S ummary of Plots in the Desert

Channels NRM Region

2013 - 2017

Old Yards, Cravens Peak Simpson Desert


AusPlots gratefully acknowledges staff from the Departments of National Parks, Sport and Racing, Department of Science Technology and Innovation and the Department of Primary Industries for the many ways they have helped and supported the project and for allowing access to parks and reserves through the area. AusPlots also acknowledges staff from the Desert Ecology Research Group at the University of Sydney, in particular Glenda Wardle, Bobby Tamayo, Aaron Greenville and Dave Nelson for undertaking the work for the plots in the Simpson Desert. Thanks are also due to the many private landholders who allowed access to their properties and supported the project and to the numerous volunteers who have help to collect, process and curate the data and samples.



Introduction...... 1 Accessing the Data ...... 3 Point intercept data ...... 3 collections ...... 3 Leaf tissue samples ...... 3 Site description information ...... 3 Structural summary ...... 3 Leaf Area Index ...... 3 Basal area ...... 3 Soil classification ...... 4 Soil meta barcoding samples ...... 4 Soil bulk density ...... 4 3D photo panorama ...... 4 Regional Context...... 6 Potential Uses for AusPlots Data from the Desert Channels NRM Region ...... 9 For more information ...... 9 Appendices ...... 10 Appendix 1. Summary of AusPlots data and samples from within the The Desert Channels NRM Region ...... 10 Appendix 2. Co-location with existing plots ...... 11 Appendix 3. Revisits ...... 12 Appendix 4. Plot locations ...... 13 Appendix 5. Point intercept data ...... 15 Appendix 6. Substrate and growth form ...... 16 Appendix 7. Structural summary ...... 18 Appendix 8. Soil classification ...... 19 Appendix 9. Bulk density ...... 20 Appendix 10. Plant collection ...... 21

Introduction Beginning in 2013 AusPlots, part of the Terrestrial Ecosystems Research Network (TERN), completed 52 soil and vegetation plots in the Desert Channels NRM region. The work was undertaken using the AusPlots Rangelands field methodology- some of which is described briefly below. This report provides a snapshot of some of the data which was collected during the survey work. A more detailed description of the methods used can be found online in our Survey Protocols Manual (White et al. 2012), available from our website www.ausplots.org.

LandSat Image used courtesy of the Commonwealth Department of the Environment


Figure 1. AusPlots Rangelands plot locations in the South Australian Murray Darling Basin NRM region

Topographic data copyright Geoscience


Accessing the Data All of the data the AusPlots collects is freely available online through the AEKOS data portal at www.aekos.org.au. It can also be viewed on the Soils to Satellites website which contains a range of useful visualisations sourced from the Atlas of Living Australia. At http://www.soils2satellites.org.au/.

Point intercept data The point intercept method is a straightforward method that is readily repeatable and requires little instruction to produce reliable plot information. It provides accurate benchmark data at each plot including substrate type and cover; as well as species structural information such as growth form, height, cover and abundance and population vertical structure. The demographic information produced at each plot can be compared spatially to indicate plot differences, and temporally to indicate change over time. Additionally, the cover data collected at each plot can be used to validate cover data extrapolated through remote sensing techniques.

Plant collections Each species that is found within the plot has a herbarium grade sample taken. These have all been formally identified by the QLD herbarium. Much of the material is then lodged at the QLD Herbarium or at the AusPlots facility in Adelaide.

Leaf tissue samples All of the above samples also have leaf tissue samples taken. This involves placing leaf samples from each species into a cloth bag and drying them on silica desiccant. All of the dominant species have an extra 4 samples collected. These samples are available for use on application to AusPlots facility in Adelaide. They are able to be used for genetic analysis, isotopic composition and range of other uses.

Site description information Contextual information is also collected at each plot. This includes measures of slope an aspect, surface strew and lithology, and information on the grazing and fire history of the site. The plot location is also recorded with a differential GPS and the plot corners and centres (with landholder permission) marked with a star picket.

Structural summary Detailed structural summary information is also collected at each plot. When combined with the height and cover information from the point intercept data it enables the creation of structural description compatible with and NVIS level 5 description.

Leaf Area Index In plots where a mid and/or upper canopy is present a measure of Leaf Area is recorded. The tool used is an LAI- 2200 and it captures LAI measurements in a range of canopies using one or two sensors attached to a single data logger (LI-COR 1990). The LAI data has a range of potential application such as studies of canopy growth, canopy productivity, woodland vigour, canopy fuel load, air pollution deposition, modelling insect defoliation, remote sensing, and the global carbon cycle.

Basal area Basal area measurements are collected across plots where woody biomass is taller than 2 m. Basal area measurements provide information useful for calculating biomass and carbon levels and for structural studies. The wedge aperture, the length of string – 50 cm (and hence the distance from the eye and subsequent angle from the eye to the edges of the wedge aperture) and species count are all important in calculations. Algorithms developed for use with the basal wedge include the above data to calculate plant basal area on a per hectare basis even


though species are counted outside the one hectare plot area. The method is plotless but used because it is based on the concept of circles (trunks/basal area) within circles (circular plots) – the area of one varies proportionally to the change in the area of the other. Use of the basal wedge may be superseded by further improvement of the 3D photo point method and development of algorithms to provide information on vegetation community structure.

Soil classification Description of soils, including basic information on the information that has been recorded, the number of recordings and the coverage of locations, are generally poor across the rangelands region of Australia. The plot descriptions and soil characterisations collected by AusPlots will substantially alleviate this paucity of information. The data collected can also be used to increase the reliability of the rangelands component of the Soil and Landscape Grid of Australia, produced by the TERN facility consistent with the Global Soil Map specifications. Analyses of the collected samples will greatly enhance the level of knowledge (e.g. nutrient and carbon levels) and hence understanding of rangelands soils and how they will respond to climate change and management options. It is hoped to eventually be able to analyse all nine of the soil pits from within the plot using a number of different methods e.g. wet chemistry, MIR or NIR (mid infrared spectrometry or near infrared spectroscopy) either individually to provide a measure of variation of the parameter being measured across a plot or bulked together and a sub-sample extracted and analysed to provide a mean value for that parameter across a plot.

Soil meta barcoding samples Metagenomics is the study of genetic material recovered directly from environmental samples. Soil metagenomics provides the opportunity to understand what organisms are present at survey plots and provides an indication on their abundance. The collection techniques result in a bias towards higher order organisms. All of the AusPlots within the Desert Channels NRM region have soil meta barcoding samples collected.

