NIT No 820/PHE(EM)/BMC Dated- 06/03/2018

The Executive Engineer, PHE(E&M), on and for behalf of competent authority of Municipal Corporation invites e-bid Tender from reliable and resourceful Companies having experience and acumen in similar nature of works as noted below: ` 1. Name of Work Earnest Money@ Sl no. Lighting arran gement with different Wattage of LED Street Lights 70012.00 1.1. including Steel Tubular Poles, at Kestopur Canal Side Road from VIP- Kestopur Mission 1.2. Supplying Steel Tubular Poles, at Kestopur Canal Side Road from VIP - 82491.00 Kestopur Mission Bazar Jn.under Bidhannagar Municipal Corporation. Note : GST e xtra as a pplicable

1 Location of work As mention ed above

2 Eligibility to participate in the Tender i) Bonafide resourceful contractors having 50% credential in similar / equivalent nature of works within last 5 (five) years in any Govt./Board/Semi Govt./Corporation/Statutory Authority/ Undertaking etc. organization, & (ii) GST Registration, VAT/ST, P. Tax clearance Certificates, PAN Card, Trade License and other statutory papers as required. 3. Amount put to tender As above

4. No te: a) Similar nature of works completed successfully will be treated as credential.

5. Documen ts to be A suc cessfu l pe rform anc e and completion certific ate produced in support of supplemented with work order shall have to be furnished Credential for Tender in support of credibility in terms with eligibility criteria depicted in this Notice (Ref: Sl. No. 4 : Eligibility to participate in the Tender). Besides this, following documents shall have to be furnished: a. Par ticu lar s of ownersh ip/par tne rsh ip or Board of Direc tors pertaining to the Organization/Company/Firm b. Copies of valid PAN Card, Sales Tax clearance, Professional Tax clearance Certificate etc. c. Corr esponding ad dress, fax & teleph one nos. Contra ct mobil e no. & Email no. of the Organization.

All docum ents in orig inal to be produced in due course of time as & when asked by the Tender Inviting Authority

6. Earnest Money a. Bidd er has to sub mit an EMD (Earnest Mo ney Deposit) @2% as in itially drawn in favour of Bidhannagarr Municipal Corporation.

7. Date and Time Schedule :-

Sl. No. Particu lars Date and Time a) Date of uploading of N. I.T and Ten der Documen ts 06/03/2018 after 18.50 Hrs. online) (Publishing Date)

b) Documents download start date 06/03/2018 after 18.50 Hrs.

c) Date of Pre Bid Mee ting with the in tending tenderers In the office of the Executive Engineer, NA PHE(E&M), Bidhannagar Municipal Corporation.

e) Bid submission start date (On line) 06/03/2018 after 18.50 Hrs. f) Bid Submission closing (On line) 12/03/2018 up to 15.00 Hrs

g) Bid opening date for Technical Proposals (Online) 14/03/2018 after 15.30 Hrs.

h) Date of uploading list for Technically Qualified To be notified later on Tenderers (online) 8. Time of completion Time of completion of work is 5 days for All the Groups from the date of issue of Work Order.

9. Site inspection & Intend ing Bidde rs ar e requ ired to inspec t the site of the Project general information with particular reference to location and infrastructure facilities. They are to make a careful study with regard to availability of materials and their sources and all relevant factors as might affect their rates and prices.

10. Tender documents A full set of Tender documents consists of 2 Parts. These are;

I) Pa rt I containing all documen ts in relat ion to the nam e of the firm applied for and credentials possessed by them along with EMD and all relevant documents as depicted in Sl. No. 4

II) Part II containing following documents; a. Bid Price / Price Schedule.(.xls sheet)

11. Validity of Bid A Bid su bmitt ed sh all remain valid for a period of 180 calen dar days from the date of publication of Bids. Any extension of this validity period if required will be subject to concurrence of the Bidders.

12. Withdrawal of Bid A Bid onc e su bmitt ed sh all not be withd rawn withi n the validity period. If any Bidder/Bidders withdraw his/their Bid(s) within the validity period then Earnest Money as deposited by him/them will be forfeited.

13. Acceptance of Bid Execu tive Enginee r, PH E(E&M) , of Bidhannagar Municipal Corporation will accept the Bid. H e does not bind himself to accept otherwise the lowest Bid and reserves to himself the right to reject any or all of the Bids received without assigning any reason thereof. 14. Intimation The suc cessfu l Bid de r wi ll be not ified in writing of the acceptance of his Bid. The Bidder then becomes the “Contractor” and he shall forthwith take steps to execute Formal Contract Agreement in appropriate Municipal Form with requisite fees with the Executive Engineer, PHE(E&M), Bidhannagar Municipal Corporation and fulfill all his obligations as required by the Contract.

15. Escalation of Cost The re wil l be no escala tion in cost for ma terial s or labour and the contract price mentioned in the contract stands valid till completion of the O&M of the contract. 16. Nam e & add res s of Execu tive Enginee r, PH E(E&M) Bidhannagar Municipal Corporation. Executive Engineer, PHE(E&M) (EE) of the Work 17. Execution of Work The Contra ctor is liable to execu te the wh ole work as per direction and instruction of the Executive Engineer, PHE(E&M), Bidhannagar Municipal Corporation, who is the Executive Engineer, of the work.

18. Payment Paymen t will be mad e to the Contractor/Agenc y by the appropriate Authority of Bidhannagar Municipal Corporation on completion of job.

19. Influence An y attempt to exercise undu e influen ce in the ma tt er of acceptance of Bid is strictly prohibited and any Bidder who resorts to this will render his Bid liable to rejection.

Fol lowing clauses are to be adhering to by the conce rned Bid der during th e process of Bidding.

20. In case offic e faces sudde n cl osu re owing to reason beyond the scope and control of the Commissioner, any of last date/dates as schedule in Sl. No 7 may be extended up-to/to next and following working day without issuing further and separate notice the Commissioner feels it to be necessary and exigent. Imposition of any du ty/t ax/ rule etc. owing to ch ange /appli cat ion in leg islat ions /en actment 21. shall be considered as a part of the contract and to be adhering to by the Bidder/Contractor strictly. 22. Bid Acceptance Authority is the Execu tive Enginee r, PH E(E&M), Bidhannagar Municipal Corporation. 23. In case of any dispu te ar isin g from any claus es of similar nature betwee n bid documents and Municipal tender form, the decision of Executive Engineer, PHE(E&M) Bidhannagar Municipal Corporation, will be final and binding. 24. Al l usu al de duc tions for taxes i.e . ST, IT , and Labour we lfar e Ces s etc. as appli cable wil l be made from the bills from time to time (please refer cl.57 of section C)

25. No conditional/ incomplete Bid shall be entertained. 26. In the event of e-Filing intending bidder may download the tender document from the website directly by the help of Digital Signature Certificate. Necessary Earnest Money shall be deposited through demand draft/ pay order issued from any nationalized bank/Scheduled bank in favour of “Bidhannagar Municipal Corporation” payable at Kolkata, deposit through e-Filling, (scanned copy to be submitted) (Details of which has been narrated in “Instruction to Bidders”).

27. Technical Bid & Financial Bid both will be submitted concurrently duly digitally signed in the Website Tender document may be downloaded from website & submission of Technical Bid/Financial Bid as per Tender Schedule. The requisite Earnest Money, as specified in this N.I.T. shall be paid by drawing a Demand Draft/Pay order on any Nationalized Bank/Scheduled Bank in favour of the Bidhannagar Municipal Corporation payable at Kolkata. Every such Demand Draft /pay order shall be drawn on or after the date of publish of N.I.T. At the time of uploading the tender, the intending tenderer shall upload a scanned copy of such Demand Draft/pay order along with his/her tender. Any tender without such Demand Draft/Pay order (Excepting exemption as per G.O.) shall be treated as informal and shall automatically cancelled.

28. The Bidde r, at the Bidde r’s own res pons ibili ty and risk is enc oura ged to visi t and examine the site of works and its Surroundings and obtain all information that may be necessary for preparing the Bid and entering into a contract for the work as mentioned in the Notice inviting Tender, the cost of visiting the site shall be at the Bidder’s own expense. Traffic management and execution shall be the responsibility of the Agency at his/her/their risk and cost.

29. The intending Bidde rs sh all clear ly unde rstand that wh atever ma y be the outcome of the present invitation of Bids, no cost of Bidding shall be reimbursable by the ULB. The Executive Engineer, PHE(E&M) Bidhannagar Municipal Corporation reserves the right to reject any application for purchasing Bid documents and to accept or reject any or all the offered bid /bids without assigning any reason whatsoever and is not liable for any cost that might have incurred by any Bidder at any stage of Bidding. 30. Prospec tive appl icants ar e advise d to not e car eful ly the minimum qualificat ion criteria as mentioned in ‘Instructions to Bidders’ before bidding. 31. During scrutiny, if it is come to the notice to tender inviting authority that the credential or any other papers found incorrect/manufactured/fabricated, that tenderer will not be allowed to participate in the tender and that application will be out rightly rejected without any prejudice.

32. Before issuance of the work order, the tender inviting authority may verify the credential & other documents with the original of the lowest bidder if found necessary. After verification, if it is found that such documents submitted by the lowest bidder is either manufacture or false, in that case, L.O.A. / work order will not be issued in favour of the bidder under any circumstances. 33. If any disc repancy ar ise s betwee n two similar clause s on diffe ren t notific at ions , the cla us e as stated in later notification will supersede former one in following sequence: i) Municipal Form ii) NIT iii) Special terms & Condition iv) Technical bid v) Financial bid 34. Contractor shall have to comply with the provisions of (a) the contract labour (Regulation Abolition) Act. 1970(b) Apprentice Act. 1961 and (c) minimum wages Act. 1948 of the notification thereof or any other laws relating thereto and the rules made and order issued there under from time to time.

35. Where an individual person holds a digital certificate in his own name duly issued to him against the company or the firm of which he happens to be a director or partner, such individual person shall, while uploading any tender for and on behalf of such company or firm, invariably upload a copy of registered power of attorney showing clear authorization in his favour, by the rest of the directors of such company or the partners of such firm, to upload such tender. The power of attorney shall have to be registered in accordance with the provisions of the Registration Act, 1908.

Executive Engineer, PHE(E&M) Bidhannagar Municipal Corporation


1. General guidance for e-tendering

Instructions/ Guidelines for tenderers for electronic submission of the tenders have been annexed for assisting them to participate in e-tendering.

2. Registration of Tenderer

Any tenderer willing to take part in the process of e-tendering will have to be enrolled and registered with the Government e-procurement system, through logging on to htt p:// The tenderer is to click on the link for e- tendering site as given on the web portal.

3. Digital Signature certificate (DSC)

Each tenderer is required to obtain a class-II or Class-III Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) for submission of tenders, from the service provider of the National Information’s Centre (NIC) or any other bonafide service provider on payment of requisite amount. Details are available at the Web Site stated in Clause 2 of Guideline to Tenderer. DSC is given as a USB e-Token.

4. The contractor can search and download NIB and Tender Documents electronically from computer once he logs on to the website mentioned in Clause 2 using the Digital Signature Certificate. This is the only mode of collection of Tender Documents.

5. Submission of Tenders.

General process of submission, Tenders are to be submitted through online to the website stated in Cl. 2 in two folders at a time for each work, one in Technical Proposal and the other is Financial Proposal before the prescribed date and time using the Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) the documents are to be uploaded virus scanned copy duly Digitally Signed. The documents will get encrypted (transformed into non readable formats).

A. Technical proposal

The Technical proposal should contain scanned copies of the following further two covers (folders). A-1. Statutory Cover Containing i. Prequalification Application (Sec-B, Form – I)

ii. Scanned Copy of Demand Draft for EMD as prescribed in the NIT, against each serial of work in favour of The Bidhannagar Municipal Corporation, payable at Kolkata. iv. Financial Statement (Section – B, Form – II). v. Affidavits (Ref:- format for general affidavit shown in “Y” Part “B”. )

vi. Printed Tender Form and NIT (Sl. 10; Part I) with all addenda and corrigendum (download and upload the same Digitally Signed, quoting rate will only encrypted in the Price Schedule under Financial Bid. In case quoting any rate in Printed Tender Form the tender will be summarily rejected). vii. Special Terms, condition and specification of works. viii. Certificate of Bank Guarantee by any Nationalized Bank (if required). ix. Bank Solvency Certificate.

