Diabetes Care 1

Addie L. Fortmann,1 Linda C. Gallo,2 Dulce Digital: An mHealth SMS- Maria Isabel Garcia,1 Mariam Taleb,1 Johanna A. Euyoque,1 Taylor Clark,1 Based Intervention Improves Jessica Skidmore,1 Monica Ruiz,1 Sapna Dharkar-Surber,3 James Schultz,4 Glycemic Control in Hispanics and Athena Philis-Tsimikas1 With Type 2 https://doi.org/10.2337/dc17-0230

OBJECTIVE Type 2 diabetes is growing in epidemic proportions and disproportionately affects lower income, diverse communities. may provide one of the most rapid methods to overcome the “digital divide” to improve care. MRIGTCNLGE N THERAPEUTICS AND TECHNOLOGIES EMERGING

RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS A randomized, nonblinded, parallel-groups clinical trial design allocated N = 126 low- income, Hispanic participants with poorly controlled type 2 diabetes to receive the Dulce Digital intervention or usual care (UC). Dulce Digital participants received up to three motivational, educational, and/or call-to-action text messages per day over

6 months. The primary outcome was HbA1c; lipids, blood pressure, and BMI were secondary outcomes. Satisfaction and acceptability were evaluated via focus groups and self-report survey items.

RESULTS The majority of patients were middle aged (mean age 48.43 years, SD 9.80 years), female (75%), born in Mexico (91%), uninsured (75%), and reported less than a ninth- 1Scripps Whittier Diabetes Institute, Scripps grade education level (73%); mean baseline HbA1c 9.5% (80 mmol/mol), SD 1.3, and Health, San Diego, CA fasting plasma glucose 187.17 mg/dL, SD 64.75. A statistically significant time-by- 2Department of Psychology, San Diego State fi University, San Diego, CA group interaction effect indicated that the Dulce Digital group achieved a signi cantly 3 P University of California, San Diego, San Diego, greater reduction in HbA1c over time compared with UC ( = 0.03). No statistically CA significant effects were observed for secondary clinical indicators. The number of 4Neighborhood Healthcare, San Diego, CA blood glucose values texted in by participants was a statistically significant predictor Corresponding authors: Athena Philis-Tsimikas, of month 6 HbA1c (P < 0.05). Satisfaction and acceptability ratings for the Dulce [email protected], Linda C. Digital intervention were high. Gallo, [email protected], and James Schultz, [email protected]. CONCLUSIONS Received 30 January 2017 and accepted 11 May Use of a simple, low-cost text-messaging program was found to be highly acceptable 2017. in this sample of high-risk, Hispanic individuals with type 2 diabetes and resulted in Clinical trial reg. no. NCT01749176, clinicaltrials .gov. greater improvement in glycemic control compared with UC. This article contains Supplementary Data online at http://care.diabetesjournals.org/lookup/ Type 2 diabetes is growing in epidemic proportions in the U.S. and worldwide. The suppl/doi:10.2337/dc17-0230/-/DC1. International Diabetes Federation estimates that by 2040 there will be 642 million © 2017 by the American Diabetes Association. people living with diabetes worldwide, an increase of .50% compared with the pre- Readers may use this article as long as the work is properly cited, the use is educational and not sent day (1). The U.S. has the highest prevalence of diabetes among developed nations for profit, and the work is not altered. More infor- (i.e., 11% of the population that was 20–79 years of age) (1), and individuals of ethnic/ mation is available at http://www.diabetesjournals minority and low socioeconomic status are disproportionately affected (2,3). A recent .org/content/license. Diabetes Care Publish Ahead of Print, published online June 9, 2017 2 Texting Intervention in Hispanics With Diabetes Diabetes Care

