INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Civic Offices Leigh Road CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE SO50 9YN (Constituted under Section 35 of the Civil Aviation Act 1982) Telephone: 023 8068 8000 Fax No: 023 8068 8122

A R Ward Solicitor and Honorary Secretary to the Committee

DATE: 4 February 2014

Tuesday, 11 February 2014 2pm Civic Offices, Leigh Road, Eastleigh AGENDA

Prior to the start of the meeting there will be a short session (maximum 15 minutes in total) giving the opportunity to relevant organisations, whose interests are not formally represented by a committee member, to speak. Those wishing to participate should telephone the above number in advance of the meeting to book a place.

1. Apologies for absence

2. Minutes of meeting Tuesday, 8 October 2013 of Airport Consultative Committee (Pages 1 - 8)

3. Airport Managing Director's Report (Pages 9 - 18)

4. The Sir Howard Davies Commission Interim Report - Dave Lees

5. Noise Action Plan

6. The London Link and Channel Islands Campaign - presentation by Vicky Parkes, Airport Marketing Manager

7. Monitoring of the Flying Controls Agreement (Pages 19 - 24)

8. Guidelines for Airport Consultative Committees - verbal update Richard Ward, Hon Secretary

9. Technical Working Group feedback (Pages 25 - 28)

10. Date and time of next meeting 10 June 2014 venue to be advised.

This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 2 1


Tuesday, 8 October 2013 (2:00 pm – 3:35 pm )

Councillor Godfrey G Olson (Chairman) Councillor David Airey (Vice-Chair) Richard Ward (Hon Secretary)

Members Present :

Councillor Colin Davidovitz Hampshire County Council Phil Dominey South West Trains Mrs M Finch Park Residents' Association Councillor Sharon Mintoff Southampton City Council Councillor Ms A Mortimer West End Parish Council Diane Sebon Residents Association Robin Tice City Council and (Winchester Air Group) Mr G Wilkinson Southampton Action for Access

Deputies Present :

Councillor J N S Anderdon Test Valley Borough Council Mrs J Smith Residents' Association Louis Slack Southampton Action for Access

In Attendance :

Patrick Collins Southampton International Airport Mike Glen Southampton International Airport Shona Hogg Southampton International Airport Karin James Eastleigh Borough Council Iain McDermott-Paine Southampton International Airport Tony Wright Eastleigh Borough Council

Apologies :

Councillor Mrs Susan Blatchford Southampton City Council Jimmy Chestnutt Hampshire Chamber of Commerce Dave Lees Southampton International Airport Ms L M Luland Winchester & District Trades Union Council Councillor Anne Winstanley Eastleigh Borough Council Denise Barlow Southampton and Fareham Chamber of Commerce Steve Brine MP Winchester Parliamentary constituency John Denham MP Southampton Itchen Parliamentary Constituency Alan Whitehead MP Southampton Test Parliamentary Constituency 1 2

Caroline Nokes MP Romsey and Southampton North Parliamentary Constituency 1. MINUTES OF MEETING TUESDAY, 11 JUNE 2013

Phil Dominey of South West Trains confirmed the new rail/air tickets were also available for passengers with reduced mobility.

Jan Halliday advised the whole of the Southampton Airport website was being re-designed and queries regarding the readability of certain pages would be addressed.


That the minutes of the meeting of 11 June 2013 be confirmed and signed as a true record of the meeting.


Godfrey Olson advised that he had been informed that Lucy Luland was unwell and had resigned from the Committee. She had asked Winchester Trades Council to appoint a replacement for her. The Committee agreed a letter should be sent to Mrs Luland giving their good wishes.


In the absence of David Lees, who was attending a meeting of Ferrovial in Madrid, Jan Halliday presented the Managing Director’s report previously circulated with the agenda.

Addressing the growth in passenger figures, up by 7%, Mrs Halliday said August had been the busiest month since 2007. The additional daily flight to Amsterdam provided even more worldwide connections from Southampton Airport.

The Andorra route by Inghams and Neilson tour operators would fly to Llieda Airport from where the transfer to Andorra takes only 1.5 hours.

