Serving the State The Weather Yair &oday, IOmewa' University of Iowa warmer ~ afteI'DcMID. Part\)' cloully toDl,bt. Campus and H1&h today, .1-1'7; low 6S-64. Fair aDIl pleuaDt Iowa City Wlda),. Iowa City, Iowa, Saturday, July 24, 1954 ______--:- ______fit. 1868 - At Lea_ Wlr•• - Five Cents . ,------Joseph H~Bodine, . S8, End Walkoul lke Gains Support In Hou 'e I I H d D · AI Chrysler r . Lun~~n~~Y . eo, les ~D~~O~~~~=i On Atom~( Energy Legislati Army Courl ordered Chrysler (;()rp. strikers ---,-~....:,.-_..;.:...... :.:.,.--.:..:.::.,--,-.;.....;..-"- 5 0 ~;l- back to work Friday nllbt on a · L· f ays fflCer finding that their walkout was (Ialms I e unauthorized and was a contract French Marathon -It violation. 'Bul · I· I N0 t GUI Y The strike, which has idled 45,850 workers, caU8ed a virtual Of Sclen IS FT. DlX, N. J. (A»- An elght- halt to all Chrysler's automobile Halt to Action man army court-martial board production In Detroit. Slill Delays Prof. Joseph Hall Bodine, 58, Friday night found Lt. Rlchard More thap 10,000 Dodge main In Indochina head ot SUI's department of zo­ s. Morgan, 28, of Wilkes-Barre, plant strikers, whose walkout • ology for 25 years, died unex­ Fa., innocent of charges of "de- led to the general tieup of the pectedly Friday morning of lung reliction of duty" for allegedly company's 15-odd plants in De­ SAIGON, Indochina (IP)-The Senale A Ion cancer. aUowlng a company ot trainees trolt, were ordered to return to French command called a hait Pror. Bodine had entered Uni­ to stand at attention in B2-degree work "at the earliest po&Ilble to offensive aCllon throughout WASHINGTON (A>}-Jn a ter­ heat for almost an hoUl'. date." Indochina Friday and announced rific, two-tront struggle over versity hospitals Wednesday aft- .­ atomic legislation, the Eisenhow­ er several days of illness. Death The eight oCticers deliberated The action was taken by the the Geneva ceasetlre wll1 gO into effect In North Viet Nam at 7 er administration won a big came at 10:30 a.m. lin hour In maKing their decision UA W International executive skirmish in the house Friday after two days of hearings in board after a meeting with orti­ a..m. Tuesday, July 27. Vietmlnh Since 1932 Prof. Bodine had night but still faced a stone wall also served as director of the which Morgan testified in his clals ot Dodge local 3 and heads forces kept up the fight In the Red river della Friday. erected by filibustering ena­ Iowa Lakeside Laboratory aL own defense. 01 other Chrysler union locala. tors. Lake Okol;>oji. He was a member Prof. Joseph Bodine The youn, lieutenant, who was " ... We are compelled to find," The ceas tire will not begin of numerous scientific organiza­ Dies of Lung Cancer wounded In action In Germany the board said, "that the Dodge otficlally In other areas of Vie. By a standing \lote of 161-118, tions, including the National in World War II, Gnd was re- strike is unauthorized in thot it Nam until shortly afterward to the house approved a provision Academy of Sciences. called to s'ttrvlce In 1951 otter is conducted in violation 01 both lIet word of lhe allreement to designed to keep the Atomic Energy commission out of the Great Losl to University * * * officer training in a reserve unit the UAW (CIO) constitution and scattered outposts without radlo ot Lafayette college, had denied the collective bargaining agree­ links to headquarters, business of produclng power for "The death of Prof. Joseph Bo­ Hancher, Stu it Tell that he had any part In the Inci- ment between the union and the Vletminh guenillas struck vio­ commercial purposes. dine comes with sudden and dent which occurred at Ft. Dlx Chrysler Corp." lently before dawn at the French The administration bill, a wocklng torce," SUI President Of University's Loss June 21. In etcect, the lntt'rnational's post of Vletrl, 40 miles north­ broad revision of present a tomle Virgil Hancher said Friday. "The west of Hanoi, and were harass­ law, provides among other In statements Issued Friday, Accused ot Duty Failure action supported management's university has suftered a great He was accused of falllng in position. Chrysler contended the Ing other garrisons in lhe Red things for Invitinll private busi­ loss. He was one of the most dis­ SUI President Virgil M. Hanch­ river delta, French briefing of­ ness Into the field of atomic er, and Dean Dewey B. Stuil, his duty by allowing his admln- strike was a contract violation tinguished scientists in this uni­ Istratlve assistant, SIc Richard and demanded that the union So flcer reported. Red forces a t­ power tor peacetime purposes. . the College Liberal Arts, verSity and In the nation." ot ot J. Witbeck, 24, of Wellington, rule. tacked a French-Vietnamese post "Dr. Bodine was a brilliant and expressed their regrets and sym­ Fear 'Private Moa~lJ' Ohio, to keep the company of Dodge main plant's 10,700 at Cheo Reo, 300 miles northeast Administration men contend original scholar, an inspiring pathy concerning the dealh ot of Sal,on on the plateau and of Prof. Joseph Hall Bodine. ' 225 trainees at attention In swel- hourly employes walked out last that It la in accordance with the teacher and a serious student of tering heat for nearly an hour. Monday, protestin, an alleged central Vietnam. American system of free enter­ higher education," said Dewey "The death of Prot. Joseph Several of the men of Company l:lpeedup operatioM. The com­ The French air force, which prtse but their critics, mostly B. Stuit, dean of the college of Bodine comes with sudden and L, 272d Inrantry Rgt., were re- pany denied there was a speeduP. cut its operations down to 11 Democrats, arrue that the bill is liberal arts. shocking force," Pre s1 den t ported to have fainted during the The international, while order- bombing missions in the 24 hours the marathon debate on the so drawn 38 to turn vasi nallon­ Stuit added that Prof. Bodine's Hancher said. "Although he had period. ing an end to the strike, said ev- ending at dawn, showered leaf­ admJnlstration's atomlc ener6y bill, three senators relax on the al atomic resources over to "pri­ membership in the National been llI, it was not anticipated The long formation reportedly idence Indicated a speedup does lets over Vietminh posillons. Tbe Capital teps. The se lon, lonl'est thl year, started at 10 a.m. vate monopoly." that his illness could have such Wednesda,. The senators are, left to rl,M, James E. Murray (D­ A cad em r of Sciences had was ordered 8S punishment for exist and declared it would au­ IC