study (4) in the 26 states and District of practical barriers inherent to traditional the feasibility and acceptability of such Columbia that expanded Medicaid under (e.g., face-to-face) visits. approaches in underserved populations the Affordable Care Act found that diabe- Short messaging service (SMS), or text (19,24). The current study addresses tes diagnoses increased by 23% in 2014 messaging, is among the most frequently these gaps by investigating the glycemic compared with the previous year. Hispanic used mobile communication methods and benefit and acceptability of a culturally individuals in the U.S. experience higher has been adopted by an estimated three- tailored, SMS-based DSME and support rates of type 2 diabetes and, once diag- quarters of mobile users worldwide (14). intervention (Dulce Digital) among under- nosed, exhibit poorer glycemic control Text messaging is simple to implement served Hispanics with poor control in fed- than non-Hispanic white individuals (3,5). and may provide one of the most rapid erally qualified health centers in Southern Diabetes self-management education methods to overcome the recently impli- California. (DSME) and support is an effective method cated limitation of the “digital divide” (15) to improve clinical and cost outcomes (6,7) to improve care. In the U.S., texting among RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS and can be successfully tailored for ethni- adults in 2011 was higher among Hispanics Study Sample and Setting cally diverse populations (e.g., Philis- (83%) and African Americans (76%) than Between October 2012 and February Tsimikas et al. [8]). However, many at-risk among non-Hispanic whites (70%) (16). 2014, 126 individuals were consented individuals are unable to access DSME Ninety-nine percent of received text mes- and enrolled into the Dulce Digital study and support because of practical (e.g., sages are opened, and 90% are read within (Fig. 1). The sample included Spanish- work, transportation, caregiving) and 3 min of receipt (17). Thus, text messaging speaking and English-speaking His- access barriers (9–12). In represents an opportunity to provide fre- panic men and women, 18–75 years of fact, in 2012 only 4.7% of the 21 million quent, daily, low-cost, and interactive age, who were uninsured or underinsured people with diagnosed diabetes accessed communication that could prove ben- (Medicaid), and had type 2 diabetes and any accredited DSME program (9). To im- eficial for population-level diabetes poor glycemic control (as indicated by an prove patient and practice performance interventions. HbA1c level of $7.5% [58 mmol/mol]). outcomes, alternative methods must effi- Recent research syntheses have shown Individuals with plans to move outside ciently and effectively extend the reach of that mHealth interventions improve ad- the region and those with a severe phys- the care team to those in need of addi- herence and clinical control in patients ical or mental condition that would inter- tional support to reach clinical targets. with type 2 diabetes (18–20). However, fere with participation were excluded. The widespread adoption of mobile most studies were small, nonrandomized, Participants were recruited from clinic phone technologies, including among and resulted in limited clinical improve- sites within Neighborhood Healthcare, a low-income and older adults (13), high- ments (20–23). Further, few studies have network of federally qualified health cen- lights the potential for mobile health examined the implications of integrating ters in San Diego and Riverside counties (mHealth) technology to circumvent the these mHealth technologies into care or that serves predominantly low-income

Figure 1—CONSORT flow diagram. care.diabetesjournals.org Fortmann and Associates 3

