
JACC Vol. 24, No. 2 Aug"I 1994: 55 5-66 555

Nitric Oxide and NitrovasodHators : 541 I'laiities,I Differences and Menfi2l 111teY2CHODS


Many similarities exist between the exogenous and . As such, important interactions might be expected endethelium-derived relaxing factor, which is nitric oalde or a between nitrates and -dependent processes that in- thiot derivative. Both act by way of guany)nte cyclaw, which volve nitric oxide. TIds review explores the mechanisms of action, increases intracellular concentrations of cyclic guanusine mono- biologic effects and potential interactions between nitrates and endo- phosphate, resulting in smooth rdantion and anti- thelium-derives) relaxing factor . effects. may be important in the (j Am Call Cardiol 1994,24.555-66) of exogenous nitrates and other intracellular pnwesses involving

Since the first description of the therapeutic use of glyceryl choline stimulated muscarinic receptors on the endothelium, trinitrate appeared in 1879 (1), organic nitrates have re- leading to the release of a nonprostanoid relaxing factor, mained the cornerstone for the treatment of pectoris . which they named endothelium-derived relaxing factor . Over the past decade, emphasis has been placed on research A diffusible substance with a half-life of several seconds, to elucidate the subcellular mechanisms of these com- (6,7) endothelium-derived relaxing factor could be inhibited pounds . During the same period, key discoveries have by hence-containing (8), and it was destroyed by shown that the vascular endothelium plays a pivotal role in free radicals (10). It also activated soluble guanylate the local control of tone, primarily through the cyclase and increased the concentration of cyclic guanosine synthesis and release of endothelium-derived relaxing factor monophosphate (cyclic GIMP) (10). Collectively, these char- (2). 'This substance has now been identified as nitric oxide or acteristics led to the simultaneous observation by Ignarro et a related nitrosothiol whose actions parallel those of organic al . (4) and Furchgott and Khan (5) that endothelium-derived nitiovasodilators (3-5). This review discusses the nature of relaxing factor was strikingly similar to nitric oxide . nitric oxide and the mechanism of action of nitric oxide and The first proof that nitric oxide was at least one of the organic nitrates and explores the interactions that might relaxing factors resulted from studies by Paltrier et al . (11) . exist between them . Using a chemiluminescence assay, they demonstrated that cultured endothelial cells release nitric oxide when exposed Chemical Nature of100hytheliumn-Derived. to . In this assay, nitric oxide is specifically Relaxing Factor detected by its reaction with ozone . Results of these studies provided strong evidence that endothelium-derived relaxing In 1980, Furchgott and Zawadzki (2) discovered that the factor is nitric oxide or a chemically related compound . aoety[choline-induced relaxation of rabbit aortic strips re- Recent findings suggest that endothelium-derived relaxing quired an intact endothelium. They concluded that acetyl- factor may also be similar to a labile compound (S-nitroso-L-) (3,12) . From the Cardiovascular Division, Brigham and Women's Hospital Boston, Massachusetts . This study was supported by a Clinical Fellowship of Mechanism of Action of Endothelium- The Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research (Dr. Anderson), Alberta, Canada ; a National Foundation of Australia Ralph Reader Derived Relaxing Factor and Overseas Research Fellowship (Dr . Meredith), Melbourne, Australia ; and Organic Nitrates Research Career Development Award I K04 HL02566 (Dr . Ganz), Clinician- Investigatnr Development Award I K08 HL 02787 (Dr . Yeung) and R01 Endothelium-derived relaxing factor . The mechanism of HL-38780-c5 (Dr . Selwyn) from the National Heart, , and insti- action of nitric oxide has been examined in considerable tute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland . Manuscript received September 20, 1993 ; revised manuscript received detail (10,13) . Palmer et al . (14) have demonstrated that January 29, 1994, accepted March 25, 1994. nitric oxide is synthesized from the guanidino of the "Present and for comsplindente : Cardiovascular Divi- address address amino acid L- . This conversion is controlled by an sion, Foothills Hospital . 1403 29th Street NW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N-2T9. , , which can be stimulated by a .00 01994 by the American College of 0735-1097/94/$7

