ABORIGINAL CULTURAL HERITAGE ASSESSMENT REPORT [4WD track in the vicinity of EPG-28 (AHIMS #52-5-0307)] 2541 WARRAH ROAD (LOT 24 IN DP714096), AND 12A-C WARRAH ROAD (LOTS 21-23 INDP14096) NORTH NOWRA NSW NOWRA LGA Mary Dallas Consulting Archaeologists October 2018 Report to Southbank Land Pty Ltd and Huntingdale Pty Ltd MARY DALLAS CONSULTING ARCHAEOLOGISTS • PO BOX 6184 KANGAROO VALLEY NSW 2577 • TEL (02) 4465 2546 • FAX (02) 8520 2006
[email protected] Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment Report Warrah Rd, North Nowra NSW Executive Summary This report documents an Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment undertaken by MDCA [Mary Dallas Consulting Archaeologists] for Southbank Land Pty Ltd and Huntingdale Pty Ltd. It documents the investigation of an approximately 75-hectare parcel of land known as 2541 Warrah Road (Lot 24 in DP714096), and 12A-C Warrah Road (Lots 21-23 in DP14096), North Nowra NSW, in the Shoalhaven region, which is proposed for rezoning as part of a Planning Proposal. The assessment has included a review of relevant contextual information about landform, geology and soils, documented archaeology, Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal land use, field survey and Aboriginal community consultation in accordance with the requirements outlined in clause 80C of the National Parks and Wildlife Regulation 2009. Background study and field survey indicated that historical land use had resulted in significant impacts that were likely to have disturbed or destroyed any intact or extensive evidence of past Aboriginal use in the area subject to the Planning Proposal. Consistent with these observations, the only Aboriginal archaeological remains located after several field surveys are two low density artefact scatters known as EGP-28 (AHIMS #52-5-0307) and Duke 7 (AHIMS #52-5-0372).