Calendar of

President of De Nederlandsche Bank N.V. Member of the ECB's Governing Council

January 2020

Thursday, 9 January Annual General Meeting of the Foreign Banker's Association (FBA)

Friday, 10 January Guest lecture at the (RUG) on monetary Groningen policy in Europe

Sunday, 12 January Economic Consultative Committee meeting of the Bank for Basel International Settlements (BIS)

Monday, 13 January Global Economy Meeting of the Bank for International Settlements Basel (BIS) Governing Council meeting of the Financial Stability Board (FSB)

Thursday, 16 January Regular meeting with the Prime Minister of the The Hague

Wednesday, 22 January Governing Council meeting of the European (ECB) Frankfurt and seminar on strategic subjects

Thursday, 23 January Governing Council meeting of the (ECB) Frankfurt World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting on European unification Davos

Friday, 24 January Speech at the World Economic Forum (WEF) on the central Davos position of central banks Meeting with the media Meeting with UBS, meeting with Blackrock

Sunday, 26 January Interview on Buitenhof, television programme aired by Dutch Amsterdam public broadcaster NPO, on monetary economics in Europe

Monday, 27 January Guest lecture at the (UvA) on monetary Amsterdam and budgetary policies

Tuesday, 28 January Meeting with representatives of the European Commission (EC) Brussels Meetings with the media Lecture on at a seminar for Dutch nationals organised by the Ministry of Finance at the European Commission

Wednesday, 29 January Regular meeting with the Minister of Finance of the Netherlands The Hague Meeting with the Minister of Finance of the Netherlands and a supervised institution