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._.. - January LO, 1954 Vol. 9, No. 3 Arabian Amerlcan Oil Co.. , Saudi Arabia crlsrs NAMED KING SA3UD FOR I-ACT PCAYS ENDS VISIT Hie Majesty King Sa'ud ibn Casting is now complete for 'Abd a1 'Aziz left last Thurs- Dran,aramcols three one-act day for a hunting trip through plays to be staged February 6 northern Saudi Arabia after an and 7 in Dhahran. eight-day visit to Dhahran and other cities of the Eastern Playing the lead in "The Province. Hitchhiker, " being directed The royal partpaccording to by Fullerton, is Jack planewas to travel to Qaisumah. Kibbee. Other cast members then along the Tapline. The are Musabelle Coons, Tony party will then journey across northern Arabia. and return to through the central Peebles. Sybil Colegrove. Nejd. Marion Bowers, lvee Fullerta, Thousands of Sa-&i citizens, Nancy Etherton and Gladys as well as Aramco employees Cathey. of other nationalities, turned Clovis Roberts plays the out to welcome the King during main part in "Sorry, Wrong his stay here. Number. " also beine- directed His Majesty was honored at bv Fullerton. Other .players . teas, banquets and other en- are Sybil Colegrove, Tony tertainments given by Saudi lyran. Avio Angellini, lvee I governmentofficials, Aramco, ,,-ullerton, N~~~~ ~~h~~~~~, ill U.S. Ambassador George Wadsworth and H. M. King Sa'ud - and A1 and -~~~i~~. . .-.jack -- . ~~~i~~ changed greetings at Hamilton House. businessmen and contractors. Bowers. Mary Landon. Ann A special soccer game was Hussey and Grace Hackett. George Wadsworth, New US. Envoy, also played in honor of the King. Jack Kibbee. who recently Presents Credentials to King Sa'ud During his stay at Hamilton staged "Harvey," is directing George Wadsworth, newly appointed United States Ambassador House, His Majesty's residence "Gone Tomorrow. " Fullerton to Saudi Arabia, presented his credentials to His Majesty King while in Dhahran, the King and Alice Axelson are the Sa'ud ibn 'Abd a1 'Aziz in ceremonies at Hamilton House Saturday. received a visit from H. H. principals. Other cast Thls v~sitto Dhahran was Wadsworth's first since becoming Shaikh Salman ibn Ha~al A1 membersare Alice Quinn, Jim ambassador. In 195L he toured the area as an Aramco guest. Khalifah, ruler of Bahrain Dunleavy. Bill Bonino and The presentation of cre- Island. H. M. King Sa'ud sent Larry Isom. Recitals Next Week dentials w~ made shortly after a special plane to Bahrain to Wadsworth arrived from bring His Highness' party to The cast for "The Moon Is Gilles Guilbert,noted French Jiddah. The King had sent a Dhahran. The King met the Blue, " the recent Broadway pianist, will give AEA spon- Saudi government plane to Bahrain ruler at the airport stage hit. will be announced sored recitals in Dhahran. Jiddah to bring the U.S. envoy and later at a banquet held in next week. The play, to be Abqaiq and Ras Tanura be- to Dhahran. Dammam. . produced March 6 and 7, will ginning next week. Details King Sa'ud gave a dinner in Earlier, the King had sent be directed by MISS Carlita will be announced in next Ppnor of the new ambassador a special Saudi goverment Plumb. week's Sun and Flare. L- Saturday night. Members of plane to Jiddah to bring Mr. the ambassador's party, Air George Wadsworth, newly Get Travel Reservations Early Force officers at the U. S. appointed American ambassa- The influx of tourists into Europe and the Middle East is ex- Military Miesionto SaudiArabia Dhahran. The ambas- pected to set another new record this year. Reservations are at Dhahran.Arneric.m Consulate sador presented hjs credentiala already pouring into travel agencies, air and steamship line officials and Aramco re- to H. M. King Sa'ud shortly offices, and the latter in particular expect to be strained to the presentatives attended the after his arrival here. utmost to handle the flood of eager travelers. function in addition to Saudi The night of January 12 the Charlie Miller, who, among other things, supervises the government dignitaries. King received American activities of the Travel Office in Dhahran, recalls that last year Wadswarth, recently appoint- women of the Dhahran com- many Aramco employees waited too long before applying for ed by President Eisenhower, munity in a reception held on bookings and were delayed or disappointed. He strongly recom- was previously U. S. Ambas- the Dhahran patio. mends that prospective vacationers make their plans and their sador to Czechoslovakia. He Accompanying the King oa arrangements well in advance. has a wide knowledge of Arab his visit were the Minister of Those who plan to travel by ship from Middle Eastern ports affairs and, with his new Defense and members of LL any time this spring and summer are particularly advised to cm- assignment as Ambassador to Council of Ministers, incld- sult the Travel Office as soon as possible for information and Saudi Arabia and Minister to inp the Deputy Minimter d assistance in booking cabins. The months of April. May and June Yemen, will have served in Foreign Affairs. The are those for which space is currently the most in demand, at every country in the Middle entourage included a -.