• Pil't!~TIlE DAILY lOW N-Iowa CltT, h.-Sat., July tt, 1'54 ....,-- .- ~ ...... I M rdon Calls lor·Stricter Interpreting ~ official daily La s for Drunken Driving the News •, BULLETIN Dri an automobil is I 81 J.IL ROBERTS 'JL SATURDAY, JULY 24, 1954 "prjvll ,not a right," Count ·r~~~f~~~ Forelp &all At1orne..v William L. Auoelated Prea UNIVERSITY CALENDAR told a Priday lunl.'heon audience UNIVERSITY CALENDAR Uems are sebedUled of MaSQJlic service club mem­ Even if a southeast Asian de­ In the Pre&ldent'l office, Old Capitol. bers. fense treaty is signed It how Mondal, hlJ 16 of rain wit! be held in Macbride Drunken drivers came in for promises to be more at a politi- School building conference, auditorium. L special I!riticism from the coun- cal warning again t further ag- Continuation Center. 8 p.m. - Play, "The. Lady'. ty attonley. "There should be a gres.sion rather than a practit:al 3 p.m. - Lecture, "English Not for Burning," Theatre. more serious charge for this of- military arrangement such as Virginal Music," for Seminar in fense," he slated. A drunken the North Atlantic Treaty Or- Musicology, Dr. John M. Ward, Wedoesday, Aupa' 4 driver k;. a menace nol only to ganization. University of Illinois, Music 8 p.m. - Play. "The Lad,y'. hlrnsell, but to pedestrians and The United States, sponsoring Studio building, room 209. Not lor Burning," Theatre. other drivers as well, Meardon the project, Is faced with a situ- Tuesday, JUll 27 Thlll'llday, Au",,~ 5 • sald. ation in which It seeks to guar- 8 p.m. - Summer Opera, 8 p.m. _ Play, "The Lady'. State laws regarding drunken antee territory where the de- "Love tor Three Oranges," Mac- Not for Burning," Theatre. driving' offenses must be at fense organization cannot have bride auditorium. fault, M ardon continued, since any bases and which wl1l be School building conference FrIday, AUl'Ult 6 there ar .. so many econd and able to contribute little if any to cnds. 8 p.m. - Play, "The Ladr.

third offenses 011 this count. its own self-defense. 10:45 a.m. - Lecture, "Music- Not lor Burning," Theatre. W John oll-r'ounty "is a good exam- Under the Indochina cease- ologisls and Musicians," by Dr. pie ot this," -he slatM. fire agreement Laos, Cambodia John M. Ward, University of II- Monday, AUlUlt , Need Jail entence and truncated Viet Nam may not linois, North Music hall. Registration for independeat Wednesday, July %8 study unit. Dl'ivet must be Impre"ed William L. Meardon !urnish such bases, 110r can they with the eriousness of drunken make military arrangements S p.m. - Summer Opera, Tuesday, Aucus~ It LlIWo 'th t Id "Love for Three Oranges," Mac- Registr ation for independent driving RHense, Menrdon em- Faoors tricter • WI ou s e powers. phasized. It is "8 really serious Britaio's Expected View bride auditorium. study unit. offense," he said, and ought to just plain driving errors. Drlv- In addition, Britain is expect- Thursday, July 29 Wednesday, Au&'Ust 11 carry a tnandatory jail sentence ers just won't obey the rules ed to hold to the view that S p.m. - Summer Opera, 5:00 p.m. - Close 01 summer "Love for Three Oranges," Mac- session. "01 a few days" to bring that and signs necessary fOl' safe armed forces of the Western "He's been a bit vague abol~t wlurt resulls li e ex p ec t~· from Ihis cx p e "im c n~, . lact home to such law-breaker. driving." powers should not be stationed bride auditorium. 7:30 p.m. - University com. "A mere fine docs no good," Reckless drivers are hard to in any of the Asian countries Friday, July 30 mencOO\ent, J'leld house. the county attorney stated later Iconvict, Meardon said, because which may subscribe to the Cerebral Palsy workshop ends. Art exhibit of 60 American art· in the day. "A longer suspension "they have to do something treaty. Iowa GOP, By-Passes De-Sexed Hormones Tuesday, Aurust 3 ists ends. of drivers licen es" might "do I pretty bad" first. This coincided with the desire 8:00 p.m. - Summer session Thursday, AUl'Ust 12 somethi~ to reduce the death He said he believes a maxl- ' of the Pentagon to avoid com- lecture: Norman Thomas, west Opening of independent studJ toll on the highways." mum speed limit on state hlgh- mitments in Asia parallel, in two Union Shop Question Provide New Hope approach of Old Capitol. In case unit for graduote students. ' A minimum drivers license \\lays is desirable. respects. to those containcd in (For lDformaUon re&'lrcJlnr datea beYond this Icbedule, suspcnsit\. of 60 days and a the North Atlantic treaty. DES .MOINES (JP)-The Iowa - lin Fighting Cancer see reeervaUoDl In the office of the President, Old Capitol). maxlum uspension of one ycar ·Mllitary policymakers arc re- Republican convention Friday legalizing union shops. It fol­ Is 1m d for first offenders on Women Democrats ported to oppose any treaty bypassed. the union ,shop issuc lowed the pattern set by the By ALTON L. BLAKESLEE a drun n driving charge. clause which would commit the In adoptmg the party s platiolm Republican national convention SOA PAULO, Brazil (Jt»-Sex hormones stripped of their sex Few Get Convicted St t Cut Wid u.s. automatically to fight Un- f?r the November general elec- which preceded the state con- Many I!ounties have few con- ar . 