individuals of an ethnic/racial minority. “Tick, tock. Take your medication at the Hierarchical Linear and Nonlinear Model- All procedures were approved by the same time every day!”), and blood glu- ing (HLM7; Scientific Software Scripps Health Institutional Review Board. cose prompts (e.g., “Time to International, Lincolnwood, IL) by A.L.F. check your blood sugar. Please text back Descriptive statistics were obtained, and Study Design and Intervention your results.”). All content was converted distributions were examined for normal- The intervention was tested using a par- into 119 brief, #160 character, text mes- ity. The triglycerides variable was signifi- allel-groups, nonblinded, randomized de- sage–friendly format and sent out via a cantly skewed as was the natural log sign. Blocked random assignment with contracted patient health management transformed to normalize the distribu- equal allocation was used to assign par- technology platform (Rip Road LLC, New tion; however, because no appreciable ticipants to Dulce Digital or usual care (UC), York, NY). Two to three messages a day differences between analyses using trans- using a randomly generated numbers were sent at study start, with frequency formed versus untransformed variables sequence. Participants were informed tapering over 6 months. Message timing were observed, results are presented for of group assignment after the baseline was standardized across all participants untransformed data only. assessment. and correlated with traditional meal or Mixed models were used to examine At the baseline visit, all participants testing times. Blood glucose–monitoring whether the two groups evidenced differ- viewed a 15-min diabetes educational prompts encouraged participants to text ential rates of change over time for HbA1c video developed by Scripps. All partici- message in their next observed value; one and secondary outcomes (i.e., time-by- pants received a blood glucose meter value $250 or #70 mg/dL or three values group interactions). To evaluate a possi- (OneTouch Verio Meter; LifeScan, Inc., Mil- between 181 and 250 mg/dL prompted ble dosage effect on the primary outcome pitas, CA), testing strips, and instructions a bilingual study coordinator to call the in Dulce Digital, the number of text mes- on use. A physical assessment with fasting participant to assess possible reasons sages and the number and duration of venous blood draw and study question- for hyperglycemia/hypoglycemia and to study coordinator phone calls were exam- naires were completed at baseline, month encourage as-needed follow-up with ined as predictors of month 6 HbA1c level 3, and month 6. Assessments were per- providers. The study coordinator also while controlling for baseline HbA1c level. formed by trained, bilingual research assis- contacted the participant if there was All analyses controlled for age and sex. tants at clinic sites in English and Spanish. no blood glucose value sent in for Participants received an incentive at each 1 week. Medical management was not RESULTS assessment and continued to receive UC at provided by the coordinator. Participant Characteristics the clinic for the study duration. UC ser- Demographic and Outcome Measures The majority of patients were middle vices available to all patients included visits Participants self-reported sociodemo- aged, female, born in Mexico, and unin- with a primary care physician, certified di- graphic characteristics. Information re- sured and reported less than a ninth- abetes educator, and group DSME, although garding prescribed medications was grade education (Table 1). At baseline, the use of the services was dependent on extracted from electronic health records. the overall sample (N = 126) exhibited physician and patient initiative. HbA and lipids (total cholesterol, LDL poor glycemic control (mean HbA 9.5% After randomization, participants as- 1c 1c cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and triglyc- [80 mmol/mol], SD 1.3; fasting plasma signed to Dulce Digital (n = 63) were pro- erides) were conducted by the laborato- glucose 187.17 mg/dL, SD 64.75); mean vided with instructions on how to receive ries of Quest Diagnostics (West Hills, CA), lipid values were close to target, and and send text messages. Participants who which adhere to guidelines set forth by blood pressure averages were in the nor- did not have a cell phone with texting the College of American Pathologists. Sys- mal range. No between-group differences capability were provided one (Kajeet, tolic and diastolic blood pressure were were observed in clinical outcomes at Inc., Maclean, VA; n = 22) at no cost for measured with a standardized protocol baseline (P values .0.10). the duration of the study. Participants us- according to guidelines using a standard Thirteen (10.3%) participants were lost ing their own phones had the costs of the digital sphygmomanometer (HEM-907XL; to follow-up (Fig. 1). At baseline, these additional texts covered by the study Omron). Body weight and height were participants reported higher annual in- ($12/month). Content for the text mes- measured using a traditional balance comes (P = 0.002) and were less likely to sages was primarily derived from our cul- scale and stadiometer to the nearest 0.1 own a cell phone (P = 0.04) than those turally appropriate DSME curriculum lb and 0.2 inch, respectively. Finally, Dulce who completed at least one follow-up (Project Dulce), which has been shown Digital participants (only) completed self- assessment; no other statistically signifi- to improve clinical, behavioral, and cost report items at the month 6 assessment cant differences were observed (P values outcomes in this population and others visit to evaluate intervention feasibility .0.05). (8,25,26). In addition to the core educa- and acceptability. To obtain further detail tional messages derived from Project regarding participants’ perceptions of Clinical Control Outcomes Dulce (e.g., “Use small plates! Portions Using an intent-to-treat approach, all N = Dulce Digital, two 90-min focus groups will look larger and you may feel more sat- 126 participants were included in multi- were conducted with a randomly selected isfied after eating.”), the Dulce Digital in- level modeling analyses examining differ- 20% of intervention group participants. tervention provided ongoing support via ences in the rates of change over time motivational messages (e.g., “It takes a Statistical Analysis between the groups. Group means for team! Get the support you needdfamily, Data analysis was performed using IBM all indicators at baseline, month 3, and friends and support groups can help you SPSS Statistics for Windows, version month 6 are shown in Table 2. A statisti- to succeed.”), medication reminders (e.g., 23.0 (IBM Corporation, Armonk, NY) and cally significant time-by-group interaction 4 Texting Intervention in Hispanics With Diabetes Diabetes Care