Soil bulk density The soil bulk density (BD), also known as dry bulk density, is the weight of dry soil divided by the total soil volume. The total soil volume is the combined volume of solids and pores which may contain air or water, or both. The average values of air, water and solid in soil are easily measured and are a useful indication of a soils physical condition. Soil test results are most often presented either as a percentage of soil (e.g. % organic carbon) or as a weight per unit of soil (e.g. nitrogen, mg/kg). As bulk density is a measure of soil weight in a given volume, it provides a useful conversion from these units to an area basis unit (e.g. t/ha). The resulting number gives an easily understandable idea of the carbon storage or nutritional status of the soil on an area basis.

3D photo panorama AusPlots uses a three-dimensional method for photographing the site. This involves taking three 360 degree panoramas in a triangular pattern. This allows the creation of a 3D model of the vegetation within the site which can be used to monitor change over time, track plot condition as well as providing a unique, fast measurement of basal area and biomass. Photo panoramas for each of the plots are shown below.




QDASSD0001- 2014

QDASSD0014- 2014



Regional Context

Figure 2. Modelled 9s elevation Data from: Xu and Hutchinson, 2011. ANUCLIM Version 6.1. Fenner School of Environment and Society, Australian National University, Australia


Figure 3. Mean annual temperature Climate Data from: Xu and Hutchinson, 2011. ANUCLIM Version 6.1. Fenner School of Environment and Society, Australian National University, Australia.


Figure 4. Mean annual precipitation Climate Data from: Xu and Hutchinson, 2011. ANUCLIM Version 6.1. Fenner School of Environment and Society, Australian National University, Australia.


Potential Uses for AusPlots Data from the Desert Channels NRM Region The AusPlots survey method was developed out of a dire need for consistent, national scale ecological data and surveillance monitoring. As such, the data can be used in a range of ways both in the Desert Channels NRM region but also to allow comparisons across the continent. Currently, a range of researchers and land managers make use of the data and samples. Some example applications that may be applicable within the region are listed below.

• Assessing vegetation change using the AusPlots methodology as both a baseline and a continued surveillance monitoring tool. • Detecting the impact of invasive species based on soil and vegetation data. • Ground-truthing satellite derived vegetation and soil data • Soil carbon analysis using the soil bulk density samples • Mapping soil phosphorus, nitrogen and other nutrients using soil pit and subsite samples • Assessing fuel loading using the basal area and leaf area data. • Use of the leaf tissue samples for genetic and isotopic analysis. For more information More information on the AusPlots facility can be found on our website www.AusPlots.org

For more information regarding the survey work in the Northern Gulf Catchments and assistance downloading and utilising the data from AEKOS and Soils2Satellites contact Emrys Leitch, AusPlots Field Survey Officer, [email protected]

For more information regarding the AusPlots facility, contact Ben Sparrow, AusPlots Director, [email protected]



Appendix 1. Summary of AusPlots data and samples from within the The Desert Channels NRM region

AusPlots Data and Samples Count Total collections 2356 Total species 468 Total leaf tissue samples 3599 Total number of soil samples 1242 Total weight of soil (kg) 1242 Number of sites with bulk density data 41 Number of Sites with LAI data 40 Number of Sites with basal wedge data 29 Total metagenomic samples 468 Total metagenomic weight (kg) 234


Appendix 2. Co-location with existing plots

AusPlots works on a mix of both new plots (where this is little existing monitoring infrastructure) and co-location with existing plots. Many of the plots in the Desert Channels NRM region, are co-located with existing monitoring sites. The table below provides the name of the AusPlots plot and the corresponding site

AusPlot name Site name Organisation Contact QDACHC0001 Lochern Site 2 QLD Government Dave Coban QDAGUP0013 Boom 29 CSIRO Eric Vanderduys QDAMGD0006 3477 QLD Government Dave Coban QDAMGD0007 3450 QLD Government Dave Coban QDAMGD0008 3449 QLD Government Dave Coban QDAMGD0009 Lochern Site 3 QLD Government Dave Coban QDAMII0001 Boom 14 CSIRO Eric Vanderduys QDASSD0001 Desert Ecology Plot Network TERN Long Term Ecological Research Network Glenda Wardle QDASSD0002 Desert Ecology Plot Network TERN Long Term Ecological Research Network Glenda Wardle QDASSD0003 Desert Ecology Plot Network TERN Long Term Ecological Research Network Glenda Wardle QDASSD0004 Desert Ecology Plot Network TERN Long Term Ecological Research Network Glenda Wardle QDASSD0005 Desert Ecology Plot Network TERN Long Term Ecological Research Network Glenda Wardle QDASSD0006 Desert Ecology Plot Network TERN Long Term Ecological Research Network Glenda Wardle QDASSD0007 Desert Ecology Plot Network TERN Long Term Ecological Research Network Glenda Wardle QDASSD0008 Desert Ecology Plot Network TERN Long Term Ecological Research Network Glenda Wardle QDASSD0009 Desert Ecology Plot Network TERN Long Term Ecological Research Network Glenda Wardle QDASSD0010 Desert Ecology Plot Network TERN Long Term Ecological Research Network Glenda Wardle QDASSD0011 Desert Ecology Plot Network TERN Long Term Ecological Research Network Glenda Wardle QDASSD0012 Desert Ecology Plot Network TERN Long Term Ecological Research Network Glenda Wardle QDASSD0013 Desert Ecology Plot Network TERN Long Term Ecological Research Network Glenda Wardle QDASSD0014 Desert Ecology Plot Network TERN Long Term Ecological Research Network Glenda Wardle QDASSD0015 Desert Ecology Plot Network TERN Long Term Ecological Research Network Glenda Wardle


Appendix 3. Revisits

Many of the plots located in the Desert Channels NRM region now have multiple visits over time adding temporal depth to the data. The table below provides names of the AusPlots that have more than one visit.

