T.Y.B.A. Revised Syllabus, 2020-21

AC Item No.

Rayat Shikshan Sanstha’s KARMAVEER BHAURAO PATIL COLLEGE, VASHI, AUTONOMOUS COLLEGE Sector-15- A, Vashi, Navi -400 703 NAAC Grade “A+” with CGPA 3.53

Revised Syllabus

Program: T.Y.B.A.

Course: Geography Semester: V and VI

(As per Credit Based Semester and Grading System with effect from the academic year 2020-21)

T.Y.B.A. Revised Syllabus, 2020-21

Rayat Shikshan Sanstha’s Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil College, Vashi (Autonomous College) Department of Geography Program: TYBA Course: Geography

Details of Semester wise Course and Credits

Course Code Course Title Course Credit SEMESTER - V UGGEO 501 Geography of Settlements 04 UGGEO 502 Geography of 04 UGGEO 503 Tools and Techniques in Geography for Spatial 3.5 Analysis-I (Practical) UGGEO 504 Regional Planning and Development 04 UGGEO 505 Geography of Health 04 UGGEO 506 Geospatial Technology (Practical) 3.5 Total Credits 23 SEMESTER- VI UGGEO 601 Environmental Geography 04 UGGEO 602 Geography of Tourism and Recreation 04 UGGEO 603 Tools and Techniques in Geography for Spatial 3.5 Analysis-II (Practical) UGGEO 604 Economic Geography 04 UGGEO 605 Biogeography 04 UGGEO 606 Research Methodology in Geography (Practical) 3.5 Total Credits 23 Total Credits (Semester V and VI) 46

T.Y.B.A. Revised Syllabus, 2020-21



COURSE OUTCOMES: After successfully completion of this course, the students will be able to … 1. Define settlement geography and explain the nature, scope and characteristics. 2. Understand the geographical factors that affect on construction of houses. 3. Understand the structure of houses is different in different regions. 4. Categorized factors of growth and distribution of settlement. 5. Describe origin growth and evolution of rural settlement. 6. Classify rural settlement on the basis of population and pattern and spacing and function. 7. Compare and contrast the rural and urban settlement of India. 8. Describe structure of houses and building material in India. 9. Design regional variations patterns and morphology of rural and urban settlement in India. 10. Classify urban settlement on the basis of culture and functions. 11. Proper use of Ashok Dutta’s model of South Asian city, port city and bazaar city, and hierarchy of urban settlement. 12. Learners will be collecting the population data and to arrange the hierarchy according size of population. 13. Identify and understand urban problems in Indian cities and suggest measures. 14. Understand concept of smart city with their parameters.

No. of UNIT – I: Introduction of Settlement Geography Lectures

1.1 Settlement geography: definitions, nature and scope

1.2 Settlement types, their characteristics and differences

1.3 Factors influencing growth and distribution of settlements 12

1.4 Importance of settlement studies in geography

UNIT – II: Geography of Rural Settlements

2.1 Origin and growth of settlements - evolution of rural settlements

2.2 Site and situation of rural settlements 12

Classification of rural settlements on the basis of population and 2.3 patterns

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Classification of rural settlements on the basis of spacing and functions: 2.4 Case Study of Adarsh Village

UNIT – III: Rural Settlements in India

3.1 Distribution and density of rural settlements in India

3.2 Structure of house and building materials in India 12

3.3 Regional variations in rural settlement patterns in India

3.4 Morphology of rural settlement in India

UNIT – IV: Urban Settlements

4.1 Origin and growth of urban settlements

Classification of urban settlements on the basis of culture and 4.2 functions 12

4.3 Hierarchy of urban Settlement: rank size rule and primate city

4.4 Ashok Dutts’s models of South Asian city: port city and bazaar city

UNIT – V: Urban Settlements in India

5.1 Urbanization in India: Trends, patterns and types of towns

5.2 Morphology of urban settlements in India (With reference to a port 12 and inland City)

5.3 Urban problems in Indian cities

5.4 Smart city: Concept and need


 Desphpande, C. D. (2005): “Cities: A Geographical Study”, Translated by V. G. Amrite, Manan Prakashan, Mumbai   Gharpure, V. (2013): “Nagari Bhugol”, (Marathi) Pimpalapure and Company Publishers,    Gharpure, V. (2013): “Vasti Bhugol”, (Marathi) Pimpalapure and Company Publishers, Nagpur   Gharpure, V. (2017): “Manavi Bhugol”, (Marathi) Pimpalapure and Company Publishers, Nagpur   Ghosh. S. (2015): “Introduction to Settlement Geography”, Orient Blackswan Private Limited, Hyderabad   Jyptirmoy Sen (2007): A Text Book of Social and Cultural Geography,” Kalyani Publsiher, New Delhi.  T.Y.B.A. Revised Syllabus, 2020-21

 Knowles, R and Wareing, J. (1996): “Economic and Social Geography”, the Made Simple Series, Rupa & Co., Calcutta   Leong, Goh-Cheng and Morgan, G. (1994): “Human and Economic Geography”, Oxford University Press, Oxford   Noble, A. (1998): “Using Descriptive Models to Understand South Asian Cities”,Education About Asia, Vol. 3, No. 3, Downloaded from http://aas2.asian- studies.org/EAA/EAA-Archives/3/3/205.pdf

 Siddhartha, K and Mukherjee, S. (2016): “Cities, Urbanisation and Urban Systems (Settlement Geography)”, KitabMahal, Allahabad   Singh, L. R. (2009): “Fundamentals of Human Geography”, Sharda Pustak Bhawan, Allahabad   Singh, R. Y. (2012): “Geography of Settlements”, Rawat Publications, Jaipur   Tiwari, R. C. (2016): “”, Pravalika Publications, Allahabad   Thakur S. A. and others – “Settlement Geography”/ Vasti Bhugol- Geographers, Publication (2012)

T.Y.B.A. Revised Syllabus, 2020-21


COURSE OUTCOMES: After successfully completion of this course, the Students will be able to … 1. Identify location, extent, boundaries, administrative setup and divisions. 2. Understand the topographical features of Maharashtra. 3. Climate is not same learners will be examine factors of climate and understand how to change prom place to place and region to region. 4. Prepare the list of river system in Maharashtra along with their tributaries, source, total length of flow, pattern of rivers. 5. Understand the different resources in Maharashtra like soils, natural vegetations Mineral and power resources 6. Describe population growth and understand distribution, density age, sex and occupational structure. 7. Understand silent feature of agriculture w.r.t. regions. 8. List the issues and policies related to agriculture fisheries and livestock in Maharashtra. 9. Recognize major industrial regions and role of transport in industrial development. 10. Recognize issues and policies of industries. 11. Able to understand relationship between trade and transport.

