Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 115 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION
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E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 163 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2017 No. 182 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was in every corner of the island like me- One of the things I was doing in called to order by the Speaker pro tem- tallic coquis, are running ragged from Loiza was bringing money to get them pore (Mr. BACON). overuse. started, raised by the Puerto Rican f In many places, the water is not on Agenda in Chicago from the people of because the power is not on to pump it, Chicago. Individuals in Chicago are in- DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO and drinkable water mixes with sewer vesting in the well-being of people in TEMPORE water all over the island. As you can Loiza. They have never met them, but The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- see from this picture, people are tap- they are investing in them. fore the House the following commu- ping mountain springs and, in this They are not calling in expensive nication from the Speaker: case, are using it mostly for laundry, contractors or companies from Mon- WASHINGTON, DC, thank goodness, because the mountain tana, and they are not waiting for the November 8, 2017. water in many cases is contaminated folks from FEMA or the U.S. military. I hereby appoint the Honorable DON BACON from humans and animals. They are not waiting for Donald Trump to act as Speaker pro tempore on this day. This man is a police officer, first re- to grant Puerto Ricans a little more PAUL D. RYAN, sponder, but he is learning to make do time now that he has made it clear Speaker of the House of Representatives. just like every other Puerto Rican fam- that he will not personally give them f ily. Everywhere you go, you see Puerto his grade A help forever. Nope. The MORNING-HOUR DEBATE Ricans making do. people of Chicago are getting help to So think about your life without the people of Puerto Rico before any The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- power, cell service, water, lights, fans, official resources are coming to their ant to the order of the House of Janu- in some cases food. Imagine the dialy- rescue. ary 3, 2017, the Chair will now recog- sis patient or the elderly man in an It boggles the mind that it has come nize Members from lists submitted by electric wheelchair who uses oxygen to this. the majority and minority leaders for tanks to breathe. I met those people in Here is another more difficult case. A morning-hour debate. Puerto Rico. bridge and a road were washed away by The Chair will alternate recognition How do you get to physical therapy the storm. This is near Jayuya, Puerto between the parties. All time shall be or regular prenatal visits when there Rico, but it could be almost anywhere equally allocated between the parties, are still roads and bridges that have on the island. More than 6 weeks after and in no event shall debate continue simply vanished? the storm and nothing, not even orange beyond 11:50 a.m. Each Member, other On the one hand, when I am in Puer- cones or a guardrail to keep people than the majority and minority leaders to Rico, I am confronted by the very from driving off into danger. and the minority whip, shall be limited best of mankind, the people who are If you live up the side of this hill, to 5 minutes. helping strangers, feeding their neigh- you are not going anywhere any time f bors, and pitching in wherever they soon until something changes, because the Army Corps of Engineers has de- PUERTO RICO 6 WEEKS AFTER can. On the other hand, when I am in cided just to not show up and are miss- HURRICANE MARIA Puerto Rico, I am confronted with the ing in action. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The human tragedy of people who, like all Mr. Speaker, I should not have to Chair recognizes the gentleman from of us, depend on the government for give this speech almost 2 months after Illinois (Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ) for 5 minutes. basic assistance and help after a major the storm. We should have accom- Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ. Mr. Speaker, Mon- disaster and have received nothing. plished much more. The people of Puer- day I returned from my third trip to Yes, the damage is massive, but there to Rico pretty much understand that Puerto Rico since Hurricane Maria dev- is no task Americans cannot accom- President Trump doesn’t want to help astated the island almost 2 months plish if we put our minds and backs them and really doesn’t care. ago. into it. The passports and documents that I wish I could report that a lot of Mr. Speaker, this is the Head Start they have that say citizens of the progress is being made, but I can’t. It building in Loiza. As you can see, the United States should have been printed is still a disaster, and it is a stain on roof is torn up and there is metal with small print that says: Yes, Puerto the reputation of the United States of sheeting that was blown around. The Ricans are citizens of the U.S. for the America. people in Loiza are forming a brigade purposes of being drafted and going to Most places don’t have power. Gen- to rebuild the structure so they can re- war, but not when it comes to being erators, the sound you hear humming open the Head Start building. helped. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H8599 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:39 Nov 08, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A08NO7.000 H08NOPT1 H8600 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 8, 2017 Puerto Ricans are coming to grips structured in a 12-week course for vet- ester, New York, who came to Selma to with how little they can expect from erans and their spouses to share their provide education and social ministry. the President and his administration. struggles and to begin the healing The Sisters of Saint Joseph started St. They are finding ways to make do, process. Elizabeth’s School in 1941 and the Holy just as the people of Chicago are mak- Many of our vets suffer in the form of Infant Inn, a nursing home, in 1943. ing do by sending their own help in anger, anxiety, depression, social with- In 1944, the Edmundites purchased their own way. It shouldn’t have had to drawal, and, most tragically, too often, the Selma Good Samaritan Hospital, a come to this, but it has. suicide. rundown infirmary for African Ameri- Puerto Ricans are learning to make The REBOOT Combat Recovery pro- cans, and the sisters set out to trans- do, just like these two young women gram is free. It has more than 50 loca- form that facility into a modern-day who are getting married on the beach tions in 23 States and more than 1,600 one. They established the Good Samar- in Vega Alta, Cerro Gordo. I met them. graduates. REBOOT communities are itan School of Nursing, the first med- They let me take this picture. safe, private, and mostly led by vet- ical training program for African- Life goes on, even when the govern- erans. American women in the area. ment has turned its back on them. As we honor our veterans this week- Then, in 1947, Father Nelson Ziter end, let us remember that every vet- f launched the Don Bosco Boys Club, eran’s story is different. Let us help named after the patron saint of youth VISITING PREGNANCY RESOURCE them find the answers to heal and to work. For the next 19 years, until 1966, CLINIC DURING NATIONAL ADOP- recover from the effects of war. the Don Bosco Boys Club helped hun- TION MONTH f dreds of young Black youth prepare The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. HONORING 80TH ANNIVERSARY OF and win financial assistance needed to NORMAN). The Chair recognizes the THE EDMUNDITE MISSIONS attend college. Father Ziter devoted gentleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. countless hours and days to ensuring THOMPSON) for 5 minutes. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from the success of every youth who came Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. into the program. Alabama (Ms. SEWELL) for 5 minutes. Mr. Speaker, earlier this week, I had On a personal note, I can attest to the opportunity to visit the Pregnancy Ms. SEWELL of Alabama. Mr. Speak- er, I rise today to celebrate the 80th the transformative power of the Don Resource Clinic in State College, Penn- Bosco Boys Club. My dad, Andrew A. sylvania, Centre County, Pennsylva- anniversary of the Edmundite Missions at Our Lady Queen of Peace Catholic Sewell, and many of his close friends nia’s Fifth Congressional District. credit the support, love, and guidance The Pregnancy Resource Center is Church in Selma, Alabama. For 80 years, the Edmundite Missions of Father Ziter for changing the trajec- the only community-funded medical has faithfully served poor and under- tory of their lives. My dad and many of clinic in State College that specifically privileged communities throughout the his teammates received athletic schol- addresses unplanned pregnancy in a Deep South.