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Letter Identification of Putative Programmed −1 Signals in Large DNA Databases

Amy B. Hammell,1 Ronald C. Taylor,3 Stuart W. Peltz,1,2 and Jonathan D. Dinman1,2,4 1Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey (UMDNJ), Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, and The Graduate Programs in Molecular Bioscience Rutgers/UMDNJ, Piscataway, New Jersey 08854 USA; 2The Cancer Institute of New Jersey, and 3Molecular Statistics and Bioinformatics Section, Biometric Research Branch (BRB), Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program (CTEP), Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis (DCTD), National Cancer Institute, Rockville, Maryland 20892 USA

The cis-acting elements that promote efficient ribosomal frameshifting in the −1 (5Ј) direction have been well characterized in several viral systems. Results from many studies have convincingly demonstrated that the basic molecular mechanisms governing programmed −1 ribosomal frameshifting are almost identical from yeast to humans. We are interested in testing the hypothesis that programmed −1 ribosomal frameshifting can be used to control cellular expression. Toward this end, a computer program was designed to search large DNA databases for consensus −1 ribosomal frameshift signals. The results demonstrated that consensus programmed −1 ribosomal frameshift signals can be identified in a substantial number of chromosomally encoded mRNAs and that they occur with frequencies from two- to sixfold greater than random in all of the databases searched. A preliminary survey of the databases resulting from the computer searches found that consensus frameshift signals are present in at least 21 homologous from different species, 2 of which are nearly identical, suggesting evolutionary conservation of function. We show that four previously described missense alleles of genes that are linked to human diseases would disrupt putative programmed −1 ribosomal frameshift signals, suggesting that the frameshift signal may be involved in the normal expression of these genes. We also demonstrate that signals found in the yeast RAS1 and the human CCR5 genes were able to promote significant levels of programmed −1 ribosomal frameshifting. The significance of these frameshifting signals in controlling gene expression is not known, however.

Although maintenance of correct is fun- produce fusion in which the amino- and car- damental to the integrity of the process boxy-terminal domains are encoded by two distinct, and, ultimately, to cell growth and viability, an in- overlapping open reading frames. Ribosomal frame- creasing number of cases have been described in which shifting in determines the stoichiometric ratio translating ribosomes are intentionally directed to of structural (Gag) to enzymatic (Gag–Pol) proteins shift reading frame. The great majority of “pro- and plays a critical role in viral particle assembly (Fel- grammed ribosomal frameshift” events have been ob- senstein and Goff 1988; Xu and Boeke 1990; Park and served in RNA viruses (for reviews, see Brierley 1995; Morrow 1991; Dinman and Wickner 1992, 1994; Kara- Dinman 1995; Gesteland and Atkins 1996; Dinman et costas et al. 1993; Kawakami et al. 1993; Cui et al. 1996; al. 1998). In mammals, families of viruses that are Dinman and Kinzy 1997; Dinman et al. 1997; Tumer et known to use programmed ribosomal frameshifting in- al. 1998). The study of these ribosomal frameshifts has clude , , toroviruses, arterivi- been important both because of their critical role in ruses, astroviruses, and at least one example in a para- viral particle morphogenesis and because of the infor- myxovirius. Plant viruses that use this mechanism in- mation they provide about the mechanisms by which clude tetraviruses and tombusviruses. In fungi, reading frame is normally maintained (for review, see ribosomal frameshifting is used by the totiviruses and Brierley 1995; Dinman 1995; Farabaugh 1996; Weng et many of the retrotransposable elements. Programmed al. 1997; Dinman et al. 1998). ribosomal frameshifting has been documented in T7 There are a few documented examples in which and ␭ bacteriophages as well (Condron et al. 1991; “translational recoding” (including programmed ribo- Levin et al. 1993). Viral frameshifting events typically somal frameshifting and nonsense suppression) is used to control the expression of cellular mRNAs. Transla-

4Corresponding author. tional readthrough of a termination codon has been E-MAIL [email protected]; FAX (732) 235-5223. documented in the kelch (Xue and Cooley 1993), oaf

9:417–427 ©1999 by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press ISSN 1054-9803/99 $5.00; Genome Research 417 Downloaded from on September 28, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press

Hammell et al.