A-2. Non statutory Cover Containing

i. Professional Tax (PT) deposit receipt challan (up to date), PAN Card, IT, IT Return for the Current Assessment year, VAT Registration Certificate(up to date).

ii. Registration Certificate under Company Act. (If any).

iii. Registered Deed of partnership Firm/ Article of Association and Memorandum iv. Power of Attorney (For Partnership Firm/ Private Limited Company, if any)

v. Tax Audit Report along with Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss A/c for the Last five years (year just preceding the current Financial Year will be considered as year – I) vi. Clearance Certificate for the Current Year issued by the Assistant Register of Co-Op(S) (ARCS) bye laws are to be submitted by the Registered labour Co-Op(S) Engineers’ Co.-Opt.(S)

vii. List of machineries possessed by own/arranged through lease deed along with authenticated documents of lease / sub-lease / hire basis etc.

viii. List of laboratory Instrument.

ix. List of technical staff along with structure and organization (Section – B, Form – III).

x. Credential: Scanned copy of Original Credential Certificate as stated in NIB (under sl. no -3).

xi. Electrical Supervisory competency certificate (as required in NIB, Sl-3) from Directorate of Electricity, Govt. of W.B. / competent authority of other Govt. as applicable.



B. Tender Evaluation

i. Opening and evaluation of tender: - If any tenderer is exempted from payment of EMD, copy of relevant Government order needs to be furnished (applicable in case of Registered Labour Co-Operative Society).

ii. Opening of Technical proposal: - Technical proposals will be opened by the Bid Inviting Authority electronically from the website using his/ her Digital Signature Certificate.

iii. Cover (folder) of statutory documents (vide Cl. No. 5.A-1) should be opened first and if found in order, cover (Folder) for non statutory documents (vide Cl. No. – 5.A-2) will be opened. If there is any deficiency in the statutory documents the tender will summarily be rejected.

iv. Decrypted (transformed in to readable formats) documents of the non statutory cover will be downloaded and handed over to the Tender Evolution Committee. Scrutiny of technical proposal and recommendation thereafter and processing of comparative statement for acceptance etc. will be made by the Executive Engineer, PWD, Bidhannagar Municipal Corporation.

v. Uploading of summary list of technically qualified tenderers.

vi. Pursuant to scrutiny and decision of the screening committee the summary list of eligible tenderer and for which their proposal will be considered and uploaded in the web portals.

vii. While evaluation, the committee may summon the tenderers and seek clarification / information or additional documents or original hard copy of any of

the documents already submitted and if these are not produced within the stipulated time frame, their proposals will be liable for rejection.

C. Financial proposal

As per Sl. 10, Part II. To be uploaded digitally signed by the Bidder.

6. Financial capacity of a tenderer will be judged on the basis of working capital and available bid capacity as mentioned in the N.I.T. to be derived from the information furnished in FORM-I and II (Section-B) i.e., Application (for Pre- qualification) and Financial Statement. If an applicant feels that his/their Working Capital beyond own resource may be insufficient, he/they may include with the application a letter of guarantee issued by a first class Bank to supplement the applicant. This letter of guarantee should be addressed to the Tender Inviting/ Accepting Authority and should guarantee duly specifying the name of the project that in case of contract is awarded to the Tenderer, the Tenderer will be provided with a revolving line of credit. Such revolving line of credit should be maintained until the works are taken over by the Authority. The audited Balance sheet for the last five years, net worth bid capacity etc. are to be submitted which must demonstrate the soundness of Tenderer’s financial position, showing long term profitability including an estimated financial projection of the next two years.

7. Penalty for suppression / distortion of facts

Submission of false document by tenderer is strictly prohibited and in case of such act by the tenderer the same may be referred to the appropriate authority for prosecution as per relevant IT Act with forfeiture of earnest money forthwith.


The tender accepting authority) reserves the right to accept or reject any Bid and to cancel the Bidding processes and reject all Bids at any time prior to the award of Contract without thereby incurring any liability to the affected Tenderer or Tenderers or any obligation to inform the affected Tenderer or Tenderers of the ground for tender accepting authority action.

The Tenderer who’s Bid has been accepted will be notified by the Tender Inviting and Accepting Authority through acceptance letter/ Letter of Acceptance The Letter of Acceptance will constitute the formation of the Contract. The Agreement in Printed Tender Form will incorporate all necessary documents e.g. N.I.B., all addenda-corrigendum, special terms and condition (Section –C),

different filled-up forms (Section –B), Price Schedule and the same will be executed between the Tender Accepting Authority and the successful Tenderer.

Executive Engineer, PHE(E&M) Bidhannagar Municipal Corporation

SECTION – B FORM –I PRE-QUALIFICATION APPLICATION To The Engineer in Charge, PHE(E&M) Bidhannagar Municipal Corporation

Ref: - Tender for (Name of work)

N.I. T. No.:

Dear Sir, Having examined the Statutory, Non statutory and NIT documents, I /we hereby submit all the necessary information and relevant documents for evaluation. The application is made by me / we on behalf of in the capacity duly authorized to submit the order. The necessary evidence admissible by law in respect of authority assigned to us on behalf of the group of firms for Application and for completion of the contract documents is attached herewith. We are interested in bidding for the work(s) given in Enclosure to this letter. We understand that: (a) Tender Inviting and Accepting Authority/Engineer-in-Charge can amend the scope and value of the contract bid under this project. (b) Tender Inviting and Accepting Authority/Engineer-in-Charge reserves the right to reject any application without assigning any reason. Enclose: - e-Filling:- 1. Statutory Documents 2. Non Statutory Documents

Date: - Signature of applicant including title

and capacity in which application is made.

SECTION – B Form - II FINANCIAL STATEMENT B.1 Name of Applicant: B.2 Summary of assets and liabilities on the basis of the audited financial statement of the last five financial years. (Attach copies of the audited financial statement of the last five financial years)

1s t Year 2nd 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year (Rs. In Year (Rs. In (Rs. In (Rs. In lakh) (Rs. In lakh) lakh) lakh) lakh) a) Current Ass ets : (It should not include investment in any other firm) b) Curre nt li ab ilities : (It should include bank over draft) c) Wo rking cap it al : (a) – (b) d) Net wor th : (Proprietors Capital or Partners Capital or Paid up Capital + Reserve and surplus ) e) Ban k loan/ Guara ntee : (As per clause G.2. with all sub clauses)

B.3 Annual value of constructi on wor ks und ertaken : Work in han d i.e. Wo rk As on As on As on As on As on As on order issued 31.03.2014 31.03.2013 31.03.2012 31.03.2011 31.3.2010 31.03.2009

Signed by an authorized officer of the firm

Title of the officer

Name of the Firm with Seal Date


Declarationofthe Bidder

(Affidavit to be affirmed on a Non Judicial Stamp Paper of Appropriate Value And Duly Notarized) I, ……………………………………………………………………………………………, son of ………………………………….

……………………………………………………………, aged about ……………………………… years by occupation

…………………………………………. do hereby solemnly affirm and confirm as follow:

1. That, I am the ……………………………………………………. Of ……………………………………… have duly authorized by and competent to affirm this affidavit on behalf of the said Bidder.

2. That, I have inspected the site of work covered under NIB (NIB No ) circulated through Office memo bearing No ------dated ------and have made myself fully acquainted with the site conditions existing level/proposed level and local conditions in and around the site of work. I have also carefully and meticulously gone through the Bid documents. Bid of the above named Bidder is offered and submitted upon due consideration of all factors and if the same is accepted, I on and for behalf of the aforesaid Bidder, being lawfully and duly authorized, promise to abide by all the covenants, conditions and stipulations of the Contractual documents and to carry out, complete the works to the satisfaction of the Bid accepting Authority of the Work and abide by all instructions as may given by the Engineer in Charge of the work time to time. I also hereby undertake to abide by the provisions of Law including the provisions of Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, Apprentice Act 1961, Sales Tax Act, VAT Act, Income Tax Act as would be applicable to the Contractor upon entering into formal Contract / agreement with the Bid Inviting/Accepting authority.

3. That I declare that, no relevant information as required to be furnished by the Bidder has been suppressed in the Bid documents.

4. That the statement above made by me is true to my knowledge.

Deponent Solemnly affirmed by the said …………………………………………………

Before me. ……………………………………………………………………………….. (1st class Judicial Magistrate / Notary Public)


A.2 Office Address :

Telephone No. and Cell Phone No. :

Fax No. :

E mail id :

A.3 Attach an organization chart showing the structure of the company with names of Key personnel and technical staff with Bio-data. :

Note: Application covers Proprietary Firm, Partnership, Limited Company or Corporation,

Signature of applicant including title

and capacity in which application is made. FORM – IV C. DEPLOYMENT OF MACHINERIES (in favour of owner / lessee):-

(Original document of own possession arranged through lease deed to be annexed) (If engaged before Certificate from E.I.C. to be annexed in respect of anticipated dated of release of Machineries.) Name of Make Type Capacity Motor / Mac hine Po ss essi on Status Date of release Machine / Engine No. If Engaged Instrument No. Idle Engaged

For each item of equipment the application should attach copies of (i) Document showing proof of full payment, (ii) Receipt of Delivery, (iii) Road Challan from Factory to delivery spot, is to be furnished.

Signature of applicant including title

and capacity in which application is made. SECTION A – TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION


Work under this scope shall consist of design, supply, installation, testing & commissioning of all labour, materials, equipment and appliances necessary for fire detection, alarm & fire fighting systems described in this specification, schedule of quantities, drawings etc.

Without restricting to the generality of the foregoing works, the scope of work shall include the following –

Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Ring main of Hydrant & Sprinkler pipelines originating from the ground floor fire pump house till connecting point of existing wet riser mains at ground floor level. The Hydrant pipe ring main will be installed over ground. Underground ring main will be done only wherever necessary. External firefighting lines related works, including supply and fixing of hydrant around the buildings and isolation valves, fire service inlets, alarm control valves, hose cabinets, hoses and branch pipes. Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Swinging Types Hose Reels internal to buildings including air vent valves in the terminating points of wet riser mains. Supply, Installation and Commissioning of fire pumps including necessary electrical and instrumentation. Analogue addressable type Fire detection & alarm system along with all other relevant accessories. Portable Fire Extinguishers.

Public Address System (OPTIONAL) NOT CONSIDERED UNDER THE SCOPE OF THIS TENDER. Emergency ring type sliding fire exit with all necessary civil works, electrical, plumbing works, fabrication, installation, testing and commissioning. (OPTIONAL) NOT CONSIDERED UNDER THE SCOPE OF THIS TENDER .


2.1 Work under this scope shall be carried out strictly in accordance with specifications attached and all relevant latest Indian standards, National building code (NBC) – 2005, Part - IV, local fire approval authority and any other statutory bodies.

2.2 Items not covered under these specifications shall be carried out as per specifications of the latest local fire officer’s regulations with latest amendments as applicable in the contract.

2.3 Works not covered under Para 2.1 and 2.2 shall be carried out as per latest relevant Indian standards.

In the event of the works not covered by Indian standards, British / American Standards shall be followed.


The work shall be carried out in conformity with the fire fighting system specifications, requirements and indicative drawings.

4. REFERENCE POINT Reference points shall be in relation to the levels and locations given in the indicative drawings.


5.1 Piping and drainage works shall be tested as specified under the relevant clauses of the specifications.

5.2 All materials and equipment found defective shall be replaced and whole work tested to meet the requirements of the specifications.


6.1 Pipe for firefighting shall be M.S. pipe conforming to IS: 1239: 2004 (Heavy Grade) including all fittings like bends, elbows, tees, anchor fasteners, couplings etc., and shall be of reputed make.

6.2 Pipe for Internal Work

6.2.1 All pipes within the building in exposed locations, shafts, under ceiling and service tunnels including connections buried under floor shall be M.S. tubes of class and thickness specified. Pipes 150 mm diameter and below shall conform to IS: 1239: 2004.

Pipes 200 mm diameter and above shall be rolled and welded conforming to IS: 3589:

2001 with 6 mm wall thickness or as specified in the schedule of quantities. The pipe/tube supplied shall be as per the vendor list provided.

6.2.2 For Pipes 50 mm diameter and below, Socket welded fittings shall be used for jointing. For Pipes 65 mm diameter and above Butt welded fittings shall be used for jointing.