0 n y- I e der given conditions. And they tlon. venlion. magic offer new hope for drugs GENERAL NOTICES to combat cancer of the breast GENERAL NOTICES should be deposUed 'With the oity editor ., victions under the charge be- P I I G express a fear that a definite The compromise labor plank ImUar To 1954 cause jurors leel that even now 0 itica roup promise to keep troops in the it· adopted did not mention pro­ and prostate gland. The Dally Iowan In the newsroom in the CommunlcatIonl Center. the laws are too strict, Meardon area might immoblllze strength poscd legalizing of union shops. The 1950 Republican state These Important hormones Nollcel must be sqbmltted by Z p.m. the day precedlnl first Dub­ platform included a labor plank, said. which could be better used else- Atty. Gen. Leo A. Hoegh, GOP would be aimed at neutralizin& Ucallon; they wtll NOT be accepted by phone, and mUit be generally similar to the one Along with speed and liqUor, The County Democrat Wom- where. nominee for governor, and labor regular sex horm6nes, which TYPED or LEGIBLY WRITTEN and SIGNED by a restoDllble adopted at the 1954 convention. actually supply the fuel that reckless driving was cited as a en's organization was formed SEATO Like Wesiern Pact intcrests had fought for it. The person. The 1951 and 1953 GOP-con­ makes some cancers grow. major cause of aulo accidents. Thursda....y evening'1 at a meeting This would make the pro- Iowa Manufacturers' association, h trolled legislatures declined to Just traces of femole sex hor­ 0;1- "Iowa does not have a care- at t e "nay ... ower lnn. posed Southeast . Asian Treaty long a power in Towa Repubil­ PLAY-NITE SCHEDULE AT three final rehearsals of the less driving statute which many The group lected Mrs. Elliott organization more like the Wes- can pOlitics vigorously opposed legalize union shops. They, along mones can be pOison for some the field house for the L954 sum­ era, "The Love [or Three Orang­ state$ have," Meardon said. Fult president; Mrs. R. P. White, ern Hemisphere defense pact, or such action. with closed shops, were banned women with bi east cancer and mel' session is every Tuesday and es." No one except the very by the 1947 legislature. traces of male hormone can ac­ Friday from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. large cast, chorus, and orchestra Drivers Al'e Responsible vice-president; Mrs. Ed Paulsen, like the Anzus arrangement \'i.ith The party, instead, recom­ tivate some prostatic cancers 111 Cor summer sessLon students, will be admitted to the rehear­ The c ~nty altorney said he second vice-president; Mrs. Rob- Australia and New Zealand, mended increasing unemploy­ In its farm plank, the 1954 dctlnitel ~ favored Iowa's odop- ert Johnson, secretury, and Miss than like NATO. These latter ar- convention expressed favor for men. staI!, faculty and their spouses. sals Friday, Saturday, and Mon­ ment and workmell's compensa­ Found In Peanut Butter Special instruction for non­ day, July 23 , 24, and 26. tion of orte. Mary Louise Strohmeyer, ~ec· tion. It also propjsed liberaliz­ the Eisenshowel' administration rangcments are largely skeletal And traces of female sex hor­ swimmers will be offered trom Meardon said the Cirst respon- 10t3l'Y. affairs, arranged to keep defense ing the requirements Cor deduct­ program for flexible price sup­ ports instead or the present rigid mones have been found in such 7:30 to 11 :00 each night. THE ANNUAL EDUCATION Ibility for cutling down the 10' 1 The organization also made organizations In being rather ing uniOn dues {rllm a worker's things as one brand of peanut wives' picnic will be held ilt of life on .the highways re ts plans for a coffee hour to be than to meet an immediate mill­ wages, and suggested moderniz­ 90 per cent of parity. In this connection the resolu­ butter. FRENCH PH. D. READING city park (upper southwest cor­ with the dl'lvers. held in honor of the state demo- tary threat. In fact, SEATO now ing the state bure~u of labor. Some flareups of cancers could examination will be gLven Sat­ ncr) on Sunday, July 25, at "Most accidents result from cralic candidates. promises to be largely an exten- Only Halbert OppOsed tion commented: "We commend President Eisenhower and tho be due to a person getting traces urday, August 7, 1954, from 7 6 p.m. All education faculty, The next meetine is scheduled sion of Anzus. The convention adopted the of sex hormones somewhere even to 9 a.m. in room 22LA, Shaeffer graduate students and families 16-point program offered by its administration for their forth­ in September. Awords will be The only Asiatic nations like­ right and courageous leadership atler hjs or her own sex glands Hall. Only those signlni the are cordiillly invited. IBrin, Reunion To Honor given at this meeting to com- ly to participate are Thailand resolutions committee by voice have been removed. Impotent sheet posted outside room 307, your own sandwiches, beverage, vote with only a single "No." in devclopini a sound agricul­ miltee women bringing the and the Philippines, and present tu ral policy to readjust to a hOlm on e~ might be a good de­ Schaeffer Hall, by Wednesday, toblc sel'vice and a covered dish Former President C. W. Halbert, a DavenpoJ't d el~ ­ largest representolion or Demo- prospects are that they would peacetime economy." fense. August 5, will be admitted to to serve eight people. cratic women to the meeting, be the only places, though Bri­ gate, spokc briefly in opposition. The brilliant chemical work the examination. The next ex­ The late Prof. W. H. Wlllls, Dep~nment Commended FA~IILY-ldTE AT THE FIELD tormer president and owner of and to a rural membcr who first tain would do her duty in Ma­ But the convention was ad­ which has produced these de­ amination will be given in early journed by Chaltman George The farm plank said als'o the house will be from 7:30 to 9:30 tb old Iowa City acad my, will completes canvassing her pre- laya, where there would be any sexed hormones was c\escrlbed October. party commends the U.S. depart­ p.m. every Wednesday durin, the be hon d at the 7th annuaL cinct. appreciable mllltary buildup. Strayer ot Hudson before Hal­ at the 6th International Cancer bert could get toAthe speaker':! mcnt of agrlcul t ur~ "deci~ion to H 0 sum met sessidn. Summer session Blumnl eunion at City Park, Directors of the organization This means that, it new Com- congress here by Dr. Charles CAT L I C DISCUSSION rostrum. Halbert told newsmen return to the farmer his r!.!Qtt, students, staff, and laculty are Sunday. are Mrs. 1.'rDtt, Mrs. Leo munist allgresslon dId develop, Huggins of the Univ 't 'If group will meet Thursday, July Em.B (}. later he objected to laudatory by democratic "'proce s, to ect 1 Invited to bring their spouses and Willi as pre'ldent and Own- Tesar and Mr.. Oren Neltderhi- and if SEATO decided to act, the Chicago. 