Unit-I : Maharashtra: Geographical Setting

No of Lectures

1.1 Location, extent and boundaries

1.2 Administrative setup and divisions

12 1.3 Relief and climate

1.4 Drainage system

Unit-II : Natural Resources

2.1 Soils

2.2 Natural vegetation 12

2.3 Minerals

2.4 Power resources

Unit-III : Human Resources

3.1 Population growth

3.2 Distribution –urban-rural and population density 12

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3.3 Structure of population : Age-sex

3.4 Occupational structure of population

Unit-IV :Agriculture, Fishing and Livestock Resources

4.1 Salient features of agriculture

4.2 Agricultural regions, recent issues and policies 12

4.3 Fisheries, recent issues and policies

4.4 Livestock resources recent issues and policies

Unit-V: Industries, Trade and Transport

5.1 Major industrial regions

5.2 Role of transport in industrial development 12

5.3 Industrial issues and policies

5.4 Trade and transport


 Jaymala Diddee, S.R. Jog, V.S. Kale Geography of Maharashtra   Johns: Economic Geography -   Khullar: Geography of India   Majid Hussein: Geography of India   Oxford: Oxford School atlas-   Savinder Singh Environmental Geography   Sharma: India's economic and commercial geography                      T.Y.B.A. Revised Syllabus, 2020-21



COURSE OUTCOMES: After successfully completion of this course, the Students will be able to … 1. Explain the basic concepts of scale and their methods of representation of scale. 2. How to apply scale while reading topographical maps. 3. Remember the major and minor direction and to identify the directions while you travel anywhere. 4. Explain the concept of Azimuth, graticule, great circle and true meridians. 5. Define the term projecting and how to construct the various types of projection. 6. How to apply these projections while making the map of any region. 7. Remember the pervious geographical knowledge while studying map basic. 8. Identify the basic elements of maps. 9. Calculate the bearing and distance with the help of topographical maps. 10. Compute the area with the help of methods. 11. Generate the watershed map by using tracing method. 12. Interpret the topographical maps with the help of sign and symbols. 13. Distinguish between topography and activities, vegetation and relief feature etc. 14. Indentify the color combination which is used in topographical maps. 15. Interpret and construct the thematic maps on the basis of cartographic techniques. 16. Explain the importance of surveying. 17. Learners will be making the planning about the actual surveying on ground. 18. Modify the statistical data by using MS. Excel and prepare the graphs according to given instructions. 19. Produce the statistical data in SPSS software and compute different statistical techniques like mean, median, mode, standard deviation, chi-square etc.

Unit –I Map Projections Lectures 1.1 Basic Concepts – Definition, scale, direction, azimuth, graticule, great circle, true meridian, types of projections, choice of projections 1.2 Zenithal Polar Projections – Equal Area, Equidistant 09 1.3 Cylindrical Projections - Equal Area, Equidistant 1.4 Conical Projections - One standard parallel, two standard parallel Unit-II Map Basic 09 T.Y.B.A. Revised Syllabus, 2020-21

2.1 Basic elements of map and calculation or identification of relief, direction, bearing and distance 2.2 Area calculation with square method and strip method 2.3 Demarcation of watershed on toposheet, Tracing of stream network and contours Unit-III Survey of India Toposheet 3.1 Signs and symbols, marginal information 3.2 Study of physiography, drainage and vegetation (one full toposheet of hilly and plateau region each) 09 3.3 Study of settlements – size, pattern, utilities (one full toposheet of plains and urban region each) 3.4 Study of transport network (one full toposheet of plains and urban area each) Unit-III Thematic maps and Surveying 4.1 Preparation of a district thematic maps with actual data- Dot and Pictogram 4.2 Preparation of a district thematic maps with actual data- 09 Choropleth and Isopleth 4.3 Introduction to surveying 4.4 Plane Table Survey and Prismatic Compass Unit-V Use of computers in geographical data representation 5.1 Construction of line graphs & simple and multiple bar graphs using MS-excel 09 5.2 Construction of divided bar graphs & pie charts using MS-excel 5.3 Preparation of datasheet in SPSS 5.4 Calculation of central tendency and standard deviation using SPSS

REFERENCES:  1. Karlekar Shrikant- Bhoogol shastratil Sanshodhan Paddhati,  2. Monkhouse F.J. - Maps & Diagrams, Methuen and Co., London, 1971 (3rd Edition, Revised).\ 3. NCERT - Textbook for Class-12, Practical Work in Geography Part II 4. Peter A. Rogerson - Statistical Methods for Geography, Sege Publishers -2001 5. Robinson A.H. - Elements of Cartography, Wiley 6. Sarkar Ashis - Practical Geography, Orient Black Swan – 2015 7. Sarkar Ashis –Quantitative Geography, Orient Black Swan – 2013 8. Singh R.L. & Singh P. B. - Elements of Practical Geography, Kalyani Publishers 2005 9. Stoddard Robert – Field techniques and research methods in geography, Geography faculty publication http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/geographyfacpub/26

