
^PEyPT^P^'TO THEr INTE.p'ä'stS'OF SUMMERLAND, i PEACHLÀND AN D ;,Ñ ARAM ATA ijíCw^,'..,. •..•••,-:;• VOL.«XI^;V-No. 10 SUMMERLAND, B.C. FRIDAY, MARCH 9, 1928 $2.50, payable in advance. BOARD OF TRADE VOTES TO Cleaning up the West "DOMESTIC" SS NAME OF NEW ASSIST ADVERTISING OF PACKAGE TO REPLACE CRATE -as OKANOGAN CARIBOO TRAIL British Airplanes and Growers' and Shippers' Fed• Armoured Cars Await eration Hojlds Valley Meeting Elect This .Year's Officers Attack of Tribesmen Road Vote is Tabled at Banquet Held Last London, March 8.—Ten British SAVING IN FREIGHT Friday For Similkameen and armored motor cars and ten-air• LIKELY TO BE MADE South Area planes are stationed outside Ko- WORK OF YEAR welt awaiting an attack by Waha- Color Requirements of Ap• District votes for 1928 for roads WAS REVIEWED were tabled in the Legislature this bi tribesmen _ following on the ples Discussed at week by Hon. Dr. Sutherland. They declaration of war by the Sultan Gathering Okanogan - Cariboo Trail Include $50,000 for Similkameen, of Nejd on the British mandated $45,380 for South Okanagan and and Jersey Cattle Club countries of Iraq Trans-Jordanla Vernon -— Important recommenda• $46,000 for North Okanagan, with and Koweit. Discussed $58,000 for Grand Forks-Greenwood. tions,as to changes in the regulations - These votes are principally for Tanks and armored cars are be• regarding apple and-pear packages and color and other requirements for ap• At the Premier Hotel on Friday road maintenance. ing mobilized along the Trans- The votes for 1927 were: Simil• Jordania border. Troop relnforce-- ple shipments were made at the meet• night the Board of Trade held its an• ing of the Growers' and Shippers' kameen, $44,000; South Okanagan, ments are being sent by plane nual meeting, had an address* from $45,100; North Okanagan, $49,610, Federation, held in . About (President K. 'S. Hogg, received a state• and Grand Forks.Greenwood, $50,. from Palestine. a dozen members of the Exchanges'at- ment of the year's work covered by 700. Similkameen and Grand Forks- tended. E. J.' Chambers, president, the organization, heard >M.iv L. J. Greenwood obtain substantial in• and G. A. Barrat, secretary of the As• "Wood of the Okanogan-iCariboo Trail creases this year. . NEW FORD AN sociated Growers, from Vernon, were in attendance. •,'.>: Association and a short address given by Mr. W. T. Hunter of the Experi• Creating- of a new'package to, be mental Station.. The meeting closed OL known as "Domestic," . was one of the with ,an informal debate 'respecting ANNUAL MEETING decisions reached. This package is to the- advisability of changing the title replace, the crate, and if the Dominion of the ground on which the Cenotaph Demonstrator Car and Light Fruit Branch adopts.the suggestions is placed. OF LOCAL LÉGION advanced, it will be.made a legal pack• After the banquet, which is always Delivery Badly Broken age for shipments .during 1928. .Use : tTnper The CP.R. train of 35 ear* carrying the record shipment of washing machines and pomps ever to be made In . of the crate as a package' for shipment ' part of the. programme of the meet• lf>wer—Plant of Beatty Bros, at Fergus, Ontario,' Intet^-Fergaa station, the Special C.P.R. Train about to leave. —One Man Hurt ings of the Board of Trade, President may be made .illegal after this year. Hogg. said that in a community such Many Splendid Endeavours pergus, a little Ontario town of 2,500 people ,is by Beatty Brothers in farm and rural communities. A chapter in car accidents was add• Use of the Domestic package will ef• as this the need of such an organiza• making a large contribution to the cleaning up, of Fifteen hundred merchants in Western Canada parr, ed to motor history in Summerland fect a saving of from 3c to 7c-a pack-.: Successfully Carried ticipated in 'the shipment which .was handled as a tion was not so apparent as in larger the West. Recently the whole community turned last week-end. . Mr. Harold Smith's ige in freight charges. Through . special train by the Canadian Pacific through to Color Requirements for C Grade centres and that often a seeming pun• out to see the despatch of a special train of 35 cars, . Cars were dropped at Winnipeg, Cal• car was badly smashed in a fall over ishment was meted out to those who The Summerland branch of the the hospital hill, on Saturday night, The suggestion as, to color require• double-headed with motive power leave for the West gary, Saskatoon, Regina and Edmonton, distribution ments on C Grade apple shipments is attended, for/the work they proposed Canadian Legion held its annual meet• , with the largest consignment of washing machines being fairly general. . .' and on iMonday a new Ford demon• the .Board shouid attend to was' sad• ing on March 6 in the Veterans'- Hall. strator collided with Bumball's deliv• that while Fancy requires a 25 per and pumps ever to be made in Canada. There were The large number of pumps going forward sug• cent, blockof color,. C grade must be dled upon the man who proposed the In the annual report, the president churns, hay carriers and ladders, but the'bulk of the gests that-the Western farmer has decided ,to carry ery. Mr. Rumball was hurt about the plans. To-.hear, out his argument he covered' the year's work somewhat as head and leg and both cars were dam• a 25 per cent, showing of color. eleven thousand individual shipments were pumps no more water if his housekeeper will do no more C grade may also' have a size re• recited a.very apt poem upon - this follows: This had been the most suc• .and washing machines which had already been sold | washing. aged. • idea. It has been President -Hogg's cessful year since the veterans organr ••Mr. L. Rumball was coming off the. quirement if the recommendation of custom, in fact, while.he held the of• ized in Summerland, and the member• C.P.R. whàrf, W. Nicholson and Geo. the Exchange is accepted. - There is fice, ito open" the discussions with ship jumped to 90. The branch'han• Radio Listeners Here Inglis were, going north in a new Ford. now no limit. It is proposed that some quotation, and they were ably dled a number of pension claims and VERNON TOBACCO GROWERS ARE There was little' chance o use brakes nothing smaller than 175s be packed presented! relief during the year. ; Heard Trans-Canadian àt this dangerous .corner. Nicholson C grade, except the varieties in which A most successful Christmas tree Broadcast on Tuesday had the option of hitting the packing Fancy may he packed in smaller sizes Secretary Knowl.es reported that than 175s. •• . • there had been'six meetings' held, and was, held for the children of all vet• house or turn out to the west side of : erans and was attended by over 70 Tuesday night was' a gala night: to the road and possibly escape a colli• Stem Puncture No Barrier as high as thirty-five in attendance àt The system ofVfllling crates has been a meeting. The discussion of the ex• children. ': .. j many radio, fans in this locality, when sion. He chose the latter. That was Several improvements have -.. >- been the first trans-Canadian broadcast ori: the proper thing for Rumball to do— to roll the apples into the package. , - tension of the Log Cabin work had This causes stem puncture. As stem ' ''ifeen taken up, an advertising .folder made to the prdpe'rty and a new bowl• Situation None Too Bright, five-year contract; the delegate to the ginating from the new super-station, turn to the west side—and he did it, ing green is graded ready for seeding: CKOW, Toronto, was well heard. The but there was not enough room before puncture causes a reduction to the -was printed on the attractions of Sum• meeting should .-.be instructed. status of culls^ it is now proposed that merland; assistance had been given The question of setting aside the As Buyers By No Means best relay point seemed to be from they collided. Cenotaph • site was taken up with the Good Tobacco Not Hard to Sell Winnipeg, where CKY gave good re• in the new Domestic .package, no such ,, the OkanoganTCaribop Trail .adyertis Plentiful Mr. Rumball was 'quite seriously council; to protect, it for the -future.1 In replying to Mr. ; Robinson, who ception, here; Many / complimentary barrier be set up. This would permit ing, the loss of Empire Hall and' estab• asked if the syndicate; would operate hurt about the head and leg. Mr. In employing the same system of filling messages from all over Canada were ; lishing of a community hall and the The, president, also .mentioned, that if they are only given, say 70 per .cent, glis sustained a cut about the head, the package without incurring the Ha- ;':• problem of the iakeshore road had all had lost a great friend in the death SYNDICATE OFFERS read at intervals and the standard of and Nicholson escaped with a shaking of the crop to handle, Mr. Howe said •the programme was equal to- any Am• bility of having contents graded cull. : been'among the matters discussed by of the grand; president;-.Earl',:Haig, a ONLY 5c PER POUND there was nothing to show they de• up. . man who has shown the world what erican chain broadcast, with the. add• Following is the formal wording of •the meetings. .-'•'. ! manded thé sale of the entire crop. The,new car had a chance to dem the more important resolution adopted The financial statement did not in• the • word "service" means.. He' .work• ed features that the usual - advertising onstrate the quality of ••••the' windshield : Pool May be Formed-—Five- He said" further, that there is no : diffi• was missing and announcements were at the meeting: - .-' • - volve any large sum but showed that ed not'for'himself, but for all the boys' culty, in selling. good tobacco. The It splintered but did not Steak. The who made up that great army under also given in. French. - —R. Reasons for Change forty-five members had'paid their an• Year Contract crop also might be held. If tobacco is car rolled completely over, breaking : .Whereas it is our opinion: that the nual fees, and that a grant to thevOka- his command.He,,was the father, of properly stored it can be kept for the mudguards, denting a door:'.-• and the, British Empire Service- League Discussed apple..and pear crates-. cause more ^ nogan-Trail Association had been years.; It should also be remembered the hood. The steel body proved its bruising to the contents than standard made. - v When he saw dozens of returned men's strength. - / thaV-a' lot of raw leaf is sold in. Can-, HATCHERY FISH boxes, and-. .-. i,^-^-- •-^•^•is^-^^vL^;^ .olubs -pulling thebr own ways^he; or• v Vernon—A frank:-dis.cusslon. of•> the ; Ned Bentley iRresident ada. '" ~ ' ' •"••''' " i:;.'; No r insurance''^ Whereas"the'eost'of the shopkv-for - ^ :t ;! situation in which the tobacco .grow• 1 -Mr1---.Ne'd-'-BentIey was elected ~nres'i ganized''them - into''the' onV'big '•-.orgaii. Mr, Heggie said he' did not feel '.ike ball's delivery truck had a wheel ers in the Vernon district find them• such crates and their making ufy. is. dent for 1928, J'. R. Campbell retains ization of which the Canadian Legion growing any. more tobacco until the smashed, fenders, lamp and windshield selves featured.the meeting of the PUT INTO LAKE greater^ than the cost of the standard 'V the office- of .vice-president, and the is a branch. marketing-situation has been straight• broken, • as well as other parts about Vernon branch of the'B.C.. -Tobacco boxes, and , \*<* ; executive elected has the / following 'We are not in the Legion for what ened out. the front; damaged. The new Ford y Growers' Association. A. T. Howe oc• ; Whereas ih the re-distribution' "qt- names: John Tait, W. D. Laidlaw, W. we can get- out of 'it,'\he.-, said, '-but • Continue Growing Tobacco has since been sold to Bert Parks. these crates in Canadian markets they-;; C. Kelley," T. Hermon, C. J. Huddle- in a true >• spirit of comradeship ' to cupied the chair and gave a' resume Mr. Harold Smith' was. going uphill of the meeting held at Kelowna the In reply, Mr. Howe said that if the Several Batches Placed on take second class freight rates as 'comty- ston. •:'. • '. •, •• .. . serve and help to watch over those report of the quality of the samples from the hospital when he^ran out of pared with third class, as applied onVi In his address, Mr. L. J. Wood men• left by the war to our care." previous week between representatives East Side This Week— gas. The passengers and Mr. Smith of the group who financed the B.C. To sent east is favorable, he , thought, boxes, due to the increased liability-;, tioned that the Okanogan-Trail Asso• The -branch was specially honored while growers should not go in for Scatter Quickly got out, and in their . attempting to to.pilferage and breakage, and ' V at the last convention when Comrade bacco iProducts Ltd., and the growers; ciation had been brought into exist• large acreage, they should continue,to • Work of distributing the whitefish back the car by hand, it was pushed Whereas the use of. crates means ^ Tweedy was elected zone representa• It was decided that the managers of ence by the associated boards of trade grow some. Each grower should put from the ;Summerland hatchery is in a.bit. top far, and slipped over thè considerable duplication in the invest- .-'•-. tive.. ' • • . the three banks in Vernon, Messrs. of,the district. Its work was greater in an experimental plot. The govern• progress now. • Every day the, super• bank. It did not fall as far as the ment in shook by growers and ship• than any individual town could- pos• The president concluded .by showing Nesbitt, Whitehead and Richardson, road into H. Bristow's, but in the roll should go to Kelowna and there meet ment's plan to send in experts and visor is liberating big batches' at dif• pers at shipping point, and •.."".