'THE WHITE HOUSE PRESIDENT 'S DAILY DIARY (See Travel Record for Travel Activity)

PLAC~ DAY l'"OGAN DATE (Mo.• Day, Yr.) March 5, :1969 TIME DAY THE WHITE HOUSE ­ WASHINGTON, D. C. 7 :30 a. m. Wednesday PHONE TIME P=Placed R=Received ACTIVITY 10 Out Lo LD 7:30 The President had breakfast v.-ith: Spiro T. Agnew, Vice President Melvin R. Laird, Sec. of Defense Earle G. Wheeler, Chairman of JCS Henry A. Kissinger, Asst. for NSA

8:32 The President went to the West Wing accompanied by his breakfast guests.

8 :33 The President went to his office accompanied by Henry A. Kissinger, Asst. for NSA.

8:42 10:32 The President attended the meeting of the National Security Council in the Cabinet Room. For a list of those present see, APPENDIX "A".

10:32 The President returned to his office accompanied by the Vice President Spiro T. Agnew.

10:38 10 :48 The President accompanied by the Vice President Spiro T. Agnew went to the Fish Room for the pres entation of the Goddard Memorial Trophy to the Apollo 8 Astronauts. For a list of those present, see APPENDIX liB'!.

10:48 The President returned to his offic e.

11 :10 11:16 The President met with Robe rt J. Brown, Spec. Asst.

11:16 11:45 The President accompanied by lVlaurice H. Stans, Sec. of Commerce and Robert J. Brown, Spec. Asst. , went to the Cabinet Room to announce the creation of the Office of Minority Business Enterprise and to sign the Executive Order "Prescribing Arrangements for developing and Coordinating a National Program for Minority Business

Enterprise. II For a list of the other attendees, see APPENDIX "C" .

11 :26 R The President received a long distance call from F. in Newport Beach, California. This was the President's brother. Rose Mary Woods, ~rsonal Sec. took the call. 'THE WHITE HOUSE PRESIDENT RICHARD NIXON'S DAilY DIARY (See Travel Record for Travel Activity) PLAq DAY BtGAN

TIME DAY THE WHITE HOUSE - WASHINGTON, D. C. 11:45 a. m. Wednesday PHONE TIME P=Placed R=Received ACTIVITY In Out Lo LO 11:45 11:48 The President went to the office of Dwight L. Chapin, Spec. Asst.• and met with: D. Patrick Moynihan, Asst. for Urban Affairs L. Storey Zartman, Spec. Asst. Bruce Rabb, Staff Asst.

The President met with: 11:52 12 :30 Henry A. Kissinger, Asst. for NSA 12 :13 12 :30 Emile-Derlin Zinsou, Pres. of the Rep. of Dahomey 12 :13 12 :30 Emil Mosbacher, Chief of Protocol 12:13 12:30 Alex Toumayan, Interpreter

12 :33 The President w';mt to the Residence.

12:35 12 :38 P The President talked with H. R. Haldeman, Asst. to the President.

12:38 P The President telephoned Rose Mary Woods, Personal Sec. to the President. The call was not completed.

1:22 1:24 P The President talked long distance with Julia Eisenhower in Massachus etts.

1:37 1:45 P The President talked by direct line with C. G. Rebozo in Key Biscayne, Florida.

1:55 The President returned to his office.

2:03 2 :45 The President met with his Personal Sec. , Rose Mary Woods.

2:13 2:16 P The President talked with the First Lady.

3:05 3:45 The President went to the Cabinet Room to meet with: George D. Aiken, Sen. from Vt. Edward W. Brooke, Sen. from Mass. Norris Cotton, Sen. from N. H. Winston L. Prouty, Sen. from Vt. Margaret C. Smith, Sen. from Me.

3:43 The President returned to his office.

4:32 P The President telephoned Henry A. Kissinger. AS3t.fQr NSA;:' ·THE WHITE HOUSE PRESIDENT RICHARD NIXON'S DAILY DIARY (See Travel Record for Travel Activity) PLAq DAY BEGAN DATE (Mo., Day, Yr.) I M_a_r_c_h_5_,_19,---,6_9 , 1 TIME DAY THE WHITE HOUSE - WASHINGTON, D. C. 4:40 p. m. Wednesday PHONE TIME P=Placed R=Received ACTIVITY In Out La LD 4:40 5 :22 The President met with: Rogers C. B. Morton, Congo from Md. John D. Ehrlichman, Counsel Bryce N. Harlow, Asst. to the Pres. H. R. Haldeman, Asst. to the Pres. John P. Sears, " 5:35 6:08 The President toured the first floor of the Executive Office Building and then returned briefly to his office before going to the Residence.