= least on the Mediterranean routes. Anyone who hopes to travel East since enteringthe Ameri- of princes. H.M. King =%&. by sea during those months is urgedto apply immediately far space. can Foreign Service in 1916. brothers and sona Sun and Flare -2 - January 20, 1954 I I Letters to the Editor I ( BIRTHDAYS 1 Jan 20 - Charles G, Lunbmt A Complimentl equivalent yearly to two, or I see where the new hmeu on kvld Pop Editor, Dhahran three, times the amount of 6th Street and adjacent area. Jon 21 - Cum1 Park As a member of one of the the basic rent. Thus, each whichwere built after we mwe4 Terrance Kennedy two departments which have home could be assured of an are being landscaped. And we Sheldon Taylor been most maligned in your equivalent share of improve- don't even have enough dirt to Shvm tielring column. Ican not resist add- ments. "MS" place just one meawly, dozen kfhy Haug ing my "two cents" in the Asks Question tulip bulbs l Since I am not a Jon 22 -Jan- P. Gunter iorm of a compliment in ap- rock pdenrr. Swan wondering Phyllis Anns~ preciation of said other de- Editor, Dhahran if someone in Dhahran could Bath J. Hudson partment--HOUSING. I seem to recall a quotation loan us some dirt to plant thoae Jan - Harold E. Miller Jr. My sincere thanks to each 1 used to hear and read fre- tulips; the loan will be until Leanne Furmon member of the HOUSING quently in the States: "Brush that great day we are blessed Joyca Wel tar STAFF who contributed to yourteeth twice a day and see with a YARD with lawn and Sean M. Cady making my moving, during the your dentist twice a year. " I shrubm, no lesr l krkur &mhd holiday seasonwhich can be a can handle the first part of "Mystified" Gemld Kordor headache in any country, a that okay but to the secmd part Editor's Note: "0" Street. Jmna W. L1nQ.y Jr. relatively easy procedure. an old American Indian quota- according to Landscapimg and Jmna W. Llhey k. Those in charge of the fur- tion may sum it up. lrHow?" Jon 24 - Ranold E. Noh t#WTW Gardening. will be landecaped nishings seemed to go out of immediately followmgcomple- Leah A. Stockman their way to satisfy my parti- tion of retaining walls and Janice Cyr cular taste, the deliveries Editor, Dhahrrn excavation. Jan 25 - Georgia Ehrptt mdreturna were made prmpt- Right now I long for only JOJ& Piow ly andat the times requested; one thing: enough time to Hates Recordings Judith bpp the painters came and went write a book which I would Jan 26 - kry P. Plummar leaving a very fine job behind title "Meet the Opportunists. " Editor, Dhahran Stephn P. woymouth tbem which created little I would devote the theme to Who may Iask arranges the SmnHebing "stresa or strain. " people who write letters to recordings. May I commend Lido P.dmon It is great satisfaction to Editors. The poor frustrated these gentlemen for their Jan 27 - Suaan F. Wbatu know that the job you try *o humans have nothing else to do selectione, the long hair mumic Edward Sarpstack dc, for Mr. and Mrs. John Q. but complain. is terrific,hour after hour of Poul D. Chrirtsnun Public, is not always open to "Tired of it all" comforting. soothing, pleasant knho C . Kidder adverse criticism alone, but and BORING music. Kenmth E. Duel1 there are those of us who "Disgusted Music Lover" krk A. Nolwn recognize sincere endeavor. Editor. Dhahrau "Pleased" For those I may have miss- ed in saying "so long" for a Wants Good Films while. here it is. See you Editor, Dhahran all on April 15th when I re- Good movies in Dhahran turn to my new domicile in have been few and far between Ras Tanura. in recent months. I realize C. P. Booker that most films produced are fifth-rate, but we are not even getting the few good ones. Dearth of Earth Where are "Sbane, " "Julius Caesar, " "The Cruel Sea, " Editor, nhahran "From Here to Eternity." Thisletter was pxompted by "Faceto Face." "The Moon is an innocent purchase of 1doan Blue." "Stalag 17," and "Kiss tulip bulbs in varied colors a Me Kate?" few weeks ago, but there is And must we have these still- a dearth of earth on "0" fifth-rate films which even the Street where we live and so children ridicule? Couldn't we can't plant the blooming we replace them with some of things ! I am not irate, really. the better foreign films made but can'tunder stand why, after in France. Italy and England. moving into our new home last ". . "Movie-Goer" April that all there is to our Home Materials "yard" (and I use the word -- . loosely) is an excavated piece New officers of the Dhahran Woman's Group were presented Editor. Dhahran of rocky ground. Last awnrr er the organization at a general meeting January 10. They ar* There has always appeared it was dug, or rather blasted. (seated) Mrs. EIal Sherman. president; Mrs. Homer Miller to be some discrepancy if not to a depthof approximately one first vice president; (standing) Mrs. Carl Renfer, social secre- discrirrination in the alloca- foot but no dirt was tilled in. tary;Mrs. William. Hackler, dirrctoz-at-large; Mrs. Hugh Welch, tion 01 materials and help for Since that time we havehad to treasurer; Mrs. William Mulligan, business secretary; Mrs. improvements in our homes. stumble precariously from tad E. J. Nelson, hospitality chairman, and Mrs. 3. G. PesEoni, both outside and inaide. (1 or cpr to our front doorstripping publicity chairman. said "appeared.") Some people over rocks, boulders, and un- The group plans to hold a bridge-canasta party January 31 at always meem to have better even ground. 1:30 p.m. in the auditorium. Mrs. William Burleigh will be "luck" than others when it Does it seem unreasonable the hostess. and sheand her committee have planned a pleasant comes to getting flowers, or that I am a little mystified be- afternoon. shrubs, or patio., etc. Why cause not long ago 1 read in the Bridge sessions for each second and fourth Wednesday for not put theae services on a Sun & Flare that residents of bachelorettes will be held in the Fiesta room annex. The next Dhahran completely impartial and should not bother the session is scheduledfor January 27 at 7:30 p.m., All bacheloret- equitable basis? Landscaping Section because tes are invited. I suggest that each dwelling they were going to go all out APAR stillmeets all day every Monday at Mrs. P. A. Davies' be allowed improvements, to landscape new homre which home. Volunteers are needed. and everyone 1s invited to help. other than maintenances. had no dirt or greenery. Now - January 20, 1954 Sun and Flare -3- HMKing Saaud Keeps Busy Schedule

His Majesty King Sa'ud ibn 'Abd a1 'Aziz received a visit from H.H. Shaikh Salman ibn Harral A1 Khalifah. ruler af Bahrain Island, durini his stay at Dhahran.

Above: His Majemty King Satud ibn 'Abd a1 'Aaiz ended his visd to Dhahran last Thursday. The King left on a hunting trip through northern Saudi Arabia.