• sibly hope to ' do. Last year's maps what very fine work the (Legion's W.A, while the marketing is being straight• ferent places along the lake. over, the top and windshield were were all used up and he has on hand, the managers of the banks in Kelow• "V^hereas the jobbing trade : on the had done and that they had raised ened out it would be a good time, for Last week-end a truck-load of "tanks smashed, as well; as other parts dam• he said, hundreds of letters asking for na and the' representatives • of the fin• prairies have expressed themselves in quite a handsome sum of money by growers to thoroughly acquaint them carrying the little fish'was taken, to a aged. more. Ten thousand personal letters ancial men, and with them discuss the favor of the use of the standard boxes their efforts. selves with the handling of the crop point four miles north of tPenticton to auto owners' who, make touring a whole situation. Arrangements have instead of the crate. , The election of officers resulted as so that they may. go into it in a large and emptied there, on the west side habit are' to be sent out this year been made for a meeting of the bank• Alteration Suggested follows: 'President, Comrade Ned Bent- way when the time is ripe. "I have of the lake. It was not thought ad• There, are 11,000 stations which dis• ers previous to the meeting .of the WILL HOLD TWO Therefore be it resolved, that this ley; vice-president, Comrade J. E; not got cold feet. This valley will de visable to go any closer to the river. tribute the literature of the organiza Growers' Association which is called Federation express itself as strongly Jenklnson; second vice-president, velop into the finest tobacco growing Early in. the week a load was taken in favor of the adoption of the stand• tion and now the National Motorist Comrade W. ' Atkinson; secretary, for eight o'clock. A circular sent out by the B.C. To- area in Canada," was Mr. Howe's pre• to Bear Creek north of Westbank, ard box as a container, and that the magazine is going to publish a story 1 Comrade W. R, Tweedy; treasurer, diction. Ho pointed to the samples of which was as far north as the truck FLOWER SHOWS . of the trail. . He emphasized the op• grade of fruit be as at present ship- Comrade C. Noel Higgin; executive, bacco Growers' Association states: White Burley on the wail in tho Board could go. They travelled over the de• portunity the Okanagan had to build pod in crates, maintaining the same Comrades W. Boyd, F. J. Nixon and Advance about 5c a Pound Of Trade rooms and said that he had tour on the benches to Miller's Point up the greatest playground imaginable minimum size as apples to Fancy Bon Newton; auditor, Comrade F. J. "A syndicate of Vancouver men, been assured by Mr. Slagg that tho and from there along the lake shore for the tourists. Horticultural Society Held grade in tho same variety Jumble pack Nixon. however, were prepared to find sufii Okanagan can grow as good a quality Wednesday another load was taken (facing and filling not required) and 'Mr. N. Bontloy was reappointed, to A hearty vote of thanks was then cient money to take delivery, cure, of White Burley as thoy can in Lex• over the same road and liberated near Executive Meeting — that the use of such standard box for represent Summerland at the associa• given to the retiring officers and com• case and sell the crop and advance a ington, Kentucky. This is so good Westbank. Thursday a batch was tak• Elect Officers this purpose be made legal for the tion meetings. . mittees. small sura (say about Be per lb.), pro and so light in color that it'is used for en to Okanagan Centre, on, the 'Sica- crop season of 1928.. Mr. Hunter Speaks . Provincial Secretary'Present vlded the syndicate can obtain noces cigarettes. All new businesses have mous. Mr. Hunter, in hlB address, stated At a meeting of the Summerland Provincia, .... l ,Secretar, ,- , y Comrad, e R, sary funds from the bank to do so, setbacks, It is a question of showing The little fish are very small, about that ho was in sympathy with the; ad• Horticultural Society executive, held Macnicho paid the branch a fraternal the balance to be -paid to the growers that we can grow first class tobacco, all that can ho seen is a little streak vertising of the trail, for the Experi• recently, the following officers were GOOD JERSEYS visit and brought the best wishes from after the crop was disposed of.' Reason for Upset In Marketing of almost water-colored fish, about a mental Station got the lion's share of elected for 1928: Honorary president, the provincial prosldent and tho -com- "The syndicate proposed to form a To Mr, I-Ieggie's objection that the quarter of an inch long, having a the benefit of the tourist traffic. Ho Mrs. Cart-wright; president,' W;"R mand. Ho gave a very interesting ac company 'and protect the grower in growers do not get the benefit of the white speck for a head, with two black then branched off to the subject of his Powoll; vice-president, Mrs. Ottloy; count of the work carried out by the overy way whilst his crop was being British preference, Mr. Howe pointed dots for eyes. When set free in the discussion, which was the forming of directors, John Talt and Wm, Simp TO BEBOUGHT provincial command, bringing very processed. They also proposed to find out that this is ono of the reasons for lake thoy disappear almost instantly, a Jersey Breeders' Club in Summer- son; secretary-treasurer, Mrs, Collas. forcibly to tho members what can bo additional capital in order to purchase tho upset in tho marketing in Ontario. and in about ten minutes none are in land, Ho emphasized the strength of Mr. Fleming and Mr. Palmer, of the done by being organized, not only for the 1028 crop on delivery, and, in ad- However, the Minister of Agriculturo, sight. the saying that whore- the cow, sow the Hon. Mr. Motherwell, is interest• Experimental Farm, were asked to votoranB' claims but also as Canadian dition, suggested that a form of con. There were 5,000,000 oggs started Membership List Started and hen hold forth, agriculture is pros, ing himself in the formation of a pool continue as members'of .the committee citizens, to help make Canada a bettor tract be drawn up for the next five and thoy havo hatched*very satisfac• porous, and asked the Board of Trade place to live in, years, by which tho proposed company and it looks to bo short-sighted to sign in an advising capacity. at Meeting Held on to back tip the efforts to form a club a five-year contract in tho face of im• torily. By tho first of next woolc It Plans for tho coming year were "Our ideal of loyalty moans," ho would buy tho tobacco at a fair mar. is expected thoy should all bo through Monday here for good Jersey breeding. said, "that wo stand for loyalty to ket price. pending events. fully discussod arid it was decided to After Mr. Hunter's address, tho.mat- J, E, Brlnrd announced that ho hatching and the last of thorn plaood continuo tho free distribution of poren King, Country and Empire, for good "The president, in answer to a quoB in tho lake, About twonty-five persons who nro tor of advisability, of changing the government and strict obodionco to tion stated that tho directors had would again grow tobacco and that ho nial roots donatod by mombors to interested in tho formation of tho pro• titlo of the ground on which the Cono- tho Jaw, and our idoal of peace moans trlod ovory possible avonuo for dls- hoped .that all who grow it laBt year those who aro starting gardens, posed Jersey Cattle Club turned out taph stands, over into the hands of a liat through tho Canadian Legion and posal of tho crop and that this was will try it again, There is a possibil• Patient Walks Off; Two largo flower shows will bo hold to a mooting on Monday night to dis• commlttoo, was discussed, but no dofl- British Empire Service League, and the only offer they had had. Ho fur ity of two or throe field mon being Had Radium Fortune and possibly two small shows in pri cuss the dotalls and consider recently- .bite action was takon. through tho lattor's allied brother- thor Btated that the directors had die hero and an opportunity will bo af• vato houses for spring bulbs and swoot rocoivod information from Ontario, hoods, wo stand for tho peace of the cussed tho mattor and woro prepared forded to loarn methods. pons, Mr, W, T, Huntor addressed tho (Special to The Review) It Is hopod that the memborshlp world," to recommend that tho growers nccopt Vancouver, March 0, — St. Paul's mooting and statod that, bocauso tho Tho ovoning concludod with a very tho offer as outlined, will bo brought up to ono hundred this market was good and promisod to bo HOPE TO CLEAR PLEASURE TRIP Hospital authorities combed tho city soason. successful smoking concert, when tho "Considerable discussion took place this mornlna for Arthur Haddon, who so for sevoral yoarB, tho formation of entertainers lncludod, from Pontlcton, and finally It was movod by A. T, WAS SADDENED wandered away from the Institution tho club was warranted, Tho care of Comrades W. Campling, C, O. Thorn- Howe, seconded by B, T, Havorflold, wearing a radium bandage worth $30,- Frances Willard purobrods was not nocossarily greater SUDE TODAY ton, IT. Vonus and H, ,T. S, RoynoldB, 'that wo ask tho directors to proceed Mr. and Mrs. €, Wilson and I-Iarvoy 000. He eventually turned up at his than of grades, although thoy often and from iPonohland, Comrade Mnrgor. with tho calling of a general mooting wont down to Spolcano last woolc and home. Memorial Meeting rocoivod it, Tho club would bo safo son, and Now Westminster. Comrade and that thoy have powor in tho moan took'Mr, and Mrs. Troffry along to visit on building on tho salo of holfors, but Cut is Many Feet Deep- Footo. timo to proceed- wit"•h- a-n- arrangemen— t Mir, Troffry's brother, whom they had The regular monthly mooting of tho not bulls, for somo years, If animals with the syndloatd, ^comprising Messrs. not Boon for about Bixtoon years, Naval Estimates are W.G.T.U, was postponed for a woolc to that coBt about $300 onch woro usod mako way for tho Womon'a Day of Power Shovel Operates Palmer, Gilchrist, Camoron and asso Tho old gontloman took suddonly 111 and solootod by rollablo stock mon, Tabled in London Prayer and took tho form of a puhll clatoB, to grade, cure and Boll tho 1027 just as they woro leaving and passed Mr. Rothwoll, of tho Dominion libc- From Heavy Planks mooting which was hold In tho Bap away In his 01st year. As ho was a porlmontnl Farm at Ottawa, who was crop/ (Special to The Review) list church on Friday, Mnrch 2, "This resolution was passed unani Froomaaon, tho Masonic Order took London, March 0.—-Naval estimates horo last wook, statod, Mr. Huntor Cloaring of tho Iakeshore road by This being tho Francos Willard Mo the uso of tho gas power shovel was mously at tho mooting." charge of tho funoral service, which totalling some $286,000,000 were tabled said, that tho Jorsoy business in B,C. COSTLY DRINK was most impressive. The Summer- by the Secretary for the Admiralty to. morlal mooting, a skotch of hor lifo lookod vory good. rosumod on Monday morning at tho Assurance Given was glvon hy Mrs, IT. C, Mollor. Thlr MoDougald slide, north of Grescont In roply to a quostlon by George land pooplo woro ablo to remain for day. Miore than $5,000,000 was out off Tho Bank of Montreal offered ovory the sorvico and Btnrtod on tholr return by a reduced building programme. ty years ngo sho pnssod to hor rowan' oncouragomont to tho club. Roach, and by Friday night tho cut ^ , iHoggio as to whothor, if Uio tobacco young In yoars hut, having accomplish W(lB trip a few days later, ^ Mr. Angus, of tho Jorsoy Cattlo * through will probably bo completed. Arrested for Drinking in turned over to thorn, tho mombors od vory much for hor country and the Tho shovol digs down to tho oh 'of the syndicalo might not recoup Tiioy found tho roads in good condi- Wanamaker Leaves Club, 1ms pfforod to soloct tho calvos, Car—Each Paid Fine lion practically all tho way. world. Hor life was woll filled wit" oil animals to ho Island brooding, and road lovol and oporatos over tho wot from it tho lossos sustained, Mr. Howe work for others, nnd nothing was too section, on long heavy planks, It is of $50,00 said thoy had tholr assurances thoy $7,500,000 Insurance Mr. Huntor stated that Bull & Sons hnrd or too tUsagrooahlo for hor to of Brampton had offered to lend tho throwing out tho earth in a out about Whllo a public danco was going on would nqt do so, February Gifts to (Speolnl to The Review) tnlco hold of If it promised something club, froo of charge, n lostod bull for ton foot doop in places, Inst woolc, Constable King apprehend Mr, Coloman aald tho growors woro New York, March 0.-~Rodman Wan. worth whllo for hor follows, tip against tho financing of tho crop Local Hospital amaker, hood of Wanamaker's stores a year, Tho spot where it is working Is not od throe young mon from iPontloton, Sho was woll educated and a train- very safo-looklng for those at work nnd that tho quostlon of tho signing died today at Atlantlo City, aged 65. Sevoral of those present put tholr who woro drinking whisky in a car The statomont glvon by the matron od londor, with a strong will and groat and thoro Is ovory appearance of an near tho building, and Beleod the 11 of a now contract might bo loft to tho Me left Insurance policies totalling namos on a list of members that was prosldent and tho bank mon for sug• of the hospital, Miss K, O, Allon, shows $7,600,000. tonnelty of purpose, nil of which stood started, The list Is to ho complolod other soctlon of tho cliff coming down quor. At, Tuesday's Bitting of tho po hor In good stead in hor choBon work. when tho frost is all out of tho bank gestions nttor nttonding tho mooting that tho donations to tho hospital dur• hy canvass, IJCQ court thoy plondod guilty. ing February woro: floorgo Mossop ployed a beautiful Tho dotour over tho benches was As this was their first offonco and in Kolowna, Mutrie is New Head of being usod to Millor'a OPoint until Wed Some Cheek Is Needed Mrs. Inglla, magazines; Mrs. Mollor, piano solo for tho Soouts, who were Mrs,. J. Bondor, In writing to havo representations woro made that thoy honeycomb, fruit and soup; Hospital well represented, Six of tho Bnptlst npsday evening, when it, too, became woro good characters and well thought A. T. IIowo advlsod that it the crop Horticultural Council tho aildroBs of hor copy of Tho Rovlow impassable. , Is turned over to tho syndicate tho Auxiliary, infants' drosses, gowns, op- O.G.I.T, sang, Margaret Stark sang n of, tho minimum fine of $50 and costs oralivo Bpongos, mending, nlghtln< (8peolsl to The Review) solo for the St. Androw's C,0.7,T„ and changed, mentioned that In motoring was Imposed upon each. Association should have some check to Vancouver no snow was encounter- The cup prosontod by Mrs, Collas 1 ho magistrate expressed tho hope on tho operations of Mr. Bronor and gnlos; Manual Training, coat and hat Ottawa, Maroh 0,—Capt. J. T. Mut• MIIBB Carol Graham gave a beautiful troo for entrance hnlls Anon, six lnmp rie, of Vernon, was eleoted president solo, ed nnd tho roads good, Portland was to tho Badminton Club for the ladles' that this would help dotor young mon others who will handlo it. From *GT.,. from bringing liquor to dances, and 000 to $85,000 Is involved. Ho also shades; Mrs. Blaekloclc, oggs; Mr, of the Canadian Horticultural Council A good andlonco enjoyed tho woll- ronchod at 1.80 Sunday, nnd she ox. nlnglOB, and which is still to bo played Wm. White and Mr. Carter, now BummorJand mon an well, for all will said that If agreement on tho part o! after a three-day session ending nrrnngod programme, and tho thanks poctort to reach Vancouver Monday for, is on exhibition in Butler & WW ft,n spring for patients' gramophone and Thursday. Thomas Abrlel, of Nakuep, of tho W.O.T.U. aro duo to all who H if TA "K "t whom Informa- tho syndlcato to handlo tho 1927 crop afternoon, don's window this week. ' tion \o laid, , IH contingent on growers signing a fixed aamo, was eleoted a director. took part. THE SUMMERLAND REVIEW FRIDAY, MARCH,.9, 1928 • . ,, .