6.3 For External Work

6.3.1 All pipes outside the building shall be M.S. heavy grade pipes conforming to specification.

6.3.2 Fittings for M.S. heavy grade pipes shall be similar to those used for internal work.

6.4 Pipe Joining

6.4.1 M.S. Pipes 50 mm diameter and below shall be provided with socket welded joints.

6.4.2 Pipes 65 mm diameter and above shall be joined by electrical resistance welding. Joints shall be butt welded between pipes and pipes & fittings.

6.4.3 Flanges shall have appropriate number of holes as per the relevant IS Standard fastened with nuts, bolts and 3 mm thick compressed asbestos gasket.

7. PIPE PROTECTION 7.1All pipes above ground and in exposed locations shall be painted with one coat of red oxide primer and two coats of synthetic enamel paint of fire red colour.

7.2 All pipes under floors or below ground shall be protected against soil corrosion by wrapping and coating material as per 10221: 1982.

7.3 Supply and providing pipe coating and wrapping as follows:-

7.3.1 The pipes (buried) should be initially brushed to remove all foreign materials.

7.3.2 Apply a coat of fiber, coal tar and solvent-based primer. The primer shall be allowed to dry until the surface becomes tacky. The primer shall be applied by brushing so as to produce effective bond between metal and subsequent coating.

7.3.3 The tape 4mm thick and 150 / 250 mm wide, comprised of tar based polymeric mix supported on a fabric of high tensile strength fibre glass shall be wound spirally using thermos fusion process to completely adhere with the primer-coated surface and overlaps of 12mm as per IS 10221 : 1982 should be maintained.

7.4 Each end of the pipe left uncoated for welding purpose shall be hand coated and wrapped after field welding is completed and surface cleaned.


On completion of the wrapping & coating, it shall be tested using efficient high voltage holiday detectors, operating at a voltage high enough to jump an air gap the length of which is equal to the thickness of the coating. All holidays found shall be repaired and the repairs shall be re-tested with holiday detector to ensure that adequate repairs have been made. Holiday testing shall be carried out by flexible and detachable ring probe, which shall enable the entire 360 degree of the surface of the pipe to be scanned.


9.1 All pipes shall be adequately supported from ceiling or walls by structural clamps fabricated from M.S. structural e.g. rods, channels, angles and flats or by using anchor fasteners type as per details given in drawings/as per site conditions. All M.S. structural shall be painted with one coat of red oxide and two coats of Red Synthetic enamel paint.


10.1 The general design of landing valves shall confirm to IS: 5290: 1993 and shall be suitable for indoor /

outdoor operations as stated in NBC 2005 Part IV. The landing valves shall be installed at one meter above ground level as per fire brigade regulations. The yard hydrant valves shall be provided with stand post. The yard hydrant shall be of single outlet, instantaneous & oblique type. Hydrant valve shall be protected from vehicle hitting by means of a barricade post such as bollard pipes with necessary arrangements wherever installed near roadside. All jointing material such as bolts, nuts and gaskets are required for fixing. The isolation valves shall be provided in hydrant ring mains for maintenance. 10.2 Hydrant valve body, Stop valve, Check nut, instantaneous female outlet and blank cap shall be made either of leaded-tin-bronze conforming to grade LTB-2 of IS 318: 1981.

10.3 The Valve spindle shall be made up of Brass rod confirming to IS 320: 1980 or IS 319: 2007 for Use with body of leaded tin bronze.

10.4 The Hand wheel shall be made of mild steel conforming to IS 226: 1975 or cast iron confirming to IS 210: 1978.

10.5 The valve top except the face of the flange and the instantaneous outlet shall be painted fire red of shade No 536 of IS 5: 2007.The outside of instantaneous outlet shall be highly polished. The hand wheel shall be painted black. Paints shall confirm to IS 2932: 1974.

10.6 External fire hydrant of with hose cabinet shall be provided, complete in all respects outside the building. Each fire hose box shall adhere to the following;

10.6.1 Hose cabinets shall be M.S type with single or double glass front door and locking arrangements with breakable glass key access arrangement duly painted red with stove enameled paint (overall size 750 x 600 x 250 mm deep) and fixed to wall or self- supported on floor as per site conditions.

a) External hose boxes for yard hydrants shall contain 2 Nos. of 15m long hoses with gunmetal male and female instantaneous type couplings machine wound with G.I. wired along with gunmetal branch pipe with nozzle.

b) Reinforced Rubber Lined Hose shall be as per IS 636: 1988 Type - A and couplings, gunmetal branch pipe with nozzle shall be as per IS 903: 1993.

10.7 Internal fire hydrant with hose reel drum shall be provided at all FEA shafts (inside the building).

10.7.1 Hose reel drum with 19mm rubber hose of 36m length and 32mm diameter globe valve shall be conforming to IS:884 - 1985 & as per the requirement of local fire service department.

10.7.2 All internal hydrant system shall be confirming to IS 3844 : 1989, shall contain 2 Nos. of 15m long hoses with gunmetal male and female instantaneous type couplings machine wound with G.I. wired along with gunmetal branch pipe with nozzle. Spindles will be provided to hold fire hoses.


Valve chamber shall be suitable brick masonry chamber in cement mortar 1:5 (1 Cement: 5 coarse sand) on cement concrete foundations 150 mm thick in 1: 5: 10 mix (1 Cement: 5 fine sand: 10 graded stone aggregated 40 mm nominal size) 15 mm thick plaster inside and outside finish with a floating coat of neat cement inside with R.C.C cover slab, including excavation, back filling complete.


Double flanged reinforced neoprene flexible pipe connectors shall be provided on all delivery lines. Connectors shall be suitable for a working pressure of each pump. Length of the connector shall be as per manufacturer’s details. 13. AIR VESSELS FOR FIRE PUMPS

Air vessel fabricated from 6 mm M.S. sheet with dished ends and suitable supporting legs shall be provided with a 25 mm diameter connection from fire pumps common delivery header, one 25 mm diameter drain with isolating valve, one gunmetal water level gauge and 25 mm sockets for pressure gauge. The vessel shall be 300 mm diameter x 1500 mm height and tested to 1.5 times pumps head.


14.1 Quality Control for Welding

14.1.1 Welding machines mobilised shall be in good working condition and shall have proper control for regulating current. Adequate spares shall be kept in stock at site during the execution of the work for routine maintenance. Location of welding machines and the distribution boards to be connected with them shall be decided in consultation with site electrical supervisor to avoid overloading of the distribution boards, cables and electrical power sources.

14.1.2 For executing site fabrication/ welding the electric cables, distribution boards and connections for machines shall be carefully checked once a week and maintained in good working condition. Welding cables used shall have proper insulation throughout the length. The cables shall be carefully examined and repaired as necessary at regular intervals.

14.1.3 All welding shall be performed strictly in accordance with the welding requirements detailed in approved WPSs and ASME Boiler and Pressure vessel code Section IX. Suitable WPSs to be adopted for welding are required to be qualified.

14.2 Welding Electrodes:

Generally all welding shall be performed using Shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) process using cellulosed- coated electrode (E 6013 type) for root run and subsequent passes

14.2.1 Storing of Welding Electrodes:

Welding electrodes shall be stored indoors free from moisture. The package of the welding electrodes shall not be opened until immediately before use.

14.2.2 Handling of Welding Electrodes:

During welding work, welding electrodes shall be stored in heated quivers. The lid of the quiver shall be kept closed to ensure that the electrodes are not exposed to moisture in the atmosphere. 14.2.3 Brands of Welding Electrodes:

The following approved makes of welding electrodes shall be used during fabrication and erection work:

1. Ador Welding 2. ESAB Use of any other brand of electrodes is subject to approval by the client.

14.2.4 No welding shall be done if there is impingement of any rain, or high winds on the weld area except when suitable protection or shield against the rain or wind is provided.

14.2.5 Tack welds may be done either with full penetration or as bridge tacks. If full penetration tacks are made, the ends shall be ground to featheredge and inspected for presence of any defect. If tacks are cracked, these shall be completely removed by grinding and the area shall be inspected by Dye Penetration examination to ensure freedom from defects.

14.2.6 Before welding, the ends shall be cleaned by wire brushing, filing or grinding. Each weld-run shall be thoroughly cleaned to remove the slag, irregularities and any defects, before the next run is deposited.

14.2.7 Welding of any joint shall be completed and uninterrupted. If this cannot be followed for some reason, at least first two passes shall be welded prior to interruption.

14.2.8 Control of Welders

i. Qualification of welders

Qualified and certified welders only shall do welding. All welders assigned to the work shall be qualified by test as per the WPSs in accordance with ASME code Sec. IX and approved by QA/QC Engineer. Welders deployed for welding piping joints shall have qualification in SMAW process in 6G positions in accordance with ASME code Sec. IX. Qualified welders whose qualification is still valid, may be deployed subject to the engineer-in-charge approval. Welding qualification records shall be maintained at site for reference of client at any time.

ii. Instruction to Welders

Welding procedure and other related requirements should be fully explained to each welder and fitter prior to welding work. Welding shall not be started if bevel preparation and fit up of the base materials to be welded is not correct.

iii. Identification of Weld

An identification number shall be given to each welder. Each weld shall be identified by marking the welder's identification number given. This shall be marked on the welded seam or at an adjacent location with metal marker.


15.1 Application:

Paints shall be thoroughly stirred before pouring in small containers and while applying, to ensure uniform consistency. The operation for each coat shall consist of a stroke of the brush given from the top downwards, another from the bottom upward over the first stroke and similarly sideways before it dries. No brush marks, hair marks or clogging of paint puddles shall be left. Each coat shall be allowed to dry before the next coat is applied. After the work is complete, the brushes shall be cleaned of paint and linseed oil by rinsing with turpentine.

15.2 Requirements:

Characteristic Requirement

Water content percent by mass 0.5

Drying Time a) Surface dry < 6 hrs b) Tack free <12 hrs c) Tack free <24 hrs

Mass in Kg/10 L under coat 12

Mass in Kg/10 L finishing coat 8.5


16.1 Fire Extinguishers:

16.1.1 Portable extinguishers are used to fight fires at incipient stages. The various types of Extinguishers that shall be distributed according to the nature of hazard in this building are Water expelling type, Carbon dioxide type, Foam type and ABC type extinguishers.

16.1.2 Hand fire extinguishers shall be enamel alloy steel cylinder, provided with a trigger or seat type valve locking pin or a seal and discharge horn.

16.1.3 The contents of the extinguisher may be carbon dioxide or powder depending on fire class and storage location. The contents shall be such that no poisonous fumes or dangerous acids shall be produced in any case.

16.1.4 Size and type of hand fire extinguishers shall be subject to approval by the local fire service department. Shall conform to IS 2190:2007 and IS 15683:2006.

16.1.5 Fire Extinguishers shall be fire red finished and provided with labels indicating dates of filling and renewal & IS codes No. etc. All Fire extinguishers shall have ISI Mark certification.


17.1 A two – way / four – way collecting head with built-in non-return valves has to be fitted to the Wet-riser riser main, so that in case of need, the fire brigade can directly pressurize the system with their pump.

17.2 Fire brigade inlet should consists of 2 1/2” (63 mm) male instantaneous coupling for feeding water into Wet Riser pipe having outlet of 6” (150 mm) NB as per ANSI-B-16.5B 150#. 17.3 Fire brigade inlet to be made up of Bronze / C.I material as per IS: 1865:2005. And the entire body should be painted red.

17.4 Drain valve should be provided along with Fire brigade inlet neck for maintenance purpose.


Strainer will be of pot-strainer type with flanged ends and construction shall be as per relevant IS. The pot strainer shall be designed so as to enable blowing out accumulated dirt and facilitate removal and replacement of screen without disconnection of the main pipe.


The range of pressure gauge, pressure switch and differential pressure switch will be from 0 to 21 Kg/ and shall have all required fittings, accessories and valves.


20.1 Cost of painting of all equipment, piping, etc. shall be included in each item as given in the specifications.

20.2 The contractor shall provide all anchor fasteners and their installations for successful completion of work.


1. General Scope of Works

1. This section of the specification includes the supply, installation, testing and commissioning of a microprocessor controlled, addressable fire alarm equipment required to form a complete coordinated system ready for operation. It shall include, but not be limited to, alarm initiating devices, alarm notification appliances, control panels, auxiliary control devices, enunciator, power supplies, and wiring as per shop drawings and specified herein.

2. The system shall be designed such that each loop shall limited to only 80% of its total capacity at initial installation.