Table 1—Baseline characteristics for the Dulce digital and UC groups with each additional blood glucose value Dulce digital (n = 63) UC (n =63) sent in, an additional 0.006 decrease in HbA1c level was observed at month Age years, mean (SD) 47.8 (9.0) 49.1 (10.6) 6 (Fig. 2B). The number of text messages Sex sent out to participants was not a signif- Female 46 (73) 48 (76) icant predictor of month 6 HbA levels Male 17 (27) 15 (24) 1c (P = 0.28). Nineteen of 63 (30%) partici- Country of origin Mexico 59 (93) 55.0 (89) pants in the Dulce Digital intervention U.S. 2 (3) 4.0 (6) received phone calls from the study coor- Other 2 (3) 3.0 (5) dinator in response to out-of-range blood Preferred Language glucose values. For these n = 19 partici- Spanish 59 (94) 57 (91) pants, the number of coordinator phone English 4 (6) 6 (9) contacts ranged from 3 to 13 calls/ Education§ participant (mean 7.63 calls, SD 2.81); Less than ninth-grade education 46 (76) 44 (70) the modal call duration was 5 min. Nei- Ninth-grade education or higher 17 (24) 19 (30) ther the number nor the total duration of Insurance Coverage§ coordinator phone calls per participant Insured 15(24) 16(25) predicted month 6 HbA levels (P values Uninsured 48(76) 47(75) 1c .0.05). Household monthly income§ ,$1,000/month 18 (29) 23 (37) $1,000 to $1,999/month 35 (55) 33 (52) Feasibility and Acceptability $$2,000/month 10 (16) 7 (11) In response to the subset of self-report Marital status§ items administered in the Dulce Digital Married or living with partner 45 (72) 44 (69.8) group (only) at month 6, the vast majority Unmarried 18 (28) 19 (30.2) of participants indicated that the text Cell phone use messages helped them to manage their Own cell phone 54 (86) 51 (81) diabetes “alot” (96%), that they would Use text messaging 39 (72) 44 (86) continue receiving Dulce Digital text mes- Age of diabetes diagnosis, mean (SD) 38.6 (9.2) 40.7 (10.5) sages if given the choice (96%), and that Prescribed medications they would recommend Dulce Digital to a Oral medication* 46 (73) 40 (64) friend or family member with diabetes Insulin* 2(3) 5(8) (97%). Consistent with these findings, fo- Combination therapy (oral plus insulin) 15 (24) 14 (22) cus group participants (n = 12) indicated Data are reported as n (%), unless otherwise noted. Data are based on all individuals who completed high acceptability; common themes that a baseline assessment (N = 126). *Indicates a statistically significant difference between groups (P , 0.05). §Education, income, insurance, and marital status categories were collapsed for ease emerged indicated that text messages of presentation. were sufficient in frequency and easy to understand. However, individuals who were provided with a separate study effect was observed for the primary out- at baseline nor changes in medications phone reported that it was inconvenient to carry two phones. come, HbA1c (P = 0.03), indicating that over the 6-month period altered the re- Dulce Digital exhibited greater improve- sults. Further, the proportion of individu- ment in glycemic control across time als who received medication changes CONCLUSIONS compared with UC (Fig. 2A). The Dulce during the study did not differ signifi- To our knowledge, this is the first random- Digital group exhibited a significantly cantly between Dulce Digital (n = 37; ized controlled trial using a text message- lower mean HbA1c level compared with 51%) and UC (n =32;59%;P =0.38). based DSME and support intervention to UC at both month 3 (8.5 6 1.2% [69.0 6 demonstrate significantly greater impro- 13.1 mmol/mol] vs. 9.3 6 1.9% [78.0 6 Dosage-Effect Analyses vements in glycemic control compared 20.8 mmol/mol], P = 0.03) and month Participants in the Dulce Digital interven- with UC in a high-risk, underserved, His- 6(8.56 1.2% [69.0 6 13.1 mmol/mol] tion received an average of 354.17 text panic population. These findings suggest vs. 9.4 6 2.0% [78.0 6 20.8 mmol/mol], messages (SD 44.94); variation is attribut- that, if implemented on a wider scale, sim- P = 0.03), after controlling for baseline able to a small number of participants ple, low-cost, text message–based mHealth HbA1c. No significant time-by-group inter- (n = 6) who chose to discontinue receiving approaches such as Dulce Digital have the action effects were observed for any texts prior to the end of the study and to potential to achieve a significant public other clinical indicators. Because of signif- receiving additional texts during the health benefit in diabetes, a chronic icant group differences in the number of 1-month window for completing the final health condition that is rapidly increasing individuals prescribed oral (P = 0.03) and study visit. Participants texted back 3–352 in the Hispanic and other underserved injectable (P = 0.02) antihyperglycemic blood glucose values (mean 57.77 blood populations. agents at baseline (Table 1), these vari- glucose values, SD 60.01). The number of In this study, all patients had an initial ableswereexaminedascovariatesin blood glucose values texted in by partici- HbA1c level $7.5%, with the majority HbA1c analyses. Neither medication status pants predicted month 6 HbA1c (P = 0.03); (61.9%) exhibiting an HbA1c level $9%, care.diabetesjournals.org Fortmann and Associates 5

