leavening to give a light product. It furnishes quickly available food for yeast in bread doughs. Carbon dioxide thrown ofl" by yeast growth expands the dough. Oven heat caramelizes the giving the flavorful, crisp, brown crust we enjoy on baked products. Sugar tenderizes egg protein. With sugar in a mixture, more air can be beaten into egg whites, and the foam Verna A. Mikesh will be more stable. This raises the Leona S. Nelson temperature at which egg proteins coagulate. In an angel food cake, for example, the tiny air cells can expand before being set by oven heat. A smooth results from the slow Sugar, Sweets coagulation of egg protein. This recipe illustrates how sugar is Play Roles In used with beaten egg whites to make a Food Texture delicious dessert. MERINGUE TORTE and Flavoring 8 servings 3 egg whites }i teaspoon baking powder On each day, people everywhere say, 1 cup sugar "Please pass the sugar." Whether it's 10 square (2-inch) soda crackers rolled to sweeten the morning cereal or the fine (Ys cup crumbs) midnight snack, sugar or a sweet in % cup chopped nutmeats 1 quart of strawberries or raspberries, some form is a daily necessity. washed and trimmed Nutritionally, , maple sirup, % cup whipping , table sirup, jams and jellies, 1 to 2 tablespoons sugar, as desired , and other sweets provide the Beat egg whites and baking powder body with the fuel to release energy. until frothy. Beat sugar in gradually Artificial sweeteners provide sweet- until the egg whites are stiff*. Fold in ness—but no nutritional value. No one crumbs and nutmeats. Spread on a sugar or sweet is "more healthful" greased 9-inch piepan. Bake in a slow than another. The small amounts of oven (300° F.) for 30 minutes. Cool. minerals and vitamins in the unrefined Fill with the berries. Whip cream, forms are of little consequence in sweeten with sugar, and spread over supplying an adequate diet. berries. Chill several hours. Table sugar is one of our cheapest sources of food energy. The familiar , pie fillings, and dessert white crystals are extracted sauces owe their body and smooth- and refined from sugar beets or sugar- ness to sugar. To prevent lumping, mix cane. Chemically, cane and beet the sugar and starch together before sugars are the same. In cooking and combining with the liquid. Improve preserving, they act the same. the smoothness of hot cocoa by blend- Sugar performs many functions in ing the dry cocoa with sugar before cooking besides adding and combining with the liquid. enhancing flavors. It contributes to the lightness, color, and fine grain of Verna A. Mikesh is Extension Nutritionist and baked products. Sugar softens the Leona S. Nelson is an Assistant Extension hjor- gluten strands of the flour, enabling mation Specialist, with the Agricultural Extension them to expand with the action of Service, University of Minnesota, St. Paul. 232 Frozen desserts are smooth because sugar lowers the freezing point of the mixture to be frozen. This factor, phis stirring, makes tiny ice crystals in the food. The result is a smooth and a creamy product. and frostings further dem- onstrate the many physical and chemi- cal characteristics of sugar. Vary the sugar concentration, temperature, agi- tation, and other ingredients to make a myriad of sweets. The ability of sugar to change to invert sugar makes creamy and fondant because invert sugar induces a very fine crystal structure. Moisture, heat, and acid bring about this chemical change. Acid ingredients such as cream of tartar or chocolate accelerate it. The addition of corn sirup also aids in controlling the crystal size. Candies such as butterscotch don't have any crystals due to the combina- tion of invert sugar, high temperature, and corn sirup. They harden before they crystallize. As the concentration of sugar in a Creamy pecan fudge. sirup increases, the boiling temperature

rises. A thermometer aids in making candy and frosting. The cold Temperature and Tests for Sugar Cookery water test is less reliable, but inany Thread Test people use it. Temperature Product (°F.) Sugar preserves the color and flavor Sirup 230-234 Sirup spins a of fruit in the form of jams and jellies. 2-incn thread. The acid and pectin in the fruit, plus Cold Water Test sugar, makes a gel. The cooked prod- Drop sirup into very cold water. ucts keep without further processing Temperature because sugar minimizes the growth of Product CF.) Fondant Fudge, 234-240 Sirup forms a soft micro-organisms. Penocha ball that flattens Store white granulated sugar cov- (Penoctie) when removed from water. ered and in a dry place. 244-248 Sirup forms a firm ball that doesn't Other sugars (brown), molasses, flatten when honey, and sirup have many of the removed from water. qualities of white granulated sugar be- Divinity 250-266 Sirup forms a hard ball that cause they are similar physically and holds its shape chemically. They add interest to food yet remains plastic. with their distinctive flavors and spe- Butterscotch 270-290 Sirup separates Taffy into threads cial properties. that are hard is brown and soft be- but not brittle (soft crack). cause some of the original sugar sirup Brittle 300-310 Sirup separates remains around the crystals. The color into threads that are hard varies from very light to the more and brittle (hard crack). robust-flavored dark brown. 