3. All equipment/components shall be new & the manufacturer's current model. The materials, appliances, equipment and devices shall be tested and listed by a nationally recognized approvals agency for use as part of a protected premises protective signaling (fire alarm) system. The authorized representative of the manufacturer of the major equipment, such as control panels, shall be responsible for the satisfactory installation of the complete system. 4. All equipment and components shall be installed in strict compliance with each manufacturer's recommendations. Consult the manufacturer's installation manuals for all wiring diagrams, schematics, physical equipment sizes, etc. before beginning system installation. Refer to the riser/connection diagram for all specific system installation/termination/wiring data.

5. All equipment shall be attached to walls and ceiling/floor assemblies and shall be held firmly in place (e.g., detectors shall not be supported solely by suspended ceilings). Fasteners and supports shall be adequate to support the required load.

2. Submittals and Shop drawings:

1. Sufficient information shall be clearly presented and shall include manufacturer’s name, model numbers, power requirements, equipment layout, device arrangement and complete wiring.

2. Sequence and description of operation.

3. Product Data for each type of equipment, initiating device, signal device, peripheral device and cable provided on the project. 4. Shop drawings shall include battery calculations, floor plans and wiring diagrams.

3. Basic System

1. The system shall be a complete, electrically supervised fire detection and evacuation system using fire fighter telephone with microprocessor based operating system having the following; capabilities, features and capacities:

2. Communication between network nodes, each supporting an interactive, self-standing, intelligent local control panel, with system wide displays. Any network node shall be capable of supporting a local system in excess of 4000 input/output points.

3. The local system shall provide status indicators and control switches for all of the following functions:

a. Audible and visual notification alarm circuit zone control.

b. Status indicators for sprinkling system water-flow and valve supervisory devices. ( if any)

c. Any additional status or control functions as indicated on the drawings, including but not limited to; emergency generator functions, fire pump functions, door unlocking and security with bypass capabilities.

4. Each intelligent addressable device or conventional zone on the system shall be displayed at the fire alarm control panel by a unique alphanumeric label identifying its location. APPROVALS

All the equipment shall have proper listing and/or approvals and shall comply to the requirements of the following recognized agencies.

UL – Underwriters Laboratories Inc. and FM - Factory mutual

The Fire Alarm Control Panel and all modules/devices shall meet the modular listing requirements of Underwriters Laboratories, Inc./ FM Factory Mutual Each subassembly, including all printed circuits, shall include the appropriate UL/ FM modular label. This includes all printed circuit board assemblies, power supplies, and enclosure parts. Systems that do not include modular labels may require return to the factory for system upgrades, and are not acceptable.

5. Fire Alarm Condition:

1. Sound an audible alarm and display a custom screen/message defining the building in alarm and the specific alarm point initiating the alarm in a LCD display.

2. Up to 16 nodes shall be networkable in a peer-to-peer configuration.

3. Log to the system history archives all activity pertaining to the alarm condition.

4. Print to system printer (where required) alarm condition information.

5. Sound the ANSI 117-1 signal with synchronized audible and synchronized strobes.

6. Audible signals shall be silenced from the fire alarm control panel by an alarm silence switch. Visual signals shall be programmable to flash until system reset or alarm silencing, as required.

7. Activation of any detector in a single elevator lobby or an elevator equipment room shall indicate at fire alarm control panel, cause the recall of that bank of elevators to the ground/stilt floor and the lockout of controls.

8. HVAC shut down shall, be accomplished by system operated duct detectors as per local requirements. PAC units will be shut down by control relay modules in the loop.

9. Door closure devices shall operate by floor

10. Activation of stairwell pressurization fans, smoke purge and damper control shall be as required.


A. General Performance: Comply with NFPA 72 and all contract documents and specification requirements. B. All interconnections between this system and the fire hydrand or monitoring system shall be considered.

C. System shall be a complete, supervised, non-coded, addressable multiplex fire alarm system conforming to NFPA 72.

The system shall have Style 6 circuits for each floor. The system shall operate in the alarm mode upon actuation of any alarm initiating device. The system shall remain in the alarm mode until all initiating device(s) are reset and the fire alarm control panel is manually reset and restored to normal.

D. The system shall be capable of the following configurations. Both configurations are permitted on the same network.

a. The system shall support up to 252 addressable devices, which may be divided in any ratio on one, two, three, or four separate, isolated Class B circuits. b. The system shall support two loops of 252 addressable devices, each of which may be divided in any ratio on one, two, three, or four separate, isolated Class B circuits.

E. The system may have an optional digital alarm communication transmitter.

F. The system shall provide an off-normal warning prior to reset for all active devices.

G. The system shall be capable of remote monitoring ,a proprietary software system that provides a graphical representation of the fire alarm control panel at a remote PC when connected via Ethernet to the system. The display will show the exact state of the panel, including blinking LEDs, and with menu buttons for control.

H. The system shall be capable of being configured via a PC Tool.

I. In networked systems, each of 4 control panels shall be configurable to be a global enunciator, capable of viewing all other control panels on the network.

J. The system shall provide the following functions and operating features:

a. The FACP and auxiliary power panels shall provide power, annunciation, supervision and control for the system.

b. Provide Class A initiating device circuits. c. Provide Style 7 signaling line circuits for the network. d. Provide two Class A notification appliance circuits. Arrange circuits to allow individual, selective, and visual notification by zone. Notification appliance circuits shall be zoned to correspond with the building fire barriers and other building features.

e. Strobes shall be synchronized throughout the entire building.

f. Provide electrical supervision of the primary power (AC) supply, presence of the battery, battery voltage, and placement of system modules within the control panel. K. The system shall provide a field test function where one person can test the complete system or a specific area while maintaining full operational function of other areas not being tested. Alarms, supervisory signals, trouble signals shall be logged in system history during the walk-test.

L. Alarm functions shall override trouble or supervisory functions. Supervisory functions shall override trouble functions.

3. Supervisory Condition:

1. Display the origin of the supervisory condition report at the fire alarm control panel graphic LCD display. 2. Activate supervisory audible and dedicated visual signal. 3. Audible signals shall be silenced from the control panel by the supervisory acknowledge switch. 4. Record within system history the initiating device and time of occurrence of the event. 5. Print to the system printer (where required) the supervisory condition.

4. Trouble Condition:

1. Activate trouble audible and visual signals at the control panel and as indicated on the drawings. 2. Audible signals shall be silenced from the fire alarm control panel by a trouble acknowledge switch.

3. Trouble conditions that have been restored to normal shall be automatically removed from the trouble display queue and nor require operator intervention. This feature shall be software selectable and shall not preclude the logging of trouble events to the historical file.

4. Record within system history, the occurrence of the event, the time of occurrence and the device initiating the event. 5. Print to the system printer (where required) the trouble condition.

5. Security Condition:

1. Display at the fire alarm control panel with LCD display, the origin of the security condition report. A dedicated security LED shall flash until the alarm has been acknowledged, then revert to a steady "ON" state.

2. The control system shall be capable of bypassing the alarms from an individual security system installed within selected areas. The pass code allowing this function shall be assignable to individual security personnel and each bypass action shall be logged to system history. Intrusion alarms occurring during a bypass period shall be logged to history and displayed but no audible alarm shall occur at the control panel.

3. Print to the system printer (where required) the security condition.

4. The Fire Control Panel shall be “UL” 1076 listed for security purposes.

6. Control Panel

The fire alarm control panel shall be microprocessor based using multiple microprocessors throughout the system providing rapid processing of smoke detector and other initiation device information to control system output functions.

1) There shall be a watchdog circuit, which shall verify the system processors and the software program. Problems with either the processors or the system program the panel shall activate a trouble signal, and reset the panel.

2) The system modules shall communicate with an RS 485 network communications protocol. All module wiring shall be to terminal blocks.

3) The system shall be capable of the following configurations. Both configurations are permitted on the same network. 4) The Cerberus Pro panel shall support two DLC of 252 addressable devices, each of which may be divided in any ratio on one, two, three, or four separate, isolated Class B circuits. 5) The control panel shall have a 2”x4-3/4” Size VGA monochrome LCD display and having maximum 320 (8 x 40) Characters in the display. The panel shall have a built in power supply of 170 Watts and battery charger. Battery charger shall be able to charge the system batteries upto 33 AH. The Panel shall have the capacity of connecting additional 15 panels or Network terminals using network card, with redundancy in the network, TCP/ IP connectivity for Central Monitoring station

The system shall be capable of supporting unshielded wiring applications.

7. System Components:

(1) The System Periphery board shall be capable of 252 intelligent devices distributed between one, two, three, or four Class B SLC circuits. Any trouble on one circuit shall not affect the other circuit. This module controls the signaling from the initiation devices reporting alarms and troubles to the control panel. This module shall also provide the signaling to the field devices for the controlling the output of specific initiation devices. The on board microprocessor provides the periphery board with the ability to function even if the main microprocessor fails. LED’s on the board shall provide annunciation for the following; Power, Gnd. Fault, Alarm, Trouble. This board is integral to the system.

(2) The system periphery board shall be capable of supporting two system drivers of 252 intelligent devices distributed between one, two, three, or four Class B SLC circuits, for a total panel capacity of 504 addressable devices. Any trouble on one circuit shall not affect the other circuit. This module controls the signaling from the initiation devices reporting alarms and troubles to the control panel. This module shall also provide the signaling to the field devices for the controlling the output of specific initiation devices. The on board microprocessor provides the periphery board with the ability to function even if the main microprocessor fails. LED’s on the board shall provide annunciation for the following: Power, Gnd. Fault, Alarm, and Trouble. This board is integral to the system.

(3) The Signal Line Circuits (SLC) shall be tested for opens, shorts and communications with all addressable devices installed before connection to the control panel. Systems without this capability shall have a test panel installed for initial testing to eliminate any possible damage short term or long term to the control panel. After initial testing replace the test panel and proceed with complete testing.

(4) The standard Operator Interface shall have the ability to view events, acknowledge, silence, and reset the system and any networked Cerberus Pro control panels, when configured as a global PMI.

(5) The LED Operator Interface shall have the ability to view events, acknowledge, silence, and reset the system and any networked control panels, when configured as a global PMI. Additionally, the operator interface provides twelve multicolored configurable LEDs for annunciating system status

(6) The Network Card shall provide internodes (Safe DLink) communication between enclosures. Safe D- Link communication shall support Class B Style 4 or Class A Style 7 wiring (in a ring configuration). This card shall plug into the system operator interface.

(7) The System Periphery Board shall contain 2 Class B NAC circuits rated at 3 amps each with power-limited outputs. The zones shall be isolated and independently supervised. There shall be at least 6 unique codes/signals for each circuit based on system logic. These signals shall be Temporal Code 3 (Evacuation), Steady (Such as “Recall”), Temporal Code 3 (for CO alarms), March Time 120ppm, March Time 60ppm, and March Time 30ppm. The card shall have the following LED’s to provide trouble shooting and annunciation; Power, Gnd. Fault, Zone Activation or Trouble. This functionality shall be integral to the system.

(8) The control panel shall be equipped with four Form C relays for alarm, trouble, supervisory, and programmable output. The system shall provide the mounting of all system cards, field wiring, and panel’s inter-card wiring. All power limited field wiring shall be separated from all non-power limited internal wiring. B) System response time from alarm to output shall be an average of three (3) seconds.

1) All system cards and modules shall have Flash memory for downloading the latest module firmware.

2) Passwords:

Technician Level Password - There shall be a 4 character password that a user must enter into the control panel in order to perform such maintenance- and control-related functions at the panel as: Arming and disarming devices.

(a) Activating and deactivating the History Log function, and deleting obsolete entries.

(b) Changing the system time and date. Maintenance Level Password - There shall be a 4 character password that a user must enter into the control panel in order to access the panel's reporting functions and walk test functions.

Acknowledge Silence able Reset Access - There shall be a key required to open a locked cabinet that a system user must use in order to acknowledge events, turn silence able audible and visuals on and off, and perform panel resets.


1) The system Power Supply shall be a 170 Watt, 6-amp that provides 24VDC power for system operation. The power supply shall be filtered and regulated. The power supply provides power for all system operation, including signaling line circuits, notification appliance circuits, auxiliary power, battery charger, and all optional modules The power supply shall be rated for 120/240 VAC 50/60 Hz.

2) The power supply provides power for all system operation, including signaling line circuits, notification appliance circuits, auxiliary power, battery charger, and all optional modules. The power supply shall be rated for 120/240 VAC 50/60 Hz.

3) The battery charger shall be able to charge the system batteries up to 100 AH batteries. Battery charging shall be microprocessor controlled and programmed to select battery sizes.