JACC Vol . 24, No. 2 556 ANDERSON ET AL. NITRIC OXIDE AND NITRATES August 1594 :555-66

number of physical and chemical stimuli and is inhibited by oxides) (Fig. 2). This distinguishes them from nitric oxide- several arginine analogs, including N °-monomethyl-L- containing compounds without an bond, such as nitro- arginine . Receptors on' he endothelial cell membrane mod- prusside. Important similarities and differences exist in the ulate this interaction in association with biotransformation of these organic and inorganic nitrates, but it proteins (the G family) (15) . receptors, for is generally accepted that they share a final cnnunon pathway example, interact with the pertussis-sensitive inhibitory pro- wish endothelium-derived relaxing factor . tein (G;) to modulate release of nitric oxide (16). After The mechanism by which nitroprusside releases nitric release from the endothelium, endothelium-derived relaxing oxide has recently been reported . It has been previously factor diffuses across the extracellular space into the smooth that nitric oxide release occurred spontaneously muscle cell and utilizes the second- (30). However, more recently Bates et al . (31) have reported messenger system to implement its biologic actions . Both that a one-electron reduction with accompanying nitric oxide and endothelium-derived relaxing factor have loss was required before nitric oxide could be released . been shown to activate soluble guanylate cyclase, leading to The biotramtsformation of organic nitrates is probably an increase in the intracellular concentration of cyclic GMP more complex . Although there is much controversy about (10,17). the role of thiols, they may be important at several levels in Cycic guanoalne 3'-,5'-momphosphate system: intraccellu- the /nitric oxide pathway including 1) the formation of lar d r. Cyclic GMP is formed from guanosine S-nitrosothiol intermediaries, and 2) the activation of soluble 5'-triphosphate by the activation of guanylate cyclase, of guanylate cyclase by nitric oxide . The formation of nitro- which there are at least three distinct types: 1) soluble sothiol intermediaries from organic nitrates seems to depend guanylate cyclase, which is activated by nitric oxide and on the denitrification of the R-0-nitric oxide, to a reactive organic nitrates ; 2) membrane-bound (particulate) guanylate intermediary (32,33) . Using a model of tolerance, cyclase, which is induced by atrial natriuretic ; and 3) Fung et al. (34) showed that the beneficial effect of the thiol cytoskeleton guanylate cyclase, which is sensitive to E. coil donor N- on might be mediated heat-stable enterotoxin (18) . Purified soluble guanylate cy- by extracellular S-nitrosothiol formation in addition to intra- clase has been shown to contain , which is now thought cellular thiol repletion . A recent study in , which used to be the receptor site for nitric oxide on soluble guanylate various thiol donors and depleting agents, demonstrated that cyclase (19-21) . Electron paramagnetic resonance studies both intracellular and extracellular thiols are important in have demonstrated that the binding of nitric oxide to heme modulating the effect of nitroglycerin in vivo (35) . Although results in a structural change of the hence molecule in which suggestive, it has not been shown conclusively that nitro- the atom protrudes out of the plane of the protoporphy- sothiols are intermediaries in the biotransfcrmation process . rin ring (22). Local thiol groups are necessary to reduce the Recent data by Chung and Fang (36) have demonstrated heme iron atom to the ferrous state, thus facilitating the that nitrates are enzymatically converted to yield nitric oxide nitric oxide-heme interaction . by a surface membrane enzyme system that is not identical The net result of the activation of soluble guanylate to that provided by glutathione-S-transferases (37). It has cyclase is the formation of cyclic GMP, which then activates been suggested by these investigators and others (38) that a serinelthreonine protein kinase (cG-Pk) (23) . Several pro- sulfhydryl.donating compounds may act instead as cofactors teins may be phosphorylated by cG-Pk, resulting in smooth in the enzymatic transformation of organic nitrates . muscle relaxation. Cyclic GMP also stimulates Thiols have also been shown to be potentially important efflux and uptake by intracellular stores . It may also inhibit for the antiplatelet effect of the . Loscalzo calcium influx across the plasma membrane by decreasing (39) demonstrated that N-acetylcysteine potentiated the production of diacyl glycerol (DAG) and inositol 1,4,5- platelet inhibitory actions of nitroglycerin by inducing the triphosphate (IP3), which results in a decrease in protein formation of S-nitroso-N-acetylcysteine . A recent study has kinase C activity (Fig . 1) (24). The effects of cyclic GASP are reported that the liberation of nitric oxide from isosorbide terminated by a specific phosphodiesterase (25). dinitrate (ISDN) and nitroglycerin is potentiated by cysteine Several inhibitors of this pathway have been utilized in (40). In contrast, the release of nitric oxide from nitroprus- studies examining the mechanism of action of endothelium- side was reported to be independent of cysteine (41) . How- derived relaxing factor . Because of the natural affinity of ever, thiols can also potentiate the antiplatelet effects of nitric oxide for heme rings, free reduced has nitroprusside, which suggests that they have an important been used as an inhibitor of both endothelium-derived relax- role at other levels (42) . The fact that added thiols potentiate ing factor (8,26) and nitric oxide (27) . Methylene blue has antiplatelet effects does not prove that an important relation also been used to inhibit endothelium-derived relaxing factor exists between thiols and nitrates in vivo in the absence of by the direct inhibition of guanylate cyclase or by the administered thiols. generation of superoxide free radicals (28,29) . The binding of nitric oxide to the home moiety of soluble Does. The nitrate compounds used in the treat- guanylate cyclase and the activation of cyclic GMP follows ment of angina have been termed organic nitrovasodilators the same pathway as that described for endothelium-derived because they possess a bond (R-0--nitric relaxing factor (10) . A recent study in pigs demonstrated

