Instructor’s Manual Chapter 11 Lecture Notes Advanced Batch Files Chapter 11 Advanced Batch Files


1. List the commands used in batch files. 2. List and explain batch file rules. 3. Explore the function of the REM, PAUSE, and commands. 4. Explain the use of batch files with short cuts. 5. Explain the purpose and function of the GOTO . 6. Explain the purpose and function of the SHIFT command. 7. Explain the purpose and function of the IF command. 8. Explain the purpose and function of the IF EXIST/IF NOT EXIST command. 9. Explain the purpose and function of the IF ERRORLEVEL command. 10. Explain the purpose and function of writing programs. 11. Explain the purpose and function of the environment and environmental variables. 12. Explain the use of the SET command. 13. Explain the purpose and function of the FOR…IN…DO command. 14. Explain the purpose and function of the CALL command.


1. Use the ECHO command to place a blank line in a batch file. 2. Use the GOTO command in conjunction with a label to create a loop. 3. Use a batch file with a shortcut. 4. Use the SHIFT command to move parameters. 5. Use the IF command with strings for conditional processing. 6. Test for null values in a batch file. 7. Use the IF EXIST/IF NOT EXIST command to test for the existence of a file or a subdirectory. 8. Use the SET command. 9. Use the environment and environmental variables in batch files. 10. Use the IF ERRORLEVEL command with XCOPY to write a batch file for testing codes. 11. Use the FOR…IN…DO command for repetitive processing. 12. Use the CALL command in a batch file.


1. You may substitute a double (::) for the REM statement. 2. To place a blank line in a batch file, use the ECHO command followed immediately by a period (ECHO.).

Carolyn Z. Gillay, Bette A. Peat, Windows XP Command Line, Instructor’s Manual Franklin, Beedle & Associates ©2003 Page 1 Instructor’s Manual Chapter 11 Lecture Notes Advanced Batch Files 3. The GOTO command used in conjunction with a label creates a loop. The GOTO will process the command following the label. 4. The label in a batch file is not a command, but identifies a location in the batch file. 5. The SHIFT command shifts over command line parameters to the left one position at a time. 6. The SHIFT command is typically used in conjunction with GOTO and a label. 7. The IF command will test for some logical condition. If the condition is true, the command will be processed. If the condition is false, the batch file will fall through to the next line of the batch file. 8. The IF command can test whether or not two character strings are identical. 9. The IF command can test whether or not a file exists. 10. The IF command checks ERRORLEVEL. 11. You may also use IF with NOT. The IF NOT command will test for a NOT condition. If a condition is not true, then the command will process. If the command is true, then the batch file will fall through to the next line in the batch file. 12. You can test for a null value by using quotation marks, a word, or backslashes. 13. To use IF EXIST and to test for the existence of a subdirectory, you may use IF %1\NUL. 14. Many programs set an exit code when finished executing. The IF ERRORLEVEL in a batch file will test if an exit code is equal to or greater than the one in the test. 15. When you use IF ERRORLEVEL in a batch file, the codes must be listed in descending order. 16. When you use IF NOT ERRORLEVEL in a batch file, the codes must be listed in ascending order. 17. You may write programs with to set exit codes. 18. You can write programs directly in DEBUG, or you may write a script file that supplies input for DEBUG to create a program. 19. The environment is an area in memory where the leaves messages to itself, including the and the prompt values. 20. You can create environmental variables that can be used in batch files. When using the variable in a batch file, the syntax is %variable%. 21. The SET command lets you view what is currently in the environment. 22. Environmental variables set in other batch files or at the command line remain in effect only during the current Command Prompt session. When the Command Prompt window is closed, the variable disappears. 23. The DIRCMD command can be used to preset the command parameters and switches. 24. The FOR…IN…DO command allows repetitive processing. The command will execute some command for every value in a specified set. 25. When you use FOR…IN…DO at the command line, the syntax is FOR %variable IN (set) DO command [command-parameter]. 26. The /R when used with FOR…IN…DO allows recursive processing. Recursive means that the command will search all the directories. 27. Using the /F parameter allows you to select specified text using delimiters that you can set. 28. The CALL command allows you to call one batch file from another. When the second batch file is finished executing, it returns control to the first batch file.


Carolyn Z. Gillay, Bette A. Peat, Windows XP Command Line, Instructor’s Manual Franklin, Beedle & Associates ©2003 Page 2 Instructor’s Manual Chapter 11 Lecture Notes Advanced Batch Files debug environmental variable recursive EOF (end-of-file) mark expression scan code exit code loop script file conditional processing null value variable environment



Chapter Overview

 Quick review of batch file commands learned in earlier chapters.  Advanced features of these commands will be explained and used.  Will explain the purpose and function of remaining batch file commands and then will use these commands to write sophisticated batch files.  Will refine techniques in working with environment.