3) Transfer from AC to battery power shall be instantaneous when AC voltage drops to a point where it is not sufficient for normal operation.

9. System Enclosures:

1. Provide the enclosure needed to hold all the cards and modules as specified. The enclosures shall be either black or red. The outer doors shall be capable of being a left hand open or a right hand open. The inner door shall have a left hand opening. System enclosure doors shall provide where required ventilation for the cards in the enclosure.

10. System Printer: 1. The system printer shall be operated from a Remote Printer Module, which shall be mounts outside the enclosure. This module shall provide a parallel port and 2 serial ports for RS 232 protocol. One of the serial ports shall be able to be programmed for RS485 protocol. Supervised network connection shall be either Style 4 or 7 as directed.

2. This parallel printer shall be supervised for: On/Off line, out of paper, paper jam, power off, and connection the system. The printer shall be a; high speed, 24 dot matrix, wide carriage, and capable of using tractor or friction fed paper. The printer shall contain diagnostic LED’s for ease in maintenance.

11. Intelligent Initiation Devices:

1. All initiation devices shall be insensitive to initiating loop polarity. Polarity insensitive wiring allows fire detection devices to operate flawlessly even when detector and devices wiring polarity are inverted on the wrong screw terminals. When wiring polarity doesn't need to be observed, wiring troubleshooting is greatly reduced, this will also save time of installation Specifically, the devices shall be insensitive to plus/minus voltage connections on either Style 4 or Style 6 circuits.

2. The multi-criteria sensor detector shall be an intelligent digital photoelectric detector with a programmable heat detector. The detector must provide up to 11 different environmental algorithms that allow the detector to provide superior false alarm immunity without the need for additional alarm verification delays. The detector shall have a multicolor LED to streamline system maintenance/inspection by plainly indicating detector status as follows: green for normal operation, amber for maintenance required, red for alarm. Detector shall have shock-resistant thermostat to sense temperature changes. The “on-board” Fire technology shall allow the detector to gather smoke and thermal data, and to analyze this information in the detector’s “neural network Neural Network is a dynamic detection technology system. It simulates the work pattern of human brain. It can develop the knowledge as to refine the level of detection technology. It means, neural network can analyze, learn and adapt according to environmental or physical conditions of premises and trigger the output accordingly. The characteristics of fire are stored in the memory patterns in the microprocessor of detector. Hence, the microprocessor can adapt the characteristics of the environment and able to distinguish between actual fire and deceptive phenomena.

3. Detectors shall be listed for use as open area protective coverage, in duct installation and duct sampling assembly installation and shall be insensitive to air velocity changes. The detector communications shall allow the detector to provide alarm input to the system and alarm output from the system within four (4) seconds. Detectors shall be programmable as application specific, selected in software for a minimum of eleven environmental fire profiles unique to the installed location. These fire profiles shall eliminate the possibility of false indications caused by dust, moisture, RFI/EMI, chemical fumes and air movement while factoring in conditions of ambient temperature rise, obscuration rate changes and hot/cold smoke phenomenon into the alarm decision to give the earliest possible real alarm condition report. The intelligent smoke detector shall be capable of providing three distinct outputs from the control panel. The system controlled output functions shall be from an individual or unique input of smoke obscuration, a thermal condition or a combination of obscuration and thermal conditions. The detector shall be designed to eliminate calibration errors associated with field cleaning of the chamber. The detector shall support the use of a relay and LED remote indicator at the same time. Low profile, white case shall not exceed 2.5 inches of extension below the finish ceiling. Detector wiring shall not require any special shielded cable. It should have a multi detector status LED: Green for normal and red for alarm.

SCHEDULE 1 - Thermal Detectors shall be rated at 135 degrees for fixed temperature. Detectors shall be constructed to compensate for the thermal lag inherent in conventional type detectors due to the thermal mass, and alarm at the set point of 135 degrees Fahrenheit. The choice of alarm reporting as a fixed temperature detector shall be made in system software and be changeable at any time without the necessity of hardware replacement. The detectors shall be installed according to the requirements of NFPA 72 for open area coverage.

SCHEDULE 2 - The smoke detector shall be an intelligent digital photoelectric detector with a programmable heat detector. Detectors shall be listed for use as open area protective coverage, in duct installation and sampling assembly installation and shall be insensitive to air velocity changes. The detector communications shall allow the detector to provide alarm input to the system and alarm output from the system within four (4) seconds. The detector shall be mounted in a duct detector housing listed for that purpose. The duct detector shall support the use of a remote test switch, relay or LED remote indicator. The duct detector shall be supplied with the appropriate sampling tubes to fit the installation. Where duct detectors are exposed to the weather provide a weatherproof enclosure.

SCHEDULE 3 - Detector bases shall be low profile twist lock type with screw clamp terminals and self-wiping contacts. Bases shall be installed on an industry standard, 4" square or octagonal electrical outlet box.

1. Where selective localized control of electrical devices is required for system operation, furnish and install detector base with software programmed addressable relay integral to the base. The relay shall switch electrical loads within relay ratings, as indicated on the drawings. Operation of the addressable control circuit shall be independent of the number of detectors and relays on the circuit or the number in an alarm state. Relay bases shall be rated for resistive or inductive load (120VAC or 30VDC) 3 amps.

2. Where indicated on the drawings, furnish detector base with integral approved audible evacuation alarm signal having an output of 85db @ 10’. The audible signal shall be individually addressable and software programmed for operation.

Intelligent Audible (Sounder) Base [with Loop-Power Option]

Intelligent Audible (Sounder) Base [with Loop-Power Option shall be UL / ULC Listed ─ has the option of being powered directly from a signal line circuit (SLC) in a two-wire configuration. In turn, this connection feature gives each audible (sounder) base. The innovative loop-power option shall provide easier two-wire connection for new or expansion applications where additional wiring or power options are limited. Sounder base shall be capable of generating a 3,000 Hz tone that provides a signal up to 85dBA at 10 feet (3.1m) for localized annunciation.

SCHEDULE 4 - Where selective localized control of electrical devices is required for system operation, furnish and install detector base with software programmed addressable relay integral to the base. The relay shall switch electrical loads within relay ratings, as indicated on the drawings. Operation of the addressable control circuit shall be independent of the number of detectors and relays on the circuit or the number in an alarm state. Relay bases shall be rated for resistive or inductive load (120VAC or 30VDC) 3 amps.

SCHEDULE 5 - Where indicated on the drawings, furnish detector base with integral approved audible evacuation alarm signal having an output of 85db. The audible signal shall be individually addressable and software programmed for operation. PART 2 - Smoke Detectors – Advanced Addressable Series

The detector shall be guaranteed in writing not to false alarm when configured by the factory trained certified technician. The detector must provide up to 19 different environmental algorithms that allow the detector to provide superior false alarm immunity without the need for additional alarm verification delays.

1. The detector shall have a tri-color LED to streamline system Maintenance / inspection by plainly indicating detector status as follows: green for normal operation, amber for maintenance required, red for alarm.

2. Detector shall utilize state of the art forward backward light scattering technology, with improved detection for smoldering and flaming fire signatures. The detector shall replace the need for ionization detectors due to improved response characteristics to flaming fires.

3. Detector shall provide pre alarm signal at 0.2% obscuration/ft to meet the performance requirements of National Fire Protection Association Standard 76, Fire Protection of Telecommunications Facilities as a Very Early Warning Fire Detector (VEWFD).

4. The forward backward light scattering technology shall provide improved immunity to spurious activation (deceptive phenomena). The detector shall have a “No False Alarm Guarantee”.

5. The detector shall be RoHS-compliant: it shall meet standards for Reduction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) by reduction in lead content.

6. Detector shall be UL 2075 compliant as a gas and vapor detector

7. The multi-criteria fire detector shall be an intelligent digital photoelectric detector with a programmable heat detector. Detectors shall be listed for use as open area protective coverage, in duct installation and sampling assembly installation and shall be insensitive to air velocity changes. The detector communications shall allow the detector to provide alarm input to the system and alarm output from the system within four (4) seconds. So as to minimize the effort required by the installing and maintenance technician to appropriately configure the detector to ensure optimal system design, the detectors shall be programmable as application specific. Application settings shall be selected in software for a minimum of 19 environmental fire profiles unique to the devices installed location. 8. The detector shall be designed to eliminate the possibility of false indications caused by dust, moisture, RFI/EMI, chemical fumes and air movement while factoring in conditions of ambient temperature rise, obscuration rate changes and hot/cold smoke phenomenon into the alarm decision to give the earliest possible real alarm condition report.

9. The detector shall be UL listed for operation in a 95% relative humidity (RH) environment.

10. The detector shall be designed to eliminate calibration errors associated with field cleaning of the chamber.

11. The detector shall support the use of a relay, or LED remote indicator without requiring an additional software address. Low profile, white case shall not exceed 2.5 inches of extension below the finish ceiling. The detector shall support the use of an ambient temperature warning signal at the panel. This temperature shall be user-configurable for the set temperature of the warning and the event type generated by the warning. This event can be used to trigger system logic. For the detector where required, there shall be available a locking kit and detector guard to prevent unauthorized detector removal.

12. Detector shall be UL/FM approved

DEVICE PROGRAMMING UNIT Device Programming Unit: The programming tool shall program the intelligent devices with addresses. The unit shall test the device to respond to its address. Dipswitches and rotary switches shall not be acceptable.

Field Programming

The system will be programmable, configurable and expandable in the field itself by use of dedicated programming software. In order to avoid unauthorized access programming via panel keyboard is not acceptable.

The field programmability will allow changes in various system parameters as per their operation philosophy.

All programming will be accomplished through DPU or Laptop. The program (software) used to configure the Fire Alarm Panel will be submitted in a CD along with other submittals during training and handover.

All field defined programs will be stored in non–volatile memory to ensure no data is lost during the power loss.

20. Manual Call Points OR Pullstations.

1. Provide addressable manual stations where shown on the drawings, to be flush or surface mounted as required. Manual stations shall contain the intelligence for reporting address, identity, alarm and trouble to the fire alarm control panel. The manual station communications shall allow the station to provide alarm input to the system and alarm output from the system within less than four (4) seconds.

2. The manual station shall be equipped with terminal strip and pressure style screw terminals for the connection of field wiring. Surface mounted stations where indicated on the drawings shall be mounted using a manufacturer's prescribed matching red enamel outlet box.

3. The single action pull station shall be model number HMS-S.

4. Where required, there shall also be available pull stations with break glass, capable of explosion proof installation, capable of weatherproof installation, two stage operation, reset key operation, and metal housings

21. MonitorModule .

1. Addressable monitor modules shall be provided to connect one supervised IDC zone of conventional 2-wire smoke detectors or alarm initiating devices (any N.O. dry contact device).

2. The two-wire monitor module shall mount in a 4-inch square (101.6 mm square), 2-1/8 inch (54 mm) deep electrical box or with an optional surface back box. 3. The IDC zone shall be wired for operation. An LED shall be provided that shall flash under normal conditions, indicating that the monitor module is operational and in regular communication with the control panel.

22. Addressable ControlModule.

1. Addressable control modules shall be provided to supervise and control the operation of one conventional devices of compatible, 24 VDC powered polarized audio/visual notification appliances. For fan shutdown and other auxiliary control functions, the control module may be set to operate as a dry contract relay.

2. The control module shall mount in a standard 4-inch square (101.6 mm square), 2-1/8 inch (54 mm) deep electrical box, or to a surface mounted back box.

3. The control module shall be wired with up to 1 amp of inductive A/V signal, or 2 amps of resistive A/V signal operation, or as a dry contact relay. The relay coil shall be magnetically latched to reduce wiring connection requirements, and to insure that 100% of all auxiliary relay may be energized at the same time on the same pair of wires.

4. Audio/visual power shall be provided by a separate supervised power circuit from the main fire alarm control panel or from a supervised, UL listed remote power supply.

5. The control module shall be suitable for pilot duty applications and rated for a minimum of 0.6 amps at 30 VDC.

23. 4-Input / 4-Output Interface Module

Interface Module, which contains microcomputer-chip technology and is polarity insensitive, achieves the state of an ‘intelligent device’ through its highly advanced method of address programming and supervision ─ combined with its sophisticated, bi-directional FACP communication. The relays and contact device inputs are controlled at the same address. For the FACP, the relays and input contacts can be controlled as a separate function. The relay is typically used where control or shunting of external equipment is required. Four (4) independent in/out circuits are permissible. Interface module shall be designed to monitor Normally Open (N.O) or Normally Closed (N.C) dry contact.