29, at 7:30 p.m. at the Catholic remarks about President Eisen­ his local township and county Used in Animals Student Center. Topics to be children for swimming, badmin· cr of the ormer academy until It sar. Mrs. Cora Griffin is chair- three Western powers would hower and comment.ed that "Ike committees which administer his He said these hor)TIones are discussed arc "Problems Cath­ ton, croquet, and other lamlly closed In 1916. man of the hy-laws committee. have to carry the load, with the has out-Democrated any Dcmo­ farm programs." being used in human and ani­ olics F ace in the Modern type game activities. For turther The picniC will begin at 1 p.m. Other members of this commit- U.S. in much the same position l:1formation call x2226. crat on expenditurl!s for the last On taxation, the platform mal stUdies, but it is too early World ," and "The Gl'ea,est In the L-shaped shelter at City tee are Mrs. Manford Kuhn and she occupied in Korea. 100 years." for the results. PI ayeI', The Mass." Everyone is park. Former students, families, Mrs. Donald Borchart. pledged no increase in general sumlER HOURS FOR THE Select State Committee taxa lion "other than as dictated Chemicals are the newest de­ invited. and rrl s lire invited, Miss In addllion to adoption ot the velopment in the counterattack University Library are as 101- Mary 'er, 114 E. Washington, ORDER JONORED by public demand" through the party plationn, other features legisla ture. on these two very common types CAN DID ATE S FOR DE­ Ip ws: Monday throu!:h Friday, ecrctar,y o[ the alumni associa­ SAN LEANDRO, Calif. (A» WSUI PROGRAM of the one-day convention were: of cancers. Removing tbe scx grees in August. Commencement S a.m. to 9:50 p.m.; SaturcSay, 1 This· plank also recommended tion sal~ Mr. and Mrs. Howard Evern's selection of a state central com~ glands oCten helps for a time in announcements have arrived. 8 a.m. to 4:50 p.m.; and Sunday, Samuel HUnter, 822 Bowery, fo Ul' children hud many pets­ reduced taxation by more effi­ 2 p.m . •to 4:50 p.m. Desks will CALENDAR mittee of 16 with eight of the ciency, opposed the state entor­ depriving breast cancer of the Orders may be picked up at the L~ presldvnt of the association; a white rat, two white pigeons, female sex gland and prostatic Alumni House, 130 N. Madison close at 4:50 p.m. on Friday. members newly appolnt.ed; ad­ ing the property tax field, and Hayes Fry, 521 S. Johnson, is 17 parakeets and a shepherd dog, Satarll.,.., Jul, '! ' , IfI.H dresses by U.S. Rep. Thomas E. cancer of the male sex hormone. st. across from the IOlV a Memor­ Departmental libraries will pan 8:00 Mo,nln, CI10pcl opposed Increasing the state in­ vice-president; and Mrs. Cora Lady. Mrs. Evern issued 11 stem Martin (R-Iowa), Republican But the adrenal glands also i~l Union. tneir how'S on the doors. 8:15 New! come tax. Smith, ~ S. Johnson, is tl'easul'- order: No more pcts: then Lady 8:30 K itchen Cl'ncert Senatorial nominee, Hoegh and can produce some sex hormones. , 9:30 Children' Cl,cle Favor School Aid THE UNIVERSITY COOPER· had 13 puppies! 10:00 Proudly W" Uoll GQv. William S. Beardsley; and Huggins pioneered in the Sur­ DR. JOHN M. WARD, OF lO:30 Salety Speok. adoption of.a rule that no pia t­ The Republicans favored in­ gery of removing the adrenal the School of Music, University ative baby sitting league book 10:45 Let's Go To Town form plank could be presented t;reased state aid 10 schools, with glands, gIVing patients daily of Illinois, will speak to the stu­ will bi! in the charge of Mrs. Ritt Star-Pacific Portrait of Power 11 :00 S1"O,i"8 'n Slurr 11 :30 Norman Cloutier from the convention floor unless an "ultimate objective" of 25 per doses of cortisone to make up dents and faculty of the musIc Jeanne Sunde, from July 20 to 11 :59 Pmy", ror Peace it had previously been submitted cent support. The education for the lost adrenal glands. department in North Music hall, August 3. Phone her at 7934 if 12 :00 Rhylhm Rambles a sitter or information acout 12 :30 News to the resolutions committee. plank also proposed a school dis­ Pa.tient Doln&' Fine Tuesday, July 27, at 10:45 a.m. 12 :45 Les Brown Show Martin told the delegates that trict reorganization program Forty per cent of 162 women His subject will bc "Musiolog­ Joinini the group is desired. 1:00 Mu Ie Cram Interlochen ists and Musicians." On l-jiO!l­ 1:30 Asl. RePO'ts the national administration fore­ "cohtrolled at the local level." who were completely at the end 2:00 ~fustc lor Ust~nlng ign policy "must be supported It said further appropriations of their rope from breast cancer day, July 26, at 3 p.m., in Mu- CATHOLIC STUDENTS WILL 4:00 Tel TIme Speclll to achieve peace without sur­ lor the three state institutions have won new healtl1 and a nor­ 3ic' Studio building, room 209 , meet for an informal social ~: oo Children'. Hour ~:30 N~w s render." "He said in an earlier ot high education should be "suf­ mal life tor at least 15 months he will lecture to the seminar in party at the Student center, 108 ~: 45 sporn his ficient to maintain leadership ir. from adrenal removal. The first musicology on "English Virginal McLean sf., Sunday, July 25 6:00 Dinner Hour address to first district cau­ 6:55 News cas that tne Republicans must education and research fields." patient operated on three years Music." Activities will include dancing, 7:00 Opera PM elect a GOP-controlled congress The highways section of the ago is still doing fine. ping pong, cards and television. 