Kidd, Taylor, and Girls Announce Christmas Dawn

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Kidd, Taylor, and Girls Announce Christmas Dawn VOL. XXX, No. 24 HOMEWOOD, BALTIMORE, MD., JANUARY 8, 1926. PRICE 5 CENTS M. CESTRE TO LECTURE IN KIDD, TAYLOR,AND GIRLS NEW SWIMMING SCHEDULE C. E. HALL TODAY AT BLUE JAY PARTIALLY ARRANGED FIVE O'CLOCK ANNOUNCE CHRISTMAS DAWN ELECTS FIVE FOR 1926 Tudor And Stuart Club To Sponsor Jackson Kidd and Walker Tay- Five men were elected to Three Games Listed For Season'. Lecture Of Famous lor, 'Hopkins students, brought the art and editoral boards Opening In February Frenchman With Rutgers joy to the hearts of many residents of the Black and Blue Jay The Tudor and Stuart Club has at a board of control meet- of Roland Park last Christmas Three meets have been definitely two to an- ing held shortly before the more literary treats morning. These two, together scheduled for the swimming team, beginning of the Christmas nounce. Those who heard, -recent- according to the Althletic Office. with two•young ladies, set out at recess. M. Hamburger '28, ly, the admirable reading and lec- five more that the early hour of 5 A. M. and M. Mauchly '29 and R. Ny- There are four or ture by Mr. Robert Frost, will be aroused the inhabitants by the burg '29 are the three new are only tentative at present and M. Cestre, pleased to learn that cheery strains of old-fashioned members of the editoral staff. will be announced later when se- Professor of American Literature Hurwitz Christmas Carols. Roger Conant, W. Banks and J. cured. The majority of the dates Kidd, Roger Conant, and and Civilization at'the Sorbonne Jackson '29 have been made members be for home meets who expected to go with them and Walker Taylor in action will probably in Paris, will deliver a lecture this of the art staff. play the cornet did not appear. at the Knights of Columbus pool, o'clock, in the afternoon at five It is rumored that an account of Cathedral and Read Streets, at The minstrels went down Long- Civil Engineering building, on the "RUY BLAS" TO BE GIVEN 8.00 P. M. a party the night before he was wood Road to Roland Avenue, subject: "Three American Poets: BY HOMEWOOD unable to make the grade. gladdening many hearts by their PLAY SHOP At present the schedule stands Lowell, Robert Frost, and Amy Either their efforts were receiv- rendering of Holy Night, Hark the thus: Edwin Arlington Robinson." Herald Angels Sing, Joy to the Victor Hugo's Drama To Be Given Rutgers at home.February ed well or the natives of Roland From January 12 To 16; First World, and many other old favor- Intellectual Centire. Park are exceptionally bad shots, Produced In London Swarthomre at home...March 11, ites. After going down Roland The Sorbonne has, during the since neither of the wandering "Ruy Bias," Victor Hugo's fa- Championships Avenue to the Roland Park Meth- nearly seven centuries of its exist- be presented by at Lehigh, March 20 minstrels bears scars of any mis- odist Church, the songsters at- mous play, will ence, been the great intellectual will not be siles. tended the early morning service. the Homewood Play Shop from The brand new pool centre of France, and its new In an exclusive interview with Although, they were earnestly re- January 12 to 16, inclusive. This available for practice until Janu- building, erected by the city of the NEWS-LETTER reporter, Kidd quested to sing in the choir, they play, the second of a series show- ary 15. An organization meeting Paris, is generally regarded as the gave a detailed account of the ex- gently but firmly declined, chiefly ing the development of drama has will be held soon which a large "We planned our carol because by that time Taylor had finest university structure in the pedition. been selected as an outstanding number of candidates are expected singing," he said,"to instill a little-'ompletely lost control of his voice. world. A Chair in the Sorbonne is example of that of the French ro- to attend. The men who remain of the old-fashioned spirit • of "I feel that our little trip was the height of a French professor's 1924 team are Captain Christmas into the residents of a decided success," said Kidd, "it mantic period. from the ambition. The one above mention- Roland Park." was indeed a privilege to carry "Ruy Bias" was written by Welsh,nidgely Howard , McCleary, ed was created in 1919, and M. "A little before five Taylor ar- the gladsome Christmas message Victor Hugo for the opening in Swanson, Stone, Sauerwein, and Cestre was its first occupant. He rived. After stopping for the two to so many homes. It is not often 1828 of the Theatre