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COURSE OUTCOMES: After successfully completion of this course, the Students will be able to… 1. Explain the concept of region with their types. 2. Planning is important so learners will be prepare the planning before work. 3. Recognize role of surveys and geospatial technology in regional planning. 4. List out problems associated with regional planning. 5. Explain concept, types need nature relation of regional planning with geography 6. Suggest demarcation of planning regions and its principles, criteria and methods. 7. State the Perroux’s growth pole theory and regional planning. 8. Recognize the concept of development and disparities in development. 9. Compare spatial and non-spatial models of development with special reference to Rostow’s model and Myrdal’s model. 10. Discuss about the five year plans and to prepare list of features, achievements and failures. 11. Describes various regional planning in India like multi-level plan, planning region, micro level plan in rural area. 12. Understand the role of NITI Ayog in planning. 13. Apply various planning parameters methods in case study of

UNIT – I: Understanding Regional Planning No. of Lectures 1.1 Region: Concept, types and delineation 1.2 Planning: Concept, Types and Need 12 1.3 Role of surveys and geospatial technology in regional planning 1.4 Problems associated with regional planning UNIT – II: Understanding of Region in Planning 2.1 Regional Planning: Concept, Nature, Relation with Geography 2.2 Planning Regions: Need, characteristics and hierarchy 12 2.3 Demarcation of planning regions: Principles, criteria and methods 2.4 Perroux’s Growth Pole Theory and regional planning UNIT – III: Understanding Regional Development 3.1 Development: Concept and indicators T.Y.B.A. Revised Syllabus, 2020-21

3.2 Regional disparities in development: Concept and measurements 3.3 Spatial and Non-Spatial Models of Development with Special Reference to Rostow’s Model and Myrdal’s Model 12 3.4 Strategies for regional development UNIT – IV: Regional Planning in India – I 4.1 Five-Year Plans: Features, achievements and failure 4.2 Multi-level planning in India 12 4.3 Planning regions of India 4.4 Changing planning mechanism of India: NITI Ayog UNIT – V: Regional Planning in India – II 5.1 Micro level planning in rural area 5.2 Backward area development programme 12 5.3 Urban fringe of Indian cities: Problems and planning 5.4 Metropolitan Planning: A Case study of Navi Mumbai


1. Chand, Mahesh (2000): “Regional Planning In India”, Allied Publishers Ltd., Mumbai 2. Chandana, R. C. (2016): “Regional Planning and Development”, Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi  Dhamdhere, S. et al (2015): “Arthik Vikas Ani Niyojan”, (Marathi), Diamond Publications,   Dikshit, J. K. (2011): “The Urban Fringe of Indian Cities: Professor Jaymala Diddee Felicitation Volume”, (ed.) Rawat Publications, Jaipur  Jhingan, M. L. (2017): “The Economics of Development and Planning”, Vrinda Publications (P) Limited, Delhi Kant, S. et al (2004): “Reinventing Regional Development: Festschrift to Honour Gopal Krishnan”, (ed.) Rawat Publications, Jaipur 7. Misra, R. P. (2002): “Regional Planning”, Concept Publishing Co., New Delhi 8. NITI Ayog (2017): “Three Year Action Plan (2017-18 to 2019-20)”, NITI Ayog, New Delhi Tiwari, R. C. (2016): “Geography of India”, Pravalika Publications, Allahabad  Books for further reading:  1. Bhargava, G. (2001): “Development of India’s Urban, Rural, and Regional Planning in st 21 Century: Policy Perspective”, Gyan Publishing House, Delhi Datt, G. And Mahajan, A. (2016): “Datt and Sundaram’s Indian Economy”, S. Chand Publishing, New Delhi Devi, Laxmi (2000): “Planning Development and Regional Disparities”, (ed.) Anmol Publications, New Delhi Dhamdhere, S. and Shinde, S. (2010): “Bhartiya Ani Jagtik Arthik Vikas” (Marathi), Diamond Publications, Pune T.Y.B.A. Revised Syllabus, 2020-21

Hall, P. (2016): “Urban and Regional Planning” Routledge, London  Knowles, R and Wareing, J. (1996): “Economic and Social Geography”, the Made Simple Series, Rupa& Co., Calcutta Sundaram, K. V. (1985): “Geography and Planning: Essays in Honour of Prof. V. L. S. PrakasaRao”, Concept Publishing Co., New Delhi 8. Sundaram, K. V. (1989): “Regional Planning and Development: Essays on Space, Society, and Development in Honour of Professor R. P. Misra”, Heritage Publishers, New Delhi 9. Vidyarthi, A. et al (2017): “Understanding India’s New Approach to Spatial Planning and Development: A Spatial Shift?”, Oxford University Press, New Delhi 10. Yojana, Monthly Journal Published in English and Marathi by Government of Maharashtra. IMPORTANT WEBSITES / WEB LINKS mmrda.maharashtra.gov.in, niti.gov.in

T.Y.B.A. Revised Syllabus, 2020-21


COURSE OUTCOMES: After successfully completion of this course, the Students will be able to… 1. Explain the nature, scope and conceptual background of heath geography. 2. Understand the various approaches of heath geography and explain relation of health geography with other disciplines. 3. Predict the various pollution syndromes with their causes, effects and measures. 4. Explain the plastic and radioactive pollution with their causes, effects and measures. 5. Learners will be collect data from PHC and analyze the data. 6. Understand the relation between weather related diseases. 7. Compare and contrast the climate change and global health. 8. Classify the communicable and non communicable diseases like HIV – aids, Malaria, cancer and malnutrition. 9. Understand the relation between health and environment and health, development and migration and health. 10. Identify the health facilities are available in hospitals in rural and urban areas. 11. Identify the distribution of governmental health facilities available in PHC. 12. Discuss the health policy and understand the role of organizations in health.