I 7:09 7:10 P The President talked with H. R. Haldeman, Asst. to the Pres. I

7 :40 The President had dinner with: The First Lady Patricia Nixon Helen Drown

11:10 The President retired. APPENDIX "A"


Spiro T. Agnew, Vice President William P. Rogers, Sec. of State Melvin R. Laird, Sec. of Defense David M. Kennedy, Sec. of Treasury Richard Helm~.,;, Dir. of CIA Elliot L. Richardson, Under Sec. of State David Packard, Dep. Sec. of Defense Henry A. Kissinger, Asst. for NSA Gerard C. Smith, Dir. of ACDA Laurence Lynn, Staff Member, NSC Lee A. DuBridge , Scienc e Advisor Robert P. Mayo, Dir. , Bureau of the Budget Earle G. Wheeler, Gen., Chairman of JCS Alexander M. Haig, Col. , Staff Member of NSC George A. Lincoln, Gen. , Dir. of OEP

/ I .\ APPENDIX If BIf Dwight Chapin Copy'



WE DN E S DAY, MAR C H 5, 1969


At 10:30 a. m. you and the Vice President will be escorted {roin your office to the Fish ROOlD where you will be tnet by James M. Murray, President of the National Space Club.

Mr. Murray will first introduce you to those standing with him -c for presentation.·

Captain JalUcs Lovell, U.S.N. Dr. Robert Sean1.a11.$i Secretary of the Air Force and 1967 Goddard Trophy Winner. Mrs'. Robert H. Goddard

He will then introduce you to the invited guests who will be situated in the selui-circle behind you.

Dr. Lee A. DuBric1ge . Dr. Thomas O. Paine, Acting AdluinistrCltor NASA Honorable Clinton P. Anderson, Chairrnan Senate Aeronautical and Space Science Com.mittee (did not attend) Honorable lv1argaret Chas e Sn1.ith, ranking luinority Inen1.ber of the Committee (did not attend) Honorable George P. Miller, Chairn1an Science and Astronautics Conlnllltec Honorable Jan1.es G. Fulton, ranking Ininority nlenlher ( of the Comn1.itlee PAGE TWO ( SCENARIO FOR GODDARD MEMORIAL. TROPHY PRESENTATION CON'T:


Mr. Willialu Hines, Vice President National Space Club Mr. Joseph Ryan, Vice President National Space Club

At the conclusion of the introduction Mr.. Murr9,y will .Cl.sk you to present the Robert H. Goddard Meluorial Trophy to Captain Ja:mes Lovell, U. S. N. who will receive it on behalf of the three Apollo 8 Astronauts. (Col. Frank Borman, U. S. A. F., and Lt. Col. Willicl.1u A. Anders, U. S. A. F., were pr'ecluded from. attending by their duties in connection with the Apollo 9 luission).

The Goddard Trophy will be located on a small table directly in front of the single stand-up microphone which will be provided for your remarks. .'

The trophy, donated by Mrs. Robert H. Goddard, is a bust of Dr. Goddard which is given each year to the person or persons selected for great achicvem.ent to advance space flight programs contributing to United States leadership in Astronautics. SCENARIO FOR GODDARD MEMORIAL TROPHY PRESENTATION CON'T: j ( I In presenting the trophy it is- suggested that you read the II follo\ving citation:

In an epic journey luan for the first_ time in Deceluber f968 soared out of the earth gravitational field, flew unerringly into a close orbit ,of the moon, then back to a precis-e and safe landing. This historic voyage performed at times bef<;>re the largest television audience in history, and open for coverage by the world's press reflects the utmost credit on the United States Space Program, Congress, NASA, and thousands of -I ; companies and employees in industry representing I all these, the courageo~s, competent crew of Apollo 8. Following the presentation of the Goddard Trophy you will ask i ( Dr. Thomas O. Paine to step forward and make the announcement of his ­ selection as Administrator of NASA. (Mrs. Paine will be present, but­ seated). *I 1 It is estiluated that the presentation and announcement will take approximately 15 minutes.

You will be escorted back to your office.

NOTE: The~e will be complete press coverage.





At 11:15 a. m. you and Secretary Stans will be escorted from. your-­ office to your chair in the Cabinet Room.. When you are seated, Secretary. ( Stans will take astandingpositioil to your right. Standing pehind you will be an estimated additional 40 attendees including Secretaries Volpe, Hardin, and ROlnney.

In vi.ew of the large number i.nvolved in the cerenlony it is

recomlnendec1 that you sign the Executive Order with your own pen and I that none be distributed. I It is expected that your participation will last approximately I; I 5 minutes at the conclusion of which you will be ·escorted back to your I office.

NOTE: There will be limited photo coverage of the event. No formal rernarks are required.

Secretary Stans will meet with the Press in the Fish ROOln following your departure. ( i'


TIME: 11 :15 a. In.