In addition to the report Mrs Halliday spoke about the Music in the Air project which provided Friday evening concerts at the Airport from 5pm. The Eukalele Jam were the first to participate on 27 September , followed by the Electric String Duet on the 4 October. This week on 11 October the Southampton Swing Band would be performing in front of the Mayors of Eastleigh and Southampton. Committee members were invited to join them.

On being asked about increased helicopter flights, Mike Glenn advised that there were more movements of the Police helicopter and the Air Ambulance was seen more regularly since the helipad at Southampton General Hospital had provided a trauma centre for such cases. It was agreed that figures would be brought to future meetings.

2 3


Councillor David Airey attended a meeting in Guildford in July which considered the proposals regarding the future location of airports around London, together with extra runways etc. Proposals considered included inner and outer estuary proposals, and changes to Stanstead put forward by the Mayor of London. The meeting had been restricted to the promotion of the Mayor’s proposals, although several representatives at the meeting were keen to think about a wider range of ideas.


Councillor Airey also attended a meeting of the Councils where they were looking at strategic commonalities between areas, common themes which local authorities could support. Infrastructure and connectivity were seen as the key number one issues, where airports might be involved where the obvious emphasis had always been seen primarily as Heathrow.


Iain McDermott-Paine introduced the item explaining the initiative was primarily regarding new approaches for aircraft from the South and the move toward GNSS approach where satellite navigation was used. This was seen as a fairly minor change but nevertheless necessitated a consultation process.

The reason for the change was explained as a navigational aid known as a VOR (VHF Omnidirectional Range) would be de-commissioned in 2016 in a move toward satellite technology. The new system would provide more opportunities for aircraft to be configured to land more efficiently as they approach the airport from the South. This falls in line with FAS – Future Airspace Strategy.

The change was not about, routing heights, night flights, operational hours, types of aircraft, approaches from the North, runway/air capacity, noise routings, controlled airspace or Section 106 agreements.

Mike Glen explained that the noise statistics to August this year were significantly reduced from 1548 in 2006, to the current number of 64. Aircraft movements had also decreased from the 2006 level of 55789 to the 2013 level of 27524.

Turning to Aircraft operations and approach Mr Glen showed the committee maps with routings shown, given that aircraft always take off and land into the prevailing wind.

There are currently two types of approach: visual where the pilot uses his/her eyes, and makes manual adjustments to the flight routing, for this approach visibility must be good and conditions perfect.

3 4

The second approach was an instrument approach used when there is low cloud, mist or rain. This system relies on navigational aids positioned on the Airport. This approach may be used in all conditions and relies on: (1). The glide slope which emits a signal on a gradient of 3˚ which controls aircraft descent; (2). A Localiser which aligns the aircraft with the centre line of the runway; and (3). Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) measures the distance from the airport.

Currently the visual approach takes a straight line from Southampton Water at 4 nautical miles out. The VOR approach to the runway is offset and the aircraft becomes fully aligned at approximately 2 nautical miles from the airport. However the VOR system is being decommissioned.

NDB (Non Directional Beacon) is very old technology and emits a signal which the aircraft flies towards.

GNSS is a line over the ground and gives a straight approach from 9.1 nautical miles out (a point beyond Beaulieu to the South) and gives a constant approach with no turns This is expected to provide benefits in terms of a reduction in noise and emissions. This is less invasive and works in a similar way to a sat nav in a car but in a 3d form, giving height as well .

From 2016 GNSS and NDB and visual approach will b e able to be used. The height of the aircraft using GNSS would be 2500 feet at a distance of 9.1 nautical miles, then at a non specific point on the same trajectory it would be at a height of 1860 feet, by Dibden Purlieu the height would be at 1700 feet. At the in Southampton the height would be 902 feet and at 1 nautical mile out 400 feet then touch down. This approach will maintain the internationally recognised approach angle of 3 degrees meaning there will be no change in aircraft heights.

A question was raised why the 3˚ approach had to be used, when London City Airport uses a 5˚ approach. It was explained that only aircraft with the correct regulatory approvals and technology can use a 5˚approach and these were not currently in use at Southampton.

On looking at the narrower approach a question was raised as to whether those houses on the wider approach would be less disturbed to the detriment of those houses directly within the narrow path. It was agreed this was probably the case. A slide showing the four approaches was shown and is attached to these minutes.