Table 2—Clinical outcome means for the Dulce Digital and UC groups clinically relevant; it rivals the effects Baseline Month 3 Month 6 of some glucose-lowering medications (29–31) and has been associated with Clinical indicator n Mean (SD) n Mean (SD) n Mean (SD) decreased risk for retinopathy, nephrop- HbA1c* athy, and neuropathy (32–34). % Notably, the number of blood glucose Dulce Digital 63 9.5 (1.2) 50 8.5 (1.2) 50 8.5 (1.2) values texted in by participants predicted UC 63 9.6 (1.4) 57 9.3 (1.9) 59 9.4 (2.0) mmol/mol month 6 HbA1c values. Individuals who Dulce Digital 63 80 (13.1) 50 69 (13.1) 50 69 (13.1) sent in more blood glucose values may UC 63 81 (15.3) 57 78 (20.8) 59 78 (20.8) have been more actively engaged with Fasting blood glucose (mg/dL) the intervention (and were thus reading Dulce Digital 63 184.0 (63.2) 50 164.6 (46.4) 50 161.3 (49.7) more of the DSME messages) and/or UC 63 190.3 (66.7) 57 186.5 (66.8) 59 186.5 (68.5) more active participants in their health. Total cholesterol (mg/dL) Nonetheless, additional research is needed Dulce Digital 63 178.9 (38.1) 50 170.3 (32.4) 50 175.2 (33.1) to reach conclusions about the mechanism UC 63 193.7 (48.2) 57 193.7 (44.0) 59 192.6 (39.6) underlying this relationship. Results did not HDL (mg/dL) indicate a significant “dosage” effect be- Dulce Digital 63 44.5 (11.5) 50 42.9 (12.1) 50 42.3 (10.5) tween text message frequency and HbA UC 63 48.0 (14.6) 57 48.3 (13.0) 59 46.4 (10.7) 1c level. However, further research is war- LDL (mg/dL) “ ” Dulce Digital 61 96.7 (32.8) 48 91.2 (28.0) 48 95.9 (29.8) ranted to determine the optimal fre- UC 58 108.1 (32.2) 53 106.2 (28.4) 54 107.5 (33.8) quency of texts, acknowledging that Triglycerides (mg/dL) optimization will likely need to be individ- Dulce Digital 63 186.3 (104.3) 50 192.3 (139.7) 50 185.4 (95.9) ualized according to each patient’s UC 63 197.5 (144.9) 57 207.9 (172.3) 59 204.6 (129.6) unique needs and preferences. Similarly, SBP (mmHg) the number of phone contacts with the Dulce Digital 58 122.8 (15.9) 46 120.6 (14.3) 45 122.4 (17.2) study coordinator (in response to blood UC 63 124.7 (21.9) 52 123.1 (17.9) 53 120.5 (17.6) glucose values) did not predict month DBP (mmHg) 6HbA1c levels. This finding is not surpris- Dulce Digital 58 75.1 (9.6) 46 72.9 (8.5) 45 73.7 (11.1) ing given the brief, safety-focused nature UC 63 74.7 (10.8) 52 72.7 (9.1) 53 72.3 (10.4) 2 of these calls; the coordinator did not pro- BMI (kg/m ) vide health coaching or in-depth clinical Dulce Digital 63 31.5 (6.0) 49 31.7 (5.2) 50 31.9 (5.4) UC 63 32.2 (6.6) 57 32.0 (6.1) 58 32.1 (6.6) guidance but rather assessed for emer- gent safety risks and recommended phy- Weight (lb) Dulce Digital 63 173.1 (34.6) 49 176.2 (33.0) 50 174.1 (27.8) sician follow-up as appropriate. UC 63 176.4 (41.6) 57 174.2 (39.7) 58 175.2 (41.6) No statistically significant