(Bergstrom et al. 1995), and hdc (Stenberg et al. 1998) element is usually a sequence that forms a defined RNA transcripts of Drosophila.InEscherichia coli, autoregu- secondary structure, such as an RNA . This lation of a programmed +1 ribosomal frameshift in the is located within 8 3Ј of the slippery site prfB gene is required for the synthesis of release factor and is thought to increase the probability that the ri- direction 1מ RF2) (Craigen et al. 1985; Craigen and Caskey 1986; bosome will slip reading frame in the) 2 -ribo- (Fig. 1) (Tu et al. 1992; Somogyi et al. 1993). The si 1מ Donly et al. 1990a,b), and a programmed somal frameshift in the dnaX gene generates the DNA multaneous slippage of both ribosome-bound tRNAs polymerase ␥-subunit (Blinkowa and Walker 1990; by 1 base in the 5Ј direction still leaves their non- Tsuchihashi and Kornberg 1990; Flower and McHenry wobble bases correctly paired with the mRNA in the 1991). In eukaryotic mRNAs, programmed +1 ribo- new reading frame. It has been convincingly demon- somal frameshifting has been demonstrated in genes strated that the basic molecular mechanisms govern- -ribosomal frameshifting are iden 1מ encoding ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) antizyme ing programmed isolated from human, rat, mouse, Xenopus, and Dro- tical from yeast to humans (Wilson et al. 1988; Din- sophila (Rom and Kahana 1994; Hayashi and Mu- man et al. 1991; Dinman and Wickner 1992; Stahl et rakami 1995; Ichiba et al. 1995; Matsufuji et al. 1995; al. 1995). Kankare et al. 1997; Ivanov et al. 1998a,b) and in the The general sequence and structural requirements EST3 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Lundblad and are well enough defined to begin to identify putative ribosomal frameshift sites from the 1מ Morris 1997). In mammalian cells, the control of ribo- programmed somal frameshifting efficiency is autoregulated by sequences in the large DNA databases. We have con- ODC antizyme levels (Hayashi and Murakami structed a computer program designed to search large ribosomal frameshift 1מ Matsufuji et al. 1995). Thus, the regulation of DNA databases for consensus ;1995 polyamine biosynthesis demonstrates how pro- signals using an algorithm that is both stringent in its grammed ribosomal frameshifting may be used by eu- description of the slippery site and its requirement for karyotic cellular genes as a post-transcriptional control a general pseudoknot structure but that is liberal with mechanism. regard to the spacing between the slippery site and Although there are no known reported examples pseudoknot and with regard to specific G + C content of the first half of stem 1. The specific parameters were 1מ of eukaryotic cellular mRNAs that use programmed ribosomal frameshifting to control protein expression, chosen to maximize the probability of finding se- the cis-acting sequences that promote efficient pro- quence elements that have a reasonable chance of pro- -ribosomal frameshifting have been well moting ribosomes to shift reading frame with frequen 1מ grammed characterized in several eukaryotic viral systems (for cies that are significantly greater than background. The reviews, see Brierley 1995; Dinman 1995; Gesteland results of our analyses show (1) that consensus frame- and Atkins 1996; Farabaugh 1997; Dinman et al. 1998). shift signals occur at frequencies significantly greater In eukaryotic viruses, two basic sequence elements are than random, (2) that some frameshift signals appear to be evolutionarily conserved between homologous 1מ required to promote efficient levels of programmed ribosomal frameshifting. The first sequence element is genes in different species, and (3) that mutations that called the “slippery site” and consists of a heptamer have been linked to inherited human diseases correlate sequence X XXY YYZ (the incoming 0-frame, e.g., the with those that are predicted to abolish programmed -ribosomal frameshifting. Furthermore, we demon 1מ gag reading frame, is indicated by spaces), in which XXX can be any three identical nucleotides, YYY can strate that at least two of the signals identified by the be AAA or UUU, and Z is A, U, or C (Fig. 1) (Jacks and program are able to promote significant levels of pro- ribosomal frameshifting in a yeast assay 1מ Varmus 1985; Dinman et al. 1991; Brierley et al. 1992; grammed Dinman and Wickner 1992). The second promoting system. At present, the role of programmed frameshift- ing in controlling expression of these mRNAs is not known. Based on these results, the potential role of ribosomal frameshifting or the role of 1מ programmed the frameshift signal in controlling translation effi- ciencies and mRNA turnover are discussed.

RESULTS Development of a Computer Program Capable ribosomal frameshift of Finding Known Viral Programmed −1 Ribosomal 1מ Figure 1 A consensus programmed signal. The incoming reading frame with regard to the transla- Frameshift Signals tional start site is denoted by spaces. The distances between slip- pery site and pseudoknot, the two stems, and the three gaps are The primary objective of this study was to use a com- defined in Methods. puter search protocol to identify sequence elements

