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6 Bibliografia166 Corretta.Indd ARCHIVUM HISTORICUM SOCIETATIS IESU VOL. LXXXIII, FASC. 166 2014/II Pope Francis, Homily at the Liturgy of Thanksgiving - celebrated in Chiesa del Gesù in Rome on 27 September 2014 - to commemorate the bicentenary of the Restoration of the Society of Jesus: in italiano and in English 263 Articles Thomas E. Conlon - Hans-Joachim Vollrath, Kaspar Schott’s letters to Philip Vegelin 1661‒1664 273 Alberto Tanturri, Fermenti antigesuitici nel Mezzogiorno settecentesco 307 Andrea Mariani, Le fonti per lo studio della storia dei Gesuiti presso l’Archivio Statale Russo degli Atti Antichi di Mosca 343 Rafael Ramis Barceló, Las cátedras suaristas de la Universidad Luliana y Literaria de Mallorca (1692-1767) 399 Bibliography (Paul Begheyn SJ) 427 Miscellanea Diego Poli, I Dieci capitoli di un uomo strano nel contesto inculturativo promosso da Matteo Ricci 533 Book Reviews M.C. Combs - P. Ruggiano S., Transforming ourselves (P. Álvarez SJ) 545 J. Meier - U. Glüsenkamp, Jesuiten aus Zentraleuropa (I. Pawlowsky) 547 M.B. Hall - T.E. Cooper (eds), The Sensuous (M.M. Mochizuki) 550 S. Nanni (a cura di), La musica dei semplici (T. Jeż) 553 N. Golvers, Libraries of Western Learning for China. 1. (E. Corsi) 557 N. Golvers, Libraries of Western Learning for China. 2. (N. Vacalebre) 561 R. Danieluk - B. Joassart, Au service de la réconciliation (M. Chmelewsky) 563 Congresses Christian mission and cultural contacts in the early modern period: Access, methods, case studies, Zurich 8 Nov. 2013 (P. Oberholzer SJ) 567 Archivum Romanum Societatis Iesu Sergio Palagiano, Il fondo archivistico “P. Jan Philip Roothaan SJ” nell’Archivum Romanum Societatis Iesu: riordinamento, inventariazione e digitalizzazione 571 Index 579 Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2014 Paul Begheyn SJ I am grateful to the following persons who have helped me in putting together this bibliography: Nicoletta Basilotta (Rome), Sacha Bermudez- Goldmann SJ (Madrid), Clemens Brodkorb (München), Mauro Brunello (Rome), Ad Dudink (Louvain), Dominique Gonnet SJ (Lyon), Yannick van Loon (Louvain), Paul Oberholzer SJ (Basel), Nicolas Standaert SJ (Louvain), Gabriel M. Verd SJ (Granada), and others. For a more detailed bibliography on spirituality, please turn to the annual bibliography in the Spanish journal Manresa and to www.ignaziana.org, a review of theological research. You are invited to send new titles, corrections and suggestions to: Paul Begheyn SJ Netherlands Institute of Jesuit Studies Singel 448 1017 AV Amsterdam The Netherlands General Index I. The entire Society A. General history 1. Auxiliary sciences 1 2. Historical works 2-19 B. Special history 1. Saint Ignatius of Loyola 20-46 2. Institute 47-58 3. Spiritual Exercises 59-65 4. Spirituality 66-78 5. Pastoral activities 79-90 6. Cultural activities 91-105 7. Polemical writings 106-108 II. Countries A. Africa 109-117 428 Paul Begheyn SJ B. America 118-253 C. Asia 254-336 D. Europe 337-519 III. Persons Persons in alphabetical order 520-969 Complementary list of persons 520 Index of authors 521 I. The entire Society A. General History 1. Auxiliary sciences 1. P. Begheyn, ‘Bibliography on the history of the Society of Jesus 2013’, Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu 82 (2013), 513-631. 