9:45 News TICKETS FOR THt: OPERA, 10:00 SIGN OFF to carry ou t the president's pro­ platform proposed that 1 h e Good benefits come only i! the The party wil l begIn at 7:30 "The Love for Three Oranges," p.m. Refreshments will be. IIranl. Jegisla ture provide "sufficie:lt women have the type of cancer July 27, 28, aJld 29 in Macbride funds to get the construction un­ served. Hoegh promised that if elected which needs the female sex hor­ auditorium, arc on sale in the 8 .?0 Momln" Chapel he would serve with "trust, der our present program on mone. This can be determined 8:1~ News lobby of the Iowa Memorial Un­ LAl\IBDA THETA. WOM· 8:30 Kitchen Concert courage, honor and integrity." schedule." It recommended that by microscopic examination of ion. Prices, 2.00 and $1.50. All pt 9::10 The Boolu;helf He added, "My policy has been any toll roads be seU-financing. the cancer. en's honorary educational so· 10:00 Constitu tional I UCI seats reservcd. 10:50 News based on clean ana honest gov­ Urre Gas-Tax Increase Renewed growth 01 the can­ rority, will meet 'Monday, July 11 :00 Wom~n 's Feature ernment. I shall never deviate The Iowa Good Roads associ­ cer can occur if the patient is DR. EARL E. HARPER, 26, at 4:30 p.m. in conference r 11 :15 FestIval 01 Waltzes 11 :30 Let There Be Li'ht from that." a tit';' had urged the party to still getting traces of the female chail'man of the committee on room I of the Iowa Memorial 11 :45 PubUc Health Ur&'H Firm Leadership adopt the association program sex hormone. One woman was opera, and Professors Herald 1. Union. The meeting will be to 11 :59 Prayer ror Peace 11:00 Rhythm Rambler Beardsley. who welcomed the for a two-cent increase in the found to be getting it from pea­ Stark and Harrold Shiffler, djr­ propose new members. The 12:30 News dele,ates and who is not a can­ state gasoline tax and retention nut butter. She stopped eating ectors of the opera, have an­ group will also meet Wednesday, 12:45 fe'oeh,'no MusIcale 1:00 Musical Cllall didate for office this year, de­ of the present tem porary fifth it, and the cancer shrank again, nounced that the publlc will not July 28, at 4:30 p.m. in the sall!e 2:00 News clared that the All\erican people cent of a tax. HUggins saia. be admitted to any of the last room .to vote 9n members. 2:10 181h Century Music 3:00 Music by Both would not ch~ from the 3:30 News "firm, constructive leadership 3:4:5 Organa Ires .:00 'Masterworks }o"rom France of today Cor what existed in the 4:30 Tea TIme UnIted States prior to the Eisen­ 5:00 Children'. Hou, hower administra!Jpn." Dresser D'rawer 5:30 Murder Suspect rll<'rienc~, 01 I ------roR SALE' lw bu.,..low, ROOM tor r"nL 3-,.c. pen I on of rI\lldren durin. workln. / lines. cables and even car university employes to find such ve,.da "'-'- ISc ~r wore outdoor clothes dryer. $3.00 Set "" four l\IAN. a,ed !!2 to 30. to make IJ.. ur- houn. Prl\'ate bolh. kltchen"tt". Use of YOR SALE: New ho ..... JUll ~mple le4. '1 rl springs which are buried in the 'ngs as burl'ed " 'ater PI·peS. "1 Tea da,. :lie .... word exrtUenl 7:tIG'rd pl'~~rs. el- ROOI( for ..nt. GIrl ...... l~ 10 l)'pe Writ., olaUnll )'our quallfl - Wagner was using this tech­ but it seems to work," Phillips I MJalmlQll eharce lte I eelrle l",n .0U club. ,;'Il balls. ~.. catloua 'to P. O. Box III Davenport: IFREE APART lENt: 10 eoupl~ , ex- I Who Does It I stated. ~pewrller. , cameral, r.dlo. ear fI- ItE...... - .... I'OIUD&. au N 10..... Work will be Itt low. City. THREE RooMS rully furnlJhl!d . Prl- I nique Friday at the new addi­ diu 4333 Capitol vat. ~nlran .. and bath. Laundry fa- CUSTOM k 1 h I It tion to the university field house When asked it there was any --:------clUlies. Lar.e yard. C.II 4i13~ , After S'--Ion-wor w t raclor. 3091. Jac , ROOMS lor undu,raduate women. .. t F S IUd 5' 00 S411 .~ •. I' to find a cable buried. in the natural explanation for this CLASSIFIED DISPLAY SENSATIONAL nontote

THE LOVEJ FOR THREE ORANGES , '. a complete .tage production ------~-----I full ca.t - c_tume. - ac;enery orch ..tra . . ~~----~~------~---I TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY - ·THURSDAY ~~--~~~------~~I JULY 27, 28, ~nd 29 ~~~---~------~I MACBRIDE AUDITORIUM Tickets on tale Iowa Union Lobby 9:00 • 5:OQ --~~------~~~ I $2.00 and $1.50 lox Office Phone x2273 - All Seats Reserved l l---~:-----p-I.-a-s-e-p-r-In-t-v-o-u-r-A-d-....:-~~~....:.~ I ..... ------...;..-:~ , ------._ - __I

• .... 4-THE DAILY IOWAN-Iowa Cit • la.-Sat., Jub 2.4 . \9:;4 ABC To Televise lowa-MSG Football Game TheDail Iowan The Iowa-Michigan State foot­ baU to be played h re Sept. 25 will be telecast national­ Southpaw ly by the ABC television net­ work /-h Associated Pre re­ ported FrIday. Games will be carried by ABC Tribe Whips Yankees, 8-2; Sept. f8 through Dec. 4. with the schedule calling for 13 dates. Regional telecasts will be used Oct. 23 and Thanksgiving Day, . R I B 5 · h D b New York, ' Brooklyn, Lose; Nov. 25. First' game or the series will H be the one between Oklahoma's orne uns y mIt" 0 ,y Raschi Wins on 6'Hiner Orange Bowl champions and the NEW YORK (JP)- Al Smith's ------"------­ MILWAUKEE (JP) - Bobby ST. LOmS (IP) - Rookie Joe University of Calitornia, Sept. three-run homer with the score 18. Thompson, who came to Milwau- Cunningham drove in three1runs tied in the seventh and two home WHITNEY MARTIN'S - kee Irom New York in the win- with a double and tie-break1n& The game Oct 2 will come runs by Larry Doby ruined Ed­ Carrasquel Leads homer FridllY night to give Vic trom the Pacifie coast where Il­ die Lopat Friday night, boosting ter trades, slapped a'pinch single