Minutes of PCC Meeting Monday 10 September 2018

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Minutes of PCC Meeting Monday 10 September 2018 Minutes of PCC Meeting Monday 10th September 2018 Present Marc Baker (Vicar and Chair), , Heather Alford, Jan Argall, Stephen Baird, Neil Bridle, Ruth Bridle, Ben Goddard, Sian Goddard (Strategic Operations Manager), Maggie Heddon, Graham Loveland (Secretary), Alan Stanhope, John Taylor. 1. Opening Remarks and Prayer Marc welcomed all to the meeting, read from Heb.10:24-25 - the writer’s call to encourage one another and stir one another up to love and good works, and then prayed. Marc asked Graham Loveland to explain the proposed new method of handling PCC meetings, with routine matters, as far as possible, being dealt with outside of the meeting in advance, leaving more time to focus on the main issues on the agenda for any particular meeting. Any objections had been sought in advance with respect to: PCC approval for Jonathan Rowe applying for training for ordination PCC approval for Janet Clewlow, Geoff Aver, and Peter Emms to give home communion, There had been no objections so both these items were approved. 2. Apologies for Absence Sue Adams, Richard Card, Trevor Grose, Jonathan Larkin, Maureen McNally. 3. Minutes of PCC Meetings of 9th July 2018. The Minutes were approved and signed. 4. Next 3 Steps and Development Plan Approval Because of the impact on various aspects of the plans Marc introduced this section with an update on staffing issues: 1. Associate Minister with responsibility for Youth and Families. Three candidates had been shortlisted and interviewed, with two brought in for fuller interviews and sessions with the youth and to meet members of the Standing Committee. One had been approached with a provisional offer which had been accepted, and references were now being taken up and DBS checks performed. 2. Student from St. Mellitus College. The church had been approached by the Diocesan Director of Ordinands concerning providing training (3 days a week) for a Diocese of Truro ordinand. 1 Marc said that following conversations within the Standing Committee and agreement on costs, Paul Salomon would be joining us with immediate effect for two years. 3. Curacy. Bishop Chris had provisionally offered Will Harwood, recently with the church on placement, as a curate. Following further conversations this had now been formalized and Will should join Kea in June/July 2019. 4.1 Agreement of 2019 plans Discussion then turned to an updated church Development Plan incorporating the plans for each congregation as presented at the July PCC meeting. It was noted that issues of personnel and timing might be subject to change. Whole Church Sian Goddard clarified her intentions on two issues: To review the package of leaflets etc. relating to giving to the church to be handed to potential givers. To review the various methods of communication to assess their effectiveness and to consider where improvements might be made. All Hallows The plans included a reference to an extension as being under consideration. Sian Goddard explained that this remained an option, amongst others, for consideration. The All Hallows Development Group would be meeting in the near future to consider options, and the Group remained open should others wish to join. Progress was happening, albeit slowly, towards replacing the AV system. Truro (Penair) Neil Bridle said that the involvement of CTT with the County and City Councils in connection with the Love Truro initiative meant that there were many actors involved and wondered who was running the process and taking things forward. Marc said that a number of groups and sub-groups were involved, the relationships between these groups were very important and they were working through good will and consensus. The relationships between these groups and the leadership structure would develop over time as the direction of the projects become clearer. Alan Stanhope suggested that thought be given as to how the whole initiative was portrayed to the church; that though some aspects had particular implications for the Truro congregation (e.g. the possible use of a building), nevertheless the initiative was something that impacted on the whole church and that the whole church needed to be involved. Sian Goddard suggested that involvement under the Love Truro banner needed to be added as an additional section in the Whole Church area of the plans. This was agreed. Marc agreed to map out the various groups and the relationships between them. Action: Marc Baker Old Kea 2 Jan Argall explained that it had been necessary to reapply for the faculty but that this had been granted subject to the outcome of an archaeological survey. Malcolm Henderson was looking into way of minimizing the costs incurred with this. With revisions to the plans, revised costings had been sought and were awaited. A meeting with the quinquennial surveyor and a stonemason had been arranged and