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Ribosomal Frameshifting in Cellular Genes that have a reasonable chance of promoting ribosomes first set of random sequences and 42 in the second set. to shift reading frame with frequencies that are signifi- Thus, the random frequency of motif hits is 83 per .(base pairs (Table 1 107 ן cantly greater than background in the large DNA data- 2 bases (see Methods). To determine whether the com- Having empirically established the random fre- puter program was capable of properly identifying quency of motif hits, the computer program was then known frameshift signals, we conducted a search of all applied to the large DNA databases. These searches re- 36,556 loci of the GenBank division. The results vealed that motif hits occur with frequencies approxi- of this search revealed 1077 motif hits from among the mately two- to sixfold more frequently than random base pairs in the database (Table 1). The pro- (Table 1). Analysis of the S. cerevisiae data set revealed 107 ן 3.7 .ribo- 260 motif hits, ∼5.2-fold more frequent than random 1מ gram identified almost all of the known viral somal frameshift signals including those that have BLAST analysis revealed that 150 different recognized -ribo- genes or CDS were represented in the motif hits. Be 1מ been classically used to study programmed somal frameshifting. These include mouse mammary cause the yeast genome is estimated to contain ∼5900 tumor virus, barley yellow dwarf virus, and infectious genes (see bronchitis virus. As expected, the program was not able Saccharomyces/), these data suggest that at least 2.54% to identify the motif hit in (RSV) of the genes in the yeast genome contain at least one -ribosomal frameshift sig 1מ because gaps 1 and 2 are larger than allowed by the consensus programmed program. Interestingly, many motif hits were identi- nal. ribosomal 1מ fied in families of viruses in which frameshifting has not been described (data not shown). Frameshift Signals Appear to be Evolutionarily Conserved Between Homologous Genes Consensus Motif Hits Occur at Frequencies in Different Species Significantly Greater Than Random If the frameshift signal is used to control the expression in the Genome Databases of a subset of cellular mRNAs, then we predict that specific frameshift signals should be evolutionarily We then addressed the question of whether consensus conserved in homologous genes from different organ- ribosomal frameshift signals can be 1מ programmed isms. A preliminary comparison of the locations and found in the large DNA databases at frequencies sig- structures of motif hits in homologous genes in the nificantly greater than random. To test this, we first different databases revealed at least 21 homologous determined the probability of the random occurrence genes from different species that contained consensus of a motif hit. A zero-order Markov model consisting of frameshift signals (Table 2). In two such cases, the two sets of 104 randomly generated sequences com- Fibrillin 2 genes of human and mouse and the Sulfon- posed of 103 bases each (50% G + C content) was cho- urea receptor genes of human and rat, the frameshift sen as the negative control set. This model was chosen signals are nearly identical (Fig. 2). -ribo 1מ based on the reasoning that if programmed somal frameshifting does not have a function in a sub- set of chromosomally encoded mRNAs, then consen- Mutations that Have Been Linked to Inherited sus frameshift signals should be randomly distributed Human Diseases Correlate with Those That Are throughout genomes independently of any nearest Predicted to Abolish −1 Ribosomal Frameshifting neighbors. Thus, the collection of negative control se- If the frameshifting signal has a biologically relevant quences that were used represents the true null set, and function in cellular gene expression, then we should be comparisons that arise from this control should be able to correlate mutations that disrupt the frameshift- meaningful. The program found 41 motif hits in the ing with demonstrable phenotypes. One place to look for phenotypes that correlate Table 1. Summary of Search Results with mutations that disrupt pu- tative frameshift signals is No. of No. of among certain of the well- GenBank database bases searched motif hits Fold > random characterized genetically inher- -ited diseases of humans. Ide – 83 107 ן Random sequence 2.0 ally, such alleles would encode 5.22 260 107 ן Saccharomyces cerevisiae (yeast) 1.2 7 -simple silent or missense muta 2.67 1055 10 ן Homo sapiens (human) 9.52 3.62 320 107 ן Mus musculus (mouse) 2.13 tions or would either add or 2.18 103 107 ן Rattus norvegicus (rat) 1.14 -delete entire codons in the pu 5.8 57 106 ן Gallus gallus (chicken) 2.37 tative frameshift signal. Such 4.02 25 106 ן Sus scrofa (pig) 1.5 7 mutations would minimally 3.47 167 10 ן Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly) 1.16 7.0 1077 107 ן Viruses 3.7 impact on the primary informa-

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Table 2. Frameshift Signal Containing Homologous Genes from Different Species