Below: Preparations for the Klng's visit entailed long hours of work. Decorations were elaborate and colorful. At the tea held in honor of His Majesty at the Dhahran Police Station costly rugs lintd the walls of the pIatforrr where H.M. ICIq Saqudsat. Among the many other activities, the Kmg received Dhahran's American women at a special reception held on Dhahran patio Tuesday night. January 12. Nearly all American women in the community turned out to greet the King. Thouoande oi persons from. Dhahran, A1 Khobar. Dammam and other communities in the Eastern Province welcomed the King during his vieit.

Stati raiting for the royal party. The King was honored at nume I teas and banquets. Below: H. M. King Sa'ud was accon panied by a royal entourmpe that included many princes. This young prince seen ed to enJoy the whole visit. Sun and Flare -4- January LO. 1954

Welcome back to Johnny visited Abqaiq. Mrs. Rush was The RT Bowling Association "Eddie" May. He and wife Noebels, his wife, Paula, and the honor guest at a coffee on has named the following slate Coldie have just retmned from son, Michael, who returned to Sunday morning with Mrs. of officers for 1954: Warren long vacation. Welcome to the field this week.The Noebels R. W. Braaseashostess. Mrs. Dm,chairman; LouBernardi, Ras Tanura. were in the States several Rush leaves Sunday on long secretary; Karl Deloian, Another Dhahranite now with months. during which time vacation. The table decora- treasurer. Let's have RT out us is mchool-teacher Lillie May Johnny underwent medical tion. were carried out in an in front this year. keglers I Ford, who hails from Bryan, treatment. We are glad you Arabian theme withArab flags Over at D&R in the refinery. Texas. Incase any of you don't are okay now. Johnny. forming the center-piece. now shift foreman isan old- know where that is, just ask Welcome, also, to tene Mr. andMrs. Robert Zagst timer from Dhahran. Addison Ned Scardino or your corres- and John Ramsey and Ray and pondent. I Dorim Laird and daughters, Grow Prese~tsSpec/k/ Program A former Ras Tanuran back Judith and Valerie, all back with us from Abqaiq is Bob from long vacation. Mrs. Schweitzer of Government Re- Lairdandthe girls spent some lations. This time the Schueitu- time in England with her er householdincludes two Mary parentawhere Ray joined them Eliots--one the charming Mrs. on long leave. Schweitzermdthe othera two- St. Peter's in Rome was the month olddaughter who is pur- netting December 22 for the ported to have hair a bit on the wedding of Miss Betty Clase reddish side. A special wel- and Chuck Felice. The couple come to the Schweitsers. spent their honeymoon in Rome Weighing in at 8 pounds 14 and Innsbruck. Austria, be- ounces Janes Allen Schott made fore returning to the field. his appearance in Dhahran. Congratulations to the newly- Saturday. Jan 16Congratulatims weds. to June, Rudy and Bobby. Twenty friends wnhedsandra Tonight at the management Zadorkin "happy birthday" on dinner 24 proud employees January 16. when they gather- will receive service pins--two ed atthe A.M. Zadorkin home This gronpof women from countries other than the U.S. present- for ten years' service and 22 for a barbecue dinner. It was ed the program at the Abqaiq Woman's group meeting January 10. for five years' service. Dr. Sandra's eleventh birthday. They are (left to right) Mmes. J. Boot, Holland; E. Ypey, T. E. Allen. associate medical Also eleven last week was Holland; L. S. Driskell. Germany; M. Dallan, Palestine; M. J. director from New York, will Whitey DeCarlo, son of the Aboassaly. Greece; R. DeCarlo, Germany; P. Noorlander, be present. Ray DeCarlo. Joining Whitey Holland, chairman; C. J. Trossell. Holland; S. A. Azzam, Margie DeSantis was more for a barbecue were Michael Lebanon; and H. A. Teetor, Canada. Abqaiq activites for the than pleased with the stork Fromberg, Dickey and David coming week include a book review by Mrs. J. G. Hargreaves shwer givenher by the canasta Knudsen, Peter Ofner, Dale at 9:30 a.m. January 26 in Portable No. 1. The book to be group at the home of Mary Hutchinmn, James Stovall, discussed is "Desiree" by Selinko. A welcome coffee will be Santos on Wednesday. January Chuckie Guyon. Kimmie Wil- held at 9:30 a.m., January 31 in Recreation Portable No. 1. 6. Margie says thanks to all coxmn, Fred Abbott, and you nice gals. Diana DeCarlo. were hosts at dinner and Board Will Plan Mikie Gallagher will expound Birthdays neem to be in the bridge party for eight last proudly for you on the antics of news this week. Some of our Thursday evening. her very young brother. Patrick Tucaday morning the patio 1954 R.T. Program "small fry" having parties Sean, born January 6 at Dhah- of the Alex Fahey home was were Kenny Lathan, son of The Executive Board meet- ran. Congratulations to parent. the gathering place for a cof- Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lathan. ing will be held at the home of Ivy and Joel Kcnny was four last Friday. fee at which time Mmer. L. the president. Mrs. Bob Gulaf- A welcome home from the and his guests were Diana De- Monroe, S. A. Azam, C. A. smn. N-2-P-A, Saturday morn- U.S.A. to Florence Coodale. Carlo, Roger Bumpers, Stevie Felice, H. G. Kirk and R. M. ing, January L3, at 9:30. At Blanche Sands and Dorothy Guyon. Sally Beem, Trixie Hollilgahead were honor that tire the program for 1954 Jessicbwithyoung son. David. Ofner, Charlene Leidecker, guests. Mrs. A. R. Knowles will be drawn up, activities We missed you. the Margo Abbott. Robert and was co-hostess. planned, chairmen appointed. A special thanks to Peggy William Hitchcock, Ann Mrs. JackMenzies present- and speakers chosen. Let Ann Wagner. who