Plot Name 1st Visit 2nd Visit 3rd visit NTASSD0001 01-May-14 Apr-15 Apr-16 NTASSD0002 02-May-14 Apr-15 Apr-16 NTASSD0003 03-May-14 Apr-15 Apr-16 NTASSD0004 04-May-14 Apr-15 Apr-16 NTASSD0005 05-May-14 Apr-15 Apr-16 NTASSD0006 06-May-14 Apr-15 Apr-16 NTASSD0007 07-May-14 Apr-15 Apr-16 NTASSD0008 08-May-14 Apr-15 Apr-16 NTASSD0009 09-May-14 Apr-15 Apr-16 NTASSD0010 10-May-14 Apr-15 Apr-16 NTASSD0011 11-May-14 Apr-15 Apr-16 NTASSD0012 12-May-14 Apr-15 Apr-16 NTASSD0013 13-May-14 Apr-15 Apr-16 NTASSD0014 14-May-14 Apr-15 Apr-16 NTASSD0015 15-May-14 Apr-15 Apr-16

Appendix 4. Plot locations

Plot name Date Location Latitude Longitude

QDACHC0001 22-Apr-13 125 km SW of Longreach on Lochern National Park. Plot on top of 143.257295 -24.1046 existing QPWS monitoring site QDACHC0002 24-Apr-13 133 km SW of Longreach on Noonbah Station 143.169161 -24.125955 QDACHC0003 23-Apr-13 Noonbah Station Gidgee woodland 143.164897 -24.116366 QDACHC0004 18-May-13 Diamantina National Park, margins of Diamantina River. 141.091858 -23.718775 QDACHC0005 19-May-13 Diamantina Lakes National Park, 8 km north west of homestead. 182 141.072304 -23.721674 km south east of Boulia, QDACHC0006 20-May-13 Diamantina Lakes National Park about 500 m west of ranger base. 141.1335 -23.769454 QDACHC0007 20-May-13 Diamantina Lakes National Park. 16 km north west of homestead. 165 141.029093 -23.835691 km south east of Boulia. QDAMGD0001 17-Apr-13 9km south south east of Longreach on Rosebank Station. 144.225887 -23.520768 QDAMGD0002 18-Apr-13 Rosebank Station. 7.5 km south west of Longreach 144.22604 -23.509478 QDAMGD0003 20-Apr-13 Rosebank Station. 10 km south east of Longreach 144.303464 -23.530827 QDAMGD0004 19-Apr-13 Rosebank Station. 10 km south of Longreach 144.341707 -23.514074 QDAMGD0005 19-Apr-13 Rosebank Station. 10.5 km south east of Longreach. 144.333287 -23.517736 QDAMGD0006 20-Apr-13 Whitehill Station, 5 km east of homestead. 30 km south of Longreach. 144.04189 -23.66471 QDAMGD0007 21-Apr-13 Whitehill station. 30 km SW of Longreach 144.094941 -23.658171 QDAMGD0008 21-Apr-13 Whitehills Station, about 30 kms south of Longreach. 144.074979 -23.646014 QDAMGD0009 22-Apr-13 Lochern National Park about 3kms west north west of Ranger Station. 143.3365 -24.094165 QDAMGD0010 23-Apr-13 Lochern National Park, edge of Thompson River. 117km south west of 143.353415 -24.091214 Longreach. QDAMGD0011 22-Apr-13 Lochern National Park, about 8 km north of ranger station. 143.315184 -24.080631 Approximately 117 km south west of Longreach. QDAMGD0012 26-Apr-13 Idalia National Park 10 km north east of ranger station, close to entry 144.823608 -24.821823 gate QDAMGD0013 14-May-13 1 km east of Bladensburg Homestead. 15 km south of Winton. 143.050231 -22.516176 QDAMGD0014 14-May-13 Bladensburg National Park, about 1 km south west of ranger base. 143.025198 -22.505151 QDAMGD0015 15-May-13 11km south of Bladensburg homestead. 2 6km south of Winton 143.058173 -22.562931 QDAMGD0016 15-May-13 Bladensburg National Park about 14 km east of ranger base. 143.13988 -22.508963 QDAMGD0017 04-Jun-13 Daintree Station. Approximately 40 km north of Winton. 143.299424 -22.114966 QDAMGD0018 16-May-13 Daintree Station. 40 km north of Winton 143.337166 -22.118177 QDAMGD0019 17-May-13 Cathedral Hills station 8.7 km south south east of homestead. 61 km 142.231813 -22.070123 south east of Kynuna QDAMGD0020 04-Jun-13 Cathedral Hills Station about 10 km south of homestead. 59 km south 142.223009 -22.063602 east of Kynuna QDAMGD0021 18-May-13 Mackunda Downs Station. 1 km east of homestead. 2 6km west of 141.299881 -22.380799 Middleton. QDAMGD0022 04-Jun-13 Mackunda Downs Station, 500 m east of homestead. 26 km west of 141.287285 -22.36874 Middleton. QDAMGD0023 21-May-13 Diamantina Lakes National Park. 16 km north west of ranger station. 140.986637 -23.687242 160 km south west of Boulia. QDAMGD0024 21-May-13 Diamantina National Park . 15 km north east of ranger station. 141.003739 -23.646419 QDAMGD0027 10-Mar-14 Camooweal Caves Conservation Park. 17.4 km south south west of 138.174559 -20.06959 Camooweal QDAMGD0028 11-Mar-14 Camooweal commonage. 3.8 km south west of Camooweal. 138.098649 -19.949165

