JOHN A. CALLAHAN Curriculum Vitae 257 Academy St. Phone: 302-831-3584 College of Earth, Ocean, & Environment Email:
[email protected] University of Delaware Twitter: @JohnCallahan42 Newark, DE 19716 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2014 - Present Associate Scientist, Delaware Geological Survey (DGS), College of Earth, Ocean, & Environment, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 2008-2014 Research Associate, DGS, University of Delaware 2001-2008 Information Resource Consultant/Geospatial and Statistical Analyst, Research Data Management Services (RDMS), University of Delaware 2000-2001 GIS Consultant, ESRI, Inc., King of Prussia, PA 1999-2000 Remote Sensing Analyst, Earth Satellite Corporation, Rockville, MD EDUCATION Ph.D. Climatology, Department of Geography and Spatial Sciences, University of Delaware, 2021 Title: Skew Surge and Extreme Coastal Flooding Events in the Delaware and Chesapeake Bays of the U.S. Mid-Atlantic Coast for 1980 – 2019 M.S. Geography, University of Delaware, 2014 Title: Estimation of Precipitable Water Over the Amazon Basin Using GOES Imagery B.S. Physics, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, 1994 B.S. Mathematics, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, 1994 RESEARCH INTERESTS Climate change, meteorological drivers of coastal flooding, severe weather and coastal storms, teleconnections, synoptic atmospheric circulation patterns, atmospheric water vapor, dendroclimatology, tidal data decomposition, water resources, sea-level rise projections, natural hazards and impacts, lidar/GPS, remote sensing of land surface and atmosphere,