reported for us Leslie Burba, Rohbie Mc Rey- ed Mrs. L. E. Monroe to the have your idea adsuggestions. in last week's issue. Peggy is nolds, and Denise Williams, ladies of Abqaiq Wednesday The first Welcome Coffee of now public relations represmta- both of Dhahran. Kenny's afternoonat a lovely tea in her the year will be held on Jan- tive for the woman's group home. Mrs. Monroe is the uary 28 in the Recreation cake was in the shape of a jet and is doing an admirable job. new Flwr wife in the field and Portable at 9:30a.m. A cordial plane with "KKL No. 4" on The one-time Girl Friday of invitation is particularly ex- the wing, and brought forth is making many new friends. the District office. Jeane Tripp tended to newcomers;all wanen oh's and ah'sfrom the guests. Lost: Persian cat, gray Bahnsen. writes that she and are welcome. Sujean Hoss, daughter of stripe. male. House 1180 or husband Budare enjoying their the John Hosses. reached the phone 4824. Available: Chocolate brown assignment with AOC in Lon- ripe old age of three January Lost: Siamese cat, it. tan rug, 11 by 15 ft. House 503, don. The addrcs8 im OakLnwn, 12. Having fun with Sujean collar. House 305 or phone Dkahran. Monument Hill, Weyhridge, . on "herday"were Bonnie Wig- 3248. Dhahran. reward. Available: Bendix Washing Surrey, for any of you who may xell, Sally Beem. Christine Loat: Acquamarine stone machine, House 1173,Dhahran. care to drop them a line. We Asay, IIcithCameron, Jeffrey setto wear onchain - between CaLl on Saturday. will be glad to convey any Haug, Diane Barth and Libby Travel office, Canteen & bus Going to Africa during personal greetings in early Sip. stop across from Mail Center, sumxxer onfourth photographic May when we plan to be visit- Mrs. M.D. Rush and Mrs. possibly in First atreet bus, safari. Will take one or two ing there. D.W. Ives were co-hostesses at 12:15a.m., Dec. 13. Please men to share expenses. Write Admiral Beecher has cabled at a coffee for Mrs. James phone4311 (during office brs. ) Harry McDaniel, Dhahran thank* to Ran Tanura for mak- Austin of Dhahran when she or 2244. Box 4270. inghh vhit here a pleasant one. . ..--- . -- - .-

Sun and Flare - - January 20. 1954 Dr. Izzeddin, Lebanese Author, WHAT WE'VE HEARD . . Now Touring Saudi Arabia by Jack Mahoney

Dr. Nejla Abu Izzeddin, a the Minister in arranging in- ALLEY WAILS.. .. There are times whenwe don't. When sprightly and affable author- terviews with personalities in are two sections of thought alley cats are not fed that's lecturer, arrived in Dhahran the area. Another fiiend was about the Dhahran District the time they must forage for ten days ago on a peninsula- encountered in Dammam. Dr. notice in last issue regarding themselves, and during those wide tour of Saudi Arabia and George Rentz. head of Aram- the disposal of cats. Briefly non-feeding periods garbage during her week-long visit to cots Research division, is a they run: those who have a can. are turned over (causing the Eastern Province was long-standing acquaintance. cat (or eats) and those who another menace). pleased to observe the bustle Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snyder "despise the four-legged We know of a few families and progress hereabout. of Dhahran also knew Dr. monsters." There seems to whose cats lately have had A well-known scholar of Izzeddin..-. prior to this trip. be no in-between road for lik- litters beneath someone else's Arab affairs. experience has - ing or hating the feline fiend8 house. And when the kittens also made Dr. Izzeddin an or friends. This impression are big enough to travel (if author~tyon America. She is was freshened up by comments they live that long) are dragged probably the only Druze to have heard this past week. to the.owner1s place for adop- graduated from Vassar College. Over the coffee cups in tion - to the spot which should and, if not the hrst, was one abodes where a cat (or two or have been their home in the of the first, Arab women to more) abide there may have firat place. Females (cats. receive a doctorate. beengeneral chatter along this that is) are always a problem; Her degree of Doctor of line: "They can't do that. Gas and they can have four litters Philosophy In Oriental Studies my cat. I should say not!" a year I was conferred by Chicago Uni- On the other side of the Several cat owners have versity and is but one land- fence there (no doubt) was wailed "How can I keep my mark along the devious path of fiendish glee expressed over cat in at night? I can't change patient scholarship that has the possible extermination of the nature of the animall" brought Dr. Izzeddm to her those alinking, furry critter. We're not sure, but we've present position as one of the who howl and growl all night been told that cats can be outstanding women scholars to keep light sleepers awake. trained, and if you must have In the Arab world. To keepthe recordstraight, an outdoor specimen perhaps Nothing was more naturalto and to defend Dhahran's Land-. his (or her) outside periods thls vivacious lady than an In- scape & Gardening Section, we can be regulated. Sameone terest in Arab affpirs. Her must reiterate their notice suggestedthat since cats seem family background was deeply referredto ALLSTRAY CATS. to be nocturnal prowlers. rooted inArabIan history, and They're the culprits destined chase them out during the day thxs traditionof knowledge that for drsposal. That notice ad- then they'll want to stay in- provided the initial incentive vised if you have a house pet doors at night. Make them far her work. you w~shto keep. collar it day workers. Try it! Interested in seeing first- with an identification tag, so One family, previously MI hand the progress that istak- Dr. Nejla Abu Izzeddin. noted that ifby chance it gets snared exactly diaapproving of cats. ing place in the desert King- author and lecturersaddressed inone of the traps around camp. now are in the market for dom. Dr. Izzeddinwas delight- members of the Dhahran com- the collar would be ~tbrelease even an alley waif. All be- ed at the prospect of the tour. munity in an inforglal dinner to freedom. cause one morning around 3 As a guest of the Saudi Arab party in her honor by Mrs. The question of a "collar" o'clock the rnanter of the house government she first surveyed Einar Christy Sunday night at became an important one to was awakened by more than a the Hijaz, arriving from Cairo the Dining Hall. some owners. Asked a few gentle nibbling on his right and meetings and interviews .