intervention effects were observed for secondary clin- All analyses were controlled for age and sex; however, unadjusted means are reported. DBP, diastolic blood pressure; SBP, systolic blood pressure. *Indicates a statistically significant time-by- ical indicators. However, this may be due group interaction effect (P , 0.05). to the fact that, on average, blood pres- sure and lipids were close to target levels at baseline, leaving little room for im- provement. Further, the Dulce Digital thus placing them at high risk for diabetes our study. In one review from Greenwood content was not designed to address lipid complications. The Dulce Digital group et al. (28), it was noted, unsurprisingly, or blood pressure control. mean did not reach the optimal level that when study participants’ mean base- The current results should be inter- of ,7.0–7.5%. However, during the line HbA1c level was at or close to goal, a preted in the context of several limitations. 6-month intervention, 68% of Dulce Digi- small intervention effect was seen. The First, although attrition was comparable to tal participants achieved reductions in relationship of the baseline HbA1c level that observed in prior studies (35), attri- HbA1c levels, with individual decreases to the intervention effect demonstrates tion was higher in the intervention group ranging from 20.1% to 24.6%. Overall, the importance of choosing the optimal relative to the UC group. Thus, it is possi- Dulce Digital achieved a mean 1% reduc- population for interventions. With the ble that participants who remained in the tion in HbA1c, which exceeds the average current broad use of diabetes registries study were more engaged. A worst-case effect size reported in reviews of other and the ease of identifying higher-risk scenario sensitivity analysis is presented mHealth approaches (pooled HbA1cD = individuals using population health man- in Supplement A. Second, it is unknown 20.5%) (18–20), and the average HbA1c agement methods, it may be worthwhile how much of the intervention content was reduction reported in a recent synthesis to focus initial efforts of technology inter- received (i.e., read or comprehended) by of 118 traditional DSME trials (average ventions in our higher-risk patients. An participants. Nonetheless, the number of HbA1cD = 0.74%) (27). Baseline HbA1c lev- HbA1c reduction of the magnitude found blood glucose values texted in may be con- els in the reviewed studies ranged from in the current study should not be under- strued as an indirect indicator of interven- near normal (6.5%) to extremely elevated estimated and should be considered not tion engagement. Third, 44% of potentially (9.8%), which is similar to the results of only statistically significant but also eligible individuals were enrolled, with the 6 Texting Intervention in Hispanics With Diabetes Diabetes Care