JACC Vol . 24, No . 2 ANDFRSON ET AL . 557 August 1994 :555-66 NITRIC OXIDE AND NITRATES


NO synlhase NH- NH

H3- r4 COO- H3+N COO L-arginine ,, L-citruiline

Figure 1 . A, Proposed mechanisms by which nitrouo

compounds are bioconvc,rted to nitric oxide, which binds No to the heme moiety of guanylate cyciase (GC), leading to - RswO increases in intracellular levels of cyclic guanosine mono- RSNO phosphate (CGMP) . Reprinted, with permission, from RSH RSSR RSH, -HSNO NO ' Statnler and Loscalzo (127) . B, Schemata showing some R-ON0 2 NO 2 of the potential sites of action of cyclic guanosine mono- INTG! phosphate-mediating vascular cell relax- ation. Reprinted, with permission, from Ahlner et . al. ONj-eNO -- RSNO (Ndropru5srlea (112) . See text for details. ATPasc = triphos- 01 GC /GTP phatase ; DAG = diacyl glycerol ; GTI' = guanosine (Gu2nyie,ie mg2"' nahi triphosphate; HONO = nitrous acid: tP- = inositol 1,4,5- rycla ;r) ', ..~ cG10P triphosphate; MIIC = myosic heavy chain; MLC light chain ; htLC1C, = myosin lib ht chain kinase Cal' with active enzyme ; MLCKI = MLCK with inactive P enzyme ; NO = nitric oxide ; NO = ; NTG = B Contraction Ca"-ATPase 1 PiP2 nitroglycerin ; PIP, = phosphatidyl inositol biphosphate ; / ~ Pk-C = ; R-ON02 = organic nitrate ; cGMP l+l cGMP t-1 RSH = reduced thiol ; RSNO = S-nitrosothiol ; RSSR = ML C--P0 4 . MHC °® Aclln P spholipase C I+I a --- Pk-C } T DAG + IP3 i+l CGMP [°] - n~rl_cK a _ fca"1 r \ Od0`~r P MLC I MHC MLCK, cGMP i-1 cGMP I+l E