BATCH FILE COMMANDS  Batch File Commands  Batch file rules.  Has .BAT or .CMD as file extension.  Must be ASCII file.  Must include legitimate commands.  Create generic batch files using replaceable parameters.  Are not case-sensitive.  Can use any command in batch file that can be used on the command line.  Many special batch file commands.  See PowerPoint slides # for list of commands and their purposes.  Batch files have a limited vocabulary, syntax, and programming logic.  Limited in kind of programming they can do.  Not as versatile as "real" programming languages.

A REVIEW OF THE REM, PAUSE, AND ECHO COMMANDS  A Review of the REM, PAUSE, and ECHO Commands  REM.  Used to document batch files.  Up to string of 123 characters.  ECHO on - displays but does not execute what follows REM.  Won't display if ECHO is off.  Placing REM in front of a command will disable but not delete that specific line.  Batch file or CONFIG.SYS file will continue to execute.  Disables line without deleting it.  PAUSE.

Carolyn Z. Gillay, Bette A. Peat, Windows XP Command Line, Instructor’s Manual Franklin, Beedle & Associates ©2003 Page 3 Instructor’s Manual Chapter 11 Lecture Notes Advanced Batch Files  + C or + interrupts program.  Temporarily stops executing batch file.  Will not continue until user presses a key.  Will not do any conditional processing.  ECHO.  Used on command line or in batch file.  Controls printing of messages on screen when batch file is run.  ECHO ON  (Default) displays all commands to screen along with output.  Useful when tracking operation of a batch file  Clutters screen when batch file runs successfully  ECHO OFF  Displays only output of commands to screen.  ECHO displays text string to screen.  Precede ECHO OFF with @ and “ECHO OFF” will not appear on screen.

ADVANCED FEATURES OF ECHO AND REM  Advanced Features of ECHO and REM  REM slows processing of a batch file.  Recognized by OS as command and must be processed.  Replace REM with double colon (::) for faster processing.  Label - single colon followed by anything.  Using double colon (::) because labels skipped by OS.  With ECHO OFF, messages still come on screen.  Redirecting output to NUL device eliminates standard output messages.  Will not suppress messages like “File not found”.  To generate blank line on screen:  Use ECHO followed by a period (ECHO.).  No space between ECHO and period.  Using will not work in batch files.

ACTIVITY—USING ECHO AND NUL  Using ECHO and NUL  DATA disk in Drive A, A:\> displayed.  Activity steps.  Use editor to create/save batch file called ONE.BAT press enter only where indicated :: This is a test of a batch file using :: different features. COPY CAROLYN.FIL BOOK.FIL TYPE BOOK.FIL ECHO DEL BOOK.FIL COPY NO.FIL BOOK.FIL  Close Editor and key in TYPE ONE.BAT  Key in: ONE  Edit/save ONE.BAT so it looks as follows:

Carolyn Z. Gillay, Bette A. Peat, Windows XP Command Line, Instructor’s Manual Franklin, Beedle & Associates ©2003 Page 4 Instructor’s Manual Chapter 11 Lecture Notes Advanced Batch Files @ECHO OFF :: This is a test of a batch file using :: different features COPY CAROLYN.FIL BOOK.FIL > NUL ECHO. TYPE BOOK.FIL ECHO. DEL BOOK.FIL COPY NO.FIL BOOK.FIL > NUL  Key in: ONE  Activity completed.

THE GOTO COMMAND  The GOTO Command  Use GOTO command to have batch file constructed to behave like a program.  Allows looping & branching within batch files.  Can stop loop  Use IF statement or  Break into batch file - + C.  Works in conjunction with a label to create a loop.  Processes command following label.  Label.  Do not confuse with volume label on a disk.  Name chosen to flag or identify the location in batch file.  Preceded by colon (:).  Labels must be unique.  Maximum length - 8 characters.  Not a command.  Batch file goes to label – carries out command followed on line after label.  Not case sensitive – but cases same.  Has one parameter – GOTO label.  Double colon ensures that OS will disregard line since colon may not be used as label name.

ACTIVITY—USING THE GOTO COMMAND  Using the GOTO Command  DATA disk in Drive A with A:\> displayed.  Activity steps.  Use text editor to create/save batch file called REPEAT.BAT so it looks as follows: REM This file displays many times the contents REM of a file :REPEAT TYPE %1 PAUSE GOTO REPEAT  At system prompt, key in: REPEAT ASTRO.TXT  Press several times to loop through file.  Press + C then Y then  Activity completed.

Carolyn Z. Gillay, Bette A. Peat, Windows XP Command Line, Instructor’s Manual Franklin, Beedle & Associates ©2003 Page 5 Instructor’s Manual Chapter 11 Lecture Notes Advanced Batch Files

THE SHIFT COMMAND  The SHIFT Command  Number of parameters on command line limited to 10 (%0 - %9).  0% - represents batch file name itself.  Really limited to 9 parameters.  SHIFT moves parameters one position to the left, decreasing their number by one.  With SHIFT can have unlimited # of parameters.