Unit I - Introduction to Geography of Health No of Lectures

1.1 Nature, scope and evolution geography of health 1.2 Conceptual background and components geography of health 12 1.3 Significance and approaches geography of health 1.4 Relation of geography of health with other branches of social science

Unit- II -The Pollution Syndrome 2.1 Air Pollution: Causes, Effects and remedial measures 2.2 Water Pollution: Causes, Effects and remedial measures 12 2.3 Radioactive Pollution: Causes, Effects and remedial measures 2.4 Plastic Pollution: Causes, Effects and remedial measures Unit III - Geography of Diseases 3.1 Weather-related diseases and climate change and Global health 3.2 Types of diseases and their regional pattern 12 3.3 Case studies of communicable diseases –malaria and HIV – Aids T.Y.B.A. Revised Syllabus, 2020-21

3.4 Case studies of non-communicable diseases – cancer and malnutrition Unit IV -Health and Environment 4.1 Linkages of health with environment 4.2 Relation between development and health 12 4.3 Population dynamics, urbanization, poverty and inequality 4.4 Migration and related health issues Unit V - Health Care Facilities 5.1 Health care facilities in India

Spatial Distribution of governmental health care facilities in 5.2 Maharashtra 12

5.3 Health care policies in India Health Organisations: WHO, UNISEF, Red Cross Society and NGOs 5.4


1. Alice E. Marczewski and Michael Kamrin: Toxicology for the Citizen.

2. B. Brockband, J.Cohrsson, and V.T. Covello: The Risk Assessment Manual: A Guide to Understanding and Using Health and Environmental Assessments

3. Marilyn O. Ruiz: Geography of Disease

4. Michael Emch, Elisabeth Dowling Root, and Margaret Carrel: Health and Medical Geography Fourth Edition

5. Rhonda Humbird: AP Environmental Science - Part 1: The Living World

T.Y.B.A. Revised Syllabus, 2020-21


COURSE OUTCOMES: After successfully completion of this course, the Students will be able to… 1. Understand the concept of and components of geospatial technology. 2. Demonstrate the concept, process and application of remote sensing. 3. Explain the concept EMR and EMS, types of platforms, sensors with resolution. 4. Identify the elements of visual images and interpret the thematic map. 5. Analyze the land use and landforms with the help of digital image and prepare 3D image by using DEM. 6. Explain the concept, process and types of aerial photographs and how to interpret these photographs. 7. How to apply Bhuvan software in geospatial analysis. 8. Explain the concept and segments of GPS and how to use this mapping instrument in geography. 9. How to inspect GPS data accuracy and calculate the error by mathematics method. 10. Understand the factors affecting on global navigation system. 11. Explain the demarcation methods of ground survey like point, line and polygon and how to select these methods in GPS. 12. Explain the concept and components of GIS and How to mark coordinates on map with the help of GIS software. 13. How to match latitude and longitude / geo referencing by using GIS. 14. How to prepare / create layers of contours and understand the digitization of vector and raster map. 15. Prepared thematic map and identify the methods of editing by using GIS. 16. Understand the map layout and design and analyze the thematic map.

UNIT – I Remote Sensing – I No of Lectures 1.1 Geospatial Technology: Concept, Components and Importance 1.2 Remote Sensing: Concept, Process and Geographical Applications 1.3 Electromagnetic Energy, EMR and EMS - Spectral Reflectance and 09 Spectral Signature or Curve - Platforms, Sensors and Resolution 1.4 Elements of Visual Image Interpretation - Mapping of Thematic Layers T.Y.B.A. Revised Syllabus, 2020-21

and Visual Image Interpretation of Physical and Manmade Features UNIT – II Remote Sensing – II 2.1 Digital image analysis: land use and landform classification, 3D view of DEM 09 2.2 Aerial Photographs: Concept, Process and Types 2.3 Interpretation of Aerial Photographs 2.4 Advanced Remote Sensing Technology - Use of Bhuvan website UNIT – III Global Positioning System 3.1 GPS : Concept, Segments, Applications 3.2 Types of GPS – GPS Data Accuracy and Errors 09 3.3 Factors Affecting GPS Data - Global Navigation System 3.4 Ground Survey and Demarcation of Point, Line and Polygon Features with GPS Device – Transfer GPS Data to Computer with Software’s like Easy GPS UNIT – IV Geographic Information System – I 4.1 GIS : Concept, Components and Applications - Map Projection and Coordinate System 09 4.2 GIS Data Acquisition and Types 4.3 Importing Image into GIS Software and Geo-referencing 4.4 Creating Layers by Digitization of Point, Line and Polygon Features UNIT V Geographic Information System – II 5.1 Functions of Database Creation – Input, Editing and Linking 5.2 Spatial Database Analysis: Overlay, Merge, Query 09 5.3 Using Map-Composer for Map Layout and Design 5.4 Preparation of Thematic Maps


1. Anson, R. W. and Ormeling, F. J., (Ed.) (1993): Basic Cartography for Students and echnicians, Vol.I, International Cartographic Association and Elseiver Applied Science Publishers, London. 2. American Society of Photogrammetry (1983): Manual of Remote Sensing, ASP PalisChurch,V.A. 3. Agrawal, N.K.(2006), Essentials of GPS (Second Edition), Book Selection Centre, Hyderabad 4. Bhatia (2016): Remote Sensing and GIS, Oxford University Press, New Delhi. 5. Bhatia, S. C. (2008): Fundamentals of Remote Sensing, Atlantic Publishers and Distributors (P) Limited, New Delhi. 6. Bhatta Basudeb 2016: Remote Sensing and GIS, Oxford University Press, New Delhi T.Y.B.A. Revised Syllabus, 2020-21

7. Barrett, E.G. and Curtis, L.F. (1992): Fundamentals of Remote Sensing in Air Photo-interpretation, McMillan, New York. 7. 8. Bernhardsen, Tor (2002): Geographical Information Systems: An Introduction, Third Edition, John Wiiey& Sons, Inc., New York. 9. Burrough, Peter A and McDonnell, R.A. (1998): Principles of Geographical Information Systems, Oxford University Press, Mumbai. 10. Campbell. J. (1989): Introduction to Remote Sensing, Guilford, New York. 11. Clarke, Keith C. (1998): Getting Started with Geographic Information Systems, Prentice-Hall Series in Geogl. Info. Science, Prentice-Hall, Inc. N.J. 12. Central Board of Secondary Education (New Delhi): Geospatial Technology – Textbook, Class XI and XII