Plot name Date Location Latitude Longitude QDAMII0002 11-Mar-14 Camooweal Caves Conservation Park. 10.5 km south west of 138.160571 -20.007911 Camooweal. QDAMUL0001 26-Apr-13 Idalia National Park. 15 km north of Ranger Station. 144.683439 -24.733648 QDAMUL0002 28-May-13 Northern section of Idalia National Park in shirleyi woodland on 144.701581 -24.73814 tertiary remnant. QDAMUL0003 26-Apr-13 61 km south east of Isisford on Idalia NP 144.708321 -24.755121 QDASSD0001 30-Apr-14 Ethabuka Station. 10.7 km north of homestead 138.476516 -23.76407 QDASSD0002 01-May-14 Ethabuka Reserve. 9.8 km west north west of Ethabuka homestead 138.389701 -23.82772 QDASSD0003 01-May-14 Ethabuka reserve. 7.9 km west north west of Ethabuka homestead 138.407417 -23.831571 QDASSD0004 02-May-14 Ethabuka Reserve. 20.4 km north north west of Ethabuka homestead 138.433774 -23.680126 QDASSD0005 02-May-14 Ethabuka reserve. 18.7 km north north west of Ethabuka homestead. 138.440997 -23.694438 QDASSD0006 03-May-14 Ethabuka Reserve. 38.8 km west of Ethabuka homestead 138.098419 -23.879541 QDASSD0007 05-May-14 Ethabuka Station. 39 km west of Ethabuka homestead 138.096424 -23.88049 QDASSD0008 04-May-14 Ethabuka reserve. 36.8km west south west of Ethabuka homestead 138.136987 -23.954154 QDASSD0009 04-May-14 Ethabuka reserve. 36.5 km south west of Ethabuka homestead 138.140975 -23.967307 QDASSD0010 05-May-14 Ethabuka Reserve. 50.8 km west north west of Ethabuka homestead 138.000382 -23.731034 QDASSD0011 07-May-14 Cravens peak reserve. 50 km north west of Carlo homestead 138.226079 -23.236634 QDASSD0012 07-May-14 Cravens peak reserve. 44 km west north west of Carlo homestead 138.252246 -23.344508 QDASSD0013 07-May-14 Cravens Peak Reserve. 48 km north west of Carlo homestead. 138.226025 -23.294189 QDASSD0014 08-May-14 Cravens Peak Reserve. 59 km north west of Carlo homestead 138.167289 -23.175785 QDASSD0015 08-May-14 Cravens Peak Reserve. 56 km north west of Carlo homestead 138.193093 -23.188075

Appendix 5. Point intercept data

Plot name Date Herbarium ID Common name Approx. % cover

QDACHC0001 22-Apr-13 Acacia cambagei Gidgee 9.50 QDACHC0001 22-Apr-13 Annual grass 1.88 QDAMGD0012 26-Apr-13 Eremophila mitchellii Bastard Sandalwood 7.43 QDAMGD0012 26-Apr-13 Senna artemisioides subsp. alicia 2.67 QDAMGD0012 26-Apr-13 Acacia tephrina Boree 2.48 QDAMGD0012 26-Apr-13 Senna phyllodinea 1.98 QDAMGD0012 26-Apr-13 Senna artemisioides subsp. zygophylla 1.58 QDAMUL0001 26-Apr-13 Acacia aneura var. major 41.09 QDAMUL0001 26-Apr-13 Eucalyptus melanophloia X E. whitei 7.52 intergrade QDAMUL0001 26-Apr-13 Eucalyptus populnea Bimbil 6.44 QDAMUL0001 26-Apr-13 Acacia aneura var. major (dead) 3.76 QDASSD0001 30-Apr-14 basedowii Buck Spinifex 31.74 QDASSD0001 30-Apr-14 stenobotrya Rattle-Pod Grevillea 1.25 QDASSD0001 25-Apr-15 Triodia basedowii Buck Spinifex 32.18 QDASSD0001 25-Apr-15 Triodia basedowii (dead) Buck Spinifex 7.92 QDASSD0001 25-Apr-15 Grevillea stenobotrya Rattle-Pod Grevillea 1.39 QDASSD0014 08-May-14 Aristida holathera var. holathera Erect Kerosene 3.47 Grass QDASSD0014 08-May-14 Eremophila obovata subsp. obovata 3.37 QDASSD0014 08-May-14 Fimbristylis dichotoma Common Fringe- 3.27 rush QDASSD0014 08-May-14 Dactyloctenium radulans Button Grass 3.07 QDASSD0014 08-May-14 Acacia georginae Georgina Gidgee 1.39 QDASSD0014 23-Apr-15 Aristida holathera Erect Kerosene 13.47 Grass QDASSD0014 23-Apr-15 Fimbristylis dichotoma Common Fringe- 5.94 rush QDASSD0014 23-Apr-15 Eremophila obovata 4.26 QDASSD0014 23-Apr-15 Annual Grass 3.76 QDASSD0014 23-Apr-15 Dactyloctenium radulans Button Grass 1.98 QDASSD0014 23-Apr-15 Fimbristylis dichotoma (dead) Common Fringe- 1.78 rush QDASSD0014 23-Apr-15 Dactyloctenium radulans (dead) Button Grass 1.39 QDASSD0014 23-Apr-15 Portulaca sp. Purslane 1.09 QDASSD0014 23-Apr-15 Acacia georginae Georgina Gidgee 1.09

Appendix 6. Substrate and growth form

Approx. % Approx. % cover Plot name Date Substrate Plot name Date Growth form substrate by growth form

QDACHC0001 22-Apr-13 Bare ground 47.72 QDACHC0001 22-Apr-13 Tree 7.62 QDACHC0001 22-Apr-13 Leaf litter 29.70 QDACHC0001 22-Apr-13 Shrub 2.28 QDACHC0001 22-Apr-13 Cryptogam 17.43 QDACHC0001 22-Apr-13 Tussock grass 1.88 QDACHC0001 22-Apr-13 Gravel 4.16 QDACHC0001 22-Apr-13 Forb 0.10 QDACHC0001 22-Apr-13 Coarse woody debris 0.99 QDACHC0001 22-Apr-13 Sedge 0.10 QDACHC0001 22-Apr-13 0.00

Approx. % Approx. % cover Plot name Date Substrate Plot name Date Growth form substrate by growth form

QDAMGD0012 26-Apr-13 Bare ground 46.83 QDAMGD0012 26-Apr-13 Shrub 14.55 QDAMGD0012 26-Apr-13 Leaf litter 42.18 QDAMGD0012 26-Apr-13 Tree 4.06 QDAMGD0012 26-Apr-13 Gravel 8.71 QDAMGD0012 26-Apr-13 Chenopod 2.08 QDAMGD0012 26-Apr-13 Coarse woody debris 1.78 QDAMGD0012 26-Apr-13 Forb 1.78 QDAMGD0012 26-Apr-13 Rock 0.50 QDAMGD0012 26-Apr-13 Epiphyte 0.20

Approx. % Approx. % cover Plot name Date Substrate Plot name Date Growth form substrate by growth form

QDAMUL0001 26-Apr-13 Leaf litter 80.50 QDAMUL0001 26-Apr-13 Tree 42.77 QDAMUL0001 26-Apr-13 Bare ground 8.81 QDAMUL0001 26-Apr-13 Shrub 15.35 QDAMUL0001 26-Apr-13 Coarse woody debris 5.35 QDAMUL0001 26-Apr-13 Tree Mallee 0.89 QDAMUL0001 26-Apr-13 Cryptogam 4.95 QDAMUL0001 26-Apr-13 Tussock grass 0.89 QDAMUL0001 26-Apr-13 Gravel 0.20 QDAMUL0001 26-Apr-13 0.00 QDAMUL0001 26-Apr-13 Unknown 0.20

