Cats·Seek"M VC,C"Ro~O~:5At~Rd:A,Y .; '" -' ','.'
.~i ,Cats·Seek"M VC,C"ro~o~:5at~rd:a,y .; '" -' ','.'. .: f' N~~ 141~r:j, 1.' See Page II 8 - [. w' Unlvero~· " ,.....·t'y ;0f C·J.p.oJ.nnaa tal",~- ~--""'~.~-~~~~i .~ N:EWS,"R·E"CORD Cincinnati, Ohio, Thursday, November 14, ·1963 _SeriesBF 1 Z553 ~B'acHExpcif).ent, 'Pianist Educalion AI UC'T·o ' Cosl More; ~-To~play 'A,r;U9"' .t:iCf~:"*.1?,LQng~am·AnDouncesTuition Hike ~:~,x::;:;:;mtt%~;.~~::::::~::::~::::::::m~::~:::~:::::}}}}~::I-" " .. "'-~-;, .,,:' ".,"."'~' ". '.,' '. " - , .' " ,', '. ' ':", " " '; :;, ·rr11.~ti-OIljn,¢re~seswere-ann6ilnceQ.~ Tuesday: 'by the Uni- stantial de'gre~"fromsu_ch s_9ur~eg "'7yersi}Yi,'~S,::;:U9~])recsid(mt.,Walter.. Langsam, 'informed the as gifts,« grants bequests;. -~ndow. '. stud ... t' -b'"d' , " f' . ·t'h·' ..' , .' . '. ," ',' ' , " . ment funds, and foundation. con· ,;~"s.:_?u}~~::.' 0" ":I-R.,::,e.· increase (l,!lf~ent:.forunl, at,Wlls9n tributions;" Dr. Langsam 'said. >A\lditqriU:qI.,:.fl1e.il1crease effect with ,theJ964 UFurthera~te: of-the Univer- ,:::S~;wme,:r;,~§~?h,9Q}~nd()~.,SepL1,1964~,~' . , ,s.ity:~ exc~lIen~e~equires ~d~i- ::",;·':r:l~~~::··,~~~~~::Q1".tlj~JirS(Si~€able; " .~ .' .,' " " " ~I~~:~::f::::~~hjb:~~f~~:; 'T}I!c~.e~S,~~~~HJ£~,;~~l>te,m!>eF;:~195~.. ing ,·outsi,de' the 'Ioc,al,' t~x~sup-- teaching facilities.andresearth ,;S,m,an";~Iicre~$e,s:<',~~re,;; made ,.:in',' ,p()rtin~ 'J~reas,aNl .e~peciany" equipment~'~ he added. ,';'To 'pro-- .;;'Sept~~:ber;:':'1,96.1·anfl'£ia. ~$tudent ", ,for<those<livin9'outside Ohio,' vide ,these," we s'imply' mlolst I:JIJi9n,,;a,dd~ti()il;; ~ee_,wasadded. ' 'the ,,~ncrea~'es. provide .,a:scale bJ;ing' th&"Cost.,bf f~es'Jnto.
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