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After successfully completion of this course, the Students will be able to… 1. Explain the nature, scope, basic concept, interdisciplinary science, and study methods. 2. Understand the fundamental concept related to environment, meaning, structure, types, component, geography and environment, man’s interaction with environment. 3. Understand the types, functions and component of ecosystem and biodiversity, its types, conservation methods, and preservation of ecosystem. 4. Draw a diagram of ecological pyramid and to understand these cycles are important for maintain the balance of the environment. 5. Explain the types of ecosystem with worldwide examples and how to relate ecosystem with them. 6. Identify the biodiversity hotspot in the map of world and show distribution in India with reference to Western Ghats. 7. Understand the methods are apply for conservation and preservation of biodiversity. 8. Prepare a list wildlife sanctuary in India and to create awareness among people and sustain for future generation. 9. Explain the causes and effects of air, water, land and noise pollution and suggest measures. 10. Recognize the environmental movements in India. 11. Recognize the need of sustainable development and environmental management. 12. Discuss about the eco friendly life style with the help of local examples and to determine the need of environmental education. 13. Explain the term biosphere and EIA in environmental studies.

UNIT -I Introduction to Environmental Geography No. of Lectures 1.1 Environmental Geography: Definition, Nature, Scope and Importance 1.2 Environment: Meaning, Factors and Types 12 1.3 Approaches to the Study of Man - Environment Relationship 1.4 Changing Man - Environment Relationship in Historical Perspective T.Y.B.A. Revised Syllabus, 2020-21

UNIT-II Ecosystem

2.1 Meaning and Structure of Ecosystem 12 2.2 Ecological Pyramids and Productivity of Ecosystem 2.3 Functions of Ecosystem: Food Chain & Web, Energy Transfer, Biogeochemical Cycles 2.4 Types of Ecosystems: Aquatic, Terrestrial, and Aqua-Terrestrial Ecosystems UNIT-III Biodiversity 3.1 Biodiversity: Concept, Types and Distribution 3.2 Biodiversity Hotspots: Concept, and Distribution in India with 12 Special Reference Western Ghats 3.3 Threat to Biodiversity: Causes 3.4 Conservation of Biodiversity and Management of Biological Reserves UNIT-IV Environmental Challenges in India 4.1 Air pollution and Water Pollution: Cases and Effects 4.2 Land and Noise Pollution: Cases and Effects 12 4.3 Environmental Issues Related to High/large Dams 4.4 Major environmental Movements in India UNIT-V Sustainable Development and Environmental Management 5.1 Concepts and Need of Sustainable Development and Environmental Management 12 5.2 Eco-friendly Lifestyle and Need of Environmental Education 5.3 Biosphere Reserves and Wildlife Management in India 5.4 Environmental Impact Assessment


 Bharucha, E. (2004): “A Textbook for Environmental Studies”, University Grants Commission, New Delhi, Downloaded from https://www.ugc.ac.in/oldpdf/modelcurriculum/env.pdf  Cunningham, W, and Cunnigham, M. (2017): “Principles of Environmental Science: Inquiry and Applications”, McGraw Hill Education, Delhi  Gautam, A. (2010): “Environmental Geography”, Sharda Pustak Bhavan, Allahabad  Karlekar, S. and Borges, J. (2008): “Diamond Bhugol- Paryavaran Shatra Kosh”, (Marathi), Diamond Publications, Pune  Rajagopalan, R. (2016): “Environmental Studies: From Crisis to Core”, Oxford University Press, New Delhi T.Y.B.A. Revised Syllabus, 2020-21

 Sangle, S. (2017): “Paryavaran Bhugol”, (Marathi), Diamond Publications, Pune  Saxena, H. (2017): “Environmental Geography”, Rawat Publishers, Jaipur.  Singh, S. (2017):“Environmental Geography”, Prayag Pustak Bhawan, Allahabad  Parmar and other –“Pryavaran Bhugol” Himalaya Publishing House – Mumbai 2013  Thakur and other - –“Pryavaran Bhugol” Konkan Geographer’s Publication

T.Y.B.A. Revised Syllabus, 2020-21



COURSE OUTCOMES: After successfully completion of this course, the Students will be able to… 1. Define the term tourism and explain its nature and scope of tourism. 2. Discuss the growth of tourism industry in the world. 3. Whole tourism industry based on topographical features of a respective tourism place. So learners will be understood which factors associate for the better development of tourism. It includes geographical, social, cultural and political factors. 4. There are various types of tourism; learners will be classifying category wise tourism type’s e.g. geographical tourism, cultural tourism, religious tourism etc. 5. Prepare a list of socio-cultural and economic positive impacts on environment. 6. Prepare a list of socio-cultural and economic negative impacts on environment. 7. Whole tourism industry revolves around 4 A’s i.e. accommodation, accessibility, attraction and ancillary services. Learners will be examining these infrastructural facilities are available or not and same way he / she will make list according to them. 8. If you travel anywhere first of all prepare the planning of travel, so planning is required. 9. Understand the micro and macro planning in tourism. 10. Understand the role of tourism organization in tourism development. 11. Indentify the coastal, heritage and adventure tourism places in Maharashtra. 12. Discuss about the tourism policy of Maharashtra.