Genes Species

Integrin human (␣-4), mouse (␤-2) Dopamine receptors human (D5), mouse (serotonin), chicken (D1B) Topoisomerase II human, rat Growth hormone/lactogen precursor human growth hormone I, human and rat lactogen precursors FMLP-related receptor human, mouse MAP2 human, rat CDKs human CDK2, chicken CLK1 Ras-pathway G proteins human CDC25, yeast LTE1, yeast RAS1, mouse RAL-A NMDA receptors rat and mouse ⑀2, ⑀4, ␥2 Acetylcholine receptors mouse ␤-2 chain, chicken M3 Casein kinase II ␣-subunit mouse, yeast mouse TAP-1D, mouse paraoxonase 3, yeast ABC1, ABC transporters yeast YGR253W Phosphotidylinositol 3-kinase mouse ␣, yeast PIP1 Ca++ channel ␣1 rat, human Zn metalloprotease human procollagen C-protease, mouse BMP1, rat MMP-9 Plectin human, rat Cytochrome P450 family human P450 IIA6, rat P450 3A, P450-I, P450-g, P450-aldo-2 Olfactory receptor-like proteins human OLF1, rat OLF3 Complement receptor human (type 1), mouse (type 2) Fibrillin 2 human, mouse Sulfonurea receptor human, rat

primary information encoded by their mRNAs, encod- 1995; Dinman 1995; Farabaugh 1996; Gesteland and ing at most a single change and leaving Atkins 1996; Jacks 1996; Dinman et al. 1998). In addi- reading frames intact. They would, however, disrupt tion, the .0004 allele of the ETFA-electron transfer fla- the frameshift signal, ablating its ability to make ribo- voprotein ␣-subunit precursor (linked to type II glutar- somes shift reading frame. A preliminary analysis of icaciduria) (Freneaux et al. 1992) disrupts the spacing the human motif hit database identified four alleles of between the slippery site and the RNA pseudoknot, three genes that fit these criteria (Table 3). In the hu- which is predicted to result in a decrease in pro- -ribosomal frameshifting efficiency (Bri 1מ man gene encoding triacylglycerol lipase, the .0027 al- grammed lelic variant of triacylglycerol lipase (linked to lipopro- erley et al. 1991, 1992; Dinman and Wickner 1992; tein lipase deficiency) (Wilson et al. 1993) and the Morikawa and Bishop 1992). .0021 allelic variant (linked to Familial chylomicrone- mia syndrome) (Gotoda et al. 1992) are both predicted Computer Identified Motif Hits Can Promote to disrupt the RNA pseudoknot component of the con- Efficient Levels of Programmed −1 Ribosomal ribosomal frameshift signal. Similarly, the Frameshifting in S. cerevisiae 1מ sensus .0007 allelic variant of the FASL antigen (linked to au- Using a series of frameshift reporter plasmids and yeast toimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome) (Bettinardi strains previously developed in our laboratory (Din- et al. 1997) is also predicted to disrupt the RNA pseu- man et al. 1997), we tested whether the yeast RAS1 and doknot. Disruption of the mRNA pseudoknot is pre- human CCR5 motif hits were able to promote efficient ribosomal frameshifting in 1מ ribosomal frame- levels of programmed 1מ dicted to abolish programmed shifting (for reviews, see TenDam et al. 1990; Brierley intact yeast cells. The RAS1 motif hit was amplified by PCR from yeast genomic DNA and was cloned into pJD160. Two additional C residues were added between the slippery site and pseudoknot so that a pro- -ribosomal frame 1מ grammed shift would be required for translation of the lacZ gene (see Fig. 3A). The CCR5 motif hit was similarly amplified from a cDNA clone (see Fig. 3A). This Figure 2 Comparison of the human and mouse Fibrillin 2 and the human and rat Sulfonurea receptor motif hits. Numbers refer to the 5Ј and 3Ј positions of the depicted nucleotides in the set constitutes the frameshift respective ORFs. Slippery sites are italicized in boldface. test plasmids. As a positive con-

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Ribosomal Frameshifting in Cellular Genes

Ribosomal 1؁Table 3. Three Human Genes in Which Specific Mutations in the Consensus Frameshifting Signals Have Been Linked to Disease

Description Diseases and allelic variantsa

ETFA-electron transfer flavoprotein type II glutaricaciduria. Allelic variant 0.0004 (Val-270DEL3bp) disrupts ␣-subunit precursor the spacing between the slippery site and the RNA pseudoknot. Triacylglycerol lipase lipoprotein lipase deficiency. Allelic variant 0.0027 (Arg-75Ser) disrupts stem 1 of the RNA pseudoknot. familial chylomicronemia syndrome. Allelic variant 0.0021 (Trp-86Arg) disrupts stem 2 of the RNA pseudoknot. FASL receptor autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome. Allelic variant 0.0007 (Tyr-216Cys) disrupts stem 2 in the RNA pseudoknot.

aThe human diseases that are known or thought to be linked to these genes. References to these can be found in the Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) database ( Omim/searchomim.html).