233 Store brown sugar in an airtight are blended with less expensive sweets container to keep it from drying out. to pour over the pancakes of the Adding half of an apple in the con- budget-conscious consumer. tainer provides moisture, but check it Making maple sirup requires time, occasionally for mold. Soften hardened labor, and skill. It takes about 40 brown sugar by heating it in a slow gallons of sap boiled down to make oven. It becomes harder than ever 1 gallon of sirup or 8 pounds of sugar. after cooling, so handle it while it is Color is the principal factor in still warm. grading maple sirup which meets all Measure brown sugar by packing it the other requirements for density, into the measuring utensil. The sugar flavor, and clearness. should retain its shape when the utensil USDA grades for maple sirup are: is lifted off. Your grocer may also have Light amber—U.S. grade AA; me- the granulated form of brown sugar. dium amber—U.S. grade A; dark Measure granulated brown sugar as amber—U.S. grade B; unclassified. you would . Follow pack- You can buy maple sirup in any age directions for substituting it in quantity ranging from a gallon to less your recipes. than a pint. Sirup in sealed containers Powdered or confectioners sugar is keeps well at room temperature. Re- very finely ground granulated sugar. frigerate open containers to prevent A small percent of cornstarch may be mold formation. Rebottle the sirup added to prevent caking. Powdered bought in large lots by heating it to sugar may need sifting to insure a 180^ F. and sealing in sterilized jars. smooth frosting and accurate measure- Store maple creme in the refriger- ment. You may like the new granu- ator or freezer; store at lated form that measures easily and room temperature in a dry place. blends smoothly. It is more expensive Enjoy maple flavor with this dessert. but it's convenient. Molasses that is a byproduct of sugar MAPLE-BAKED APPLES manufacture contains sulphur dioxide. Some manufacturers make an "un- Use 1 cup maple sirup and 1 tea- sulphured" molasses by concentrating spoon grated lemon rind for six apples. the juice of without the Choose tart baking apples. Pare about intention of making sugar. one-third of the way down and core. High-grade mild molasses is used in Place in a baking dish. Pour sirup and table sirups. The darker kinds lend lemon rind over them. Bake 1 hour at color and flavor to many cooked foods. 375° F. Baste occasionally with sirup. In addition to sugar, molasses con- Serve warm with sirup and cream. tains some calcium and iron. There is little nutritional advantage MAPLE in using crude blackstrap molasses, a Warm maple sirup slightly. Pour byproduct of sugar manufacture. over ice cream, and sprinkle with Sugar-rich sorghum cane yields chopped nuts for a delicious sundae. sorghum sirup. Those who enjoy its distinctive flavor use it as they would Corn supplies another sweet in the molasses and sirup. The market forms form of corn sirup. These sirups, white may contain invert sugar to prevent and dark, are made by subjecting corn crystallization. starch to the action of acid or enzymes. The American Indian discovered Though less expensive than other that the concentrated sap of the maple sirups, they aren't as sweet and are tree makes a delicious sweet. Maple used in candymaking, infant formulas, sirup and maple sugar are expensive the manufacture of table sirups, and in but highly prized for their flavor. other products requiring sweetening. Not only is this prized flavor imi- The grocer's shelf holds a large tated, but often maple sugar and sirup variety of the blended table sirups for 234 pancakes and waffles. They include air. Candies and meringues made sugar, corn, and maple sirups in with honey may absorb excess mois- varying proportions as stated on the ture, making them soft and sticky. label. Other ingredients such as , Freezing intensifies the honey flavor , honey, sorghum, imitation flavor- in baked products. ing, coloring, stabilizers, and preserva- For best results when using honey tives are also included and listed. in cooking and baking, follow recipes Since maple sirup is the most ex- especially designed for honey. pensive, and corn sirup the least, cost Try these foods for honey flavor will vary with the amounts of each enjoyment. that are used. Honey, the sweetest tasting of all HONEY BRUNCH COCOA sweets, contains some , which 5 servings is one-fifth sweeter than granulated 1 quart milk sugar. 2 sticks cinnamon Color and flavor of honey are }4 cup cocoa determined by the flowers from which Ys teaspoon salt the bees collect the nectar. Light- 3 tablespoons honey colored, mild kinds come from clovers. Scald milk with cinnamon sticks. One of the darkest and most strongly Mix cocoa and salt; blend in }í cup flavored is from buckwheat. Citrus hot milk until smooth. Add to scalded blossom, túpelo, sage, and basswood milk and stir in honey. Remove the are well-liked, distinctive honey flavors. cinnamon sticks. Mix with a rotary Most of the honey on the market is beater. extracted honey, that is, honey sepa- rated from the comb. Extracted honey HONEY CORN MUFFINS in a crystallized form is called honey creme or honey spread. Comb honey 8 muffins is usually more expensive because it % cup sifted flour is difficult and costly to produce. 