Raschi his tlrst victory since June linois w11l meet Stanlord. This Cleveland's American I e a g u e to lett with two out in the ninth 15 and the St. Louis Cardinals a was arranged to benefit from the AHack as Chicago lead to 1Jh games with an 8-2 Inning Friday night to give the fifth straight triumph by a e·4 time dIfference since a World ·Sporb score over the Brooklyn Dodier!. victory over the New York Yan­ Braves a 3-2 victory over the Series basebal1 game wltl be kees in the opener of thelr vital Downs Boslon, 1-1 Cunningham's slxth homer 111 played the same day. series. Giants before a new record 23 games in the majors came in Other games on the schedulil: NEW YORK (IP)-It was nice ------­ BOSTON (JP)-Virgil Trucks If the Tribe should lose the crowd of 45,046 in County stadl- the sixth inning ot a 4-4 contest Oct. 9, Wisconsin-Rice; Oct. 16, to see that umpire Babe Pinelli nilly IIny player going through pitched airtight ball in relief of urn. and was belted off righthander Oregon - Southern CaIitornia; other two games, they still will was backed up by National motions "designed or intended Harry Dorish as Chico Carr!l­ leave town Sunday night with a Thom's sharp smash past third Russ Meyer, who suffered hI.! P itlsbur,h-Northwestern region­ League president Warren Giles to annoy or disturb opposing squel led an ll-hit Chicago at­ base scored Jim Pendleton, run- third deleat against seven wiru. ally; Oct. 90, Penn-Penn State; percentage pOint edge after this In the decision to forfeit the batsmen." tack with three singles Friday triumph, scored before 61,446 ning for Andy Palko, from sec- Raschi, scoring his seventh trl­ Nov. Baylor-Texas; Nov. 13, game in St. Louis last Sunday It apparently finally has night as the White Sox defeated and base to break up a tie game. umph against rive setbacks, Yleld­ Geor Tech-Alabama; Nov. 20, paid, the largest turnout of the to the Phlls. Another umpire dawned on Eddie that you can't Boston 7-1 in rain-soaked Fen­ The Braves scored their other ed a three-run homer in the lifit Ohio $tate-MIchigan; Nov. 25 season in either league. who tangled with Eddie Stanky win when you start tangling way park. runs on homers by Joe Adcock inning to Gil Hodges-his 26th 01 Thanks'lvlng. Maryland-Missis­ It was the eighth straight game wasn't so fortunate. with umpires, despite the inci­ Chicaco _ 100 221 010-7 11 • and Eddie Mathews. the season-and then checked the sippi rJ,Iionally; Nov. 27, Army­ in which Lopat had failed to fin­ He was ScoUy Robb, who was dent whit'h led to the resigna­ Bos&on ....._ 000 000 100-1 7 1 Dodgers With one tally th~reafter. Navy; nec. 4, Norte Dame-South­ ish and It marked the Yankees publicly .chastised for a little tion of Robb. New York _ 100 080 001-2 8 1 Brookl,n ._SOO 100 OOt-f , ' S ern Me\hodlst. (irst loss at ni,ht in 14 games. bumping duel with the fiery He has been thumbed oftener Milwaukee _010 100 001-3 11 II St. Loula _ lzO 003 OOX-l 11 • No sponsor has as yet been an­ Smith, Cleveland's hitting s tar. little Cardinal manager, the hu­ than a telephone directory, and Orioles Beat Athletics, nouncec;l. drove in five runs altogether, mlliation so affecting the um­ earlier this year he was ousted row. Athletic Director, Paul adding two more in the ninth pire that he resigned shortly twice in four games. On each 7-5, in Cellar Battle thereafter. He subsequently was Brechler could not be reached with a bases loaded single. occasion his vehement protests PHILADELPIHA (JP)- Chuck tor comment Friday night. 'Lopat, mixing hi.s soft stuff signed by the American ieague got him nolhlng but the gate, in what some believed was a si­ Diering hit a two-run single in with an occasional Ca st ball, rode and his delaying tactics of last the sixth Inning to break open a lent rebuke to Giles. along on a 2-0 lead until Doby Sunday brought him nothing but seesaw ball game Friday night Lions Coach Gives hit his 18th homer Into the right Stanky, a pleasant enough fel­ an automatic defeat tor his team. as the Baltimore Orioles beat field sellts In the sixth. The low away from the ball park, Apoloa1&ect Then Too the Phl\adlephla Athletics 7~5 AMERICAN LEAGUE NATIONAL [,IAGUI Yanks .ot!ad reached Early Wynn has had his trouble with Pinelli His contrite apology and prom­ In a battle tor the American IV L POI. OB W L Pot. 01 before. In fact, there ptobably Cleveland ... at :ell .696 New York ' " 62 .", Lecture Following 11M BROWNING, of Weston, for a pair in the fourth on lrv ises to be a good boy in the fu­ league cellar. New York ... 61 SI .614 I' ~ aro.,kl)'o .... 116 "sa .IIM are few. if nny, umpires with Chlearo ~9 ~6 .6'l1 "\~ MII ••uk •• .. 4a 4~ .au JlI\• Masl.. play. out of a busb­ Noren's third straight hit, a sin­ ture mayor may not be in the The lead bounced back and ID whom he has come in contact Dolr.II ...... 4. ~ I .440 !~\\ Phll••• I,I>I . • 45 40 covered lie 00 17th bole FrI­ gle with the bases loaded. nature of a lasting rel'orm. A (orth for the first five Innings. W ..hID,loD 89. 116 •4~A Z~\~ 8t. Loul. .... 40 46 ••.$Ii II Lafe Cafe Brawl who have escaped his wrath. !Ierce competitor who asks no DostOft ...... 81 6lI .411 20 CI •• IDUU '. 41 .. . 48~ IMi day. turnlD&' leftle and ualn& a The Yanks kept pecking away Lou Limmer homcred in the first Baltlmor. ... lIS 60 .IIM 811i Cbl ...... 87 04 .417 !III Made OffeDIIlve Gelltures quarter and gives none, it will .s~a ,1\\ YPSILANTI, Mich. (JP) No. 5 Iron baekwards. Brown­ at Wynn through the enrly Inn­ -his seventh - to give the A's a Phll.d.lphla . ~ I JIll .a4S 8m Pltt. bur,h ... 