trol, the efficiency of programmed ribosomal frameshifting as 1מ promoted by the L-A virus frame- shift signal was determined to compare the frameshift promot- ing abilities of the motif hits to a -ribo 1מ known programmed somal frameshift signal. ␤-Galac- tosidase activities generated from cells harboring pJD160.c-1 were monitored as a negative control to determine the background lev- -frame 1מ els of nonprogrammed shifting. Ribosomal frameshift efficiencies were calculated by di- viding the ␤-galactosidase activi- ties generated from cells harbor- ing frameshift test plasmids by the ␤-galactosidase activity gen- erated by the 0-frame control, pJD160. The results of these ex- periments demonstrate that the RAS1 motif hit promoted pro- -ribosomal frame 1מ grammed shifting with an efficiency of ∼4.4% and that CCR5 promoted a 0.2% efficiency of promoted ribosomal 1מ programmed ribosomal frameshifting. pJD160.0 1מ frameshifting (Table 4). The L-A Figure 3 (A) Plasmids used to measure programmed -ribosomal frame 1מ signal promoted programmed is the 0-frame control plasmid. pJD160.c-1 measures nonprogrammed ribosomal 1מ shifting. p314-JD85-ter is used to measure L-A virus-promoted programmed ribosomal frameshifting with frameshifting. The frameshift signal from the yeast RAS1 gene was cloned into pJD160 to 1מ an efficiency of 1.9%, and non- produce pJD160.RAS1. Because the RAS1 frameshift signal is predicted to direct ribosomes into programmed frameshifting was premature termination signals, two additional nucleotides were added in the spacer regions between the slippery site and pseudoknot of the RAS1 PCR product. The CCR5 frameshift signal <0.01% (Table 4) . These results was cloned from a CCR5 cDNA template into pJD160.0 to produce pJD160.CCR5. In each of .frameshift is required for the lacZ gene to be translated 1מ demonstrate that both the RAS1 these constructs, a programmed and the CCR5 motif hits are ca- Ribosomal frameshift efficiencies were calculated by dividing ␤-galactosidase activities from pable of promoting programmed cells harboring test plasmids by ␤-galactosidase activities from cells harboring the 0-frame control plasmid and multiplying by 100%. (B) Representations of the RAS1 and CCR5 motif ribosomal frameshifting with hits. Numbers refer to the 5Ј and 3Ј positions of the depicted nucleotides in the respective 1מ .frame termination codon is noted 1מ efficiencies of 4.4% and 0.2%, re- ORFs. Slippery sites are italicized in boldface. The RAS1