Figure 2. Chemical structure of selected nitrovasodilators inhibition of the antiplatelet effect of nitroglycerin by meth- ; ISDN = isosorbide dinit,ate : IS-5-MN. GTN glyceryl trinitrate = iso- ylene blue, along with a documented decrease in cyclic CMP sorbide 5-mononitrate ; NP = nitroprusside, Reprinted, with permis- level (43). A similar study in also demonstrated that sion, from Ahlner et al . (112) . nitroglycerin was capable of increasing platelet cyclic CMP H O-IvO, levels and that the degree of correlated with I H-c-O-NO2 these levels ;44). These studies support the view that the I H--C-0-NO, guanylate cyclase system is the final pathway for the action-, I H-C-o-N02 of all nitrovasodilators . I Differences in tolerance between organic nitrates and nitro- H prussiide. A detailed discussion of tolerance is beyond the GTN ISUN F scope of this review . Continuous administration of organic nitrates leads to tolerance to their hemodynamic and clinical effects. Needleman et al . (45,46) demonstrated that arterial strips require the presence of thiol groups to relax to nitroglycerin and nitroprusside . Numerous other studies have demonstrated that thiol group donors, such as cysteine OH and glutathione, can potentiate guanylate cyclase activation Is 5-MN by both nitrates and nitroprusside (41,47-49) . Moreover, I I a

JACC Vol . 24, Nb . 2 558 ANDERSON ET AL . NITRIC OXIDE AND NITRATES August 1994 555--6k,

A 6 - - Prestenotic segment - Normal vessel 150 --- Stenotic segment 0 Figure 3. Recent change in vessel diameter with . a 125 plotted in (A) atherosclerotic and (B) normal coronary U In both the prestenotic and stenotic segments, profound vaso- was seen with acetylcholine, whereas n normal 100 o----i1 n m r+ vessels dilation was seen with acetylcholine . This represents m in atherosclerotic . r= 75 ACh = response to maximal dose of acetylcholine ; Cl. _ control ; C2 = vehicle control, C3 = repeated control ; TNG = 50 nitroglycerin. *p < 0.01 . Reprinted, with permission, from Ludmer et al . (74). 25 I 0 C1 C2 Ach m ~, C3 INC Cl C2 ACh,,, am C3 TNG