ACTIVITY—USING THE SHIFT COMMAND  Using the SHIFT Command  DATA disk in Drive A with A:\> displayed.  Activity steps.  Key in: ECHO a b c d e  Use editor to create/save batch file called ALPHA.BAT so it looks as follows: @ ECHO OFF ECHO %0 %1 %2 %3 SHIFT ECHO %0 %1 %2 %3 SHIFT ECHO %0 %1 %2 %3 SHIFT ECHO %0 %1 %2 %3  At system prompt key in: ALPHA a b c d e f  Create /save new batch file UPDATE.BAT so it looks as follows: :DOIT COPY %1 /B + > NUL SHIFT PAUSE GOTO DOIT  Key in: DIR APR.99  Key in: DIR APR.BUD  Key in: UPDATE APR.99 APR.BUD  Press twice then + C then Y  Key in: DIR APR.99  Key in: DIR APR.BUD  Create/save a batch file called SIZE.BAT so it looks as follows: :TOP DIR %1 | FIND "Directory" >> TEMP.FIL DIR %1 | FIND “bytes” | FIND /V “free” >> TEMP.FIL SHIFT GOTO TOP TYPE TEMP.FIL PAUSE DEL TEMP.FIL  Key in: SIZE CLASS TRIP  Press + C then Y

Carolyn Z. Gillay, Bette A. Peat, Windows XP Command Line, Instructor’s Manual Franklin, Beedle & Associates ©2003 Page 6 Instructor’s Manual Chapter 11 Lecture Notes Advanced Batch Files  Key in: TYPE TEMP.FIL | MORE  Press + C  Activity completed.

THE IF COMMAND  The IF Command  Allows conditional processing of parts of batch files.  Compares two items - determines if they are identical, or if one is greater than the other.  Comparison yields one of two values.  True - items are identical  False - items are not identical.  Syntax: IF .  Condition true – Command executed.  Condition false:  Command not executed.  Batch file falls through to next command line in batch file.  IF can check for three conditions.  Whether two sets of characters are or are not identical.  Whether or not a file exists.  Value of variable in ERRORLEVEL - ERRORLEVEL is a number that a program can set depending on the outcome of a process.

THE IF COMMAND USING STRINGS  The IF Command using Strings  IF can be used to compare strings.  Two equal signs (= =) separate what is to be compared.  Tell IF statement to GOTO a label or perform an operation whether the condition is true or false.

ACTIVITY—USING THE IF COMMAND WITH STRINGS  Using the IF Command with Strings  DATA disk in Drive A with A:\> displayed.  Activity steps.  Use editor to create/save batch file called GREET.BAT so it looks as follows: (No spaces between two equal signs.) IF %1==Carolyn GOTO Carolyn IF %1==Bette GOTO Bette ECHO Isn't anyone there? GOTO FINISH :Carolyn ECHO Greetings, Ms. Carolyn. GOTO FINISH :Bette ECHO Greetings, Ms. Bette. :FINISH  Key in:

Carolyn Z. Gillay, Bette A. Peat, Windows XP Command Line, Instructor’s Manual Franklin, Beedle & Associates ©2003 Page 7 Instructor’s Manual Chapter 11 Lecture Notes Advanced Batch Files  GREET Carolyn then GREET Bette  GREET JUAN then GREET BETTE  Activity completed.

TESTING FOR NULL VALUES  Testing for NULL Values  Activity 11.11 tested for exact match of character strings.  If used SHIFT until all parameters used – end up in endless loop.  Can test to see if string matches.  Can test for a null value = literally testing for nothing (no data).  Even though nothing is there, there must be "something" to confirm the "nothing."  To test for "nothing" must place a value in test that will give you nothing.  Variety of methods for testing null values.  Use quotation marks so that your statement becomes:  IF "%1"= ="" GOTO LABEL  Above means, "If nothing there, GOTO somewhere else."  Use void: (can use any word)  IF %1void= = GOTO LABEL  Use backslash (\): IF \%1\= =\\ GOTO LABEL

ACTIVITY—USING NULL VALUES  Using NULL Values  Note: DATA disk in Drive A with A: \> displayed.  Activity steps.  Edit and save file called UPDATE.BAT to look as follows: :DOIT IF "%1"=="" GOTO END COPY %1 /B + > NUL SHIFT PAUSE GOTO DOIT :END  Key in:  DIR CAROLYN.FIL  UPDATE CAROLYN.FIL  Press  Key in: DIR CAROLYN.FIL  Edit/save SIZE.BAT file to look as follows: :TOP IF %1nothing==nothing GOTO END DIR %1 | FIND "Directory" >> TEMP.FIL DIR %1 | FIND "bytes" | FIND /V "free" >> TEMP.FIL SHIFT GOTO TOP TYPE TEMP.FIL PAUSE DEL TEMP.FIL :END  Key in:

Carolyn Z. Gillay, Bette A. Peat, Windows XP Command Line, Instructor’s Manual Franklin, Beedle & Associates ©2003 Page 8 Instructor’s Manual Chapter 11 Lecture Notes Advanced Batch Files  DEL TEMP.FIL  SIZE CLASS TRIP  TYPE TEMP.FIL  Activity completed.