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able chance of promoting ribosomes to shift reading Table 4. The RAS1 and CCR5 Motif Hits Can Promote Ribosomal frame with frequencies that are significantly greater 1؁ Efficient Levels of Programmed Frameshifting in Intact Yeast Cells than background in the large DNA databases. To this end, the sequence parameters describing the slippery ribosomal 1؁ frameshifting site, the absolute requirement for a pseudoknot struc- Frameshift signal (%) ture, and the maximum sizes of loops 1 and 2 were fairly stringent. The limitations placed on other param- L-A dsRNA virus 1.9 eters were more liberal, however, to acknowledge (1) RAS1 4.4 CCR5 0.2 previously observed variability between different pro- ,ribosomal frameshift signals (for review 1מ pJD160.c-1 <0.01 grammed see Brierley 1995; Farabaugh 1996; Gesteland and At- kins 1996; Jacks 1996) and (2) currently unresolved spectively. These frequencies are >440- and 20-fold issues in the field. For example, although the spacing greater than background, respectively. between the slippery site and the pseudoknot ranges from 5 to 8 nucleotides in most viral frameshift signals, Programmed Ribosomal Frameshifting known exceptions to this rule [e.g., the spacing in Rous Does not Control RAS1 Expression sarcoma virus is only 1 (Marczinke et al. We have shown that the RAS1 motif hit promotes ef- 1998)] led us to leave this variable rather broad. Simi- ribosomal frameshifting. We larly, although many viral frameshift signals appear to 1מ ficient programmed then tested whether ribosomal frameshifting has a role require a large number of G + C residues at the start of in controlling RAS1 gene expression. We obtained a the 5Ј arm of stem 1 (for review, see Farabaugh 1997), yeast strain in which both copies of RAS (RAS1 and this area of stem in some other viruses (e.g., L-A) is not RAS2) were deleted. These were then manipulated so highly G-C rich (Dinman and Wickner 1992). Further- that the source of their Ras1 proteins was derived from more, because the precise secondary structural require- a set of single copy plasmids harboring either the wild- ments of frameshift-promoting are con- type RAS1 gene (pRAS1–TRP1) or RAS1 genes harboring troversial [e.g., the MMTV pseudoknot appears to re- mutations that were silent with respect to their protein quire a 112° bend at the interface between stems 1 and coding functions (the pRAS1A → C and pRAS1A → T 2 (Chen et al. 1995), stems 1 and 2 of the IBV pseudo- mutants; see Fig. 3A) but that were predicted to be knot appear to stack coaxially (Brierley et al. 1991), and -ribo- the secondary structural requirements of the RSV pseu 1מ unable to promote efficient programmed somal frameshifting as a consequence of disruption of doknot are completely novel (Marczinke et al. 1998)], the slippery site (Jacks et al. 1988; Dinman et al. 1991; we chose not to place stringent constraints on param- Brierley et al. 1992; Dinman and Wickner 1992). If pro- eters that would describe RNA pseudoknot structures. ribosomal frameshifting is the mecha- Additionally, there are numerous examples where 1מ grammed nism responsible for the previously observed differ- changes as little as two- to threefold have significant ences between RAS1 and RAS2 (Breviario et al. 1986), biological impacts. Thus, although viral signals have -ribosomal frame 1מ then cells harboring the mutant RAS1 alleles should evolved to promote programmed have been able to use poor carbon sources at 37°C. shifting with extraordinarily high efficiencies [100-fold However, we observed that none of the RAS1 alleles or greater than baseline rates of unprogrammed frame- supported cell growth using ethanol, glycerol, or ac- shifting (Dinman et al. 1991)], the requirements for etate at the nonpermissive temperature (data not the lengths and compositions of stems 1 and 2 and shown). Similarly, no differences were observed in the loop 3 were allowed to be less stringent so as to allow growth rates of cells harboring the wild-type as com- the program to identify motif hits that, although less pared with cells harboring the mutant RAS1 alleles at efficient than viral fameshift signals, were potentially ribosomal 1מ 30°C, irrespective of carbon source. capable of promoting programmed frameshifting with efficiencies significantly higher than background. In light of the CCR5 results, this ap- DISCUSSION proach can be considered successful. The goal of this research has been to determine With these aims in mind, we have demonstrated ribosomal frameshifting is that the program is capable of finding known viral 1מ whether programmed used by a subset of chromosomally encoded eukaryotic frameshift signals, and we have shown that consensus ribosomal frameshift signals occur 1מ mRNAs. As a first step towards this end, we constructed programmed a computer program based on an algorithm describing with frequencies that are significantly greater than ran- ribosomal frame- dom in the large DNA databases. The results from the 1מ a set of consensus programmed shift signals. The algorithm was structured to allow the S. cerevisiae genome most likely provide the best esti- identification of sequence elements that have a reason- mate of the frequency of motif hits, because (1) it is

