Medical Prepayment Berg, Head of the Department of Neurology at the University Probing the Allegedly Power of Ilhnoia
’^ M P P P W i!! *.1 iJ- „ prvV T ^ ' ^ ' r z : ’ “i: ' •• i p f f - ' •’ r.. ' -1^4^ . • ^4-, / ' y ,. I ?4r ^ • . t '- __ V WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1^, 19te AT«ra»t Daily Net PrcM Ron THIRTY-TWO iKanrliMpf ^pralb Far tlM EaM The Weather V Dec. U , IMS Feeaeatft a< O. •. Weather S o n M 10,835 Partly cloudy, colder ioelcfet. Member « f tkm Ammt Friday fair and coMcr. BareM of CtrcvUttMM ' Mancheater^A City of Villoite Charm __________ ' -V________________ VOL. LXXII, NO. 67 (GeaU ned ah PaGo tS) MANCHESTER, CONN^ THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18,; 1952 (TWENTY-POUR PAGES—IN TWO SECTIONS) PRICE n V E CENTS Siamese Twin Grime Lord Faces Quiz By, Probers V - S | - Chicago, Dec. 18— (/P)—One of the Siamese twins separated New York, Dec. 18—(A*)— Wednesday in a history makinG operation was “dolAG badly” The New York State Crime ny-ron today and physicians doubted he would survive. Dr. Eric Old- commission today began Medical Prepayment berG, head of the department of neuroloGy at the University probinG the alleGedly power of IlHnoia. said surGeons “ had to^ ful ‘fule of Albert Anastasia make a choice" durinG the day and his Murder, Inc., hench lonG eurgteial operation and that Kodney Dee, the tmallcr of the men on the Brooklyn water After Their Korean G>nferei|ce 'twins, waa Given the beneflt be- France Set front. ‘ cause he showed the Greater Anutula, reputed lord hiGh ex fc> r ‘ 'chance for ultimate survival. ecutioner of the eld Murder, Inc., Program Seeks SinGle Brain CoverinG T o Remove mob and one of tha few men alive OtdberG said surgeonn''Tound the to come hack from the SiqG SinG twins had only a sinGle fused outer duU i houM, is expected to be hail brain coverinG containinG a sinGle ed before the commluion, perhaps 'snGtdtal sinus'i'vein' that drains T u n is B ey today.
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