costings for the repair of the pillars are being sought. CAP Maggie Heddon said she had heard from Natalie Gavan that the Fresh Start groups were no longer running. It was unclear exactly what was intended by this and Sian Goddard agreed to clarify matters with Natalie. Action: Sian Goddard There being no further queries the plans were agreed. Sian Goddard would revise the overall Plan to take account both of clarifications and additions as agreed above. Action: Sian Goddard 4.2 Churches Together in Truro paper Rev. Jeremy Putnam’s letter, distributed at the July meeting, sought approval from member churches for involvement in four initiatives. Marc summarized the current status: #1 – Youth Works/Hub was effectively included in our plans for Truro. #2 – LoveTruro.net, likewise. #3 – Langarth development. Marc clarified that there was a desire to work together to provide gospel outreach and church community for the new developments in Langarth. This would not be led by any one denomination but churches together working in partnership. #4 – Transforming Mission. The model from Falmouth would be rolled out in other towns in Cornwall. Developments in Truro, if they materialized, would be focused on All Saints HIghertown, however Jeremy Putnam had emphasized his wish that any resources should be shared more widely. Neil Bridle emphasized that what was occurring both in terms of the LoveTruro initiative and joint working with other churches was a major development and that it needed to be communicated to the church. There followed a discussion on how best to undertake such communication, given the well-known difficulties that arise with communication. Three broad principles were agreed: To say something briefly on Sundays as the setting most likely to reach the maximum number To keep the church up to date with developments To recognize and respect the confidentiality that some aspects of the process inevitably require Marc and Sian to develop a communication outline for this project to communicate with the whole church. Action: Marc Baker and Sian Goddard 3 Several members felt they were themselves not fully informed on what was going on so Alan Stanhope reprised the key elements of recent developments: Truro City Council’s aspiration It’s desire to work together with CTT as a partner Alan has been visiting various buildings for possible use as a youth hub Truro City Council was examining obtaining various grants The potential need to create a new charitable organization on behalf of CTT to take on any lease, which in turn would require clarity on the objectives in order to gain Charity Commission approval. There was a sense of excitement at developments and the need to communicate these to church members but also concern that church members come to church to meet with God not to hear about buildings; it was agreed to be essential that communication was phrased in terms of the potential for mission and ministry, not buildings alone. The PCC agreed its support of the four initiatives in the CTT letter and Graham Loveland, as Secretary, was asked to communicate this. Action: Graham Loveland 5. Deanery Synod Update – MMF funding Marc explained that in future Deaneries would be responsible for the collection and distribution of the MMF. A new formula was being developed but it seemed likely that there could still be a shortfall which, in the absence of any increase, would imply the loss of some stipendiary posts. 6. Matters Arising and Updates on Standing Items 1. Risk. Sian Goddard confirmed that she would be maintaining the risk matrix with its scores, but emphasized the importance of others bringing risks to her notice. 2. Finance. John Taylor reported on an unexpected development in the Parish Giving Scheme and was asked to follow this up. Action: John Taylor 3. Mission Giving. Marc clarified that giving to the Wallaces as a Mission Partner was to them personally, via Communitas, their sending organization, and not to Mountainview Church. 4. New Bishop of Truro. Marc mentioned the appointment of Revd. Canon Philip Mounstephen. 5. Training of Chairs (and members?) of Leadership Teams and Working Groups. Some confusion has arisen as to whether the intention was for training to be just for Chairs of teams or for all members. It was agreed to proceed towards arranging training with an invitation open to all members of teams to attend. Action: Alan Stanhope 6. Buildings. Jonathan Larkin was unable to be present but had reported in advance as follows: “We requested and received a grant from the Kea Parish Council (£350) towards maintenance of the graveyards at Kea. In early July a group of people met who have offered to help with ongoing maintenance work at Kea. We developed a rolling list of tasks based on the 2017 Quinquennial and on other work we 4 know needs to be done. We plan to use this to help plan what work to recommend the PCC to budget for in the next year.

—— Preview end. ——

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