•n:..;:....;'V--7-.^ îïfai ni u i » H 11 ttmmtmmmwmmtmmmtim trerctt ,. PRESBYTERY WILL MEET IN - SOUTHERNERS The PEACHLAND NEWS World's Greatest By Our Resident Correspondent DURING AUTUMN STRONGLY FOR Transportation Catholic church, and who was now Mrs. L. Scott Allan of Vancouver j Mr. Walters, of Walters Ltd., Sum• Successful Meetings of NEW CONTRACT .CANADIAN System with others in Kingston penitentiary. arrived March 1 to take charge of the merland, spent Thursday of last week in town attending to some of the busi• Kamloops-Okanagan To Meet in Penticton catering at the Edgewater Inn for Mr. An invitation from Penticton to hold Str. runs daily except J. F. Hampson. Mrs. Scott Allan has ness connected with his season's run District Held Oliver Likely to Be 100 Per IPACIFltí here. While in town he put up a sign •the Fall meeting of the prebytery : 1 RAILWAY : had extensive experience in catering . ,,v ',';-• - v.'v on the old cannery building rented there was accepted. " • Cent Strong— -' Sunday at the Lake Agnes and Morraine Lake from Mr. M.'N. Morrison for use as a Northbound...... 7:20 a.m. mountain resorts;. She was in charge REV. MR. FEIR OF The committee appointed to report' Nearly So packing'house-for the season of 1928 on the question of the ordination' of ; ^Southbound 6:30 a.m. at Lake . Agnes when the, Prince of r , . * * * - - OLIVER IS SPEAKER women reported, at the final session ICEONLAKETS Wales and his party stopped there, , Mr. Ed. • Morsch, of Prince: George, held on Thursday morning, to the ef• Connections at Sicamous-for Vancouver and East. We aud was complimented personally by came in last week to spend a couple Rev. A. E. Whitehouse is fect that, they recommended the pres• DOING DAMAGE make sleeping car réservations in 'through cars for Mon• the Prince. Many favorable remarks of days visiting the folks here on'his Presbytery Secretary- bytery to support the finding at Tor are to be heard in the community as way back home after a business trip onto, ithat' no action should'be taken Boathouses and Pumphouse treal,. Toronto and Chicago. ' ' to the efforts. being made by the new to the Coast. He left by C.N.R. Pen Other Local Delegates at the present time on the proposal Direct telegraph wires to Vancouver and Calgary management of the inn to fit up a suit• tówna on Saturday. for the ordination of women to the Are Pushed Up on able place to accommodate and attract » * * ministry of the Word and of sacra• Shore BOOK YOUR OCEAN PASSAGE THROUGH US- visitors to this beautiful spot on the The,'., members of the Lady Orange Armstrong—The sessions of the ments. Their admission to the ordain, Kamloops-Okanagan Presbytery of the Complete travelling arrangements made here. Okanagan and to cater to their every Lodge held their regular monthly ed diaconate would, it was believed, United Church were recently held Osoyoos, March 8.—Once moré the meeting on Monday evening in the satisfy the needs of the present time. 4-tf-c A. M. LESLIE, Agent. need while sojourning here. here. The whole course of the pro• growers of the cantaloupe belt have » * * Municipal Hall, when their Worthy This was approved. ceedings, conducted under the chair• demonstrated their belief in growers' g$mmffimt»m»miuuu»smi»»nmmmnt Mrs. Sadler and Mrs. H. E. McCall Mistress, Mrs. Hustou, gave the report manship of the' Rev. A. K. McMinn, The (Rev. J. A. Dow, of Oyama, and management of growers' affairs and were delegates to Summerland last of the Provincial Grand Lodge ses• of Kelowna, was marked by earnest• the Rev. W. Vance, of Revels'toke, the merchandising of their own prod• week to attend the Kamloops-Okana• sions, which were held in Victoria and ness on behalf of the varied interests were appointed to represent the pres uce.'' gan iPresbyterial of the Mission So• where she attended as delegate from coming within their purview, and time bytery on the -Settlement- Committee New contract forms were mailed to If you need a Telephone, we will be glad to serve ciety connected with the United the-local lodge. appeared all too short for discussion of' the Conference. The latter, will all old contract-holders who are still Church in the district. They report of many of the matters that were dealt commence on May 16, in St. Andrew's growers in the district, and very close you. If your time is of value, you would do well to having enjoyed a happy and helpful Mrs. Lanibly met to welcome for a with..'.•"'• church, Vancouver. to 100 per cent, have already been re• make use of the Telephone. time during their visit and attendance visit to her home here, her mother The allottment to the Presbytery to Forty Representatives Present turned signed. - at the various sessions. and sister, who came in by MS. Pen- the maintenance aud extension fund About forty representatives were This result has been achieved with• towna on Friday of last week. was $17,500 for the current year. A present from: different parts of the out any campaign whatever as it was ORDER YOUR PHONE NOW After the completion of the spring prolonged debate ensued regarding presbytery districts, these including felt that after five years' experience pack at the local Union, the manager Mr. .Allan Wilson recently returned this, some of the' delegates holding the Rev. W. -Stott and Messrs. A. Adair no campaign should be necessary. The secured the services of T. Dell with home after a short visit to the old that the sum was large, having regard and A. Arnott, Armstrong; Rev. T. J. result surely augurs well for the fu• his truck and kept a part of the crew home in Alberta, where he enjoyed a to the capabilities of the several S. Ferguson and G. G. Hacker; Messrs. ture of co-operation. on long enough to transfer all the visit with members of the family re• J. G. French and T. Richmond,; Ver• churches and the amounts they raised / We anticipate Oliver district will bé stock, fixtures and equipment out of siding there. non; Rev. Mr. Sato, Japanese mission, SUMMERLAND TELEPHONE CO. for other purposes, and also to the 100 per cent, strong. Osoyoos will what has been known as the "White **•'-- corresponding contributions • expected Messrs. J. Ball and' E. O. McGinnis, still have three or four grower-ship• Shed" and store it in the main build• Mr. H. E. McCall has recently taken from more wealthy congregations in Kelowna; Rev. A. E. Whitehouse, sec• pers. :.:.'•' '. • ' L.i—.i—•"- ing. over the fire insurance agencies for. large cities. Certain of the delegates retary, Messrs. R. J. Keyes and W. T. we conclude, we will let it do as .it that was burned last summer. Being * * * merly carried on by Mr. M. N. Morri took exception to the individual allot• ] Leslie, Penticton; Rev. H. S. Hastings, The crow has arrived and we have pleases. directly opposite the customs office, it Miss Stewart, principal of the cen- j ments for their own districts, and de• Luraby; J. Z. parks, Falkland; Rev. heard it,declared that Mr. Crow never son and Mr. J. A. Millar severally, and is undoubtedly the best site in Oso• sired abatement, while in two or three R. J. King and Mrs. Hendrickson, En- misses his guess—that his arrival is ; tral public school, took the intermedi• will add these to his present agency. Mrs. F. L..Goodman and Master Eric" yoos at the present time. Mr. Lewis other cases willingness was expressed derby. The (Rev. Henry, Wilson, now an infallible sign of spring. A local ate grades, over which she has charge, * * • , are spending a couple of weeks at Kel• we understand is ipreparing to engage to increase the amount. A resolution of North Kamloops, but formerly of student of bird life who has been out for an afternoon hike on Friday There was a good attendance of owna visiting with Mrs. Goodman's in the "draying business. . , was adopted expressing the view that Armstrong, was also one of the dele-1 keeping a record of the arrival of the last and -they were all quite pleased Peachland Veterans at a meeting held sister, Mrs. J. Boydell. over the outing. ' ! a contribution of $16,000 from this gates. '•'•'' various birds common to-the district by the local branch of the Canadian '.... * * * presbytery would be proportionately disputes this assertion. For the past Legion on Wednesday evening. Mr The. business of the opening session, B. F. Fraser (Pat) left on Thursday Mr. Mel. Ashley -is home from the adequate. four years the crow has arrived,dur• R. Macnichol, secretary of the Cana• after preliminary exercises, was chief• last for Prince George, where he has camp suffering from injuries sustained ing the first week of March, which- dian Legion, attended. An excellent The Wiork in Vast Areas ly concerned: with the presentation of accepted a position with the Bank of while doing some heavy lifting at his would suggest an habitual itime for programme and smoker furnished the The report from the Home Mission• the district, report concerning the Commerce. Pat will be greatly miss• moving rather than a.wide knowledge work. evening's entertainment. ary Committee was an encouraging maintenance and extension fund. ed by the young people of the district of the'Nweather clerk's doings; of Mr. J. M. Robinson. The meeting one. Twenty-five thousand had been A banquet to the members of the as he was ever ready for any sport or asked for from Toronto to support the closed at. 9.-15. Presbytery was served at United frolic. All wish; him success in the * * » carrying on of its work im the presby• Church hall at six o'clock. Ice Does Damage career in which he is now taking his Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Hancock and tery, area. On Wednesday night ad• In the Evening As a result of the high-water, the initiation. », . •'. daughter Marie returned last week dresses were given by several of the A short musical service was carried heaving of the lice on the lake here from their winter trip to San Diego, workers in the field. The Rev. Henry out by the Zion church choir in a very is causing considerable damage. A Mr. R. A. Lewis, our local merchant, PUBLIC LI Wilson—formerly,Methodist pastor at DRUMHELLER'S BEST and report having an enjoyable holi• able way, under the direction of Rob• look at the boat-houses, windmills and has moved his building to the site on Armstrong—spoke;of his labors in the day. Mr. Hancock was.'able, .to in• ert Garner,, with Miss McTavish pre• the Osoyoos Irrigation Company's which was formerly the Derosier store SCREENED LUMP North' arid' South? Kamloops district, dulge in his favorite sport of golf, and siding at the organ. pump house would suggest an upheav• one that included eighteen -to twenty Board of Trade There Se• brought back a cup as a souvenir of The Rev/ E. M. McKay, of Kam• al by an earthquake, PER TON centres, and occupied a month in go• v Close to the pump house 'frozen W. C. KELLEY, B.A. his skill. ... Y 1 loops, read' a, paper summarizing and lects Five Members to ing around. In one place there was commenting upon'Dr. Willard L. Sper- cakes of earth were shoved up to a only a small church; services , were BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. Establish Facility Mr. W. M. Armour received a cable ry's book "Reality in Worship." Mr. height of six feet. The building, which held in log cabins' where there was no NOTARY $12.00 from France a-few days ago reporting McKay described the profound and in• is only a shell, is pretty well disfig• school house, and in mostplaces if the the death of his mother, who was eradicable impression made on his ured and some damage has been done WEST SUMMERLAND B. C. , March- 8.—The monthly United Church did not go there would spending the winter in that country own mind of the reality underlying to the plant. Mr? Plaskett's boat house, meeting of the Board of Trade was be no services. In bad weather, he 10-5-26 with Mr. Armour, Sr. worship when he saw how the face of formerly of horizontal appearance, is held on Monday evening with a full had sometimes found a congregation a weeping husband and father, in a now semi-vertical. An amusing fea• attendance, President George Weaver of but one awaiting him; hut there IMPERIAL SUPER EGG forestJbelted cabin on the Fraser,-was. ture is that some holes in the' ice j in the chair. Correspondence from On Monday a bee was held on Mr. was real worship in those cabins, and transfigured as he sang, with the little where residents procured their water F. D. COOPER For Ranges or Heaters various sources was read, including C. Cargill's orchard. _ Mr. Cargill has the work there was a great joy, see• company that had gathered'...for the supply were pushed up on shore. The literature dealing with the coming Em• been, seriously indisposed for some ing how hearty was the welcome. Ro• REAL ESTATE BROKER ; funeral of his wife, the hymn, "We're ice is about a foot thick, and as a PER TON time and the bee was held for the pur• man Catholics, Anglicans, and "our pire Week, giving details of procedure. Going Home, No More to Roam." He square mile at that thickness would Peach Orchard, Summerland pose of pruning his orchard. Among own lot" came and took earnest part, A resolution from Nelson board favor• went through the book, giving quota• weigh approximately 1,534,896,000 lbs., those present were: Messrs/Williams, The Rev. Mr. Campbell, whose dis• Established 1907 Phone 613 ing the introduction of daylight saving tions from each chapter, with illumin• Gaune, Munroe, Littlejohn, Nuttall, trict extends northward-from Earriere $11.00 was considered, and it was decided Rosser, Sworder, Francis, Hardman, ating remarks of his own. that same would be out of place in on. the North Thompson river, "with VERNON GRANITE AND Grimaldi, Harris, Cook and Gammon. out end", as he phrased it, spoke of The question as to the extent to this district. The matter of indiscrim• The. pruning finished, Mrs. Cargill and which the external surroundings of MARBLE COMPANY inate cutting of trees along the road• its population as including a few scat• her daughter provided a luncheon worship influenced the reality of it Quarrying & Cut-Stone Contractors sides was discussed,-and the president tered; [farmers, but being more' largely which was thoroughly enjoyed. Mrs. composed of those who depended on was dealt with at some length. This Monuments,' Tombstones and requested to bring the matter before SMITH Cargill expressed .her appreciation to the resources of the forests, of forest• latter point received much attention General Cemetery Work Mr. H. G. Partridge, local road fore• in the course of the discussion that those who so; kindly gave their ser• ry service people and railway servants. For designsi and prices see < '- ;f- 1 & man. Rev. A.. E. Whitehouse of Pen- vice's. ••' • -•'. He pleaded urgently for the sending followed, almost every speaker empha• R. H. ENGLISH, Local Agent ticton was in attendance, and gave a sizing an affirmative reply. The Rev. thither of men who were not merely PRICE ST. VERNON I most interesting lecture on "Shake• talkers,, but who were equipped with Henry Wilson occasioned many smiles HENRY Kámloops Takes Lead when, incidental to the question, he Î speare", showing the phases of thought medical knowledge, and of trained 'a? • • apparent in his works at different Over Vernon's Hoopers Christian, nurses. He spoke sadly of remarked that in the Roman Catholic periods of his life. The speaker read lives Jost for lack of this, in a district church the people were supposed to several passages from "Richard the In Intermediate Finals that had no nurse or doctor for three confess, their faults to the priest, but Hotel Dunsmuir . Third", "Macbeth" and "The Tempest" hundred miles, and recalled that the in some Protestant churches it appear ed to be the minister who was expect• VANCOUVER, B.C. SYNOPSISOFLAND by way of illustration, and also gave Kamloops, March 5.