THE IF EXIST/IF NOT EXIST COMMAND  The IF EXIST/IF NOT EXIST Command  Checks for existence/non-existence of a specified file.  Using IF EXIST command.  If file exists  Condition is true  Processing passes to specified GOTO location or to command following IF statement.  If file does not exist:  Condition is false.  OS ignores command in IF clause.  Batch process reads next line in file.  Using IF NOT EXIST command.  If file does not exist:  Condition is true.  Processing passes to specified GOTO location or to command following IF NOT statement.  If file exists:  Condition is false.  Batch process reads next line in file.

ACTIVITY—USING IF EXIST TO TEST FOR A FILE  Using IF EXIST to Test for a File  Note: DATA disk in Drive A with A: \> displayed.  Activity steps.  Use any text editor to create/save a file called RENDIR.BAT to look as follows: IF \%1\==\\ GOTO end IF NOT \%2\==\\ GOTO next ECHO You must include a destination name ECHO for the new directory name. GOTO end :next IF EXIST %1 GOTO message REN %1 %2 GOTO end :message ECHO This is a file, not a directory. :end  Key in: RENDIR JAN.99 LAST  Key in: RENDIR TEST OLDER  Edit RENDIR.BAT file so IF NOT EXIST%1\NUL GOTO message replaces IF EXIST %1GOTO message.  Key in: RENDIR TEST OLDER

Carolyn Z. Gillay, Bette A. Peat, Windows XP Command Line, Instructor’s Manual Franklin, Beedle & Associates ©2003 Page 9 Instructor’s Manual Chapter 11 Lecture Notes Advanced Batch Files  Edit/save SIZE.BAT file to look as follows: IF EXIST TEMP.FIL DEL TEMP.FIL :TOP IF %1nothing==nothing GOTO END IF NOT EXIST %1\NUL GOTO NEXT DIR %1 | FIND "Directory" >> TEMP.FIL DIR %1 | FIND "bytes" | FIND /V "free" >> TEMP.FIL :NEXT SHIFT GOTO TOP :END TYPE TEMP.FIL PAUSE DEL TEMP.FIL  Key in: SIZE CLASS JUP.PAR TRIP  Press  Activity completed.

THE IF ERRORLEVEL COMMAND TESTING  The IF ERRORLEVEL Command Testing  Program can set exit code when it finishes executing.  Batch file tests this exit code with IF ERRORLEVEL statement.  Exit code doesn’t test for a match with ERRORLEVEL, but determines if it is greater than or equal to it.  Test IF ERRORLEVEL 0 will always be true – every possible exit code is greater than or equal to 0.

ACTIVITY—USING IF ERRORLEVEL WITH COPY  Using IF ERRORLEVEL with COPY  DATA disk in Drive A with A:\> displayed.  Activity steps.  Use any text editor to create/save a file called ERROR.BAT to look as follows: COPY %1 %2 IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO NOTOK IF ERRORLEVEL 0 GOTO OK :NOTOK ECHO There are no %1 files. Try again. GOTOEND :OK ECHO You copied the %1 files successfully. :END  Key in: ERROR *.TXT OLDER  Key in: ERROR *.NON OLDER  Activity completed. WRITING PROGRAMS TO TEST FOR KEY CODES  Writing Programs to Test for Key Codes  Exit codes.  Set by OS.  Created by writing small programs that are based upon some activity.  Can write program that identifies which key on a keyboard was pressed and report which

Carolyn Z. Gillay, Bette A. Peat, Windows XP Command Line, Instructor’s Manual Franklin, Beedle & Associates ©2003 Page 10 Instructor’s Manual Chapter 11 Lecture Notes Advanced Batch Files key it was.  Can do this activity because each time key is pressed- identified by a 1- or 2-digit scan code.  Two things reported when you press a key on the keyboard:  First, that a key was pressed.  Second, that the key was released.  Going to write a program that will report the scan code for any key that is pressed.  Once know reported code, can test for a specific key by using ERRORLEVEL in the batch file.  Batch file then acts based upon the reported code.  Program must be written in 0's and 1's - the "bits and bytes" the computer understands.  Several ways to write a program.  Use programming language.  Use an OS utility program called DEBUG.  DEBUG.  Allows testing and debugging of executable files - those with .COM or .EXE file extensions.  Small program that has its own commands and syntax - you could write a .COM program directly with DEBUG.  Unless a student is a programming expert, they probably don't want to do this.  Easiest way to use DEBUG is to create a script file.  Script = set of instructions that you can write with any ASCII editor.  Once the script is written, you can "feed" it to the DEBUG program via redirection (DEBUG < SCRIPT.FIL).  DEBUG will then convert the script file to an executable program with a .COM file extension.  This process is the easiest way to create a file that will report the scan code for any key that is pressed.  The program that will be created will be called REPLY.COM (Activity 11.19).