2. Historical works 2. A. Samper Cortés, ‘Un acercamiento al proceso de extinción de la Compañía de Jesús a través de la correspondencia diplomática del Conde de Mahony, embajador español en Viena’, Revista de historia moderna 19 (2001), 431-450. 3. J. Martínez Millán a.o. (eds.), Los Jesuitas. Religión, política y educación (siglos XVI-XVIII), 3 vols., Madrid, Universidad Pontificia de Comillas, 2012, 1906 p. 4. G. Brüntrup a.o. (eds.), Unheilige Macht. Der Jesuitenorden und die Missbrauchskrise, Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2013, 202 p. 5. B. Hogenmüller, ‘“Enemigos de los Jesuitas” - Melchior Canos Verhältnis zu den Jesuiten’, Theologie und Philosophie 88 (2013), 389-396. 6. E. Jiménez Pablo, ‘The evolution of the Society of Jesus during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries: an order that favoured the papacy or the Hispanic monarchy?’, in M.C. Giannini (ed.), Papacy, Religious Orders, and International Politics in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, Roma, Viella, 2013, 47-65. 7. S. Kiechle, Jesuiten: Zwischen Klischee und Realität, Kevelaer, Topos, 2013, 90 p. 8. A. Leal de Faria, ‘Uma nova leitura das relações históricas entre Jesuítas e a Inquisição’, Brotéria 176 (2013), 361-369. 9. J.K. Lucas, ‘Jesuit Order, Role of’, in R. Seaman (ed.), Conflict in the Early Americas: An Encyclopedia of the Spanish Empire’s Aztec, Incan, Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 429 and Mayan Conquests, Santa Barbara, ABC-CLIO, 2013, 199-200. 10. K.H. Neufeld, ‘Die Rolle der Jesuiten in der restaurativen Phase neuzeitlicher Theologie’, in P. Bsteh (ed.), Die Orden im Wandel Europas. Historische Episoden und ihre globalen Folgen, Berlin, LIT, 2013, 231-246. 11. P. Oberholzer, ‘Die Wiederherstellung der Gesellschaft Jesu 1814 - das Ergebnis eines geschickten und geglückten Ränkespiels’, Zeitschrift für katholische Theologie 135 (2013), 127-169. 12. void 13. B. O’Leary, ‘Marie Madeline D’Houët and the Jesuits: a complex relationship’, Milltown Studies 71 (2013), 1-44. 14. J.W. O’Malley, Saints or devils incarnate?: Studies in Jesuit History, Leiden, Brill, 2013, 312 p. 15. M. Rotsaert, De Loyola au Vatican: idées reçues sur les Jésuites, Paris, Cavalier Bleu, 2013, 179 p. 16. R. Schlögl, ‘Die Jesuiten’, in his Alter Glaube und moderne Welt: europäisches Christentum im Umbruch 1750-1850, Frankfurt am Main, S. Fischer, 2013, 91-92. 17. R.E. Scully, ‘The suppression of the Society of Jesus: A perfect storm in the age of the ‘Enlightenment’’, Studies in the Spirituality of Jesuits 45/2 (2013), 1-42. 18. K. Suenens, ‘De ‘Jésuitesses’. Zusters in het spoor van Ignatius van Loyola’, KADOC Nieuwsbrief 6 (2013), 10-15. 19. H. Wendt, ‘The Lettres Edifiantes et Curieuses: The politics of history in different nineteenth-century editions’, in F. Jensz & H. Acke (eds.), Missions and Media: The Politics of Missionary Periodicals in the Long Nineteenth Century, Stuttgart, Franz Steiner, 2013, 97-112. B. Special History 1. Saint Ignatius of Loyola See also 453. 20. M.L. Suárez Castiñeira a.o., New Perspectives on James Joyce. Ignatius Loyola, make haste to help me!, Bilbao, Universidad de Deusto, 2009, 296 p. 21. M. Blickman a.o. (eds.), Ignatius van Loyola, Het verhaal van de pelgrim, Altiora Averbode, 32010, 172 p. 22. A. Agostini & M.C. Pagnini, Atto Fabroni e il crocifisso di Sant’Ignazio: storia, restauro e documenti, Firenze, Polistampa, 2013, 113 p. 430 Paul Begheyn SJ 23. P.R. de Andrada Pacheco, ‘Inácio de Loyola: ‘Experiência- modelo’ e educação à liberdade’, Antiguos jesuitas en Iberoamérica 1/1 (2013), 67-91. 