Approx. % Approx. % cover Plot name Date Substrate Plot name Date Growth form substrate by growth form

QDASSD0001 30-Apr-14 Leaf litter 58.27 QDASSD0001 30-Apr-14 Hummock grass 31.74 QDASSD0001 30-Apr-14 Bare ground 41.42 QDASSD0001 30-Apr-14 Shrub 1.77 QDASSD0001 30-Apr-14 Coarse woody debris 0.21 QDASSD0001 30-Apr-14 Forb 1.04 QDASSD0001 30-Apr-14 Unknown 0.10 QDASSD0001 30-Apr-14 Chenopod 0.10 QDASSD0001 25-Apr-15 Leaf litter 55.35 QDASSD0001 30-Apr-14 Tussock grass 0.10 QDASSD0001 25-Apr-15 Bare ground 41.49 QDASSD0001 25-Apr-15 Hummock grass 40.10 QDASSD0001 25-Apr-15 Cryptogam 2.87 QDASSD0001 25-Apr-15 Shrub 2.67 QDASSD0001 25-Apr-15 Coarse woody debris 0.30 QDASSD0001 25-Apr-15 Forb 1.49 QDASSD0001 25-Apr-15 Tussock grass 0.59 QDASSD0001 25-Apr-15 Chenopod 0.50

Approx. % Approx. % cover Plot name Date Substrate Plot name Date Growth form substrate by growth form

QDASSD0014 08-May-14 Bare ground 62.67 QDASSD0014 08-May-14 Tussock grass 7.33 QDASSD0014 08-May-14 Leaf litter 28.51 QDASSD0014 08-May-14 Shrub 3.96 QDASSD0014 08-May-14 Gravel 6.93 QDASSD0014 08-May-14 Sedge 3.27 QDASSD0014 08-May-14 Cryptogam 1.88 QDASSD0014 08-May-14 Forb 2.77 QDASSD0014 23-Apr-15 Bare ground 60.00 QDASSD0014 08-May-14 Tree 1.78 QDASSD0014 23-Apr-15 Cryptogam 19.01 QDASSD0014 08-May-14 Chenopod 0.10 QDASSD0014 23-Apr-15 Leaf litter 17.92 QDASSD0014 23-Apr-15 Tussock grass 21.29 QDASSD0014 23-Apr-15 Gravel 2.97 QDASSD0014 23-Apr-15 Sedge 7.72 QDASSD0014 23-Apr-15 Coarse woody debris 0.10 QDASSD0014 23-Apr-15 Shrub 6.53 QDASSD0014 23-Apr-15 Forb 2.67 QDASSD0014 23-Apr-15 Tree 0.59 QDASSD0014 23-Apr-15 Chenopod 0.20

Appendix 7. Structural summary

Date Plot name Structural description 22-Apr-13 QDACHC0001 Acacia cambagei low woodland with a very sparse tussock grass understratum. 26-Apr-13 QDAMGD0012 Acacia tephrina low open woodland with scattered Acacia harpophylla with shrub stratum of Eremophila mitchellii with Senna artemisioides subsp. alicia and a sparse ground stratum of Sida spp., chenopods and Cenchrus ciliaris on plain. 26-Apr-13 QDAMUL0001 Acacia aneura var. major wood low open forest with emergent Eucalyptus populnea and Eucalyptus melanophloia - E. whitei intergrade. Mid stratum of juvenile Acacia aneura var. major. Minimal ground stratum 30-Apr-14 QDASSD0001 Triodia basedowii low hummock grassland with a sparse mid stratum of Grevillea stenobotrya. 08-May-14 QDASSD0014 Acacia georginae low open woodland and a ground stratum of Aristida holathera var. holathera, Eremophila obovata subsp. obovata, Fimbristylis dichotoma and Dactyloctenium radulans. No real mid stratum- some juvenile Atalaya hemiglauca but cover sparse.

Appendix 8. Soil classification

Upper Lower Colour when Plot name Horizon Texture pH EC Effervescence depth depth moist QDAMGD0012 0 0.25 Sandy loam 10YR34 7 0.2 Non-calcareous QDAMGD0012 0.25 0.65 Light medium clay 10YR33 6 0.7 Slightly calcareous QDAMGD0012 0.65 0.9 Light clay 10YR44 6 2.5 Moderately calcareous QDAMGD0012 0.9 1 Sandy clay loam 10YR44 7 1.8 Moderately calcareous QDAMUL0001 0 0.1 NC Not Collected 5 0 Non-calcareous QDAMUL0001 0.1 0.2 NC Not Collected 5 0 Non-calcareous QDAMUL0001 0.2 0.3 NC Not Collected 6 0.1 Non-calcareous QDAMUL0001 0.3 0.4 NC Not Collected 7 0 Non-calcareous QDAMUL0001 0.4 0.5 NC Not Collected 7 0 Non-calcareous QDASSD0001 0 0.85 A1 Sand 7 0.2 Non-calcareous QDASSD0001 0.85 1.1 B2 Sandy clay loam 9 0.1 Very highly calcareous QDASSD0014 0 0.12 A1 Sand 2.5YR44 Non-calcareous QDASSD0014 0.12 0.35 B1 Sandy loam 2.5YR46 Non-calcareous QDASSD0014 0.35 0.85 2A1 Clayey sand 2.5YR46 Slightly calcareous QDASSD0014 0.85 1 2B1 Clayey sand 2.5YR46 Highly calcareous

Appendix 9. Bulk density

Plot name Sample depth Fine earth Fine earth bulk weight density QDACHC0001 0.00 - 0.10 cm 373.1 1.78 QDACHC0001 0.10 - 0.20 cm 426.61 2.04 QDACHC0001 0.20 - 0.30 cm 350.02 1.67 QDAMUL0001 0.00 - 0.10 cm 337.11 1.61 QDAMUL0001 0.10 - 0.20 cm 353.08 1.69 QDAMUL0001 0.20 - 0.30 cm 350.91 1.68 QDASSD0001 0.00 - 0.10 cm 346.33 1.65 QDASSD0001 0.10 - 0.20 cm 363.59 1.74 QDASSD0001 0.20 - 0.30 cm 365.37 1.75 QDASSD0014 0.00 - 0.10 cm 368.86 1.76 QDASSD0014 0.10 - 0.20 cm 365.25 1.74 QDASSD0014 0.20 - 0.30 cm 373.58 1.78