ACTIVITY—WRITING A SCRIPT FILE  Writing a Script File  DATA disk in Drive A with A:\> displayed.  Activity steps.  Use any text editor to create/save a file called REPLY.SCR to look as follows: e 100 b4 08 21 3c 00 75 02 cd 21 b4 4c cd 21 rcx e n w q  Key in: DEBUG < REPLY.SCR  Key in: DIR REPLY.COM  Use any text editor to create/save a file called KEYING.BAT to look as follows: ECHO PRESS F1 TO CLEAR THE SCREEN. ECHO PRESS F2 TO DISPLAY THE DIRECTORY. ECHO PRESS ANY OTHER KEY TO EXIT. REPLY

Carolyn Z. Gillay, Bette A. Peat, Windows XP Command Line, Instructor’s Manual Franklin, Beedle & Associates ©2003 Page 11 Instructor’s Manual Chapter 11 Lecture Notes Advanced Batch Files IF ERRORLEVEL 61 GOTO END IF ERRORLEVEL 60 GOTO F2 IF ERRORLEVEL 59 GOTO F1 GOTO END :F1 CLS GOTO END :F2 DIR :END  Key in:  KEYING then then KEYING then  Activity completed.

THE ENVIRONMENT  The Environment  Area OS sets aside in memory where data can be stored.  Acts as a scratch pad where notes kept about items OS system needs to know.  OS places/keeps location of file COMMAND.COM in environment.  Applications can read items in environment and can post own messages there.  Programs can get value of variable and use it to modify their operation.  OS can store data in memory.  Two strings:  Name of variable.  Value of variable.  Environmental variable is name assigned to string (value) of data.  User can set environmental variables.  Some common variables set when Windows started.  USERNAME, USERPROFILE, PATH, PROMPT.  Location of CMD.EXE file.  User can also leave messages in the environment.  User leaves a message by using the SET command.  Environmental variables set in OS remain in effect for entire work session.  Environmental variables set in Command Prompt window or in batch files executed in the MS-DOS window will remain in effect only during that command prompt session.  While values are in effect, use the syntax %variable%.  SET syntax: SET [variable=[string]]  Variable - specifies environment -variable name.  String - specifies series of characters to assign to the variable.  SET without parameters – displays current environment variables.  SET command followed by a letter – lists any environmental variables that begin with that letter.

ACTIVITY—USING SET AND THE ENVIRONMENTAL VARIABLES  Using SET and the Environmental Variables  If environment display is too long to fit on one screen use MORE .  Activity steps.  Key in: SET

Carolyn Z. Gillay, Bette A. Peat, Windows XP Command Line, Instructor’s Manual Franklin, Beedle & Associates ©2003 Page 12 Instructor’s Manual Chapter 11 Lecture Notes Advanced Batch Files  If used MORE filter return to prompt or press Q  Key in:  SET U then SET S  ECHO %PATH%  ECHO %SystemRoot%  C: then CD %systemroot%  CD %userprofile% then DIR/AH  DIR “local settings”\TEMP\~*.tmp  DEL %TEMP%\~*.tmp  DIR %TEMP%\~*.tmp  CD \ then A:  Activity completed.

USING SET AND THE ENVIRONMENT IN BATCH FILES  Using SET and the Environment in Batch Files  Can use built-in environmental variables that Windows sets/uses.  Can set own environmental variables.  Can give them name/value in batch file or command line.  Set variables only good for that session of Command Prompt Window.

ACTIVITY—USING SET AND THE ENVIRONMENT IN BATCH FILES  Using SET and the Environment in Batch Files  DATA disk in Drive A with A:\> displayed.  Activity steps.  Close Command Prompt window  Reopen Command Prompt window and return to A prompt.  Create/save TESTIT.BAT batch file that looks as follows: @ECHO OFF ECHO %PATH% ECHO.  Key in:  TESTIT  SET TODAY=C:\WUGXP\*.FP  SET  Create/save SETTING.BAT batch file that looks as follows: DIR %today% ECHO %TODAY%  Key in:  SETTING  SET today=C:\WUGXP\.TMP  SETTING then SET TODAY=  SET T then SET TODAY=MONDAY  ECHO %TODAY% then SET T  Close Command Prompt window  Reopen Command Prompt window and return to A prompt.  Key in: SET T  Create/save ADD.BAT batch file that looks as follows: IF "%1"=="" GOTO END PATH > OLDPATH.BAT :TOP PATH %PATH%;%1

Carolyn Z. Gillay, Bette A. Peat, Windows XP Command Line, Instructor’s Manual Franklin, Beedle & Associates ©2003 Page 13 Instructor’s Manual Chapter 11 Lecture Notes Advanced Batch Files SHIFT IF NOT \%1\==\\ GOTO TOP :END  Key in:  PATH > ORIGPATH.BAT  ADD A:\ then ORIGPATH  ADD A:\;A:\OLDER;A:\CLASS  PATH then ORIGPATH  Activity completed.