—Kamloops -in• Master .gave as his own credentials 'OUR postmaster will order it some attractive details of the great the healing of the sick and the cleans• ed to come and confess his faults to for you, or you can do it your• termediate A team took a ten-point the people. A vote of thanks was dramatist's life. The address was lead in the interior basketball finals ing of the lepers before He mentioned Yi self—makes no difference, any• passed to Mr. McKay. way. It's important that you get it, Make the Dunsmuir your much appreciated by the audience, Saturday night when they finished on the preaching of the gospel to the ACT AMENDMENTS for it contains a regular library of and a hearty vote of thanks accorded. poor. home while in Vancouver the long end of a 29-19 score against daily news and. interesting story PRE-EMPTIONS The matter of forming a public li• Vernon, Okanagan champions. The The Rev. H, Feir told of his work General Motors Stock features—the kind everyone needs. Rates: $1.50 per day and up. half-time score was 12-9 for Kamloops in the district southward from Pentic- Men like Dr. Crane, Dr. Frank Mc• Vacant, unreserved, surveyed brary was then taken up, and a board Special rates by week or month. Crown lands may be pre-empted by tion to the American boundary, where Jumps $20 Per Share Coy, Glen Frank, Brisbane, B, C. of five members nominated, being In the second half Vernon forged British subjects over IS years of age, the farming folk were struggling 'con• Forbes, and the famous Babson CENTRAL LOCATION ' Mrs. RJuth Rounds, Mrs. F. R. Cross, ahead. Jfcamloops tied the score at 15 (Speclal.to The Review) and by aliens on declaring intention tinually with the hardships of their (business statistician); all these Mrs. T. Kenyon, -Miss Alice Myers and all and then, amidst great excitement New York, March 9.—A wild Stock famous writers contribute to'make to become British. .subjects, condi• lot and under a sense of irritation with Free Bus. Cafe in connection swept Vernon before them in a rally Exchange session this morning saw the Vancouver Sun one of Western tional upon residence,'occupation and Mr. Geo, Weaver. The board will pro• i the government for what they regard-1 46-tf-c and emerged winners, The game was General Motors shares go up nearly Canada's leading newspapers. improvement for agricultural pur• ceed at once to establish the library, ed as its heavy hand upon them. There Order it now, through your pout- one of the best 'contested here this $5 a share to ,$156.25, representing poses. • and will have its headquarters in the were also many lonely old prospectors mnster, or direct! One dollar for season. gain of 'nearly $20 a share within KITTLE VALLEY RAILWAY Board of Trade office, by kind consent and other woodsmen living in remote four months—-the Family Bfirgain Full information ..concerning regv week. Tens of millions of dollars were cabins on the mountain sides, living price. The Vancouver Sun, West ations regarding pre-emptions is lost by bears who have been selling TIME TABLE given in Bulletin No. 1, Lurid SerioB, alone and sometimes dying alone. Pender Street, Vancouver, B. O short. , - "How to Pre-empt Land," copies of Christianity In Japan EASTBOUND which can bo obtained free of. charge The Rev, Mr. Sato, of Kelowna, gave by addressing the Department of an interesting sketch of the history of No. 12 -Leave Vancouver dally, 7.80 Lands, Victoria, B.C., or to any Gov• Christianity in Japan and its present HERE'S SPEEDY RELIEF FROM p.m. ernment Agent. prospects. Not the decaying Bud. Leave West Summerland dally 7.03 Records will bo granted covering dhlsm or Shintolsm, but the spread of a.m. only land suitable for agricultural materialism, was the great enemy Arrive Nelson dally 10;55 p.m. purposes and which is not timber BUNION PAINS AND SOFT CORNS Connection made at .West Summer- there. Although the Christians num• land, i.e., carrying over 5000 board bered but two hundred thousand, they land with boat for Kelowna and feet, per acre west of the Coast BEER hod great influence, and that could be Emerald Oil Must Give Complete Satisfaction of Money Lake Points. ' Range, and 8000 feet per acre oast increased by the establishment of of that Range. Christinn universities that would rank Cheerfully Refunded WESTBOUND Applications for pro-empUons are IS CLEAN, with the government Institutions. No, 11—-Leaves Nolson dally 9:05 p.m. to bo addrossed to tho Lanu Com• Propose Series of Studies Got a two-ounce bottle of Moone's atlons each night at bod time and they Leave West iSummorland dally 11:57 missioner of the Land Recording Di• just soom to shrivel right up and scale The Rov. T. J. S. Forguson present Emerald Oil .(.full'strength) today. a.m. vision in which the land, applied for off. ed the report of the Evangelism and Every woll stocked drug store has Arrives Vancouver dally 10:45 p.m. Is situated, and are made on printed Social Service 'Committee, which con- this, with tho distinct understanding No matter how discouraged you forms, copies of which can bo ob have been with pads, shields, or other Observation and Dining Car Service tulnod u number of recommendations that your money will be choorfully on all tartans ' talnod from tho Land Commissioner To enhance that growiug sense of the applications, if you have not tried Pro-omptions must bo occupied fo? returned If It does not reduce the In• Emerald Oil then you have something prosence of God, tho awareness of REID JOHNSTON, Agont five years and Improvements mad( 1 UR flammation, soreness, and pain much to learn, 'SAM gJU* ^ 0 Brewery is as God, which was so notlcoable today, to value of $10 per aero, Including ft thoy proposed tho arrangement of a quicker thnn any remody you over It's a wend or ful formula—this com• KETTLE VALLEY RAILWAY clearing and cultivating at least five, . ^ clean as the cleanest sorlos of studios to bo given in a sov usod. ,. bination of essential oils with cam- acros boforo a Crown Grant can bo oral-day courso by Dr, Thomas, in con• Two or threo * applications of phor and other antiseptics so marvol- rocolvod. 1 kitchen. Our Beer is ous that thousands of bottles are sold nection with tho noxt mooting of tho Moone'e Emerald Oil and In fifteen MAIL SCHEDULE For moro detailed Information BOO stored in hermetically prosbytory. This was agreed to. To minutes tho pain and soronoss dlsap- annually for reducing varicose or swollen volns. tho Bulletin "How to Pro-omp* Incroaso tho attendance at Lord's Day pears. A fow more applications at For tho convonlonco of our rondors Land." sealed storage tanks un• worship, thoy urged that special en• ogular IntorvalB and tho inflammation Every good druggist guarantees tho wo glvo bolow tho tlmo of closing of PURCHASE first bottle of Moone's Emerald Oil to deavor should bo mado to bring the is gono. all mails at tho local postofflcos, for Applications nro rocolvod for pur til science and the test end your foot troubles or money back, laymen of tho church into an ofl'ort in And ns for Soft Cosns, a fow appllc despatch by boat and train; and also chase of vacant and unrosorvod of time pronounce it this direction. Thoy woro loss handl. interchange botwoon tho two offleoB! Crown lands, not bolng tlmborlnnd, PERFECT BEER in age, capped for it than tho minlstors, and At SUMMERLAND OFFICE for agricultural purposes', minimum might measure up to Jt bottor. This For nil points North, En»t and Wont price of first-class (arnblo) land is $5 purity and strength. also was approved, with an emphatic 7:00 a,m, nor aero, and socond-class (grazing) 1 land, $2.50 por aero. Furthor Infor• voicing, in courso of tho discussion, of CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS For Naramata, Penticton, South, mMÊâ mation rognrdlng purchaso or loaso tho nocoHsity that tho church itsolf Slmillcnmenn, Boundary and Root- of Cr-twn lands iB given In Bulletin Sold nt All Government Liquor should bo real If it woro to attract, A onay — Daily, except Sunday, 0:00 No. 10, Land Sorlos, "Purchaso and Stores and Beer Parlors. minute urging that strong ofl'ort Bhould p.m. bo mudo'to discourage nil forms of Loaso of Crown Lnnda," For Vancouver nnd Victoria—Dally gambling, especially among tho young, mwg oxcopt Monday, 11 a.m. HOMESITE LEASES was approved. A resolution waB unan• Summerland-Kelowna-Vancouver For West Summorland — Daily, ox• UnBurvoyod aroas, not oxcoodlng 'W imously adopted urging the Canadian copt Monday, 7 n.m, and 11 a.m.; 20 acres, may bo loaBod as homosltos, JP Government to give ou'octlvo support SERVICE — DAIL Y EXCEPT SUNDAY For Rural Routo—8:00 a.m. daily, conditional upon a dwelling being* to tho Longuo of Nations and to.tho M.S. PENTOWNA orootod In the first year, tltlo bolng oxcopt Sunday, • preparatory commission on dlsnrma obtainable nftor rosidonco and Im• Loavo Summerland 0:55 a.m. Arrlvo Kolowna 12:80 p.m. mon't, to make ovory effort to rocon AT WEST SUMMERLAND OFFICE provement conditions nro fulfilled Lonvo Kolowna 2:40 p.m. Arrive Kamloops 7:30 p.m. §1 olio divergent points of view, and to Malls for despatch at this oflloo nro nnd land hus boon survoyod, Leave Kamloops 8.20 p.m. Arrive Vancouver 7:25 a.m. accopl, in advance tho princlplo of tho closed as followa: LEASES accoptanoo of arbitration for tho sot Use Canada's Popular All-Steel Train Sunday, 11:20 a.m. For grazing nntf industrial pur• tlomont of all International disputes CONTINENTAL LIMITED For Vancouver and Coatt Points—At poses, areas not oxcoodlng 040 acres 11:20 a.m. daily oxoopt Monday, may bo leased by one poraon or a of whatovor kind. A recommendation (Radio Equipped) was carried to doslro tho Social Sor For Penticton, K.V.R. and Boundary— company. vico Board at, Toronto to prepare a VANCOUVER — KAMLOOPS — MONTREAL At 5:15 p,m, dally oxcopt Sunday GRAZING For 8leamoui, northbound — At 0,50 pamphlet on tho history and activities PALATIAL STEAMSHIPS Under tho Grazing Act tho Prov• of tho Klu Klux Klan (tho mention of PRINCE RUPERT - - PRINCE GEORGE a.m. oxcopt Sunday. ince Is dlvldod Into grazing districts which was rocolvod with much laugh For 8ummerlnnd (local mall)—10:40 and tho rango admlnistorod undor a tor). Mr, Forguson said that although VANCOUVER -1 PRINC ERUPERT — STEWART n,m* except Sunday. Grassing Commissioner, Annual graz• llttlo was known of tho activities of AND WAY PORTS Summerland (locnl)—b:15 p.m. dally, ing pormlts nro Issued, based on num. V^OUV^BREW^I£S , LIMITED tho Klan In thoso parts, thoy might MAIL8 ARRIVING bors rangod, priority bolng givon to bocomo sorlous hero boforo tho pub T. G. BEAVIS, Agent, Summerland Prom Vanoouver and Coast—7,15 a.m. established ownora. Stock-owners lie was nwaro of It. In tho East thoy dally oxcopt Monday. may form associations for rango man• woro very serious; and ho instanced From Penticton, K.V.R. and Boundary agement. Free, or partially froo Use Canadian Nntlonal Express for Money Ordors, —li.80 a,m, dally except Monday. This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board tho case of a Buscoptlblo youth who Foreign Cheques, Etc., also your noxt snlpmont pormlta nro available for Bottlers, had boon lod to dynamite a Roman Prom Steamer Sicamous, southbound campers and travellers, ut> to ten or by the Government of , —7,40 a.m. dally except Monday. hold. THE SUMMERLAND REVIEW, FRIDAY, MARCH 9, 1928

THE SUMMERLAND, REVIEW y, .(Published at Summerland, B. C.) KELOWNA COURIER GIVES BATTLE ! * '• '/;l ' ' Established August, -190^ UNCONSIDERED TRIFLES World of Politics (By AUTOLYCUS). TO EAST SIDE ROAD OPPONENTS (By an Ex-Writer of the Ottawa Press Gallery.) WALTER M. WRIGHT, Editor and Manager

• _jiM,iMii,li,„ii,i„MiIM¿Miijl,M,M,M,.iij

