Guidance for Local Planning Authorities incorporating BREEAM and the Code for Sustainable Homes within planning policy

Which planning documents to use

This document examines where sustainability standards should be specified within planning policy.

Development Plan Documents and Supplementary Planning Documents

‘Any policy relating to local requirements for decentralised energy supply to new development or for sustainable buildings should be set out in a Document (DPD), not a supplementary planning document, so as to ensure examination by an independent Inspector.’ CLG, Supplement to PPS1, 20071

Where a condition to build to BREEAM/CSH is supported by a DPD or put forward as a viable option by the applicant, it appears likely to be upheld by the planning inspectorate. Conversely, similar requirements that do not refer to adopted policies have been successfully challenged. . For more information regarding appeals, please visit the ‘Policy Implementation’ section on the BREEAM and Local Planning webpage.

Example of a Sustainable Development SPD

Chelmsford Borough Council has adopted its Sustainable Development SPD which provides practical guidance to developers, designers and for the of new and refurbished building schemes.

“The Council is keen to promote a higher standard of sustainable construction than is currently in force under the Building Regulations. The Council believes this will encourage an earlier change in attitudes from both developers and the public to the supply of energy-saving new homes and thus contribute to sustainability overall, as is being promoted by the government”. Sustainable Development: Guidance on Sustainable Design and Construction Techniques, Chelmsford Borough Council

The SPD elaborates on the Development Control Policy which requires a CSH Level 3 and a BREEAM ‘Very Good’ rating. The guidance provides a more detailed look at sustainability than could be put into a DPD and provides helpful advice to developers, such as involving a BREEAM/CSH assessor as early on in the process as possible. Case studies of BREEAM and CSH rated projects in the locality have also been provided to give examples of a sustainable building could look like.

1 Planning Policy Statement: Planning and Climate Change - Supplement to Planning Policy Statement 1

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