Historic Plaques Book
Historic Landmark Plaques 1 9 6 8 – 2 0 0 9 Architecturally significant structures, districts, and designed landscapes in the Pittsburgh region Awarded by the Pittsburgh History & Landmarks Foundation PITTSBURGH HISTORY & LANDMARKS FOUNDATION Founded in 1964 and recognized as one of the nation’s most innovative and effective nonprofit historic preservation organizations, the Pittsburgh History & Landmarks Foundation (Landmarks) works to: • identify and save historically-significant places; • revitalize historic neighborhoods, towns, and urban areas; • preserve historic farms and historic designed landscapes; and • educate people about the Pittsburgh region’s rich architectural heritage. Landmarks works within a 250-mile radius of Pittsburgh, PA; it includes a nonprofit subsidiary, Landmarks Community Capital Corporation (LCCC) and a for-profit subsidiary, Landmarks Development Corporation (LDC). Landmarks’ offices and reference libraries are located on the fourth floor of The Landmarks Building at Station Square. If you are not yet a member of Landmarks, please join! Call 412-471-5808, ext. 527, for membership information or for details on our tours, preservation services, educational programs, and publications. Or, visit our website at www.phlf.org. CONTENTS Historic Landmark Plaque Criteria iii Other Plaque Designation Categories: v Local, State, and National Historic Landmark Plaque Recipients 1 Index 29 Membership Application 41 HISTORIC LANDMARK PLAQUE CRITERIA In 1968, the Pittsburgh History & Landmarks Foundation (Landmarks) began an Historic Landmark plaque program to identify architecturally significant structures and designed landscapes throughout Allegheny County. Beginning in 2010, Landmarks expanded its Historic Landmark plaque program to include counties surrounding Allegheny, especially if the applicant site has some connection to the Greater Pittsburgh region, e.g., property owned by a leading Pittsburgher or the work of a distinguished Pittsburgh architect.
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