It was explained that 1 in 4 aircraft can already use the GNSS approach and by the end of the decade it is likely to be mandatory to use this system.

Turning to tranquillity and visual intrusion it was explained that the biggest change would be felt on the southern side of Southampton Water and Jan Halliday and Mike Glen were working with representatives of this area during the consultation.

Details of the consultation could be found on the Airport website at the following address: .

4 5

The consultation was being launched today with the following timetable:

8/10/13 – 31/1/14 Consultation period Feb/March 2014 Analysis April 2014 A summary report would be written June 2014 Formal submission of the report Summer 2014 CAA decision Autumn 2014 The new approach would be available for use.

Jan Halliday advised there was to be a consultation session in the Spitfire meeting room on 13 November 2013 to which stakeholders were invited (The Consultative Committee being considered a stakeholder). More details would be sent to members.

In reply to a query as to the resilience levels it was thought these would be better and in America where the system is widely used resilience is at 99%.

In depth questions with regard to height were taken.


Patrick Collins advised the Committee that we were in the third year of the Noise Action Plan. There was currently nothing significant to report and although it had been hoped to bring noise contours to the meeting these were still ongoing and a report would be taken to the Technical Working Group in January and then to the February meeting of the Consultative Committee.


Consideration was given to a report by Tony Wright which summarised the statistics of operational activity at Southampton Airport for the May to August period of 2013 provided by Southampton Airport in accordance with the Flying Controls Agreement between the owners of the Airport and the Borough Council. The report also compared the figures with those for the previous year.

Turning to the earlier query regarding increased helicopter movements Mr Wright explained that although movements were up they were nowhere near the level that the Flying Controls Agreement would permit. Aso night flights were well within permitted numbers.

The report was noted.


Iain McDermot Paine presented the previous TWG minutes previously circulated with the agenda. He mentioned that although currently the Trislander Aircraft was exempt from noise performance routings, there had been some increase in the numbers of complaints and they were to look at 5 6

the preferred noise routings again and revalidate the need for the exemption with Aurigny.

The Aviation Policy Framework would be a regular agenda item at the TWG. Robin Tice applauded the efforts to save fuel but questioned the savings of aircraft taxiing on one engine and questioned health and safety in this regard. He also thought there was considerable cost and wastage by flying the loop over Winchester.

Mr McDermott Paine advised that the one engine taxiing was used network wide and was a decision by airports but by the airlines.


The next meeting would be held on 11 February 2014 at the Civic Offices, Leigh Road, Eastleigh.


6 Minute Item 6

7 This page is intentionally left blank

8 Agenda Item 3

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16 September - December 2013

4 Month Summary

Complaints by Household Total complaints by area

No. of Individual Area Households Noise Low Flying Routing Training Out of Hours Total 3 20 20 0 4 Otterbourne 2 01 10 0 2 Shawford 1 10 00 0 1 Compton 1 00 10 0 1 Townhill Park 1 00 10 0 1 Colden Common 1 10 10 0 2 Mansbridge 1 10 00 0 1 Chilworth 1 00 10 0 1 Total: 11 5 1 7 0 0 13

Summary of Complaint Category

Sept Oct Nov Dec Total Noise 2 3 0 0 5 Low Flying 1 0 0 0 1 Routing 6 1 0 0 7 Training Flights 0 0 0 0 0 Out of Hours 0 0 0 0 0 Other 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 9 4 0 0 13

Reason for Complaints

Routing 7 Noise 5 Low Flying 1 Out of Hours 0 Other 0

Out of Hours Flights are flights between 23:00 - 06:00

17 This page is intentionally left blank

18 Agenda Item 7


Tuesday 11 February 2014


Report of the Head of Regeneration and Planning Policy, Eastleigh Borough Council


It is recommended that this summary of airport operational activity for the September to December period of 2013 be noted.



This report summarises the statistics of operational activity at Southampton Airport for the September to December period of 2013 provided by Southampton Airport in accordance with the Flying Controls Agreement between the owners of the airport and the Borough Council. The report also compares the figures with those for the previous year.