110 .. In 1952. Eddie was suspended take tremendous will power on Coach Buddy Parker cracked the lnr beat Ed Furrol, National ings, getting seven hits in the head start. FRIDAY'~ RESULTS for three days for "oftensive ges­ his part to keep from erupting FRIDAY'S RESULTS whip tor the Detroit Lions Fri­ Open ebaJnplon, one up 10 tbe first four while Lopat rocked Then Baltimore pulled away W•• hloll.n 8. Detroit 3 Chl.aro O. B. Phll"d.llbll ., day In the wake of a pre-dawn PGA cbamplonshlp matches at away with a two-hit shutout. tures" toward the umpire. It when he believes his team isn't to a 6-4 lead in the sixth. BalUmore 7. Pblladolphla a 81. Lo." fi. Brooklyn • seems he is a great little ges­ getting a talr shake Crom the Cleveland I, New York '! PII\J~ur'h 1. CI ...lnn .. U • cafe scUffle in which slar hall­ St. Paul. Doby's homer with two out in Baltimore 010 122 001- 7 13 1 Chi ..... 1. B • • I.n I Mllwluk.. H, New Vorl< , back Bob Hoernschemeyer lost a turer. as he created quite a fu­ men In blue. the sixth was only the Ttlbe's Philad'phla no 020 001-5 8 0 TODAY'S PlTClIER8 TODAY ' ll PITCHE" tooth. . fourth hit. rore In 1950 while with the Pinelli's action In 10rfeiting f Giants for going, through setting Clevol.nd 0' Now Vork - M ••• I (t.l) Now York al Mllwau.... - LIUI, The Lions, national pro cham- Browning De eats Cleveland 000 001 412-1 1% 0 the game took a lot of moral VI. Reyn.ld. (IB.I). (4.~) Y•• (•• 1&) . pions in training for the College I up exercises at second base dur­ courage, and even physical World Horse Record C hlel,o at BOllon - Xee,ln. (ll!.!\) Brooklyn al 8'. Loul. (al,bl) - M". New York 000 ZOO 000-2 It 2 ing a game with. the PhllJies. the n ..KI.l y (~·6). or (j·t) VI. L."'r ..... (8·S). All-Stal' game in Chicago Aug. Furgo in PGA; courage, liS he couldn't be sure Set at Roosevelt Track B,llImore d Phll,delphl .. - Colom .. " Pbllulolplll.... ~ CIoI.a,o - \11_". 13. were ordered to mind their d I calJsthenics Obviously designed just how the fans would take (o·ln) ••• OnJ C1·a). (M·S) n. Colo (lI-~)' to distract the batter. the action. They had paid to see WESTBURY, N, Y. (.4')- Gene Uo\rol\ a\ waSblnf,oa (8Irlll)-A.... PIIIs".r," .. , CI",laaa,1 - ~. r" ... \ '1 :30 p.m. curfew or face tines. 0 (ft·S) v •• MoD.rmo! (11-11) . (f,·I~) YI. rowlor (,.~). Snea , iver Win Veterans Penn, The incident . rompted Ford Along wtlh the loss of a front ST. PAUL. Minn. (IP) _ Jlm a double header, and to have Jester Jed all the way Thursday Frick, then league preside!?t. to tooth, Hoernschemeyer had to Browning, a paunchy New. Enl­ Johnston, To Meet one of the games stopped abrupt- night to set Ii new world record .-iMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~IE~a ... ,. "O.fOa .. llut in Ii court appearance. order his umpire to eject willy- Iy might arouse them to a bottLe- of 1:38.2 for 13/16 of a mile at Ed dS R IU U 'n I He and two other young men_"l land home profeSSional, PUM­ In Golf finals throwing mood. Roosevelt Raceway. The previous war lose says- DAILY SPlCIM neither's Lion-pleaded guilty to tured the steady march of lavor­ From all reports the crowd mark ot 1: 38.4 was held jOintly You have the privilelle 91 • TENDER ClUI 88 a charge of "disorderly fighting" Ites Friday when he cut down WAoTERLOO (JP)-The last of in b the new national open champion, Cubs, Phillies Split r took the decision in good grace, by Knight Star and Knight's choosing your PHARMACY S"'~ all e\ ,lI:.ft a cal,f at nearby Ann Ar or at Ed Furgol, in t~e second round the young challengers fell by the and even made It clear that it Princess. -if it's Drugs-Medicines- '1!!;'1t. ,"'I 5, a.m. Thursday. They were re- wayside Friday and the cham­ believed the umpire's action jus- p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. Vitamins - a PRESCRlP- • TA-SlY NOON \.UNC,,,,t<*\ leased on $25 ball for sentencing of the Protessional Golfers asso- pionship of this year's Iowa Twin Bill; Roberts tined. When the home'town fans TION to be filled - come to AUl(. 27. dation tournament. Women's golf tournament is now don't back up their manager, it SMORGASBORD us. We are especially equip- AT AClerwards. at a squad meet- The 39-year-old Weston, Mass., up to Ann Casey Johnston of might be cause tor a little soul- ped to give you prompt and Air Conditioned tn •. Parker Jald down the law. links teadler, whose present Mason City and Lois Penn of Wins in 13 Innings searching on his part. AT THE MELODY MILL exacting service - you are He also put nearby Ann Arbor state open tlUe is the biggest he's always welcome­ Des Moines. CHICAGO (.4')- The Chicll'o DAILY 5:00 To 10:00 P.M. "out ot bounds" lor the squad. ever won, threw a strini of AI, Condltlo.. ed by RdMrn.'loD CLUB 88 The cafe incident involved steady pars at the rusty open The two seasoned veterans will Cubs and Philadelphia PhllUes Kinch For Party ReservaUona Hoernschemeyer, a teammate, king to win on the tinal hole, meet for the title today in a 36- ciivided a doubleheader FrJday 50 of Food Dally DRUG SHOP Phone 2511 DANCELAND Plt,to Sal.d - Bala. - 109 S. Dubuque street and a young .woman companion. one up. hole match starting at 9:15 a.m. with the Cubs winning the open- Cedar Rapl4s; Iowa ,",pple S"lad - To.. ed S.I ..d TIFFIN, IOWA "CST" Police said some remark.!! were Sam Snead, dangerously close Mrs. Johnston, an easy wln- er 5-2 and the Phiis coming back Iowa'. Smartest Ballroom 8al•• d bPi k C 11 21 d to elimination in the . morning ner over 18-year-old Linda to take the nightcap 5-3 when Bo",. Maa. PI. - "Uo Salad ma e :r atr c on n. ,an round, shook the kinks out of AIR CONDITION£» Sardine. - Sal mOD - PI,. 'eel- ~enjamm Nicholson, 24, and, of Ames. will match Danny Schell singled with the 0,1." Beer - coUar. Ch•••• Toni&,ht Crea... Cb.... - PI.III. Mis . Hoernschemeyer protested. One both his sore neck and his golf her sub-par shooting against bases loaded in the first half of Dill PI.III .. - S... eL Plclliel word led to another and a scultJe game in the afternoon to lead Miss Penn, who disposed of Mrs. the 13th inning. "MR. RHYTHM" Ihdl. b .. - Cel.r, - "ppl.. Younr, Versatile It, OraDr" - Prehel. - P~tato Cblp. followed between Hoernsche- other top name performers for- Vivian Heltland ot Toledo in the . who relieved CaakJe.. 