Lasses for A.Board of Review Will Be Held Smooth Start Early Finish ••• Plainfield, Springfield, Summit Is the Old Murray Hill Golf Club Betts Ad Fred Preuss
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This announcement was ,- SPRINGFIELD—Title has been oiln ?m By Presbyterians Councilman and Mrs. Ja^ ' CARWOOD —An Every Mem made today by Mrs. Frederick taken to a 33.8 acre site in Berke- ) In Pennsylvania Humenik of. 601 Center . At LWV Session ber Visitation will be conducted Preuss, publicity chairman.' ley Heights for a future school lo- I! : Candidates for the offices o h-i7nder the auspices of the New perlonned Sunday night i by -the Garwood Presbyterian Next week's program will in- cation, Bernard Steiner of Gar- n a U.S. senator and. representative Jersey Spelunking group, the Ex- Church from 2 to 5 p.m. Sunday let-specialty at Camp Kilnur plorer unit of Boy Scout- Troop wood, counself reported to the GARWOOD KKN1L WORTH from the §ixth Congressional Dis- in preparation for the observance clude a reception for teachers arid 80 of the i, First Presbyterian trict tffnr'speak at a meeting to be oT World Communion members Of UitrOuaiu of EUuca held at the Westfield Junior High Church -will explore caves while tinn n plann rtn>»t hy Mrs- County Regional District No. 1' gram presented by r next month The Rov. Eric &- -School October • 5. at 0:30 p.m. on on-overnight trtpVto* Fciiuii.yl- ard B. Harper, Sr.; and Mrs. Wa. meeting Tuesday evening - in town Variety Players of L,.,uOet| tfol LXI. NO. 36. Ejltrr<-d as srnind.cUs m.->il n.JtU-r at 9/? PnrtOQ 1ft PFMTQ Tougher, pastor, said the, workers CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1954. l . The meeting is sponsored by vania this ' week-end. • . ' • Joseph ,Choborda, and—a solo by Jonathan Dayton Regional High She also participated rc-cemlv in i the Post 6fli«e at Craii<unt: N- J. —° * <*{i'-i> y ^CfM 1O hope , to visit every member. of School. ""'..• tap and ballet at a polio b .,, the Union County Council of the Ori the same week-end, an over- the congregation during the after- Mrs. " Mildred DiMar^o of Gar- t League of Women Voters,, which night camping trip will be held wood, accompanied by Mrs. Verna Mr. Steiner said the tract cost held at the Shore Acres Is composed of leagues from Eliza- for all Red Feather campers of noon. Bono. • ' ' . •...•' $50,691, or $.1,500 per acre. It is Club. Taking part in the visitation will if • beth, Linden, New Prqvjdence, the troop. • located off, Mountain avenue and Presbyterian Planning Committee Suggests be 30 visitors directed by Leaman "A Second Cup of Coffee" is lasses for A.board of review will be held Smooth Start Early Finish ••• Plainfield, Springfield, Summit is the old Murray Hill Golf Club Betts ad Fred Preuss. They will being arranged by the' executive Omthl jind Westfield. tonight for advancing scouts and, JK>ard-of-the-PTA-for-Prlober 13 in the Countryside sp<-ti^n nf t he_iiiext_regulnr—meeti ng- of-the TOeet-ftt-ihe-ehurch-at-2-p.m.; JK>ardofthePP . J~_lnvitations nave ,heen sent Clif- in the Franklin School cafeteria Berkeley Heights. •mang the Anglo-SaxonaT troop will be next' Thursday eve- a Joyful Noise tpto the Thomas L_ Nolan of Clark sug- groom vas (Ivcn a The congregation of the First ford P. Case (R) and Charles Lord" will be the Rev. Mr. Tough- from 9:30 until 11 a.m.- There will of trustees be authorized to of religious education, and a com- t*. Howell (D) and to the'minority ning. • - • . - i. gested that a sign be erected stat- bride's father Presbyterian Church at a special make the necessary' expenditures Forecast for er's sermon .topic at the 11 a small charge. bination lounge, board meeting |)iirty candidates for the office of the troop Held its-first meeting ing that the land is to be the fu- With registrations running slightly behind last year's record meeting at 8 p,m. on ^October 13 for such a campaign, including trie room and library. The second The thirteenth annual Cranrord Unilcd Fund Campaign will of the new season last Thursday. worship service Sunday. There ture site for a high school of the breaking figure, the Cranford Adult School, Inc., will open its sixth will take under1 consideration a U.S. Senator; and to Harrison A. will be Sunday School classes at employment of professional as- floor will include the minister's of- got' underway-tomorrow with a Koal of $20,000 to be raised for the Indian lore was the theme with Garwood Man Injured Regional district. No action was I fall semester. Tuesday"evening at Cranford High School. report by the planning committee l Williams, Jr., (D) representative 9:45 a.m., and the Westminster sistance if this is deemed advis- fice'., two additional SuriSay School 11(55 budtifts of the Welfare A \*>ci:|li«n, Visiting Nurse Association^ Of the Sixth Congressional District, instruction given in making head- taken, on this proposal. "... ,Mrs Charles Redden,' director, said late registration will be of the church , recommending a able. •'..'