- "Will mine be picked up if it ear. Sleepily he looked right Although she considers with high-ranking membersof just has a ribbon around it. into the stare of a beady-eyed Lebanon to be her home, the neck?" Until we hear further rat who quickly scampered the Egyptian Government. Doctorhas spent much time in After performing the lesser we can venture to surmise a off the bed. We saw the ear the United States. Her last talk- ribbon will do the trick. But with its tell-tale teeth prints. pilgrimage in Mecca and visit began in 1945 when she ing with prominent Saudi wait. Why torture a" animal The moral: a cat would have did research in the Library of you care to keep as a pst by kept that house clear of rats. offic~als and merchants m Congress in Washington for . allowinga soft ribbonto grace Jiddah, the Doctor arrived in her latest book. The trip was We don't know what the rat its neck in the hopes it can population could be in our Dhahran. extended to include a cross- ggin freedom if snared in' a camp, nor do we know what After she was graciously country nation-wide lecture trap. Cats' claw are sharp the cat population is, but we received .in audience by His tour that ended in September Majesty the King, she toured (or should be) and males and do know there are a nrrmber of 1948. females have been known to of children who have cats as Hofuf, the Company's Head- Back in Lebanon she began quarter's District, Qatif, vigorously apply continual pets (inlieuof a Boston terrier assembling her notes, evaluat- strokingwiththe hind-19 claws or a plain mongrel), and this Dammam, and Ras Tanura. ing her material and writing. to free any binding around the is written for the attention of The rcsidential section of The result is "The Arab World, Nejma in the refinery town neck. A leather collar, by far, the parents. Those few Past, Present and Future, " is safer. as it can take scuff- bachelors and bachelorette. greatly impressed the doctor published by Henry Regnery. ing and can be easily cleaned. who have a cat a. a pet may with its beauty, and shevastly Chicago, last October. A TO boot, it should have a bell also take note. preferred the prospect of Germantranslationof the work to warn buds, should the cat Generally folks who own a lawns. beach and shimmering will appear shortly from have any real hunting instincts. cat know how to care for the Gulf to the orderly hurly-burly Weisbaden andan Arabic editim We have heard that those creature. And the pet will of the refinery installations. is also scheduled. Renewing friendships also ---- cats who apparently do not be- not be accidentally exterminat- played a part in her trip. In TEMPERATURES long toanyoneare the cause of ed if they heed the request Jiddah, she enjoyed the hos- For week ending January 19: the present campaign. Same made by Landscape & Carden- pitality of the Lebanese High Low of us mean well, and in our ing to collar the pet, and if Mln~sterand Mrs. Turk and Dhahran 74 49 fleeting generosity we at times possible please try to keep it waa particularly grateful for Abqaiq 76 47 feed these strays and there indoors at night. the assistance given her by Rae Tanura 75 50 Sun and Flare January 20. 1954 1 OUlZ-0 1 1 I I Ar~ansas Ind~ana Nebraaka Rhode Island Vi;ylnia "FRANCISCOVERS THE BIG TOWW Wednesday B: M, w/Donold O'Cnuuw,Yvette &gay Coriolon Overture bathoven Cmadv AY6C Symphony No. 5 in E Minor Ras tonura Jan 29-21 Tchoikovsky lstday R.1.--1 1r30+3:30,769 p.m. Piano Solos by Ellen Bollon 2nd doy R.T.--330, 8:00 p.m. 10.30 Colorado Kansas Nevada S. Carolina Washington Suite ham Der Ro~nkavalier R. Strow "IT CAME FROM OWEa SPACE' Concerto in B Minor w/llichard Corlson,BntKna Rush - Heifeh Elgar Fright Feature A6 Y R. R. Tonura Jan 22-23 Delaware Mame New Hae.p- Texas W. Virginia j 1stdayR.T.--ll:303:30,7&9 p.m. shirr Frldav 3:w 2ndday R.Tr-8:OO p.m. 4 Porgy and Bssr, Symphonic Suiia Genhwin - Bl- Time - A1 Goodman "PRINCE OF PIRATESU w/John Derch, Borbora Rush and WrOrchaha Rhg Idaho Mass. Ohlo Utah Wisconsm Knlsler Melodies - Cavollero Pirate Adventure A&Y 7:30 Dhdrran Jon 20-21 Tooca - Ramto Tehldi, - Ror Tonwo Jon 24-25 Giuwpp Campom and lstday Dh--3:3WdC@lCJ,h 9 p.m. Enzo hbscherinl with 2ndday Dh--i1:30, &45 8:45 p.m. Chorus and Orchestra ef lllinois Mtnnesota Pa. Vermont Wyoming 1stdoyR.T.-11:30,5.30,7&9 p.m. Santlr Cecilla, Rome 2nd day R.1.--8:OOp.m. Conductad by Alberto I I I I I Em& Pucc~ni 10.30 A NEW GAME: PLAYEDBY FILLMG IN THE ABOVE SQUARES 'CYRANO DE BERGERAC" w/Jw Fw~r,kIohen Qvlntet for Clarinet and The QUIZ-0 Chart above contains some, but not all, of the Sirings in A kja hzart kame AY&C answersto the questions below. Uyou know the reference made Sinfonla Cmcertante J.C. Boch Dhohmn Jon 22-23 by the question, mark the NUMBER of the question in the square Ras Tanuro Jan W-28 containing that answer. As soon as you have a complete row of lddayDh-3:30~257:~,9:15p.m. 5 squares marked 011, exther hor~zontal,vertical or diagonal, 2ndday Dh--li:3Q&4S8:45 p.m. Sotwurdoy &Oo you wlll have scored QUIZ-0. Start with Question No. 1 and 1stdayR.T.