studies have demonstrated that the administration of thiol gregating , , (ADP), donors, such as N-acetylcysteine, or thiol-containing angio- serotonin, bradykinin, , , vasopres- tensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, such as , can sin, and acetylcholine (64). result in the reversal of nitrate tolerance or the potentiation Experimental evidence . A substantial body of basic re- of nitrate effects in smooth muscle cell preparations (50,51), search has established the importance of endothelium- intact (33,52) and clinical studies (53-56) . The sulf- derived relaxing factor in both basal and stimulated control hydryl depletion hypothesis, which has indirect support from of vascular tone in large conduit vessels . Studies have the previous Aata, is now thought to be incomplete, however. demonstrated that basal cyclic GMP levels are higher in Vascular sun lydrl groups are not decreased during develop- aortic strips when the endothelium is intact than when it has ment of nitroglycerin tolerance (57). The recent data by Fung been denuded (8), and bioassay techniques have also dem- (58) that show that nitrates are enzymatically converted in onstrated the basal release of nitric oxide from large conduit smooth muscle cells to nitric oxide have lead to the evolution of vessels. The role of endothelium-derived relaxing factor as the thiol-depletion hypothesis . It may be that tolerance is due the mediator of vasodilation is supported by experiments in part to a decrease in available sulfhydryl groups to interact that used endothelium-dependent agonists in the presence of with that are necessary for metabolic activation of inhibitors of endothelium-derived relaxing factor (8) . citrates. It is also clear that long-term nitrate administration is Increasing flow is also an important stimulus of endothe- accompanied by a variety of compensatory physiologic effects . lium-dependent vasodilation. It has been shown in the ca- including increased plasma concentrations of and cate- nine femoral and coronary that removal of the endo- cho] ` s, increased body water and shifts in vascular vol- thelium by balloon injury prevents the flow-mediated ume (59--61) . It is likely that tolerance is a complex process increase in diameter, demonstrating that the response is involving both cellular and physiologic processes . endothelium dependent (65-68) . Cellular tolerance has not been shown to be a major studies . In vitro studies using human coronary problem for nitroprusside . Nitric oxide is released from nitro- arteries have shown endothelium-dependent relaxation in prusside by one-electron transfer and may interact with differ- response to acetylcholine in normal arteries and impaired ent pools ofthiols than those required for the transformation of relaxation in atherosclerotic coronary arteries (69-71) . In organic nitrates, but this has not been definitively proved (40). vivo studies of conduit vessel vasomotion have focused on the brachial, femoral and (72-74) . l ud- mer et al. (74) demonstrated coronary vasodilation in re- Biologic Actions of Endothelia - recd sponse to acetyicholine in patients with normal coronary Relaxing Factor arteries and no risk factors for , but vasocon- Conduit vends. The endothelium modulates vascular striction occurred in patients with atherosclerosis (Fig . 3). tone by releasing various relaxing factors (i.e ., endothelium- This was the first study to recognize that endothelium- derived relaxing factor, endothelium-derived hyperpolariz- dependent vasodilation does exist in vivo in normal human ing factor and ) and the contracting factors (i.e., subjects and is impaired in patients with atherosclerosis . A -A2, free radicals, endothelium-derived con- number of subsequent studies also showed that other ago- tracting factors and ) (62,63) . Endothelium- nists, including substance P, serotonin and histamine, can derived relaxing factor can be released in response to a increase the coronary artery diameter in normal subjects variety of stimuli, including shear and pressure, ag- (75-77). Studies using inhibitors of nitric oxide and nitric