Interface module has four (4) programmable outputs with four (4) potential free-latching-type ‘Form A’ (dry) relay contacts for fire-control installations. The panel’s communication provides supervised, power-limited power supply. The four (4) input / (4) output interface module provides status indication per LED for each input / output, plus one (1) LED for device status.

Four (4) inputs / four (4) outputs via one (1) address

• Input lines can be supervised for open, short and ground-fault conditions

• Light-emitting diode (LED) display of input / output status

• Supports ‘Class A’ and ‘Class B’ input-circuit wiring

• Polarity insensitive technology

• Microprocessor-controlled signal evaluation • Two-wire installation, per addressable loop

• Individual addressing

• Four (4) AC-rated / DC-rated outputs

• Mounts in one (1) electrical back box Optional 12 cm. and 12.7 cm. square back boxes )

• Electronic address programming is easy and dependable

• Easy front-end access to programming port and wiring terminals

• Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS compliant)

• UL Listed;

24. Addressable RelayModule .

a. Addressable Relay Modules shall be available for HVAC control and other building functions. The relay shall be rated for a minimum of 2.0 Amps resistive or 1.0 Amps inductive. The relay coil shall be magnetically latched to reduce wiring connection requirements, and to insure that 100% of all auxiliary relay may be energized at the same time on the same pair of wires.

25. IsolatorModule.

1. Isolator modules shall be provided to automatically isolate wire-to-wire short circuits on a loop Class A. The isolator module shall limit the number of modules or detectors that may be rendered inoperative by a short circuit fault on the loop segment or branch. At least one isolator module shall be provided for each set of detectors (max 19 numbers).

2. If a wire-to-wire short occurs, the isolator module shall automatically open-circuit (disconnect) the loop. When the short circuit condition is corrected, the isolator module shall automatically reconnect the isolated section.

3. The isolator module shall not require any address-setting, and its operations shall be totally automatic. It shall not be necessary to replace or reset an isolator module after its normal operation.

4. The isolator module shall mount in a standard 4-inch (101.6 mm) deep electrical box or in a surface mounted back box. It shall provide a single LED that shall flash to indicate that the isolator is operational and shall illuminate steadily to indicate that a short circuit condition has been detected and isolated. 26. Addressable Interface Devices shall be provided to monitor contacts for such items as conventional gas/ agent release panels, water-flow, tamper, and PIV switches connected to the fire alarm system. These interface devices shall be able to monitor a single or dual contacts. An address will be provided for each device and all physical devices shall require only one address on a signaling line circuit regardless of the number of circuits on an individual module. Where remote supervised relay is required the interface shall be equipped with a SPDT relay rated for 4 amps resistive and 3.5 amps inductive.

27. Notification Appliances:

1 The Horn or horn/strobe appliance as indicated on the drawings shall be a synchronized temporal horn with a synchronized strobe light with multiple candela taps to meet the intended application. The appliance shall be red or white as indicated on the drawings. The strobe light taps shall be adjustable for 15/75, 30/75, 75, and 110 candela. The appliance shall be red for wall mounted and white for ceiling mounted. Ceiling mounted appliances shall be rated for that application. 2 The electronic strobe as indicated on the drawings shall be a speaker with a tone card and have and adjustable range of 700 to 1300 Hz. The chime or chime/strobe shall be adjustable for either single stroke or continuous operation. The chime/strobe shall be available with adjustable strobe intensities of 15, 30, 75, and 110 candelas. The appliance shall be red for wall mounted and white for ceiling mounted. Ceiling mounted appliances shall be rated for that application.



Examine areas and conditions for compliance with requirements for installation tolerances and other conditions affecting performance of the Work.

Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected


Surface cabling should be neatly run and securely fixed at suitable intervals in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations. Joints in cables, other than those within equipment enclosures should be avoided wherever possible. Where a cable passes through an external wall it should be contained in a smooth bore sleeve of metal or other non-hygroscopic material sealed into the wall. This material will slope downwards towards the outside and should be sealed with a suitable waterproof compound.

Where cables, conduits or trunking pass through floors, walls, partitions or ceilings the surrounding hole shall be made good with a fire stopping material with sufficient fire resistance to maintain the integrity of the construction.

Each junction box will include the legend “Fire Alarm System” on its cover.

All wires shall be provided with an identifying permanent label within 25mm of its termination.

A consistent color code for fire alarm conductors will be used throughout the installation.

Wiring within enclosures will be arranged to allow accessibility to equipment for adjustment & maintenance.


Boxes shall be installed plumb and firmly in position.

Extension rings with blank covers shall be installed on junction boxes where required. Junction boxes served by concealed conduit shall be flush mounted.

Upon initial installation, all wiring outlets, junction, pull and outlet boxes shall have dust covers installed. Dust covers shall not be removed until wiring installation when permanent dust covers or devices are installed. CONDUCTORS

Each conductor shall be identified as shown on the drawings at each with wire markers at terminal points. Attach permanent wire markers within 5 cm of the wire termination. Marker legends shall be visible.

All wiring shall be supplied and installed in compliance with the requirements of the Electrical Code and that of the manufacturer.

All splices shall be made using solderless connectors. All connectors shall be installed in conformance with the manufacturer recommendations.

Crimp-on type spade lugs shall be used for terminations of stranded conductors to binder screw or stud type terminals. Spade lugs shall have upset legs and insulation sleeves sized for the conductors.

The installation contractor shall submit for approval prior to installation of wire, a proposed color code for system conductors to allow rapid identification of circuit types.

Wiring within sub panels shall be arranged and routed to allow accessibility to equipment for adjustment and maintenance.


Wiring within enclosures will be arranged to allow accessibility to equipment for adjustment & maintenance.

All devices shall be mounted to or in a suitable electrical box.


The entire system shall be inspected & tested to ensure that it operates in accordance with this specification and the country requirements. In particular that:

All manual call points & automatic fire detectors function correctly.

All devices carry an accurate identification label.

All manual call points and automatic fire detectors when operated result in the correct text & zone indications at all necessary indicating equipment.

That sound pressure levels meet as per requirements.

That the systems cause and effects match the requirements of this specification.

The sitting of all manual call points & automatic fire detectors meet the country requirements.

B. Readings taken & recorded of all insulation resistance, earth continuity and circuit impedance. DOCUMENTATION

On completion of the system the contractor shall provide the following documentation:

Complete listings of fitted devices, their programmed parameters, texts and assignments. Documentation of all programmed cause & effects. Documentation of actual field wiring topology. C. System log book.


Training shall be provided as follows:

The contractor shall provide full training on system operation & user responsibilities to at least two persons nominated by the customer.



1. Part IV – 2005 National building code of – Fire and Life Safety

2. IS: 1239 -2004 Specifications for mild steel tubes, Part I & II) tubular and other wrought steel fittings.

3. IS: 3589 -2001 Specifications of steel pipes for water and sewage (168.3 to 2540 mm outside Diameter)

4. IS: 778 -1984 Specifications for copper alloy gate, globe and check valves for water works purposes.

5. IS: 14846 -2000 Specifications for sluice valves for water works purposes (50 to1200 mm size).

6. IS: 5312 – 2004 Specifications for swing check type reflux (Non- return) Valves for water works purposes

7. IS: 5290 – 1993 Specifications for landing valves.

8. IS: 884 – 1985 Specifications for first-aid hose reel for fire fighting

9. IS: 903 – 1993 Specifications for fire hose delivery couplings, branch pipe, nozzles and nozzles spanner.

10. IS: 2190 – 2010 Code of practice for selection, installation and maintenance of portable first- aid fire extinguishers.

11. IS: 2878 – 2004 Specifications for fire extinguisher Carbon dioxide type.

12. IS: 3844 – 1989 Code of practice for installation and maintenance of internal fire hydrants and hose reels on premises.

13. IS: 2189 – 2008 Code of practice for selection and maintenance of automatic fire detection and alarm system. 14. IS: 15105 – 2002 Design and Installation of fixed Automatic sprinkler fire extinguishing systems

15. IS: 1538 – 1993 Specifications for cast iron fittings for pressure pipes for water, gas and sewage.



























HYDERABAD – 500263










24 Fire Ala rm Contro l Pan el- UL Listed CERBERUSPRO-UL / DETECTOMAT /


25 Intelli gent Address able Photo SIEMEN S / DETECTO MAT / AUTRONICA / GENT

Thermal Detector- UL Listed & FM


26 Intelli gent Address able Heat SIEMEN S / DETECTO MAT / AUTRONICA / GENT

Detector- UL Listed & FM


27 Conv enti onal Multi crit eria Smoke SIEMEN S / DETECTO MAT / AUTRONICA / GENT

Detector- UL Listed & FM Approved

28 Conv enti onal Photoe lec tric Smok e SIEMEN S / DETECTO MAT / AUTRONICA / GENT

Detector- UL Listed & FM Approved

29 Conv enti onal Thermal detec tor SIEMEN S / DETECTO MAT / AUTRONICA / GENT

UL Listed & FM Approved


31 Addr ess able Inpu t Modu le- - UL SIEMEN S / DETECTO MAT / AUTRONICA / GENT

Listed & FM Approved

32 Addr ess able Control Module- UL SIEMEN S / DETECTO MAT / AUTRONICA / GENT

Listed & FM Approved

33 Short Ci rcuit Iso lat or- - UL List ed SIEMEN S / DETECTO MAT / AUTRONICA / GENT

34 Sound er cum St robe SIEMEN S / DETECTO MAT / AUTRONICA / GENT


36 PC Dell/ HP / Equ ival ent

37 2CX1 .5 sq. mm FRLS Flexible BCH / PO LYCAB / TEC HNOF LEX / MESC AB /HEMF LEX

multistoried CU Cable

38 20 MM FR PVC Conduit BEC / PO LY CAB / AK G / PRECESION /


Sl. Description of Item Unit Quantity



1.1 Supply, of M.S. Pipes (conforming IS: 1239,& 3589 part-I, Medium Grade) i 80 NB Rmts 12 ii 150 NB Rmts 42


1.2 Supply, of M.S. Pipes (conforming IS: 1239, part-I, Medium


i 150 NB Mtrs 236 ii 80 NB Mtrs 12 iii 25 NB Mtrs 24

1.3 Supply, of 300 dia. Hume pipe Mtrs 24

Supply, of ISI Marked G.M.LANDING VALVE with all

1.4 Set 14 accessories

Supply, of ISI Marked G.M. hydrant valve with all

1.5 Set 5 accessories.

1.6 Supply, of ISI MARKED 15 M long x 63 Dia. Fire Hose. Set 24


1.8 Supply, of 25 NB AIR RELEASE VALVE on riser. Nos 2

Fabrication, supply of wall mounted type M.S.HOSE BOX

1.9 Nos 14 (INTERNAL).

Fabrication, supply of wall mounted type M.S.HOSE BOX

1.10 Nos 5 (EXTERNAL

Supply of HOSE REEL 19 MM dia. Bore reinforced rubber of

1.11 Set 14 length 36 mtrs. Length fitted with 6.35 mm nozzle.

1.12 Supply of 25 NB GLOBE VALVE conforming to IS:778 Nos 14

1.13 Supply of SHUT -OFF NOZZLE Nos 14

Supply, of 3WAY FIRE BRIGADE INLET connections

1.14 Nos 2 complete with all accessories as per IS: 904.

Supply, of ISI MARKED SLUICE VALVE conforming to IS:

1.15 14846. PN-1.6 with companion flanges, gaskets & nuts and


i 150 NB Nos 5

Supply, of NON RETURN VALVE as per IS:5312 with

1.16 companion flanges, gaskets & nuts and bolts

i 150 NB Nos 2

1.17 Supply, of Wrapping & Coating Material for U/G Pipe. sq.ft 50

1.18 Supply, of M.S. Fittings Lot 1



2.1 Supply, of M.S. Pipes (conforming IS: 1239, part-I, Heavy


i 150 NB Mtrs 102


2.2 Supply, of M.S. Pipes (conforming IS: 1239, part-I, Heavy


i 150 NB Mtrs 170 ii 100 NB Mtrs 16

iii 80 NB Mtrs 56 iv 65 NB Mtrs 42 v 50 NB Mtrs 42 vi 40 NB Mtrs 16 vii 32 NB Mtrs 36 viii 25 NB Mtrs 325

