The difference between Taib and Teoh .com Disember 17,2011

YOURSAY 'TBH died for a paltry sum of RM2,500. How many people should die in this multi-billion ringgit corruption case?'

MACC keeps mum on Taib graft probe your sayMilosevic: Don't mess around with this man, Abdul Taib Mahmud. Dr has said that "Bomohs can't help politicians".

Being modest, he failed to mention that as bomoh extraordinaire he can work amazing magic. He has bestowed his blessings on the Steve Jobs of Malaysia, CM Taib, who is able to turn forests into wood chips.

Dr M's magic has turned incompetent people (remember ex-Malaysia Airlines CEO Tajudin Ramli) into billionaires. Bank money somehow finds its way to these men who become celebrities overnight.

Then as though by magic, these men can lose everything, perhaps because they strayed and went to the wrong bomoh. His steadfast faithful sons have not lost the magical favours bestowed by daddy, who have been spectacularly transformed, from nothing to everything.'

MACC (Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission) better have an even more powerful bomoh to take on Taib.

Swkdayaks: So it's crystal clear. MACC is just the tool of the BN to kill off its political opponents.

For example, in the Teoh Beng Hock case, only a small amount of money was involved, and the MACC interrogated him till he died.

Yet in Taib's and his family's case, it involves billions of ringgit of unaccounted money and assets in and outside Malaysia, yet the MACC has not even interviewed Taib or his family members.

MACC should start seizing the files in the Ministry of Planning and Resource Management, the Land and Survey Department, the Forestry Department, etc. If necessary, interview all the former directors of these state agencies and even the holders of the logging licences and so on.

And if MACC has no capacity or capability, then, it should jointly investigate this case with the anti-corruption agencies of the countries concerned where Taib and his family allegedly keep their money and assets, for example Canada, United States, UK, and Germany.

James Dean: TBH (Teoh Beng Hock) died for a paltry sum of RM2,500. How many people should die in this multi-billion ringgit corruption case?

Alan Goh: (MACC investigation division deputy commissioner) Azmi Mohd, when questions are posed to you and you reply that you are not the right person to speak or answer the question, why then are you representing MACC in the first place?

Please send your boss, Abu Kassim Mohamed, or whoever that can tackle such questions to such forums.

The public wants to know why the Sarawak ‘warlord', who happens to own billions of assets locally and overseas, has yet to be charged.

Micheal: The refusal of MACC to charge Taib even with the mountain-high evidence is leading the country into imminent bankruptcy. Their decision not to prosecute is comparable to the action of a traitor to the country.

The MACC is not allowed to comment on any issue that can lead to the downfall of the BN. The consequence is too big for MACC to bear. Their ricebowl is much more important than their principle.

But of course, if the case involves the opposition, no matter how petty, it will be investigated immediately, followed by a 'detailed' and up-to-date press releases.

Freemsia: During the Umno General Assembly, all PM talked about was fighting for the Malays, Islam and and the royalty, all the while demonising the DAP, calling them anti-Malay, anti-Islam and anti-royalty.

Do you think Najib will want Taib Mahmud to be hauled up? Remember, Sarawak will play a huge role if BN wishes to win the next GE. Najib is more interested in staying in power than to help the country rid itself of corruption and racism.

It speaks volumes of the type of leader this Najib is. Yes, a total hypocrite.

Sarawakian_3ff9: Don't hold your breath. If Taib is charged for corruption, then 99 percent of the BN ministers and ex-ministers like Mahathir and will also have to face the same charges.

Like Mahathir stated in recent days, this is only an election ploy by the opposition. There's no corruption in Malaysia.

Zz2XX: Only in Umno's Bolehland a senior MACC officer can have the audacity to say, "I told the (forum) organisers that I will not be answering certain questions".

It has been said again and again that Taib Mahmud is above the law. He knows the Umno government will be gone the moment they take action against him.

Anakpulau: As long as MACC is under the jurisdiction of PM's Department, it will never be respected as an independent commission.

If MACC wants respect from the rakyat, it has to be accountable to the Parliamant. Otherwise it is just another Umno-BN puppet.

Armageddon: Quote: "In June, MACC chief commissioner Abu Kassim Mohamed confirmed that the commission was digging into corruption allegations against the Sarawak chief minister, particularly concerning logging concessions in the state."

It doesn't look like digging at all, more of trying to bury the case.

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