Unit-I -Introduction to Tourism Geography TOTAL LECTURES 1.1 Definition , Nature and Scope 1.2 Trends of Tourism Development in World 12 1.3 Factors of Tourism Development - Geographical components 1.4 Factors of Tourism Development - Socio-cultural and political Unit-II Types & Impact of Tourism 2.1 Types of Tourism, 2.2 New Trends in Tourism, 12 2.3 Positive impact of Tourism on Environment: Socio-culture and Economy 2.4 Negative Impact of Tourism on Environment: Socio-culture and Economy Unit-III - Infrastructure of Tourism and Ancillary Services 3.1 Accommodation 3.2 Transportation 12 3.3 Travel Agencies and Tour Guide 3.4 Documentation and Ticketing T.Y.B.A. Revised Syllabus, 2020-21

Unit-IV - Planning of Tourism and Organization 4.1 Need of Planning and Elements of Planning 4.2 Levels of Planning 12 4.3 Tourism Organizations - IATA, PATA, I.T.D.C. and M.T.D.C 4.4 Incredible India campaign Unit-V Potential Tourism Sectors in Maharashtra and Tourism Policy 5.1 Coastal 5.2 Adventure tourism in Sahyadri 12 5.3 Heritage tourism in Maharashtra 5.4 Tourism Policy of Maharashtra State

REFERENCES: 1. Anand M.M., Tourism & Hotel Industry in India, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2. Bhatia A.K., Tourism Development, Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi. 3. Bhatia A.K., International Tourism, Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi 4. Bhatia A.K.,- Tourism in India , Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi 5. Geetanjali, Tourism Geography, Centrum press publishers, New Delhi 6. T.K. Sathyadev, P. Manjunath- Tourism Planning, Pacific books Internationals,

T.Y.B.A. Revised Syllabus, 2020-21




After successfully completion of this course, the Students will be able to… 1. Explain the concept of variables data observation, observation value. 2. Identify the nature data whether is individual, discrete or continuous. 3. Construct the frequency distribution table, histogram, frequency curve, polygon and ogive curve with the help of given statistical data. 4. Explain the meaning of measures of central tendency and calculate mean, median and mode by using formulae and justify you’re answer. 5. Explain the meaning of measures of dispersion and Compute the mean deviation, standard deviation, and quartile deviation and also justify your answer. 6. Calculate 3 yearly and 5 yearly moving averages and draw the graphy of moving total and moving average and justify your graph. 7. Explain the meaning of correlation and calculate the correlations and by using concern formula and justify your answer. 8. With the help of given data, calculate the answer of X and Y coordinates and draw the graph. 9. Explain the meaning of chi-square and it is one of the methods of hypothesis testing. Learners will be apply and testing the hypothesis. 10. Understand the meaning and types of sampling. Learners will be calculating the area under covered by land with the help of given land use map. 11. Learners will be selecting any area and collect the geographical and geospatial data, data analysis and conclusion. Finally submit their project.

Unit -I Nature of data and central tendency No of Lectures 1.1 Meaning and types of data, variable, observation, observation value, simple, discrete data and continuous data 09 1.2 Frequency Distribution, Histogram, Frequency Polygon and Ogive 1.3 Measures of Central Tendency- mean, median and mode Unit -II Dispersion and Deviation 09 T.Y.B.A. Revised Syllabus, 2020-21

2.1 Mean Deviation and Quartile Deviation 2.2 Standard Deviation 2.3 Moving Averages (3 years and 5 years) Unit -III Correlation, Regression & Hypothesis Testing 3.1 Calculation of correlation coefficient - Pearson's and Spearman's methods 09 3.2 Regression analysis 3.3 Chi square test Unit-IV Sampling 4.1 Sample and sample design in geography 4.2 Point sampling -Systematic and random 09 4.3 Line sampling - Systematic and random 4.4 Area sampling - Systematic and random Unit-V Field work in Geography of any one place/village 5.1 Collection of physiographic data - Field observation, field sketching, collection of soil and rock samples, identification of vegetation etc. 09 5.2 Collection of socio-economic data - interviews, questionnaire survey, visit to local governing office, NGO’s etc. 5.3 Collection of geospatial data - toposheet, aerial photographs, Google images/maps, Bhuvan images etc. REFERENCES:  Karlekar Shrikant- Bhoogol shastratil Sanshodhan Paddhati, Diamond Publications.  Monkhouse F.J. - Maps & Diagrams, Methuen and Co., London, 1971 (3rd Edition, Revised).  NCERT - Textbook for Class-12, Practical Work in Geography Part II  Peter A. Rogerson - Statistical Methods for Geography, Sege Publishers -2001  Robinson A.H. - Elements of Cartography, Wiley  Sarkar Ashis - Practical Geography, Orient Black Swan – 2015  Sarkar Ashis –Quantitative Geography, Orient Black Swan – 2013  Singh R.L. & Singh P. B. - Elements of Practical Geography, Kalyani Publishers 2005  Stoddard Robert – Field techniques and research methods in geography, Geography faculty publication http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/geographyfacpub/26

T.Y.B.A. Revised Syllabus, 2020-21



COURSE OUTCOMES: After successfully completion of this course, the Students will be able to… 1. Explain the nature, scope and branches of economic geography. 2. Understand the various approaches and economic geography how to relate with social sciences. 3. Explain the concept of resources. Learners will be preparing a list of resources available in the nature. 4. Classify the natural resources with examples and to explain how these resources are important in economic geography. 5. Recognize types of economic activities. Learners will be preparing a list of primary, secondary and tertiary activities with their characteristics. 6. Determine the factors affecting economic activities. 7. Understand what kinds of agricultural and lumbering activities are practices in the world and show the distribution these activities in the map of world. 8. Understand what kinds of fishing and animal husbandry activities are practices in the world and show the distribution these activities in the map of world. 9. Compare between minerals and industries. Minerals are used as raw material to the industry. Learners will be understood their characteristics and distribution. 10. Discuss and understood about the Weber’s theory of industrial location. 11. Explain and show industrial region in the map of world. 12. Distinguish between transportation and trade, network of road and patterns of trade. 13. Explain the role of major international trade organization in development of economy. 14. Define the term globalization and how affect on Indian economy. 15. Explain the concept of SEZ and identify issues related to SEZ. 16. Compare and contrast the economic development and environment and identify related issues.