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Ribosomal Frameshifting in Cellular Genes complete, (2) it is on the same order of magnitude as motif hits to promote efficient levels of programmed ribosomal frameshifting and that also minimally 1מ the random control, (3) it contains the least amount of duplications, and (4) it was sequenced without read- impact the primary coding sequence provides circum- ing-frame bias. In contrast, for example, the large num- stantial support for this hypothesis (Table 3). As a first ber of sequences derived from expressed sequence tags attempt to directly test this premise, we chose to ex- (ESTs) in the human genome database tend to inflate amine the RAS1 motif hit. It has been shown that ras2 the total number of nonmotif hit-containing se- mutants are unable to grow on nonfermentable carbon quences, decreasing the apparent frequency of motif sources at 37°C and that the steady-state level of Ras1 hits in this database. Additionally, because our algo- mRNA and the rate of Ras1 protein synthesis are re- rithm limited the size of gaps 1 and 2 and disallowed duced as compared with the Ras2 mRNA and Ras2 pro- slippery sites of TTTTTTT and AAAAAAA, our data tein (Fraenkel 1985; Tatchell et al. 1985; Breviario et al. probably represent an underestimate of the fraction of 1986, 1988). The observed phenotypic differences be- ri- tween ras1 and ras2 mutants depend on the highly 1מ yeast genes containing consensus programmed bosomal frameshift signals. conserved 5Ј halves or amino termini of the RAS1 or A preliminary comparative analysis of consensus RAS2 genes or their respective proteins rather than on ribosomal frameshift signals from dif- their highly divergent 3Ј halves or carboxy-terminal 1מ programmed ferent species’ DNA databases showed that many ho- regions (Hurwitz et al. 1995). Because only RAS1 con- ribosomal frameshift signal, we 1מ mologous genes contained motif hits (Table 3) and tains the putative that almost identical motif hits appear to be evolution- hypothesized that programmed ribosomal frameshift- arily conserved in at least two cases (Fig. 2). It is notable ing was responsible for the different phenotypes. Be- that whereas the slippery sites and stems of the frame- cause the RAS1 frameshift signal would cause a shifted shift signals in both the Fibrillin 2 and the Sulfonurea ribosome to encounter a premature termination receptor mRNAs are highly conserved, the lengths of codon, we postulated that frameshift events promoted gap3 which are not expected to play a critical role in by this element would activate the nonsense-mediated frameshifting (Brierley et al. 1989, 1991), are variable mRNA decay pathway, resulting in destabilization of in both of these examples. Thus, it appears that the the Ras1 mRNA (for reviews, see Maquat 1995; Caponi- biologically important elements of the frameshift sig- gro and Parker 1996; Ruiz-Echevarria et al. 1996; Weng nals have been conserved, whereas the unimportant et al. 1997). By this model, inactivation of the frame- elements have been allowed to drift. shift signal would serve to stabilize the Ras1 mRNA. We have used a yeast-based reporter system to This would in turn increase Ras1p abundance, allowing demonstrate that at least two of the motif hits that the mutants to use nonfermentable carbon sources in were identified by the computer program can promote the absence of a functional RAS2 gene. When tested, -ribosomal frameshifting at levels that however, ras2 strains harboring RAS1 alleles with inac 1מ programmed are significantly greater than background (Table 4). tivated slippery sites were still unable to efficiently use ribosomal nonfermentable carbon sources. A potential problem 1מ The 4.4% efficiency of programmed frameshifting promoted by the RAS1 motif hit is com- with the RAS1 motif hit may be that its imminence to parable to frameshift efficiencies promoted by natu- the translational start site may actually inhibit frame- rally occurring viral frameshift signals (for reviews, see shifting (Belcourt and Farabaugh 1990). The presence Brierley 1995; Farabaugh 1997). One potential caveat of the predicted RNA pseudoknot so close to the trans- with this measurement, however, is the fact that we lational start site may inhibit translation initiation, had to alter the distance between the slippery site and which may explain the differences between RAS1 and RNA pseudoknot by adding two C residues to measure RAS2. ␤-galactosidase activity and, hence, frameshifting us- In sum, we have developed a computer program ing the enzymatic reporter system. Because changes in that is capable of identifying consensus programmed -ribosomal frameshift signals in the large DNA da 1מ this spacing can have dramatic effects on frameshift efficiencies (Dinman and Wickner 1992; Morikawa tabases. We have demonstrated that the program is and Bishop 1992; Kollmus et al. 1994), 4.4% is prob- capable of identifying known viral frameshift signals, ably not the actual frameshift efficiency promoted by we have empirically determined the random frequency the native RAS1 motif hit. of motif hits, and we have demonstrated that these ribosomal frameshift- signals occur with frequencies that are significantly 1מ Although programmed ing has heretofore only been observed in some RNA greater than random in the large DNA databases. We viruses, we hypothesize that this mechanism may also have also presented indirect evidence that many such be used to control the expression of a subset of some signals are evolutionarily conserved and that disrup- chromosomally encoded eukaryotic mRNAs. The find- tion of putative frameshift signals may be linked with ing that known missense alleles that are linked to hu- some genetically inherited human diseases. At least man diseases that are predicted to disrupt the ability of two of the motif hits that were identified by the com-

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Hammell et al. puter program can promote efficient levels of pro- protocol described above. Similarly, the human DNA database .ribosomal frameshifting. Although we was divided into four different sections owing to its large size 1מ grammed were not able to provide direct proof that programmed The database output files in HTML format contain links to the complete GenBank entry for each locus, Medline links, pro- ,ribosomal frameshifting controls RAS1 expression 1מ tein links, nucleotide neighbors, structure links, and the com- the data presented here represent an important first plete locus sequence in FASTA format. The motif hits are de- and 0 1מ scribed, and predicted peptide sequences for both 1מ step toward identifying the role that programmed ribosomal frameshifting or the frameshift signal may frames are provided. These were analyzed using BLAST play as a post-transcriptional control mechanism in searches (Altchul et al. 1990) to identify whether the motif hit the expression of certain cellular mRNAs. Future ex- occurred in a known gene. The outputs of the S. cerevisiae periments will focus on identifying transcripts in database search are available through the UMDNJ Depart- ment of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology World Wide /ribosomal frameshifting plays Web page at 1מ which programmed such a role. frameshifting.html. The other outputs are available upon re- quest. METHODS Computer Search Protocols Strains, Media, Genetic Methods, and Plasmid The GenBank Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Homo sapiens, Mus mus- Construction culus, Rattus norvegicus, Gallus gallus, Sus scrofa, Drosophila me- E. coli strain DH5 was used for plasmid preparations, and random se- transformations of E. coli and S. cerevisiae were performed as 104 ן lanogaster, and virus divisions, and 2 quences of 103 bases (GC content = 50%) were searched using described previously (Dinman and Wickner 1992). YPAD and the following algorithmic structure: synthetic complete medium were as reported previously (Din- man and Wickner 1994). The S. cerevisiae strain JD88 (MATa