--ll:30&30,7&9 p.m. WallemteIn'r Camp, continue in numericalorder until you have made QUIZ-0 andthen 2nd day R.Tr-8100 p.m. Symphanic Poem Smetana STOP, even though you have not answered all of the questions, Symphony No.4 in E Glozounov and compare your results with the QLW-0 Diagram on Page& Fantasy for Violin Although there are a few "dummy" questtons for which you will "THE BIG LEAGUER" and Orchestra Suk find no answer, make sure you answer every question in w/Edword G. Robinmn,Vem Ellen 10.30 numerical order. Do not skip around. Boreboll kma AY6C Pictures at an Exhibitim In which states are the following itews located? Dhdnon Jan 25-26 Muuo~gq-Ravel istday Dh--XW,%l&769 p.m. Groval - Amu Schunann QUESTIONS 14 Leader in cheese 23 Bunker HiU 2nd day Dh--11:30,6:45&45 p.m. 1 Notre Dame U production 24 Concord 2 Cornhusker State 15 Song "Dixie" 25 Auatin, Capital Sunday 8:OO 3 Sooner State introduced here 26 Smallest popula- "SWORD AND THE ROSE" Six Gennan knees Mororf 4 Largest cigarette16 "Mother of tion in U. S. wpichwd Todd,Glynis Jdrm Counhn Morltza-the Tonholle making center Presidents" 27 Bordered by AYAC Orchesha with Artists & 5 Source of Missis-17 Key West Penn.. N. J., Md. Abqaiq Jan 20-21 Chonn of Zurich Opera sippi River Causeway 28 Brown University Dhohron Jan 27-28 How conducted by 6 Pine Tree State 18 Wm. Borah, past 29 Yellowmtone irtday Ab-3:30p.m., Continuous VIctor Rei~~Kalmon 7 Pierre. Capital governor National P6rk 2nd &y Ab-1 1:342..04 Continuwr 10:30 8 Pike's Peak 19 Clare Booth Luce, 30 Beaver State lrtdey Oh--3:30,Z20J:lOfi9 p.m. William Trll Overture Rorrini 9 Railroad hub of rept. 31 Little Rock,Capital 2nd Qy Dh--11:30,6:45,8:45 p.m. Concerto No.W in B Flat nation 20 Largest state east 32 ForC Leavenworth kjw- Hasrowski Marart 10 Valley Forge of Miss. R. 33 First state to Iberia Doburry 11 Golden State 2 l First state to secede from Unlon "COLUMN SOUTH'' I2 Birth State-- forbid slavery 34 Bordered by w/Audie Murphy ,Jwn Evom Peaal Buck 22 Settled by Mormons Oregon, Idaho Watern A &Y 13 Bismarck, AbquEq Jan 22-23 Monday 8: 00 Caprtal Copyright 1949 by Casaga Go. IrtdoyAb--3:30p.m., Continuwr Overtun to Fldello Ibothovan 2ndday Ab--l1:345:1SCantlnuwr Symphony No.94 in G Haydn 8USfN€SS COURSE 81fNG OFFEIPED Lavont Plays Chopin A course in personnel force. It compriaea. accord- 10:30 management will be ollered by ing te an announcement, a "DESERT RATSY Gmnd Conyon Suite Grofe the University of Maryland survey ofthe scientific select- w/JomesMoMn,Robert Newton Concerto No.2 in E Maior beginning January 31 and end- ion of employees, in-service Dram0 A hY - Goldborg Boch ing March 24. training, job analyeir,claasi- Abqdq Jon 25-26 The class, which carr~es fieation and rating, motivation IstdoyAb--3:30p.m., Continuous three hours credit inbusiness of employees, employee ad- 2nd day %--I 1:30&15 Continuour Tusday &W administration, will meet justment, wage incentives. Dan Quixote R. Straurs Sundays and Wednesdays from employee discipline and Carmvol khunonn-Glazoumv 7 to 9:30 p.m. in the Dhahran techniques of supervision and "SO THIS IS LOVE" 10.30 Senior Staff school. elimination of employment w/KathrynGmywn,Walter Ab.1 Judith - Choraographic Pwm The course deals essentially hazard.. Murical AY&C a Willim Schuman with functional andadrninitra- Thnse interested in enrdling Abqaiq Jan 27-28 shin9 Quartet No.3 in E Flat tive relationships between may call the Dhahran District 1stdoy Ab--3:30p.m., Cantlnuws Dvomk management and the labor Training Division, phone6263. 2nd day Ab--ll:30~15,Contlnuous ' 1 .Sun and Flare -7- January 20, 1954 Adm. Beeeher Ir 1 I IT HAPPENED STATESIDE

AROUND THE 48 absence. Delores Del Rio is this case. the dancing girls returning to Hollywood to who decorate the stage.. . The Famed World War 1 flying appear in the femme lead struggling Baltimore Symphony ace Eddie Rickenbacker, at- opposite Spencer Tracy in is getting a helping hand from tending the inauguration of the "Broken Lance. " She's rtill Rosa Ponselle, the famous first trans-Texas airline a beauty!. .. C. B. DeMille, dramatic soprano who was flights from Dallas to San beginning his 41st year as a, the first American to make a Antonio (believe it or notl), movie producer. is currently debut in a leading role with made the bold prediction that preparing to shoot his re- -~aruso. Miss Ponselle, who within 20 years space ships make of "The Ten Command- lives near Baltimore, recent- will be large enough to carry ment s. " It will be filmed in ly made her first commercial Rear Admiral W. G. Beecher, 2,500 passengers and fast EBYP~. recording since 1939. The newly appointed Commander enough to fly 25,OOOmiles per disk will sell for $10 and the of the U.S. Middle East Force. hour.. . Mrs. Mamie Eisen- CUE AND CURTAIN proceeds will go to the Balti- visitedRaa Tanurain the Flag- hower ignored tradition by more Symphony sustaining ship U.S.S. Duxbury Bay Jan- sending her inauguration dress Texas State Fair announced fund. For the recording she uary 9 to 12. The Admiral to the Smithsonian Institution a net profit of about $350 sang Schubert's "Ave Maria" and his staff and officers were in Washington before she had thousand from its 1953 effort. as a solo, and Bizet's "Agnus entertained by Aramco. been in the White House for a a 16-day run last October.. . Dei" and Franck's "Panis year. The gown display is The former Earl Carroll Angelicus" as duets with her Volunteers Needed second in visitor popularity, Theatre Restaurant in Holly- equally famous sirter, Ten volunteer leaders are according to officials, surpass- woodwa~renovated and opened Carmela. now director of her needed immediately for Dhah- ed only by Lindbergh's fared for the Chriatmam and New own drama and speech school ran's sixty Girl Scouts be- plane, the "Spirit of St. Louis" Year's rush as Frank Sennes' in New York. tweentheageof 10-13, accord- . . . They do things big in Moulin Rouge. Huge murals ing to Mrs. R. H. Davis. Florida: Alvin Rose reported of Paris plus Toulouse-Lautrec Interested women who can to Miamipolice that a 20 x 30- posters givethe night spot the help a few hours each week foot building had been stolen illusion of a giant Parisian And yet another book about should see Mrs. Davis at from a lot.. . 