Member of Canada Weekly Newspapers' Association Writing in one of the London mag• to end, and are justified in protesting The Kelowna-Westbank ferry will about half the amount, while other es• azines lately, a contributor remarked against disturbance in the meantime. always be essential for the mainten• timates; based upon the ordinary type The sudden but not unexpected passing of Hon. William on what he termed "the surprising ig• The most scathing rebuke I ever saw ance of inter-communication between of road construction common in the Sloan, minister of mines in the provincial cabinet, leaves SUBSCRIPTION RATES . interior, ran as low as $75,000. norance of Eng- administered was at a concert given unities. oa thè east and west a void in the ranks of the government that it will not be the comm About 18 miles of new construction $2.60 per year by mail in Canada; $3.00 by mail outside ot AN ASTONISHING lish readers in by a group of very fine musicians in possible for Premier MaoLean to fill. As an administrator : sides of , says the Kel- would be required, with remodelling the Dominion—All In advance. BLUNDER. . the seventies and the Town Hall at Colchester ,;many Mr. Sloan ranked high. As: a politician he had sound judg• eighties, concern years ago. The tenor was in the midst owna Courier, but as a.link'in an "Oka• of several miles at the Naramata and ment and exercised -a dexterity in the • handling of men : nagan feeder of the, Tranaprovincial ing American writers",' and goes on of a solo number when a party of un- r Okanagan Mission, ends. .This applies and situations that at times excited the admiration of both THE SIGNS ARE: HEALTHY to say that "The Village Blacksmith" punctual people were ushered in ..with highway it is an'anomaly in an age of to a low level route, with' the grades political friends and .opponents. But, apart from these some of Mark Twain's and Artemus much rustling of dresses (which were speed' and convenience, as it restricts demanded by tourist travel. If, on the things,, it is probable that "Bill"' Sloan will be best remem• Ward's writings were practically aU worn longer then!), and general dis• travel to only a portion of the daylight other hand, a second road, which could bered fior his qualities as a man. He possessed in an ex• that had .then reached the British pub• hours out of the long summer days mot be used during the: mid-winter Indications all.seem totpoint to a satisfactory turbance, but suddenly stopped sing• traordinary degree the capacity for making and keeping -. when the tourist is abroad in the land, lic." A niore amazing statement could ing, bowed and stepped back, resum• months, would be of value as an aux• friends. He was one of those rare politicians who could year in the Okanagan. v . who, in the hot weather particularly, not be imagined. In the late' sixties ing his number only when all was iliary and as an alternate route for wage political warfare of a very aggressive kind without favors the cool of the early morning Returning valley people who have been south and the early seventies one of the wid quiet once more. The applause of the •tourist travel, which is non-existent incurring the hostility of those with whom he fought. He est read authors was Captain Mayne or late evening for travelling. during the winter months, the Chute audience at the reproof was prompt, could take a large measure of satisfaction out of a victory ; for part, of the winter declare that, compara Reid, whose stories entranced boys of and must have been rather disconcert• Lake route can be utilized. A compet The solution obviously lies in the well won, but could smile in the face of defeat and extend all ages, young boys and old, boys, ing to the offenders! But they cer ent engineer has estimated that sev tively speaking, conditions here are excellent linking up of Kelowna and Naramata a hand to the successful opponent. To "Billy". Sloan life oral miles of the old tote road can be from ten years to seventy old, and he tainly deserved the lesson. by roadjl so that those who have no and .politics were both games to be played manfully and „and local money seems, to be reasonably free. n • i * i _.. : „ — ^, I A TTm relocated so as to cut the maximum was run fairly close by Fenimore Coop AUTOLYCUS. business reasons or cause to travel on gaily, and, that being so, it must have been especially hard Many obligations existing for more or less er, the apostle of Indian lore. The the west side of the lake can drive grade clown to six per cent., and the nature of the country permits of such for him to realize when still a comparatively young man more philosophical reading world was, * through without delay or impediment. that his physical powers were ebbing and that for him the lengthy periods are being wiped out. •in the seventies, being enthralled by Kelowna has hammered away at the cheap construction, owing to absence SUMMERLAND of rock cuttings, and large bridges, glamor of the fray was to be no more. It was the good - Crop prospects appear to be heavy and with the delightful "Professor at the Break• government for many years in an en• fortune of the writer to know the gay and debonair "Billy" fast Table", of Oliver Wendell Holmes, SCHOOL REPORT deavor to have this highway construc• that he guarantees a good secondary Jhe knowledge that the prairies have had a good road can be established from Okana• Sloan from the time he came down to Ottawa to represent and his "One Hoss Shay" was being ted, without securing much assistance the far-flung constituency of Atlin in the Dominion House recited at the "Penny Readings" of I from other towns in the Okanagan and gan Mission to Chute Lake for $20,000. grain year and the general confidence shown Div. I.—Entrance Class in the days when British Columbia sent a "solid seven" that period, all over the country. "The even encountering opposition from Very Little New Road S. A. MacDonald to the Dominion, capital to support Sir Wilfrid Laurier. in the operations of the Board of Control, our Luck of Roaring Camp" by Bret Harte communities, on the west side of the Eeween that point and Penticton , (First 12 in order of merit) there is only a mile or two of new The seven constituted probably the most colorful repre• fruit ranchers are sanguine. . had established that writer's fame Dorothy Bowering, Bob Nelson, Mar• lake, which are too short-sighted to long before the seventies were out, see that any improvement that tends construction, with another couple of sentation this province ever sent to the Federal Parlia- garet Dunsdon, Walter Charles,.Diana This might well be a year for progressive ex• and Edgar Allan Poe's "Tales of Mys to stimulate travel will redound ultim• miles or so of remodelling, so that it ment. Apart from "Billy" Sloan the group included: "Big Barnes, Dick Benmore, Doreen Howis, pansion along careful and soundly-reasoned tery aand Imagination" were as wide ately to their advantage. is safe to say that a secondarynoad, Bill" Galligher, now GVLr. Justice Galligher, the sole sur• Arietta Biagioni, Harry Walmsley, with a maximum grade of six per cent: vivor of the seven; Duncan Ross, who sat for this con• ; ly known as that writer's "Raven" or More Interest Here lines. v, ;:. ••• , — ••• ,• George Gould, Jack Blewett, Mildred and feasible for travel during at least stituency;; Ralph Smith, the Liberal-Labor representative "Annabel Lee". (Our critic, by the Latterly, Penticton has been show Borton. seven months' of the year, if'not long• from Nanaima; Bob MadPherson, who sat for Vancouver; way, mentions "The Raven", which ing more interest in the project and Div. II.—Grade 7—H. W. Daniel er,' can be constructed between Pentic• Hon. William Templeman of Victoria, minister of inland counts unto him for righteousness.) I lias endeavored to enlist the support TWO AUTO SAFETY LAWS (•Standing in order of merit) ton aud Kelowna for $30,000. It is revenue'and known to his personal friends as "Bill" Tem• can afford to leave out certain minor of the Vernon Board of Trade, but Verna Gale, Frances James, Billy likewise safe to say that, much more poets,. such as J. G. Saxe, since the with disheartening results. At a re pleman, and another member whose name I cannot at the Steuart/ Robt. Killick, Betty' Nelson than that sum has been expended dur• Two advance steps in motor circles that will names already mentioned clearly show- cent meeting of the latter body, a let moment recall. They were without a doubt the most pop• Adorno Biagioni, Richard Smith, Billy ing the past few years in eternal that American, literature was well to ter from the Penticton board urging ular provincial group of men in the House at the time, appeal to. most drivers have been taken, appar• Laidlaw, Leonard Mountford, Jack patching up and removal of slides, the. front with us in those days. And support of construction of the eastside and between them they did a lot to advertise this province Armstrong, Alastair Campbell, Aimee from the lakeshore "road between ently through desperation oyer the results of _ may say, in passing, that, there be• road was tabled.on motion by Colonel and keep it in the public eye. To Sir Wilfrid Laurier they Eckersley, Margaret Hookham-' How- Peachland and Penticton, a route that ing at that time no copyright protec• Johnston, after that gentleman had ex• were "the boys from British Columbia." When Mr. Tem• two increasing evils.' These two proposed laws ard Milne, 'Marjorie Bernard. will always be costly to maintain, ow• tion for English writers, the United pressed his "opinion" that such a road pleman was defeated in Victoria in the 1908 election, Mr. ing to.thy effects of irrigation seepage deal with "hitch-hiking" and with pedestrians States got all it cared to take of Old Div. III.—Grade 6—H. 6. .Dunham would, cost $750,000,- and that . there Sloan turned the Atlin seat over to the minister and, to the and natural drainage. It would pay Country writings at nominal cost, by Proficiency—Philip 'Dunsdon, Maur was not the slightest hope of the gov regret of his many friends in Ottawa, including the mem• walking on the road going with the traffic. the government handsomely to aban• means of pirated editions. Britain ice Welsh, Gerald Bowering, Frank eminent undertaking the work. bers of the .iPress Gallery, disappeared from the Federal Walden, Mary Block. don the lakeshore road on the west This winter here it has often been a pro• paid: for what it took—some United It would be interesting to know up scene. He reappeared, in public, life in 1916 when he be• Perfect attendance—Brian Atkinson, side of the lake, replace it for local : nounced hardship on motorists to pass people States publishers took what they want• on what information or engineering came?-a member of the late Premier Brewster's cabinet. ed—and did not pay. So we may take Gerald Bowering, Mary Block, Ken- inter-communication with a high level iFrom that time onward his career has been known to the walking in the same direction as the car was it as certain that both Britain and Am- neth Boothe Florence Doherty, Philip knowledge Colonel Johnston's "opin" road which would not cut a tangent ; people of his adopted province. It is not improbable that, erica were very much more conversant Dunsdon, Terry Farrow, ,; Eva'bale, ion" is based. . The figure is absolutely across all the water draining into the proceeding; and it was placing the pedestrians absurd; a railway grade could be built had his health been better, he would have succeeded the with each other's literature than our Philip Hookham, Earle Inglis, lOolm lake; and construct an eastside high• late Hon. John Oliver in the premiership. But if Mr. Sloan in,danger often, and at no little disadvantage, mistaken critic imagines. : MacKenzie, Phyllis Neill, Russell.Neil for the sum mentioned, and the high way for through traffic, either on the to walk on the right side of the traffic, yet they est estimate, based upon the standard failed to secure the post that he always quite frankly stated When this same writer laments, the Arthur Simpson, Billy. Stark, Donaiu Chute route or by the more preten• he was ambitious to achieve, he left behind him an envu: of construction required to earn the tious and costly all-the-year lower considered that they were abiding by the law: present day neglect of Max Adeler, Tait, Frank Walden, Maurice Welsh able reputation as an administrator, a clever tactician, a Div. IV.—B. A. Gannett Dominion grant in the days of federal level location. : In : Calif ornia, where there are nearly three- an American humorist of fifty years aid to provincial main highways, was hard hitter but a magnanimous foe and the friend of all quarters ôf a million cars on the highways, it ago, he is on firmer ground. Adeler Perfect attendance—Jessie Arkell, who knew him irrespective of the political faith or station had the gift of telling delightfully, fun Bob Barkwill, Billy Borton, Stella in life. , 1 ...... i i. | looks-like a practical move to. get down to some ny stories in a perfectly serious mau Creese, Billy Downton, Dulce Fosbery, ner, much after the fashion of Frank Barbara Haddrell, Lrnest Hiint, .Biuy legal ruling on the matter, in'the estimation of ( PRINCETON MINING PROSPECTS people there, and they are doing so now. Jt Stockton, who wrote "Rudder Grange', Jackson, Mac Johnston, Roy Kennedy, "Mrs. Cliff's .Yacht" and other almost Violet May, Lillian Mitchell, Gordon CARD-INDEXING THE CONSERVATIVE PARTY . "•' would certainly be a good thing in Summerland •Morgan, Victor Parker, Mary Powell, forgotten tales. Both these writers According to the Ottawa correspondent of a Winnipeg if it were at least customary, .if nothing else; were exponents of the style of humor Barbara Purves, Lloyd Shannon, Fred LOOKING BRIGHTER EVERY DAY Smith, Leslie .Smith, Mona Steuart, newspaper there will be tried out at Ottawa within the for people, when walking, to approach the traf we now get from Stephen Leacock, next few years an experiment in the application of big and it is a pity their books are not George .Strachan, Gordon Sutherland fie, Both driver and pedestrian would be many Inez Walter, Kathleen Wright, Mary ly to assume his new duties. business methods to the game of politics. After a dissert• more in evidence today. We \need New Coalfields are Attract• ation on the abiding faith of many people in'the efficiency times safer. •There is no doubt that this prac more light writing to leaven^ the mass Young, Rudolph Pirillo, Gwen Weaver He states that plenty of capital is Promoted from Grade 5A to Grade 6B ing Good Deal of now available for the prosecuting of of captains of industry, as illustrated by a recent sugges• ' tice, which is becoming so common and is so of indigestible psychological and im• 1 Stella Creese, Gordon Morgan, Bob active operation this season, and thatj tion that Canada could be better run by. a national com• 'sensible, deserves every encouragement even pressionist stuff now thrust upon us, Notice mittee of business men than by Parliament and the Gov• and we should cherish real humor Barkwill, Lillian Mitchell, Eleanor the plant, which was practically • in- to making it compulsory. Pedestrians and mo• Jackson, Lloyd Shannon, Peggy Turn readiness last fall, will be fully equip• ernment of the day, the correspondent says: "Hon. R. B. wherever we find it. Max Adeler .could Bennett, the new Conservative leader, is well known as a torists alike, we believe, would welcome it. endow the most ludicrous incidents er, -.'Barbara Haddrell, Ernest Hunt, PAYMENTS MADE ped and ready to work just as soon Rupert Wialton, Billy Borton, Donald as the weather will permit. This, it man of great business experience, and it was only to be with an apparent seriousness which ON TULAMEEN AREA expected that he would bring to his new position the tech- Minnesota is, experimenting"with the "hitch• was in itself quite delightful, as wit• Sutherland. .. •'•'.. ' is hoped, will not be later, than the last of the month. Snique of a directors' meeting. A party chieftain, in the hiking" evil and is passing legislation which ness his story of the lady who was so :•* ' Proficiency, Grade 5A nature of things, has a free hand in leading his party and makes it illégal for anyone to solicit an auto• absorbed in the sermon, and so seized Dulce Fosbery, Jean Sharman, Kath Machinery Going in by Active Year at Hedley Mr. Bennett, no doubt, has discovered grave weaknesses, mobile ride from the roadside. ,. In many places by a graphic description of The Flood, leen Wright, Barbara Purves; Violet Tractor to Silver-Lead The year's programme at the Hed• in the methods of leadership employed by his predecessors •„. that she unconsciously put up her urn May.' • . • •• • ...i.! ley ;Gold Mine, according to General this evil has reached astonishing proportions, in that.office. However that may be, a new order, has been brilla :to .keep off the rain, and-in so Div. V.