Aircraft Movements: September to December 2013

1. The monitoring statistics for this period are set out in the attached Appendix prepared by Southampton Airport. The total number of aircraft movements during this four-month period was 12,977. This was 779 fewer than the total over the same period in 2012, a decrease of 5.66%.

2. The fall in the number of aircraft movements recorded at Southampton Airport in each reporting period during 2012 compared with the previous year has been repeated in each reporting period of 2013. It reflects the significant ongoing impact of the economic recession on the airlines and on operational activity at the airport.

3. As with my report to the October Committee, the number of aircraft movements is the lowest total number of aircraft movements recorded in this reporting period for many years, although figures in earlier years were boosted by the number of training flights in smaller aircraft.

4. There were no training movements during this four-month period and none were recorded in the same period in 2012. Eastleigh Borough Council

1 19 5. Helicopter movements totalled 81 during this period, 21 more than in the same period last year but well within the usual range for the number of such movements.

Movements During Night Hours: September to December 2013

6. There were only two aircraft movements during night hours over this four-month period, neither of which were exempt from the restrictions in the Flying Controls Agreement. The Agreement allows for up to 10 night movements in any calendar month, in addition to ‘exempt’ movements attributable to weather conditions or defined emergencies directly affecting that movement. The total number of night movements was one of the lowest ever recorded.

7. The tables now also show the cumulative total number of ‘non-exempt’ night movements for the year to be only 17. The Flying Controls Agreement allows up to 100 such movements in a calendar year.

8. Both of the night movements took place within 5 minutes of the formal airport closure time of 11.00pm and were delayed scheduled flights.


9. Monitoring continues to show airport operational activity to be well within the terms of the Flying Controls Agreement. The continuing uncertainties in the economic climate and the difficulties faced by the aviation industry are again reflected in the decrease in the number of movements compared with the same period last year.

PAUL RAMSHAW Head of Regeneration and Planning Policy

Contact: Tony Wright Tel: 023 8068 8245 Email: [email protected] Date: 30 January 2014

Appendices attached: one

Eastleigh Borough Council

20 2 EBC Flying Control Statistics September - December 2013

Total Aircraft Movements Total Movements Day Movements Night Movements Aircraft Type Sep Oct Nov Dec Sep Oct Nov Dec Sep Oct Nov Dec Non CH3 Jet 0000 0000 0000 Training Movements 0000 0000 0000 Helicopter 24 16 19 22 24 16 19 22 0 0 0 0 Fourth Schedule 0000 0000 0000 All other aircraft 3827 3417 2960 2692 3827 3415 2960 2692 0 2 0 0 Totals 3851 3433 2979 2714 3851 3431 2979 2714 0 2 0 0

Total Night Movements - Summary Month Exempt Month Total Cum Total 2013 15 Total Movements Non Exempt Non Exempt Sep 0 0 0 15 Oct 2 0 2 17 Nov 0 0 0 17 Dec 0 0 0 17

Night Exemptions Date Time A/DReg Type Reason NIL

Night Movements Date Time A/DReg Type Reason 06-Oct-13 23:04 AGFBEL E95 Delayed Schedule 26-Oct-13 23:03 AGFBEK E95 Delayed Schedule

All Times are local time Night is defined as 2300 - 0600Hrs (Local time), except on Saturday pm to Sunday am when it is 2300 - 0730Hrs (Local time).

21 EBC Flying Control Statistics

Runway Use (All Movements) - Appendix 6a

2013 Sep Oct Nov Dec To/From the North Dep Runway 02 1093 1076 684 1075 Arr Runway 20 852 342 818 296

To/From the South Dep Runway 20 832 339 805 283 Arr Runway 02 1074 1376 672 1060

Total Movements 3851 3133 2979 2714

Runway Use (Air Transport Movements) - Appendix 6b 2006 Sep Oct Nov Dec To/From the North Dep Runway 02 949 1247 610 949 Arr Runway 20 753 310 725 262

Sep Oct Nov Dec To/From the South Dep Runway 20 729 308 713 248 Arr Runway 02 927 1251 602 953

Totals Movements 3358 3116 2650 2412

22 JanEBC - April Flying 2013 Control Statistics Arrivals & Departures from the same runway direction by main types of commercial aircraft - APPENDIX 6c.