PLACE: Cabinet ROOln

PRESENT: The President Invitees Approximately 40 individuals of Black, Mexican-Anlerica.n. Puerto Rican o~' Indian backgrounds involved in various aspects. of minority business enterprise, whose nanles are listed on the Appendix attached to this Agenda -Commerce Secretary Maurice H. Stans Walter Hamilton, D~puty Assistant Secretary for Domestic Business Policy Housi~g and Urban Development Secretary George VT. Romney Samuel J. Simmons, Assistant Secretary for Equal Opportunity . Agriculture . Secretal:Y Clifford lvt Hardin- Alfred L. Edwards, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Rural Development and Conservation 1- j .TransportatIon Secretary John A. Volpe 1 ---­Labor Secretary George P. Shultz (Secretary Shultz is on call to I1 testify before a Congressional committee and might not i be able to attend) I I (Health, Education and Welfare -1 I Secretary Finch will be testifying before a Congr.es sional . -,I committee and will-be unabl.e. ~C? attend) ­ i Smail Business Admillistration Hillary Sandoval, Administrator

1. Remarks by the President

2. Signing by the President of the Executive Order Pre scribing Arranger:lents for Developing and Coordin.::lting a National Program ( for Minority Business Enterprise. ( - 2 ­

3. RerYiarks by Secretary Stans conccl:ning proposed prog::'°a.m for D1inority busincss enterprise. (President remains until complction,· of Secretary Stans' remarks, at \vhich time the President excuses himself. The President-m2.y, at his option, addrc 55 additional remar1~s to meeting prior to his exit.)

4. Remarks by other Cabinet and Agency heads outlining involvement in area of minority business enterprise. t f A. Hilary Sandoval, Administrator, Small Business Administration ! B. Seci'etary Geologe P. Shultz, Department of Labor ! i I ,c. Secretary Clifford M. Hardin, Departn~cllt of Agriculture , i I­ D. Secretary John A. Volpe, Department 01 Transportation

E. SecretctryGeorge VI. Romney, Housing and Urban Development (Secretary Romney \vill also speak on the subject of the relation-_ I ship bctv/een the Administration's programs on minority business t p(- enterprise and voluntary action) l­ I 5. Concluding remarks by Secretary Stans. I t ,t

i 1, I I 1, ..,i

_---'"-0Iv1ccti'l'"/ \'."ith the Pre sic1cnt

· Ml'. T. ld. A] cX

Mr. RichCl.rc1 Allen . . Econom.ic Resources Corporation. 4050 Buckingh2.n1, Suite 20813 Los Angc1c 5, C2.liforni2. , I ! 0 ~. Mrs·,..0. Mar 2.ret L. Belcher National Assoei2.tion of Negro Business .. and Professional Women's Clubs, Inc . 2861 Urban A,'enue' Colum.bus, Georoia 31907 . ". 0

Mr. John Belindo Executive Director · National Cong!'ess on Indian Opportunities 726 Jackso:1. Place, N. W • •..e "Washington, D. C •

. ',Mr. Danvin Bolden · Executive Director Interracial Council for Busines s Oppor tur:itie s I , 110 East 23rd Street i· · New York, New York I · Honorable Edward W. Brooke United State s Senate I WashingtoYl, D. C. I , ! ! Mr. Berkeley Burrell . '. President . .

Nation2J Businc s s Leaoue.0 4324 Georgia Avenue, N. W • Washington, D. C.


A. ~ • '.

'. - 2 ­

Sanlrnic Chc S5 , Jr., Esquire President . Friendly-L8C'.dcr ?vIa!1.ufacturing Company 622 East Washil~gton Drive

Hieth<:> Point, North CarolinC'.

Mr. John Clay Business Development Corporation Mall Building Fourth at Chestnut PhilaclelphiC'_, Pennsylvania.

Mr. Clifford Coles Director of Urban Affairs American Management Association 135 West 50th Street New York, New York .- Mr. Wardell Croft President N2.tional Insurance. Association .Wright lVfutual Insurance Company 2995 East Grand Boulevard

Detroit, Michicran·0 48282

lvIr. John Davis

Co:nmei-ce J Labor 1 Industry Corp. of Kings 16 Court Street Brooklyn, New York

Reverend Walter Fauntroy MICCO, Inc. 812 liS" Street, N. W. Washington, D. C.