JACC Vol . 24, No . 2 ANDERSON ET AL August 1994 . 559 :553-66 NITRIC OXIDE AND NITRATES

oxide synthase have confirmed that nitric oxide mediates may be involved, or the contribution of nitric oxide is small acety1choline-induced coronary artery dilation (69,78,79) . and was not detected because of the inherent variance in a Flow-mediated vasodilation has also been demonstrated biologic system . in human femoral, brachial and coronary arteries (72,80,81) . Basal effects of endothelium-derived relaxing factor on Physiologic stimuli that lead to an increase in coronary blood the microvasculature in humans have been addressed by flow, including the use of or adenosine (82,83), studies using endothelium-derived relaxing factor inhibitors . bicycle testing (84), cold pressor testing (85,86) and Valiance et al . (98) demonstrated a 50% decrease in forearm mental arithmetic (87), have all been shown to increase blood flow to locally infused N °-monomethyl-L-arginine, coronary artery diameter in patients without atherosclerosis which suggests a role for endothelium-derived relaxing fac- or risk factors . An impaired response is seen in patients with tor in the maintenance of resistance vessel tone . Lefroy et al . atherosclerosis . The parallel response of coronary arteries to (79) showed that NG-monomethyl-L-arginine produced only the physiologic stimuli and to acetylcholine led investigators a small, nonsignificant decrease in basal flow . Thus, it is to the conclusion that these stimuli were endothelium depen- generally believed that endothelium-derived relaxing factor dent. However, studies using nitric oxide inhibitors have not plays a role in the stimulated and basal maintenance of tone been done to confirm the role of nitric oxide in flow-mediated in the resistance vessels, but the story is far from complete . vasodilation in the coronary circulation . Platelet function. The antiplatelet effects of nitric oxide Resistance vessels . Experimental studies . In vitro studies and endothelium-derived relaxing factor have been known that used microscopy have demonstrated dilation of resis- for some time (42,101) . The role of endothelium-derived tance vessels in response to acetylcholine from rabbit ear relaxing factor as an antiadhesive agent was Aiovin by (88), rat cremaster muscle (89) and canine coronary resis- Radomski et al . (102) and may be an important action of tance vessels (90). In vivo studies using rabbit hind limbs or endothelium-derived relaxing factor because prostacyclin isolated buffer-perfused rabbit heart and primate studies has potent antiaggregatory properties but only mildly using nitric oxide inhibitors have confirmed that nitric oxide antiadbcsive function. There is additional evidence that mediates vasodilation in the (91-94) . .P.1ot'helium-derived relaxing factor can disaggregate plate- Studies that used systemic doses of 0-monomethyl-L- lets (42), and prostacyclin has been shown to potentiate arginine have shown an increase in and reflex this andaggregating and disaggregating activity (102,103) . in the rabbit (95), rat (96) and guinea pig (97), Endothelium-derived relaxing factor is also known to in- suggesting that the basal release of endothelium-derived crease cyclic guanosine monophosphate level in platelets, relaxing factor is important at the resistance vessel level in but the mechanism by which this inhibits platelet aggregation regulating systemic blood pressure . and adhesion is poorly understood . Studies have suggested Human studies . Vasodilation in resistance vessels in vivo that a reduction in calcium influx may inhibit the phospho- is assessed by measuring blood flow . For a constant pressure, lipase C stimulation of protein kinase C (104,105) . "tone" in the resistance vessels is the major determinant of Nitric oxide subserves the process by mech- flow. Importantly, any stimulus that relaxes resistance vessels anisms other than its antiaggregatory and antiadhesive proper- and increases flow will result in a mild increase in conduit ties. The release products of "activated platelets" mediate vessel diameter as a consequence of flow-mediated vasodila- changes in vasomotor tone in part through endothelium- tion. Resistance vessel dilation therefore effects changes in dependent mechanisms . These factors, which in general result conduit vessels through flow-mediated dilation . in vasodilatation if the endothelium is intact, have been shown Cholinergic agonists infused into the brachial artery are to p--oduce constriction in patients with atherosclerosis known to increase flow as measured by impedance plethys- (76,106,107). Thus, the released platelet products can amplify mography . Valiance et al . (98) demonstrated that this the ischemic effects by causing constriction at sites of endo- response could be attenuated by the infusion of 0- thelial dysfunction . This adverse platelet-endothelium interac- monomethyl-L-arginine, which suggests that the dilator ac- tion is an important cause of at sites of platelet tion of endothelium-derived relaxing factor contributes to aggregation. the stimulated regional blood flow response to acetylcholine . Other actions. Although the major actions of eradothelium- In the coronary circulation, the blood flow response to derived relaxing factor are related to its effect on vasomotion acetylcholine and substance P is impaired in the microvas- and platelet function, a number of other actions have been culature of patients with nonobstructive coronary artery reported . Several studies have reported that endothelium- (99,100). Lefroy et al . (79) used coronary sinus derived relaxing factor is cytoprotective and has an antipro- oxygen saturation as a measure of coronary blood flow to liferative effect on smooth muscle cells (108-111). New demonstrate that NG-menomethyl-L-arginine did not abolish interest has now been focused on the ability of endothelium- the blood flow increase in response to acetylcholine . They derived relaxing factor released from the myocardial cells to suggested that endothelium-derived relaxing factor may not regulate local inotropy . Studies of septic suggest that be the only mediator of acetylcholine-induced increase in vasodilation and decreased inotropy may resu!t in hypoten- blood flow in the coronary microvasculature . Other media- sion because of the systemic release of large quantities of tors, such as endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor, endothelium-derived relaxing factor . As a result of the

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ubiquity of endothelium-derived relaxing factor, many new relieves angina, however, remains controversial, although it roles are likely to be discovered from future research . probably plays some role . One of the interesting aspects about organic nitrates is their relative inability to dilate small coronary in Biologic E ..sects of Org ic. Nitrates vitro. The response to nitroglycerin in vessels