Units Name of the Unit/Subunit No of Lectures Unit - 1. : Introduction of Economic Geography 1.1 Definition, Nature, Scope and Branches of Economic Geography 1.2 Approaches of Economic Geography and Relation with other 12 social sciences 1.3 Concept and Operation of Economy 1.4 Resources: Concept, Classification and Importance in Economy T.Y.B.A. Revised Syllabus, 2020-21

Unit - 2. : Economic Activities 2.1 Economic Activities: Type and Characteristics 2.2 Factors Affecting Economic Activities 12 2.3 Agriculture and Lumbering: Types and Distribution 2.4 Fishing and Animal Husbandry: Types and Distribution Unit - 3. : Minerals and Industries 3.1 Minerals: Importance, Characteristics and Distribution of Iron Ore, Manganese, Coal and Mineral Oil 12 3.2 Factors Affecting Industrial Locations 3.3 Weber’s Industrial Location Theory 3.4 Major Industrial Regions of the World Unit - 4. : Transport and International Trade 4.1 Transportation: Importance and influencing factors 4.2 Major Transport Patterns in the World 12 4.3 Patterns of International Trade: Composition and Direction 4.4 Major International Trade Organizations: WTO, OPEC, SAARC, G-20 and BRICS Unit - 5 : Economic Development of India 5.1 Levels of Economic Development in India 5.2 Globalization and its impact on Indian economy 12 5.3 Special Economic Zones: Concept and issues in India 5.4 Environment and Economic Development and related issues REFERENCE: 1. Datt, G. And Mahajan, A. (2016): “Datt and Sundaram’s Indian Economy”, S. Chand Publishing, New Delhi 2. Drezee J and Sen A.: “Indian Economic Development and Social Opportunity”, Oxford University Press, London 3. Gautam, A. (2010): “Advanced Economic Geography”, ShardaPustakBhawan, Allahabad 4. Hartshorne T. & Alexander J.W.: “Economic Geography”, Prentice New Delhi 5. Hodder, B. and Lee, R. (2008):“Economic Geography”, Rawat Publishers, Jaipur 6. Khanna K.K., Gupta V. K., (1987): “Economic and Commercial Geography”, Sultan Chand and Com. 7. Memoria, C. B. : “Economic and Commercial Geography of India” 8. Saxena, H. (2016): “Economic Geography”, Rawat Publishers, Jaipur 9. Singh, J. and Dhillon, S.: “Agricultural Geography”, Tata McGraw hill Publication Company Ltd., New Delhi. 10. Vaidya B.C. (1998): “Readings in Transportation Geography”, Devika Publications, New Delhi. 11. Vaidya B.C. (2003): “Geography of Transport Development”, Concept T.Y.B.A. Revised Syllabus, 2020-21

Publication, New Delhi. 12. Weber Alfred (1957): “Theory of Location of Industry”Chicago Press


COURSE OUTCOMES: After successfully completion of this course, the Students will be able to… 1. Define the term biogeography and explain the concept of nature and scope of biogeography. 2. Discuss about the historical development and branches of biogeography. 3. Explain the various approaches of biogeography. 4. Understand the importance of biogeography for maintain the balance of the environment. 5. Understand the types, functions and component of ecosystem. 6. Explain the concept and components of biospheres and discuss about the biogeographic processes. 7. Explain the concept of plant community and classify the plant community. 8. Describe the plant formation and biomes in tropical and temperate regions. 9. Explain the meaning and concept of marine biogeography. 10. Identify the location or regions of ocean habitats. 11. Explain the estuary and island biogeography. 12. Explain the role, importance, types and causes of loss of biodiversity. 13. Indentify the methods of conservation of biodiversity.

Unit-I: Introduction to Biogeography No of Lectures 1.1 Biogeography-Concept, definition, nature and scope 1.2. Historical development and branches of Biogeography 12 1.3. Approaches in Biogeography 1.4. Importance of Biogeographic studies Unit-II: Ecosystem and Biosphere 2.1. Ecosystem: Concept, meaning and types 2.2. Components of ecosystem and ecosystem productivity 12 2.3. Biosphere: Concept, meaning and components 2.4. Biogeographic processes T.Y.B.A. Revised Syllabus, 2020-21

Unit -III: Plant Community 3.1. Concept of plant community and classification of plants 3.2. Biotic succession and climax vegetation 12 3.3. Major plant formation and biomes- Tropical 3.4. Major plant formation and biomes- Temperate Unit -IV: Marine Biogeography 4.1. Marine Biogeography meaning and concept 4.2. Types of ocean habitats 12 4.3. Biogeography of estuaries 4.4. Island biogeography Unit-V: Biodiversity 5.1. Meaning and types of Biodiversity 5.2. Importance of Biodiversity 12 5.3. Causes of Biodiversity loss 5.4 Biodiversity conservation

REFERENCES: 1. Flannery, T. 2015. The Eternal Frontier: An Ecological History of North America and Its Peoples. Grove/Atlantic, Inc. 2. Gavin, D. G. 2012. Biogeography. Pages 77-89 in J. P. Stoltman, editor. 21st Century Geography: A Reference Handbook. SAGE Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA. 3. Jackson, S. T. 2004. Quaternary biogeography: Linking biotic responses to environmental variability across timescales. Pages 45  4. M. V. Lomolino and L. R. Heaney, editors. Frontiers of Biogeography: New Directions in the Geography of Nature. Sinauer, Sunderland, 5. Lomolino, M. V., B. R. Riddle, J. H. Brown, and R. J. Whittaker. 2010. Biogeography. Fourth Edition. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, 6. MacDonald, G. M. 2003. Biogeography: Space, Time and Life. Wiley, New York. 7. McCarthy, D. 2011. Here Be Dragons: How the study of animal and plant distributions

T.Y.B.A. Revised Syllabus, 2020-21



COURSE OUTCOMES: After successfully completion of this course, the Students will be able to… 1. Develop basic understanding of geographical research. 2. Quoted definition, importance sentences from reference books. 3. Choose concerning review of literature to respective research. 4. Select the appropriate research methodology and techniques in research work. 5. Apply this knowledge for formulation of research problems. 6. Arrange the research design in a systematic manner. 7. Apply sampling techniques in research work. 8. Decide the types and methods of data collection for research work. 9. Explain the role of internet in research work and use of online research references. 10. Recognize the methods of data processing like editing, coding of data, classification and tabulation of data. 11. How to analyze the data and prepare the maps, tables, diagrams and graphs for the betterment of standard research 12. Represent the hypothesis related to research work. 13. Understand the sampling techniques and hypothesis. 14. Prepare the questionnaire according to their research work. 15. How to apply software like GIS and SAGA in research work. 16. Create more intensive and accurate research report according to the layout. 17. Prepare the list of referred books, journals, during the research work. 18. To check research writing with the help of plagiarism software like grammarly. 19. How to write references, learners will be applying referencing style in research work.