32 nationalcon- sidewalk cafe.. . Burgess that man Shakespeare, this House 328-A, or send a note Servation groups have rallied Meredith turns in another fine time for readers "of intelli- to Box 175, Dhahran. to fight the proposed Echo acting job on the Broadway gence and taste" (it says in Park Dam, which the U. S. stage in the delightful new the reviews): "Shakespeare: Government wants to build comedy. "The Remarkable Mr. His World and His Work, " by within the confines of Dinosaur Pennypacker." He's cast as M.M. Reese ($6.75, St. Mar- National Park in Coloradoand FALVEY. Cordon Edward, a rebellious American of the tin's Press. N. Y. )...... to Helen and Joseph D. Falvey Utah.. . Los Angeles radio- 1890's. a dreamer with wild Guaranteed to make you want on January 10. television news commentator ideas far ahead of his time.. . to pack up and go visiting is RANDALL, Walter Charles, Chet Huntley received $10.000 After four long and trying Sean O'Faolain's "An Autumn to Virginia and Walter H. Ran- and a public apology froma years. Ernest Heminpay's in Italy" ($3.50, The Devin- dall on January 12. womanwho hadaccused him of classic sbort story, "The Adair Co.. N.Y.).. . If you THIGPEN, Monica Leslie, being a Communist. The Capitalof the World," has been are one who believes figures to Victoriaand Joseph D. Thig- apology came in the formof a converted into a ballet. The never lie, or even if you're pen on January 12. paid advertisement in the Los converting was done by A. E. not, you'll enjoy reading Dar- McCOLDRICK, David J-eph. Angeles Evening Herald and Hotchner, and the score was re11 Huff's "How To Lie With to Marjorie and Bernard F. Examiner, as stipulated in composed by Sergei Ikalum, Statistics" ($2.95, W. W. McColdrick. on January 13. the out-of-court settlement. noted director of the Ballet Norton & Co., N. Y. ). It's SCWTT, James Allen, to Rupse de Monte Carlo.. . Judy quite revealing. . . For boys June and Rudolf A. Schott. on Holliday (remember her in 8 to 16 who want to know more January 16. "Born Yesterday"?) is being about our Armed Forces. EL-OUSTA. RWOM Wadidto According to one Hollywood mentioned as successor to there are four new books out Marie and Jawad 2. Ouata. on observer. the greatest tribute Rosalind Russell when the by Major Carol1 B. Colby. January 18. being paid to MGM's "Julius star of "Wonderful Town" These are bound to hold your Caesar" is that no popcorn is leaves the hit musical next interest throughtout: "Air sold in any theater showing summer. Drop;" "Danger Fighters;" the movie.. . Just released in "Ships of Our Navy;" "Sub- I In The Hospital ( CinemaScope and in color is marine" ($1 .OO each. Coward- "Knights of the Round Table. " McCann. N. Y. ). . . Little Patients in the Dhahran starring Robert Taylor (Sir girls 8 to 10 who might want Senior Staff Hospital on Jan- Lancelot). Ava Gardner Rated a "wax natural" is to someday own their own uary 17: Constant C. Cotta, (Guinevere) and Me1 Ferrer Perry Como's new album. "I canaries will want to read the William G. Jr.. Paul R. Lees, (King Arthur). . . Paulette Believe, " which features a story of Lucinda and her Dorothy T. Gray. Jessie E. Goddard plays the wicked collectionof religious songs of canary. Din Din. Besides an Lincoln, Olga M. toudarzi. woman in "Sins of Jezebel". .. all faiths. exciting story, the book con- Wallace Keown, Robert K. Victor Mature is one Holly- . .. Ray Anthony and his tains a lot of helpful infamation Campbell, Lloyd L. Moore, woodacta who bas no complaint band pay tribute to his former on bow to take care of these Frederick T. Canto. Mary L. about television. As a matter boss in a new album for Capi- pets. "Canary Yellow, " by Marr. Kenneth Cunningham, of fact, he's very much in tol, "I Remember Glenn Helen Lorraine Hulta ($2.. Charles P. Booker, William favor of it, even though be Miller". .. Those who claim Ablngdon-Cokesbury Press, L. McWood, Mercedes H. has never appeared on a TV to know advise against buying N.Y.). .. See you soon.. . Traill, Emil A. Abdul. Lloyd show. Seems he's in the Columbia's new record of the TOUR SCHEDULE F. Biry, Michel Deftereos. business of selling TV sets score from the current Broad- January 29 Ernst E. Heuer. Ariel G. and has grossed almost $4 way show. "Kismet." In the Dhahran -- Tarut Island Conrad. Luigi Musso. Ralph million in a few years of transfer to wax "Kismet" loses Abqaiq -- None Wells. Etta J. Robson. operation.. . After 12 years' that certain"something" -- in Ras Tanura -- Hofuf Sun and Flare January 20. 