8 iliad. - Popcorll meyer and Conlin. ward into the third round. uneventful semi-flnals. starter Bob Miijer at the begin- EotertainiJll' Wat.r .... loD - (f Bol DI.II .. Other winners, as the field was VANCE DIXON ~ Bot Boll. - Jelly Mrs. Johnston won 9 and 8. ning of the eighth inning, HIS ORCHESTRA S ••.erkraut. and Many Oiber cut from 64 to 16, were the de­ Miss Penn's victory was 7 and 5. checked the Cubs with three ~its Fooa. to Choooe Fr... Pirates Tip Reds, fending titleholder. blond Walt­ MIss Nordyke had no chance and one run the rest of the way Ned WEDNESDAY $1.50 & $2,00 IN er Burkemo of Franklin, Mich.: against the Mason City woman to earn his 14th victory. He's lost Contenia! "OVER-28 NlTE" BANNED 7-4, on Gordon's medalist Ed "Pork Chops" 'Oli­ who has beld the state title eight. "Makell You Wanta EAT ALL YOU WANT. ver; former national open cham­ twice dating back to 1941 and Bill Tremel was charged with Dance MUllc" YOU'LL pion Cary Middlecoff; Johnny ot Eat Food wllb .. Beputatlon HoRie Run in 7th would Hke to take the trophy the deteat that leveled. his record EDDmAUEN& Revolta, the jut-jawed 1953 PGA home again. The youngster lost at 1-1.. The. rookie righthander From Cout &0 Coal' POP YOU. EYES CIN NNATI lJP)- The Pitts­ king, and Roberto De Vicenzo, IUS ORCHESTRA burgh firates picked up their the first eight holes, halved the' held the .Phlis at bay lrom the the gay gaucho trom 'the Argen­ ninth 'but was sunk on the 10th. ninth until the 13th when Gran- :first Cllitsley field victory of the LAUtfH4'~ tine. Miss Penn had a slightly more ny Hamner doubled with one out. FIRST SHOW PHONE year rAday night, downing the Third round matches will be trying time. She was six up on . was passed inten­ At a mas--­ t. r Cincinaati Redlegs 7-4. Pinch­ contested today over the 36-hole Mrs. Heitland at the turn but bon ally an~ Bobby Morgan got a .AT.DU.Sk.. 2.21.3., hitter Sid Gordon homered with ~D~R~I~\fErR~·~I:N~.. plumber mistak­ route on the Keller club course, halved the next three holes. walk to 1111 the bases. Then ,...... TWIiAT~& one aboard In the seventh inning and this is supposed to be the Schell lined a two-run single to en for an atomic "to break up a f-t tie and the Pi­ point where class tells. center to settle the issue. EIOS TOIITE • STARTS SUNDAY rates ,dded an insurance rUn in Andrews Beaten Hamner put the Phlls in front scientist • • • and tne ninlh on a double, sacrifice by socking a homer oU starter YVONNE D.CA.LO u' BURT LAHCAITEa & a yOU'll lady and 8in,le. Nats Get 5 in l.t By Top-Seeded Warren Hacker In the second in­ ItOD CA,EltON ID BBraLIY BOOTII ID Jim Greengrass, Cincinnati ning. But the Cubs came back to "FRONTIER GAL" "CO",E BACk who's a master , "booted in" five runs To Top Tige,s, LITTLE SHEBA" Entry in Tourney tie the score in the fifth inning ALIO at h.r work, tool -three tor his Own Reds and two and Hank Sauer's 28th homer of 'Canyon Pallallle" for the Pirates. 8-3; Stobbs Wins CHICAGO - Art Andrews, the season put the Bruins ahead Betll Ie T •• hl•• lor He lined his 18th of W ASHlNGTON (JP)-Washlng- Iowa City. was defeated in the STABRING 2-1 in the seventh. OSCAS the leaJlOn In the first frame with ton erupted for five runs in the Western JuniQr and Boys tennis Flnt Game: HOMOL1(A two teammates aboard. But in first inning against Al Aber and tournament at Champaign, Ill., Philadelpbla .00 180 081-2 • 3 the top of the second, with two breezed to an 8-3 ' victory over Friday. by top-seeded Jerry Moss Chiea~o 0.0 80S ZOx-5 • • GEO.COLE• BuCl on base. he permitted pit­ Detroit Frid~y night. Roy Sie- {)t Miami Beach, Fla., according Seeond Game: MIDNITE SHOW TONITEI • cher Dick Littlefield's single to vers smashed his 18th home Tun to the Associated Press. ~~ 010 000 .20 0.. 2.5 1. 2 BOX OFFICE NADIA roll him. This allowed one off Bob Miller with Mickey Ver- Andrews took a 4-2 edge in GRAY Pi Chi·.... 000 .10 118 000 '-S 11 1 'PROBLEI GIRLS' CLOSES at 12:00 unea run to score and then non aboard in' the' fifth inning. the first set, but the Florida star anoth tallied when Greengrass Chuck Stobbs captured his won three straight games. An­ lolled w1ld to third bue. He was third straight decision and his drews tied it 5-5, but Moss took char,ed with two errors. tilth of the season, limiting the the next two and then six more Little11eld, an American league Tigers to eight hits. Ray Boone in a row, winning 7-5, 8-0. • ENGLERT • LAST BIG DAY • cutoff, went the route for his blasted two trlpies. Moss will meet Jon Douglas ~ ViCtory. He seemed to get strong­ The Senators parlayed five of Santa Monica. Cali1 .• whom he ~IOW"END~S Gregory er aa the ,ame progressed. singles, a walk and two errors beat for the title last year, in MONDAY" • "'1nIrIh Mt It. 201~1 1•• into a live-run tlrst inning to the finals. ctDetuaU HI Itl IO--C 11 ! shell Aber. Tbey added three .._ ...... _ ..__ ., FUN SP~nn.,.. n. Peck, I runs in the fifth. Delreb ..... _ 000 101 ..1-3 • 2 NOWI Fenton, Hilgenberg WllllllndoD 5tO 031 0.. -11 18 • .. Recently of Head for Grid Drills Ends HolUla, Fonder Iowa captain and end, Bill Fenton, left Iowa City NEW TYPE aEGULAR Thundey for Wilton Junction, VIEWERS PUCES where be was to pick up JerI')' For Pert"' Plus ' ,. lie COMPLm HllIenber" former Iowa center. Vision lor Viewer. NEW SHOW The two were en route to La­ Fayette, Ind., where they will Baed .. Bdlar Allen Poe'. "1611 NOOH--ANOT4i££iclT£M£NT of .. SHA»E"/ acquisition of a mil- belin drUls today lor the annual Colleae All-Star football game. "IIarden lJl III. Rue Morrue" pound ban . Forest Evalhevskl, Iowa foot­ • •• AII4 Produced b;r Ibe ball eaach will be an aasl.stant Same !ltadte Wldeh Gave with resulting coach of the All-Star team. Tbe Yn 'HONDO' ••• alUl ~ me will be played A\lIUIt 13 complications • • • . Chics,o'. Soldier field a,alJlllt . 'HOVSE OF WAX· "'-l'!IJIII----... Ee profeaalonal Detroit Llana. ~et::» Filnancial .•. Fe1I1-- ~ MARK 1\vAIN~ Inlne and Funnyl :Jr.n: 'WifIt.