLE A·20 on READ'ER REPL V CA'RO No other company makes mOJ1egear bobbers •. • A.new Mitsubishi :servosvstem delivers high shapers and shavers than Mitsubishi. So it's no accuracy s.ynchronizHoon between hob and wonder no other gear bobber is,as cemnaet CI!1~ table, using feed forward technology- as accurate as the new OC4IJCNC gear hobber. • Cutting c:apacifies have been increased by boosting x- and Y-axisfeedrah~s to 10 mlmin Here are just four reasons why: and hob speed to 1,0001 rpm . • Using finite analysis andkinemaUcs of machme components, Mitsubishi. deSign To fLndout other great reasons why this new engineers developed a structure that Is, eNC nearhobber-with fully conversationa~ extremely rigid. CNC controls-iS the most productive machine • Inside, it's a big machine! with an optimized in its class lor for mor,e information on the hob head assembly design that minimizes, full line 'Of Mitsubishl gear making machines), overhang and deflection-and maxiMizes caU write or circle the nmober below. euttlna capability; ,

rm • MITSUBISHI I See us a11MTS 1 IS IS .•. '" M'ACHIINE TCiDLB Booth #4197 MHllMachine Tool U.S,A" '11lC, in the' IMain Hall 907 W Irv!ng Park Road -Itasca. IL 60143~2023 Phone. (708) 860-4222 • FAX (708) 860-4233