1954 Flyers Defeat Abqaiq, Fluor Beats Ras Tanura In Basketball Contests The Air Force defeated Abqaiq 57-53 while Fluor trounced Ras Tanura 72-54 in the first two games of the 1954 Persian Gulf basketball conference last Friday. Ras Tanura played Fluor at the Air Base, and the Air Force played Abqaiq at Abqaiq. Sports spectators noted that the teams are in good shape, and the '54 season promises to be one of the best schedules to be play- In the past few years bowl- ed in Saudi Arabia. ing interest in Arabia has been The Abqaiq-Air Force game steadily increasing, and started slow, and though both competitionwithinthe districts teams appeared a little rough andbetween districts has been in ball-handling in the begin- keen. Due to the large number ning, the game progressed very of employees and family memb- well. The first quarter ended ers rho are now actively en- witha 9-9 tie; at the half it was gaged in League activities in 31-17infavorofthe Air Forcr Abqriq. Dhahran and Ras The Flyers ran inmany substi- Tanura. the need for publicity tutions from, a 17-man squad; and recognition of these Abqaiq used 8 merrbers of activities is apparent. their 10-man squad. The Sun and Flare editor The third quarter ended was approached with the idea 46-32 in favor of the Flyers. of hving a regular weekly The 4th quarter showed a Prouo m~aerof Baage numDcr L. Gnarlem steitz, was recently borling column to keep readers rejuvenated and smoother play- awarded his 25-year pin. Steitz. who came to Saudi Arabia in po-donthe latest happenings ingAbqaiqteam which brought 1940, is headautomotive body repairman in the Dhahran district. amrellas coming events. Thus up the final score to 57-53 in He is shown receiving congratulations from W.H. Mc Quiston we Ltroduce, "Tenpin Tales." favor of the Flyers. (left), acting superintendent of the Transportation division, We will publish in this A1 Porto of Abqaiq was high Dhahran district. In the background is D. J. Sullivan, acting colmmn news of interest to all point man with 18 points. Dhahran district manager. balers. such as occasional Williamm of the Air Force lea-• standings, individual did sonic nice playingand was Dhahran Winner QUIZ-0Answers -ling leaders, results of quite agile at jumping upand Dhahran's tennis tean has You should have scored autchesbetween districts and cutting off passes. He was won the champl~nshipof the QUIZ-0 on 23rd Question: 4th baling items of interest from second high point man with 17 Aramco inter-dxstrict tennis row, horizontal. &-side alleys. It is hoped points; Pithan. of the Flyers tournament. Dhahran won that this column will be of had 15 points. seven out of the nine matches Both teams displayed some iderest to all bowlers. It can played at Abqaiq January 8 senmational shots with Rupe o* he so, however, if all and gained possession of the Johnsonand A1 Porto bringing balers cooperate in forward- Aramco inter-district tennis Abqaiq out of the hole in the ing items of interemt to be trophy. 4th quarter with their contri- idded. A representative Results of the tourney are butions. . 18 23 16 22 14 in each district bas been as follows: selected to assemble the In the Ras Tanura-Fluor contest, observer8 saldit was SINGLES 9 5 10 21 material for his district in Dhahran Abqaiq order that we can give re- a came of "youth overpower and age." the youth in this W.Taylor - AKhoury 2-6 3-6 1 Indiana 18 Idaho copition to dl bowlers and G.Rader - JBuell 6-4 6-2 2 Nebr. 19 Conn. thir scores good, bad or case belonging to Fluor. One - Ras Tanura fan said the R.T. F.Russel1 - H. Dulin 6-1 6-2 3 Okla. 20 Georgia indifferent. team was just worn out by the P.Stieh1 - B. Poyt 6-2 6-3 4 Virgina 21 Vermont Bowlers in Ras Tanura R Henry - P.VanDer 6-0 6-2 5 Minn. 22 Utah sh~llldgive any items for this third quarter. The game. he said, until the Shams 6 Maine 23 Mass. colwn to Karl P. Deloim. lamt three minutes was fairly M Scott - K.Trossell6-2 6-0 7 S. Dak. 24 N. Hamp. phone 32 37. In Abqaiq, items even--with a difference in 8 Colo. 25 Texas may be went to M.H. Liddil. scores of only about seven DOUBLES 9 Illinois 26 Nev. See you at the alleys. points. G.Rader & - AKhoury &6-2 2-6 10 Penns. 27 Dela. RAY MESTREZAT In the last three minutesof F.Russel1 J. Buell 2 -6 11 Calif. 28 R. Is. the game, however, Fluor R.Henry h - H.D- & 6-0 6-0 12 W. Va. 29 Wyo. W.Taylor B. Poyt Fo~md: School ring from started to pull away and dis- 13 N. Dak. 30 Oregon Latin American hstitute. playeda great deal of strength MScott & - P.%Der 6-1 6-0 14 W isc. 31 Ark. Phone 5184. Dhahran. Observers said it was a P. Stiehl Shams h 15 Ala. 32 Kana. nicely played and wellofficiat- Troasell 16 Ohio 33 S. Caro. Wanted: Paper throw -a-way ed game. Refreshments were served 17 Florida 34 Wash. bags for GE vaccum cleaner. by the Abqaiq team. Found: On KLM aircraft: fbloluc 16-291, Abqaiq. BASKETBALL SCHEDULE brown leather wallet with Available: 1951 Plymouth, name W. H. Johnson; dark blue in good condition. Phone 3145. January 22 WANTED: Carpeting or beret, "Basque" make; brown Dhahran. 3 p.m.. Dhahran at Abqaiq regulmr rug 15 x 16, cotton leather glove-- right band- 3 p.m.. Fluor at Air Base ormwl. greenor gray preferr- Available: Outboard motor. linedwitbfur; white wool scarf. January 26 ed; plain. no pattern. Almo boyb bike. House 31 7. Dhahran. Owners should call at KLM 3p.m.. Air Face&Ras Tanura bookcase, finiahedor unfinisb- office in the Saudi Government Employees wishing cvpies of 3 p.m., Fluor vm. Dhahran at ed posmibly low chest of draw- Hotel. Air Base ers .ire. PhoneMrs. 3. Yohe, the 1953 Annual Report to the 2944, Abqaiq. Available: Drapery material. Saudi Arab Government should boys' clothing, sizes 10 and submit their requests to thelr Available: Complete set 4 Available: 1949 Jeep with 12; ladies' dresses, assorted supervisors before J~nuaryll. Arabic instruction recorda accessories. Call at House baby clothes. House 1126. Coples will be dlat*ibutedzn May. with books. Phone Dhahran 722-B or phone 5604Dh.hran. phone 3258. Dhahran. 4444 after 5 p.m. I