—R. E. Graham i Claim Manager G. P. Jones; who has just re• ushered in and the card index as a parliamentary weapon ' arid'? here.;along the trail Ithe past year there doing worked much havoe-iamo'iig the I C'.Class leaders—Grade'4, part 1—Alex turned from the company's headquar• has at last come into its own. The plan, it appears, first have been not a few transgressors appearing hats of her immediate.;,neighbors in Lyons, Robert McLacblan and Ruth Princeton — Lundy Brothers and ters in New York, provides consider• occurred to Mr. Bennett shortly before the session of Par• : able development work, but practical• from time to time. It is a different proposition the congregation. And; of that other Pearson, Myrtle Reid, Janet Strachan Company, Limited, Vancouver brokers, liament opened. He decided to conduct a grand stock• church goer who sailed majestically Grade 4, part 2—Mary Cran and Don have purchased a block of shares in ly all of this will be done underground, taking of his party. He called in his followers, it is said, ' around home where the drivers recognize their up the, aisle, unconscious of the •-. fact Agur, Joseph James, Vivian Harvey, the Lynden Coal Company,, and would on the upper levels of the present one by one, and put them to the. question. They were neighbors, but out on the'highways it becomes that her train had^caught the silk hat Bobby Cran. have taken another block had it been mine. invited to confess wherein they had special knowledge. of a worshipper who had placed ' it Perfect attendance-—Eleanor Amund- available. The result of-the transac• Advice received a year ago from a Did they know anything about agriculture, finance, admin• another matter entirely. ' ' \-, . : there for safety, and thkt she was pro• son, Mary Cran, Harold Foster, Vivian I tion will place at the-disposal of the recognized expert'" at locating ore istration of justice, trade and commerce, immigration? The results of these attempts to deal with viding considerable .entertainment to Harvey, .Haruko Inaba, Isabel Clark, ¡ company a considerable amount of bodies, warrants the opinion that fur• 1 Were they contractors, and if so had they the good fortune - two serious traffic difficulties will be watched those who should have. been- prepar• Joseph James, Suma Kuroda, Robert i money which will be used to bring the ther ore bodies may be looked for in of doing'jobs for previous governments? Would, they fer• . with à great deal of interest. ing their minds for devotional matters. McLachlan, Billy Ramsay, Myrtle Nine Mile i Creek mine to full develop• the vicinity of those now worked out, ret into the department of public works? . . . When the Adeler's "Out of the Hurly-Burly" is Reid, Dale Rumball, Howard Shannon, ment. and this view coincides with that held time came to strike the parliamentary committees,' the a book well worth reviving. Pearl Smith, Janet Strachan, Irene According to the statement of a well by Mr. Jones himself. Conservative representatives were .chosen after- long and f ^ r ; BRING CONVENTION HERE Tait, Mary Uzawa, Helen Wolffer, known mining official, the mine is one Last year considerable money was careful study of the index cards. Mr. Cahan is to.be the Overdrafts are of many kinds and Louie Wolffer, Ruth Pearson. of the greatest prospects of the day, spent in exploring new properties at financial critic of the opposition. Mr. Bennett has trained It is evident that the people of Summerland of various complexions. We can over• Div. VI.—A. R. Dale ". and it is stated that there is a guar• some distance from the present mine, his heavy artillery upon various departments and. behind draw on our capacity for.pleasure, and Proficiency, Grade 3A—'Pearl White, anteed yield of 300 tons daily for 300 but without satisfactory results. - —„ -r— do,not appreciate,highly enough the value of pay for it in the sa- Margaret Read, Reggie Turner, Bero- years. The mine is an ideal one, the There is an inexhaustible supply of each big gun is massed a party of skirmishers, whose .duty .having different organizations holding their OVERDRAFTS tiety which follows lyn Atkinson. • . - seams running absolutely true, with ore in the lower workings of the mine lt wil1 'De to rusft tno attack. Each department of thegov- conventions here, or there would be some en• an overdose; we can Grade 3B—Fred Schwass, Jack Tol• almost a total absence of rock, and a but the values have decreased to the eminent is to'be investigated thoroughly, and the special deavor made to obtain more of this kind of .so• overdraw on our capacity for work, land, Sandy Fenwick, Kenneth Scur- solid coal roof which requires practic• point where it Is no longer profitable committees, which usually do not sit" because a quorum and pay for it In very serious fashion; rah. ally no timbering, and little danger of to work unless some higher grade cannot be.drummed up, are to be revived and made to cial activity; not necessarily the biggest ones; or (and now wo come to-real matters!) water. The coal is among the best bodies are located to "sweeten" it up. .function." Naturally the members at Ottawa are interest- Regularity and punctuality—Berolyn ea 3n Mr but the ones of a size we can properly take we can overdraw at the bank, and Atkinson, Frances Baldwin, Bobby for domestic use procurable, and when Mr. Jones'expresses the opinion that * - Bennett's highly organized plan of attack on he either "get away with it", or become rail connection is made—and negotia• they will have everything in readiness government trenches, the Liberal members especially, care of. Beer, Thomas Brennan, Stephen Duns• 01 acquainted with the cold and heartless don, Sandy Fenwick, Jessie Gould, Ed• tions, are'already under way — there to resume raining and milling by the Th '© I* much to be said for a systematized plan of scru- Those who listened to Mr. L. J. Wood, of the tln signs "N.S.F.". There is a discourag• die Hannah, Lawrence Hickey, Jessie will be a ready and assured market. tenth of 'March. The present crisp y and .criticism., Another good thing about It, and Mr. , Okanogan-Cariboo Trail Association, speaking ing sort of finality about, these letters, Loonier, Gordon Mountford, Olive Mo. Tho power line to Princeton runs near• weather, he states, is favorable, In Bennett undoubtedly had tills in mind, is that it is a good at the Board of Trade on Friday night got a when placed in that sequence, which Kenney, George Powell, Tommy Ram• by, while there is ample water supply that it is reducing the flow of the wa- thing to give all the boys something to do to keep them fresh idea of the value of publicity given to creates a chill in the atmosphere, and say, Lena Rossi, Kenneth Scurrah, from either Nine Mile or Whipsaw ter in the river, which this winter.ha• - s- busy, otherwise they are liable to go stale. The Conserva• UUlbbUU W ******* »-- - - - • • - - : —- .I (Otljl XJCUI« creeks, and timber on the property for been abuormally high. Members of tive leader is a worker and he proposes to see that the turns the bluest skies to a sombre era Smith, Ichiro Tada, Jean Thomp people at a distance, which is almost exactly DUN color. (Excuse tho unpremecli Vson, Adline Wolffer, Jack Yolland, all needs.' the staff and crew are daily returning other follows do more work in the future and thereby the result conventions have, only the difference fated play upon words.) The unhappy' David Kelley. Discover Coal to the camp in readiness for the open- better fit themselves for the responsibilities of government is, those who have been at a convention and recipient of one of his own cheques Div. VII.—Grade 2— M. V. Smith A now coal area, thought to have a ing of operations. when they tire chosen by the people to fill tho seats of the have been well treated, on their return paint thus endorsed, feels that the bottom Class leaders—Audrey Steuart, Jean future, has been discovered noar tho mighty. of everything has fallen out, and that, Korcher, Kenneth James and Tomle Knighton ranch, just out of Princeton, CONTROLLING THE PRICE OF DIAMONDS an attractive picture of the convention city. like,tho dove too early sont out from Kubokawa, Marjorie McKenney, Fumi and is, according to reports, to bo Sales Manager of The publicity (Canada has received in many- The Ark, he can find no place for his In view of the interest taken by the people of British Tada, ' worked by Andrew Vaydo and Jack Associated Declares lands because of the holiday spent by many at feet, Never, since tho days when he Croly. l Columbia in control laws since the enactment of tho Prod- wrestled with tho alphabet with the Perfect attendance—Norman Arm• juce Marketing Act moves made along similar Hues In othor tHe World's Poultry Congress of July last at strong, Floronco Brennan, Lawrence Final paymont on the property Market Expanding aid" of those pictorial embellishments known as the Pleasant Valley coal countries are liable to attract our attention. A cu'riouB Ottawa is a good sample, even though on a Charles, George Clarko, Kenneth development In the control field Is announced from South hoaded by "A was an AVcher, who area, situated a few miles up th-a Tul- V'oinon—D. McNnir, sales manager large scale. Prof. Harry R. Lewis, Rhode shot at a frog", have any slgnB or sym• James, J^an Korcher, Elchl Kitngawa, Africa where marvellously rich diamond Holds recently Tomlo Kubokawa, Sndlo May, Nora ameon River from Princeton, has been of the Associated Growers, roturnod Island, president of the United States National bols caused such mental anguish ns made to the supremo court by W. R. discovered have been taken over by tho government aud Murphy, Hugh MoOu'tcheon, Roes Pow on Tuesday from a two month*' tour, wil l ubo upuimuoperatedu mIn uthmo mmi-uinterest«s UoLf tho .publii „ wc treasury Poultry Council, was one of the most enthusi• those—-tho world becomes a dreary Wilson, one of tho three interested wm 0 B V W waste, and tho sustonnnco thereof is ell, Sylvia Rold, Loslio Rumball, Au- during which ho visited many centrn.B but in a way that will prevent a cut i• n- th' » e- pric1 —o o.if> dla.u„- astic delegates. He is giving his impressions drey Steuart, Betty Strachan, Fuml parties. Mir. Wilson is prosklont of Dead Soa fruit. Even in thoso casos tho Crow's Nest Pass Company and a In Canada and tho United States In monds to tho detriment of the diamond mining Industry, Tada, Doreen Tait, Mary Tweedy, after participating in the Congress, trans-Can• wlioro an indulgent manngor allows largo shareholder in tho ^Promior. connection with tho operations of tho in view of tho importance to South Africa of tho diamond George Uzawa. ada tour. Since his return to the United States the payment of a cheque which over• Tho property is extensive and givos Associated Growers aud. tho Canadian industry tho movo would appear to bo a sonslblo ono Grade 1A—T. M. Hobbs draws tho balance, tho glow of satis- and every promise of yielding a largo sup• Fruit Distributors. Mr. McNair spent dospito tho fact that General Smuts, tho loader ot tho op- h-e has addressed poultry associations, banquets iProllcloncy—Marjorlo Fenwick faotion which warns tho hoart of tho Ian ply of high grade domestic coal, whilo, .sonic timosjn Rogtna, Montreal, Chi- position in Parliament, considers tho government's movo and clubs, among the latter being the French- Marjorlo Carvath, John Forbos, cage and Los Angeles, to constitute a dangerous example of stato Socialism. An- drawer Is soon chilled by a notlflca- situated as it Is closo to both tho Great •Loomor and Cbarllo Vorrler. town Community Club, the Rhode Island State tion in austere torms that an imme• Northern and Kottlo Valley railways, There Is a good deal of optimism on other curious example of control comes from tho Unttod Grade 2B Grange, as well as many others, and has given diate deposit to cover tho deficit is bho-mlno would find a ready markot the Canadian prairies as- a result of states whore tho Intorstato Commerce Commission has Cecil Poaco, Wilford Evans, Gwyn- roquirod. Not ovoryono has tho colos- otthpr at tho coast or in Washington tin' 1027 crop and Indications are that rofusod to allow railways to movo coal at rates lower than thescpoople of his state details of his trip, illus• oth Grldlths, Maelynn Clark, snl norvo to turn such a notice to Tractor for New Mine prairlo points will absorb moro fruits, thoso fixed by tho commission, It appears that tho com. trated by maps, photographs and motion pic* Punctuality and regularity — Ruby good offoct, although I have known it A 2Vj'ton Clotrac tractor, a 25-horso. tilnn for many years. mission gavo tho mines in certain districts which wero Agono, Marjorlo Carvath, Loll Cavanf, tures. •.-.,'. to bo "done, An insuranco agont I power semt-Delsol ongino, a compress In California, and at all points In handicapped by highor rntos owing to a longer haul tho onco know usod to pin thoso remind• Georgo Crooso, Wilford Evans, Fran- tho United States whoro our Mcintosh bonoflt of a preferential schedule whoroupon tho railways f Mr. Oscar Brown, of Scunthorpe, Lines., Eng• or, a number of receiving tanks, n els Hannah, Mlnorl KUa, Inn Loomor, ers ovor his dosk, and point to thorn quantity of pipe, and mlsoollanoous apples oro being sold, thoir quality procoodod to wlpo out tho preferential by voluntarily low- land, also participated in the trip, and he writes Porcy Mlllor, Bob Ramsay, Rachel with a gloomy shako of tho bond whon equipment arrived in tho city this ami flavor are winning goldon opln- orlng rates from mines onjoylng tho shortor hauls, Tho that he has had the ploasuro of broadcasting Smith, Cbarllo Vorrler, Cecil Peace, asked for paymont of somo later ac• week consigned to tho Pacific Slopes Ions, Mr, McNair expects thoro will commission thereupon stopped in and compelled tho rail- Lloyd Gnrtroll, Jimmy Strachan, Isa• his improssions of Canada. Mr. Porcy A. Fran• count—to tho groat discomfiture of tho Minos, and is boing taken across tho bo a considerable oxpnnslon In busi- ways to collect a highor rate thnn thoy woro willing to bel Campholl, Maolynn Clark, cis, of tho British Ministry of Agriculture, lias applicant. But that was In tho days hills to tho summit, whore everything noss with American points, take. This raises a nlco quost-lon; Should a railway eom- Div. IX.