discography 1979-2006 by Joris van Drunen Littel and Norman de Langen UB40 discography 1979-2006 UB40 Discography 1979-2006 Compiled, written and issued by J. van Drunen Littel and N. de Langen. Issued and updated on July 10, 2006 ©The information in this discography is not copyrighted. However, if all or any part of this discography is quoted or published in any form (including the internet), then the authors and compilers J. van Drunen Littel and N. de Langen should be credited in the publication. Please contact them before publishing. All copyright of the UB40 logos and scans of releases by the original owners. Every effort has been made to make this a complete and correct discography. Do contact the authors and compilers in case you find any wrong or missing details. Contact the authors and compilers by e-mail at
[email protected] 1979-2006 Singles King King 4:26 Food for thought 4:20 Graduate (UK) 1980 GRAD 6 made in France Graduate (UK) 1980 GRAD 6 blue label, made in France King / Food for thought – double A side King 4:26 Food for thought 4:20 Graduate (UK) 1980 GRAD 6 black sleeve, AA on label Graduate (UK) 1980 GRAD 6 black sleeve, AA on label Graduate (UK, stamped “Sound” with the Netherlands) 1980 GRAD 6 no sleeve, white label Graduate / Sound (the Netherlands) 1980 GRAD 6 purple sleeve Graduate / Sound (the Netherlands) 1980 GRAD 6 purple sleeve, mislabeled Graduate / Planet Records (Sweden) 1980 GRAD 6 Graduate / RTC (New Zealand) 1980 GRAD 6 Graduate / Warm Records (Portugal) 1980 GRAD 6 / WARM 001 Graduate / Vogue P.I.P.