Units Name of the Unit/Subunit No of Lectures Unit-I Research Methodology in Geography 1.1 Research in Geography: Concept, Types, Steps and Significance 1.2 Research Methodology: Meaning and Types (Qualitative and 09 Quantitative) 1.3 Defining the Research Problem: Meaning, Need and Techniques 1.4 Research Designs: Concept, Need and Features Unit-II Data Collection and Processing 09 T.Y.B.A. Revised Syllabus, 2020-21

2.1 Sample Design, Measurement and Scaling 2.2 Data Collection in Geography: Types and Methods 2.3 Role of Internet in Research: Online Research Referencing (Shodhganga, INFLIBNET, Research Gate, Academia, Mendeley, etc.) 2.4 2.4 Data Processing: Editing, Coding, Classification and Tabulation Unit-III Data Analysis 3.1 Data Analysis: Meaning, Significance and Types 3.2 Using MS-Excel and SPSS for Data Analysis: Graphical, Descriptive and Inferential Statistical Representation 09 3.3 Hypothesis: Meaning, Types, Levels of Significance, Degrees of Freedom and Errors 3.4 Statistical Techniques for Hypothesis Testing Unit-IV Digital Data Analysis and Research Report Writing 4.1 Techniques of Spatial and Non-spatial data Analysis in GIS Software (Q-GIS) 4.2 Techniques of Data Analysis in Satellite Image Processing 09 Software’s (SAGA) 4.3 Basics of Research Report Writing: Layout, Structure, Language, Bibliography, References and Footnotes 4.4 Ethics in Research: Plagiarism Unit-V Preparation of Research Report 5.1 Research Report on any One Theme in Physical Geography or 09 Human Geography


1. Selltiz, C.M. Jahoda, M. Deutsch and S. Research Methods in Social Relations, Holt, . New York, 1961. 2. Goode, W and P.K, Hatt Methods in Social Research, Mc Graw Hill, .Tokyo, 1962. 3. Harvey, David . Explanation in Geography, Edward Arnold, London, 1971 4. Chorley, R.J. and P. Hagg~tt (ed) Models in Geography, Methuen, London, 1967. 5. Minshull, R. Introduction to Models in Geography. Longman London, 1975. 6. Sheskin, I.M. Survey Research for Geographers Scientific Publisher, Jodhpur, 1987. 7. Kothari, C. R. Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques, Wishwa Prakashan, 1994.

T.Y.B.A. Revised Syllabus, 2020-21

Rayat Shikshan Sanstha’s Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil College, Vashi (Autonomous College) TYBA Geography Theory Papers (With effect from the academic year 2020-21) Evaluation Pattern SCHEME OF EXAMINATION: The performance of the learners shall be evaluated into two parts viz continuous Internal Evaluation and Semester End examination. In both semester internal assessment with 40% marks and semester End Examinations with 60% marks. The allocation of marks for the Continuous Internal Assessment and Semester End Examinations are as shown below:-


Practical Component will ask for Internal Examination and it will be Conducted separately

Evaluation type Marks

Internal Evaluation 40

a. Online Examination 20

b. Class Room Presentation - PPT/ Oral/ Projects 10 c. Field Visit and report writing Viva Assignments PPT presentation Oral presentation 10 Quiz competition Online courses Knowledge sharing Innovative Ideas Participation in seminar / workshop

T.Y.B.A. Revised Syllabus, 2020-21

Rayat Shikshan Sanstha’s Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil College, Vashi (Autonomous College) TYBA Geography Practical Paper- VI and IX (With effect from the academic year 2020-21) Evaluation Pattern CONTINUOUS INTERNAL ASSESSMENT- 40 MARKS

Practical Component will ask for Internal Examination and it will be Conducted separately

Evaluation type Marks

Internal Evaluation 40 a. Practical 20 b. Problem Solving / viva / Projects /Digitization of map 10 c. Field Visit and report writing Viva Assignments PPT presentation Oral presentation 10 Quiz competition Online courses Knowledge sharing Innovative Ideas Participation in seminar / workshop

T.Y.B.A. Revised Syllabus, 2020-21

Rayat Shikshan Sanstha’s Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil College, Vashi (Autonomous College) TYBA Geography Theory Papers (With effect from the academic year 2020-21) Evaluation Pattern


 Duration – 2 Hours for each paper.  There shall be eight questions each question and each questions carry 15 marks.  All questions shall be compulsory with internal choice within the questions.  Questions shall be subdivided into sub-questions

Questions Sub-questions Questions Marks a) OR b) 1 Based on Unit - I 15

2 a) OR b) Based on Unit – II 15

3 a) OR b) Based on Unit – III 15

4 a) OR b) Based on Unit – IV 15

T.Y.B.A. Revised Syllabus, 2020-21

Rayat Shikshan Sanstha’s Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil College, Vashi (Autonomous College) TYBA Geography Practical Paper – VI and IX (With effect from the academic year 2020-21) Evaluation Pattern


 Duration – 3 Hours for each paper.  There shall be six questions each question and each questions carry 10 marks.  All questions shall be compulsory with internal choice within the questions.  Questions shall be subdivided into sub-questions  External Examiner will be appointed from home university

Questions Sub-questions Questions Marks

1 A) And B) Based on Unit - I 12

2 A) And B) Based on Unit – II 12

3 A) And B) Based on Unit – III 10

4 A) And B) Based on Unit – IV 10

Evaluation of Project + Journal + 5 A) And B) 08+04+04 Viva