—Grade 1—F. M. Banks when money was easier, and also In a points to tho Huccessful dovolopmont Qlon II, Floronco, of Winnipeg, and mission moroly see to It that railway rates aro not oxcos- boon busy lecturing since his return to England, Class loaders — Matsuo Kubokawa, district whore hanks had to tnko somo of what nro rocognlzod to bo valuable J, B, Dlokoy, of Calgary, officials of slvo or discriminatory, or should It go furtbor and so ad- his subject being "Canada". David Taylor, Donald MacDonald, Roy risks whloh thoy would not ontortaln mineral proportlos, tho Canadian Fruit Distributors, ro- just rntos as to equalizo conditions In various parts of tho iS'andorson, Annlo Hall. today, •" ( turned to Vernon wit"'h Mr. McNni" r to country? It Is a knotty problem, but it is perfectly cloar Italy is also activoly advertising Canada. One Regularity and punctuality — Cllvo Tho proporty Includes a number of of her chief dologatos to tho World's Poultry discuss various aspects of tho 1028 that, both In tho case of the diamonds nnd tho coal rntos, T noticed tho othor day that Mioro Atkinson, Emma Bnrtoloniooll, Cbarllo cdalins loitHod to tho Pacific Slopo oporntlons. tho idea buck of tho action taken was that tho wolfnro of Congress, Prof, A. Ghigi, of the University of Is still ground for complaint against, llotuzzl, Roctco Blnglonl, Bob llloas- MlnOH Company, financed by Vancouv• tho community at largo is of greater moment 1hnn that of er men, Thoso claims oxtond ovor an 10 Bologna, is writing a book entitled "From Niag• tho bad taato of UIOBO pooplo who nro dale, Jack Oalo, Fumlhlro Inabn, Tos. Pi. D I T i. tl Individual or prlvnto Interests nffoctod. This now ooo- hllco Kanamorl, Matsuo ^ Kubokawa, area of approximately (Ivo square ic doctrlno to which wo lmvo glvon effect In British ara to Mexico". This will contain many viows In tho -habit Lastern Brook lrout nom THEATRE MANNERS of coming lato Bobby Montgomory, Ross McLachlan, mlloH, while ono now slopo has nlroady PlnnfArl in TulnivtnAn Columbia nppoars to bo spreading, but It Is going to bo of Canada and will covor the country from coast John Nowton, Patricia Pontlnnd, Don- boon sunk, revealing groat possiblll. • . to thoatros riamea in luiamicn fiomo confli(|omblo time before It Is choorfnlly nocoptod by tlos, and tho Marlon slopo, noarby, has to coast. and ooncort rooms, to the Irritation aid Rood, Roy Sanderson, David Tay• ovorybody, also been taken to somo depth. As a • Canada is being advertised as a result of tho and discomfort of tho nudlonco alroody lor, Billy Evnns, Tommy Jfnnmili, KM- Prlncoton — Mr, Goo, Qartroll, Do result of tho recent, notlvlty, tho prop• assembled, and was surprised to find 1 liin! Imnyosbl, Froddlo Smith, THE LABORITE8 PROP08E TO FIGHT World's Poultry Congress. Tho advertising is orty luiR boon wldoly commontod on minion llsboiios inspector, Summer that npnorontly no romody for this of tho bost kind. It is first hand information in const mining circles, land, is continuing the good work ooff A story sont out from Victoria somo time ngo to tho bnd habit is enforced. If T am not flrnnd Forks—At a special mooting Sltuniod 21 mllos along tho Dowd- stocking tho lnkos nnd streams around offoct thnt a Lnbor-Llbornl nlllnnco wns shaping up for tho given by pooplo who roturnod to thoir homos mlstnkon, many London thontros thir• of tho city council, tho ostlmntps of noy trail from Princeton, tho proporty hero, and, In nnothor fow yenrs, this approaching provlnclnl election npponrs to hnvo bnd no saturatod with tho very bost kind of Informn ty years ago tnado It a rnlo to sluit receipts and expenditures of tho city Klvofl evidence of largo deposits of ga• dlHtrtct promises to bocomo a regular very solid foundation In view of tho action of tho Ornator tliolr doors aftor tlm curtain had gono for 1028 wore completed and a tax tion about Canada. lena (sllvoi'-Ioad) with various othor paradlso for doscondants of Isaac Wal- Vancouver Lnborltos In deciding to placo six cnndldnlOB In up, and tho Into comors had to wait lovy of ,10 mills was docldod upon. motnls In smallor n«n«tltlos, chlofly ton. tlio flold In that part ot tho province. That negotiations What has boon accomplished in this national for tho end ot tho scono thon In pro- TIIN ifi two mills lower than Inst yonr gold spolorlto and cnleoyprlto. Sever• During tho wook Mr, Gnrtroll arrlv. to thnt, ond woro In prowess, however, Is suggostod by tho v.onturo would work just as woll for a small gross before thoy wore admitted, No and If, the lowost rate for a mimbor of al assays hnvo boon tnkon, proving re- od with 20,000 onstorn brook trout somewhat outspoken criticism of tho notion of tho Labor- community. It would bo a good movo to on- ono can dispute tho Justice of such years. Of tho 30 mills, thoro will ho mnrknhlo oro values. Shipments will ORRS which woro duly planted In tho |(oH on tho pnrt of Liberals ns reported In tho Vnncouvor a rulo, and Its strict onforcomont Id mills for tho city rovonuo, as was courago somo small bodv of local enthusiasts ho mndo as soon ns a road is created, Tulnmoon Rlvor. Later no Intends newspapers, Tho bronkdown of tho nogotlnllons monns would certainly put an end to this per• i he case Inst year, hut there will bo n Mr, Goo, V, Tuppor, of Vancouver, bringing ovor 30,000 fry from a smnll that thoro will bo throo-onrnored contests In six constltu- to look aftor Summorland's interests in this ro- nicious custom, fltrnngo ns It may cut of two mills for schools, tho rnto ,'ocently nppolntod manngor of tho hatchory which ho Is operating with enclos,, Even nt that tho situation will ho loss complicated snoct. In oarlior days wo had many conven• soom to habitual Into comors, tho bring M mills as against Jfl Inst year. This reduction nppllos to all lands m Tulnmoon Gold & Platinum Rocovory marked sunt'osfl at Sninmorlnml, Thoso thnn It wns in 1D24 wlion tho Provlnclnl Pnrty also rnn a tions hero, but of lato wo have not boon as Kronl mnjorlty of pooplo wish to on Company, arrived In Princeton rocont- will ho planted In tho Ono MIlo ''rook, full slato. agffresslvo as wo should bo In this lino. - Joy n piny or a concert from beginning tho munlclpnl school district, THE SUM MERL AND REVIEW; 'FRIDAY, MARCH; :9JÌ1928 7> ii (T^E'LAWN grasses in the riiixtiire." WJLWÎÏ» H ^'i '?'•>•" j*t': » •'' ' '.' -'•i,J',« Editor's note This is the second I) article- contributed •' through the Hortii A WANT AD. 'cultural Society by ?Mx. Wm. Melvin gen content. Scatter this early In.the Blevtett- -Store '''.'' V Fleming on the best ways to make spring at the1 rate of-'on'cy-pound to • in- . Mr. W. M. Dryden spent Thursday the home grounds attractive. If you every 25 to 30 square feet. This may SEED in Peachland. have-trouble-with your lawn; read this. be repeated if the lawn does'not show Summerland —o—• sufficient improvement. Do not be in Every effort towards home beauti- too great a hurry to start clipping. Garden and Field Seed — Chick Feed —• Chick Scratch Miss K. Elliott left lor Vancouver Review New Hats fication must fail if the lawn is not Give the young plants a chance to get on Friday's train. Direct shipment of Misses' and good. It is the setting for all else. well rooted. Once clipping starts, and Starter Mash — Charcoal — Hay — Grain • will dispose of used Article* • —o— Children's Hats, Bonnets, Pokes, Many times- the lawn is underlaid with keep closely clipped throughout the that you no longer need. .-. Mr. and Mrs. iP. Thornber spenti the etc., received this week. All poor-dirt which has been taken from season to prevent the production of Chop — Mashes Mixed to Order the cellar of the house in construc• The sale gets' you. something week-end in Kelowna. modern styles and moderately seed.; This is nature's way of.keeping 10-1-c you want, lc per word per priced. / tion. This will result in a weak and a good stand of grass. Do not remove insertion. 'Minimum 25c for patchy lawn difficult to improve. If the clippings but' allow these to lie any single advt. Try one. Major I-Iutton left on' Thursday building a new lawn after grading and where they fall from the mower. morning for Victoria. Ladies' Silk Hose levelling is completed it-will pay hand• These will form a protective mulch Our Spring and Summer stock is somely to cover.these poor, patches Tery useful .for retaining moisture iu with a generous layer of good soil. the hot summer season. These will • Mr. Eric Johnson left on Sunday for now complete. Prices range FOR SALE OR RENT—A well-built from 50c pair to42.00. No better Then finally rake the. surface smooth not be unsightly if the lawn is clipped house with good outbuildings on an a visit to Vancouver. value anywhere. and seed with a good lawn mixture. frequently. At least twice and per• acre and a third of land, in Peach Seedsmen offer several good mixtures haps three time per week may be nec• Auction Sale! —o— Orchard. Phone F. D. Cooper. Ladies' Mercerised Lisle and already prepared. For. those .who wish essary in the early summer: If well Mrs. Geo. Gartrell went clown to •.'••, 49-tf-c Cotton, 35c to 60c pair. to prepare their own, the following is rotted barnyard, manure is available Vancouver on Friday last. the formulae used in seeding the in the fall, apply a good dressing and ANGUS' CAFE—We appreciate your —o— lawns at the Experimental Station break this up with a garden rake in SAT., MARCH 17th patronage-. Penticton, Main St. • Mr. Chapman and' son were visitors Kentucky Blue, 5 lbs.; Italian Rye, 3 the spring but leave as much as pos• •• 5-tf-c New Gloves lbs.; Chewings Fescue, 2 lbs.; Red AT 1:30 P.M. to town from Osprey Lake on Monday. sible on the ground well worked in.to Top, .2 lbs.'; Crested Dogs Tail, 1 lb.; the roots of the grass. It is often act SPRAY •' MATERIAL, fertilizer, seed —o— • ' • ' Ladies, you must see our new and feed. Occidental Fruit Co. Ltd., Gloves. This season we have Creeping Bent Grass, % lb. visable to scatter a little seed of the Mr. L. Beavis and Mr. W. M-. Mc• In the GREEN Co-operative Building beside Wm. Peachland and Summerland.. 6-tf-c put in a much larger range than -. Seed this mixture at the,rate of one \ lawn grass mixture over the thin spots Donnell arrived in Summerland on in any previous season. All pound to 200 square feet. Rake in Do this while the lawn is still freezing Ritchie's Lumber Yard, of FOR SALE—Chevrolet Coach, 1926, Wednesday. ' .prices, styles and sizes.., See lightly and then cover with a layer of and thawing. clean hay or straw free from weed HOUSEHOLD AND ORCHARD IMPLEMENTS well cared for, splendid condition, —o— •' ' display. completely equipped, license. Box seeds.- (Leave • this - on until the grass 300, Penticton. 6-2-c Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Young returned Every Day New Goods Arriving is well started. The Italian Rye grass Watch for the Red Flag from their visit to Vancouver on Tues• Come in and See the Nice germinates very quickly and" will'give' HOUSE NEAR1NG FOR SALE—Good bicycle and folding Things day's train. . shade and protection to the more D. LORNE SUTHERLAND - - Auctioneer couch West Summerland Exchange. slowly growing, grasses. It dies out 8-2- after the first year : .but the .other 10-1-c Mr. Geo. Gartrell was over to Carmi grasses. will easily fin up the gaps. SESSION CLOSE; HAVE YOU any old stamps m your on Saturday to plant;some fish in a Kentucky Blue grass is - the basis of Post Office Department, inaugurated 'attic? If so, write me and turn Laidlaw & Co. ing developed within Liberal circles, lake near there. all good lawn mixtures but requires based on the belief that anything ap• some years ago, and meeting with them into Cash. W. H. Colquhoun, 28 to 30 days to germinate. Hence general favor and success, namely the Ewings Landing, B.C. 9-2-pd —o— "Where It Pays To Deal" PLAN CONTEST proximately resembling a jerrymand• the use of other more' rapid growing rural mail delivery." Miss L. Boggs stopped over the er, would' bring hazardous reactions. FOR SALE—A 140-egg Wisconsin in• Instead, a proposaLwill be seriously week-end in Summerland with friends cubator, new, $15. A. A. Derrick. One-Third of Present Mem• considered looking to the^'appointment 9-2-c on her way to Vancouver. bership Likely to of a commission -composed of one ; v ; 1 : Graham and Nessie Smithson,, and ''•• ' '- -. -0— ''••'•'" '• . / :' ' prominent Liberal, another like prom• UNEQUALLED, BARGAIN — Ideal Miss Marjories Hatfield is in Sum• readings by Dorothy Hunt and Betty Drop Out inent Conservative, and ah independ• poultry farm. Seven, acres by rail- : Smithson. Delicious refreshments ent chairman of legal training, to de• way at West Summerland Station, merland from Birmingham, Alabama, ITS A FACT were served and all enjoyed the after• P.G.E. YET UNSETTLED; vise a complete rearrangement of pro• with small orchard, good barn, -ex• where she has been nursing. • vincial ridings on economic zones. noon thoroughly. Mrs. Rutherford and cellent soil. $850.00 on terms. F. D. —o—- OUR SAI^ES ARE LAND GRANT BLOCK .Cooper, Summerland. 10-tf-c ; Mr. Jack Kirk went down to New; Miss Andrews came up from Oliver FOR SALE—Timothy hay,' $23.00 per Westminster, having been summoned about the middle of December and INCREASING Redistribution Commission FIFTEEN YEARS AGO ton; alfalfa, first cutting, $23.00 per by the illness of his mother. may return there very soon. Is Latest Suggestion ••• ton. Will deliver at wharf, Summer- •', • ' • — o— '.. .Mr. J. L. Hilborn gave a lecture on land, at above prices, carlots. II. It will pay you to read the Grecer- WHY? From Capital Mr. Lyons, who has been in poor Wallianis,, Peachland, B.C. 10-1-c vegetable growing in which he told of teria advertisement this week. ; 10-1-c health and living here for about , a Victoria, March 8.—With'-night sit• his experiences in Leamington, Ont., WANTED—March 31. Married man and how the district there had grown year, has moved to Penticton. .-. — O— •••':..- tings ordered from now until the ses• to work on fruit ranch. Must be iMjr. and Mrs. Percy Thompson have to a leading place in hothouse work. good teamster and' milker. House, ' —0— ' •". • , • . ' -.- • sion's end, Premier MacLean hopes to He saw no reason why Summerland moved to .their home at Trout Creek milk and wood provided. Apply, stat• After a week in Vancouver, Mrs. K. Wc Sell For reach prorogation on Tuesday next. should not achieve the same distinc- ing wages- and reference. Napier N. Ross went up to Field to stay for Point...... '•-..