THE DIRCMD ENVIRONMENTAL VARIABLE  The DIRCMD Environmental Variable  Can place/use variables in environment.  DIRCMD environmental variable.  With SET to preset DIR command parameters/switches.  With ERRORLEVEL to write batch files to change way DIR displays information for current MS-DOS work session.

ACTIVITY—USING DIRCMD  Using DIRCMD  DATA disk in Drive A with A:\> displayed.  Activity steps.  Create/save batch file MY.BAT @ECHO OFF CLS ECHO. ECHO. ECHO How do you want your directory displayed? ECHO. ECHO 1. Files only arranged by file name. A to Z ECHO 2. Files only arranged by file name. Z to A. ECHO 3. Files only arranged by file extension. A to Z ECHO 4. Files only arranged by file extension. Z to A ECHO 5. Directory displays in default mode. ECHO. ECHO PLEASE SELECT A NUMBER. ECHO. REPLY ECHO. IF ERRORLEVEL 49 IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 50 SET DIRCMD=/ON/A-D IF ERRORLEVEL 50 IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 51 SET DIRCMD=/O-N/A-D IF ERRORLEVEL 51IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 52 SET DIRCMD=/OE/A-D IF ERRORLEVEL 52 IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 53 SET DIRCMD=/O- E/A-D IF ERRORLEVE 53 IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 54 SET DIRCMD=  Key in:  MY then 4 then SET D  DIR CLASS then MY then 5  SET D  Activity completed.


Carolyn Z. Gillay, Bette A. Peat, Windows XP Command Line, Instructor’s Manual Franklin, Beedle & Associates ©2003 Page 14 Instructor’s Manual Chapter 11 Lecture Notes Advanced Batch Files  The FOR…IN…DO Command  Can be issued at command line or placed in batch file.  Allows repetitive processing within batch files.  FOR allows you to use a single command to issue several commands at once.  The command can DO something FOR every value in a specified set.  FOR…IN…DO syntax (at command line): FOR %variable% IN (set) DO command [command-parameters]  %variable - specifies a replaceable parameter.  (set) - specifies a set of one or more files. Wildcards may be used.  Command - specifies the command to carry out for each file.  Command-parameters - specifies parameters or switches for the specified command.  FOR…IN…DO syntax (batch program):  Use %%variable instead of %variable.  Batch file variable - arbitrary single letter.  Double with letter (%%a) distinguishes batch file variable from replaceable variable (%1).  Allows the user to loop through a file for predefined list of values.  OS gets values from position in command line.  The set enclosed in parentheses.  Values in set used to DO some command.  Items in set separated by spaces or commas.  Wildcards may be used.

ACTIVITY—USING THE FOR…IN…DO COMMAND  Activity: Using FOR...IN...DO Command.  DATA disk in Drive A and A:\> displayed.  Note 2: Look at command line going to use in Step 1. In English, command says: Using the variable %a to hold each value in the set (what is in the parentheses), do the command (Type) to each value in the set (%a).  Activity steps.  Key in: FOR %a IN (*.99) DO TYPE %a  Key in: FOR %x IN (APR99 NOFILE.EXT D.BAT) DO TYPE %x  Key in: FOR %y IN (APR.99,NOFILE.EXT,D.BAT) DO TYPE %y  Key in: TYPE *.99 NOFILE.EXT  Key in: FOR %a IN (*.99,NOFILE) DO IF EXIST %a TYPE %a  Create/save batch file DO.BAT that looks as follows: FOR %%v IN (Patty Nicki Sandy Brian) DO ECHO %%v  Key in: DO  Create/save a batch file called PASS.BAT that looks as follows: FOR %%a IN (%USERS%) DO IF "%1"=="%%a" GOTO OKAY :NO ECHO You, %1, are NOT allowed in the system. GOTO END :OKAY ECHO Welcome %1 to my world of computers. :END

Carolyn Z. Gillay, Bette A. Peat, Windows XP Command Line, Instructor’s Manual Franklin, Beedle & Associates ©2003 Page 15 Instructor’s Manual Chapter 11 Lecture Notes Advanced Batch Files  Key in: SET USERS=Carolyn, Bette  Key in: PASS Bette  Key in: PASS Denzel  Edit/save UPDATE.BAT to look as follows: :DOIT IF "%1"=="" GOTO END FOR %%v IN (%1) DO COPY %%v /b + > NUL SHIFT PAUSE GOTO DOIT :END  Key in: MD BATCH  Key in: ADD A:\BATCH  Key in: MOVE *.BAT BATCH  Key in: MOVE REPLY*.* BATCH  Key in: DIR *.SWT  Key in: DIR *.CAP  Key in: UPDATE *.SWT *.CAP  Press until returned to prompt  Key in: DIR *.SWT *.CAP  Activity completed.