Appendix 10. Plant collection

* Denotes introduced species

Plot name Date Herbarium determination Common name

QDACHC0001 22-Apr-13 Abutilon fraseri subsp. fraseri Dwarf Lantern-flower QDACHC0001 22-Apr-13 Acacia cambagei Gidgee QDACHC0001 22-Apr-13 Amyema quandang var. quandang Grey Mistletoe QDACHC0001 22-Apr-13 Apophyllum anomalum Broom Brush QDACHC0001 22-Apr-13 Astrebla lappacea Curly Mitchell QDACHC0001 22-Apr-13 Astrebla pectinata Barley Mitchell Grass QDACHC0001 22-Apr-13 Einadia nutans subsp. eremaea QDACHC0001 22-Apr-13 Enchylaena tomentosa Barrier Saltbush QDACHC0001 22-Apr-13 Eremophila longifolia Berrigan QDACHC0001 22-Apr-13 Eremophila mitchellii Bastard Sandalwood QDACHC0001 22-Apr-13 Flindersia maculosa Leopardwood QDACHC0001 22-Apr-13 Salsola australis Russian Tumbleweed QDACHC0001 22-Apr-13 Sclerolaena lanicuspis Copper-burr QDACHC0001 22-Apr-13 Sida fibulifera Pin Sida QDACHC0001 22-Apr-13 Trianthema triquetra Red Spinach QDAMGD0012 26-Apr-13 Abutilon fraseri subsp. fraseri Dwarf Lantern-flower QDAMGD0012 26-Apr-13 Acacia cambagei Gidgee QDAMGD0012 26-Apr-13 Acacia harpophylla Brigalow QDAMGD0012 26-Apr-13 Acacia tephrina Boree QDAMGD0012 26-Apr-13 Alectryon oleifolius Bullock Bush QDAMGD0012 26-Apr-13 Apophyllum anomalum Broom Brush QDAMGD0012 26-Apr-13 Atalaya hemiglauca Cattle Bush QDAMGD0012 26-Apr-13 Boerhavia sp. St George (A.Hill AQ399299) QDAMGD0012 26-Apr-13 *Cenchrus ciliaris A Buffel Grass QDAMGD0012 26-Apr-13 Chenopodium desertorum Desert Goosefoot QDAMGD0012 26-Apr-13 Chloris divaricata Slender Chloris QDAMGD0012 26-Apr-13 Cleome viscosa Mustard Bush QDAMGD0012 26-Apr-13 Dactyloctenium radulans Button Grass QDAMGD0012 26-Apr-13 Dinebra decipiens subsp. decipiens QDAMGD0012 26-Apr-13 Dipteracanthus australasicus subsp. australasicus QDAMGD0012 26-Apr-13 Enchylaena tomentosa Barrier Saltbush QDAMGD0012 26-Apr-13 Enneapogon lindleyanus Conetop Nineawn QDAMGD0012 26-Apr-13 Eremophila mitchellii Bastard Sandalwood QDAMGD0012 26-Apr-13 Flindersia maculosa Leopardwood QDAMGD0012 26-Apr-13 Geijera parviflora Wilga QDAMGD0012 26-Apr-13 Lysiana linearifolia Narrow-leaf Mistletoe QDAMGD0012 26-Apr-13 Lysiphyllum carronii QDAMGD0012 26-Apr-13 Malvastrum americanum var. stellatum QDAMGD0012 26-Apr-13 Ocimum tenuiflorum Holy Basil QDAMGD0012 26-Apr-13 *Opuntia stricta Common Pest-pear

Plot name Date Herbarium determination Common name QDAMGD0012 26-Apr-13 Phyllanthus maderaspatensis Phyllanthus Maderaspatensis QDAMGD0012 26-Apr-13 Portulaca filifolia Slender Pigweed QDAMGD0012 26-Apr-13 Portulaca oleracea Pig Weed QDAMGD0012 26-Apr-13 Pterocaulon sphacelatum Applebush QDAMGD0012 26-Apr-13 Ptilotus nobilis subsp. nobilis Pink Mulla Mulla; Lamb's Tail QDAMGD0012 26-Apr-13 Ptilotus obovatus Cotton Bush QDAMGD0012 26-Apr-13 Rhynchosia minima var. minima QDAMGD0012 26-Apr-13 Salsola australis Russian Tumbleweed QDAMGD0012 26-Apr-13 Santalum lanceolatum Blue Bush QDAMGD0012 26-Apr-13 Sclerolaena calcarata Copper Burr QDAMGD0012 26-Apr-13 Senna artemisioides subsp. alicia QDAMGD0012 26-Apr-13 Senna artemisioides subsp. zygophylla QDAMGD0012 26-Apr-13 Senna phyllodinea QDAMGD0012 26-Apr-13 Sida fibulifera Pin Sida QDAMGD0012 26-Apr-13 Sida trichopoda High Sida QDAMGD0012 26-Apr-13 Solanum esuriale Potato Bush QDAMGD0012 26-Apr-13 Sporobolus actinocladus Fairy Grass QDAMGD0012 26-Apr-13 Sporobolus caroli Fairy Grass QDAMGD0012 26-Apr-13 Teucrium integrifolium Teuchry Weed QDAMGD0012 26-Apr-13 Ventilago viminalis Barndaragu QDAMGD0012 26-Apr-13 Verbesina encelioides Crownbeard QDAMUL0001 26-Apr-13 Acacia aneura var. major QDAMUL0001 26-Apr-13 Alphitonia excelsa Coopers Wood QDAMUL0001 26-Apr-13 Aristida obscura Rough-seed Wire-grass QDAMUL0001 26-Apr-13 *Cenchrus ciliaris A Buffel Grass QDAMUL0001 26-Apr-13 Cheilanthes sieberi subsp. sieberi Mulga Fern QDAMUL0001 26-Apr-13 Digitaria brownii Cotton Grass QDAMUL0001 26-Apr-13 Digitaria diminuta QDAMUL0001 26-Apr-13 Digitaria hystrichoides An Umbrella Grass QDAMUL0001 26-Apr-13 Enneapogon lindleyanus Conetop Nineawn QDAMUL0001 26-Apr-13 Eragrostis lacunaria A love grass QDAMUL0001 26-Apr-13 Eremophila bowmanii subsp. bowmanii QDAMUL0001 26-Apr-13 Eremophila longifolia Berrigan QDAMUL0001 26-Apr-13 Eucalyptus melanophloia X E. whitei intergrade QDAMUL0001 26-Apr-13 Eucalyptus populnea Bimbil QDAMUL0001 26-Apr-13 Euphorbia tannensis subsp. eremophila Bottle Tree Caustic QDAMUL0001 26-Apr-13 Evolvulus alsinoides var. decumbens Tropical Speedwell QDAMUL0001 26-Apr-13 Hibiscus sturtii Hill Hibiscus QDAMUL0001 26-Apr-13 Owenia acidula Emu Apple QDAMUL0001 26-Apr-13 Psydrax latifolia QDAMUL0001 26-Apr-13 Sarcostemma viminale subsp. australe Caustic Bush QDAMUL0001 26-Apr-13 Senna artemisioides subsp. x artemisioides Silver Cassia QDAMUL0001 26-Apr-13 Senna artemisioides subsp. x sturtii Grey Cassia