Supply, of UL Listed, Constant pressure type, Flange 2.3 mounted INSTALLATION CONTROL VALVE. Complete with Principal components of Body assembly, Clapper assembly, Clapper catch & Accessories of Basic trimmings, Alarm & test trimmings, i 150 NB (FOR WHOLE SYSTEM) Set 1

Supply, of ISI MARKED SLUICE VALVE conforming to IS:

2.4 14846. PN-1.6 with companion flanges, gaskets & nuts and



Supply, of UL Listed PENDENT TYPE SPRINKLER head of 68°

2.5 C rating. Frangible glass bulb sprinklers shall operate on a Nos 165

Predetermined temperature. (2ND. FLOOR ONLY)

Supply, of Cut-off Valve i 150 NB (FOR WHOLE SYSTEM) Nos 6

2.6 Supply, of Pressure Gauge (FOR WHOLE SYSTEM) Nos 6

50NB M.S Pipe For Draining o system water. (FOR WHOLE

2.7 Mtrs 36 SYSTEM)

2.8 Supply, of steel structure support. (FOR WHOLE SYSTEM) Lot 1

Supply, of M.S. Fittings. ( Heavy Grade) (FOR WHOLE

2.9 Lot 1 SYSTEM)


Supply, of Horizontal centrifugal type MOTOR DRIVEN FIRE

3.1 Set 2 PUMP of capacity 137Cu. Mt / Hr. at 70 MWC. 2900 RPM

Supply, of Horizontal centrifugal type MOTOR DRIVEN

3.2 JOCKEY PUMP of capacity 11 M3/hr. at 70 MWC, 2900 Set 1


Supply, of Horizontal centrifugal type ENGINE DRIVEN FIRE

3.3 Set 1 PUMP of capacity 137Cu. Mt / Hr. at 70 MWC. 1800 RPM

Supply, of ISI MARKED SLUICE VALVE conforming to IS:

3.4 14846. PN-1.6 with companion flanges, gaskets & nuts and

bolts. i 150 NB Nos 3 ii 100 NB Nos 3 iii 50 NB Nos 2

Supply, of NON RETURN VALVE as per IS:5312 with

3.5 companion flanges, gaskets & nuts and bolts. i 150 NB Nos 3 ii 50 NB Nos 2 iii 100 NB Nos 2


3.6 with companion flanges, gaskets and nuts with bolts.

i 200 NB Nos 3 ii 80 NB No 1

3.7 Supply, of PRESSURE SWITCH for Pumping System Nos 6

Supply, of H GURU make PRESSURE GAUGE (150-mm

3.8 Nos 6 diameter dial).

3.9 Supply, of 15 NB GLOBE VALVE. As per IS:778 complete Nos 12

with all accessories.

Supply, of COMPOSITE CONTROL PANEL with starting

3.10 Set 1 module and control module for the system

Supply, of POWER CABLE (AI) from switchgear panel to

3.11 motors complete with glands, lugs etc i 3C x 100 mm2 Mtrs 30

ii 3C x 16 mm2 Mtrs 20

Supply, of CONTROL CABLE from various instruments to

3.12 composite panel i 2C x 2.5 mm2 Mtrs 80 ii 10C x 2.5 mm2 Mtrs 20

Supply, erection, jointing, testing and commissioning of

3.13 M.S. Suction and Delivery pipes (conforming IS: 1239, part-

I, Medium Grade) i 200 NB Mtrs 12 ii 150 NB Mtrs 18 iii 100 NB Mtrs 18 iv 80 NB Mtrs 6 v 50 NB Mtrs 12 vi 50 NB Mtrs 6

Supply, of G.I. /PVC PRIMING TANK Cap. 1.5 Cu. Mt. with

3.14 Set 1 all accessories


Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of UL Listed and FM approved 4 Loop Analog addressable Fire Alarm system , having the total panel capacity of 504 devices. The pan e shall be able to give location of all fire and More Fire /fault and Isolation conditions of addressable units via the address codes. The panel shall have the capacity of stor ing upto 2000 events. Further, the panel must be able to automatically switch ON /OFF respective control module when ever any alarm is triggered. The panel should have inbuilt common Alarm, Fault and monitored sounder output. The panel shall have a 2”x4- 3/4” Size VGA monochrome LCD display and having maximum 320 (8 x 40) Characters in the display with 24 Zone LED Indicators.

The panel shall have a built in power supply of 170 Watts and battery charger. Battery charger shall be able to charge the system batteries upto 33 AH. The Panel shall have the capacity of connecting additional 15 panels or Network terminals using network card, with redundancy in the network. The panel shall have the capacity of connecting maximum 8 Remote terminals or 8 remote 4.1 displays using RS 485 card Nos 1

Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of UL listed and FM approved Intelligent Addressable Multi-criteria detector with Fire Print Technology having responsiveness of photoelectric, thermal, and false alarm resistance along with standard base. Multi-criteria detector shall be an intelligent digital photoelectric detector with a programmable heat detector. The detector shall have 11

sensitivity level and with tri color LED, Green for Normal,

Amber /yellow for trouble and Red for alarm. Shall be 4.2 Nos 280 Polarity insensitive and facility to mount in different comprehensive environment like Hostile environment, Parking Garage, HVAC Ducts, Precious storage, Transformer rooms, Ware house, Dormitory and normal working environments.

4.3 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of external Nos 30 addressable Manual Call Point.

Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of UL listed and 4.4 FM approved Intelligent addressable One Input cum One Nos 30 Output module having facility to activate sounders, AHU Trippings, etc. The relay and input are controlled at the same address. Shall be Polarity Insensitive.

Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of UL listed and 4.5 FM approved Line Isolator for isolating the section of circuit Nos 20 in case of short in the addressable Loop wiring.

Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of UL listed 4.6 Conventional Sounder cum Strobe having 8 different tone Nos 30 settings with range of 81 dbA to 92 dbA and field selectable 15/30/75/110 candelas.

Suppl y, in stall ation, testing & commiss ioning of Response

4.7 Nos 40 Indicator for Above False ceiling detector.

4.8 SITC of 2CX1.5 sq mm FRLS Flexible multi-strand CU Cable. Mtrs 4500

4.9 SITC of 20 MM FR PVC Conduit. Mtrs 4500


5.1 Providing and fixing ABC stored pressure dry chemical

powder (mono ammonium phosphate) Fire Extinguisher IS : 1568 3 latest revision manufacturer and of CRCA sheet in we lded construction, finish with epoxy polyester powder coated complete with brass forged ball valve, gun metal cap and nozzle, including initial filled and wall suspension bracket (suitable for fighting in class 'A', B & 'C' that is wood, textile, flammable liquid, electric and gases.

a) Capacity 4 Kg Nos 24


For Electrical Installation area in each floor and services area Providing and fixing Carbon-di-oxide fire extinguishers consisting of welded M.S cylindrical body, squeeze lever discharge valve fitted with internal discharge tube, 30cms long ISI marked high pressure discharge hose, discharge nozzle, suspension bracket, confirming to IS: 934 finished externally with red ename paint and fixed to wall with brackets with rawl plug/dash fasteners complete with internal charge.

b) Capacity 4.5Kg ISI Marked. (IS : 15683:2006) Nos 12


Prov iding and fixing mechanical foam type (IS:15683:2006) fire extinguishers consisting of welded M.S. cylindrical body squeeze lever discharge valve 30 cm long high pressure di scharge hose, discharge nozzle suspension bracket ISI marked as per IS 933 finished externally with red ename pai nt and fixed to wall with brackets complete with internal cha rger. a) 9 litres capacity. Nos 5

5.4 Ceiling / Wall mounted Ill umina ted exit sig nage with 20 Nos

CFL Lamp encased in 16 gauge MS boxing and 4 mm

thick acrylic sheet front cover connected to external

power supply with 7 Ah SMF Battery Backup.

5.5 Suppl ying and in stalling at app rov ed location 1 Set

approved make fire buckets of 24 gauge galvanized

steel sheet, standard 9 litres capacity and of round

bottom shape, painted white inside and red outside and

black on the bottom, inscribed with letter "FIRE" in black

and gold. Cost shall be inclusive of providing MS

stand duly painted over a coat of primer (one stand

shall be suitable for hanging 5 buckets).

Minor Civil Works (dismantling, drilling holes, wall finishing

6 Lot 1 with plaster/painting, scaffolding, lifting, etc.)

Project Management Charges including drawing,

7 Lot 1 Documentation and training.




The contractor shall submit all relevant Shop drawings, Data sheet, Samples, Test Certificates etc. immediately for getting approval from BMC (or) authorized representative prior to supply of materials / installation works. The work shall be commenced only after the approval of drawing by the consultants/statutory bodies.

Approval/Comments from BMC (or) authorized representative shall be obtained within 10 days from date of submission, subject to the compliance of technical specification and requirements of the project & acceptance by BMC (or) representative.

The works shall be in full compliance with the technical specifications, relevant codes, and to the entire satisfaction and approval of BMC / Engineer – In charge.

The works to be carried out under this contract shall include detailed engineering for execution, complete procurement of materials required for the works, fabrication, quality assurance, transporting to site, supply, storage, erection, painting and finishing and all necessary labour and supervision for completion of the works in every detail irrespective of whether each and every item is specifically mentioned or not.

All works, covered in the schedule of work shall be completed in all respect and any material required for total completion of each item shall be included in the rates, specifically mentioned or not in the schedule of work.

It is the responsibility of the contractor to carry out all connected minor civil works like wall/floor chipping, rough plastering, etc. related with the installation. Only final touch up, wall finishing related with interior work, etc., will be done by other agency.

Due care to be given for not spoiling/breaking/making any other type of damage to the floor/structure except in the places needed. In the event of damages noticed in the floor, the rectification cost towards the same will be deducted from the contractor who is responsible for the damage and vice versa for damage to vendor property.

The total work to be completed as specified in the commercial document. The work has to be done in nights or at late in the evening, holidays, etc., besides regular day work to achieve the target. The rates quoted shall be for this kind of work.

The Engineer In-charge reserves the right to amend / modify the above scope and delete any item of work from the scope, if desired by BMC / authorized representative, keeping the contractor informed well in advance about such change.

Charges for any extra items which are not mentioned in the bill of quantities will be paid as per approval of BMC.


As per site /client requirement & drawing approval.


Time is the essence of the contract. The completion schedule will be discussed during the meeting keeping the time frame for completion of work as well as completion of work as mentioned in relevant clause o f the tender document. However, the exact completion of the work shall be as per site progress. The contractor upon receiving the LOI shall meet our Engineer-In- Charge at site and draw out a detailed programme of works. A detailed work plan has to be submitted by the contractor for necessary approvals before commencement of any work at the site.

Completion period: Time is the essence of the contract. The work shall have to be completed within a maximum of 90 days from the date of issue of work order. This would exclude works which are dependable on other works which are to be provided by BMC.

Commencement of work:

The contractor shall have to commence the work within 15 days from the date of placement of work order or within 7 days from the date of handing over the site whichever is earlier.


Price shall remain firm & fixed and shall not be subject to any variation till the completion of work. Price is inclusive of Packing, Forwarding, Freight & Insurance, Installation & Commissioning charges and on F.O.R site basis.



20% mobilization advance may be paid against a bank guarantee of equivalent amount from any of the scheduled banks and valid till the scheduled date of completion of the project and handover.


The payment against the contract shall be as follows:

1. 30% of the order value against supply to be paid of bill certification on pro-rata basis.

2. 20% of the order value against installation/erection to be paid of bill certification on pro-rata basis.

3. 10% of the order value to be paid of bill certification after testing, commissioning and field training.

4. 10% of successful work completion and handover and on submission of PBG of equivalent amount.

5. 10% of the bill value to be retain as security deposit for year from the date completion and handed over of the project.

Final Bill

The final bill should be submitted within 30 days of completion of work with all relevant documents including reconciliation statement of materials, as built drawings, etc. and will be cleared within 30 days from the date of submission of the bill. The annual maintenance period shall commence one year after the date of work completion / handover. All the bills shall be submitted in the Proforma approved by BMC. All the running and final bills of the Contractor shall be subjected to technical check and audit and corrections suggested shall be carried out in the subsequent bills.

Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG) :

Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG) amounting to 10% of the Order Value to be submitted immediately within seven (07) days of work completion / handover. The PBG should be drawn on any scheduled banks of India and should be valid for six (06) months from the date of work completion / handover. BMC shall be free to invoke the PBG against expenditure incurred by him in rectification of defects if the contractor fails to attend to the same to the satisfaction of the Engineer-In-Charge. The PBG shall be returned on expiry of six months against a claim from the contractor.