capacity imbalance to better address the complex needs of the growing number of individuals with type 2 diabetes. Text- messaging approaches are attractive as a chronic disease intervention for a number of reasons, including their frequent use, enormous reach, low cost, and relative simplicity. and texting use is high among Hispanics (16), a group that experiences disparate diabe- tes prevalence and outcomes. Moreover, the present investigation indicated that the Dulce Digital approach was highly ac- ceptable in this population. This model is flexible, lending itself to adaptation for other chronic conditions (e.g., arthritis, chronic pain) and for delivery by other personnel to address the health needs of underserved populations across the na- tion. Future investigations should examine the sustainability of the improvements in glycemic control beyond 6 months; expanding intervention content to target additional populations at risk for diabetes and other cardiometabolic indicators that are central to diabetes control (e.g., blood pressure, lipids); and individualizing text message content, and delivery timing and frequency to each patient’s unique needs and progress.

Acknowledgments. The authors thank the staff and participants of the Dulce Digital study for their important contributions, and the adminis-

Figure 2—A:HbA1c means and 95% CIs for the Dulce Digital and UC groups at baseline, month 3, and tration and staff at Neighborhood Healthcare for month 6. B: Association between the number of blood glucose values texted in by participants with a their partnership in this investigation. The authors change in HbA1c level from baseline to month 6 in the Dulce Digital group. Values adjacent to error also thank peer educator Magdalena Hernandez, an bars represent the mean number of texts for each quintile. Note: The texting variable was analyzed employee of Scripps Whittier Diabetes Institute, for as a continuous variable but was binned into quintiles for graphical presentation. Although HbA1c recruitment and cohort maintenance support. change is represented on the y-axis for ease of interpretation, the month 6 HbA1c level was used as Funding. The current research was supported the outcome variable (with control for baseline HbA1c level) in regression analyses. Because of the by McKesson Foundation grant 115M803379, curvilinear appearance of this relationship, the texting predictor was also examined using a qua- and National Center for Advancing Translational dratic term; however, the quadratic variable was not statistically significant. Sciences grant NCATS 1UL1 TR001114-01. The Investigator–Initiated Study Program of LifeScan, Inc., provided glucose testing meters and strips majority reporting practical barriers that additional cost for the technical infra- for all participants. are commonly experienced in underserved structure whether it is delivered to Duality of Interest. No potential conflicts of in- populations (e.g., no transportation, work 400 or 4,000 individuals. The cost to the terest relevant to this article were reported. conflict, caregiving responsibilities, other patient/user is only related to the text Author Contributions. A.L.F. researched and fl analyzeddataandwroteandreviewedthe time con ict). Thus, it is expected that by messages, and for Dulce Digital (in partic- manuscript. L.C.G. contributed to the research introducing the Dulce Digital program as ular) a is not required. In development, conduct of research, and data part of routine clinic care, program reach other research, a significant population- analysis; and wrote and reviewed the manu- could be expanded to individuals who level cost savings was attributed to a text- script. M.I.G. contributed to the conduct of could not attend additional (research- messaging program designed to facilitate research and data analysis, and reviewed the manuscript. M.T. contributed to the research required) visits. Finally, this trial was not diabetes care coordination in a predomi- data and analysis, and reviewed the manuscript. designed to examine cost-effectiveness. nantly African American population (22). J.A.E., T.C., and J.Sk. contributed to the research However, with respect to sustainability This study included a care management analysis and reviewed the manuscript. M.R., and scalability of an intervention such as component facilitated by nurses or med- S.D.-S., and J.Sc. contributed to the research development, conduct of research, and reviewed Dulce Digital compared with other low- ical assistants. the manuscript. A.P.-T. contributed to the research resource settings, the promise of text mes- Dulce Digital offers a potential solution development, conduct of research, and research sage–based programs is great. There is no to the burgeoning primary care demand- analysis, and wrote and reviewed the manuscript. care.diabetesjournals.org Fortmann and Associates 7

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