1>4 teaspoon baking powder U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy indi- ji teaspoon salt }i cup cornmeal cates top grade honey. Next is U.S. 1 egg, well beaten Grade B. Flavor is a most important Yz cup milk factor in honey grading, plus clarity Yi cup honey 3 tablespoons shortening, melted and absence of defects. Color isn't a Yá cup pared diced apple factor in U.S. grades. Liquid honey can be bought in Mix the flour, baking powder, and quantities ranging from a large tin salt. Stir in cornmeal. Combine egg, pail to a small plastic squeeze bottle. milk, honey, and shortening. Add all Creme honey comes in plastic or at once to cornmeal mixture; add paper-type tubs. One and one-third apple; stir only enough to dampen cups of honey weigh 1 pound. flour. Spoon into 8 well-greased, 2- Store honey tightly covered to retain inch muffin pans. Bake at 400° F. for its flavor and aroma. Keep it at room 15 to 20 minutes. temperature to retard granulation. If . it granulates, put the container in a The array of jellies, jams, preserves, bowl of warm water to melt the and marmalades on the grocer's shelf crystals. Honey stored over a long time indicates that these are important food may darken somewhat, but it will specialties. Calorie counters and spe- still be usable. cial dieters can purchase varieties Cooked foods made with honey are made with artificial sweeteners. slightly sweeter, have more color, and The Food and Drug Administration a difl'erent texture from those made has estabUshed standards of identity with sugar. Baked goods remain soft for jams, jellies, and preserves. Among as honey absorbs moisture from the other things they must be made with 235 no less than 45 parts of fruit to 55 control. In this respect their effective' parts of sweeteners by weight. If the ness depends on the caloric regulation product doesn't meet the composition of other foods in the diet. requirement, then it must be labeled Artificial sweeteners may be sac* "Imitation." charin, cyclamate, or a combination In addition, the U.S. Department of the two. Any products which are of Agriculture has developed grade artificially sweetened must show the standards in cooperation with the ingredient that's used, along with the preserving industry. You may find a amount, on the label. These sweeteners continuous inspection shield on the are used in soft drinks, desserts, and label or lid, but more often, it will be other products being promoted as the red, white, and blue U.S. Grade low-calorie foods. They may be bought A or Fancy designation. This means for use as table sweetening or cooking, the product was packed under the in , liquid, or granular form. Department's continuous inspection. Sweetening equivalents as stated on This doesn't imply that products with- the container differ among these out the inspection or grademark are products. For cooking and baking, use inferior. recipes especially designed for their Jelly adds a jewel-like sparkle to use. Remember that they don't have these : the preservative qualities of sugar. Jams and jellies made with artificial SCANDINAVIAN THUMBPRINT COOKIES sweetener must be refrigerated after opening. Baked products may mold 2 dozen cookies in a short time. The Food and Drug Administration }i cup butter or margarine y4 cup brown sugar, packed constantly checks artificial sweeteners 1 egg, separated for significant adverse effects at normal K teaspoon use levels. Manufactured products 1 cup sifted flour that contain sweeteners which are not }i teaspoon salt % cup finely chopped nuts designated on the label misbrand the Tart red jelly, as needed product. This is why the Food and Drug Administration rules that the Blend fat, sugar, egg yolk, and label must state these are non-nutritive vanilla. Stir in flour and salt. Beat egg artificial sweeteners recommended only white slightly. Roll dough into 1-inch for persons who must restrict their balls. Dip in slightly beaten egg white. use of ordinary sweets. Roll into finely chopped nuts. Place 1 A stop at the candy counter in inch apart on an ungreased almost any establishment points out sheet. Bake 5 minutes at 375° F. Re- the size of the American sweet tooth. move from oven; quickly press thumb The choices range from a penny gently into the top of each cookie. licorice whip to an elaborate box of Return to oven and bake 8 minutes fancy hand-dipped chocolates. Candies longer or until lightly browned. Cool. are part of our holiday fun: Fillers Place a dab of red jelly in each for Halloween trick or treat bags, depression. Christmas hard mix, Valentine hearts, and multicolored jelly eggs at Easter. There is a vast increase in the use of They have great social significance, as artificial sweeteners. Originally they bribes or peace offerings, or expres- were intended primarily for diabetics. sions of love and joy. But a weight-conscious society has "Please help yourself and pass the adopted them as an aid to weight candy."