de La Renais- Baldwin. Others who have enter- down Longwood that the people of Roland Park has more than usual interest for girls, we walked sance, which was established by ed the university since 1924 with Road, singing our carols of hope are awakened in such a novel man- America since his Master's degree Antoine Joly as a means for help- a swimming record are Bailey, and cheer." lier." was taken after two years resi- Muir, Bolton, Storrs, Hemmeter, Kidd has a very unusual tenor Taylor also was well pleased. "I ing new authors secure production dence at Harvard, his Doctor's de- voice, and Taylor a most unique enjoyed seeing the girls an awful of their work. The play was later E. Campbell and D. Hiss. gree being -taken in Paris. --He bass. lot," he said. successfully produced. in 1841 at Good Swimmers Lost. has visited America, repeatedly the Porte St.-Martin Theatre, The loss of Dunning and Bahll, recently and lectured widely. He MUSICAL CLUB TO GIVE BLUE JAY ORCHESTRA TO Frederick Le Maitre playing the will probably be the worst blow 1 of a BENEFIT CONCERT PLAY ON BROADWAY delivered a series of lectures leading role. Sarah Bernhardt the team. Dunning was a goo week at Bryn Mawr on the poet Of Normal School Concert First Baltimore Orchestra To Gain took the leading part in 1872 and man on the relay, and a leader in Edwin Arlington Robinson, upon Proceeds For County Health Association Coveted Distinction 1879. The play is now on the Bahlke was a Whom he sets an exceedingly high the breast stroke. valuation. Another concert will be held by For the first time on record a regular repertoire of the Theatre versatile natator who competed in M. Cestre is said to speak Eng- the Johns Hopkins Musical Club Baltimore orchestra will receive Francais. It was produced in almost all the events, with the ex- lish that carries well, and his liter- at the Maryland State Normal a booking on Broadway, when the London by Charles Fechter, and ception of the diving and plung- ary style possesses great finish. School this evening at 8.15. The Blue Jay Twelve appears at the in America by Edmund Booth. ing. His forte was the 220-yard The student body should be keen proceeds of the performance will Roseland Hall, during the Easter The principal characters in the swim, for which he set the Hop- ly interested to hear what a Baltimore County Vacation. This will mark Playshop presentation are: J. 2 minutes 33 4/5 Frenchman has to say, especially be sent to the the sec- kins record of about Robert Frost. Health Association. After the ond booking of the year for the Barry Mahool, Jr., Stanley War- seconds. Last summer he set an concert there will be dancing to Jays, if present plans are consum- den, Russel Passano, assistant unofficial world's record for the Irish Critic. the music of the Blue Jay Orches- mated, for it is believed that coach of the Barnstormers, Edith one mile swim—time A month later, on February 5, they open water the concert M. Perry, of the Morningside Play- the Club will present Mr. William tra. Subscription for will be on the bill of the Maryland 28 minutes 21 3/5 seconds. J. Lawrence, a distinguished Irish and dance will be one dollar per Theatre during the month of ers, Columbia University, John authority on the Elizabethan couple. March. Earle Uhler, Mrs. A. H. Wood, Fire In M. E. Hall Clorinda Mathews, Margaret New- stage, who has, during the first The program will be featured The Broadway booking is due Destroys Apparatz-a Part of this year, been a resident comer, Taggart Evans, and Paul by an act of I. Evans Rodgers, en- to the energy of Enoch Light, di- lecturer at Harvard University. Matz. Tickets are on sale at the Fire in the office of Dr. R. '%'v. titled "Something New." What His public lecture here, following rector of the orchestra, and Milton box office from 4 to 6 P. M. any Wood of the Physics Department Rodgers will sing, dance, or say week. The a week's conferences with the Eng Myerberg, the manager. During day during the coming last Sunday afternoon caused con- has not yet been announced, but it charge of admission is one dollar.. lish seminary, will be upon the the Christmas recess they visited siderable damage to valuable ap- Subject: "'Hamlet' as Shakespeare is expected that his usual quality New York, and made arrange- paratus and records stored there. Staged It." This lecture was re will even be excelled. ments for the appearance of the Dr. Lancaster To eently delivered before the Fac- Firemen of seven companies who The complete program is: Jays. Speak On "Ruy Bias" ulty and students of Yale Univer.
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