Plot name Date Herbarium determination Common name QDAMUL0001 26-Apr-13 Sida sp. Musselbrook (M.B.Thomas+ MRS437) QDAMUL0001 26-Apr-13 Solanum callosum QDAMUL0001 26-Apr-13 Solanum ferocissimum QDAMUL0001 26-Apr-13 Thyridolepis xerophila QDASSD0001 30-Apr-14 Acacia georginae Georgina Gidgee QDASSD0001 30-Apr-14 Acacia ligulata Dune Wattle QDASSD0001 30-Apr-14 Aristida holathera var. holathera Erect Kerosene Grass QDASSD0001 30-Apr-14 Atalaya hemiglauca Cattle Bush QDASSD0001 30-Apr-14 Boerhavia pubescens QDASSD0001 30-Apr-14 Crotalaria cunninghamii subsp. sturtii QDASSD0001 30-Apr-14 Crotalaria eremaea subsp. eremaea Bluebush Pea QDASSD0001 30-Apr-14 Dactyloctenium radulans Button Grass QDASSD0001 30-Apr-14 Dodonaea viscosa subsp. angustifolia Giant Hop-bush QDASSD0001 30-Apr-14 Enchylaena tomentosa var. tomentosa Ruby Saltbush QDASSD0001 30-Apr-14 Eragrostis dielsii Mallee Love-grass QDASSD0001 30-Apr-14 Eriachne aristidea Broad-leaf Wanderrie Grass QDASSD0001 30-Apr-14 Euphorbia porcata QDASSD0001 30-Apr-14 Euphorbia tannensis subsp. eremophila Bottle Tree Caustic QDASSD0001 30-Apr-14 Grevillea stenobotrya Rattle-Pod Grevillea QDASSD0001 30-Apr-14 Halgania cyanea Blue Halgania QDASSD0001 30-Apr-14 Lepidium phlebopetalum Veined Peppercress QDASSD0001 30-Apr-14 Oldenlandia pterospora QDASSD0001 30-Apr-14 Paractaenum refractum QDASSD0001 30-Apr-14 Portulaca intraterranea Buttercup Pigface QDASSD0001 30-Apr-14 Ptilotus polystachyus Prince of Wales Feather QDASSD0001 30-Apr-14 Rhagodia spinescens Berry Saltbush QDASSD0001 30-Apr-14 Salsola australis Russian Tumbleweed QDASSD0001 30-Apr-14 Scaevola depauperata Skeleton Fan-flower QDASSD0001 30-Apr-14 Sclerolaena diacantha Grey Copper Burr QDASSD0001 30-Apr-14 Senna pleurocarpa var. pleurocarpa Fire Bush QDASSD0001 30-Apr-14 Sida fibulifera Pin Sida QDASSD0001 30-Apr-14 Tephrosia sp. Glenormiston (R.W.Purdie 1362) QDASSD0001 30-Apr-14 Trachymene glaucifolia Blue (or Wild) Parsnip QDASSD0001 30-Apr-14 Trianthema pilosa QDASSD0001 30-Apr-14 Tribulopis angustifolia QDASSD0001 30-Apr-14 Trichodesma zeylanicum var. zeylanicum QDASSD0001 30-Apr-14 Triodia basedowii Buck Spinifex QDASSD0001 30-Apr-14 Triraphis mollis Feather Top QDASSD0001 30-Apr-14 Yakirra australiensis var. australiensis QDASSD0001 25-Apr-15 Acacia ligulata Dune Wattle QDASSD0001 25-Apr-15 Aristida contorta Bunched Kerosene Grass QDASSD0001 25-Apr-15 Aristida holathera Erect Kerosene Grass QDASSD0001 25-Apr-15 Atalaya hemiglauca Cattle Bush