ura3-52 lys2-801 ade2-10 trp1⌬[L-AHNB] [M1]) was used for in -ribosomal frameshifting efficien 1מ Step 1: Search for XXXYYYZ (slippery site) in which vivo measurements of XXX = GGG, AAA, TTT, or CCC; cies as described previously (Dinman and Wickner 1992). מYYY = AAA or TTT; Yeast strain SJ2001 (MATa leu2-3,112 ura3-52 his3⌬1 ade Z=A,T,orC; trp1-289 ras1::HIS3 ras2::URA3[YEp13-TPK1]) was kindly pro- XXXYYYZ Þ AAAAAAA or TTTTTTT. vided by J. Broach (Princeton University, NJ). pRS306 (Sikor- ski and Hieter 1989) was digested with HindIII and BamHI, the overhanging ends were filled using Klenow fragment and Step 2: Search for a pseudoknot 3Ј of the XXXYYYZ slippery dNTPs, and the resulting blunt ends were ligated together to site motif using the GenoBase program (Baher et al. make pJD171. pJD171 was then digested with PstI and EcoRV, 1992; Hagstrom et al. 1992). Constraints placed on creating a linear DNA fragment in which a significant portion the pseudoknot were as follows: of the URA3 gene was deleted. SJ2001 was transformed with colonies were selected for מthe linearized pJD171, and Ura 1. The pseudoknot must begin within 8 nucleotides growth on medium containing 5-fluoro-orotic acid (5-FOA). of base Z; The resulting strain, JD981, was used in the RAS1 frameshift- 2. Stem 1 must have a minimum length of 6 bp, ing studies. containing no more than one mismatch, one in- The plasmids used in this study are shown in Figure 3A. sertion, and/or one deletion; pJD160.0 is derived from p314-JD86-ter (Cui et al. 1996), with 3. Gap 1 can be no greater than 3 nucleotides in the modification that it contains unique BamHI, SmaI, and Ј length; KpnI restriction endonuclease recognition sites 3 of the AUG Ј 4. Stem 2 must have a minimum of 5 bp with only start codon, and 5 of the lacZ gene. This is the 0-frame con- one insertion, deletion, or mismatch allowed; trol plasmid. pJD160.c-1 is identical to pJD160.0 except that מ 5. Gap 2 can be no greater than 3 nucleotides in lacZ is in the 1 frame with respect to the translational start length; site without any intervening frameshift signal. This is used to מ 6. Gap 3 is limited to 100 nucleotides in length. measure nonprogrammed 1 ribosomal frameshifting. p314- ribosomal 1מ JD85-ter (Cui et al. 1996) is a programmed frameshift test plasmid that relies on the L-A frameshift signal Step 3: Align motifs found in steps 1 and 2 with an open to produce ␤-galactosidase activity. The RAS1 and CCR5 motif reading frame (ORF) of at least 50 codons, such that hits are depicted in Figure 3B. The frameshift signal from the the first base in the slippery site (the first X) is in the yeast RAS1 gene was amplified from genomic DNA by PCR as third base of a codon. Furthermore, searching in the described (Costa and Weiner 1995) using the synthetic oligo- 5Ј direction of the motif there must be an in-frame nucleotide primers shown in Table 5. Because the RAS1 frame- ATG codon before a translational termination sig- shift signal is predicted to direct ribosomes into premature nal (TAA, TAG, or TGA). Sequences that satisfied all termination signals, two additional nucleotides were added in of these criteria were defined as “motif hits.” the spacer regions between the slippery site and pseudoknot -frameshift would redi 1מ of these PCR products such that a rect ribosomes into the original reading frame. The CCR5 Owing to the size of the individual yeast DNA sequences, frameshift signal was cloned by PCR from a CCR5 cDNA tem- that is, entire chromosomes, the yeast genomic database was plate [pBabe-CCR5, kindly provided by D. Littman, Skirball divided into units of 104 bases and was subjected to the search Institute (HHMI), New York, NY] using the synthetic oligo-

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Ribosomal Frameshifting in Cellular Genes

Table 5. Synthetic Oligonucleotides Used in this Study

Synthetic oligonucleotide Description


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Genome Research 427 Downloaded from on September 28, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press

Identification of Putative Programmed −1 Ribosomal Frameshift Signals in Large DNA Databases

Amy B. Hammell, Ronald C. Taylor, Stuart W. Peltz, et al.

Genome Res. 1999 9: 417-427 Access the most recent version at doi:10.1101/gr.9.5.417

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