To/From the North Sep Oct Nov Dec Aerospatiale ATR Series 2 2 116 Airbus A319 2 BAe 146-200 Pax 4 Boeing 737 2 Boeing 757 4 British Aerospace Jetstream 31 324 336 322 180 British Aerospace Jetstream 41 42 46 42 32 De Havilland Dash 8 Series 1903 1906 1685 1506 Embraer 135 6 6 2 4 Embraer 145 2 2 Embraer 175 32 16 4 18 Embraer 195 804 638 473 396 Fokker 100 4 Fokker 50 2 2 Mk III Trislander 260 188 124 164 Saab 2000 10 8 8 12 Total 3385 3146 2670 2440

To/From the South Sep Oct Nov Dec Aerospatiale ATR Series 1 1 58 Airbus A319 1 BAe 146 1 Boeing 737 1 Boeing 757 2 British Aerospace Jetstream 31 150 165 157 91 British Aerospace Jetstream 41 21 22 21 16 De Havilland Dash 8 Series 938 963 834 749 Embraer 135 3 3 1 2 Embraer 145 1 1 Embraer 175 15 8 2 9 Embraer 195 403 306 234 187 Fokker 100 2 Fokker 50 1 1 Mk III Trislander 129 96 67 83 Saab 2000 5 4 4 6 Total 1666 1568 1324 1207

Runway use by non commercial/military aircraft - APPENDIX 6d

To/From the North Sep Oct Nov Dec C130 (Lockheed Hercules) 0 0 0 0

23 This page is intentionally left blank

24 Agenda Item 9

Technical Working Group

Tuesday 28 th January 2014

Commercial Meeting Room, Terminal, Southampton Airport

Present: Dave Lees (DL) (Southampton Airport) Jan Halliday (JH) (Southampton Airport) Dan Townsend (DT) (Southampton Airport) Mike Glen (MG) (Southampton Airport) Patrick Collins (PC) (Southampton Airport) Tony Wright (TW) (Eastleigh Borough Council) Ken Ashton (KA) (NATS) James Dart (JD) (NATS) Neil Scott (NS) (Eastleigh Borough Council) Graham Salmons (GS) (Flybe) Godfrey Olson (GO) (Eastleigh Borough Council) Carole Gallagher (CG) (New Forest District Council)

Apologies: Iain McDermott-Paine (IMP) (Southampton Airport) Colin Houston (CH) (NATS) Robert Heath (RH) (Flybe) David Ingram (DI) (Winchester County Council) Martin Lowe (ML) (Southampton City Council)

Minutes – Shona Hogg (SH) (Southampton Airport)

Description Action Owner Welcome and Apologies DL welcomed all to the meeting and gave the above apologies. (ML’s were tendered after the meeting)

Review of Previous Minutes DI had submitted an update around his action drafting a MoU between WAG and WCC.

DL updated the meeting on an action assigned to DI in connection with a proposed MoU between WAG and Winchester City Council. DI had advised DL that a meeting is scheduled with Steve Brine MP, Jan Warwick and WAG for 7 th February, which was meant to take place in December but had to be postponed.

Minutes reviewed and updates to be given during this session and were signed off.

25 Noise Statistics Review

Noise Complaints

Most complaints are coming from the Bishopstoke locality. One vortex report from Townhill Park but was confirmed by SIAL’s roofing contractor that it was general wear and tear on his roof.

One complaint related to a helicopter movement which was around a week ago and was subsequently found out to be a police helicopter therefore not related to the Airport.

Noise Complaints by Arrival / Departure

Individual Households

Review of 2013

0 complaints were recorded in November and December 2013 .

Complaints remain low for the year despite the warm weather experienced

between May – September.

MG highlighted that planned improvements for 2014 include an improved

complaint logging dat abase which has been created in-house and a planned

newsletter focussing on key noise issues such as aircraft routings, how weather

can affect noise etc. This follows the proactive stance that SIAL take towards


NS reported that there were a lot of local contentious planning applications which

could be making people more aware of surrounding and likely to complain more.