MORE FEATURES OF THE FOR…IN…DO COMMAND  More Features of the FOR…IN…DO Command  May list environmental variables so they are divided and appear on separate lines.  Use /R parameter (recursive).  Command will search and perform actions on all subdirectories beneath it.  Use tilde operator (~) to:  Strip a file name of quotation marks.  Expand a variable.  Select specific text from ASCII files.

ACTIVITY—USING THE ADDITIONAL FEATURES OF THE FOR…IN…DO COMMAND  Using Additional Features of the FOR…IN…DO Command  Note: DATA disk in Drive A with A: \> displayed.  Activity steps.  Key in:  SET PATHEXT  FOR %a IN (%pathext%) DO @ ECHO %a  FOR %a IN (“Sandy and Patty.txt”, MERCUYRY.TXT) DO @ECHO %a  FOR %a IN (“Sandy and Patty.txt”, MERCURY.TXT) DO @ECHO %~a  FOR %a IN (“Sandy and Patty.txt”, MERCURY.TXT) DO @REN %a “CZG %a”  FOR %a IN (“Sandy and Patty.txt”, MERCURY.TXT) DO @ECHO %~a  DIR CZG*.*  DEL CZG*.*  Key in following and then press : FOR %a IN (“Sandy and Patty.txt”, JUPITER.TXT) DO REN %a “CZG %~a”  Key in:  COPY C:\UGXP\*.TXT TRIP  FOR /R %a IN (SANDY*.*) DO @ECHO %a

Carolyn Z. Gillay, Bette A. Peat, Windows XP Command Line, Instructor’s Manual Franklin, Beedle & Associates ©2003 Page 16 Instructor’s Manual Chapter 11 Lecture Notes Advanced Batch Files  FOR /R %a IN (SANDY*.*) DO @ECHO %~nxa  In batch file directory create PREFIX.BAT batch file. Use own name instead of “YourNameHere” @ECHO OFF REM YourNameHere REM Purpose of batch file is to add a new prefix to any file name. IF”1”==””GOTOMESSAGE IF”2”==””GOTOMESSAGE2 FOR /R %%a IN (%2) DO REN “%%~a” “%1 %%~nxa” GOTOEND :MESSAGE ECHO You must include a prefix you wish to use. ECHO Syntax is PREFIX prefix filename GOTOEND :MESSAGE2 ECHO You must include a file name you wish to rename. ECHO Syntax is PREFIX prefix filename GOTOEND :MESSAGE2 ECHO You must include a file name you wish to rename. ECHO Syntax is PREFIX prefix filename :END  Be sure BATCH directory is in your path. Can add ADD.BAT to include it.  In root of A:\ key in: DIR Sandy*.* /S  Key in:  PREFIX RBP SANDY*  DIR *SANDY* /S then DIR RBP* /S  Create PERSON.BAT batch file in BATCH directory that looks as follows: @ECHO OFF FOR /F “TOKENS=1,2,7” %%a IN (%1) DO ECHO %%b %%a %%c  Key in:  CD \ then TYPE PERSONAL.FIL  PERSON PERSONAL.FIL  Edit PERSON.BAT file as follows: @ECHO OFF SORT < %1 > %2 FOR /F “TOKENS=1,2,7” %%a IN (%2) DO ECHO %%b %%a, %%c DEL %2  Key in: PERSON PERSONAL.FIL TEMP.FIL  Edit PERSONAL.FIL and select the first five lines and copy them into a new file called SHORT.FIL  Exit Edit and key in: PERSON SHORT.FIL TEMP.FIL  Edit SHORT.FIL file as follows: Gillay;Carolyn;699 Lemon;Orange;CA;Professor Panezich;Frank;689 Lake;Orange;CA;Teacher Tuttle;Steven;356 Embassy;Mission Viejo;CA;Juggler Maurdeff;Kathryn;550 Traver;Ann Arbor;MI;Teacher Maurdeff;Sonia;550 Traver;Ann Arbor;MI;Student  Close SHORT.FIL Edit PERSON.BAT to look as follows: @ECHO OFF SORT < %1 > %2 FOR /F ”usebackq delilms=;TOKENS=1,2,6” %%a IN (%2) DO ECHO %%b %%a, %%c

Carolyn Z. Gillay, Bette A. Peat, Windows XP Command Line, Instructor’s Manual Franklin, Beedle & Associates ©2003 Page 17 Instructor’s Manual Chapter 11 Lecture Notes Advanced Batch Files DEL %2  Key in: PERSON SHORT.FIL TEMP.FIL  Activity completed.