24. R. Carls, Ignatius av Loyolas teologiska profil: Mellan riddarväsen, renässans och reformation, Skellefteaa, Artos, 2013, 658 p. 25. E. Cattaneo, ‘La riforma della Chiesa secondo sant’Ignazio di Loyola’, La Civiltà Cattolica 3922 (2013), 341-351. 26. S. Crestani, Le binaire Ignace-Descartes, 2nd ed., Vicenza, Ed. L’Oricanno, 2013, 67 p. 27. F. Elorriaga, ‘Las ‘heridas’ en la vida de san Ignacio: un large camino hacia la alteridad de Dios’, Manresa 85 (2013), 125-135. 28. P. Émonet, Ignace de Loyola: légende et réalité, Bruxelles, Lessius, 2013, 192 p. 29. E. García Hernán, Ignacio de Loyola, Madrid, Taurus, 2013, 568 p. 30. I. Iglesias, Sentir y cumplir: escritos ignacianos. Edited by J.A. García, Bilbao, Ediciones Mensajero, 2013, 434 p. 31. A.N. Kirk, ‘Ignatius’ statements of self-sacrifice: Intimations of an atoning death or expressions of exemplary suffering?’, The Journal of Theological Studies 64 (2013), 66-88. 32. F. Körner, ‘Salvific community. Part One: Ignatius of Loyola’, Gregorianum 94 (2013), 593-609. 33. D. Kowalczyk, ‘Dall’analisi trascendentale del giudizio al Dio trascendente: Kant, S. Tommaso, Maréchal, e le esperienze di Ignazio di Loyola’, Ignaziana 15 (2013), 76-86. 34. W. de Mahieu, ‘De mystiek van het doen en de mystiek van het zijn – Ignatius en Charles de Foucauld’, Cardoner 3 (2013), 1-19. 35. J.M. McManamon, The text and contexts of Ignatius Loyola’s autobiography, New York, Fordham University Press, 2013, 230 p. 36. W.M. Melion, ‘In sensus cadentem imaginem: Varieties of the spiritual image in Theodoor Galle’s Life of the Blessed Father Ignatius of Loyola of 1610’, in W. de Boer & C. Göttler, Religion and the senses in Early Modern Europe, Leiden, Brill, 2013, 63-107. 37. C. Osswald, ‘Aspectos de autoridad y poder en las ceremonias de canonización de Ignacio de Loyola y Francisco Javier en Portugal’, Hipogrifo: Revista de literatura y cultura del siglo de oro 1 (2013), 43-55. 38. K. Rahner, Ignatius of Loyola speaks, South Bend IN, St. Augustine’s Press, 2013, 112 p. 39. B. Repschinski, ‘Lebensreflexion als Ort der Gotteserfahrung. Ignatius von Loyola und Paulus von Tarsus im Vergleich’, Zeitschrift für katholische Theologie 135 (2013), 230-251. 40. D. Rosales-Acosta, ‘Jesus and the demons: Portraits of the Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 431 spiritual seeing in Mark’s gospel. Origen, Bonaventure and Ignatius as hermeneutic reading key of the gospel’, Teología y Vida 54 (2013), 307-337. 41. M. Rotsaert, ‘Una spiritualità del dialogo e della riconciliazione. Ignazio di Loyola (1491-1556)’, Ignaziana 15 (2013), 33-45. 42. M. Rotsaert (ed.), Ignatius van Loyola, Geestelijk dagboek, Averbode, Altiora, 2013, 140 p. 43. M. Rotsaert, Il discernimento spirituale nei testi di Ignazio di Loyola, Roma, Gregorian & Biblical Press, 2013, 216 p. 44. D. Salin, ‘Saint Ignace et la liberté. Au service d’une décision à prendre’, Christus, 237 (2013), 102-112. 45. M. Sievernich, ‘Von Gott gesandt. Zum Selbstverständnis des Ignatius von Loyola’, in M. Delgado & V. Leppin (eds.), Gott in der Geschichte. Zum Ringen um das Verständnis von Heil und Unheil in der Geschichte des Christentums, Fribourg, Academic Press / Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2013, 271-288.
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