JH said the number of individual households must be at the lowest figure during

her time at Airport.


GO said it was almost a non -event these days and it’s important to keep on top of this.

Trislander Noise Preferred Routing (NPR) • Following an increase in complaints, SIAL decided to look at implementing a form of NPR’s for the Aurigny Trislander • Notification received in October 2013 from Aurigny regarding a new aircraft trial • November 2013 – 2 week trial with Dornier 228 • NPR investigation on hold due to Aurigny placing an order for 2-3 of these new aircraft, although delivery timeframe unconfirmed. Plus points – • Increase in seating capacity • Quieter • MTOW means that the aircraft will be required to follow existing NPR’s

GO questioned the flying height. MG reported they are more efficient and can get to a higher altitude more quickly.

DL reported that the new aircraft are manufactured in batches so there was a level of uncertainty for when they would receive the aircraft. TW asked how many tr islanders Aurigny currently had. MG confirmed that they have around 6/7 trislanders.

Operational Fuel Saving s This was raised by Robin Tice at the last Consultative Committee Meeting. Emailed stated – “Thank you for agreeing to dig out some figures for the fuel saved on single engine taxy out and also the extra fuel used doing the infamous Winchester Loop.

I thought figures compiled over a one month period? If you had this info before the next meeting that would be great. Many thanks.” Robin Tice was believed to understand the single engine taxi savings at Southampton and also any figures on fuel cost for Win chester orbit.

GS to work with Air Traffic Colleagues to give an estimate on what the savings had been at SIAL. A lot of figures are commercially sensitive but GS will look to GS work with ATC to produce some figures for the next TWG meeting in May. Flybe roughly spend £100 million a year on fuel, savings like single engine taxi is saving around £8 million across the whole Flybe network.

Aviation Policy Framework Update PC highlighted that very little had changed since last March. There had been the introduction of noise envelopes. PC will report on changes as and when they become available and this element will remain a standard agenda item. NS – some items had been leaked about LHR around Christmas time but won’t be officially out until the end of this year.

Airspaces Change Proposals MG gave a review of the consultation which had taken place a t the tail end of 2013 and updated on the timeline and next steps . First major milestone will be reached as of 31 st January 2014 which is the end of the 16 wee k consultation. SIAL will then await analysis of feedback which will take place between Feb and Mar 2014. Once flight testing is complete SIAL will submit the report to CAA in

27 June 2014. Final date for responses is Friday 31 st January 2014. CG reported that there had been no feedback to her about the proposed changes. Nothing had been raised at the Quadrant meeting either. DL took the forum through the timeline and the next steps for the consultation process. MG highlighted that the approach which we are given isn’t the decision of SIAL it is specified by CAA. GO asked if it would be tabled further at the Consultative Committee on 11 th February 2014. DL confirmed it was going to be an agenda point.

Noise Action Plan PC took the forum through the outstanding actions relating to the Noise Action Plan. 5 outstanding actions left to work through.

NS – what are ANOMs and why do we need it.

MG – It’s a brand name and stands for Airport Noise Monitoring Systems, it processes our data and determines whether flights are off track. It is used by LHR and isn’t personalised for us and is suited to dealing with a higher volume of complaints compared to what we have. TW questioned around the multilat system being taken out of use an asked why.

DL reported it had been approximately 5 years since the system was scoped and implemented, and as a result the system was coming to end of life and with the lower number of complaints we were experiencing it wasn’t viable to continue with it. The Airport still continues to use the webtrak system to monitor flights.

PC confirmed he would be canvassing Officers ’ opinion s from Eastleigh, Winchester and Southampton on an extended noise action plan until the year PC 2018 which was required by DEFRA by March 2014 .

Any O ther Business ACP – if anyone needs the documents sent to them please contact MG who will be happy to distribute them out. If there is something specific you would like included in the noise newsletter then please contact him.

TW – Did Southampton get any mention in Airports Commission Report? DL – No explicit reference was made, with the focus on the 3 options of Heathrow, Gatwick and a potential Airport in the Thames Estuary.

DATE OF NEXT MEETING Tuesday 27th May 2014 1330 – 1530 In Spitfire Meeting Room, Terminal, Southampton International Airport Limited