Plot name Date Herbarium determination Common name QDASSD0001 25-Apr-15 Boerhavia coccinea Tarvine QDASSD0001 25-Apr-15 Crotalaria cunninghamii Bird Pea QDASSD0001 25-Apr-15 Crotalaria eremaea Bluebush Pea QDASSD0001 25-Apr-15 Dactyloctenium radulans Button Grass QDASSD0001 25-Apr-15 Dodonaea viscosa Broad leaf Hopbush QDASSD0001 25-Apr-15 Eriachne aristidea Broad-leaf Wanderrie Grass QDASSD0001 25-Apr-15 Euphorbia drummondii Balsam QDASSD0001 25-Apr-15 Euphorbia tannensis QDASSD0001 25-Apr-15 Frankenia gracilis Dainty Sea-heath QDASSD0001 25-Apr-15 Grevillea stenobotrya Rattle-Pod Grevillea QDASSD0001 25-Apr-15 Halgania cyanea Blue Halgania QDASSD0001 25-Apr-15 Heliotropium sp QDASSD0001 25-Apr-15 Oldenlandia pterospora QDASSD0001 25-Apr-15 Portulaca intraterranea Buttercup Pigface QDASSD0001 25-Apr-15 Ptilotus polystachyus Prince of Wales Feather QDASSD0001 25-Apr-15 Rhagodia spinescens Berry Saltbush QDASSD0001 25-Apr-15 Scaevola depauperata Skeleton Fan-flower QDASSD0001 25-Apr-15 Sida fibulifera Pin Sida QDASSD0001 25-Apr-15 Tephrosia rosea Flinders River Poison QDASSD0001 25-Apr-15 Trianthema pilosa QDASSD0001 25-Apr-15 Tribulopis angustifolia QDASSD0001 25-Apr-15 Triodia basedowii Buck Spinifex QDASSD0001 25-Apr-15 Yakirra australiensis Bunch Panic QDASSD0014 08-May-14 Acacia georginae Georgina Gidgee QDASSD0014 08-May-14 Acacia sericophylla Cork-bark Wattle QDASSD0014 08-May-14 Aristida holathera var. holathera Erect Kerosene Grass QDASSD0014 08-May-14 Atalaya hemiglauca Cattle Bush QDASSD0014 08-May-14 Brachyscome tesquorum QDASSD0014 08-May-14 Calotis plumulifera Woolly-headed Burr-daisy QDASSD0014 08-May-14 Chrysopogon fallax Golden Beardgrass QDASSD0014 08-May-14 Cleome viscosa Mustard Bush QDASSD0014 08-May-14 Dactyloctenium radulans Button Grass QDASSD0014 08-May-14 Enneapogon purpurascens Purple Nineawn QDASSD0014 08-May-14 Enteropogon ramosus Curly Windmill Grass QDASSD0014 08-May-14 Eragrostis cumingii Cuming's Lovegrass QDASSD0014 08-May-14 Eremophila maculata subsp. maculata Spotted Emu Bush QDASSD0014 08-May-14 Eremophila obovata subsp. obovata QDASSD0014 08-May-14 Euphorbia ferdinandi var. ferdinandi QDASSD0014 08-May-14 Euphorbia tannensis subsp. eremophila Bottle Tree Caustic QDASSD0014 08-May-14 Evolvulus alsinoides var. villosicalyx QDASSD0014 08-May-14 Fimbristylis dichotoma Common Fringe-rush QDASSD0014 08-May-14 Goodenia vilmoriniae QDASSD0014 08-May-14 eyreana Straggly Corkbark

Plot name Date Herbarium determination Common name QDASSD0014 08-May-14 Heliotropium cunninghamii QDASSD0014 08-May-14 Herissantia crispa QDASSD0014 08-May-14 Maireana triptera Three-wing Bluebush QDASSD0014 08-May-14 Podaxis pistillaris QDASSD0014 08-May-14 Portulaca filifolia Slender Pigweed QDASSD0014 08-May-14 Ptilotus polystachyus Prince of Wales Feather QDASSD0014 08-May-14 Rutidosis helichrysoides subsp. helichrysoides QDASSD0014 08-May-14 Salsola australis Russian Tumbleweed QDASSD0014 08-May-14 Sclerolaena bicornis var. bicornis QDASSD0014 08-May-14 Sclerolaena cornishiana Cartwheel Burr QDASSD0014 08-May-14 Sclerolaena eriacantha Tall Bindii QDASSD0014 08-May-14 Sclerolaena lanicuspis Copper-burr QDASSD0014 08-May-14 Senna artemisioides subsp. alicia QDASSD0014 08-May-14 Senna artemisioides subsp. filifolia QDASSD0014 08-May-14 Sida fibulifera Pin Sida QDASSD0014 08-May-14 Sida platycalyx Hemp Mallow QDASSD0014 08-May-14 Solanum quadriloculatum Tomato Bush QDASSD0014 08-May-14 Vigna sp. McDonald Downs Station (R.A.Perry 3416) QDASSD0014 23-Apr-15 Acacia georginae Georgina Gidgee QDASSD0014 23-Apr-15 Aristida contorta Bunched Kerosene Grass QDASSD0014 23-Apr-15 Aristida holathera Erect Kerosene Grass QDASSD0014 23-Apr-15 Atalaya hemiglauca Cattle Bush QDASSD0014 23-Apr-15 Boerhavia coccinea Tarvine QDASSD0014 23-Apr-15 Chrysopogon fallax Golden Beardgrass QDASSD0014 23-Apr-15 Cleome viscosa Mustard Bush QDASSD0014 23-Apr-15 Dactyloctenium radulans Button Grass QDASSD0014 23-Apr-15 Enchylaena tomentosa Barrier Saltbush QDASSD0014 23-Apr-15 Enteropogon acicularis Curly Windmill Grass QDASSD0014 23-Apr-15 Eremophila macdonnellii No generally accepted common name QDASSD0014 23-Apr-15 Eremophila maculata Emubush QDASSD0014 23-Apr-15 Eremophila obovata QDASSD0014 23-Apr-15 Eulalia aurea Silky Browntop QDASSD0014 23-Apr-15 Euphorbia tannensis QDASSD0014 23-Apr-15 Evolvulus alsinoides Tropical Speedwell QDASSD0014 23-Apr-15 Fimbristylis dichotoma Common Fringe-rush QDASSD0014 23-Apr-15 Goodenia vilmoriniae QDASSD0014 23-Apr-15 Beef Oak QDASSD0014 23-Apr-15 Hakea eyreana Straggly Corkbark QDASSD0014 23-Apr-15 Halgania cyanea Blue Halgania QDASSD0014 23-Apr-15 Indigofera colutea Rusty Indigo QDASSD0014 23-Apr-15 Portulaca intraterranea Buttercup Pigface QDASSD0014 23-Apr-15 Ptilotus polystachyus Prince of Wales Feather QDASSD0014 23-Apr-15 Salsola kali

Plot name Date Herbarium determination Common name QDASSD0014 23-Apr-15 Sclerolaena bicornis Flannel Burr QDASSD0014 23-Apr-15 Sclerolaena cornishiana Cartwheel Burr QDASSD0014 23-Apr-15 Sclerolaena eriacantha Tall Bindii QDASSD0014 23-Apr-15 Senna artemisioides subsp. alicia QDASSD0014 23-Apr-15 Sida fibulifera Pin Sida QDASSD0014 23-Apr-15 Sida trichopoda High Sida QDASSD0014 23-Apr-15 Solanum quadriloculatum Tomato Bush QDASSD0014 23-Apr-15 Swainsona microphylla Small-leaf Swainson-pea QDASSD0014 23-Apr-15 Trachymene glaucifolia Blue (or Wild) Parsnip QDASSD0014 23-Apr-15 Tribulopis angustifolia QDASSD0014 23-Apr-15 *Tribulus terrestris Bindi-eye