As the work to be executed in West Bengal, the contractor need to provide registration reference details as secured from the VAT/Sales tax authorities in West Bengal. We shall not provide any road permits, declaration forms either under West Bengal VAT/Sales Tax Act or Central Sales Tax Act, 1956.

VAT / SALES TAX: The contractor shall secure VAT / Sales tax registration under the West Bengal state Act as well as the central sales tax act 1956. The contractor shall produce proof of the above prior to commencement of work. Rates shall include excise duty, wherever applicable.

Any change in tax rates shall be suitably adjusted without changing the base supply and services rates.

Works contract Tax/VAT:

As the work is to be executed in West Bengal, the contractor shall provide registration reference details as secured from the State Sales Tax authorities. In case the contractor fails to provide proof of tax registration, we reserve our right to deduct appropriate tax liability amount at the applicable rate on the contract value which will be equivalent to the tax demand devolving on us. The said deduction will be effected proportionately commencing from payment of first bill onwards OR any time during the course of execution and once the tax discharged by us, same will not qualify for refund.

We will not provide any declaration forms either under the State Sales Tax Act, or Central Sales Tax

Act, 1956. No Form ‘C’ will be issued. Monthly Tax invoice along with necessary declaration form has to be submitted to our office.

Service Tax:

Prices shall be inclusive of all applicable taxes and duties. VAT and service tax quantum to be indicated separately.


The contractor shall, at his own cost, insure his men, materials and machinery at the site, as may be needed. The contractor shall cover your workmen under the workmen’s compensation insurance.


Applicable tax deducted at source shall be recovered as per the act. Necessary certificate to that will be issued by our site project accounts.


a) Bidders shall be required to deposit with their bids an Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) of Rs. 2,00,000/- (Rupees two lakh) only through RTGS/NEFT as details mentioned in the NIT. The scanned copy of the RTGS/NEFT details must be uploaded at the time of submission of bid through e-tender.

b) EMD shall be returned to unsuccessful Bidders within a period of 1 (one) month from the date of signing of Agreement between WBIDC and the successful Bidder. EMD will be converted into initial amount of the Performance Bank Guarantee for the successful bidder.

c) EMD shall be forfeited in the following cases:

i) If any information or document furnished by the bidder turns out to misleading or false in any material respect.

ii) If the successful bidder fails to execute the agreement within the stipulated time or

any extension thereof provided by BMC or if the bidder withdraws the contract

proposal even after execution of agreement.

d) EMD shall be waived of for bidders having NSIC registration.


The contractor shall guarantee against defects for all the works executed under this contract for a period of 12 (Twelve months) from the date of acceptance of measurements and final bill and shall repair the same without any cost to the owner within the defects liability period. If the Contractor fails to do such repair works, BMC shall be entitled to carry out such works at the risk and cost of the Contractor including recovering of supervision and overhead charges from the amounts due to the Contractor.


In case the completion of work is delayed, in whole or in part, beyond the stipulated time period, liquidated damages shall be levied @ 1% (one percent) of the contract value per week or part thereof subject to a maximum of 5% (Five percent) of contract value. In case extension of time is granted, it shall be subject to imposition of liquidated damages unless specifically waved off by Engineer-In-Charge. Alternatively, the work shall be withdrawn and got done through other agencies at the cost and risk of the Contractor if BMC finds the progress of work so slow that it may not be in the capacity of the Contractor to make up the backlog. Progress will be reviewed in weekly site meetings and assessed in detail on monthly basis as per the mutually accepted time schedule forming part of the contract. In case the progress falls behind schedule persistently, the Engineer- in-charge may propose levy of liquidated damages from the next payment. However, in case the short fall as per the original targets is made up before the next monthly assessment and progress is brought to as per the agreed time schedule, the amount earlier deducted will be refunded in the next bill itself.


Materials/items for the above contract shall be as per the approved makes list annexed.


Workmanship is expected to be the best in the industry. The works shall be carried out as per the specifications laid down in the tender document / by the client / Consultants and approved drawings and specifications.

In the absence of specifications, relevant Indian Standard Code of practice together with their latest revisions/amendments as applicable on the date of LOI shall be followed. In the absence of the relevant I.S. code of practice, the instructions of the Engineer-In-Charge and/or standard engineering practice shall be adopted. In case of contradictions/conflicts between the specifications, the interpretation of the Engineer in Charge shall be final and binding. Method statement shall be prepared for all items of work and Engineer in Charge shall approve the same. Contractor shall prepare shop drawings for all such items of work desired by Engineer in Charge, which shall be duly approved before commencement of such items of work.


Necessary sample approval has to be taken from BMC / Enginer-In-Charge, wherever asked for, before start of installation/commissioning.


Material should be thoroughly tested before dispatching to site. Materials may also be inspected again on receipt at site. In case of any defects, the same shall be rejected and the same shall be replaced at free of cost to us within reasonable time. All test certificates, wherever applicable, shall be produced at the time of delivery at our site along with the materials.

16. DRAWINGS & DOCUMENTATION Drawings/Catalogue shall be submitted immediately after receipt of the order. The drawings once approved have to be strictly followed and no deviation from the drawings & approval will be allowed.


Contractor is required to submit the manuals of all the items supplied to the Engineer in Charge at the time of delivery / installation & commissioning.


Any delay or impediment in the fulfillment of its obligation by either party by reason of force majeure, such as acts of nature like floods, earthquake, epidemics, acts of war, civil war and transport strike shall constitute excusable delay and no compensation or idle time payment shall be made for such delays but extension of time for such period shall be granted by us after examining the merit of the case for such each individual happenings.


Except where otherwise provided in the contract, all questions and disputes relating to the meaning of the specifications, design, drawings and instructions here-in before mentioned and as to the quality of workmanship or materials used on the work or as to any other question, claim, right, matter or thing whatsoever in any way arising out of or relating to the contract, designs, drawings, specifications, estimates, instructions, orders or these conditions or otherwise concerning the works or the execution or failure to execute the same whether arising during the progress of the work or after the cancellation, termination, completion or abandonment thereof shall be dealt with as mentioned hereinafter:

If the contractor considers any work demanded of him to be outside the requirements of the contract, or disputes any drawings, record or decision given in writing by the Engineer-in-Charge on any matter in connection with or arising out of the contract or carrying out of the work, to be unacceptable, he shall promptly within 15 days request the Engineer-In-Charge in writing for written instruction or decision. Thereupon, the Engineer-In-Charge shall give his written instructions or decision within a period of 15 days from the receipt of the contractor’s letter.

If the Engineer in Charge fails to give his instructions or decision in writing within the aforesaid period or if the contractor is dissatisfied with the instructions or decision of the Engineer in Charge, the contractor may, within 15 days of the receipt of Engineer in Charge decision, appeal to BMC who shall afford an opportunity to the contractor to be heard, if the latter so desires, and to offer evidence in support of his appeal. BMC shall give his decision within 30 days of receipt of contractor’s appeal.

Except where the decision has become final, binding and conclusive in terms of Sub Para (i) above, disputes or difference shall be referred for adjudication through arbitration by a sole arbitrator appointed by BMC. If the arbitrator so appointed is unable or unwilling to act or resigns his appointment or vacates his office due to any reason whatsoever, another sole arbitrator shall be appointed in the manner aforesaid. Such person shall be entitled to proceed with the reference from the stage at which it was left by his predecessor.

21. ARBITRATION In the event of any dispute or difference arising out or in connection with this agreement shall be settled amicably by negotiations between the authorized representatives of both the parties failing which such dispute or difference shall be resolved by an Arbitral Tribunal consisting of a Sole Arbitrator mutually appointed by parties. Failing such agreement, each party shall appoint their Nominee Arbitrator and both the Arbitrators shall appoint the third Arbitrator who shall act as the Presiding Arbitrator. The arbitration proceedings shall be conducted in accordance with the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 and/or any statutory modifications thereof as applicable in India and the Award rendered by the Arbitral Tribunal shall be final and binding on the Parties. The

venue of Arbitration shall be Kolkata, India and the language used shall be English. This Agreement shall be governed by the substantive laws of India.


If the work progress is consistently found to be below the accepted as was planned and agreed, and if the quality of work being executed falls below the expected standards laid down by us, in such cases, in the interest of timely completion of the project and to maintain, the high quality of work, we reserve the right to delete any part of the scope of work or, the entire balance work to be taken away, and get such works executed by other agencies, as your risk and costs. Any extra cost incurred by us on such purchases including the penalty imposed shall be recovered from your pending bills or by means of a separate remittance from you within 15 days from our debit notes.


Contractor shall comply with all the labour laws of the State Government, Central Government and Local authorities as applicable from time to time at the place of work. Contractor shall cover all your workmen under PF / ESI/ WC. All records to be maintained under these laws shall be maintained and produced to the concerned authorities as and when directed to do so. No extra payment will be made on the ground of complying with these labour laws by us. In case failure to provide any of the above facilities, appropriate liability amount devolving on us will be deducted from your bills.


Contractor shall strictly abide by all safety standards, specification, practices, rules and regulations in construction meeting to the satisfaction of engineer in charge and also the instruction of our safety engineer at site. Your workmen at site must follow strict adherence to the said safety rules. Any kind of unsafe action or unsafe method of work by you workmen, which may lead to injury to your workmen, will be viewed seriously and penalty for the same will be levied on you for such unsafe actions. You are responsible for the safety of your staff and employees and also employees of other agencies working in your area of operation. You shall delegate the responsibility of implementation of safety rules to one of your staff. All safety appliances required like safety helmets, safety belts, shoes other safety PPE etc. shall be arranged by you at your cost. All the working area will have to be properly maintained and proper access to be provided for all the people. Also proper housekeeping has to be maintained in the areas of work.

In case of repeated violation of safety rules and precaution by any of your workman, he will not be permitted inside the site of work. Your authorized representative shall attend all safety meetings convened by BMC’s site safety engineer and abide by his instructions and follow the site safety practices without failure.


All facilities required for the above job scope of works is included in the subcontractor account.


All materials necessary for the works, all Tools and Tackles and necessary equipment and Labour and Consumables will be provided by you and adequacy of the same shall be ensured at all times during the tenure of this contract. Plant / Equipment, Tools and Tackles shall not be removed without our express permission.

You shall provide all skilled and unskilled labour and supervisory staff necessary for the satisfactory completion of this work.

Transport of your men, materials, machinery, tools and tackles is your responsibility.

Responsibility for unloading of your material, its storage and shifting to the work place shall be part of your scope.

You shall arrange for the accommodation of your staff and workmen at your cost.

Water, power and distribution lines as required for all for the satisfactory / completion of works under your scope. Power & Water will be provided by BMC.

Storage space for storing your materials will be provided by BMC. However we shall not be responsible for any loss or damages due to any reason whatsoever and you shall safeguard all the materials including the free issue materials at your cost.

All types of crane/ ladder requirement needed for the completion of your works shall be in your scope.

Minor civil works will be in your scope. Labour & staff accommodation shall be in your scope. Scaffolding including Installation/Erection will be done by subcontractor.


You shall work in close co-ordination with all other agencies working at the site without any damage to others works and material.


BMC shall have the right to accept and reject any bid and to cancel the bidding process and reject all bids at any time prior to the award. In the event of insufficient bids, contract may be awarded to the participating bidder at the sole discretion of BMC. SECTION F: BID FORM

Notes on Bid Form

The Bidder shall fill in and submit this Bid form with the Technical Bid.

Date …………………………….


Bidhannagar Municipal Corporation


Kolkata – 700 106

Description of the Works :

1. I/We offer to execute the works described above and remedy any defects therein, in conformity with the Conditions of Contract, specifications, drawings, Bill of Quantities and Addenda for Item Rate Contract of Total Bid Price of Rs. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………...


2. We undertake to commence the works on receiving the Notice to Proceed with work in accordance with the contract documents.

3. This Bid (including all amendments and minutes of pre-bid meeting) and your written acceptance of them shall constitute a binding Contract between us.

4. We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any Bid you receive.

5. We hereby confirm that this Bid complies with the Bid validity and Earnest money required by the bidding documents and specified in the Instructions to Bidders (ITB).

Authorized Sign ature:

Name and Title of Sign atory:

Name of Bidd er:

Add ress :

By Order

Executive Engineer, PHE(E&M) Bidhannagar Municipal Corporation