VOLUME 40 NUMBER 1 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2011 $5 Jobopoly The city spent nearly $1 billion to redevelop the Loop, and still Chicago residents lost out on jobs. page 8 ALSO INSIDE: The truth about minority voting. page 4 Brutal unemployment rates: 33 percent. Guess who? page 5 CHICAGOREPORTER.COM INSIDE January/February Founded in 1972, the Reporter is an investigative bimonthly that identifies, analyzes and reports on the social, eco- nomic and political issues of metropolitan Chicago with a focus on race and poverty. It is supported by grants from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, Ford Foundation, McCormick Foundation, Richard H. Driehaus Foundation, Challenge Fund for Journalism, Woods Fund of Chicago, The Chicago Community Trust, Lloyd A. Fry Foundation, Chicago Tribune Foundation, The Fund for Investigative Journalism, Inc., and by subscriptions and individual contributions. 332 S. Michigan Ave., Suite 500 Chicago, Illinois 60604 (312) 427-4830 Fax: (312) 427-6130 The number of jobs in the city is up, slightly.
[email protected] But many Chicagoans continue to lose out and wonder if the city’s next mayor will use public www.chicagoreporter.com money to create more jobs. Photos by Joe Gallo. FOUNDER John A. McDermott PUBLISHER On the cover Alden K. Loury EDITOR 8 Loopholes Kimbriell Kelly Nearly $1 billion has been spent in MANAGING EDITOR the name of reversing blight in the Rui Kaneya Loop. But Chicagoans are still losing Departments their jobs. PRESENTATION EDITOR Editor’s Note/News........... 3 Christine Wachter 12 What did the Spinoffs................................ 4 REPORTERS candidates say? Angela Caputo Q&A.....................................