THE CALL COMMAND  The CALL Command  CALL allows you to run one batch file from within another.  Second batch file is finished executing – returns control to first batch file.  Without CALL, the original batch file will not continue after the second one is run.

ACTIVITY—USING CALL  Using CALL  DATA disk in Drive A with A:\> displayed.  You have executed command A:\BATCH\>ADD A:\BATCH at some time during current Command Prompt session.  Activity steps.  Key in:  CD BATCH  COPY CON BELL.BAT  ECHO + G 6 times   TYPE BELL.BAT  BELL  Create/save a batch file called BELLING.BAT in BATCH directory that looks as follows: COPY \*.ABC *.XYZ DEL *.XYZ BELL  Key in: BELLING  Edit/save BELLING.BAT that looks as follows: COPY \*.ABC *.XYZ BELL REM You are about to delete the *.XYZ files. Are you sure? PAUSE DEL *.XYZ  Key in: BELLING then DIR *.XYZ  Edit/save BELLING.BAT that looks as follows: COPY \*.ABC *.XYZ CALL BELL REM You are about to delete the *.XYZ files. Are you sure? PAUSE DEL *.XYZ  Key in: BELLING  Press  Key in: DIR *.XYZ  Use COPY CON to create/save a batch file called HOME.DAT that looks as follows: COPY CON HOME.DAT SET HOME=  Create/save HOMETO.BAT batch file in batch directory that looks as follows: COPY A:\BATCH\HOME.DAT A:\BATCH\HOMESAVE.BAT CD >> A:\BATCH\HOMESAVE.BAT CALL HOMESAVE.BAT

Carolyn Z. Gillay, Bette A. Peat, Windows XP Command Line, Instructor’s Manual Franklin, Beedle & Associates ©2003 Page 18 Instructor’s Manual Chapter 11 Lecture Notes Advanced Batch Files DEL A:\BATCH\HOMESAVE.BAT  Create/save a batch file HOME.BAT that contains the following: CD %HOME%  Key in:  PATH then SET H then CD \  CD WORK\ADS then HOMETO  SET H then CD \MEDIA\TV  HOME then CD \ then ORIGPATH  Activity completed.

Activity 11.6 - Using the GOTO Command

Line 1 - REM This file displays many times the contents Line 2 - REM of a file Line 3 - :REPEAT Line 4 - TYPE %1 Line 5 - PAUSE Line 6 -GOTO REPEAT

First two lines are remarks that will not execute. Not including ECHO OFF because you want to see what is happening in batch file. Omitting ECHOOFF is way to “debut a batch program Third line : REPEAT) is a label – must be preceded by a colon Fourth line simple TYPE Command with replaceable parameter Fifth line - Pause command is placed here so you may see what is happening. Sixth and last line is the loop. The GOTO tells batch file to return to label. (:REPEAT) It will then return to line 4 and execute the TYPE Com and It will then read lines 5 and 6 and continually repeat the process.

Activity 11.15: Using IF EXIST to Test for a FILE Batch File by Line Number Test TRUE Processing Test FALSE 1. IF \%1\= =\\ GOTO end User keys in Testing for User keys in nothing for %1. null value. value for %1. Since test is Since test is true, action is false, action is to go to line 12 to go to line 2.

2. IF NOT \%2\= =\\GOTO next User keys in Testing for User keys in nothing for %2. null value value for %2. Since test is Since test is true, action is false, action is to go to line 3. to go to line 6.

3. ECHO You must include a Message for destination name user that he

Carolyn Z. Gillay, Bette A. Peat, Windows XP Command Line, Instructor’s Manual Franklin, Beedle & Associates ©2003 Page 19 Instructor’s Manual Chapter 11 Lecture Notes Advanced Batch Files or she did not include a value.

4. ECHO for the new Continuation directory name. of the message.

5. GOTO end Falls through to the GOTO end statement. Action is to go to line 12.

6. :next Label referred to in line 2.

7. IF EXIST %1 GOTO message User keys in Testing for User keys in file name for value for %1. directory for %1. Since test Is it a file or %1. Since test is true, action is a directory? is false, action to go to line 10. is to go to line 8.

8. REN %1 %2 Since %1 test is false (not a file), renaming directory can proceed.

9. GOTO end After directory is renamed, falls through to GOTO end.

10. :message Label referred to in line 2.

11. ECHO This is a file, not a Message that directory. user used a file name, not a directory name.

12. :end

Carolyn Z. Gillay, Bette A. Peat, Windows XP Command Line, Instructor’s Manual Franklin, Beedle & Associates ©2003 Page 20