Canadian Tenors on the Rise / Ben Heppner, Great Tenor Arias
Document généré le 29 sept. 2021 21:31 Canadian University Music Review Revue de musique des universités canadiennes Canadian Tenors on the Rise Ben Heppner, Great Tenor Arias: Ben Heppner, tenor, with the Munich Radio Orchestra and the chorus of the Bavarian Radio conducted by Roberto Abbado (BMG/RCA 09026-62504-2) Ben Heppner Sings Richard Strauss: Ben Heppner, tenor, with the Toronto Symphony Orchestra conducted by Andrew Davis (CBC Records SMCD 5142) French and Italian Arias / Arias françaises et italiennes: Richard Margison, tenor, with the Canadian Opera Company Orchestra conducted by Richard Bradshaw (CBC Records SMCD 5158) Paul F. Rice Volume 17, numéro 1, 1996 URI : DOI : Aller au sommaire du numéro Éditeur(s) Canadian University Music Society / Société de musique des universités canadiennes ISSN 0710-0353 (imprimé) 2291-2436 (numérique) Découvrir la revue Citer ce compte rendu Rice, P. F. (1996). Compte rendu de [Canadian Tenors on the Rise / Ben Heppner, Great Tenor Arias: Ben Heppner, tenor, with the Munich Radio Orchestra and the chorus of the Bavarian Radio conducted by Roberto Abbado (BMG/RCA 09026-62504-2) / Ben Heppner Sings Richard Strauss: Ben Heppner, tenor, with the Toronto Symphony Orchestra conducted by Andrew Davis (CBC Records SMCD 5142) / French and Italian Arias / Arias françaises et italiennes: Richard Margison, tenor, with the Canadian Opera Company Orchestra conducted by Richard Bradshaw (CBC Records SMCD 5158)]. Canadian University Music Review / Revue de musique des universités canadiennes, 17(1), 149–152. All Rights Reserved © Canadian University Music Society / Société de musique Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d’auteur.
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