• . rooms, a nursery' and a choir MISS FRANCES LUSOBN dresses and in carrying out' the MISS BARBARA COPELAND Fellowship'will meet at 6:30 p.m.In Westfield Accident Seek Funds Girl Scouts." . ' ' •;':i who .is running for re-clction and held at the high school Tuesday evening tc accommodate those who building program to provide a Fel- The commit^eeA estimates .that room. The prpsent, gymnasium frcd E. Shepard (R) and Harry traditional Troop 80 investiture ' ,. Miss Copeland, daughter of Junior Choir rehearsal will be GARWOOD — Anthony DiTul- lowship Hall, at: a location yet tp It, T. Sutlwrlin, exocutive chairman of the drive, said that"' held at 3:30•p.m. Monday, and jm'vc not been able to register to the program it proposes ..would will be retained as a. part of this 1 Mopsick (Ind.) candidates for that ceremony. New recruits wel- Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Copeland lio, 38, of 240 Willow, avenue, suf-_ be determined, which'would in- For Christmas *" "-'"'"' • "•-•': •^-^— —-r tils organization of tiiore than 400 the^ Senior Choir will -rehearse at Halo:'" A "total of! 503 registrations 1 cost between $330,000 and $350,-'[-building, with improvements as Drew Pupil Given comed into- the troop were: Clin.- ' of "14 Central avenue 'j was hL cn clude an auditorium seating 500 j canvassers, and supervisory per- - : Office. ': " ' ' " "" - ' " f 8 orclock tonight— fered lacerations of the left arm hav<-' ' made, Mrs. Redden said. On State Committee 000. to access." Directinj; Drive - The candidates will speak, on ton Crane, Charles Goodfellow, graduated from Children's people, a stage, a' kitchen and rec- Copies of the planning cqnirrjit- It is explained that the recom- ! sonnel will promptly start mak-. Education Post - Joe LeCorripte nnd Andy Wells. Oh Wednesday, the Women's and nose when, according to the KeKistration was held Friday reational facilities for young peo- Lighting Hospital School pi Nursing in ; current issues for a. specified time Prayer Circle will, convene at 10 land Monday evenings at the high tee's report and recommendations mendations are hieing made on the ; ing hou.<c- Yo-housc calls. First' • 1 and then will answer questions Dr. Albert Allinger, pastor of - It was reported that the tyroop Boston, Mass., Saturday.. She Westfield police, his car went out ple, and ajievv two-story flre-re- •mailed to members of the congre- basis of-' studies of the building A committee of local -merchants,- has acquired four canoes and a a.m. and mid-week prayer and I school. Because they—are over. ._-. reports., will. be., turned -in Monday-— from the flour. The moderator of has. left for Boulder, ;Colo., of-control and struck-a—utility- sistantL: structure . .where- the ..old the Cranfojrd Methodist Church, Bible;jftiiidyjyi!!"$e".at;"8'pxni.i ~;~ I-subscribed, no more registrations gation-this-wet>k~ineiude-the-ifol- needs -of-the-church" made ~ by~the headed by" Howard"MV'Sle'geK" is . the candidates' : meeting will be utility trailer: A workparty as -where, she will -continue- her-; ij Sunday School- building now lowing description, of. the struc- planning committee with its arch- soliciting funds this week to iin- niilht at "the campaign headquar- 1 has announced the-appointment of pole" at Woodland a ven ue and II bo accepted for golf.^flrst aid Mrs . Francis W. Hopkins of High- being arranged for Camp Winne- studies at the University oi stands. ' ture which it suggests "be erected itect, David Ludlo'w of "Summit, Wnce Christmas lighting in. the " icrs at the Shahecn Agency, 15 Miss Frances Lu Sorn as director Wychwood' road, Westfield, at land beginning bridge courses. land Park, former president of the bago on October IB., for all Colorado. ,. • • ~ PTA Meeting Postpone/! Also . discussed at the meeting on the site of the present Sunday and with the concurrence of^thc business section. Mr. Siegel re- ! North avenue,' cast! The drive of religious education. scouters. 12:35 a!m. Tuesday, ITheiV- is room in all other, courses :| will extend through October 18 • League of Women Voters of New 1 will be suggestions by the plan- School building: .