•,.->''.... There will meanwhile be no Cabinet tion in British Columbia, Higgin, It.R. . 10-1-c a while with Mrs. Geo. Ross. Less! appointment in succession to the'^late •—O Mr. and Mrs. Muir Steuart have re• Mr. Sloan, but a reconstruction prior Details of new legislation introduc• WALL PAPER 10c per roll, up. See turned from a trip to-the coast. to a general election, with recognition ed by-Hon. J. W. Bowser would make our sample books. Atkinson, paint• To get a cent-a-word advertisement Here's sample for therein of all.major cities and all rep- it necessary for vall hunters to carry er..^ > 10-2-c in the paper up to the last minute, if r'esentative provincial interests. their' licenses and wear a badge. Mrs. E. Graham received • word on SATURDAY AND FOR SALE—A good tent shack. , Lee you cannot get the office phone, call It is forecast that an election will . '••—P— Tuesday of the birth of a daughter to be fought in June, with about two- The London News had an item of in McLaughlin. . 10-3-c 656." MbNDAY ONLY : thirds of the present House member- formation which was copied ip The —o— •.' Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Schuler, of Van A CENT-A-WORD advertisement pays couver. ship again offering. • "; Review. "British Columbia is perform- you. . • •".• •'• The Co-operative shipped a car of MACARONI The Vancouver delegation inevitably ing wonders in the way of fruit pro- Newtowns on Friday last to Winnipeg, will be largely changed, General Od- duction. The favorite little English SUN WORTHY WALL PAPERS do not Per Lb. and one to .Vancouver on Monday of • Rev. Sato of Kelowna conducted ser -ium- and' Mr. Creery dropping out of apple known as Cox's Orange Pippin 'fade. See our sample books. Atkin vices Sunday last in the Japanese Hall' politics, Mr. Woodward running as an is their'latest fancy for experiment. son, painter.; 10-2-c this week. .. ../,.. - in Victoria! Gardens. .10 Independent if he runs at all, Captain and they have been able to produce After careful and impar• '••; —'O— ;••>:• -. Ian Mackenzie seeking to wrest the this variety.much larger in size, more tial consideration of every Mrs. G. Gunn, who has been visiting Mackenzie seat from M; Manson (Con- attractive, in appearance, and equal in servatiye), with the prestige of proyiii- flavor to ttíe English fruit. Another -wellrknown tire manufac• COMING EVENTS 1 her sister, Mrs. Alex Steven; went to PURE LARD tured .today, .we have Kamloops for a .fortnight's visit in The Sicamous was docked here a cial secretary and minister.of educa- new and luxurious apple now on sale little longer than . usual on Friday ticin; and Mrs; Mary Ellen Smith con- in Coyent Garden market is the Bfit- chosen Seiberlings for The combined choirs of the United that city. • tésting Nanaiino City, iong served by jsh Columbia 'Delicious' apple, a big, morning and •:. Messrs. Rattenbury; .20 1928. Church' will "render the second Can• ( her late, husband, Hon..Ralph Smith'.., speckled, ruddy-coloréd fruit;that can Foulkes and Sutherland' of Kelowna This tire may be new to tata Olivet to Calvary on Good Friday Some checker fans from West Sum• Hon. Dr.-MacLean will contest Vic: be retailed for 6d per pound." night, April 6. • •' " merland, are going down, they < think, went up to look over the fish hatchery. Pound Cartons toria City, possibly running as well'in ,. '' — o— you, but it is nationally ;: : : : Yale for surety's sake; and Hon;. Dr. 'The Review' had an editorial with •'•'••:•...•'•'•'.'.••'::;! '•';' —o— ' v:i'.•--'J--.''i' . known and advertised. Stamp collections bought... W.. H to win a game at Stark's store on There was. a good attendance at the Tolmie, the-Conservative leader, hav- the .'caption "Let's Go After It". The Colquhoun, Ewing's Landing, B.C Monday night. ' ... : TOILET TISSUE ing accepted nomination in liis'home opening paragraph reads: '"Anything We concluded it is best •,-' ;•• :. 8-4-c Women's .Institute meeting on Friday riding of Saanich, where he was 'borh tliat lends itself to the comfort and suited to our local roads, Mr. Rutherford was across to Brook- to hear Mr. Palmer's address on "Se• 8 Rolls for and has lived his lifetime. convenience of citizenship in rural a tire that is allrtread, Ladies' Hospital Auxiliary Sale, Sat. mere over the week-end to attend a crets of the Soil". Mr. H. B. Thomson is.freely men- communities tends direptly to encour- both side-walls and fape. urday, March 10, 2 p.m., Parish Hall. tionéd as the probable Conservative age settlement in such districts. Do Home' cooking, aprons and other. use• meeting of K.y.R. telegraphers, re• ,:.'' • —,°~, candidate for Victoria's Commons seat m'estic water, electric light and other The extra value is in plain ful' articles, candy, magic goose for turning Monday. Cotton—Born to Mr. and Mrs. A. F. which the Doctor is programmed to conveniences have no doubt done sight. Compare it with the children, afternoon tea. Every• Cotton of Port Haney, B.C., at the relinquish at the close of the present much toward bringing additional citi- any other tire. body please come and help the hospi• POTATOES Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Wilson and Miss Royal Columbian Hospital, March 3, session. zens to this community of orchards tal. Donations gratefully received at With the passage of the estimates, ft may not be generally known to our Priced exactly the .same Parish Hall. 9-2->c IL.'i WaTren went by car to -Colwell, 1928, a ^daughter. Mrs. Cotton is a $1.25 the sessional programme, which has citizens that there is yet another very as all other Standard '* * - * '-J, Washington,' on Friday last, returning daughter of Mr, and Mrs. R. Neve. not been notable, offers few • hari'dl- material .convenience in the form of a St. Patrick's tea will be given at the caps to an early winding up of busi- government service which, we believe, Tires home of Mrs. Angove under auspices on Wednesday. •Mir. Lee '.McLaughlin is setting of the Lakeside Women's Mission So• —o— ness. this community may have for the ask- P.G.E. is Still Held Up ing, a service that would save in the ciety, Saturday, March 17, from 3 to Postmaster Bowering has had word pace for the ilower lovers of Summer- Sack s READS GARAGE The Pacific Great Eastern proposals aggregate many weeks in time and be 6 p.m. 10-2-c that'Ella and Ewart had passed their land this year. He is setting out one '.'-.. have not yet taken concrete form and a source of comfort to all concerned examinations very creditably at Bran• thousand "Glads" where last year he WHEATLETS therein is the chief impediment.in the We refer to a branch'service of the 10-1-c ~ St. Patrick's dance will be held don University. This is their final had his sweet peas. Government's plans. A definite pledge Thursday, March 15. Canadian Legion has been given that action of some Women's Auxiliary. • • 9-2-c year there. ; Owing to Mr, E. Wilson, who has sort toward reclamation of this unfor. Six Lb. Sack túnate Une will be proposed to Par ... - . v„.. Miss IPollock returned to Summer- been scoutmaster here, having taken a liament. , land, Saturday, and has taken up resi• position out of town with the C.P.R.', Negotiations1 with the Canadian Na• dence in her home. Mr. N. May has Mr. Cecil Cope has agreed to take tho MARMALADE tional for taking over the road halt FACE - SHINE vexingly, the extent and conditioning Stamped Goods office of scoutmaster and has taken *> means tired tissues and sluggish moved to the Fenner house. ORANGES * charge. of a supplementary land grant being cells. To restore a dry velvety supposedly tho stumbling block. READY TO WORK finish and clarify and brighten a sal• Bulbs are well through the ground .45 Failing a satisfactory concrete pro low complexion give your skin this in• around tho homes at West Summer- Nelson Basketball Club from their posal in tliis connection, tho Premier vigorating, "tonlng-up" two or three high school have written asking for a is expected to seek legislative author times a week. Get Poroxino Powder land, welcoming spring as cheerfully TABLE SETS as the blackbirds and meadow larks, game at Easter, but two teams are Ity for the Government to completo at any chemists'; after hot applica• Dozen tho proposod transfer of tho road to probably coming from tho Coast and tions rub gently on the face, Wash I —o— the CN.R, or, alternatively,' to pro PILLOW CASES with warm and then cold water; apply Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Kelley wont to It is doubtful if a third contest can bo ceed with construction to Vancouver cold, cream. (Wo recommend Oerol Vancouver on Monday, where the for arranged. PASTRY FLOUR and Prince George terminals. cro'mo.) morhad work to do In connection with No material change will be made In APRONS TOWELS the marketing legislation. No" change tho case of tho Municipality and the TO LAUGHTER is contemplated In connection with ETC. Nonsense has its uses and folly Its AS Development Company. racing arrangements. Tho provincial This Friday and 8nturday— ond, 'tis good to Indulge In it some• • —o— i -.. parks legislation will stand over in Wallace Beery & Raymond Hatton times, my friend, for Ufe In the main You get directions attach• Mr. R), Macnichol, Major Tweodlo' Seven Lb. Sack definitely. No action will bo taken on in ,' .- Is a serious, thing and worries and and Mr. N. Bontloy wont down to Oil- tho roprosontatlons of Grand Forks ed to each piece "WE'RE IN THE NAVY NOW" caros will eternally clink like burs looking to ro-ostabllshmont of the vor on Monday for tho organization of The two Bungling Buddlos of "Be• from the wood in tho fall and tho ROLLED OATS 1 Public Utllltlos Commission. hind the Front" como down to tho a branch thoro of tho Canadian Le• spring. Oh, blossed 1B laughter and Thosoand othor proposals not yot blessed Is fun, tho droll little story, sea lii ships, with comic rosults. gion. given definite shape may be counted tho'joke and tho puni Tho* ooripus .49 upon to figure In election policios. A.B. ELLIOTT Don't miss this ono, Mr, .Tas, Marshall arrlvod homo on folk aro all right in tholr way, wo all Thoro will, attor nil, ho no general THE MAN WHO SAVES YOU $ íj» $ Wo alflo havo a good comedy and lovo a person who's lively and gay. Eight Lb. Sacks redistribution, too great ohjoctlon hav. Kat Rool Wednesday from Ontario and Is* on his So laugh tho' your vest IOOBO its fast way to Washington lUnlvorslty for post oners fow, and roar tho' tho black of OKANAGAN Next Friday & Saturday, Mar, 16-17 The Bnnkruptoy Act graduate work. Ho will spond a fow your coat split in two. Oh, laugh till "AN AFFAIR OF THE FOLLIE8" ONIONS weeks with ,hls parents and -friends your false teeth drop out in tho street NOTICE TO CREDITORS With Lewis Stone, Blllle Dove and 5 Lbs. for horo. and a dog bolts with thorn thinking Lloyd Huohee, in a big throo-star- . —-o— ho has a treat. Ay, laugh at tho Joke NoticQ is horoby glvon that tho first ln-ono show, Adapted from Dixie and tho qiilp and the pun, for blosBod' .10 mooting of tho creditors in tho ostato A most successful toa was glvon in N Wlllson's story "Iloro Y'aro, Broth- Is laughter anil blossed is üunl of tho Okanagan Lako Boat Co, Ltd,, or". honor of Mrs, J, W. Rutherford and Tho heart of tho grouch la both bit. of tho town of Summorland, In tho Provlnco of British Columbia, In II C. C. M. Up-to-rtato News Rool and Miss Androws by a number of tho tor and wrong, with no hint of mirth Kat Cartoon ladlos of tho Baptist church at tho or tho trace of a song. Perpetual win- quldatlon, will bo hold at tho homo of EXTRA tho liquidator, Guy F. Brock, 530 Ellis parsonago on Wodnosday afternoon. tor his BOUI must contain, and Spring HERE IS THE BIG ONEl $0 lbs. Assorted Stroot, Penticton, B,0,, on Saturday, About thirty woro .proBont and woro makoB hor music for him all in vain,' March 10th, .1.028, at tho hour of 7.80 The Super.apeolal dollghtfully ontortalnod by piano solos Unfortunate follow cast down and so CHOCOLATES p.m. sad—why cannot tho spirit of mortal "MIOHAEL STEOOOPF" by Mrs, T. Dalo and Stolla Wilson, To entitle you to voto thoroat, proof ho glad? Of all tho omotlons that hu• Not In twonty foaturos, hut all Jn Direct from the of your claim must bo lodged with mo vocal solos by Mrs, Smithson, Miss manizo man, bold'laughter should havo ono, A colossal, spoctacular, pro Factory boforo the mooting la hold, a high placo In tho van; 'tis a gift wo and dtgloiiH production. Tho groatost LAND ACT In common aro glvon to viso to on-i Regular 50c lb. on Proxloa to bo used at tho mooting molodrama of all tlmo, with thrll' must bo lodged with mo prior thoroto, courago our faith and to banish tho piled upon thrill with thospood of Notice of Intention to apply to sale at Lb. And further tako notlco that It you blues, Doar frlond of tho Muso, oh a whirlwind. A lot of this film is Purchase Land havo any claim against tho dobtor for Inspiro my lay and niako us contontod In natural colors, Don't forgot tho In Vornon Land Rocordlng District .30 which you aro ontltlod to rank, proof Accessories dates', of Yolo, and sltuato in Garnott Valloy, and choorful oach day, tho' fond as such clnlm must bo fllod with mo, Tuesday & Wednesday, Mar, 20-21 Municipality of Summorland, dreams'may vanish and lovo pass within thirty days from tho dato of Talco notice that Robort Shannon of away. Swoot laughtûr, I'll cherish you tho notlco for, from and after the ox. Summorland, B.C., occupation farmer, still to tho ond, and fragrant the mo• plratlon of timo Jllod by snbsoctlon 8 (Intonds to apply for permission to pur- ments your buoyancy lond. Above prices are for of Hoctlon 37, of tho said Act, tho pro jelmso tho following dosorlbod lands: ALFRED H. BLOOMIMELD, CASH. Regular cootls of tho debtor's ostato will bo Commencing at a post planted at March 1, 3028. Prices if charged distributed among tho parties ontltlod tho South Wost corner of Block ¡1822 thoroto, having regard only to tho BUTLER & WAIDEN Rialto thence twonty chains south| thonco BAGGED ELEVEN COUGARS claims of which notice shall havo boon twonty chains oast thonoo twenty thon received, chains north; thonco twonty cnalnn Lumby — Oacnr Quoanol has boon i ri x2*Jr\. i. JXJU« wont to point of commencement and Dated at 'Pontloton, B.C„ this 24th Local Agents adding to his prowoBs as a cougar day of Fobruary, 1028. containing forty acres, more or loss. hunter by getting two more at Sugar GROCERTERIA West Summerland ROBERT SHANNON. Lako last wook, malting olovon all told OUY F. BROOK, Dated January 10th, 1028, B-8-o that ho has haggod this wlntor. Liquidator,