Mr. Charles B. Fisher 1221 Massachusetts Avenue, N. vr. Vrashingto:1, D. C. ".

lv1r. Joe Gomez United Steel Vfor~~ers a 1014_.Fox Buildin0 Detroit, Michigan ~ i i-' t i - 3 - .-:-"; I­ !: Willi.:~m. I Mr. He.milton ~ Pre sidcnl I t. National. Assosiatio!1 of Real Estate 1 Brokers, Inc. 1265 East 105t:l S~reet Cleveland, 44-103

Mrs. Dorothy Height i National President l ! -National Council of Negro '\\' 01)1.cn I Suite 832 I 1346 Connecticut Avenue, N. W • l'\, W?~shingto~l, D. C. 20036 !i'I JUdge Alfred J. Hernandez .,1:, ; 515 K71.ess Building 1\ C Houston, Texas i ! 1: Mr. Norman HOdges I President I. Green Power Foundation 1150 South S2.n Pedro I , California 90015 I ! Dr. Edward Irons Executive Direc tor National Bankers Association 4310 Georgia Avenue, N. W. Washington, D. C.

Mr. John H. Johnson President Johnson Publications .1820 South Michigan

, I Illinois 61616

' . .8 . - 4 ­ ( Mr. NC!.poleoa Johnson Nelt ional Urba.ll Le 2.guc 55 Ea3t 52nd Street New York. New York 10022

Mr. Joe Kirven Pl:esident ABCO Building lvlaintenance Compcmy 2828 Forest Avc.:nue Dallas. Texc'.s

- Honorable Manuel Luja~ House of Repre sen tative s Washington. D. C.

}vIr. Luis Nune:;: Executive Director ASPIRA. Inc. 296 Fifth Avenue . New York. Ne\v York

'Mrs. Myrtle Ollison . National Ass ociation of Colored - Wonlen's Club~. Inc. 5101 North Everest . . ­ Ok12hom2. -City. Oklahoma

.Mr. Hobson R. Reynolds The Phil2.delphiarl Apartments 2401 Park\vay _ .P.hi.1a~e1phia. Pennsylvani~

Mr. E1iu Romero Raton Road Taos. New 11exico

Mr •. George E. Sar:.doval 3928 North Ca.."lTIino Sinuoso Tucson. Arizona

\. r - 5 ­ i i i l Dr. Johll'l'o:;:r\::s l i ( BrOI1-'( Tc rrnir:d ~-IC!.1' kc L ~ Stores 73 2,.:lcl 7"1 i I 153rd ~tl1Cl Exterior Street i f Brom,:, N"C\," York 10"151 f !r Mr. Clarencc TO\'/llCS, Sr. I I. 2403 L~Ltnb Avenue .. I Riclul1~nd, Virgjl!.ia .• .. I I: HonoF'.ble Walter VIashington · Mayor o£ Waspington, D. C. l City Hall· Washington, D. C. I · Mr ~ Jo1m. Wheeler I r 1. I President j I Mechanic and Farmers Bank . t 116 West Parrish I Durham, North Caroline. 27701 I I I Mr. Charles Willi2.m I I National B-usiness League Washington, D. C. I

· Mr. John Wooten Executive· Director ·Black Economic Industrial Union 10542 Euclid Cleveland, Ohio

Dr. Harding Yeung Dean, School of Busines s Adminis tration Atlanta University ". Atlanta, Georgia



. TIME DAY THE WHITE HOUSE - WashinQ"ton. D. C. 7:25 a. m. Thursday PHONE TIME P=Placed R=Received ACTIVITY In Out to tD

7:25 Lt. Col. Vernon C. Coffey, Asst. Military Aide to the President went to the second floor in the Residence.

7:35 The President had breakfast.

7 :58 The President went to his office accompanied by his Asst. Military Aide, Lt. Col. Vernon C. Coffey.

8:32 8 :47 The President met with his Personal Secretary Rose Mary Woods.

The President met with: 8:45 10:06 Henry A. Kissinger, Asst. for NSA 9:02 10:02 William P. Rogers, Sec. of State 10:06 10:09 Ronald L. Ziegler, Spec. Asst.

10:09 The President went to the Cabinet Room for a meeting with the Urban Affairs Council. For further info rmation see, j APPENDIX IIA".

11:45 t!12 :10 The First Lady went to the President's office for the ceremony with Federal Women Award Winners.

11:53 The President returned to his office.

11:54 12:10 The President met with Federal Women Award Winners of 1969. For those in attendance see APPENDIX liB".

Following the award ceremony, the President met with: 12 :06 12 :30 William W. Scranton, ex-Governor 12:10 12 :30 Arthur F. Burns, Counsellor 12:10 12 :30 John D. Ehrlichman, Counsel

I I 12:35 1:51 The President departed from the White House South Lawn by helicopter for State College, Pennsylvania, to attend the I funeral of his uncle, Ernest L. Nixon. For those who I I :'. accompanied the President, see APPENDIX "CII ! 2:44 The President departed from State College, Pennsylvania, by I helicopter. I I j 3:52 The President arrived on the South Lawn of the White Hoase.

I 3:54 The President returned to his office.